Ebertin and Hoffman. Fixed stars

Reservoirs 23.11.2023
"Lion's Heart. Royal star. Regulus is one of the key stars of our Galaxy. He is associated with the element of fire and is the guardian of the North. The star gives power, strength. On ASC or with planets near rising gives respect and popularity in early years, early fame. With evil planets - this fame is scandalous. At the culmination of the MC - it makes a person famous, gives honor and respect. Regulus entering the DSC or having a conjunction with planets in the 7th house gives public popularity.
She projects “royal” qualities: nobility, sincerity, openness, courage. The importance of this star is further emphasized by its proximity to the ecliptic. Its action combines the best qualities of Jupiter and Mars.
On the Ascendant it gives courage and openness, especially in conjunction with the Sun, Moon, Jupiter or Mercury. On Meridian, Regulus contributes to the achievement of a high social position, far superior to the environment from which the person came. In accordance with tradition, this star provides connections with authorities, with respected and famous people, if the cosmogram as a whole indicates such an opportunity. Regulus conjunct Jupiter is one of the best configurations for success. People with such a connection can achieve heights in society, responsible positions, fame, position, and fortune. Wealth and power can suddenly fall on such people's heads.
The culminating Regulus is a good omen not only for a military career, but also for professions associated with public institutions, such as lawyers, civil servants, bankers, clergy, etc., especially if Regulus is conjunct with one of the luminaries (Sun or Moon) or with a favorable planet (A. Zaitsev).

According to Ptolemy, she is like Mars and Jupiter; most of the later authors compare it only with Mars; Al-Vidas states that its action is similar to the good aspect between the Sun and Uranus. “Star of Kings” or “Guardian of the North”, it forms qualities such as nobility, sincerity, openness, and courage. Provides connections with authorities, with respected and famous people. Brings violence, destruction, military glory, soon followed by loss of position; arrest, violent death; success, lofty, majestic ideals; strength of mind; makes a person generous, exceptionally freedom-loving, noble, ambitious, courageous and independent; love of power, leadership, gifts.
If it rises: honors and wealth, with violence and sorrows, acute illnesses, fevers, short-lived prosperity, favor from influential persons, victory over enemies, scandals. In paragraph 145 of the work of Guido Bonatti (medieval scientist, author of “Liber astronomiae” and other works that serve as the main sources of information about medieval astrology for our contemporaries) it is said: “...When you see the Lionheart on the Ascendant, that is, on the Eastern line, one degree below or three degrees above it, or it is in the tenth house and does not form a connection or any aspect with good planets - this means that the person will be extremely influential, powerful, he will rise, receive a high rank and awards, despite his low birth. If there is any good planet in the indicated place, his fame will increase even more; if the birth occurs at night, happiness will decrease - however, not much. If malefic planets form aspects with him, happiness will be much less; and if "There are both good and evil planets, the promised good will increase by a quarter, and evil will decrease to the same extent. However, regardless of all that has been said, an unhappy death awaits this person - at least, all his glory, position and power will be overshadowed."
At the climax: honors, promotion, success, high rank in government service, military success. If in conjunction with the Sun, Moon or Jupiter - great honors and immeasurable happiness.
With the Sun: power, authority, has a huge influence on friends. A high position in government or professional activity is possible. You have a great influence on your friends. You need to be careful when you achieve a high position, otherwise various troubles and complete collapse are possible (unless you belong to a noble family). Achieving honors, wealth, but everything is accompanied by difficulties, violence, degradation, which ultimately lead to complete collapse; illnesses, fevers. Happiness, if it comes, does not last long.
With the Moon: indicates that you will be able to achieve universal recognition, but you will have to make efforts to maintain it. You are able to make the right friends, win on stock speculation, and gain honors, wealth and prestige through energy and independence. Interest in the occult, influential friends, intrigues of enemies, profit from business transactions, good reputation, very influential position, honors and wealth, passing fortunes, violence, hardships and illnesses. This influence makes a woman proud and independent. If the Moon is simultaneously in conjunction with the Head of the Dragon in Gemini, Jupiter in the tenth house in trine with Mars, and the Sun in conjunction with the Tail of the Dragon - a brilliant career: even a person from the lower strata of society is able to achieve the highest position. But you may be in danger from people who turn out to be false friends. You may be subject to violence or become a victim of an accident.
With Mercury: indicates that through honesty and justice you will achieve popularity. Promotes income from professional activities. Decency, justice, sympathetic to others, enemies use the nobility of a person for their own purposes, fame, high social position brings benefits. But your relatives and friends are capable of abusing your generosity.
With Venus: indicates that you are not always able to make the right choice, make a proper assessment of your friends, choose a suitable life partner - in all these cases you should be careful. There may be disappointments related to family or romantic stories. Strong attachments can lead to complications; numerous disappointments, unexpected incidents, passionate attachments, troubles due to love.
With Mars: honors, fame, strong character, prospects through work for the good of society, high military rank. Thanks to a strong character, it allows you to achieve fame and high position, especially in the military or government spheres. But if you are careless, you may get into an accident or die in an accident.
With Jupiter: fame, receiving a high rank - most often in the military field, success from engaging in church affairs. With this configuration, wealth and power fall, as they say, out of the blue. But it is possible that your glory will fade and you will lose your power.
With Saturn: justice, priestly friends, success through ecclesiastical or legal activities, learning, prosperity, profit from commercial transactions, business companies, friends; high social position, a person is proud of his home and family, good health, but at the end of his life his heart hurts. If a star is in the corner of the horoscope, especially rising or culminating - honor, trust from the public. If Mars is in the Pleiades - death during a rebellion.
With Uranus: energy, ambition, success; perhaps unfair and disrespectful; boasting, high official position, treason towards the nobility; business is connected with religion, profit from commercial transactions, contacts with business companies; favorable for marriage; sadness for the deceased daughter and disappointment with the son; when a man reaches old age, his friends become enemies; it is possible to escape from the busy world and live alone; unnatural death - murder or accident.
With Neptune: prominent leader, diplomatic manners, strong, authoritative character, influential friends, if there are enemies, they are few, harmony at home, natural death in old age.
With one of the evil planets, when the Moon is in conjunction with Antares, Manger or the Pleiades - blindness or damage to the eyes.
Connection with the ASC gives respect and popularity in the early years, often due to courage and openness.
Connection with DSC - increased popularity, brightness of public fame, respectable marriage.
Connecting with the MC promotes a military career, but not only that. These are also lawyers, bankers, clergy, etc., contributes to the achievement of a high social position, significantly superior to the level from which you came.
Morning sunrise: north and northeast wind.
Sunset: north wind, sometimes rain.
With the Sun: thunderstorms. If it sets, it's a west wind.
With Mercury: winds, rains, thunderstorms.
With Mars: great heat. If it rises or sets: turbulent, windy, often stuffy weather.
Rising with Jupiter: pleasant weather in winter, invigorating frost, heat in summer.
With Saturn: thunderstorms, rains, unstable weather (A. Aich).

I was glad to see a new book by Oscar Hoffman in the Urania store, and even on such a poorly covered topic. I ordered it right away.

From the first chapter and in places further on, the author talks a lot about traditional picture of the world, contrasting it with some intransigence with New Age philosophy. Since both of these directions are far from me, digressions on this topic, in my opinion, stand out from the general flow of the narrative.

The theoretical part discusses constellation myths, moreover, the presentation is as relevant as possible for astrologers - clearly and without digressions or unnecessary details. Along the way, information is given about those included in the constellation stars and their symbolism. At the end of each article there is a list keywords constellations.

Given star table according to their zodiac coordinates and with minimal background information.

The theoretical part also includes a description section lunar sites based on Vedic astrology. The stations are included in this book because their identification was initially associated with the fixed stars.

To be honest, for me, the book in the first part is written less inspired than the author’s previous books. Therefore, after the introductions, I decided to skip the reference part and go straight to examples, the lack of which is not felt at all here - they occupy slightly less than the second half of the book. There are 23 of them in total: 19 celebrity natals and 4 mundan charts. All the examples are presented in such a way that they arouse keen interest; I read this section in one breath.

The examples raise only one question. They are considered from the point of view of common public performances about certain celebrities, the author clearly did not seek to delve into biographies. The interpretation of the stars is presented accordingly. The question arises: were these people in private life the same as they were seen from the outside, will their loved ones remember them that way? It especially bothered me in the cards of Margaret Thatcher, Clint Eastwood, Bill Gates - these personalities are presented completely one-sidedly. In Marilyn Monroe's chart, for example, the stars were viewed more in terms of personal problems.

