Is it possible to paint fiberboard with waterproof facade paint. Do-it-yourself fiberboard painting - tips and rules

Engineering systems 17.06.2019
Engineering systems

It would seem that it could be easier than painting wood fiber boards (MDF). But when you come across a fine finish on this material, a number of unforeseen problems can arise. The main one is the high porosity of this type of material. This is distinctive feature this type of flooring. This property The material is caused by the method of its production, when wood fibers with binders are pressed into a thin sheet under high load, thanks to which the material, if properly processed, will last you at least 10-15 years!

In order to achieve the effect of durability, you first need to understand how to paint a hardboard floor, since hardboard sheets themselves are highly porous and therefore absorb paint much more than, for example, concrete or wooden floors. To avoid overspending paintwork materials Before painting, it is recommended to pre-prime. If this is not done, then of course you will also paint the hardboard, but it will take a lot more materials, and the uniformity of application will not be the same as you wanted, since it absorbs more in one place, less in another.

Let's clearly analyze what this hardboard is made of, its pros and cons, how to paint it and what we need for these procedures.

Advantages of fiberboard

As a result of pressing waste from the woodworking industry at high temperatures, smooth and easy-to-work sheets are obtained, which are used both for the manufacture of furniture and for wall and floor cladding. From positive qualities this material it is worth noting:

Fiberboard structure

  • High strength. The material marked "ST" is used in industry for lining floors, walls of wagons, in furniture production and others.
  • Low price category. Due to the fact that the production of the material involves the use of any waste from sawmilling and woodworking with the addition of synthetic resins, antiseptics and other stabilizing substances, its cost is much more competitive compared to other types of boards.
  • moisture resistance. With proper priming and painting, hardboard can easily withstand moisture.
  • Durability. During manufacture, the material is coated with a special impregnation that is not susceptible to the formation of fungi or insect pests. Thanks to this, the material will stand for a long time in its original state.

Disadvantages of fiberboard

There are not many disadvantages of this coverage:

  • Low strength
  • inability to use in load-bearing structures
  • one-sided decor.

But despite these negative sides, this coating is great for laying on the floor. Accordingly, only after careful preparation and processing.

Coloring technology

The technology is not much different from the coloring of other types of materials, but we do everything point by point:

  1. We select a tool
  2. We prepare the surface
  3. Choosing a material
  4. We apply the material
  5. apply a protective layer

Required tool

And so, let's start in order. Just before preparing the surface, we will collect everything necessary that we may need during the work. First of all, stock up essential tool so that the work goes to the maximum short time and with less effort.

Roller with fur coat Ditch for paint Floor brush Spatula for sealant Vacuum cleaner for surface cleaning

  • A paint roller with fur instead of foam
  • Brush, some places cannot be painted with a roller
  • Dish for paint
  • Spatula if sealant application is foreseen
  • Vacuum cleaner for cleaning the surface after grouting

Now that you have all the tools ready, let's move on to painting. But here you should not rush. Further preparatory work is needed.


Before performing any work with fiberboard, you will first need to bring the sheets necessary for work to the same humidity as the air in the room where they will be laid. If this is not done, then after some time after laying they will go in waves. To comply with this condition, usually the reverse side of the sheets is impregnated with water, the sheets are placed on top of each other and left for a day.

Surface primer

On the surface of fiberboard, paint is applied only from the glossy side, since the rough side is not suitable for applying paint, but it will not be superfluous to impregnate it with a primer!

Due to the special structure of fiberboard, when painting, it absorbs 4 times more paint than other types of surfaces. Therefore, before you paint a hardboard floor, you must first prime it.

On construction markets and in stores you can find a lot of primer products. Let's look at the most suitable for this type of material.

It has been customary to prime sheets of hardboard with drying oil since the old days. She is the most practical for this. And its price is very competitive with imported substitutes. Its only feature is that it is required to apply it after heating to 40C °.

