How to care for decorative peppers in a pot. Independent planting of decorative pepper at home

Encyclopedia plants 04.06.2019
Encyclopedia plants

Having home fruiting plant is very profitable. Besides lemon tree, often on the windowsill kitchen you can see room pepper. To grow this plant at home, it is necessary to know some nuances, as well as the peculiarities of care. About this and many other things will tell you our today's article.

Such a houseplant like pepper is a bush that occurred from species growing on the undergrowth territory. Despite the fact that these varieties grow in conditions of shading, there are certain nuances of growing them in the apartment.

Growing decorative peppers must be remembered that he is an outcomes from the south. Therefore, for him, a combination of such conditions as cloudy weather and a short day is a real test. Especially hard, the plant transfers lack of light from November to January. If there is little light, then pepper ceases to grow and bloom. At the same time, the answer to the question "why the flowers fall from pepper" will be lack of light. With a short light, the plant begins to dump not only flowers, but also leaves. In connection with such a need for winter Pepper grown in the conditions of the house must be additionally covered. To do this, use phytolamba (the light source can be any). Remember, a 12-hour day of culture is needed.

Being a perennial plant, pepper, subject to the right care, can live in a house under 10 years. Caring for it begins at the stage of primer preparation.

To grow seedlings, it is recommended to use purchased soil mixtures, but for a pot (permanent container) you should cook the ground with your own hands.

When cooking the soil, you need to remember that the pepper loves the weakness of the sooth (pH 6.5-7). Therefore, for the manufacture of the soil mixture, it is necessary to use such ingredients:

  • sheet or compost humid (4 parts);
  • neutralized peat (4 parts);
  • agroperlite or vermiculite (2 parts). This ingredient allows the Earth well kept moisture, and also prevents its strong seal.

When the soil is ready, it must be poured into the selected container. However, before this, it is necessary to put pure gravel or garden grains. The layer thickness is 2-3 cm. This will create a good drainage. Some flower flowers advise add to nutrient soil humus and compost, as well as river sand.

Seed landing is carried out. After that, they must be sprinkled with a small soil layer, which was asked. Usually the first shoots appear on day 15 after evidence sowing material. After their appearance, you need to pinch the top to prevent shooting escape. Picking usually spend a month after seeding.

Pepper grown in an apartment or at home should have the following care:

If the plant care is correct, it will bloom in small white flowers. During this period, indoor pepper acquires a particularly spectacular and decorative appearance.

It is worth noting that the formation of fruits does not require artificial pollination. When the harvest was assembled, it is necessary to rejuvenate pepper. To do this, he is transplanted in new earth. Transplant should be accurately in order not to damage root system.

Replant the plant into a new soil and a pot is recommended every three years. During the transplant, it is necessary to remove too powerful and old shoots. Pruning will make it possible to make decorative peppers not only fruiting, but also beautiful.

If the care of the bush was incorrect, various diseases may appear on it. Especially often diseases are developing due to improper irrigation or insufficient lighting.

As we see, pepper is a simple culture for growing in conditions of the house. The main thing is to create the right conditions for it.

Video "Description"

From the video you will learn a lot of interesting things about this room vegetable.

Varieties of varieties

It is necessary to understand that the pepper in the pot is a purely conditional thing. So how to grow in such conditions can any acute pepper, which has suitable sizes of the bush and simple care. Therefore, bitter pepper for growing at home can be any kind. You can choose from varieties intended for growth in an open or closed soil.

Choosing a variety must be remembered for the existence of a false or "Jerusalem Cherry". The fruits of this plant is poisonous.

In addition to the above-described types at home, you can grow the growing varieties:

  • Poinsettia. On the bush, the fruits are formed peculiar bundles at the ends of the branches. Thanks to this, they resemble unusual colors. The length of the fruit is 7.5 cm. It is characterized by a sharp taste;
  • Garda Firewell. The plant forms low bushes - not higher than 30 cm. The bush is usually thickly suiced by the fruits that stick up. Pods can simultaneously have several colors: orange, green, red and lilac. Their length is 5.5 cm. Have a rather sharp taste;
  • Nosegei. This is the miniature and compact variety. Its height does not exceed 15 cm. Rounded and small fruits are formed on the plant. Their color in the process of maturation changes from green, cream and orange to red. Fruits have a medium-time taste.

To especially decorative varieties Peppers include the following varieties:

This is not all the varieties that can be grown in conditions of the house. However, they are the most popular.

Common mistakes

Consider growing in the apartment of pepper, you need to know about the most common mistakes to not do them. Otherwise, the bush attack various diseases. Not always to combat them, even started immediately after the first sign of malaise, will be able to save the plant from death.

The very first mistake that inexperienced flowers make is non-compliance water regime. The plant can not be watered with cold water. Such watering will lead to the rotation of the root system.

Since the pepper is a thermal-loving culture, it needs irrigation only with water having a room temperature.