And yet, if in the analyzes I had encountered before, the use of stars seemed to be nothing more than a search for an extra argument to prove the astrologer was right on some issue, then with this guide (and this book is just a guide), the consideration of the stars becomes deeper, more organic . In this regard, studying this book for astrologers seems to me absolutely necessary.

Important! There are no descriptions of stars in the book, there is only a table with coordinates for 2010 and key characteristics. The author entirely refers readers to the book by Vivien Robson Fixed stars and constellations in astrology, which is a complete reference book. It is available in the Urania store, so if you don’t have it, it’s better to order it with Hofman.

Fixed Stars

ALFERATS. Freedom and movement. The star now belongs to the Andromeda constellation, but was previously part of the Pegasus constellation and retained its symbolism. The star is associated with the joy of movement. Love of speed. May also be related to the struggle for freedom. This struggle can take place on a physical, intellectual or social level, depending on which planet this star is associated with in your chart. You love active and unrestricted movements. You love to act in the area indicated by the planet. This could be a love of physical activity when associated with Mars, or free flight of thought when associated with Mercury, a desire for free activity in love or art when associated with Venus, or a struggle for the removal of social restrictions with Jupiter or Saturn, or against restrictions in the family with the Moon. In some cases, such activity can turn into stubbornness and self-will.

Alpheratz as a heliactic rising star. You are distinguished by a love of independence. You know how to take the necessary actions. You can make a breakthrough in your field of work by turning what previously seemed like science fiction into reality and practicality. Just try not to abuse your love of speed, especially on highways and other potentially dangerous activities.

WORLDS. Receptivity and fertility. A star from the constellation Andromeda, symbolizing a young woman capable of giving birth to offspring. Distinctive qualities are sensitivity, gentleness, understanding of aesthetics, beauty, art. This star worked in the horoscopes of many talented people in the field of various arts. It can impart some dreaminess and idealism to one's views. The topic of finding a harmonious path in your personal or public life is relevant to you. You are open to new ideas, ready to accept innovations, but rather gently, not in a revolutionary way. You are able to listen and think about how to use the ideas and knowledge gained in the most creative way. You can use what you get wisely.

Mirah as a heliactic rising star. You are very receptive and open to ideas. You may seem naive to some people around you. But at the same time, you are able to highlight the best in other people. You have a certain creative talent in one or more arts.

ALTAIR. Courage and determination. A star from the constellation Eagle is associated with bold and decisive actions. But this does not deny humanity and care. Perhaps you will show determination in a noble cause and begin to help people. You may be ready to explore, to think about new areas, to open new horizons. Physically, if the star is connected with Mars, intellectually, or, for example, you are in the areas of feelings, relationships and beauty, when connected with the Moon or Venus. You may have passions and beliefs of social significance, and fight to realize them with the courage and audacity of an Eagle. The presence of this star in your natal chart adds courage and determination to you. You must courageously use your strength without abusing selfishness, that is, with the obligatory benefit of others.

Altair as a heliactic rising star. Speed ​​and courage in action is one of the important traits of your character. You are fast-moving and have the determination of a pioneer. You will try to conquer those peaks that were inaccessible to others. This may be physically, as a traveler or athlete, or, for example, in mathematics or in another field, depending on the action of other stars and planets.

CANOPUS. Explorer, navigator. The second brightest star in the sky from the constellation of the ancient Ship, on which, according to legend, the Argonauts sailed. The star is very important. She is mentioned in many legends. But, unfortunately, it is not visible from the territory of Russia and therefore cannot be used in the horoscopes of people born in our country and other northern countries. The star symbolizes our need to learn, to discover as much as possible while we have the opportunity to do so. You can have your own special style in art, science or other matters, including ideology, government. Although, of course, the presence of a star in the chart will not automatically make you a major leader. But even at your level, do not abuse your potential, do not turn into a dictator. There is a danger of destroying what was created before you, and in many cases this is not worth doing. The star is associated with success, but also with retribution for possible abuses on the way to this success. So it requires a lot of self-control on your part.

Canopus as a heliactic rising star. You have great potential for leadership and forging new paths. You cannot escape the internal struggle associated with the desire for dominance and the need for control. This struggle or abuse of dominance alone or control alone can destroy the work you are trying to accomplish.

CAPELLA. The need for independence. Capella is a bright and clearly visible star in Russia. Symbolically, she is associated with a goat sitting on the shoulder of Charioteer. According to another legend, this is the Celtic goddess of horses, Macha. Kapella gives a caring but freedom-loving character. You love movement and activity, speed and travel.

Your love of freedom and active activity, speed will not spoil your femininity.

You will express freedom and independence in a calm, non-aggressive way. The greatest need for freedom will be expressed in the sphere indicated by the planet associated with this star. If it is Mercury - then in the sphere of thinking, if Venus - in relationships, if Mars - physical freedom, travel and flights, and if the Moon - in the family area.

Capella as a heliactic rising star. You will one way or another fight for freedom as opposed to the desire for a purely domestic life. You want to have a partner, have a family, but at the same time remain free to move around in space and external activities. Your job is to find the optimal combination of these two topics.

ARCTUR. Explorer. Arcturus symbolizes the guard, the sentry guarding the northern territory. This is a transitional figure between hunter-gatherer and farmer. Arcturus symbolizes security, learning and leadership at the same time. Guidance and protection of people during that period of life when they choose a new lifestyle. You can lead the way, you have the foresight and fortitude to take the first step. A strong Arcturus in your chart will indicate that you are a pathfinder, a person who is called upon to create a new, better lifestyle or a new way of solving the problems facing people. You combine a new idea with a strong sense of leading people. You should choose an idea that is noble, for which you are not ashamed to lead people. You are responsible for their fate on this path, you are obliged to protect those you lead, to take care of them.

Arcturus as a heliactic rising star. Gives you the qualities of a leader. You are able to move forward, explore new areas. You can become known as a person endowed with such abilities, either on a global level, or at least in your circle. How exactly this will manifest itself depends on other indicators of your card.

SIRIUS. Flame of immortality. Sirius is the brightest star in the sky, and accordingly, its significance is very great. Sirius, associated with the natal chart, marks a person destined for a significant role. The earthly can become sacred. A small action by an individual can have a big impact on a group. An individual can be sacrificed to this collective or gain fame and glory. This is a powerful energy that can burn you if you do not use it to fulfill your cosmic purpose, or vice versa, it will help you reach those levels that seem unattainable. You can achieve much more than expected through your own efforts. Your action becomes a symbol, a ritual, a sign of the way for many people. At the same time, you can become a teacher, mentor, leader in any field, in science, religion, morality, politics, art, depending on which planet Sirius is associated with. Sirius was the basis of the calendar in ancient Egypt, so your role may also be to understand, preserve and support the higher cosmic laws as opposed to earthly current situations.

Sirius as a heliactic rising star. In Egypt, such a birth meant a sacred sign; you would be destined to become a priest. Most likely, even now your role in life may be connected with the highest cosmic laws. The star gives you clear and honest intentions, but its energy is so strong that it is difficult to control. Your actions can have a very profound effect beyond what you expected, so choose them with care. And if the situation escalates, do not try to stop it, but try to direct it to a positive result.

MURZIM.Carrying a message. You often have a need to speak out and convey some kind of message. It can be either empty noise or the announcement of an extremely important, fundamental idea. By itself, this star is not very strong, but its meaning can be revealed through other stars and planets. You feel that you have something to say, to announce to the world. You can identify yourself with information, work in the field of communications, communications, and media.

Murzim is like a heliactic rising star. Means that you can identify yourself with information, transmitting messages, working in the information field.

PROCYON. Short favorable opportunities. Indicates quick but short-term opportunities to achieve success. You may experience early growth in the area indicated by the planet associated with this star. Short-term popularity is possible. You can build on this success by drawing on other stars and planets in your chart. And the star Procyon warns you that there is no need to waste time, take advantage of any favorable opportunities for growth, achieving goals, so that your affairs leave a good memory of themselves.

Procyon as a heliactic rising star. If you were born at such a time, you should not make life plans with the expectation of success after many years, but act immediately, take advantage of every favorable opportunity. Try to benefit from everything immediately, quickly, since later such opportunities may not present themselves. Do something quickly and move on to the next one. Don't stay too long in one place and one thing.