Do not forget that before applying the primer to the sheets laid on the floor, you should carefully clean off dust and dirt, this is done with a brush or a rag. If you have been cleaning sandpaper, then it is worth working with a vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth, and then allow the coating to dry well. For putty cracks using reinforced tape or adhesive tape, degrease with alcohol or some other non-caustic solvent, then just apply a primer layer. For work it is better to use a roller with a fur coat.

It is necessary to apply a final layer of paint only after the complete drying of the soil layer!

For a more durable effect of resistance to moisture, we would advise you to soak the hardboard with drying oil three times. It is best to use ordinary drying oil, since combined ones, with the addition of petroleum polymer resins or rosin suspensions at home, will dry for a very long time, exuding an unpleasant odor.


To extend the life of hardboard sheets, it is recommended to treat them with drying oil after cutting, but before laying on the floor. It is best to coat the ends of the sheets.

Modern materials over time are likely to displace drying oil from the first places in sales. Since they are less odorous, they contain substances that prevent the formation of fungal infections, and applying in one layer is enough, in comparison with drying oil, which is better applied in three layers.

Paint selection

Varieties of paint

As a material for painting fiberboard, you can use any enamel:

  • water emulsion;
  • alkyd;
  • oil;
  • acrylic.

For painting the hardboard floor, the best solution would be to use super hard paint, it is marked "ST". Its use will provide your newly made floor with high wear resistance. Or alkyd and oil paints with their subsequent fixing with varnish.

Important! paint on water based it will not be possible to paint the waterproof coating of the hardboard, since the paraffin from its composition will repel dyes from the surface.

When buying paint, be sure to familiarize yourself with its characteristics, method of application, compatibility with various types primers, impregnations and calculate its consumption for the type of material you have chosen, since then it will be possible not to get into color if the amount purchased is not enough for you. The manufacturer indicates this and other information on the packaging and in Russian.

When choosing a color, you can unleash your rich inner world and paint the floor any color you want. But you can also go for little tricks and apply combinations of colors.

  • So that the finished floor surface looks like natural wood, you should dilute the bituminous varnish and apply it with a special brush.
  • To imitate plastic, the fiberboard floor should be painted with white, glossy paint.
  • The matte surface is achieved by painting the hardboard with water-based paint.

If you have chosen Alkyd enamel as a finishing coat, do not forget about its toxicity, so make sure that the room in which the work is carried out is well ventilated, use a respirator for work, latex gloves and other personal protective equipment.

Paint application

When painting hardboard, we do not recommend that you use brushes or foam sponge. When using these tools, the paint on the floor will not lie flat and streaks may appear. To paint a hardboard floor, it is best to take a fur roller, or, if available, a spray gun. If you need to paint a small area, you can initially purchase paint in spray cans if it is comparable to the price of a large can. Since the paint in the spray can immediately has a spray gun, so it will be more convenient and faster to paint it.

Painting sheets of hardboard will make them not only pleasing to the eye, but also extend their life. It is also worth considering that important point so that the base of the primer in composition coincides with the base of the paint.

Cover protection

Although the paints make it possible to form a fairly reliable protective covering by applying them in several layers, do not forget about additional protection, which will also have a good effect on the aesthetic appearance of the finished base in your room or apartment.

One such solution is Lak. So that the varnish does not curl up and peel off after application, pay attention to the composition of its base. It is necessary that it coincides with the composition of the paint base, which has already been applied to the floor.

Lacquering is a procedure, although not mandatory, but it will help make the finished coating more reliable for abrasion and practical for caring for it.

In addition to such unpredictable decisions, there are more simple solutions. Currently, laminated fiberboard sheets that do not require additional processing and painting. When using this type of coating, it is worth taking a more responsible approach to leveling the joints and sealing them. And after the flooring, it is still recommended to cover them with parquet varnish.

