Method of secondary progressions. Progressions and Directions

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Landscape design and planning

Each radix planet is considered to move at the rate of one degree per year, and this degree represents a person's year of life. By counting as many degrees as you are now, you will get the primary progression. Houses in this progression are not touched! Lots too. All radix points shift along the signs of the Zodiac.

So, per year of life there is one degree, per month - 5 minutes, per week - a little more than one minute. When, with such a movement, the planets find themselves on the boundaries of houses or places of other planets, then the laying of a rhythm that has not yet manifested occurs. Progressions are the other side of transits; they are the foundation of the events that await us in life. Progressions without transits - a foundation without a house, transits without progressions - a house without a foundation. Only that situation will be permanent and long-lasting and will be able to lay down some period of work, which includes both progressions and transits.

Progressions show our karmic readiness for any events and our ability to perceive them. Transits show temporary events that exist independently of us and which can pass without a trace.

It is very important to keep track of the years when, one planet takes the place of another in radix. It is at these times that events are laid down, but these events may not be confirmed, not included or lost, if at the same time there is no significant transit that would connect these two points. Example: the progression of Mars reached radical Uranus, there were 31 degrees between them. Both these planets were very evil and were in the eighth house of the horoscope. In the 31st year of his life, nothing bad happened to him, because the progressive situation was not confirmed by transits - neither Mars nor Uranus at the same time were in any way in bad aspects to radical points. And in general, there were no bad aspects to these radical points. But that year, this man constantly found himself a witness or accomplice to some bad deeds, bad rumors, and some incomprehensible things happened next to him - the electricity went out, a friend crashed on a motorcycle, etc. So, the “foundation” turned out to be without “at home”, because this year Mars hardly moved, there was a Great Opposition of Mars, and Uranus made a trine to this Mars. But in another person, progressed Saturn found Mars in the 24th year of life, both of them were in the third house of the horoscope - the house of short trips, trips, etc. Mars, the ruler of the ninth house, was related to travel. At the same time, Mars itself made an opposition to Saturn, and Saturn at that time was in square to radical Mars. A man was run over by a train. Thus, the tau-square of progression and transit was realized, the 3rd and 9th houses participated.

Aspects of the radix indicate your view of the world, this is the objective reality given to us from the beginning. If initially there was a square between Mars and Uranus, then it lasts throughout life, and a trine in progression can only soften this contradiction, this conflict for some time. If there is a trine in the radix, and a bad constellation has formed in progressions or transits, then the trine will “pull you out” of this bad situation and will not allow you to die. Radix forces are collapsed, passive; transits and progressions are active forces, real ones.

Primary progression shows the reverse side of any situation.

In this progression, the situation begins to play out six months before the exact aspect (half a degree) and at the exit from the exact aspect - also six months. And so - throughout the year, knowledge of the exact boundaries of houses, ASC and MS makes it possible to very accurately predict events.

If the planet in the radix is ​​retrospective, then the progression will be more effective at a distance (after an exact aspect); if the planet is direct, then the situation is realized up to the exact aspect, a stationary planet - the situation is realized on the approach and on the way out. As the lunar nodes progress, they act more at a distance.

These progressions primarily take into account coatings- finding a progressive planet in place of a radical one.

The second most important is aspect between a progressive planet and a radical place. If this aspect, resulting from the calculation of progression, is confirmed by transits, then a certain rhythm will be established. At one time, W. Churchill lacked 66 grams. until Mars closes the trine of the Sun and Jupiter. He lived 65.5 years and became prime minister and then a national hero of England. At the same time, there were very favorable transits of Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus, which contributed to the laying of a large and significant rhythm in his life.

Aspects can be both good and bad. It happens like this: in progressions the aspect is favorable, and in transit the aspect is negative. For example: in progression - the Sun trine to Jupiter, and in transit - Jupiter's opposition to the Sun. Then the person begins to rush about. On the one hand, it seems to be lucky, but on the other hand, nothing works out. Victory can be achieved, but through very great difficulties, and this victory may turn out to be ephemeral if the aspects in transit are good and in progression - bad.

Sun trine with Jupiter - the need to achieve power. The trine of Mars with Saturn shows at what age a person will be most vulnerable.

Bernadette Brady. Marion March and Joan McEvers.

Energy progressions, Unlike transit energies, are not alien to the essence of man. They were recorded during infancy and carefully pieced together by the individual in the first 90-odd days of life. This familiarity allows the consciousness to assimilate them without the need to project them into the external world to reduce receptivity, as happens in the case of transits. After assimilating the energies of progression, a person can cause an external event due to new consciousness or new desires. That. progressions are likely to manifest first as a sensation or need and then as an action.

Progressions are highly personalized. The progressed planet's position is unique to any given individual. Her zodiac sign, the direction of her movement and aspects to other progressed planets are unique to any given person, whether she aspects the natal chart or not. Progressions specialize in turning the universal into the personal. They take a small piece of the universal - all the information that the solar system can provide in, say, the first three months of a person's life - and transmit it to the person for personification at the rate of one day of universal time equals one year of personal time. This is an astrological way of subjectivizing the objective or reflecting the external world on an internal level. One day “above” is equal to one year “below”.

Progressions are Space in slow motion. One day of the solar system with its changes and shifts is slowed down and will be replayed throughout the year so that every slight movement can be noted and understood. It is understood not in the fast-acting world of transits with all external manifestations, but in the world of the personal part of the human being - his inner life, the inner universe. Progressions are, to some extent, the way in which the Cosmos manifests itself through us, as opposed to the transits that affect us.

Unique features of progressions.

  1. We can observe the passage of progression through the fixed stars.
  2. A progressed planet changes sign: this change is unique to a given person, therefore, very significant.
  3. The aspect of a planet to other planets in a progressed chart is also very significant.
  4. Changing the direction of movement (retrograde) is personalized.

There are two types of progressions:
A) progression, giving information based on the four facts listed above - i.e. not related to the natal chart(progressive card in itself);
b) progressions associated with the natal chart in the same way as transits: i.e. forming an aspect to the natal points and moving through the natal houses.

When people manifest intense desires that come from the very depths, from the center of their being, then they manifest non-card type progression. The hallmark of these progressions is an unshakable faith or uncompromising determination.

When people express feelings or desires but willingly allow the world to change them, they are expressing progression of card type. The hallmark of these progressions is the desire to move in a certain direction, but also the willingness to make compromises.

Progressions are a richer source of information than transits. They penetrate into the realm of the inner personal world, revealing everyday motivations as well as unshakable life statements or desires.

Progressive Chart Shows Life Patterns and Trends for Any Year of Your Choice. It is a symbolic picture of what is happening in thoughts, feelings and attitudes towards life. These positions are very important because thanks to them you create your own destiny. Progressions can help determine your positions in the year under review, show where the emphasis is, and allow you to choose positive exits.

Progression orbs.

When the progression enters the orb - usually 1 degree- a person experiences increasing “bottom waves” of slowly growing attitudes or emotions. When these attitudes, desires and emotions reach their highest level, the progression becomes precise, and then these feelings begin to fade away. At some stage in this abiding phase you will begin to become consciously aware of this energy and express physical action in the manner suggested by the progression.

When the progression is within 12 minutes of arc on either side of the exact aspect point, she appears to be reaching the climax zone.

When progression enters a decreasing phase and moves away from the exact, the feelings and attitudes that the progression represented slowly merge into the background of the person's consciousness - the situation has changed forever.

Construction of a progressive map.

  1. We determine the day for which we build a progressive map. To do this, add the number of full years (1 year = 1 day) to the date of birth.
  2. Using the GMT value of the natal chart, we determine the position of the planets in the progression chart for the specified day. If you want to make more accurate calculations, you should take into account that the true solar day deviates slightly from the average solar day, so a correction is introduced to the GMT value.
  3. Establishment of house cusps. It is generally accepted that the MC in the progression chart moves at the same speed as the Sun, therefore, by determining the arc between the Sun in the progressive and natal charts and adding its value to the value of the natal MC, we obtain the value of the MC in the progressed chart. Knowing the position of the MC and the latitude of the place of residence, we will determine the position of the remaining houses using the Placidus tables.
  4. We build a progression map and fill out the table of aspects.

Only the Moon and personal planets can really form new aspects in a progressed chart. When this happens, it almost always indicates an important event in the person's life. The moon is the most important in this regard . The most important factor is the natal chart. If two of your natal planets are in a trine or sextile, and in progressions they form a square or opposition to each other, then this means that this is the year to take advantage of the natal energy flow and opportunity and use the progressed aspect positively. Conversely, if the natal square or opposition becomes a trine or sextile in progressions, then this is the time to use the natal challenge in a fluid (creative) or other positive way.

The most important events occur when a simple aspect becomes a configuration in progressions or when a radix configuration is supplemented by a progression aspect.
A natal aspect between superior planets may become exact in a progressed chart. A year can be significant in the captivity of real events if at the same time a personal planet forms a progressive aspect to one of these planets. On the other hand, becoming precise, this aspect can be very important for enhancing natal character traits.

Progressed planets changing direction. Marion March and Joan McEvers.

Every time when a progressed planet changes direction in the horoscope, this apparently coincides with an important event in a person's life. This warns you many years in advance that a new stream of energy will have to be used. The nature of the planet, house, aspects and importance of the planet in the horoscope will tell you how to interpret it. A retrograde planet about to go direct can usually manifest itself in a more open and direct, and sometimes freer, way. These people had time to lay the groundwork or prepare the field during all the years the planet was retrograde; when she becomes direct, they must be ready to use her energy to the fullest.
As the natal direct planet prepares to go retrograde, a person can use the newly discovered energy in a more internal and profound way. He can learn not to be rash, plan his actions, etc. None of these changes are good or bad, lucky or unlucky, it all depends on how a person chooses to use it.

The planet appears to take on a little more importance in the chart during the so-called "slowdown" or stationary period, as if she was preparing for the change that would soon follow.

Although it is impossible to really predict what events will happen, you can apply your logic to help the person make the most positive use of future changes. Look at where the planet is located, what houses it rules, how it is aspected, and then draw your own conclusions.

In addition to the possible event when the planet actually changes direction, do not forget to advise the person about the upcoming period, explaining how to use previous retrograde energy, which can now be expressed in a different, perhaps more free, way; or how best to use a direct planet that is about to go retrograde.