SHEDAR. Women's power. A star from the constellation Cassionea, a variable star. Potential to inspire respect. Archetypal image of a queen. Wisdom, a truly feminine leadership style based on mutual respect, wisdom and intuition. This fully applies to you, even if you are a man. Emotional conviction, faith, mysticism are characteristic of you, try to show these qualities in a positive style. The star characterizes you as a strong person, showing dignity and inspiring respect. You can be confident in your desire to act appropriately, to treat others as you would like to be treated. Your dignity is the source of your strength.

Shedar is like a heliactic rising star. This star can perform such a role only in the tropical belt of the Earth. You have great power in maintaining nobility and decency. You will show these qualities in a tense situation. Your sense of self-worth is tied to morals and ethics.

TOLIMAN. The desire to develop others. The star Alpha Centauri. This star is not visible from the territory of Russia and Europe. But if you were born in the tropics or in the southern hemisphere of the Earth, then in your natal chart the presence of this star can characterize you as a healer, a mentor, like the mythological centaur Chiron. You can be a part of the healing of both the individual and the community, and you can be loved for it. But in life you will have to face difficult situations in connection with this work.

Toliman as a heliactic rising star. Only for those born in the tropics. You can play the role of a healer and mentor.

HADAR. Growing pains. The star is not visible either in Russia or in Europe, but only in the tropics and in the southern hemisphere. Symbolizes the wounded healer centaur Chiron. You are capable of healing people, as well as solving difficult issues, but on this path you will face difficulties and even quite painful problems that you must be able to overcome.

Hadar as a heliactic rising star. Only for those born in the tropics. Symbolizes the wounded healer. That is, you will have to go through personal difficulties on the path of mentoring or healing, social progress.

ALDERAMIN. Male power. Your task may be to revise the role model of male power, to avoid aggression in its manifestation. Aggression is not consistent with the nature of planet Earth and the laws of nature, while your task is to manifest balanced male energy that is in harmony with the feminine energy of planet Earth. So you have to play an active but not aggressive role. You need to be able to focus your energy. Benefits and success can come to you as a result of gentle determination rather than dramatic actions.

MENKAR. The influence of the collective unconscious. This star indicates the strong influence of instincts and unconscious manifestations in your life. These are the monsters sitting inside us that suddenly emerge, seem huge, inevitable and destructive. You can become an explorer of the depths of the psyche, the human subconscious, you need to learn to work with instincts, find a safe way to express them for yourself and other people. You are open to the collective in accordance with the point or planet in the natal chart with which this star is associated. The positive use of this difficult star can be expressed in the ability to achieve something for the team. At the same time, you should take precautions so as not to become a victim of the collective. You can work with your dreams or other images to establish and understand the connection between consciousness and the unconscious.

Menkar is like a heliactic rising star. This position means that you have a very deep connection with the team and society as a whole, its roots, going back to the past and instincts. You have the gift of doing something useful for the team. There is also some danger of becoming a victim of collective actions or stereotypical consciousness in some life situations.

DIADEM. Victim of a woman. A star from the constellation Coma Berenices. According to legend, the faithful loving wife Veronica sacrificed her luxurious hair to the gods in order to protect her husband, who was leading a long and dangerous military campaign. The star is associated with feminine power, but not the power of power, but the power of love. This star does not indicate a desire for fame and glory. It refers to the invisible workers, the people who work hard to help others, to work for the good of society, without seeking recognition. This star can characterize you as a self-sacrificing person who is driven by love for others. From this self-sacrifice a person derives strength and dignity. Do not take sacrifice fatally; it is rather a quiet and long-term unnoticeable sacrifice in work and love. Besides, Veronica's hair can grow back...

The diadem is like a heliactic rising star. If you were born in such a period, then the story of the legend of Veronica's Hair, quiet, unnoticed, calm self-sacrifice, selfless love can become part of your life. (This star may not be used as a heliactic star due to its low brightness).

ALFEKA. Presentation of the crown. The star is associated with the symbolism of the female crown - calm achievements, and the planet associated with the star will indicate their area. The gift of advancement up the social ladder is possible, but at a certain price. So you have a choice between quiet achievements at your social level and a leap upward, but then danger and suffering await you. There is a high price for the crown. In this case, you need to beware of disasters. In a certain life situation, you may be asked to change your social status or position in society. This advancement is most likely due to luck or love, rather than through hard work. You need to think about this proposal, because if you accept it, you may face difficulties or sacrifices, a dark period.

Alpheca as a heliactic rising star. You may receive as a gift abilities or opportunities, the acceptance of which is associated with sorrows and difficulties as a payment for social ascent. So decide whether to accept this, look at other stars associated with the natal chart to evaluate other possible paths.

ALKES. Carrying something valuable. This star has a soft and calm expression. You can be considered a spiritual, mystical and prophetic person. You carry something symbolically valuable to others. Often found in cards of religious servants. You may feel a strong group orientation and seek deep connections with the group. For your team, you can play the role of a receiver or vessel, for example, sharing experiences, providing psychological support, or having religious or very spiritual views.

Alkes as a heliactic rising star. If you were born during this period, the spiritual side of life will be important to you. You may be bringing something of value to others. Your ideas, creativity and other aspects of life are integrated into your group and are valuable to it. (Due to its weak brilliance, this star may not be used as a heliactic star).

ACRUX. Getting things done. This star is not visible in almost all countries of the northern hemisphere, including Russia. But if you were born near the equator or in the southern hemisphere, this star may be associated with your natal chart. Then it is connected with the specific physical world, the need to earn a living, with the actualization of human potential. You will tend to express yourself practically. You are a creator, a person who brings his work to the end, to a material result.

Arux as a heliactic rising star. Only near the equator. If Arux occupied this position at your birth, then you are a creator, you know how to implement ideas, and get a specific material result.

DENEB ADIJ. Readiness for awareness. The brightest star in the constellation Cygnus. Its symbolism is associated with this bird, which strongly and even fiercely defends its space. The Swan is also associated with ancient legends about the creation of life through the World Egg. The topic of family protection and motherhood may be close to you. The need to explore the mystical in everyday stories. You may be ready to undertake a heroic journey, both in the outer world and into the depths of self-discovery. The negative side of your manifestations may be increased aggressiveness in protecting yourself, family and your values. But at the same time this protection can be a manifestation of the divine. So you have great power, and you can use it in both hard and spiritual ways.

Deneb Adij as a heliactic rising star. This position signifies a willingness to take part in life's journey, to grow and achieve higher levels of awareness of oneself and the world around us. And also a readiness to confidently and assertively defend your values ​​and your space, your family. What you choose to do with this available strength and willingness is up to you.

SUALOKIN. Mastery in your field. The star will add skill and talent in the field of the planet with which it is connected. Your character may also include traits such as playfulness and a desire to help. There may be tantalizing false hopes with which you seduce others. This star is not strong, so more significant indicators of your life may be associated with other stars, and Sualokin only enhances their manifestations.

Sualokin as a heliactic rising star. If you were born during the period when this star was rising along with the Sun, then you can feel confident and at ease in your surroundings. (However, this star is too faint and is not usually used as a heliactic star).

TUBAN. Protecting the treasure. The star is associated with active guarding and protection. A person can fiercely protect what he considers his treasure, be it material objects or his ideas, values ​​or something else. He is afraid to part with it, even if things have turned into unnecessary trash, and ideas interfere with creative and spiritual development. This can lead to dogmatism and loneliness. So try to control your desire to protect everything, keep it within reasonable limits. So, if a star is associated with your natal chart, remember that another person cannot be your property, and any views and concepts need to be developed and adjusted. You can create yourself and create treasures that will be preserved for a long time. You must develop the ability to give and share. You can have a wonderful gift, and do not be afraid to use it, thinking that it will be depleted. You need to realize that real treasure is limitless. Resist the hoarding instinct.

Thuban as a heliactic rising star. This is only possible near the equator. In this case, your sense of individuality is associated with the search, accumulation or creation of treasures, spiritual or material.

AKHERNAR. Crises. The star is not visible from the territory of northern countries, including Russia, and therefore can be associated with your natal chart only if you were born in the tropics or the southern hemisphere. The star is most often associated with general crises of a natural nature, natural disasters. So, if it is related to your card, you need to be careful not to fall into the zone of such disasters. That part of your life that is associated with the planet that falls on the corner of the map along with Achernar will be associated with crisis and will show how you react to crisis situations. You must be able to effectively cope with acute external situations.