When placing a pot near heating systemsWatering should be carried out every other day, as the Earth will quickly appease. In such conditions it is recommended near the pot to install water tank for evaporation. Under normal conditions, this procedure is carried out twice a week.

In addition to the wrong irrigation, the following points can be attributed to the most common errors:

If the pot was some time on the loggia or in a summer greenhouse, then when transferring to the house, the pepper can start reset the leaves. This situation reflects the lack of light. To solve the problem, you must install additional lighting. If you do not need bloom, you can simply radically trim shoots by about 1/3, as well as stop abundant watering. However, remember that in such a situation, the soil is not allowed.

Useful properties and application

Room pepper grown in the house can be used as ingredient different dishes. It can be used for cooking smelted sauces, seasoning. But it is also allowed to add it when preserving.

Pods of acute peppers are an excellent means to stimulate appetite. This plant is considered medicinal, as it is part of many healing tinctures. They are prescribed with disorders from the gastrointestinal tract, radiculitis and neuralgia. They are also actively used to prevent burns. But remember that pepper tinctures cannot be used in diseases of the pancreas and liver.

Pepper is a very popular culture, which today is actively grown not only in greenhouses and open soil, but also at home. To obtain a good harvest, as well as the beautiful appearance of the bush itself, it is necessary to stick to simple rules of care, as well as know the most common errors. In general, the care of pepper at home is quite simple.

Video "Growing"

From the video you will learn how to grow this vegetable.

Decorative pepper (Capsicum Armuum) Refers to the Polenic Family. Motherland - Central and South America, as well as Asia. IN this time Culture is distributed on all continents.

Such a flower like decorative pepper- This is a small perennial decorative plant with a height of up to 30-40 cm.

In the apartment it can grow well and fruit for 4 to 5 years. However, often used as an annual. His sheets are simple, can be single, and can be collected in a socket. They have an oblong, lanceal or egg-shaped shape with whole edges. Their color varies from green to black and olive.

The leaflets are slightly folded along the central embossed vein. Packers are different in size. Crown rather branched. As a room plant decorative pepper Missily inferior on the beauty of other home flowers, especially this concerns its flowering and subsequent fruiting.

The varieties of this pepper differ among themselves by the magnitude of the fruits, their coloring and form. Flowers in pepper Yellowish-white. They are located in the sinuses of the leaves. Sometimes they grow singly, and sometimes they are going to inflorescences.

A whine can have a yellow or greenish color with purple inclusions. Sometimes there is also a monophonic purple color. This culture is self-polished. Flowers bloom in late June - early July.

As can be seen in the photo, the main decoration of decorative pepper - pods, which, depending on the variety painted in bright red, orange or purple, ranging from 2.5 to 5 cm. They are hollow, have many seeds inside. Their weight can vary from 0.25 to 190. One of the plants features is the placement on one bush of flowers and fruits of different degrees of maturity.

In addition to the pokold form, there are also spherical, oval peppers. Fruit in August - October, and very plentiful. The fruits of homemade decorative peppers contain alkaloid capsaicin, which is why they are very burning, bitter and at the same time spicy. At the same time, the leaflets and stalks of the flower are poisonous.

Types and varieties of bitter and sweet decorative peppers (with photos)

Such a plant as decorative pepper, is represented by species that can be completely different in the form, coloring and flavors of fruit (bitter and sweet), flowering time, etc.

Popular varieties:
Pepper decorative "Christmas Candela" (C. "Christmas Candle");

Decorative pepper "Festival" (S. "Festival");

Decorative pepper "Orange Wailer" (S. "Orange Wonder");

Decorative pepper "Apache" (C. "Apache").

Jerful. This type of pepper received its name because of the fruits that do not have a cone shape, but to be flashed.

Crown bishop. One of the most interesting grades of the plant decorative pepper, its fruits are something resemble the detachable flowers of the bells. His yield is average. The growth is quite large, it can reach 80 cm, so it's better to choose him the most practical place instead of the windowsill.

Chinese. This species is represented by low plants - up to 50 cm. Egg-shaped, slightly wrinkled leaves have a light green color. White flowers, sometimes with green tump. It grows this flower very slowly, but it is good fruit.

Can be seen in the photo The varieties of this bitter decorative pepper, the fruits of which are distinguished by a special burning and sharpness.

The most popular among them:
Santa Lucia;

"Devil's language";

"Devilsky Yellow."

Cayenne, or shrub pepper. These representatives of decorative peppers are especially well suited for growing on window sills or loggias. With the right care, these perennial flowers Can grow and fruit for 5 to 6 years. Their height usually reaches 15 - 45 cm, and the bushes themselves are very thick and branched. Thanks to this, they are abundantly covered with fruits.

Render of the following varieties:
Pepper "Salute";

Pepper "Carmen";

Pepper "Peak Lady";

Pepper "Spark".

"Firework". This decorative pepper feels well as a room plant, the growth of his rounded bushes does not reach more than 20 cm, so that it is placed on any windowsill. Peppers in the form of a cone have a little ribbed surface. At first, their color is dark green, but as ripening goes into orange. Plant is often used in culture as decorative thanks proper form Crowns, it does not need to trim. Fruits are used to prepare spices or canned.