Before assessing progressions, check out the natal chart. In essence, we believe that It would be unwise to make any predictions for clients without consulting them on a natal chart.

Review what happened a year or two earlier so you understand your client's situation.

Aspects of progressed planets to the natal will be more important than of progressed planets to the progressed, mainly because their effect is longer lasting and because the natal chart is always stronger. But don't throw them away. They can have specific meanings, especially if they involve angular planets, the ruler of the chart, or the Sun.

Give a brief overview of the progressed horoscope: number of planets above and below the horizon, east and west of the meridian, sign of synthesis, size of houses, disappearance or appearance of interceptions.

See if natal configurations are activated.

Check if the planet or angle changes sign or house. Check to see if the intercepted sign appears in progressions on the cusp and/or if other intercepted signs appear.
Don't jump to conclusions based on one aspect; it is necessary to consider the entire horoscope, and to predict an important event or change in position, two or three confirmations are needed. This may be indicated by other progressive aspects that signify similar opportunity, symbolic directions, transiting planets and solar returns.

May 23, 2009

I will no longer torment you with looking for aspects and calculations. For an initial acquaintance with forecasting, and for real practical work, you can safely limit your arsenal of methods to symbolic directions and transits.

However, I cannot leave secondary progressions aside, since they give us one not difficult, but interesting approach. In some cases, this approach will allow you to see the most important, change-filled years in a person's life.

Secondary progressions, primary directions... Surely you have a question - why are some primary and others secondary. I could talk about this, but it would be long and uninteresting. Therefore, if for some reason you find the name “secondary progressions” awkward, call them “day-over-year progressions” (you will soon see why) - and everyone will understand what you mean.

Here I want to tell you about a convenient forecasting tool - ephemeris tables. If you come across this thick book chock full of small numbers in a store, be sure to buy it.

I talked in Chapter 2 about how to use ephemeris to plot a horoscope manually. In fact, nowadays very few people build cities.

Scope by hand - both computers and astrology programs are quite accessible. But ephemeris is very convenient for forecasting.

Instead of turning on the computer, launching the program, entering the initial data in order to find out where the transiting planets were on the day you are interested in, you can simply open the ephemeris on the desired page and read the positions of the planets in the appropriate line.

In addition, ephemeris is convenient to use to immediately see in which zodiac signs the planets of the person you are interested in are located, and with a certain skill you will notice aspects between them. Not bad information at all, considering that it took you one second to obtain it.

Finally, ephemeris allows you to quickly see if any planets are progressing during the life of the horoscope owner - that's what I'm going to tell you about.

If you don't have ephemeris tables in book form but have access to the Internet, you can find ephemeris data for 3000 years on at This is a very valuable resource. “Paper” ephemerides exist only for the 20th and early 21st centuries. If you are interested in the positions of planets in the distant future or past, you cannot do without a visit to

Secondary progressions are similar to transits in that they also use the actual movement of the planets. Only it is taken on a scale of approximately 1: 365. In the sense that each day of the real movement of the planets is associated with 1 year of life.

For example, George Bush (Sr.) was born on June 12, 1924 at 11:45. If we want to make a forecast for the time when he was 10 years old and apply secondary progressions, then we will need to find out how the real planets were located ten days after his birth.

That is, the position of the planets at 11:45 on June 22, 1924 (10 days after Bush’s birth) will show the events that will occur in his life around June 12, 1934 (ten years after his birth). Each day of real time is projected onto a year of life, which is why this method is often called “day-over-year progression.” Hope you get the idea.

When working with progressions normally, everything is very similar to working with directives or slow transits. We find where the progressions of the planets are located, what aspects they form to the natal chart and interpret these aspects. All this can be done using the ZET Astroprocessor. I'll show you how a little later.

Here I want to demonstrate one interesting property of secondary progressions, which, in the presence of ephemeris, will allow you in some cases to see the most important periods of a person’s life at one glance at the table.

This is the idea. When a person is born, some planets may be direct, others retrograde. Time passes, and after a certain number of days after birth, the planet that was retrograde may turn around and become direct. And vice versa, the planet that was direct can turn around and become retrograde.

If this happens, say, 20 days after the birth of a person (a retrograde planet becomes direct), we can say that when the person reaches 20 years of age, the secondary progression of that planet will become direct and corresponding changes will take place in the person's life.

What changes exactly? Depends on the specific planet and its position in the horoscope. I wrote something about progression reversals in the chapters dedicated to each of the planets. I can only add that changes, as a rule, are very significant, it’s just that the flow of life changes direction.

My Uranus, retrograde at birth and located in the X house, became progressively direct when I was 28 years old. With my own hands I completely destroyed my quite successful career in the army and went into astrology.

Another reversal occurred three years ago, Saturn, which was direct at birth, became retrograde. And again life took a sharp turn, as a result of which I completely changed my place of residence. Why am I all about myself, but about myself? Let's take a closer look at George Bush. His horoscope is shown in Fig. 15.7.

We can immediately pay attention to the Grand Trine formed by the Sun in the X house, Saturn in the II house and Mars in the VI house. Grand Trine is God's Gift. A high position in society, the ability to put money in order (exalted Saturn; if it were less fortunately located in the Zodiac, we would say about financial difficulties) and the ability to spare no effort in work are intertwined here. And all this is based on an excellent ability to communicate and establish contacts (Grand Trine in the element of Air).

Sounds a lot like a high-ranking and successful businessman, doesn't it? And George Bush Sr. really was like that. He was the owner and director of an oil company that he founded, and when he sold it in 1966, he became a millionaire. Why did he sell it?

Rice. 15.7. George Bush Sr. birth horoscope

Now look at Venus in the 11th house in trine with Uranus in the 7th house and square with the Moon in the 2nd house. A very good configuration for a politician. You can read what such a Venus has to say in the chapter on this planet, and the aspects of Uranus and the Moon give it public resonance. There is only one thing that prevents success in politics: this Venus is retrograde.

Let's open the ephemeris and see if the planets changed direction after the birth of George Bush? In Fig. 15.8. two ephemeris plates are shown, for June and July 1924 (the ephemeris used are those available on I underlined Bush's date of birth, June 12, and also underlined July 24 and 25.

You see that in the line on July 24 in the Venus column there is a letter D, and in the line on July 25 in the Mars column there is a letter R. A rare case: within two years, two planets at once changed their direction of movement in progression. Let's look at when this happened in the life of George Bush.

Figure 15.8. Ephemeris tables for June and July 1924

You can simply count line by line how many days have passed from your birthday to July 24 and 25. I got 42 and 43 days. In the ephemeris, the letters D and R are placed the day after the planet turns, so we reduce the result by 1. It turns out that retrograde Venus became direct 41 days after Bush's birth, and direct Mars became retrograde 42 days later.

From the point of view of the method of secondary progressions, this means that at the age of 41-42 years, some very significant changes should have occurred in Bush's life. And they really happened. Bush left business and went into politics.

In 1964 (at the age of 40) he made his first, unsuccessful attempt to get into the Senate. And in 1966 (42 years old) he sold his oil company and became a congressman. Mars, becoming retrograde, made Bush's Big Business Trine less relevant, and Venus, becoming direct, strengthened his potential as a politician. So everything is very symbolic.

To conclude the conversation about progressions, let's learn how to build them in the ZET Astroprocessor.

Construction of secondary progression

Build or retrieve from a database the natal chart of the person for whom you want to build a progression.

Open a dialog with the source data by clicking on the corresponding button. It will show the data for the natal chart you selected.

Click the button Background data and enter the date for which you want to build the progression.

Switch Natal - Horar - Double - Return set to Dual position. From the drop-down list below this radio button, select Progression.

Click the button Execute, and then Close. As a result, you will see a double map, very similar to the one we used in the transit method. This completes the technical part of the work; all that remains is to study and interpret the aspects.

Let me give you some tips for working with progressions. The progression of the Moon moves the fastest, approximately 1 degree per month. It often serves as a trigger, giving impetus to trigger slower aspects. Also important are the passages of the Moon's progression through the angular cusps of the horoscope - Ascendant, Descendant, MC and IC.

The progressions of Mercury, Venus and Mars are the most informative: they move neither too fast nor too slow. As for Jupiter and beyond, these planets move extremely slowly in progression and usually do not have time to make any significant aspects during a person’s lifetime.

With these notes and the experience gained from studying the directions and transits, I am confident that you will be able to handle the secondary progressions on your own.

The last method I will show you is called the projection method.

Today's article will be devoted to one of the forecast methods, namely, secondary progressions. What is progression? This is a method of predictive astrology in which 1 day is equal to one year. Now I’ll explain it more simply. The natal chart is the transit or position of the planets at the time of birth. But celestial bodies are constantly moving. Their movement is called transit. That is, a birth horoscope is one that is suspended in time. And progressions are called slow transit. Because one day after your birth is equal to one year. For example, you have lived only a week, during which time the transits of the luminaries and personal planets have significantly changed their position. social and higher planets have practically not moved

Features of progressions.

  • They set the background for events for several years
  • We look only at the Moon, Sun and personal planets
  • The orb of the aspects is 1 degree
  • We pay attention to the ingression of planets and house cusps
  • Eclipses, new moons
  • Progressions of social and higher planets do not affect

Now let's look at each point.

Progressions set the event background for several years. For example, one can last for several years. Therefore, the orb in progressions is 1 degree or less, i.e. partil. The movement of the progressed Moon in one house can also determine the period. Typically, this can last from 1 to 3 years. The Moon passes through one sign in progression on average in 2.5 years. Secondary progressions are not as fatal as directives.

I always listen to progressions when I need to assess how a person will psychologically perceive a certain period of time. For example, one person will remember this year as one of the worst, a period of pessimism. And I immediately begin to think about an event that could give such a perception. Another person, on the contrary, has joy and fun. And then the thought of the event again comes into my mind.

The movement of the social and higher planets of the planets is also not taken into account. In the analysis progressions, we pay attention to the movement of the corner points IC-MC and ASC-DSC. When these points change house or sign an event can occur.


Ingression- this is the moment when, in progressions, a planet or the axis of houses changes sign. Often ingression indicates an important event in the sphere of a given planet. If a planet in your horoscope is in retrograde motion, then it is worth tracking its movement directly in the progressive chart. This can give its own event.