Achernar is like a heliactic rising star. Only in the tropics. In this case, some directions in your life will be associated with the need to cope with the crisis or survive it. You can often deal with the unexpected and can make a good crisis manager.

RAS ALGETHI. Search for order. A star from the constellation Hercules, variable in brightness. This constellation personifies the ancient hero Hercules. There may be motives for worshiping higher powers, gods, as well as the theme of heroism, the fight against evil and aggression. In addition to the image of Hercules, the star can be considered the personification of the natural order of things, the natural and correct position of people in relation to the divine. In our modern life, this is respect for nature, care for our planet, the desire for everything to be in its place. Therefore, environmental and moral topics should be close to you if you have a connection between this star and your natal chart. The desire for balance and justice in the world around us. The star indicates, through the planet with which it is associated, a sense of order and correctness and the search for this order. It is a natural need to obey a higher cosmic law or to pay respect to something higher. This can bring a sense of purpose into a person's life. It could also be attachment to a specific person, a teacher. In the negative version - worship of a personality cult or fanaticism, you need to learn to avoid these manifestations.

Ras Algeti as a heliactic rising star. Brings a sense of purpose into your life and can mean leadership in your spiritual life. (This star may not be used as a heliactic star).

ALFARD. Subconscious emotions. The star is quite difficult. If it is connected in your natal chart with planets, especially Mars, then you should beware of all types of violence and other crimes. If you do not consciously control this, you can become a criminal or a victim of crime. So try to recognize your instincts and emotions and find safe forms of expression for them. This could be sports, art, mysticism, other aspects of life on the borderline of consciousness and subconsciousness. Instincts and passion can give birth not only to the dark and demonic, they can serve as a catalyst for creativity. You are dealing with very strong feelings and you need to resist the urge to hit back in anger. The best use of this energy is to focus it on some task to which you can give your strength and determination.

Alphard as a heliactic rising star. If you were born during such a period, you need to realize that your life is connected with the great Snake, Hydra. Intense, transformative and really only now becoming conscious in the human mind, this star can sometimes manifest itself as malevolent. However, it also gives great wisdom to those who restrain their desire to strike.

VEGA. Charisma. A bright star from the constellation Lyra. The constellation is associated with the mythological musician Orpheus, who pacified even wild animals with his talent. The star represents everything artistic, talented, sublime and beautiful, full of charm. But how you use your attractiveness, for good or bad purposes, is up to you. The expression of Vega depends greatly on what other stars are working in your natal chart, as well as on what planets it is associated with. Vega gives you a creative, mysterious skill that can be used in a variety of ways. This is a magical star; it gives everything it comes into contact with a charismatic quality.

Vega as a heliactic rising star. If you were born during the rising of this bright star before the Sun, then your personal mythology will be associated with it. It may give you fame and attractiveness or great artistic talent, and your role will be to realize this gift without deception, bringing a touch of heaven to earth.

RAS ALHAG. Healer. A star from the constellation Ophiuchus, which personifies the healer Aesculapius, who in the sky is adjacent to the snake, which has become the emblem of medicine. Issues of healing, treatment, and sometimes training are relevant to you. If there are appropriate other instructions from the horoscope, you can choose the profession of a doctor. Or deal with the treatment of some other issues that are significant and painful for society and its individual members. You may strive to restore what has been damaged. In addition to medicine, you may be interested in politics or philosophy.

Ras Alhag as a heliactic rising star. Myths about the great healer Aesculapius and his snake, his wisdom are part of your life. You can use this gift and become a healer yourself. You may also need the wisdom of others to heal.

BETHELGEUSE. Success. This is one of the brightest stars and is part of the constellation Orion. According to mythology, Orion was both a celestial hunter and other central figures of myths. To some extent, in ancient cultures he can be considered an archetype of God. The influence of a star can bring great success, also see what planet it is associated with to determine this area. The planet in contact with it will represent existing talents and abilities that can be used for joy, success and even fame. This star brings positive results in everything it touches. Betelgeuse represents what should be clear and strong. A person under the influence of this star can be productive, brilliant and lucky. The success brought by this star is usually not overshadowed.

Betelgeuse as a heliactic rising star. Rewards you with the ability to succeed. A person has natural charisma generated by self-confidence. But, depending on the level of personal development and other indicators of the map, a person’s success can be manifested in various areas, theoretically one can imagine that in negative ones too.

RIGEL. Enlightener. This is the brightest star of the constellation Orion, the central character of many ancient myths, their central deity. Here Orion the god acts as a patron. The active, educational side of Orion. The concept of progressive development for the benefit of many people is close to you. You can be a teacher and educator at your level. This star does not create problems for you, but indicates the desire and opportunity to learn and teach yourself, to bring knowledge to other people. The energy of this star can be expressed through a whole spectrum of values, according to the planet affected. This could be strict sciences or construction under Saturn, or working as a coach under Mars, or school teaching under Mercury, the Moon. Or writing, social activities of an educational nature.

Rigel as a heliactic rising star. If you are born at such a time, you will have a strong connection with the mechanism of civilization and management in society. You will experience a need to teach and expand the horizons of others, or a need to defend an established view of the world if you believe it represents the best way to live. This need may sometimes cause you to come into conflict with unconventional groups of people.

BELLATRIX. Success with passing through the shadow. You must experience more difficult personal growth as the price for your success. If this growth and this understanding are ignored, this star may simply mean a fall. This star indicates that you need to consider personal weaknesses very seriously, and that real success, spiritual or material, comes only through personal growth. The position of the star on a certain corner of the map will indicate the period of time when this growth will be required. You can, having dealt with your problems, then become a professional consultant, or, conversely, solving other people's problems will lead you to understanding your own. You do not have the right and opportunity to abuse, do negative things for the sake of profit or quick success, the payback for this comes immediately, keeping you from the wrong path.

Bellatrix as a heliactic rising star. This is a sign of success, but you will always have to face your inner demons. This can become a lifestyle, leading to the profession of a consultant or psychotherapist, helping other people deal with their personal problems. For you, karma is instantaneous, any negative action for the sake of quick results will very soon be refuted by reality.

MARCAB. Sustainability. The constellation Pegasus, which includes this star, symbolizes not only the celestial horse, but also a large square in the sky, to which it is similar in shape. The square symbolizes materialism, sustainability, and a scientific worldview. This star can be considered as a saddle, a stable point on which you can lean. You have the ability to remain stable under pressure, to be firm and resilient. This can act as a limiting force or be a very valuable quality. Particularly greater stability will be observed in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the planet that is associated with this star in your chart.

Markab as a heliactic rising star. It will give your card hardness and reliability. This may give you leadership qualities and the ability to cope with a crisis, or it may manifest itself as a certain stubbornness and refusal to move in a different direction or consider other choices.

SHEAT. Love for intellectual activity. The star can symbolize intelligence, logic and thinking. Depending on the planet with which this star is connected in the natal chart, it means a love of intellectual pursuits and complex logical problems. You want to think independently and may well consider it necessary to break with traditional philosophy and conservative thinking. Your task is to connect intuition to ordinary logic, to break out of the mechanistic view of the world. You may have to go through some crisis moment in life, after which your intellectual abilities will receive a new impetus.

Sheat is like a heliactic rising star. May indicate the gift or curse of genius. Your education, knowledge and use of your skills will be an important part of your identity.

MIRFAC. Young male energy. The star of the constellation Perseus represents a young warrior, proud of his strength, his hunting and fighting abilities, his trophies. In the sphere of action of the planet associated in your chart with this star, you will not listen to wise advice or exercise caution. You will behave like a warrior, a young brave knight. This may be your strength, or it may cause you to overestimate your physical or mental abilities.

Mirfak is like a heliactic rising star. You identify with youthful masculine energy (regardless of your gender). You can use this in many ways: it can be a benefit from the point of view of physical vitality, or it can be a hindrance because of the potential for recklessness or haste in your actions.

ALGOL. Women's intense passion. Variable star from the constellation Perseus. Historically considered one of the most difficult, even dangerous stars. This is a passionate demonic force, this is female sexual energy, something that many were afraid of because they did not know how to understand and realize. This star contains immense feminine passion and strength. It should not be called evil if it is not understood. Just as, for example, the power of the atom is very powerful, it can be both good and evil. A strong passion can consume you with anger and rage. But if a person can restrain the subconscious desire for revenge and focus this passion on something more productive, Algol will give such a person energy of great power. Any planet touched by this star will be charged with strong, intense sexual energy, which can potentially be wonderful or, if suppressed, can produce outbursts of rage and violence.

