Why do appliances break so often? Planned breakdowns: how equipment manufacturers reduce the service life of devices Alexander Fedorov, head of the service operations department at Technosila

Encyclopedia of Plants 15.06.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

How long will it last Appliances- this question worries almost every buyer. It's no secret that modern technology loses in this matter to older models. Today, any manufacturer strives to minimize their costs by using cheaper, thinner materials. In addition, this is beneficial for another reason: equipment breaks down faster, which means that it will be bought more often. Let's try to figure out how much is the average service life modern appliances, and what that definition includes.

If you study regulations, it becomes clear that legally the service life of equipment means something different than we think. According to the law, this is the period of time during which the manufacturer undertakes to ensure the possibility of using the product: to supply the necessary Consumables and spare parts in case of product breakdown. Also, the manufacturer is liable if during the established service life of the equipment some harm was caused to its users.

Determination of the service life of the product by the manufacturer is mandatory for individual product groups. Household appliances are included in this list.

If we turn to history, then in the USSR the service life of equipment determined by GOSTs. So, according to the regulations, a gas stove had to work for at least 20 years, an electric one - 16 and a half years, a refrigerator - up to 15 years. These figures correspond to GOSTs of the 80s of the 20th century, and they were observed for a long time. In addition, there were 2 service life: medium and established. Established - this was just the period that today is the only service life. The concept of "average" meant the period of operation of the device, according to average statistics.

Modern manufacturers themselves decide whether to follow them or not. The enterprise can develop its own specifications (technical specifications) and follow them when developing equipment.

Thus, the modern definition of "product life" refers to warranty period, which the manufacturer gives for its product. But how do you determine how long this or that device will last? This can be done based on statistics.

How long will a household appliance last?

It should be noted that large household appliances lasts longer. So, all types of household stoves work on average for 10 years. This includes electric, induction and gas stoves, hobs, as well as ovens. The hood and refrigerator will last the same amount. Expensive dishwashers, which are also large household appliances, have been operating for only 5 years, judging by the reviews of the owners. But washing machines "live" from 7 to 10 years. It depends on the installed engine: washers with inverter motor work longer.

Some manufacturers give a separate warranty for the inverter motor, this period can be up to 10 years.

Microwave ovens last about 7 years. Longer use of these devices can be dangerous: the housing begins to transmit microwave radiation, which will negatively affect the residents of the apartment. If we talk about vacuum cleaners, then some break down after 3 years, while others work for 7-8 years without any complaints. Of course, it depends on the motor - inverter technology has reached this type of technology. The quality of all materials used also affects: cheap vacuum cleaners of unknown brandsbreak faster than a quality unit from a well-known manufacturer. However, this rule applies to all types of household appliances.

Small kitchen appliances, such as multicookers, meat grinders, kettles blenders works from 3 to 5 years. The hair dryer lasts the same. However, if it has a professional motor, then the service life can increase up to 7 years.

Different manufacturing companies set their own service life for household appliances, for large appliances - about 10 years. Household little things, like kettles, irons and microwaves, serve even less. Most manufacturers rarely give a guarantee for their equipment for more than seven years. The only exceptions are some components, such as compressors and motors for refrigerators. Their service life is 10 years.

Although, as practice shows, good technique can serve much longer than the period recommended by the manufacturer. Therefore, if your automatic washing machine has been regularly washing for 7-10 years, you should not send it to the trash, just because it is obsolete. It is better to contact a service center, and if any shortcomings are found during the diagnosis, they will be eliminated - and your old refrigerator, typewriter or stove will last another ten years, or even more. True, you should not rely on the specified service life and high-quality service if you use equipment, but forget about caring for it. After all, careful handling is a kind of investment in the durability of expensive devices. So, let's look at the approximate lifespans of various home appliances and electronics.