Secondary progressions in astrology should be checked by other forecasting methods. Here I recommend the favorite method of many astrologers - transits, directions. Can be confirmed. It is advisable to look for topics that will be relevant in progressions.

The Moon plays an important role in progressions. Since the Moon goes through the entire horoscope in 28 days in transits, it will go around the progressive horoscope in 27 years. Therefore, Lunar eclipses can indicate events. Like .

For reference:

Moon eclipse is the conjunction of the progressed Moon with the Lunar Node.

New moon- progressed Moon conjunct natal Sun

Full moon- opposition of the progressed Moon to the natal Sun.

Roughly speaking, in 27 years the Moon returns to its place in the natal chart. This period is usually significant for every person. But, given that the Moon is of a feminine nature, it will give a more serious event for women than for men. Moreover, the return of the night luminary to the natal sign and house already tells a lot.

You can view the forecast for the year and my other services.

Astrologer Polina Sergeevna

PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY The course was given by S.V. Shestopalov on February 17-20, 1995, Simferopol. This course consists of the following topics: 1.Methods of predictive astrology. 2. All combinations that can occur in progressions and transits. 3. How to determine the year, day, hour of an event, how to predict the date of an event. There is a dangerous period of fatality, but if the nature of the event is accurately described, then the person can avoid the threat. DIRECT TRANSIT METHOD Transits are the interaction of transit planets with natal planets Pt +/- Ro. The interaction of a transit planet is considered only with planets, and not with house cusps (if there is no confidence in the accuracy of the horoscope adjustment) and only major aspects (minor ones do not carry fateful properties). 1). LAW OF IDENTITY: LIKE DISSOLVES INTO LIKE. In astrology, this law leads to some consequences. In predictive astrology, identical elements are always in interaction; between them there is a communication channel through which influence is transmitted. This means that there is such a connection between the same planet - natal, progressed, transit. If a progressive planet interacts, then its influence is transmitted through the communication channel to the natal planet. 02/16/1995 Jupiter (12 deg. 27 min. Sagittarius) and Saturn (12 deg. 46 min. Pisces) in square aspect, Jupiter damaged by Saturn. Sagittarius is going through a bad period right now, and this situation will continue until March. Capricorns won’t get it that way, they also have problems, but Jupiter is not so angry there. This square may not be in the natal horoscope, but the influence will flow through the communication channel. Since last year, Uranus and Pluto are in sextile and the exact sextile will be in 1996, but in April of this year the orb will be less than 1 degree. A good period for astrologers. Will attract attention to the media. Aquarius and Aries (mostly bald and non-drinkers) will be lucky. The ASC determines appearance, but the zodiac influence leads to periodic changes in properties. In case of retrograde of Uranus and Mars, Capricorns and Scorpios will have an advantage. You need to look at what aspects the zodiac ruler has and whether there are transit aspects to the natal planets. 2). REPEATING THE CONFIGURATION OF THE PLANETS. If the same configuration of planets occurs as in natal, the event can occur through identity. If in the natal horoscope there is an aspect of the square of Jupiter and Saturn, this may indicate an irrational expenditure of energy and resources. People tend to make crazy decisions and quickly waste energy and strength. There may not be any aspects between natal and transit planets, but through the communication channel the influence is transmitted, the situation works, and as a result a person can waste money. 3). THE LAW OF IDENTITY DISPLAYS ITSELF NOT THROUGH ASPECTS, BUT THROUGH THE NATURE OF INTERACTION. For example, Jupiter and Saturn in opposition are a tense interaction, and the situation works out. If the transit Moon has a tense interaction with transit Pluto (and this situation repeats once a week), then this will affect your well-being and mood. We need to look at how else the Moon is damaged in the natal horoscope, and the interaction of identical transit planets will also affect well-being. 4). IDENTITY OF CONFIGURATIONS. We are talking about repeating the interaction of the positions of two planets. The rule of Dr. E... (Czech astrologer and gynecologist) is related to conception: conception occurs in the same lunar phase in which a person was born, or in the opposite one. Distances between the Sun and Moon are considered. If in natal the Sun is ahead of the Moon, then in transits this is also the position of these luminaries. If ovulation occurs in the wrong lunar phase, then conception does not occur. Conception is possible only in these two phases. This method works and is well validated. Orb in transits +/- 8 deg. REVERSE TRANSIT METHOD The structure of this method is the same - the law of identity. It is believed that the wave of events goes not only to the future, but also to the past. Example. Date of birth of the St. Petersburg Astrological Academy is October 5, 1989. September 10, 1993 - registered as an independent body. We look at the ephemeris, Julian dates (JD). On October 1, 1989, JD # 32781, and we need for the 5th, add 4 days, we get 32785. On September 1, 1993, JD # 34212, on September 10, 1993 +9 days, we get 34221. Between these dates passed 34221-32785=1436 days. To determine the date of return transits, you need to subtract 1436 days from the date of birth: 32785-1436=31349. Let's determine the Gregorian date. 10/1/1985 corresponded to Julian Day 31320, add 29 days, we get 10/30/1985. 10/5/89. - 20 o'clock 10.09.93. - 11 hours. Not exactly 1436 days passed between these events, but 9 hours less. We add 9 hours to the date of return transits: 20 o'clock + 9 o'clock = 29 o'clock - 24 o'clock = 5 o'clock in the morning Moscow time. The reverse transit method is used as an additional method to the direct transit method, in cases of doubtful situations. PROGRESSION METHODS The transit method works in real time, the progression method has a different time scale. Our horoscope is our inner cosmos, the space of our personality - microcosm - has a connection with real planets moving at a certain speed. The progression method can be compared to clocks of different time scales, the hands of which move through the circle of the Zodiac at different speeds. 1. URANIAN PROGRESSION - 84 years old. Our clock hand is set at 0 degrees Aries and takes 84 years to complete a circle. One sign in 7 years. For all people, the first 7 years from the vernal equinox point pass under the sign of Aries, the next 7 years - under the sign of Taurus, etc. In this case, major aspects to the natal planets may be formed, multiples of 30 degrees, which will indicate some events. Orb 1 degree, up to a maximum of 2.5 degrees. Of particular interest is the aspect of the Vernal Equinox with Uranus, which shows when a person begins to show interest in astrology. Uranian progression does not necessarily give events, and not all events are marked by aspects, but is considered as an auxiliary method. There is also a reverse Uranian progression, there is Neptunian (105 years), Saturnian (29 years), Plutonian (250 years), etc. 10 direct and 10 reverse progressions. In each type of progression, it is recommended to pay attention to the aspects of the owner of the progression: Neptunian progression is important for spiritual life, one sign passes in 14 years, i.e. twice as slow as uranium. These progressions are interesting because they work in a cosmogram. 2. DIRECTORATES. Symbolic directions. In this type of progression, all elements of the horoscope move at a speed of 1 degree per year. The main method is scale and the law of identity. In 4 minutes the MS passes 1 degree, but the MS passes 1 degree in 24 hours. MS lasts 365.25 days per year. - 24 hours. 1 degree - 4 minutes - day - year - time scale. 1 sidereal day accumulates per year. One year corresponds to the movement of the MC and all elements of the horoscope by 4 degrees. This method does not always work; it cannot be used as the main one. Technical problems may arise: 1).In 4 minutes the MS passes 1 degree, all planets except the Moon also pass 1 degree. In 4 minutes the moon passes not 1 degree, but 1 degree 1 minute, if this is not taken into account, then in 30 years it will advance 0.5 degrees, in 60 years - 1 degree. And this means an error in forecasting events for 1 year (events will occur a year earlier). It is important what we move: the planet to the Moon or the Moon to the planet. In the 1st case it will be 1 degree, in the second - 1 degree 1 minute. 2).The MC moves at a speed of 1 degree per year, but the cusps of the remaining houses should be determined by the MC using the Koch tables. Cusps cannot be moved evenly; their actual speed is from 0 deg. up to 0.5 gr. It is not indifferent what to move: the planets to the cusps or vice versa. The mistake of this method is that we take 1 degree per year, but we need to take a modification of the solar arc method. There are three modifications of the solar arc method: - daily solar arc - the average distance traveled by the Sun per day. Average for the year = 59 min. 8 sec. per day. - average for the period under consideration - the arc is taken over 60 years, i.e. in 60 days. - real solar arc. And it is right. For example, the average movement of the Sun on 02/17/95. real arc 60 min. 31 seconds, as of 06/17/95. - 57 min. 14 sec. In winter the speed is higher, in summer it is lower. The method is used as an auxiliary method and is not mandatory. 3. RAPID PROGRESSION - PREFECTION. This method is described by Zapryagaev. The MC moves at a speed of 1 sign per year (30 degrees per year) and traverses the entire Zodiac in 12 years. And with the same speed he moves the Sun, Moon, ASC and Part of Fortune. This is his mistake, we cannot agree with this. The ASC cannot move like the MC; house cusps are determined only by the MC. We do not move the planets: neither the Sun, nor the Moon, nor the Part of Fortune. Only the cusps of houses move, which are calculated according to MS taking into account the latitude of the place. This type of progression must work with a local map, i.e. here the coordinates of the place of the event are taken into account, not the place of birth. The good thing about this method is that it is not mandatory, but it works in the vast majority of cases. Based on rapid progression, the horoscope is corrected according to the date of registration of the first marriage. If the ASC comes into opposition to the cusp of the 8th house, this is a negative event. 4.SLOW PROGRESSION. 