Algol as a heliactic rising star. With such a birth, your whole being lights up with intensity and passion. At the very least, this will mean that you are a person who does not tolerate injustice. Because you can control intensity, you will encounter similar situations throughout your life. In the worst case, a destructive effect is possible, so the energy of this star requires great attention.

CAPULUS. Male intense passion. An open star cluster in the constellation Perseus. Symbolizes male sexual energy, focused, direct, penetrating action. Concentration and passion can turn into cruelty and frenzy. This is the sword of Perseus, the energy of the star is clear, decisive, focused and frantic. You need to beware of outbursts of anger and ill-considered actions, as such actions can have far-reaching negative consequences. By focusing on your desired outcome, you can achieve the best results.

FOMALHAUT. Humanity and poetry. A star from the constellation Southern Pisces. Refers to the royal stars of Persia, Guardian of the South. These stars represent, to some extent, the chosen people who must pass a test or temptation before true success is possible. Like a rocky road along which a person must walk without falling into traps or committing unseemly acts. The star Fomalhaut personifies a person who is out of step with society, striving to receive a prize, an achievement, overcoming obstacles with the power of love. There is a touch of mysticism, a sense of magic here. Such a person is characterized by high ideals and lofty dreams. Fomalhaut can bestow beauty or perfect harmony. A person with a strong star Fomalhaut in the natal chart will have to confront the mainstream thinking of his time in order to achieve these ideals. If the ideal is noble, the person will achieve personal happiness or success for the benefit of society. However, if these ideals and dreams are dishonest in some way, the fall will be complete. The task of people under the influence of this star is to maintain the purity of their ideals and dreams. You need to be very honest with yourself about your motives in pursuing a goal, and when you achieve results, it is important that personal glory does not become the main driving force. If recognition is expected, it is important that it is not manipulated for the sake of personal glory. This star gives a poetic mind; you can be like a child enchanted in a fairy tale, from which it is difficult to return to the real physical world. Beware of sweet escape from reality, for example, with the help of drugs. This is a very strong star that has a huge impact on your life.

Fomalhaut as a heliactic rising star. If you are born at such a time, you will be filled with ideals and mysticism. Dreams, ideals, combined with your vitality, promise a lot if you do not consciously seek fame.

DUBHE. Quiet strength. A star from the constellation Ursa Major. Represents the ancient goddess. In some myths it is Artemis, in others it is Callisto. She can really overcome anything, but her strength is associated more with intuition than with physical pressure; it is a calm, somewhat passive strength. The star associated with your natal chart will give you perseverance and endurance. Your strength lies more in your femininity, the Yin principle, regardless of your gender, than in any actions you may take. This is the sacred energy of a caring mother. But she can also be angry if her position is threatened. Your greatest strength lies in the position you occupy rather than in the actions you take.

Dubhe as a heliactic rising star. In Russia and the northern countries such a situation is impossible. If born in the tropics, the star will indicate that your sense of individuality is connected to the concept of calm strength.

POLAR. It is impossible to use in astrology, since for absolutely all people born in the northern hemisphere, this star occupies a position at the culmination, and is never visible from the southern hemisphere.

FACT. Exploring uncharted waters. A star from the constellation Pigeon. The symbolism here is the search for adventure. Attempts to explore the unknown. You will be interested in discoveries and knowledge of the unknown, and you will be able to make some kind of discovery yourself. You are ready to go on a journey along unknown paths. This could be a daring risk if the star is associated with Mars, or an intellectual exploration if associated with Mercury.

ANKA. Transgression of limits, transformation. A star from the constellation Phoenix, in Russia it is visible only in the southern regions. The star associated with the natal chart brings a sense of transformation, of transgressing limits. First of all, in the sphere of the planet with which this star is connected.

GAMAL. Following your own path. A strong star of independence and action. Strengthens any planet associated with it. It has a connotation of the zodiac sign of Aries - determination, impulsiveness, independence, willpower. This can manifest itself in a positive or negative way. This may be a simple but very useful ability to be focused and goal-oriented, or it may express itself as irritability and an inability to deal with authority figures in the family or career field. This may be a critical attitude towards previous views and beliefs, rejecting them.

Gamal as a heliactic rising star. In this position, the star is strongly connected to your personality. You will be highly focused, motivated, and prefer to act and think in ways that set you apart from others. You will lack diplomacy, you can be a strong leader or a tyrant. You can become an expression of the human desire for exploration, discovery.

ALDEBARAN. Strong integrity. A bright star from the constellation Taurus, one of the royal stars of Persia, guardian of the East. Represents the integrity of moral principles and goals. Connects the material and divine worlds. Brings holiness to the earthly, physical. The star gives powerful strength, but only in case of purity and honesty. Gives you the opportunity to achieve fame, success and happiness, but only if a certain temptation is overcome. This challenge is about integrity and honor. Greatness can be achieved, but a person will be challenged regarding this very integrity and purity of his thoughts and actions. If he fails this test, he will lose everything. The presence of the star Aldebaran in the chart indicates that you will have to face moral dilemmas that will challenge your integrity. You will have the opportunity to achieve success. However, there will be a temptation to jeopardize your position, to go against your integrity. You need to realize that any compromise of your honesty and integrity will have negative consequences and everything that has been achieved can be lost very quickly.

Aldebaran as a heliactic rising star. You are characterized by strong principles and moral convictions. These principles are an essential part of your success, but they will be challenged. You will have to fight to maintain the purity of what you believe in; a shaken integrity can lead to a rapid loss of your position.

NATH. Weapons in different senses or the fight against them. The star marks the tip of Taurus's horn, the point of attack. May symbolize the strength of the bull, a terrible weapon, a potentially destructive skill that can be used to destroy or give life. With such a star, you can also become a fighter for peace, against the use of weapons. Consider also the planet with which the star is associated to understand what kind of weapon is meant. This could be a real real weapon, or, for example, a sharp tongue that you learn to use or contain.

Nath as a heliactic rising star. With such a birth, all issues of weapons, war and peace will be connected with your individuality. In a positive way, you can fight energetically for peace.

HALCEONE. Inner vision, as well as problems of condemnation. A star from the Pleiades cluster in the constellation Taurus. Associated with the search for inner vision and the third eye, and sometimes with problems with vision, vision was previously checked using the stars in such nebulous clusters. Mythologically, this star is associated with passing judgment on the dead, bringing ruthlessness into dealing with those who do not meet the necessary requirements, this is the potential for ruthlessness and anger. In our time, when eras, faiths, and ideological concepts change, this can be especially relevant. Discerning and judgmental energy. A sense of vision and understanding will flow through the planet with which it is associated. You should avoid hasty judgment or narrow-mindedness that leads to blindness to the obvious. You have the potential for real insight and intuition, so it is important that you do not use it to make harsh judgments.

Alcyone as a heliactic rising star. Strong spiritual abilities are associated with the card. Your sense of individuality is intertwined with artistic, clairvoyant, but judgmental characteristics.

CASTOR. Intellectual writer. One of the two brightest stars in the constellation Gemini. If it is connected with a card, then it means that you will have to face and work with different polarities in life. Associated with writing or successful writing. Overcoming contradictions, combining energies. You will look for the bright side of the situation in each polarity, moving away from the dark side of any issue. You will approach many dualistic, two-sided issues from the standpoint of logic and intellect as opposed to feelings and emotions.

Castor as a heliactic rising star. In this position, the star shapes your personality in such a way that you will have to travel through the valley of polarities. You have a strong need to seek out information, mix it up and add it to your beliefs. You are drawn to the study of polarities.

POLLUX. Emotional writer. One of the two brightest stars in the constellation Gemini. You will often have to face dilemmas and polarities in life, issues that have two sides. You must be able to combine light and dark energy, overcome the contradiction of good and evil, and get away from their opposition. You will look at the problem primarily from its dark side and look for the positive in the dark, and you will also see the negative in what is considered to be the bright side. You can be a writer, create and compose, successfully search for information. You will approach dualistic, polar issues primarily from the positions of feelings, emotions, humanity as opposed to pure intellect, logic and numbers.

Pollux as a heliactic rising star. In this position, the star shapes your personality in such a way that you will have to travel through the valley of polarities. You have a strong need to seek out information, connect it and add it to your views and beliefs. You are attracted to the study of duality and opposites.