Laying fiberboard on the floor

Pro laying fiberboard we will tell you in the next article, but for now, for clarity, you will find the main points when laying hardboard on this diagram.


We hope that now it has become clear to you how to paint a hardboard floor. But I would like to note that painting is not the only solution for covering hardboard.

As practice shows, a carefully prepared coating can not be painted, but pasted over with wallpaper, and several layers of varnish can be applied on top of them. The finished coating will perfectly keep the fiberboard sheets from dampness and moisture, and a variety of wallpaper patterns will give you a lot of acceleration for your imagination, which will allow you to decorate the floor in your apartment.

Video instruction

Yulia Kosheleva's recommendations for oil primer.

I recommend writing small works on cardboard or hardboard. Hardboard (laminated) can be bought and asked to be cut at any major hardware store. For the course, these are the sizes: 20-30 cm and 30-35 cm. It is better to have such formats for a course of 6-10 pieces.
But cardboard can be bought at art and stationery stores. The thickness of the one that suits us is about 1mm. That is, it is not quite thin cardboard. You can buy already primed cardboard in stores.
But oil is not written on an unprepared basis. In fact, no matter how much you would like to "just buy ready-made foundations", you can do the basics for small work yourself and get better quality than the store.
So, what is needed for this?
The best friend of a person who has begun to deal with oil is the ACRYLIC PRIMER from the Sonnet company. You can buy it in any art salon and almost everywhere. And for the preparation of simple bases, you will need PVA glue.
To apply the primer, you need a small plate and a velor construction roller is best, about 10 cm long (also bought at a hardware store along with a handle).
It is undesirable to apply the primer with brushes, because it will not lie very evenly.
1. PVA glue is slightly diluted with water and applied with a large brush to cardboard or a piece of hardboard. It's called PROCESSING. That is, a layer of adhesive that "blocks" the absorbent properties of the base. Dry.
2.Now apply a layer of white primer with a roller. And dry.
3. Another layer of soil. We dry. In the second layer, you can add quite a bit of PVA glue directly to the ground. This procedure is called PRIMER.
4. Or apply a little more glue on top of the already dried layers of soil with a thin layer. This is called FINISHING SIZING.
An option to add glue to the second coat of primer for those who like more absorbent bases. And here's an option with a clean glue application at the very end for those who like less absorbent, more slippery foundations. Here I propose to make a couple of different ones and just decide on "predilections". you will immediately understand what is more pleasant for you.
If you bought primed cardboard, and it absorbs everything, do this with it. as if you bought it clean, that is, glue and prime according to our main scheme first.
------- CANVAS ON CARDBOARD -------
For the course, you will need canvases on cardboard measuring approximately 35-45 cm, 30-50 cm. There are four in total. That is, for the course you will have at least four smaller works and four larger ones on canvas. I do not recommend stretched canvases for this course. Buy them only if you are "well acquainted" with them.
Oddly enough, even for decent money it is not always possible, or rather, in about half of the cases, you cannot buy good basics. Their factory production, machine oil getting on them when cutting, the absence of sizing, an insufficient number of soil layers - these are just some of those "miracles". which we encounter in live and online classes all the time.
What to do? The easiest thing to do with commercial canvas is to add another layer of acrylic primer with a roller. Further, before work, we wipe the canvas with oil. It's blocking most remaining “interference. If you bought a canvas on cardboard that behaves “generally strange”, absorbs paint like a sponge, or after oiling some spots appear, then just change it to another one. And then, when the oil is absorbed, add 1-2 more layers of soil, but not with PVA glue, but with the addition of ordinary edible gelatin (buy at the grocery store).How? Very simple: soak the gelatin in water, but add 4 times less water than indicated on the bag ( after all, you don’t eat it). Then, when it swells, heat it up a little on the stove until the granules dissolve. Add it to the acrylic primer, a little 1 part gelatin to about 7 parts soil. And roll this mixture onto the canvas with a roller. After drying, repeat the process. This process for the "most notorious")))) canvases, but you will know just in case how to organize "rehabilitation" for such canvases.