1 day = 1 year What happens, for example, on the 30th day of life will happen on the 30th year of life. Transiting tense aspects can become good, and in the natal, tense aspects can give success through struggle. And only in slow progression the aspects do not change their nature. Slow progression is involved in all the fateful events of our lives, changes our lives and leaves a mark for a long period. Changes that occur in a slow progression 1 are irreversible 0. Transits are a different matter - they create problems, situations, but the transit passes and the situation disappears. Transit situations change little in life. In slow progression, aspects are specific and binding. Modifications: a). We take not a year, but 365 days. 1 day=365 days. The MS passes 1 degree in 365 days. The forecast accuracy is very high. Cusps are determined by MS. b). Secondary directorates are related to the fact that you can take an interval of 365.25 days. Leap year days are not taken into account. V). MS is determined by sidereal time. MS moves unevenly. If the horoscope is drawn up for 30 years, then during this time the sidereal time changes by 3 minutes 56 seconds. MS moves along the equator. G). When the MC passes 1 degree in 365 days, then the movement is uniform along the ecliptic. This is exactly what you need to take. In addition to direct progressions, there are also reverse ones, which are counted 1 degree = 1 year into the past. Direct progressions are a more reliable method that gives good results. Progressions use only aspects divisible by 30: conjunction, semisextile, sextile, square, trine, quincunx (evil), opposition. Minor aspects are not considered. Cusps and planets in progressions work equally. The interaction of the main progressive element with the birth chart is considered. OTHER PROGRESSION METHODS 1).MONTHLY: 1 day - 1 month. This is a whole class of progressions: - month = 30.5 days. The passage of the Sun through one sign, 1/12 of the year. - 29.5 days - lunar month (synodic) of lunar phases from new moon to new moon. - 27.32 days - sidereal - the time the Moon passes through the entire zodiac circle. For each month 1 degree is added, MS passes 12 degrees per year. 2).WEEKLY: 1 day - 1 week (Stevenson). In reality, there is no cosmic weekly cycle, there is a 7-day cycle, from the date of birth we count the number of days equal to the number of weeks. The MC passes 1 degree per week, house cusps are determined by the MC using tables. 3).DAILY ALLOWANCE: 1 day - 1 day. These are transits. The MC moves 1 degree per day. This method differs from transits in that houses are involved. Houses and aspects are determined. Take 1 degree = 365 days, i.e. solar arc 50 minutes 11 seconds per day. Allows you to calculate the day of the event, which is optional. For all types of progressions, you can calculate planets using Julian Dates (JD) using the formula: PD=DR+(JDp-JDp)/IP, where JDp is the date of birth, JDp is the forecast date, IP is the progression interval: for slow progression - 365 days, for menstruation - month, etc. Example. Birth of the Astrological Academy: 10/5/89 17 o'clock by GT. Registration date: 09/10/93 8 o'clock by GT. PD=5.10.89.+1435.583/365; the difference between the date of birth and the forecast date is: 1436 days - 9 hours - 1 hour (summer time) = 1435 days 14 hours (24 hours). -10 hours = 14 hours) or 1435.583 days. PD=5.10.89.+3.93; 0.93*24hours=22.4hours. 5.10.89. 17 hours + 3 days 22.4 hours = 9.10.89. 15 hours GT. Progressed planets are calculated at this time; for slow progression it will correspond to 09/10/93. MS initial = 27 g. 30 min. Capricorn. Add 3 g to the original MS. 56 min. (i.e. 3 days + 0.93*60=56 min.). MS=1 gr.26 min. Aquarius. For monthly progression: PD=5.10.89.+1435.583/30.347; 30,347 days - the average duration of the Sun's stay in one sign. PD=5.10.89.+47.166; 0.166*24h.=4hours. 5.10.89. 17 hours + 47 days 4 hours = 11/21/89. 21 o'clock is a progressive date for monthly progression. Add 47 g to the original MS for 10 minutes. (i.e. 47 days + 0.166*60=10 min.). MS=14 gr. 40 min. Pisces. For weekly progression: PD=5.10.89.+1435.583/7=5.10.89.+205.08; 27 g. 30 min. Capricorn (MS ref.) + 205 gr. 5 minutes. = 22 gr. 55 min. Leo. For daily progression, it is not necessary to calculate the progressive date, because they match. In daily progression, 1 year is 360 degrees, and the length of the year is 365.2422 days: 1435.583/365.2422*360=3.93*360=334 deg.59 min. - this means that in the daily progression three full circles have passed plus 334 degrees. 59 min. We discard the whole part, we get: 0.93*360=334 g. 59 min. MS out.+334 gr.59 min.=2 gr.29 min. Capricorn. In daily progression, the time and interval of progression changes. You can equate 1 year to 12 years, 1 day to 12 days. For every 12 days, 1 day accumulates, therefore, in this type of progression, one day gives a 12-day interval. This is a fast progression where only MC moves: 1435.583/12=119.632 days; 0.632*24hours=15.2 hours. 5.10.89. 17 hours + 119 days 15.2 hours = 2.02.90. 8.2 hours. On the received progressive date we determine the position of the planets. MS in rapid progression passes 30 degrees in 365 days, which means to get MS fast, we add the original MS to MS. value: 1435.583/365*30. All progressions are built on the principle of “all in all” projection. Each part of the Universe contains everything necessary to create a new Universe; every moment contains eternity. SOLAR, LUNAR AND PLANETARS. Each of these methods is based on returning the planet to its original position. The sun, returning to its starting point, describes the situation of the next year, is the beginning of the next year. Bs = (Sn-So)/dS*24; where So is the position of the Sun at the beginning of the day, the day of return, dS is the daily movement of the Sun, daily step. Lunar - the return of the Moon to its original position (after 27 days 8 hours), determines the situation of the current month. SOLAR must be related to the natal either through aspects or through configuration identity. We look at the presence of aspects, the interaction of the solar with the natal and, most importantly, look at the house where the Sun and its ruler are located. Only major aspects are taken into account, the orb is 8.5 degrees, for Pluto 6.5 degrees. Aspects to house cusps are not considered, only to planets. Solar does not always work if there is no interaction with Natal. Therefore, this method is used as an auxiliary one. LUNAR gives instructions for 27 days. The method does not work if there is no interaction through major aspects with natal. The Mercuiars, Uranaras, and Saturnaras are compiled in the same way. Unlike Solar and Lunar, Planetars are retrograde, make loops and pass the same point three times. If a planet is retrograde in the natal, then it will be retrograde in the Planetary. The situation should be like in Natal. If this is the first visit to a given point by the planet, then this should be the first visit to the Planetar. The law of identity must be used in all doubtful cases. Rudhyar has a description of the lunar cycle. This is the lunar phase in the progressed horoscope. In 29.5 years, the Sun and Moon will create a synodic year from new moon to the next new moon. It is important to know which lunar cycle we are in. Over the course of a lifetime, a person goes through two complete cycles, sometimes three. We are talking about the progressed Moon and the progressed Sun. What is the phase between them? When the progressed Moon coincides with the progressed Sun, this is the beginning of the cycle - the new moon. The new moon coincides with the period of Saturn (29.5 years). The first new moon after the date of birth will be the beginning of a new cycle. This day will indicate the corresponding year and age of the new cycle. 1st period - until the 1st quarter. Phase of expansion, expansion. The Moon is 90 degrees ahead of the Sun. The 1st quarter itself is the action phase. Period 2 - from the 1st quarter to the full moon - is called the overcoming phase. The progressed Moon is in opposition to the progressed Sun, this is a full moon. The full moon itself is the phase of accomplishment. Every 7 years there are critical phases. 3rd period - from the full moon to the 3rd quarter. The progressed Moon is in square to the progressed Sun, but behind the Sun. Demonstration phase, maximum development, implementation of what has been accumulated. 3rd quarter - phase of reorientation, change of motivation, phase of change. 4th period - from the 3rd quarter to the last new moon. This is the release phase, a person leaves the previous situation into a new one. Many people have a Tau square in their natal chart. Research shows the occurrence of critical moments in a person's life. If Pluto and Saturn transit complement this Tau-square to the Cross situation - this is a year of great achievements in society, in work. Transits do not indicate that a person will be defeated, but that the situation will require maximum energy output; the situation is not dangerous, but dynamic and can be used for good. CONFLICTING SITUATIONS. 1). Good progressive situation and “bad” transits. This means that the person will achieve success, but there will be technical problems. Transits talk about the weather, mood, but not that the person will fail. 2). If the situations are opposite and relate to the same issue, the person is doing something that he should not do. He makes a decision, but then realizes that he made a mistake. Progressions are a mandatory program. Good transits - everything flows into your hands, bad progressions show what should not have been done. 3). Contradiction between fast and slow progression. Slow is more important. If the instructions are bad and the quick one is good, then you should abandon the case. If there is nothing bad in the natal, there is no need to look for bad things in progressions and transits. In case of contradictions, slow progression is preferable. DIFFERENT CASES OF PREDICTIONS. 1). In the case where a person does not know anything about his birth, a horary chart can be constructed. Horar does not always give clear instructions and is not 100% accurate. We time the question and build a map. Very often, the ASC of the person who asked the question coincides with the ASC of the horary. 2). The date of birth is not known, but the sign may be known. In this case, you can make a forecast for the sun sign - general recommendations. Such forecasts are made for print and television. Accuracy 30%. Let's consider a purely transit situation for signs for the month of April. Venus moves through an entire sign, Mercury - two signs. Neptune - 26 gr. Capricorn, Pluto - 1 gr. Sagittarius, Saturn - 18-21 deg. Pisces, Jupiter - 15 gr. Sagittarius, Mars - 14-20 deg. Leo. Saturn sextiles Neptune at the end of April, with an exact aspect in May. Deep faith, spirituality, fortitude. Jupiter in square to Saturn - the divergent aspect is not analyzed, it speaks of past events. It is necessary to look at the emerging aspects. Mars trine Jupiter - April 12. Mercury squares Neptune, then squares Uranus and Mars. Venus and Mercury do not create dangerous situations. The starting point is the Sun. 1st house is a solar sign. Aries has Mars in the 5th house and is the lord of the 8th house. Mars in trine to Jupiter - the 9th and 12th houses are connected: 5.8+9.12. The situation may be related to business, creativity, for women - with love (but not with marriage), for men - with successful creative endeavors. Jupiter in the 9th house - there may be romantic adventures, a rich lover, perhaps a foreigner. Pluto sextile Uranus (exact aspect April 10). Pluto rules the 1st house, is in the 8th (and is co-ruler of the 8th house), Uranus is in the 9th, rules the 11th house. With this aspect, a person can count on a large loan, maybe a win. Aspect of luck, financial support. The 9th house can mean travel abroad, travel, contacts with foreigners. Saturn sextile Neptune is the lord of the 12th house in the 10th. A very big creative success, financial support is possible. In general, this is a good situation for Aries. Taurus has 4,7,8,11 houses involved. The situation is favorable for starting a family, for partnership issues, for matters related to real estate and inheritance. Pluto-Uranus - 7,8,10 - formula for marriage or business cooperation. Saturn-Neptune - 9.11 - establishing friendly contacts with foreigners, local connections, because There is no 1.9 trip formula here. Etc. 3). The date of birth is known, but the hour of birth is unknown. We are dealing with a cosmogram. We draw up a horoscope for the afternoon. The error on the Moon will be +/-6 degrees, the rest of the planets will be accurate to the nearest degree. For prediction, you can use the transit method, Uranian progression, because they are independent of houses. There is a technique that allows you to get rid of time inaccuracy - drawing up thematic horoscopes. COMPILATION OF THEMATIC HOROSCOPE. We take the longitude of a planet as the ASC. A). As the ASC, let’s take the longitude of the Sun, which is responsible for health, success, financial situation, and certain indications of family life for women, because The sun in a woman's horoscope is an indicator of marriage. The ASC is placed exactly in the degree of the Sun; the