ALKHENA. Strong beliefs. Symbolism - a proudly marching star. Or a god touching the Earth. In this regard, the star may be related to leg injuries. It also means disobedience, disobedience to the system, the order of things. New standards and new approaches that solve old problems that could not be dealt with before. To have this star in your chart means to have a cause that you will tenaciously pursue, or a belief for which you stand determinedly. This march may be painful at times, but the difficulties it causes are minor compared to the goals you wish to achieve. These goals may have a physical expression or relate to the intellectual sphere, depending on the planets with which the star is associated in the chart.

Alhena as a heliactic rising star. Your personality is linked to the energy of determination and pride. You will be very focused and energetic and will be able to achieve a lot. Do not cloud these abilities with arrogance, as you may feel that you have a divine right to correct situations.

ACUBENS. Love of life. A star from the constellation Cancer, carries the symbolism of the Egyptian scarab. The star will give you the opportunity to go through difficult circumstances. Resurrection, love of life conquers everything. Resilience, the energy of the source of life. The star is quietly shaping some of your spiritual attitudes and giving you faith in the concept of rebirth, resurrection, in religious form or in the form of an optimistic outlook on life. You can provide assistance to the dying or be involved in the birth of new life. Love of life, respect for life on a spiritual or biological level will occupy an important place in your beliefs and can be the main driving force in your life, especially if the star rises with the Sun.

REGULUS. The need to avoid revenge. A bright star in the constellation Leo. One of the royal stars of Persia, guardian of the North. You can achieve great success, but only by facing certain inevitable challenges. In this case it is revenge. You can achieve great success in your chosen field, but if you ever stoop to revenge, you will lose power and position in society. Regulus indicates power and success, so it is active in the charts of successful people. But the higher this star raises a person, the more he must beware of revenge. Always strong and ardent in nature, this star makes its presence felt in the chart. It is the desire for success and the potential to achieve those aspirations. In the area that the planet points to. At the same time, the star talks about issues of vengeance, always tempting and testing a person. If, out of anger or resentment, a person begins to take revenge, then a fall occurs, the person loses everything that he has achieved. This loss may be public or personal.

Regulus as a galactic rising star. Will push you to succeed or move forward. If this agrees well with the entire map, then you must make an effort, acceleration, to achieve this success. If this conflicts with other needs, then pride in small things can soften the strong compulsion to shine caused by this star. You must aim high, but be aware of the dangers of retaliation.

DENEBOLA. On the verge of generally accepted norms. The star symbolizes movement out of step, inconsistency with the main direction of thinking. Your life will go beyond the generally accepted in some ways, especially in the sphere of the planet associated with this star. Denebola also adds an unusual vision of the world. This can bring good results and lead to success. although this success is on the verge of all the foundations and foundations accepted in a given society at a given time. Your point of view is not consistent with the main one. This can be negative if you are prone to dictatorship, imposing your opinion on the team. It is useful for you to listen to other points of view, not in order to change your views, but in order to understand other people.

Denebola as a heliactic rising star. In this position, the star emphasizes that you will see the world differently from others. It is useful for you to listen to the opinions of other people. But at the same time, you, going out of step with others, can discover something new or invent something because you see the world through an unusual lens.

ZOSMA. Victim. The star often marks people who are suppressed and insulted by the system, authorities, powerful and wealthy individuals. The planet associated with the star in your chart has something to do with mistreatment. This planet is associated with suffering, perhaps due to your naivety, allowing you to be made a victim. You can offset this impact by helping victims and the weak, for example as a social worker.

Zosma as a heliactic rising star. A difficult situation, your life is intertwined with issues of the needs of the minority or victims of society. You yourself must be prepared to be treated poorly by the system. Your beliefs or lifestyle can put you at a disadvantage and will become one of your lessons. Helping the victims of society is your task.

SPICA. Gift, giftedness. An ear of wheat held in the hands of the Virgin Goddess in her role as a reaper. It is a symbol of the divine gift to humanity. Harvest, abundance. Material products that improve our lives and knowledge of how to obtain them. Shows the possibility of brilliance and success. The star Spica represents a brilliant gift, hidden or obvious talent, extraordinary skill and ability. People with the influence of this star seem to illuminate everything they come into contact with. The planet that is associated with this star in your chart will show what kind of gift and type of brilliance you have.

Spica as a heliactic rising star. This means that you are a gifted person, truly capable of giving something to the world. If other indicators of the card support this, fame and even glory await you. You can and must work hard so that this gift does not disappear either for you personally or for all humanity.

WINDEMATRIX. Collector. Symbol of grape harvest. The star supports the symbolism of the constellation Virgo, the reaper goddess. The star is not very strong. At the same time, it marks the collection of what was previously sown. You may be a collector or collector of something. You will be action-oriented in a gentle way, focused on gathering what you have previously planted, patiently gathering those things you need or like.

Vindematrix as a heliactic rising star. You can make the best use of your resources because you instinctively gather the things, facts, or people you need to achieve your goals. Gathering can become a major theme in your life.

ZUBEN ELGENUBI. Social reforms without personal gain. A star from the constellation Libra, a symbol of justice, alignment, balance. You will be concerned about issues of social justice in society, regardless of your position in it, and not for your own sake, but for the sake of general harmony and balance. Endows a person with high ideals. Your main motive is not personal gain. You can become involved in reform and resist the temptation of personal gain or power. You wish to be involved in group activities. It may be related to politics or simply be an interest group.

Zuben Elgenubi as a heliactic rising star. A very strong need to be involved in public or group affairs as a reformer, but without pursuing personal selfish interests, simply for the sake of universal justice. Your actions may have something to do with the joy of giving.

ZUBEN ELSHEMALI. Social reforms with personal gain. A star from the constellation Libra is related to reforms and justice, but at the same time a person also extracts something useful for himself personally. In the negative version, it can be a selfish interest in reforms and politics, when a person does a common cause for the sake of personal success or material well-being. In a more positive case, you help other people and at the same time gain a certain status for yourself. Your ideas and views are more focused on practicality and expediency for yourself and others.

Zuben Elshemali as a heliactic rising star. Very strong need to get involved in group and social affairs, such as politics. You can act as a reformer, benefiting yourself along the way. You help a new project, and the project helps you.

ANTARES. The need to avoid obsession. Antares is the heart of Scorpio, one of the royal stars of Persia, the guardian of the West. The constellation and star are associated with the theme of life and death. You need to use your powers so as not to self-destruct, you may encounter the problem of the death instinct. Your natural desire to strive for success, for victory as a result of going through the purifying experience of life and death, can cause you to strive for intensity of experience even where it is not required. You intentionally or unintentionally go to extreme measures. You can expect success, but only as a result of constant testing of your efforts and honing them in the crucible of experience. The planet that Antares contacts will indicate how this energy will be expressed in your life. The danger is that you seek drama simply for the sake of excitement, and if this happens, you may lose everything that has been achieved. Antares as a heliactic rising star. In this position, the star is potentially harsh and ruthless. You need to allow yourself to be obsessive while recognizing that other people may not be as assertive. Your essence is that first creating and then using human drama as a means of excitement is your serious problem. If this arousal confuses you, then everything that has been created will be lost.

SHARK. Attacks that strengthen a person. Nebula related to vision, real or symbolic. Intuition, inner vision. The star is associated with attacks, depending on the planet, these can be physical or otherwise. You will find yourself being challenged or subjected to damaging gossip. This may also manifest itself as a threat to your health. This star represents the sting of Scorpio, and if you become angry or swear, you can harm yourself. Ignoring gossip and looking at the problem in a clear light is the path you should follow. The attacks launched on you make you stronger, harden you, and you can withstand them.

AKUMEN. Attacks that weaken a person. Nebula, Scorpio's sting. Relates to vision, health, inner vision. Attacks by you and on you can be physical, verbal or other, depending on the planet associated with the star. You are challenged, you are subject to gossip. If you fall into anger, irritation, foul language, then you weaken yourself, your health and spirituality. You must ignore gossip and provocations and look at the problem in a clear light.

RUKBAT. Sustainability and consistency. The star symbolizes strength, stability and hardness. The themes of battle, wrestling, and sports may be close to you. Stubbornness is possible in character. But you can use the energy of this star to give yourself strength. Be prepared to work with long-term goals rather than looking for shortcuts. This star represents a skill, not an obstacle. The star represents an indestructible rock, giving the qualities of consistency and stability, the ability to physically or philosophically maintain one's endurance.