Refrigerator (service life 7 - 10 years)

The most necessary appliance in everyday life, as a rule, breaks down due to the burnout of the motor-compressor. The main reason for such a breakdown is power surges. The refrigerator will last longer if you defrost it at least once every six months (with the exception of equipment with the No frost system) and follow a number of simple rules:

  • do not put the refrigerator next to a gas or electric stove
  • do not put hot food in the refrigerator
  • keep water containers closed
  • wash at least once a month without the use of acidic substances

Washing machine (service life 7 - 8 years)

The main enemy of all washing machines- scum, about which they talk so much on TV. Only now it makes no sense for the residents of the region to be afraid, our water is very soft, - said the specialist service center Evgeny Podlinov. When using the washing machine, you must:

  • do not forget to open the tank of the machine to dry
  • do not overload the machine with extra pounds of laundry
  • use low temperature wash programs whenever possible
  • clean filters regularly

Cookers (service life 10 - 15 years)

The service life is the same for electric and for gas stoves. WITH gas problems less, but electric burners and switches can burn out. By the way, sockets for electric stoves are also not eternal - they must be changed every 10 years. The plates are easy to care for:

  • after each use, the stove must be wiped with a dry cloth (unplug before cleaning)
  • Do not use abrasive or chemical cleaners
  • after each cooking in the oven, leave it open for airing
  • do not keep the stove on for a long time
  • enamel coating may crack
  • do not use the plate surface as cutting board as the enamel or glass-ceramic coating may be damaged
  • use dishes with a flat and dry bottom

Air conditioners (service life 10 years)

The life of the cooling device often depends on the brand. Japanese air conditioners last longer than Korean and Chinese ones. But for the latter it is easier to find spare parts, and it takes only about a week to wait for them from the river state. The main cause of failure is dirt, so air conditioners should be regularly cleaned from dust and poplar fluff, especially for those who live on lower floors. The service time also depends on the quality of installation, which should only be trusted by a professional. And before the start of summer, you should call specialists to carry out scheduled maintenance - cleaning, air conditioning diagnostics and refueling with freon.

Microwave oven (lifetime 7 years)

The most important condition safe work- refusal of dishes made of metal, as well as porcelain and earthenware with golden rims or rims. If any metal object enters the microwave chamber, it can lead to failure of the most important part of the device - the magnetron.

It is also worth remembering that:

  • the oven must be at least 40 cm from the refrigerator
  • ventilation holes must be open
  • Microwave must be cleaned of dirt in a timely manner; touch and other control panels can only be wiped with a slightly damp cloth

Vacuum cleaner (service life 10 years)

To avoid breakage, it is important to remember that a vacuum cleaner running for an hour can easily burn out. Engine burnout is a major problem for this technique. The reason is simple - the engine clogged with dust and the same power surges. To prevent this from happening, it is important:

  • do not press the brush strongly against the surface to be cleaned (to the floor)
  • do not forget about the timely cleaning of the dust container and remember that the fabric bag must not be washed in any case, otherwise it will deteriorate forever
  • Clean all filters periodically to prevent dust from entering the engine compartment.

Iron (service life 3 - 5 years)

Such necessary thing, like an iron, most often breaks due to falling from an ironing board), but this is already mechanical damage and is more likely related to improper operation. Combustion comes second. heating element(tena). It's unlikely to be prevented. This item is also sensitive to power surges.

Kettle (service life 2 years)

An electric kettle is perhaps the most short-lived home appliance. With him the same trouble as with the iron - the heating element often burns out. And often for unknown reasons. Therefore, teapots do not last long. And besides, over time, plastic begins to release toxic substances. This device costs not like a washing machine, so you don’t need to risk your health and operate it for more than two years. But care should not be forgotten anyway:

  • need to remove scale in time
  • do not turn on the kettle with a small amount of water
  • do not pour cold water into an empty hot kettle
  • do not pour water over the kettle and stand

TV (service life 7 - 10 years)

Televisions are already in every home, and not just one. It is the most popular consumer electronics appliance in every person's home. And of course the most frequently broken. The main reason for the breakdown is, as always, banal - power surges in the mains. Most often, the purchase of network filters and stabilizers helps. Another tip from the service masters - when the TV is turned off, pull out its plug from the socket, this will extend its service life.