houses are determined using the Koch tables. b). ASC to the Moon (with a possible error of +/- 6 degrees) - also gives indications of health, family life, relationships with the opposite sex, as well as relationships with the mother. V). ASC for Mercury - it makes sense to draw up such a horoscope for people engaged in mental work, scientists, managers, businessmen, students, students. It may be related to the profession - which one to choose. Indicates circumstances concerning brothers and sisters, their relationships, health, illness, etc. d). ASC on Venus - determining financial situation, identifying talents. This has special meaning for people involved in the arts. For men - an indication of family life. d). ASC to Mars - for the military, police, chemists, surgeons, blacksmiths, athletes, for people in dangerous professions or those related to mechanics. For musicians (especially violinists), large businessmen (Mars - 8th house, other people's money). This is a horoscope to determine the danger in the life of any person. For women born at night, this horoscope has to do with marriage. e). ASC on Jupiter - for people of high social status, for scientists, writers, travelers, athletes, healers. May be considered when choosing a university. and). ASC on Saturn - associated with issues of career, social status, ambition, for civil servants, authority, power. This horoscope indicates difficulties, hardships, trials, illnesses, fatal circumstances (in which house to expect them - marriage, finances, etc.). Interesting for miners. h). ASC on Uranus - for astrologers. For ordinary people, this horoscope is associated with unforeseen sudden circumstances, with good luck or radical turns in life. Important for test pilots and inventors. And). ASC on Neptune - for people of creative professions, musicians, sailors, people involved in spiritual activities, psychics. To). ASC on Pluto - for people speaking in public, actors, stars, leaders, leaders. This is a horoscope of power, luck, success. For an ordinary person - how to reveal your capabilities, where to find luck. Will there be children? We need to build a Lunar horoscope. Mityaeva suggests taking not the ASC in the thematic horoscope, but the ascending planets that are closer to the moment of birth and drawing up a horoscope for this time, as usual. 4). The time of birth is known, but not corrected. You can use transits on the Moon, but they do not give 100% accuracy, you can use 84-year progressions, slow progressions. At the same time, we look at the interaction of progressive planets with natal ones: Pp ~ Pn. The interaction of progressed planets and cusps to natal ones or vice versa is not considered here. But the interaction of progressive cusps with natal cusps is considered: Нр ~ Нn. Rapid progression in this case makes no sense. If the map is accurately corrected, all methods are possible. SPECIFIC SITUATIONS. In a cosmogram we cannot look at the circumstances of a person’s earthly life; the connection with houses is very important. For example, 1st house. Elements of the 1st house: Ruler of the natal chart (there can be from one to three - how many signs are in the house), planets in the house, ASC. In addition to real managers, there are also symbolic ones. For the 1st house it is Pluto and Mars retrograde. Symbolic rulers cannot be considered in full, but are related to issues of the 1st house (Pluto is responsible for rebirth). If he is not the ruler of the 1st house and is not in it, i.e. is not an element of life, a hyleg, then it does not bear the load as a ruler. Or let's take Mercury. Consider him as the ruler of Virgo, he has an affinity with the 6th house, but unless he is a real element of the 6th house, he will not be the main, but only the symbolic ruler of that house. The symbolic ruler does not carry the full load, he is only related to this house, he does not have full power, and therefore is considered as an additional indication. Combinations are possible: - the lord of the 1st house, progressive or transitive, interacts with any element of the 1st house: either with the lord of the 1st house or with its co-ruler. ASTSp +/- ASTSn, hoz.1o P1o; - the planet-element of the 1st house of natal interacts with the progressive, transit planet, the owner of the ASC. INTERACTIONS OF HOUSES IN TRANSIT AND PROGRESSIVE SITUATIONS. 1 + 1 Harmonious interaction. A transit combination speaks of a favorable time and concerns a person’s appearance, his hairstyle, and changes in clothing. This is a visit to the dentist, self-affirmation, success, overcoming difficulties, victory over enemies, a situation of success and achievement, the emergence of new opportunities. A progressive combination indicates that a person is deciding on serious undertakings that will change his life. This is a significant year, people achieve a lot, achieve success. 1 - 1 Tense interactions. In a transit situation, there is an opportunity to get injured, literally and figuratively. During such a transit, visiting a dentist or hairdresser is not advisable. The nature of the planets should be taken into account (if it is Mars, then you can cut your ear or finger; if it is Venus, you can tear out a clump of hair). The person does not get along with others and defends his point of view. In progressions, all undertakings are unsuccessful; instead of defeating the enemy, we will hit ourselves with bumps. 1 + 2 The element of the 2nd house is its owner and the planets in this house, and in progressions - the cusp of the 2nd house itself. Venus is an additional indication and is not responsible for wealth unless it is there and rules the 2nd house. In transits - the acquisition of personal belongings, jewelry, satisfaction of one’s own personal needs, income from employment. In progression - a deeper connection with finance. Mastering a craft. More significant acquisitions for yourself, larger and rarer (not everyday). 1 - 2 Adverse interaction. Talks about unsuccessful purchases, acquisitions, financial losses without threat to life. It has nothing to do with health, only in the material sphere. 1 + 3 Mercury, as a symbolic ruler, is not responsible for brothers and sisters, only for contacts. During transits - movements, trips, telephone conversations. In progressions - establishing connections and contacts, making acquaintances. A time favorable for organizing matters related to consultations and mediation activities. Successful development of trade, business, issues related to transport, journalism, as well as relationships with relatives. 1 - 3 In transits - disputes, heated discussions, not so much conflicts as disagreements with relatives, neighbors, brothers, sisters. In progressions - disputes lead to disagreements for a long time, all efforts, trips, business contacts are unsuccessful; emergency situations, violation of agreement, transport incidents (which do not lead to financial losses). 1 + 4 In transits - not very significant events related to the renovation of the apartment on our own, construction. In progressions - general indications of success in matters related to housing and real estate - privatization, exchange of apartments, acquisition of a summer house, shares in real estate. Favorable time for a relationship with your father. 1 - 4 Problems of relationships in the family, with the father in matters of inheritance, real estate, family troubles. The Moon, being the symbolic ruler of the 4th house, is not responsible for housing or apartments, it is responsible for the living conditions in the house. 1 + 5 In transits - time for entertainment; visiting restaurants, shows, salons. In progressions - if there is a connection between the corner house and the fiery 5th, then this gives a formula for luck, the “royal formula”, which can manifest itself in public speaking, advertising, teaching, creativity, on stage. Time for love interests, learning, attending courses. 1 - 5 Failure in all of the above. The problem of relationships with children. 1 + 6 Mercury is responsible for troubles, going through authorities. As a symbolic ruler, he is not responsible for health. In transit, this is our daily contact with the service sector. In progressions, it indicates favorable hiring; if the 2nd and 8th houses are not taken into account, then nothing is said about salary. This is work, any undertakings in business, successful resolution of cases related to going through the authorities, getting a job, preparing documents, signatures, seals. Success in business and at work. Favorable time for treatment (visiting medical institutions), in order to get a pet. 1 - 6 Illness, illness (but not a serious illness). Troubles at work and in all the above matters. 1 + 7 Formula of love and marriage. During transits - meeting your future spouse. In progressions - the formula of love and marriage. In addition, this is a time favorable for concluding agreements, contracts, contacting lawyers, participating in competitions, competitions, partnerships, and collaborations. 1 - 7 In transits - the formula of enmity. If the element of the 1st house is stronger than the element of the 7th house, the owner of the horoscope will win, and vice versa. If both elements are damaged, then both will suffer great losses. In progressions - a conflict situation with a marriage partner, a situation of open hostility. 1 + 8 In transits - you can borrow money, good financial situation, bank account (non-cash), account owner. In progressions - receiving large sums of money, inheritance, good position for insurance, for surgical intervention. With such harmonious interaction, there may be an indication of contact with death: the presence of friends and loved ones at the funeral. 1 - 8 This is a dangerous situation. During transits - injuries, not too serious accidents, minor surgical operations. In progressions there is a danger to life. But if there is no indication of premature death in the natal chart, then such progressions can mean injuries and fractures. It is dangerous when the symbolic ruler of the 8th house is in the 8th house. But unless he is the real lord of the 8th house, there is no danger to life. 1 + 9 The formula for creative success, especially when angular houses and fire houses are connected. this is the formula for travel, trips abroad, tours, scientific research, writing books, entering a university, learning foreign languages. 1 - 9 A time of risky adventures, adventures, passion, and the fight for justice. Litigation, disputes, troubles. A person may be subject to unfair persecution and accusations. 1 + 10 Career time. Formula for success and achievements. Popularity, respect, recognition of merit. Favorable relationships with mother and superiors. A promotion is possible (but not necessarily a salary increase). 1 - 10 In transits - minor conflicts, discontent. In progression - conflicts with complications with the authorities, with the mother. 1 + 11 Harmonious interaction. Time of success, fulfillment of hopes, luck, time of making friends, friendly contacts, social connections. Good for raising children. 1 - 11 In transits - conflicts, troubles, quarrels. In progressions - a break in relations. The time when problems arise with children (it must be taken into account that same-sex children go to different homes). 1 + 12 In transits - rest, time of voluntary solitude. In progressions - a favorable time for various literary activities, voluntary solitude associated with creativity, inspiration, a favorable situation for seeking medical help, for activities related to sea travel, hotels, boarding houses. 1 - 12 In transits - slander, intrigue. In progressions - a situation that can cause grief, suffering, and also happens in accidents (not necessarily ending up in the hospital). This is not a formula for a disease. Imprisonment also occurs in other aspects. 2 + 2 In transits - the time of acquiring something small. Favorable for solving material issues and security. Major acquisitions are on the way. A favorable situation for making money and solving material issues. This aspect does not answer exactly how income is increased. 