"Peak lady." Low rounded bush - 25 cm of growth. It has purple fruit.

"Spark". Bright red fruits weighing up to 45, starts fruit after 115 - 120 days after sowing. The bush is not very large, branched.

"Annual". These plants are distinguished by the fact that after collecting fruits and sinking, they can very dry. These are not very high bushes, - from 35 to 55 cm of growth. Depending on the variety, fruits can be different in color and form.

The most famous varieties:
Pepper "Tepin";

Pepper "Redhead";

Pepper "Siberian Prince";

Pepper "Cherry Bomb".

Pepper "Tepin". Small-glass pepper with incredibly sharp fruits. Leaves small, not reaching more than 1 cm long.

Microclimate for the care of decorative pepper in the pot on the windowsill

When growing a plant, decorative pepper is particularly carefully considering the conditions of the microclimate in the room, since it is precisely one of the main factors of successful fruiting.
The flower is needed very bright place. Perfectly feels decorative pepper placed on the windowsill on the south side of the house, where there is always a lot of light and a few hours a day in the room penetrate the straight sun rays.

With very hot weather, the plant is still better to strengthen from the sun. Provided good weather, pepper can be reached on a balcony, a veranda or even in the garden. But it is worth remembering that he does not like winds and cold. The plant must be protected as well as from drafts. IN winter time of the year, when the light day becomes much shorter, you can set a daylight lamp near the pot. Thus, the pen will be fruit and bloom throughout the year. With a lack of light, the plant is poorly branched and blooms, and the fruits almost do not appear.

When leaving the decorative pepper, which grows in a pot, it is important to take care of the air temperature and humidity in the room. In spring I. summer time optimal temperature air for this plant It must remain within 24 - 26 degrees, in winter 15 - 18 degrees. The flower is useful to the temperature differences of the day-night, so in the warm season it is better to keep it outdoors. The felled air is also harmful to the plant, so it is desirable from time to time to ventilate the room.

The humidity in the room should be moderate. In hot weather it is desirable to spray with water. On average spraying is carried out at least once a week - it contributes to the tie of fruits. Optimal humidity ranges from 65 to 78%.

Soil will suit any, provided that it is not too heavy. The soil must be the most loose and breathable. Substrate: Cherry and clay land, peat (2: 1: 1). Some flower products use nutrient greenhouse LandBy adding a little sand into it.

How to properly care for decorative peppers

One of the answers to how to properly care for decorative peppers so that the fruit appeared on it consistently, is timely and sufficient watering. In the period of growth, watering is abundant, as the upper layer of the earthy coma is drying. If the apartment is very hot, then you need to water every day. It is also possible that you have to do this procedure in the morning and in the evening. In no case cannot be completely drying the soil, especially if the flower is on the bright sun. Especially thoroughly needed to monitor the humidity during the tie of fruits.

At home, an important part of the care of decorative peppers is regular feeding, which will be saturated with nourishing substances. It is done about every two weeks with liquid fertilizers. The most effective impact will have an alternate change of fertilizer with mineral on organic. As mineral, you can use superphosphate, potassium sulfur or ammonium salter.

Decorative pepper formation and transplantation

Sometimes the plant is used as annual, after fruiting it loses decorativeness, and it is thrown out. However, there are many perennial varieties that look good for several years. Often, a chest of decorative pepper is generated to maintain the neat look using the circumcision of old and too powerful shoots. In addition, such a procedure helps to increase the number of flowers and fruits. It is necessary to do it in early spring Every two to three years. First of all, the shoots directed inwards are cut off, as well as those who replicated. It is also important at the beginning of each flowering to remove the crown bud, the first in the branching of the stem. The purchase of each escape is carried out immediately before fruiting. It is also recommended to crop all the branches from the crown.

When leaving decorative pepper, it is important to put planting plants into a new pot with a fresh substrate every year, getting rid of the part of the old earthen coma. Since the root flower system is very fragile, the best option will be carefully transferred to the plant into a new pot. The transplant pot is chosen a little more than the former. Drainage is embanked on the bottom. The place remaining after the transplant is falling asleep with fresh soil. From time to time you can do without a transplantation, conducting partial substrate replacement. It will help to avoid injury to the root system of the flower, which will then have to restore it for a long time after such stress.

How to plant seeds to grow decorative peppers at home

The reproduction of this plant is usually carried out by seeds.

In order to grow decorative pepper with the help of seeds, you need to take as carefully to the seed process, because it is the key to healthy growing shoots. The time of this procedure depends on the variety. Early varieties are sown from the beginning of November to the last numbers of December. Summer cultures are best sowing from April to May. Autumn - in July-August.