Finally, we want to show you an interesting video material about the service life of household appliances and electronics.

Household appliances have always been related to goods that are bought, if not for centuries, then at least for a long time - for several years or even decades. but new century made a change in the reputation of such products. People began to notice that the service life of modern household appliances has become much shorter, and thought about the reasons.

Today, many Russian citizens remember how long they served in the old days, for example, washing machines. The first "washers" imported into Russia carried their cross without serious breakdowns for more than fifteen to twenty years, until the owners took them to a landfill due to wear and tear. In addition, our fellow citizens still remember with warmth in their hearts irons produced at Soviet factories, some of which, perhaps, are still used for their intended purpose in remote corners of Russia. So why modern Appliances fail so quickly? Of course, the point is not that the manufacturers of equipment suddenly forgot how to assemble long-playing equipment.

There is a version that is very close to adherents of the universal conspiracy theory, according to which, when assembling equipment, manufacturers pre-program it for breakdown. Moreover, the sooner this breakdown occurs, the sooner the buyer will be forced to buy a new household appliance. The logic is obvious - if all household appliances work for decades, then the players in this market industry will be left without a permanent profit, and as a result, they will wither away from boredom. Of course, technical innovations and developments will attract individual members of society to household appliances stores, but that part of humanity that values ​​reliability more than technical innovations, or simply cannot boast of great financial opportunities, will be irretrievably lost to manufacturers. If household appliances break down often... The essence of this theory lies in the fact that market leaders are gradually turning modern civil society into the same "consumer society". And, it should be noted, they convert successfully.

But there is also a serious contradiction here. After all, the home appliance market, like any other, cannot exist without competition. And one of the main guarantors of the quality of household appliances is precisely the long service life. With an emphasis on this point, for example, the Indesit company advertises its products, whose marketers have chosen the loud slogan "Indesit - will last a long time!". How can the leaders of this industry create short-lived equipment, while remaining competitive and in demand? And is there any truth in the theory of programmed failure? With this question, the editors of Pravda. ru turned to the experts.

“I think that this is just a version, absolutely not confirmed by anything,” Igor Zverev, a lawyer from the Consumer Rights Protection Society, shared his opinion, “No one will specifically manufacture perishable, breaking, with a short shelf life. It is not profitable for the seller. On the contrary , they will make demands on him if he suddenly sells poor quality product, he will have to bear his costs - to change, return the goods. It's just somebody's guess."

The expert agrees with Mr. Zverev consumer market Marina Petrukhina. "Here it is purely theoretically difficult to say that there is such a neglect of quality. I do not really believe, because the neglect of quality affects the development of the brand. That is, if you once made a famous brand a low-quality product, then consumer confidence in the brand is lost. In marketing, it is becoming more and more difficult to rank,” Pravda explained to the correspondent. Ru Marina Petrukhina, — A manufacturer, for example, can make cheaper things, but there is a question of price. There are cheaper things that use plastic parts that fail faster than metal ones. And a thing with metal parts, like the same blender, will cost much more than a blender with quick-washable plastic parts. And the manufacturer plays from this price difference.

In order to finally debunk the myth that modern manufacturers are specifically thinking about an emergency breakdown of equipment, a consumer market expert revealed the secret of why in the old days more durable household appliances were produced than today.

"20-30 years ago, plastic was not so widely used, there were completely different materials. Naturally, metal was used more. That is, these things last longer simply because they used materials that were known at that time. And basically it was metal. And today there is already more modern plastic that can be used in parts, including mechanisms, but, unfortunately, it is not as durable as metal.And everything with metal is already extremely expensive, the difference is not even two, but sometimes three, four or five times the price. Therefore, I do not trust the theory that the manufacturer does it on purpose so that it breaks faster. No, he makes things of different price categories: economy class, premium class. It depends on this how long things last," concludes Marina Petrukhina.

The service life of the device is the period of time during which the manufacturer undertakes to provide the consumer with the opportunity to use the device for its intended purpose and is responsible for significant shortcomings that may occur in the device.