2 - 2 Failures in financial affairs, forced spending, unsuccessful purchases, acquisitions. 2 + 3 Formula for trading, sales. Profitable buying and selling, receiving financial assistance from relatives, brothers, sisters; time to receive royalties for articles, favorable time for purchasing vehicles. 2 - 3 Unsuccessful transactions, bad time for business, purchasing a car. 2 + 4 Financial assistance from the father is possible. You can buy real estate, a cottage, an apartment, furniture, carpets. Solving all financial matters. Inheritance, donation of land, rental of real estate, sale of shares, dachas, building plots. 2 - 4 In transits - minor losses. In progressions - losses of the above. Large expenses associated with a dacha, an apartment, unjustified expenses. 2 + 5 Favorable time for speculation, playing on the difference in exchange rates of currencies, playing on the stock exchange. The time to receive income from speaking, teaching, is a good time to receive paid education, rent premises, buy things for your own pleasure and children. Costs of entertainment, purchase of tape recorders, televisions. 2 - 5 Excessive expenses on pleasures, on children. Playing on the stock exchange is dangerous - you can go broke! 2 + 6 In transits - a good time to buy household items for the kitchen, bathrooms, and toilets. In progression - a good time to get a profitable job, buy household appliances (washing machines, vacuum cleaners, refrigerators). Income from animals (cats, dogs). 2 - 6 In transit - unjustified expenses for repairs, unforeseen expenses for treatment, for animals. In progression - a small salary. 2 + 7 In transits - the acquisition of art objects (7th house - exhibitions), small gifts. In progressions - concluding profitable agreements, contracts, possible income from cooperation and business partnerships; from contests, competitions; from consultations; gifts from marriage partners. 2 - 7 Disputes, losses associated with divorce, unfavorable contracts. In progressions - large losses and expenses (for example, for a wedding). 2 + 8 Good time for business. In progressions - large sums from big business, income from large industrial enterprises, banking activities, obtaining loans and advances, “other people’s” money becomes “ours”; money from hazardous activities. Good for property insurance. This is a favorable time for investing large sums; the money will not be lost. 2 - 8 Formula for bankruptcy, debts and large financial losses. You can't take on debt! This aspect occurs in racketeering, extortion and robbery. Robbery formula: the 2nd house element has a tense aspect to the 8th house - 2~8; with the connection of the 11th house - unexpected losses 2~8~11; with the connection of the 12th house - secret robbery 2~8~12; if the 1st house is connected, a dangerous situation is created personally for the owner of the horoscope - 2~8~11~12~1; for businessmen, instead of the 1st house, the 10th is connected; kidnapping for the purpose of extortion - 1~2~8~11, we are talking about money, valuables. The connection with the houses is determined by the natal chart. Venus - 2nd house. First, we consider its position in natal: which houses it occupies, which it controls, then its progressive position, which aspects are formed to the cusps of houses. 2 + 9 Benefit from trips, tours, publishing, competitions. In progressions, it is best for the shuttle to ride on this aspect. 2 - 9 Losses through court, legal conflicts. This is a formula for financial adventures, risky activities that lead to losses. 2 + 10 A very good time to get a job (good position and salary). Special trust from superiors, salary increase, financial assistance to the mother, inheritance from the mother. 2 - 10 Threat of being left without work. In progressions there is a formula for unemployment; no work is expected until the progression ends. If a person remains at work, they will be deprived of their bonus and their salary will be cut; Unforeseen expenses related to the mother are possible. 2 + 11 Financial success, luck, you can find something on the street, under your feet. This also includes financial assistance (if the 8th house is connected). Income from public organizations, cooperatives, joint-stock enterprises, from astrology. 2 - 11 Losses of various types. May be associated with natural disasters, accidents, robbery. 2 + 12 Tax-free income, secret preferential income from hospitals, sanatoriums, creativity, art, the sea. 2 - 12 Fines, financial troubles. Secret losses are possible. 3 + 3 Time to receive news, acquaintances and connections. A favorable time for organizing affairs, business relationships, preliminary agreements that have not yet been sealed. Favorable for consultations, for matters related to transport and mediation issues. 3 - 3 In transits - all of the above will be associated with great difficulties. In progressions - an anxious period, bad news, misinformation, gossip, minor troubles, quarrels, disagreements with neighbors and relatives. 3 + 4 In transits - the arrival of guests. In progressions, this is a good time to exchange apartments within the city and register an inheritance from your father. 3 - 4 Anxiety, troubles. In progressions - the exchange will not take place, failure of all sorts of affairs, deception, fraud, quarrels over inheritance. 3 + 5 Time favorable for organizing courses, lectures, exhibitions, advertising. Pleasant meeting, acquaintance, love interest. 3 - 5 Worry, worries, worries about children. 3 + 6 A time favorable for bureaucratic affairs, establishing work contacts, short-term business trips, obtaining business information, and small publishing activities. During transits - visiting shops, service industries; There may be an interest in the problems of treatment and recovery. 3 - 6 In progression - illness of relatives, brother or sister. During transits - a very restless, troublesome, anxious time; This is not a formula for illness, just a nervous malaise. 3 + 7 In progressions - meeting a future marriage partner, love interest. One of the possible indications of a favorable time for concluding contracts, cooperation agreements, partnerships, receiving consultations, including legal ones; organization of competitions and competitions. 3 - 7 Quarrels, disputes, conflicts with relatives or neighbors, with marriage partners. 3 + 8 In transits - you can choose a favorable day to visit the bank. In progression - the hassle associated with vehicle insurance, contacts with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the prosecutor's office, and the tax inspectorate. 3 - 8 In progressions - troubles associated with the death of relatives. One of the indications of the death of a brother or sister. Unpleasant, shocking news, including news of death. In transit - a telephone message about death, unpleasant conversations, danger on the street due to vehicles. Car theft formula: 3~8 or 3~11 or 3~12; if the 2nd house is connected, then the car will be broken or stripped, i.e. material damage; if 1 is a danger to life, 1 - 8 - beaten and thrown out of the car; sometimes the 7th house is connected - a person may be subject to violence from another person. Tense interaction 3~8 - damage to the vehicle (collision, emergency). 3 + 9 In transits - contacts through long-distance conversations, letters; contacts with distant partners who themselves go to the person (if the 1st house is not involved in the formula). A favorable time for research activities, obtaining an education, writing books, articles, and independent study of foreign languages; for contacts with the judiciary and the legislature. 3 - 9 Major unpleasant news from legislative services, legal disputes with neighbors and relatives. 3 + 10 In progressions - business trips, contacts with people holding high positions; the opportunity to receive official favorable information. During transits it is a good time to visit your bosses and communicate with your mother on the phone. 3 - 10 Disputes, disagreements with superiors, you can get a reprimand, a scolding (oral), a reprimand from your mother. In progressions - a bad time to resolve organizational issues, to end relationships with relatives (brother, sister), alienation. Difficult relationships with superiors (not dismissal, dismissal from work - 2~10). 3 + 11 Time for meeting people, making friends, friendly contacts, meetings, receiving news from friends, receiving help (not financial), favorable time for contacts with public organizations, cooperatives, partnerships. 3 - 11 Unfavorable unforeseen circumstances, emergency situations, breakdown of relationships, connections, breakdown of contractual relations. Unexpected unpleasant news. The problem of relationships with children. 3 + 12 In progressions - secret assignments, time to resolve organizational issues related to hotels and boarding houses. During transits - pleasant heart-to-heart conversations in an intimate setting over a cup of tea, the opportunity to receive secret information. 3 - 12 In progressions - troubles associated with relatives; a misfortune may happen to someone close (brother, sister). In transits - misinformation, slander, betrayal, troubles with the tax office, troubles due to the illness of relatives. 4 + 4 An indication of favorable life circumstances and conditions. In progressions - a period when issues of inheritance, acquisition of private property, and dachas can be resolved; our attention is directed to home, family. You can become a real estate owner, a shareholder. At this time it is good to deal with issues of housing privatization. 4 - 4 Breakdown in the family, the emergence of housing problems, difficulties in everyday life, quarrels with the father. 4 + 5 In progressions - the formula for conceiving children, in this case the Sun and Moon act as full-fledged elements of the 4th and 5th houses. Period for resolving housing issues related to children. In transits - children will come to visit, solving business problems at home. Resolving issues related to renting premises for various events. Stock speculation. Time for rest and entertainment, family holidays, joint recreation with children, at the dacha. 4 - 5 Problems of raising children, conflict situations with children. The period is not for conception. 4 + 6 In progressions - obtaining living space from work, registration, hassles associated with real estate and inheritance. This is a favorable time to resolve issues of renting office space. The hassle associated with creating a company. This is a period of favorable conditions at work. Maybe work from home, private enterprise. In transits - time to renovate an apartment, build a dacha. 4 - 6 Poor housing, deteriorating living conditions, minor accidents may occur that require forced repairs. In progressions - an indication of the father's illness. 4 + 7 In progressions - creating a family, marriage; resolving the housing issue with the help of a marriage partner; concluding various housing contracts, renting premises, obtaining legal advice on real estate and inheritance issues. This is a situation of favorable relationships with a partner, a favorable family climate. 4 - 7 In progressions - division, loss of real estate, property due to divorce. Conflict situation over inheritance, real estate. Conflict with father, tense family relationships. 4 + 8 In progressions - receiving an inheritance as a result of someone's death. An indication of my father's death this year. Harmonious interaction indicates contact with death, indicating that this does not concern the person directly, but his father (4th house). He himself will be indicated in tense interaction with the 1st house. It's a good time to get property insurance. 4 - 8 In progressions - an accident in the house, even a fire, large material costs, major material damage. Danger to real estate. An indication of the death of the father. 4~8, 4~11 - the 11th house must be involved, because The 11th house is the 8th from the 4th. One aspect can be harmonious, and two can be tense. In the event of the death of a newborn infant in the first year of life, such interaction occurs in progressions. Formula for the death of a loved one: 1/10 _+ .8. It consists of two formulas, they must work together. The situation is created by several aspects coinciding within an orb of 1 degree. During transits, this situation results in difficult childbirth. We look at the house cusps in the locale, and the role of the planets according to the natal chart. 