First you need to prepare the pot capacity of 0.2 liters. On the bottom to put drainage 2 - 3 cm thick, then fill the container with the substrate. Seeds should be sent for several hours in a solution of humate potassium, after which they are placed in the soil at a depth of 1 cm. From above, it is necessary to sprinkle with their soil and slightly seal it. Containers are covered with glass or transparent film. The room temperature should be kept within 23 - 25 degrees. After 7 - 12 days, shoots should appear. After that, the shelter is cleaned.

After 5 days, the air temperature reduces to 16 - 18 degrees. From time to time, the soil must be moistened with warm watering water. After the appearance of 2 - 3 full-fledged leaves, it is necessary to plant decorative peppers, trying to handle the rapid roots as careful as possible. When the plants are fully fixed, and no less than six sheets will appear on the shoots, you can put a flower in a pot of 3 - 5 liters. Grow decorative pepper at home after the landing has already been landing in a permanent pot, it is easy - it is only necessary to choose a plant a good place and install correct care Behind him.

Diseases and pests of decorative peppers

Due to the oveurgement of the soil, such diseases of the plant decorative pepper are often found as the root rot or phytoofer. When brown spots appear on the leaves, the flower is treated with medicine containing copper. The appearance of the root rot is evidenced by the wilting of pepper leaves. In this case, the plant is extracted from the soil and completely replace it. Such a pest, like a web tick, appears on pepper when violating recommendations for moisture content in the air.

The flower must be broken regularly, and the air is moisturized. You can get rid of the tick using fungicides. Sometimes the pepper occurs mathematical Cherverwhich affects the root system. To prevent the advent of this pest, it is necessary to disinfect the soil before boarding. Get rid of it, treating an earthen com by the help of fungicides.

Read more to learn about the cultivation of decorative pepper, you can, looking at this video:

Christmas Pepperoni call him Italians and Greeks, decorating such a miracle room eaves.

Decorative pepper, reached technical maturity, has a variety of conformation and coloring fruits, which not only serve as a decoration of window sills, but also have enough harmonious and spicy food qualities. Many loving plants grow all kinds of picturesque vegetation to diversify the inner decoration of the premises. Multicolor lamps are especially attracted to the eye among the juicy greenery of the fine-free room.


Decorative pepper, created by the efforts of originators, to the genus of real peppers and the entire pepperfare has nothing to do. This indoor handsome holds a "related communication" only with the Paren family to which he belongs. Its native edges are Central and South America.

The widestest dissemination of our fans of the room exotic vegetation received pepper pod, or long-term capsicles. At home, low varieties are usually grown: the bush dimensions are from 12 to 65 cm. Crown consists of numerous pointed leaflets of bright green color.

A bedroom decorative pepper is blooming usually in the first decade of May by white inflorescences. During the vegetation on the plant, there can be at the same time, and the declining and formed, and the already formed fruits having a form:

  • cone-shaped;
  • ball-shaped;
  • prism;
  • enigmatic.

The fruits of the punch are distinguished by a varied palette of the colors: ranging from gently green to saturated-purple. Some of its varieties are represented by fruits-berries located on one plant, according to color completely derived from each other.

At the same time on one bush capxicum can be ripening to 70 peppernings, while its flowering does not stop. Therefore, the harvest can be assembled round year, paying her pet only a little attention and caring about him.

Popular varieties

For growing on the windowsill, handsome with multicolored lanterns are recommended to select the appropriate varieties, low, adapted to the reduced level. sunlight. The following grade pepper varieties are successfully cultivated:


From this sortiep of peppers are preparing for the entire world of Tabasco sauces. It is also a mandatory component that is part of the "Bloody Mary" cocktail. Being a perennial plant, "Tabasco" lives about 2-4 years. It does not tolerate low temperatures at all, so it is necessary to contain it in a warm and quite illuminated place. The fruit berries on the plant are formed at the end of May, reach 3-4 cm. However, despite their small sizes, they are terribly burning.


Many are interested, is it possible to eat this variety? Goldfinger refers to those few species that are not intended for eating. But, thanks to the abundance of yellow colorful lights, it will remove any interior. In height, the plant reaches 20-25 cm, very compact. Slightly, therefore, it will be comfortable to feel only on well-lit by sunlight places or with additional illumination.


"Salute" refers to compact types of peppers, it grows up to 22 cm. The range is very valuable to create a unique decor. It has a harmonious shape of a busty, dark green-skinned foliage, diluted with bright orange candles slightly streamlined concave shape. Care at home for a similar variety is very simple, as the pepper is rather unpretentious. Its fragrant, sharp fruitful fruit are used both in fresh form and when preserving.


The bedroom decorative pepper "Medusa" is one of the subspecies of the capsicum "Chile", has a bright worr of the fruit, similar to the "Hair of Jellyfish Gorgon" from Greek myths. On one bush ripens about 55 peppers, which are presented color gamut From light green to flame red. Having a compact conformation with a height up to 28 cm, successfully grown in the rooms. Fruits have a sharp specific taste, and when adding them to food, they give the dishes a spicy highlight.