During the service life of the device, the consumer has the full right to:

  • the possibility of using the device;
  • repair and appropriate maintenance of the device;
  • presentation of requirements for the free elimination of significant shortcomings of the device, even if the warranty period has expired;
  • compensation for damage caused by the device.

If the service life of the device is not set

If the service life of the device is not established, then the manufacturer is obliged to ensure the above consumer rights for 10 years. Thus, as a rule, it is much more profitable for the manufacturer to set the service life than not to set it.

How to find out the service life of the device

The service life of the goods is established by the manufacturer, while the manufacturer (executor, seller) is obliged to provide the consumer with the necessary and reliable information regarding the device in a timely manner, which, in without fail should contain information about the service life of the device.

When the manufacturer is obliged to establish a service life

the manufacturer is obliged to establish the service life of durable goods, including components (parts, assemblies, assemblies), which, after a certain period, may:

  • pose a danger to the life, health of the consumer,
  • damage his property or environment.

The list of durable goods, including components (parts, assemblies, assemblies), which, after a certain period, may pose a danger to the life, health of the consumer, harm his property or the environment is contained in, approved by the Government Russian Federation.

When the manufacturer is not obliged to establish a service life

In all other cases, the determination of the service life is the right of the manufacturer, i.e. it may or may not set a lifetime.

instrument life calculation

The service life can be calculated in units of time, as well as other units of measurement - kilometers, meters, etc. based on functional purpose goods.

The service life of the device begins to run from the moment the device is handed over to the consumer, unless otherwise provided by the contract.

The legal concept of "service life" is not quite what the average person imagines. By law, this is the time during which the manufacturer is obliged to ensure the possibility of using the product. For example, he will have to supply spare parts and consumables (how can he use them without them?). And he - the manufacturer - during the service life is responsible for the harm caused by low-quality goods.

In general, establishing the service life of a product is a voluntary matter for the manufacturer. But there is a list of goods for which this period must be set, since then such goods can become dangerous for humans or for nature. Electrical appliances are included in this list.

Basically, ahead of time service was also regulated by GOSTs and regulations: for example, the service life of gas stoves was 20 years, electric stoves - 16.5 years (these are the data of the 1982 standards, and they were observed for a long time), refrigerators - 15 years (GOST 16317-87, observed since 1988). Moreover, the concepts of “established service life” and “average service life” were divided: that is, the period during which the manufacturer is obliged to produce spare parts and consumables, and the service life for which the device is approximately designed. Now the manufacturer has the right to follow or not follow GOSTs and at its own discretion. For example, he can, instead of complying with GOST, comply with TU -technical conditions. Therefore, it is possible to talk about the service life of a particular type of equipment only after analyzing what period the manufacturers themselves set for which categories of goods (usually this information is in the user manuals). Which is what we did.

Approximate service life of household appliances

Electric hobs, ovens and cookers: 7-10 years

induction cookers: 10 years.

Gas hobs and stoves: 10 years.

Washing machines: 7–8 years. Washing machines with an inverter motor sometimes have a longer service life - from 10 years. Sometimes the service life is 7 years, and the motor warranty is 10 years. What does it mean? Only that the motor will be produced, repaired or changed under warranty for 10 years (if the car does not “die” earlier).

Refrigerators and freezers: 7–10 years. As a rule, inverter compressors also have a separate warranty.

microwaves: 7 years (then it is recommended to change, as the camera may begin to transmit radiation).

Vacuum cleaners: 3–7 years. For the cheapest "cyclones", "sticks" for 3000-5000 rubles - as a rule, 3 years. And it also depends on the engine and the manufacturer, because vacuum cleaners with inverter motors and digitally controlled motors have appeared. This increases the service life and safety margin.

Dishwashers: average 5 years.

Kitchen air cleaners (hoods): 7–10 years.

Multicookers: 2–3 years with a heating element, 5–7 years with an induction heater.

Meat grinders: 3–5 years.

Kettles, hair dryers, small household appliances: 3 years. Professional motors (AC, DC) are sometimes put on blenders, hair dryers and some other equipment - and then the service life is 5–7 years.

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