FACIES. Ruthlessness. A barely visible nebulous cluster in the constellation Sagittarius. The sharp gaze of a bow, a deadly weapon. One of the most difficult and violent celestial objects. You need to be careful not to use your power without paying attention to other people. You have potential dictatorial tendencies, as well as some danger of becoming a victim of aggression. So you should work with this energy, giving it a more positive expression, drawing on the other stars as well. The dark side of the star is the evil of war. Otherwise, it may mean not a diplomatic, but a successful person. A planet associated with this star in the natal chart will be highly focused and energetic. You need to realize that the pressure to achieve a goal can be ruthless and not reach that level. If this is the only difficult star in the chart, then it may simply indicate focus on the goal. The end justifies the means is a principle that can tempt you.

DENEB ALGEDI. Legislation. A star from the constellation Capricorn. A symbol of a law-giving and justice-oriented god who is trying to civilize people. The star of a benevolent ruler who tries to use wisdom and knowledge to protect and help people. This star gives you a sense of justice, a desire to be a savior. If one of the royal stars or Libra stars is present in your chart, then the influence of this star is more noticeable. The desire to help, but not through service, but through leadership.

SADALMELEK. Happy king. The star is associated with life-giving water, with good news. Although the star is not very strong, it means some influx of energy into the sphere of the planet with which it is connected or into the sphere of the corner of the map on which it is located. Knowledge of how to overcome difficulties and find happiness. When rising along with the Sun, it gives great vitality.

SADALSUUD. Happiest. Associated with Aquarius, happiness and good fortune. Brings life-giving vitality, especially in the area of ​​the planet or corner of the map with which it is connected. Especially if it rises with the Sun. The star itself is not very strong, but it helps to find happiness in life. Something pleasant may await you in the sphere of the planet associated with this star.

ALRISHA. Bringing it together. A star from the constellation Pisces. A knot connecting two Pisces in the sky. A point of contact between two areas of knowledge. You can make discoveries at the intersections of sciences or other areas of human activity. Connecting different concepts for understanding and wisdom. This is a calm and gentle star, indicating that you will be looking for different connections, viewing things in a different light. The planet associated with this star will indicate the area of ​​your life in which you will mainly look for these connections. If the star rises with the Sun, the need to discover various connections in the search for how the world works and works will be a major theme in your life.


Heliactic rising star. A fairly bright star, which on a given day rises directly in front of the Sun, heralding the dawn. Determines the strategic course for life, the main directions and character traits, the main life values.

A star in transit. You can control the energy of this star consciously. You can approach it psychologically, creatively, and develop in this area. The star does not carry fatalism; you can solve its problems intelligently, find the best types of its manifestation.

A star during a shortened transit. The star is in the rising phase and remains hidden. This star affects you in its pure form; its energy is more difficult to control. You must accept her as she is, making sure to use all her positive sides, then the negative ones will soften.

Interpretations of the Stars. Bernadette Brady

M.: TsAI. 1999 Volume 1-2.

The discovery of the movements of “fixed” stars belongs to the famous English astronomer Edmund Halley, who discovered in 1718 that some bright stars from the Hipparchus-Ptolemy catalog had noticeably changed their positions among other stars. These were Sirius, which shifted to the south by almost one and a half diameters of the Moon, Arcturus - by two diameters to the south, and Aldebaran, which shifted by 1/4 of the diameter of the Moon to the east. The observed changes could not be attributed to errors in Ptolemy's catalog, which, as a rule, did not exceed 6C (1/5 of the diameter of the Moon). Halley's discovery was soon (1728) confirmed by another English astronomer, James Bradley, who is better known as the discoverer of the annual aberration of stars. Subsequently, Tobias Mayer (1723-1762), Nicolas Lacaille (1713-1762) and many other astronomers up to Friedrich Bessel (1784-1846) were involved in determining the movements of stars, laying the foundation for the modern fundamental system of star positions.

Interestingly, it took almost 2,000 years to break the conventional wisdom of fixed stars to begin to look for and find the movements of stars. Fixed stars move forward through the Zodiac at a rate of about 50 arc seconds in one year. Over ten years, the fixed stars move by about 8 minutes and 21 seconds of arc. On average, every 72 years these stars move forward in the Zodiac by a full degree (in apparent motion).

This must be remembered, because... During its life, the star can move away from the planet to an orbital distance, thereby destroying the connection. It also happens the other way around, when a star in the chart does not come into conjunction with a planet, or is located at a permissible orb distance from it, but after a certain number of years of life it comes into exact conjunction with the planet.

The orb for fixed stars is very small:

And only for Algol an orb of 5 degrees is allowed.

When working in a chart, only connections and only the planets and Angles of the chart with the Fixed Stars are taken into account. Of all the Lots, only the connection of the Part of Fortune with the Stars will be significant; with the rest of the Lots, you need to approach the analysis of the card individually. The conjunction of the fixed stars with the Antis of the planets can play a significant role in the life of the native. The occurrence of fixed stars on the cusps of intermediate houses can not be considered, i.e. their coordinates strongly depend on the chosen house system.

Today, among astrologers there is no clear opinion, confirmed by experience and practice, about the use of fixed stars. In the literature, in reference books, a huge number of stars are listed, and for each one a description of the symbolism is given, an interpretation of the influence of the star on the fate of the native. Of course, the most difficult task is precisely the study and confirmation of this influence in practice, because even in the interpretation of the influence of the same star in different reference books there are quite a lot of discrepancies.

Of the many literature written about fixed stars, we can recommend the books by V. Robson “Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology” and the book by the Serbian author Alexander Imshiragic “Pillars of Destiny”.

Enormous work on systematizing the use of fixed stars was done by the famous modern astrologer Denis Kutalev, you can familiarize yourself with his book

I quote here a chapter from the book by D. Kutalev, in which he sets out the basic principles of interpretation of the fixed stars:

3.3. Theoretical principles of interpretation of fixed stars.

“When we observe any constellation... we seem to be sure in advance that harmony and rhythm unite the stars included in it; Of course, we ourselves exalt them, but we exalt them because in the constellation there is something that determines this harmony - something deeper and more significant than individual stars. Have you not noticed that the stars that are not included in the constellations seem insignificant next to the constellations, these undeciphered letters... Man from the very beginning should have had a presentiment that each constellation is a kind of clan, society, race

J. Cortazar “Winnings”.

Have astrological significance ALL stars. Associated with them is a layer of information on a more karmic plane, on a deeper causal level, than with the planets.

This deep information, refracted in the mentality of different peoples and eras, can acquire in each case special ways of manifestation. Therefore, astrologers from different countries and eras often attribute completely different meanings to the same star.

Real the stars matter visible to the naked eye(up to 6 m visual magnitude inclusive). They can be compared to the visible planets with which basic astrological information is associated; while the less bright stars are like the higher planets, their vibrations being so fine and high that at present they have no perceptible influence in the horoscope.

The brighter the star, the more people feel its vibrations. Wherein doesn't matter, whether a star can be seen in a given area or not (just as it does not matter whether a particular planet is visible). The apparent magnitude indicates the significance of the star principle for modern humanity (over time, this magnitude can change significantly, indicating an increase or decrease in the relevance of the star).

The basic level of information that the stars carry for a particular cultural paradigm is associated with the distribution of stars among constellations (as well as asterisms or groups of stars) accepted in this paradigm. Constellations represent global archetypes, and the levels and types of their specific manifestation are expressed through the stars.

The accepted order of stars in a constellation (that is, the distribution of stars on the scale “key - significant - insignificant - insignificant”) reflects the stages of revealing the meaning of the constellation. In astronomy and astrology of different cultures, different principles of the hierarchy of stars in a constellation are established. In modern astronomy, two approaches are used to ordering stars in a constellation. One of them, introduced by the German astronomer Bayer in 1603, is to assign Greek letters to the stars in each constellation approximately in descending order of brightness (starting with alpha in the alphabetical sequence, and after omega - Latin letters). Another approach, used by the Englishman Flamsteed in his 1725 catalog, was to designate stars by numbers in ascending order of right ascension coordinate. It seems that for astrological purposes it is advisable to use the first classification, since it seems natural that the brightest stars are associated with the key manifestations of the constellation; whereas in the Flamsteed catalog, the number of a star is not related to its magnitude, so the first number in the constellation may be a star that is not even visible to the naked eye. But perhaps the main objection to the Flamsteed system is its focus on the equatorial coordinate system, while in astrology (at least modern) the correlation with the ecliptic is more significant. Note also that many stars have their own names (which is one indication of the importance of the information associated with them). Almost all of these stars are designated by Greek letters in the Bayer system, but not all have the Flamsteed designation. The primacy of the Bayer classification today is confirmed by the fact that after the boundaries and names of constellations were established in 1925 by the International Astronomical Union, this system was also used for the “new” constellations of the Southern Hemisphere of the sky.