"Black Pearl"

Ornamental and unusual image to any room will give pepper in a pot with purple foliage and berries-beads of fire-black color. Such is the "Black Pearl" grade, which was artificially created by originators from the United States. Having a stunning appearance, this variety is distinguished by interesting taste with an increased level of acute.


Spaded compact bush, reaching a height of 45 cm, is highlighted by an original decorative tinge of foliage having multi-colored stripes. Berries-fruit are very small, after ripening become red-purple. The variety is valued for the ornamentality of the leaves, the abundant harvest of round fruit beads of unusual colors. It is successfully used in home billets.


Decorative pencil with red cheerful balls. "Tepin" is one of the descendants of the wild capsicum, which is considered the progenitor of many zerotilips. With a competent plantal, the bush forms a ball reaching in a diameter of more than meters. IN natural conditions The spread of this pepper is engaged in feathered, eating edible fruits with seeds. The impact of the digestive bird enzymes provides fast germination of seeds. What you can not tell about the cultivation of the peppercons at home. In this case, they take a very long time, sometimes in 3 months.

Preparation for landing

When boarding a decorative capset, do not forget that the plot where the bustice will grow should be well lit. However, in order to avoid burns, direct sun rays should not fall.

Choosing soil

For sowing I. optimal cultivation The decorative pepper is used soil mixture consisting of equal parts of humidiation, sod of earth and sand.

Such a soil is easier to acquire in specialized stores, it is suitable for a universal primer for seedling or "Living Earth". But it is pre-rolling in the oven or microwave ovenTo eliminate all pathogenic microorganisms.


The plant looks original not only in pots, but also in suspended caspo, in decorative subjects: saucepan, cannon, clay dishes. You can use containers from any material, the main thing is that they have a hole for the exit of excess water. Important condition is a drainage layer of at least 3 cm thick.

It is important to remember that a large pot will lead to excessive development of roots and cutting flowering. Therefore, "Incretion" Kashpo should not take. The pallet is an important and obligatory part of the pot. It provides increased air humidity, especially in winter when the house is heated. During this period, clamzite pour into the pallet, pour water and put a pot with a pepper. And in the summer, with abundant irrigation, excess water will be collected in it.


Decorative room picker can be tested to grow from seeds purchased in specialized outlets or collected by itself from affected fruits.

When collecting seeds, it is necessary to observe security measures, because when pepper's burning substances hit the skin or mucous membranes, it is possible to easily get the strongest burn. To get your own sowing material, you need to choose the best ripe fruit and put on dosing. When the pepper gets dry, get seeds from it, scatter them on the saucer and dry to the flowability. Store in a paper tight envelope so that the light and moisture do not penetrate. The germination is not lost within four years.


Prepared seeds need to be disinfected, silently at half an hour in water room temperature with the addition of manganese. After processing, it is necessary to rinse them. The solution of manganese must be bright pink. In order not to burn seeds, it is prepared in a separate dish and then add a teaspoon to a glass, where seeds will be processed. Mangartageous potassium not only kills microbes and bacteria, but also nourishes such elements as potassium and manganese, which has a beneficial effect on the further development of the plant. After that, the seeds are immersed by 5-6 hours in any growth stimulant according to the instructions. After drying, they are close to the depth of no more than 1 cm. The soil must be shed good well, cover crops with polyethylene or newspaper, put in the very warm room indoors: optimally 25-27 0s.

In compliance with these simple techniques, the first sprouts will be labeled already on April 8-15 after sowing. With the appearance of 2-3 present leaves, each mini-plant should be transplanted into an individual capacity with a volume of at least 0.2 liters. Two weeks after picking up the kids, it is necessary to feed the complex fertilizer ("ideal", "Florist", "Agrikola"). In the future, it is necessary to fear the seedlings every 15 days. Chopping pepper only in case of unsuccessful generation of the bush - to make it compact, increase branching and form the crown.

Room care

To care for homemade decorative peppers is not so difficult. Caring for him is timely watering, soil loans and feeding. With a competent approach to its cultivation, multicolored pepperoni will delight edible berries and ornamentality not one year. Do not forget that after the end of the season and aging most of the fruits, the capsicum bushes should be rehanced in a new soil.


The capsicum refers to those plants that love systematic irrigation. Apply Tluu or resistant water room temperature. In winter, watering must be reduced to once a week, use only warm water. And spray the plant, if it is in a dry heated room, you need as often as possible.

Humidity and temperature

From April to September optimal temperature mode For decorative pepper on the windowsill - 24-26 degrees. In the autumn-winter months, temperatures must be reduced to 12-16 degrees. The percentage of humidity will also depend on the time of year. The higher the temperature on the street, the one should be more. Capset content in the cold season when high humidity The plant will inevitably lead to death.


Room pepper needs good lighting. If the sunlight is not enough, you can organize additional highlighting with fluorescent lamps.