4 + 9 Formula for moving, exchanging housing, moving to another city, country for permanent residence. In transits - guests from afar. Close relatives living at a distant distance. A favorable situation for resolving issues related to housing. 4 - 9 In progressions - legal disputes and conflicts over real estate, its loss in court, a sudden move to another city with the loss of housing. Unpleasant situation due to housing, inheritance. Major troubles: 4-3 - at the level of conversations; 4-6 - damaged nerves; 4-9 - troubles with loss; 4-12 - misfortunes (3,6,9,12 - falling houses). 4 + 10 MSb - 10th house. The house of social realization creates an aspect with the 4th house when entering a job, getting married, or in a registration situation. A good time to privatize living space, to contact the authorities regarding housing and receive housing from the state. A good period in relations with parents, their role in life is significant. The MC always participates in marriage registration, but not always in other events. 4 - 10 Gives separation from one of the parents, troubles due to housing. Conflict with father. Divorce of parents (one of the options). 4 + 11 In progressions - an indication of receiving housing from a cooperative, joining a cooperative. An unexpected successful resolution of an issue related to inheritance, real estate from the father. During transits - friends will come to visit. Help and patronage in housing matters. 4 - 11 Unexpected adverse circumstances regarding housing. You may lose your home. Damage to housing due to social unrest, revolution, accident, natural disasters, fire. Breaking relationship with father. One of the indications of an apartment robbery. 4~8 2-4 things, money in the apartment 2~11 - connected with other people 1~12 8 - 11 - unexpected people. If there is a secret robbery, the 12th house is connected; if you are attacked in your own apartment, the 1st house is connected. In case of fire - connection with the element of the 9th house. Lilith can be considered as an element of the 8th house in case of death or material damage. And in the case of conceiving children, Selena (opposite Lilith) can participate. The tense interaction of 4 - 11 gives an indication of the death of the father. You need to take two houses of life - the 1st and 10th, i.e. The 4th house is the 1st house of the father, and the 10th house (from the 4th) is the 1st house of the owner of the horoscope, it is responsible for the life of the owner of the horoscope and for the life of his father. 1/4 + 8 ~ 11 1st and 10th are houses of life. All elements of the 1st and 10th houses are hylegs, a person has many of them, at the moment of danger three aspects are distinguished, on one aspect the person does not die. 4 + 12 5 + 5 In progressions - time of love, entertainment, hobbies, pleasures. Good relationship with children. Time for public speaking, participation in exhibitions. Lotteries, cards, winnings. 5 - 5 A time of disappointment, displeasure, unbridled passions, gambling, problems raising children. 5 + 6 In progression - advanced training courses, office romance, interest in specific activities. Maybe work related to teaching, with children. Passion for pets. During transits - visiting restaurants with colleagues, visiting fashion salons, beauty salons, hairdressers; during working exhibitions and auctions. If sexual planets are included, we can talk about a love interest: the Sun and Mars - relationships with men in the male and female horoscope; Venus and the Moon - relationships with women in the male and female horoscope. 5 - 6 In progressions - an indication of the child’s illness, anxiety, anxiety and grief about the child. Father's illness: 4~9 or 4~3 (one of them is required). 5 + 7 In progressions - a clear indication of love and marriage, the time of love interests (there must be at least three indications). Participation in competitions, exhibitions, cultural events. Conclusion of agreements and contracts. 5 - 7 In progressions - disagreements with a partner, an indication of divorce or serious disagreements with a spouse. Conflicts with children or because of children. 5 + 8 Favorable situation for gambling, lotteries, betting. Love relationships on a mercantile basis. It's a good time to insure your children. Participation in an industrial exhibition, auction, trading on the stock exchange. 5 - 8 Danger for the child (dangerous disease, possible abduction). In transits - gambling, losses, loss, loss of children. Child danger formula: 2/5~8; 2/5~12 (5th house is the child’s 1st house, 2nd house is his 10th house); during abduction, the 11th house is connected. Contact with death: 1/10~8 (death passes near the owner of the horoscope). 5 + 9 In progressions - an indication of children leaving far from home. This is one of the formulas for success in scientific activity. Traveling for fun, a love adventure away from home or with a foreigner. During transits it is a favorable time for entering a university. 5 - 9 Gambling, risky activities, gambles, adventures. There may be legal conflicts with or because of children, separation from children through a quarrel, conflict or forced departure. 5 + 10 In progressions - an indication of love. A person can find love, this is a formula for success. Royal combination: fire house with 10th. Glory, notoriety, popularity, success can happen to children too. 5 - 10 In progressions - an indication of the child’s illness or separation from him. Conflict with a child, public scandal. 5 + 11 In progressions - an indication of a happy love interest, other hobbies, love for friends. A lucky chance, a chance, is a formula for luck. 5 - 11 In progressions - a break in relations, including during a divorce (not necessarily when registering a divorce). Problems of raising children, times of disappointment. 5 + 12 Secret hobbies, including love. Passion for religion, psychology, occult sciences. The pleasures of entertainment, a period of creative inspiration, participation in film festivals, entertainment at sea. 5 - 12 Gives unhappiness in love or illness of a child. Misfortune with loved ones. The formula for the illness of a child moving through the 5th house is: 5~10/4 or 5~6/12. 6 + 6 In progressions - a good time for work, hiring, for improving qualifications on the job; good treatment. In transit - good for business in the service sector, for going to authorities, completing papers. 6 - 6 Illness of the owner of the horoscope, an unfavorable situation at work associated with hassle. (Aspects will tell you about the severity of the disease). 6 + 7 Favorable time for concluding employment contracts on cooperation and partnership, favorable for work and matters related to legal advice, with the preparation of documents with the help of lawyers, work related to consultation. 6 - 7 In progressions - illness of a marriage partner, conflict with subordinates or employees, work conflict. 6 + 8 Good for treating dangerous diseases and performing surgical operations. This day is chosen based on transits. It is necessary to find out which organ will be operated on, what is responsible for this organ; The transit moon during the operation should not be in the sign responsible for this organ. , because The moon has a connection with liquids and there may be bleeding. The aspects of Mars and Pluto are important; there should be no tense aspects to the natal planets (Pluto is difficult to choose, because it moves slowly). It is necessary to take into account the transit aspects of Mars, Pluto and Saturn (anesthesia) and that they are not damaged. Each person has their own natal planets responsible for the organ being operated on. If Venus is the lord of the 8th house, then it is the element of death. The 8th house element should have harmonious aspects with the natal planets and not damage them. If you choose a good day, the operation goes well. For treatment, you also need to choose a favorable time, harmonious aspects of Jupiter. In addition to treatment and surgical operations, this interaction provides favorable conditions for the creation of workshops and industrial production, for resolving issues of insurance and material support. At work - receiving benefits. 6 - 8 In progression - a dangerous disease. Three instructions are enough. Possible dangerous situation at work. 6 + 9 A good time to go to work, to a university, research institute, scientific development, travel, treatment. Perhaps an indication of long-distance transport. 6 - 9 In progressions - a situation of a showdown at work, a person is made extreme, the case may go to court, and this is also an indication of the illness of relatives or a marriage partner. (Falling houses, especially the 9th, are associated with troubles). 6 + 10 This is the formula for getting a job according to your vocation, for a leadership position. It’s good to go through the authorities, draw up papers, register a company. However, this could also be work in a dacha, construction of a dacha, or renovation of an apartment. 10th house - real estate, dacha, marriage partner's apartment. 6 - 10 Troubles at work, with the boss or with subordinates. In progressions - illness of mother, father-in-law, father-in-law. Difficulties, obstacles in work. 6 + 11 Unexpected happy changes regarding working conditions. Help in work, friends, patronage. 6 - 11 Unfavorable changes at work, severance of relations with employees, possible dismissal of one's own free will. In progressions - an indication of the illness of a child who is moving through the 11th house. 6 + 12 Favorable psychological climate at work, there may be secret support, a time favorable for treating the disease. In progression - work related to hotels, boarding houses, and the sea. 6 - 12 In progressions - this is another formula for illness, intrigue. A very difficult psychological situation at work, betrayal. 7 + 7 An indication of love and marriage. It is good to conclude contracts, agreements, agreements; resolving legal issues, contacting lawyers; time of cultural entertainment, competitions, competitions. 7 - 7 Conflicts, divorces, severance of relationships and contracts. 7 + 8 It’s good to conclude agreements and contracts. Insurance. Inheritance consultations. Receiving income from a partner and from cooperation with someone. In progression - increasing the partner's income. 7 - 8 Time of enmity and hatred. Until the 1st house is connected, everything happens around the person and does not concern him. In progressions - divorce and danger to the marriage partner. The death of marriage is divorce. Formula of danger for a marriage partner: 1). 4/5/7 ~ 8 4/5/7 ~ 2 (this is the 8th house from the 7th, the house of death of the partner) 5th house is the 10th house of life of the partner 2). 1/10~8; Together these two formulas give an indication of the death of the marriage partner. Illness: 6 - 12. 7 + 9 Perspective agreements, alliances; long trip with my spouse. If there are indications in the natal chart - marriage with a foreigner. Participation in scientific competitions, awarding scientific titles or the title of People's Artist, competitions in creative professions, participation in sports competitions, favorable times for defense during trials, international treaties and unions. 7 - 9 Judicial conflicts, conflicts with relatives of the marriage partner, troubles that concern the marriage partner. 7 + 10 Indication of marriage registration, as well as agreements, contracts with government agencies, good relations with the mother, career with the help of the spouse. 7 - 10 Conflicts with high-ranking authorities, with mother, breaks in contracts. During divorce and breakup, a similar situation is also observed. 