Information that is significant for our cultural paradigm is carried by those stars that are designated in the Bayer system by the letters of the Greek alphabet. Symbolically, the first four stars of the constellation correspond to the first, most immediate, spontaneous and unambiguous manifestation of the principle of this constellation. In this case, alpha corresponds to the element of Fire, beta to the element of Earth, gamma to the element of Air, and delta to the element of Water. The next four stars correspond to the next, increasingly subtle levels of manifestation of the constellation (epsilon - Fire II... omega - Water VI). The influence of stars of the fifth and sixth levels is already so “refined” that it can only be perceived by people who have reached the highest level of development. Therefore, at the sixth level, in essence, the limit of usefulness for interpretation is reached.

The meaning of a constellation is determined not only through the mythology associated with it, but also through its inclusion in the general structure of the starry sky, formed by 88 constellations (see Chapter 4).

Adopted in the 20th century. the system of astronomical classifications can also be used in the astrological analysis of charts built for past centuries (for justification, see section 3.4.).

Due to the fact that the fixed stars are located at a much greater distance from us than the planets, the influence of stars in the horoscope within very rigid orbs should be taken into account. It seems that the orbit of a star depends primarily on its apparent magnitude and distance from the ecliptic. Say, a fifth magnitude star located at a distance of 85 degrees from the ecliptic is unlikely to have an orbit of more than one or two minutes.

The nature of a star’s manifestation (its “ascendant”) is associated with its spectral class. It is natural to assume that the seven main spectral classes correspond to the qualities of the planets of the septener. Moreover, if we distribute the classes from the coldest stars to the hottest (M, K, G, F, A, B, O) according to the Star of the Magi, we will see that the two most common spectral classes are correlated with luminaries (K, orange stars, 31% of all stars - the Sun; A, white stars, 22% - the Moon), and the colors of the stars adequately correlate with the planets (M, red stars - Mars; G, yellow stars - Venus; F, yellowish-white stars - Mercury ; B, bluish-white stars - Saturn; O, blue stars - Jupiter). This is a completely adequate system, confirmed by empirical data from astrology. Rare classes of stars are, accordingly, associated with distant planets.

The main level of manifestation of a star’s vibrations on the earthly plane is determined by the distance of the star from the Solar System. The closest stars have a tangible effect on the human physical body and the concrete everyday life. As the distance from us increases, the stars influence increasingly subtle levels of the human body and society (etheric-energy, astral, mental, etc.).

The nature of the star's manifestation is adjusted by the physical characteristics of the star - its multiplicity and variability.

The change in the value of a star within one paradigm is characterized by its precessional movement in coordinate systems not related to the position of the stars. For modern culture, the position and movement of stars in the ecliptic and (to a lesser extent) equatorial coordinate systems is important.

The age and physical dimensions of the star themselves are of little significance (the same as for planets).

A star is “on” in a horoscope if it is in conjunction with any of the planets or is located exactly on the cusp of a house (primarily an angular one).

Perhaps it makes sense to analyze the relative positions of stars (oppositions, ecliptic parallels and counter-parallels, etc.).

For stars, as for other elements of the horoscope, there is no unambiguous assessment of the level at which a person will perceive their influence; Different levels of elaboration are possible here. There are no “good” and “bad” stars.”

D. Kutalev draws attention to the fact that famous creative personalities or famous politicians do not necessarily become such thanks to the influence of fixed stars; more often they realize the potential of their chart, which is written in it by the natal planets.

When working with a horoscope, I use several main stars. Here is a list of them and their current status.

Rigel – 17*02 Gemini

Betelgeuse – 28*57 Gemini

Sirius – 14*17 Cancer

Castor 20*26 Cancer

Spica – 24*02 Libra

Zuben Elgenubi – 15*17 Scorpio

Zuben Elshemali – 19* 34 Scorpio

Unukelhaya – 22*16 Scorpio

The manifestation of fixed stars only indicates the existence in the life of the native of such semantic layers that cannot be explained by the influence of traditional planets. Here we are talking about a deeper causal level of what is happening to a person, about the presence of a certain karmic load that a person carries throughout life “as a burden” to his “ordinary” horoscope.

The meanings of the fixed stars are modified by other elements of the map, and their effect will not always be fatal: in many cases we are talking about very subtle semantic nuances that can be neglected (especially when connecting the fixed stars with minor elements of the map - cusps of intermediate houses, fictitious stars, etc. .P.); however, in a number of cases (primarily in the case of precise connection with an important point on the map), the influence of fixed stars turns out to be decisive.

Thus, if there are no strongly manifested fixed stars in the horoscope, this simply means that the native has “ample” problems and opportunities associated with the objects of the Solar System; and if there are many fixed stars in the horoscope, this indicates the need to include a number of other factors in the chart analysis, but in no way means that the native is completely “overwhelmed” by factors beyond his control. Both geniuses and mediocre people can be born with or without a pronounced influence of the fixed stars.

The section of the fixed stars is considered the most difficult in astrology. Either because there is very little information on this topic, or because of the deep mythological meanings of the stars.

Now there are debates about how stars manifest themselves in a person’s life. But there is absolutely no information on how to work through the negative influence of a star in your chart. I'll try to fill this gap today.

How do fixed stars manifest themselves?

Fixed stars cannot manifest themselves; they need a guide. Therefore, stars can only connect with planets and important points on the map (for example, corner Houses). Stars cannot take aspects, but they can greatly strengthen or weaken the planet or House with which it is in conjunction.

Good stars (Regulus, Sirius, Fomalhaut, etc.) give the native significant advantage and strength, but only if the native uses the energies of the stars.

For example, your Ascendant is in conjunction with Regulus, which denotes royal power, material success, social heights.

But if you are not striving anywhere on the career ladder, behave modestly, are afraid to once again express your opinion, then Regulus will recoup with large internal unrealized ambitions, you will become a kind of idealist who wants to do everything perfectly and therefore does nothing.

On a negative level, Regulus will also give laziness, arrogance, and self-centeredness. It all depends on you, how exactly you show the energy of the star and your card.

How to work with evil stars?

But what to do if the planet is struck by an evil star? There is only one way out - to play out the semantic meaning of the star, but in the direction you need.

For example, Algol in the natal chart is considered the most ominous star, as it literally and symbolically means loss of head, madness, physical or psychological violence. The nature of the planets Saturn and Pluto.

Symbolically, Algol personifies the head of Medusa, severed by Perseus. On the one hand, there is Medusa, a terrible monster that kills with one glance. On the other hand, it was the head of Medusa that helped Perseus win several important victories.

To prevent Algol from creating problems for you, you need to use its qualities to your advantage. Show symbolic violence, selfishness, cunning and uncompromising toughness where this ominous Star is located.

For example, in the native's chart Algol is connected to the cusp of the Second House of Money.

On a negative level, this can cause constant financial problems. Moreover, according to this situation, the native not only has no money, but there are constant monetary losses, a kind of symbolic violence in terms of the wallet. Fate seems to harshly take money away from a person.

If a person shows himself aggressively in all money matters, does not give anything to anyone, literally “squeezes out” every penny, then the negative influence of Algol will no longer interfere, emptying his wallet, and will move to another level. Yes, the solution is not easy, but it’s still better than constant money problems.

How to work Algol through planets?

Another example, Algol is in conjunction with Mercury. To avoid the negative manifestation of the star, the native must use Algol for its intended purpose. For example, become a critic (the star is also associated with the poison of Medusa). With Mars - take up a dangerous sport. With the Moon - sometimes destroy or destroy something. With Venus - add something provocative to your image.


Remember, you can always use any, even the most difficult aspect of the map to your advantage. In the case of fixed stars, the situation is the same. Study the mythological history of the star you need and think about how you can benefit from the signification of the star, even the most evil one.

Well, if you are interested in learning astrology and want to plunge into an atmosphere of mystery, find like-minded people, become confident in the future and simply get a new fashionable profession in which you can make good money, then take a 5-minute course to find out the answers to any questions yourself.

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