Home Room Picker refers to perennial plants, pleases not one year and gives big crop fruit. Therefore, without additional feeding during its cultivation, it is not necessary. Starting from mid-April, once every two weeks, young bushes capsicum must be regularly feeding. Special fertilizers are recommended for this species or universal.

Celebrates to produce according to the instructions and stop them in the last decade of September. In the autumn-winter season, the plants periodically need additional nutrition, as they continue to be fruit.


At the end of October, after removing the main harvest, the peppers cut into one third, updating the crown and stimulating new flowering. In winter, the plant put in a sunny place and begin to feed, stimulating the growing season.

Prevention of disease

When cultivating the decorative capxicum, it must be remembered that bad care will surely provoke the development of diseases. The main error of novice flower flows is in the wrong irrigation.

Tip! "It is better to nourish than to pour. Water should be only warm. "

If the pepper bush, even recently a good health, unexpectedly began to wither, should immediately reduce the amount of water and check the plant for the presence of root rot. For the prevention to treat copper-containing drugs or urgently transplant the flower, replacing the soil. Pepper is sick may be due to "cold legs". If the flower is in a cool place, on a draft, during watering the temperature of the Earth in the pot decreases to the critical 12-14 degrees. The supercooling of the roots leads to the disease and death of the plant.

Fighting pests

With a seasonal transplant of pepper to a new soil, every 2 years it is necessary to change the pot for more in volume. At the same time, it is advisable to rejuvenate a bush, cutting off the old and wondered shoots.


Room caps are multiplied in the main stalling, as well as seeds. In the latter case, the pepper looks more decorative. So work spent on growing from seeds justifies itself.


Separating from the bush side escape "with a heel", to seal it in the soil with soil, cover with polyethylene, creating the conditions of the greenhouse. Supporting high humidity In mini-greenhouse, a couple of weeks can notice the growth of thin whitish roots.

After that, put a cutlets into the ground, care for the same way as for the seedle. The second way: the cuttings immediately put in the ground and hide the package, supporting the humidity inside. Before you start the house on the windowsill, a colorful and enchanting decorative pen, it is necessary to take into account all the features of its cultivation, which are not so complex. When fulfilling the recommended agricultural plants, the plant will surely please their beauty and, moreover, will become a source of spicy food seasoning.

Bitter pepper on the windowsill is not only the desired spice, which is always at hand, but also an excellent decorative home decoration, easy in growing. Pot with bright beautiful plant serve exquisite decor For any home, and the savory taste of such a sharp spice will make this pennate indispensable in the kitchen at each host.

Grow at home possible and sweet bulgarian pepper And burning sharp, Dracosh varieties or other. How to land seeds to seedlings and on the landing conditions in the apartment will also tell me further.

For growing on the windowsill, breeders specifically brought several varieties of sharp peppers. Such a room pepper is also divided into fruit variety and decorative (without fruit).

The fruit variety of indoor acute peppers is a perennial who reaches height no more than 40 cm. The plant has bright green leaves and multicolored fruit of saturated color: scarlet, solar or orange color.

The cultivation of indoor pepper is not much difficult and does not require special knowledge and wisdom. Quite unpretentious and undemandingly in care.

Blossom starts in June. During this period, the stems appear in gentle white flowers with an easy yellowish tint.

How to grow at home on the windowsill

To get a plant with beautiful fruits on the windowsill, you need to sink seeds to seedlings. Do it in late February - early March.

To speed up the process of growing seeds, they can be previously treated. For this, the seeds are poured with warm water (not higher than 40 degrees) and clocked in a thermos for 3 hours.

Preparation of soil and pot

The soil for seeds is necessarily chosen nutritious. It can be prepared independently. For this, 5 parts are mixed, 2 pieces of the turf and peat and 1 part of the sand. At the bottom of the tank necessarily must be drainage. For this, small ceramzite or pebbles are suitable.

Soil must be additionally disinfected: to be treated with boiling water, or a solution of manganese and thoroughly braid. Seeds are driving at a depth of 1 cm.

Seeding seedlings

Capacities are covered with glass or film and leave in a warm place where the temperature should not be below 20-25 degrees.

As a container, you can use the usual pot or box, it all depends on how much seeds are evinted.

The first shoots appear already after 7 - 10 days. The room should have a sufficient amount of sunlight.

When the first seedlings appear, the plant is divened to individual pots. When several real leaves appear on the shootings, they are recovered again, while choosing the strongest and strong sprouts.

The plant requires a sufficient amount of heat and light moisture, at any stage of cultivation.

During the growing seedlings, it is necessary to ensure that shoots are not very pulled out. To do this, they need to provide a certain ambient temperature.

When the first leaves appear, it is necessary to reduce the temperature to 20 degrees within 7 days. And when three real leaves appear, be sure to reproduce the pickup into a spacious pot. At the permanent place of seedling places after 2 months After disembarking seeds.

Caring for indoor bitter pepper

To grow a bitter pepper on the windowsill, you must provide him light and warmth.