7 + 11 Happiness in love, help, cooperation, agreements with public bodies and cooperatives. A period of favorable relations with a marriage partner. If there are instructions in the natal, there may be a marriage with a person with children. This is a period of good relationships with people around you. 7 - 11 Formula for divorce, breakup, scandals with children. 7 - 11, 7 - 10, 7 - 7, 7 - 9, 7 - 8) - possibility of divorce. Retrograde planets have double rulership, while direct planets have only one. 7 + 12 These are secret treaties, agreements, secret allies, secret passion. Agreements with hotels and boarding houses. According to this aspect, there is a fictitious marriage, if there are instructions in the natal chart. 7 - 12 Secret enmity, misfortune with a marriage partner or his illness. Unhappy unions. 8 + 8 Talks about money, where money comes from, income. This is non-cash money, money in the bank. A good time to take out money on credit; inheritance, insurance. Favorable for surgical operations and business. For businessmen, the 8th house works more. 8 - 8 Significant material losses (without threat to life) as a result of fire or robbery. This is the formula for a dangerous disease in a transit situation. Creditors pester you and demand the return of your collateral. If the 1st and 10th houses are not involved, there is no danger to life. 8 + 9 Good for large businesses, for shuttle traders, successful show trips, foreign trade operations. You can get money from foreign companies, benefits from scientific and creative organizations; travel instructions in connection with a surgical operation. 8 - 9 Troubles with the police, with the judiciary, with the tax inspectorate. There may be financial losses not due to one’s own fault, but due to the bankruptcy of commercial structures. Such interaction occurs during explosions, fires, dangerous adventures, and the seizure of a bank account is possible. In progressions there is an indication of the illness of distant relatives and even death. News of death from afar (if there is no interaction with the 1st and 10th houses). 8 + 10 Good for large business, for creating large enterprises, opening a bank account, receiving an inheritance from the mother. A good time for contacts with regulatory authorities and the police. Such a combination may be an indication of the death of the mother if there are harmonious aspects. Mother's death formula: 7/10 ~ 8 ~ 1 7/10 ~ 8 ~ 5; 7th - house of mother's life, 10th from 10th 5th - house of mother's death, 8th from 10th. In the event of the death of a spouse, the 2nd house (8th from 7th) is connected. 8 - 10 Danger for the owner of the horoscope, arrest by order of the prosecutor's office. 8 + 11 Luck in money, winnings, financial assistance, inheritance. 8 - 11 Material losses as a result of robbery or natural disaster. Danger for a child who goes through the 11th house. This situation may occur in the event of the death of a friend. 8 + 12 Good for treatment, for surgical operations, time for the treatment of serious illnesses, help from charitable organizations, humanitarian aid. (Cheaper - in the 12th house, more expensive - in the 9th house). 8 - 12 Dangerous illness or accident. Only what is indicated in the natal chart can happen to a person. In the robbery formula, this combination also means kidnapping. If there is no indication of this in the natal chart, then it is an illness. 9 + 9 A good time for creativity, for scientific and publishing activities, travel, higher education, and foreign contacts. 9 - 9 Time for adventures, risks, troubles, accusations, convictions, trials. Not good for travel. 9 + 10 A good time to defend a dissertation or a scientific career. In fire houses gives another formula for success. This is a formula for sporting achievements, business trips, participation in symposiums, and tours. A trip with or to your mother. 9 - 10 Gives public scandals, serious accusations up to court, forced trips with losses, legal conflicts (including with the mother). In transits there is a struggle for justice. The 10th house is the home of the marriage partner, so such interaction may indicate legal proceedings regarding housing, apartment. 9 + 11 Good luck for all matters of the 9th house. Meeting foreigners, making foreign friends, traveling with friends. Admission to the University. Unexpected prospects open up before a person. 9 - 11 Severance of relations with foreigners, friends, unexpected unfavorable circumstances, travel disruptions. There may be accusations from friends, serious disagreements with them, the loss of a high-ranking patron, failure in scientific activity. If there are instructions in the natal chart, a person can drop out of university. For example, Mars and Uranus are in tense aspects to each other and one of them is in the 9th house. 9 + 12 Long-distance travel formula. This is success in creativity, such a situation is favorable for scientific research activities, receiving spiritual education, and performing a secret mission; work related to the hospital. 9 - 12 Very serious troubles - court and prison in the worst case (if there are instructions in the natal chart). Saturn in the natal must either be in the 12th house or be the lord of the 12th house or be afflicted by the element of the 9th house. For example, a person went to prison when there was a tense aspect 9 - 12 in the progressions, the owner of the 9th house was in the 12th house (9th house - court, 12th house - prison). In addition, such interaction may indicate illness of relatives and unpleasant news. 10 + 10 This is a time for professional growth, recognition of merit, a favorable time for a career, for discussing matters with your boss, for resolving issues about housing and real estate. Good for communicating with mother. 10 - 10 Conflicts with mother, difficulties and obstacles, loss of reputation and authority, collapse, vicissitudes of fate. 10 + 11 Patronage of superiors, friendship with superiors, unexpected career, appointment to a position. Success and authority in social activities, receiving an inheritance, helping the mother, children’s careers. 10 - 11 Loss of patronage, dismissal from work, disruption of plans, unexpected obstacles, unfavorable changes in career. 10 + 12 Success in creative professions, appointments to positions in hospitals, sanatoriums, tax inspectorates; trusting relationships with superiors, secret patronage. 10 - 12 Indication of mother's illness, unhappy circumstances at work, intrigue, betrayal, dependent position in business. 11 + 11 Time of success, luck, fulfillment of hopes, making friends, help, patronage, unexpected favorable changes. 11 - 11 Unexpected unfavorable changes, tendency to break up relationships, problems with children. 11 + 12 Secret assistance, support, patronage, secret support in matters relating to hospitals, boarding houses, rest homes; good relationships with children, a favorable time for creativity, trusting relationships, and for studying occult sciences. 11 - 12 Problems with children (going through the 11th house), unfavorable, unhappy changes; betrayal of friends, misfortune with a child, friend or their illness. 12 + 12 Time for creativity, inspiration, relaxation, comfort, it’s good to be treated at this time, to be in a sanatorium. 12 - 12 In progressions - unfortunate circumstances and intrigues, illness or serious illness. Deception, fraud. ******* In the first place is the interaction of houses, and the nature of the planets makes changes to this interaction for the better or for the worse. The nature of the planets must be taken into account, for example, Mars and Pluto are associated with violence. Unaspected planets mean lack of help and support. Quadrature and opposition - help and support will come through struggle. When choosing a profession, the following are taken into account: the 9th house, the sign, the planets in it and the ASC. The last two degrees (29th and 30th) are degrees of Anareta. The position of any planet in these degrees is not favorable; a crisis is possible at some point in life. If the ASC is in these degrees, there is a health crisis; if sexual planets - a crisis in love; if Saturn - vicissitudes of fate. TIME OF EVENTS Let us consider determining the time of occurrence of an event using the example of transits. There are days that have the greatest number of negative aspects. _Jupiter has been in square to Saturn since November 1994. From February 17th they begin to diverge. Orb is less than 1 degree. The interaction is strong, this orb will remain until March 12th. An aspect can turn on at any time. Harmonious aspects will not trigger it. _Sun in conjunction with Saturn. .The effect of this aspect is from 22.02. The orb can be taken 10 degrees. 5.03. - exact aspect, converging. This aspect, called the “great seal of Satan,” sends trials, temptations, blows, causes a feeling of despair, hopelessness, pride, and cruelty. Or trials or temptations. This is a period of miscalculations and mistakes. The Sun is in square to Jupiter - the third negative aspect at the same time. By itself, in some situations this aspect is not so bad, but not in combination with the previous two. The event will occur on the converging aspect. For progressions it will be a year or more; the progressed Moon speaks of a short period of time - a month. The Sun, Venus, Mercury, Mars and house cusps give an interval of 1 year, creating a situation for a year. Pluto creates a situation for life if it was in an exact aspect in the natal chart, i.e. if the orb is less than 1 degree, it must be taken into account. The scope of action is the orb, which determines the time interval. We are considering days from February 22 to March 5. In this interval, we determine the dates of the exact aspects: The Moon gives the dates: 02.22.95. (Moon and Sun in square), 02.23.95. (Moon, Jupiter, Saturn in square). March 5th - Sun and Jupiter, Sun and Saturn in square. Wednesday, 22.02. - Moon and Sun square Thursday, 23.02. - Moon in conjunction with Jupiter, in square with Saturn Wednesday, 1.03. - Moon in conjunction with the Sun and Saturn and in square with Jupiter Sunday, 5.03. - The Sun is in square with Jupiter and in conjunction with Saturn. Aspects are included on certain days: Sun - Sunday, Moon - Monday, Mars - Tuesday, Mercury - Wednesday, Jupiter - Thursday, Venus - Friday, Saturn - Saturday. Wednesday, 22.02. ¦ + Thursday, 23.02. ¦ + + + (2 aspects, plus Thursday) Friday, 24.02. ¦ Saturday, 25.02. ¦ + Sunday, 02.26.¦ + Monday, 02.27.¦ Tuesday, 02.28. ¦ Wednesday, 1.03. ¦ + + + (3 aspects) Thursday, 2.02. ¦ + Friday, 3.03. ¦ Saturday, 4.03. ¦ + + (2 aspects) Sunday, 5.03.¦ + + + (2 aspects, plus Sunday) The aspect is necessarily triggered on the eve of the exact one. The most negative aspects are given by the numbers: 23.02., 1.03., 4.03., 5.03. At what hours do aspects turn on? The planets work according to certain hours. The day begins at sunrise. The 1st hour is ruled by the planet that rules the entire day. The duration of the planetary hours is determined separately for the day time interval and for the night time interval. Let's consider 02.23.95. - one of the negative days. Sunrise: 7h.+ 1h. = 8h. Sunset: 17:30 + 1h. = 18h.30min. Duration of the day: 10 hours 30 minutes. 10h.30min. : 12 = 10.5: 12 * 60 = 52.5 - duration of the daytime hour. 24h. - 10h.30min. = 13h.30min. 13:30 :12 * 60 = 67.5 min. = 1h.7.5min. - duration of the night hour. We divide the night and day time intervals into 12 parts to determine the duration of the day and night hours. The total duration of the day and night hours gives 2 hours: 52.5 minutes. + 1h.7.5min. = 2 hours. The order of changing planetary hours: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Saturn, etc. February 23 is Thursday, so the first hour after sunrise is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune. 1 8h. Jupiter and Neptune 2 8h.53m. Mars 3 9h.45m. Sun 4 10h38m. Venus 5 11.30am. Mercury 6 12h.23m. Moon 7 13.15. Saturn 8 14h.08m. Jupiter, Neptune 9 15h. Mars, Pluto 10 15h.53m. Sun 11 16.45. Venus 12 17h38m. Mercury I 18:30 Moon; Sunset - already +1 hour 7.5 minutes II 19h.38m. Saturn III 20h45m. Jupiter, Neptune IV 21h.53m. Mars, Pluto V 23h. Sun; Time of temptation

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