It loves such a pen of all sorts of feeding. The most optimal fertilizer is 2 ash-mixed tablespoons with 3 liters of water. The mixture should be good. Feature it is necessary every two weeks.

You can use nitrogen fertilizers, but much less often. With such fertilizers, it is important not to overdo it, otherwise you can stay without a crop.


The soil must regularly loose and water two times a week warm outstanding, or purified water. It is necessary to ensure that the soil in the pot does not swam, but was not constantly raw. Both will contribute to different diseases of the plant.

In winter, you can not use fertilizers and water the plant is much less likely. If the air indoors is dry, you can slightly moisten the leaflets splashing them from the sprayer.

In the warm season, the pot takes a balcony, or to the street.


Temperature mode

Approximately February, the plant can be kept indoors at a cooler temperature, but not lower than 18 degrees.

But before the beginning of the growing season (it usually begins in February) the pot must be transferred to a warmer room and carry it out. To do this, it is necessary to trim the stems so that they are no higher than 5 cm.

If you correctly comply with all the recommendations on the cultivation and care of the plant: ranging from the most seed billet and ending with timely circumcision, then such a pen will save its decorativeness and will actively be fruitful up to 5 years.

Diseases and pests

This type of indoor plants may be subject to such diseases: functioning legs or spotty leaves. It happens when it is too abundant watering, in which the stagnation of water in the pot is formed.

The main pests of such peppers include tRU, CULT TIRS AND martherny Dew . A wave or tick will appear with wind through the open window.

To combat tick, you can use the plant itself. To do this, it is necessary to crush the pepper seeds along with the internal streaclings and pour them into the day. Then it is necessary to add a slightly overwhelmed household soap to the mixture and spray the plant. To completely get rid of pests, it is enough to spend three spraying procedures.

In order to prevent the advent of the tick, it is necessary to provide a sufficient humidity plant or put a pot with a pepper with water.

For proper growing And the leaving the plant for as many as 5 years will delight the gaze of excellent decorativeness, and the fruit will become a spicy spice in the kitchen.

  • Decorative (pod) pepper or capsicum was brought to Europe from South America. Today, many cultural varieties that differ in the painting fruit, the structure of the sheet, the speed of ripening and yield are derived. Represents annual or perennial shrub, 15 to 120 cm high height. Appearance Different varieties are very different, but the pepper is valued, first of all, for the quality and taste of fruits.

    Small peppers formed on a bush may be burning, bitter or sour sweet. With proper cultivation in the period of fruction, the bush was swept large quantity Fruits (see photo), which are used as a spice.

    Varieties of varieties

    For growing at home, it is desirable to choose only fine varieties with a weak root system and unpretentious hybrid varieties. Often on sale there are perennials decorative species with sharp flavor of fruits. They have the best varietal characteristics and are good fruit in a limited space. Height bush for homemade cultivation It should not exceed 40-50 cm. Most popular varieties:

    • Ogonek. Room pepper with medium maturation. Fruption occurs after 115-120 days. A bush average and branchy. Large pods reach weight to 45 g, have a rich red color and sharp taste;
    • Aladdin. It is represented by the mid-grade bush, which at home reaches 50 cm. This is an ultra-spike variety, fruiting is abundant and long. The pods are small, have a cone odor, fragrant and sharp. Fruit color changes as ripening, ripe peppers has red skin;
    • Poinsettia. One of the most decorative varieties. A bush reaches a length of up to 35 cm, on which numerous oblong leaves are formed. Pods grow to 7.5 in length, have a sharp taste. As the fruits are ripening, red flowers acquire and are located at the ends of the shoots in the shape of a bouquet;
    • Ember Expositions. Pepper is represented by a compact bush, which is convenient for growing on the windowsill. Plant height does not exceed 30 cm. Fruits have early time Ripening and a length of up to 2.5 cm. Pods are very sharp, the color of the skin depends on ripening. Mature pepper should have a bright scarlet color.

    When buying seeds of decorative pepper, it is necessary to carefully read the description on the package, and also try to acquire the sowing material only in specialized stores. Sometimes under the guise of room plants, seeds of ordinary bitter peppers are sold, which are not adapted for home cultivation.

    Growing and care

    When growing pillary pepper It must be remembered that this is a thermal-loving plant, demanding of the quality of soil, lighting and watering. Especially bad bush transfers drought and short light day, so the installation of additional light sources is required. With competent leaving perennial grades Home pepper can live up to 10 years with regular and abundant fruiting.

    Turning time

    The choice of time for landing directly depends on the time of vegetation of the plant. Sowing in boxes for seedlings or permanent place for example, if the room temperature is within 20-25 o C. It is recommended to comply with the desired dates for the landing for each grade in such a way that the ripening period accounted for the longest daylight.

    Early and urinary varieties can be planted from the beginning of April to mid-May, medium and late varieties are desirable to sow from the end of February to the beginning of March. When using a special lamp for lighting and heating, planting pepper can be at any time.

    How to choose a place

    Decorative pepper loves warmth and well-lit places. The pot with a plant is desirable to arrange on the south or oriental window to increase the duration of the daylight. Leaves are sensitive to direct sunlight, so in summer days the bush should be dialed. In addition, in the summer, it is desirable to artificially create temperature differences in order to strengthen the immunity and accelerate the growth of the plant - for this pot with pepper can be placed on the balcony.

    It is believed that every 2-3 years the container with the plant must be rearranged to a new place or replant, which stimulates its growth and development. Pepper fruiting in one place after 5 years can be completely stopped.

    Preparation of soil

    To ensure a long life, the plant needs to competently approach the choice of soil. It is recommended to use the purchase substrate for decorative colors only for seedlings, the ground for a permanent pot is better to prepare on their own. Peppers prefer the weakly acidic soil and fertile land. The approximate composition of the soil for this culture:

    • 4 parts of neutralized peat;
    • 4 parts of the organic (sheet humus or compost);
    • 2 parts of vermiculite or perlite for moisture retention.

    The use of perlite is important when growing pepper in the regions with a cold climate, since the drug improves soil patency for sun ray And effectively holds moisture.

    Choosing a pot

    For seedlings, you can use plastic or wooden capacity up to 200 ml, on the bottom of which it is desirable to put pebbles, claymps or small stones as a drainage system. Adult plants need a spacious pot capacity of at least 3 liters. The selection of the capacitance directly depends on the size of the bush. For large plants It is required to purchase a pot from 5 to 7 liters. Be sure to have holes for draining excess water and pallet for its collection. Tight plastic, wood or ceramics are suitable as the material.

    Preparation of seeds

    Before boarding the sowing material, it is necessary to carefully examine, select all hollow and damaged seeds. Then they need to soak in the water room temperature for 2-3 hours. After swelling, the liquid must be changed and add a small amount of growth stimulator (zircon or epin). It is impossible to plant wet seeds, so after the procedure they need to carefully dry.

    Methods of growing

    There are two main ways of breeding decorative pepper - planting seeds and shilling. The seed method is most often used because the planting technology is simple and resembles even beginners. Step-by-step instruction:

    1. Pre-treated seeds need to be embedded in a pot for seedlings into individual wells to a depth of 1 cm, it is plentiful to pour and close the film or glass.
    2. Seedlings need to be removed into a warm and well ventilated place, regularly open the film to breathe. The first sprouts appear on 7-12 days, after that, the underfloor material can be removed.
    3. The first feeding should be carried out when the seedlings will be formed up to 3 healthy leaves. For this, the calcium nitrate solution is used at the rate of 1 tbsp. Spoon on 10 liters of water. After that, the soil should be abundantly pouring. At the same stage, it is possible to break the disembarkation, leaving the most healthy plants.
    4. Picking to a permanent place is carried out when seedling will completely grow and forms up to 6-10 sheets. After the transplant, it is necessary to abundantly water the soil with water room temperature.

    The hauling is desirable to spend late spring or early summer. Young and strong shoots of an adult plant are used as a cutlets, producing a sepure of one kidney. After cutting the cuttings, it is necessary to germinate in sawdust or water for 7-10 days, changing fluid at least 3 times a day. It is advisable to transplant to a permanent place when the shoot is formed several strong roots.

    Temperature and lighting

    For full growth and development of the plant requires good illumination, as well as at least 4 hours a day of active sunlight. It is advisable to use a special lamp for additional lighting and heating of the plant in the pot.

    In the vegetative period, the room temperature should not fall below 21 o C. In winter, a cooler content is recommended with a temperature of up to 15 ° C. Pepper reacts well to fluctuations in temperatures, so in the summer it is recommended to set it on the balcony.

    Watering and spraying

    Room pepper needs constant temperate watering. The procedure is carried out as the upper layer of the Earth dry, the amount of irrigation to increase in summer. Watering produce only space-standing room temperature. It is not recommended to excessively moisturize the soil, which adversely affects the state of the plant.

    Podpick pepper reacts well to spraying, which is desirable to spend once every two weeks in summer and once a month in winter. The procedure is carried out slightly warm water using a pulverizer for this purpose.

    Adult plant care

    To achieve rapid growth and abundant fruiting, there should be simple plants care rules:

    • Podkord. It is advisable to use comprehensive fertilizers for decorative plants. The plant should be fed only in summer, it is not recommended in the winter procedure. Do not abuse feeding, if you plan to use a harvest in food;
    • Pollination. Decorative pepper does not need cross-pollination, therefore it is enough just to regularly shake the plant during the growing season. Artificial pollination will increase the number of barriers. For this purpose, you can carry pollen from one plant to another with a cotton wand or a soft brush;
    • Trimming. If you grow pepper as a perennial, then pruning needs to be made after the end of fruiting or at the beginning of spring. To do this, you need a sharp tool to cut old shoots, about half of their height;
    • Transfer. After 3-4 years of life, the plant is recommended to replant to update the land and increase the pot as necessary. Annual grades In transplant do not need.
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