Fibreboards are used for the production of furniture, floor and wall coverings, construction of partitions and enclosing structures. However, not everyone knows how paint fiberboard, because this material is different from ordinary plywood or wood. We will tell you how the preparation of fiberboard for painting is carried out, and how painting work is carried out.

Coloring of fibreboards

Before you paint fiberboard, you should find out what kind of material it is and what its features are. As the name suggests, these are boards made from wood fibres. Fibers receive different ways: processing shavings, crushed wood and other wastes of the woodworking industry.
The fibers are collected and pressed under heating with the addition of synthetic resins, as well as water-repellent additives (paraffin, rosin) and pectolite. Soft varieties of this product can be produced without the addition of resins due to the lignin released from the cells of wood fibers during pressing. Also, various targeted additives are introduced into the composition of the plates - fire retardants, fungicides and antiseptics.

As a result, sufficiently strong and smooth plates are obtained, which are characterized by the following qualities:
High strength. Brands of plates of the "CO" series can be used for the construction of floors, carriages, furniture and other structures that require the ability to withstand high mechanical loads;
low price. Due to the fact that the material is produced from waste, its cost is much lower than the cost of solid wood or plywood. This explains the popularity of this product in various fields production and construction;
Moisture resistance. With appropriate processing, fiberboard can withstand high humidity and be used as a building envelope in car building, packaging production and other areas of the economy and industry;
Durability. Factory impregnation special preparations makes the plates unsuitable for feeding fungi and bacteria, as well as insects and other pests. This allows the material to serve for a long time without significant changes in composition and structure.
Important! modern material MDF is a kind of fiberboard, only for its production they use fibers of certain types of wood and a special pressing technology.

Attention! Except general characteristics, we want to highlight one more, at first glance, insignificant feature. This feature lies in the fact that, in view of some technological subtleties, the material very actively absorbs and absorbs liquids. This is important from the point of view of artistic processing.

To work with plates, any for wood is suitable. Since flooring is most often made from this material, let's talk about this area of ​​\u200b\u200bprocessing.
The paint for the fiberboard floor is selected taking into account the characteristics of the operation, the following options are possible:
Oil paints and alkyd enamels. Suitable for any wear-resistant floor coverings based on natural or synthetic drying oils. Most often, compositions based on pentaphthalic drying oils, modified alkyd resins (PF-115, PF-226, etc.) are used;
wear-resistant acrylic paints based on aqueous dispersions. A more expensive, but also better coating option, especially for living rooms and bedrooms;
Alkyd-urethane and epoxy compounds. Differ high strength and reliability, but also quite expensive and difficult to apply, as they often consist of two components and require preliminary preparation, taking into account the lifetime of the diluted material.
Important! Since fiberboard is one of the cheapest flooring options, it would be logical to assume that its processing should also be in the lower price category. Therefore, in the future we will consider the processing of plates with PF-226 oil enamel paint.

Now about how to paint fiberboard.

If you intend to do the work yourself, our instructions will help you:
1. Before painting hardboard floors, the boards must be prepared. To do this, they should be cleaned of dust and dirt, cracks and degrease the surface with technical alcohol. Next, heat the oksol drying oil to 50 degrees and apply with a brush in one layer over the entire surface;
2. After the drying oil has completely dried, open the can of paint and mix the contents thoroughly. For greater fluidity, you can slightly dilute the composition with white spirit or solvent;
3. We apply paint with a medium-haired fur roller. We make the layer thin, shade the coating evenly over the entire floor;
4. We are waiting for the enamel to dry completely - at least a day. Then we apply the next layer, but with undiluted paint. We finish the work by applying the third layer after the second has completely solidified.

Important! Alkyd enamel is toxic, so you need to work in a well-ventilated area using a respirator and other personal protective equipment.

Fiberboard - widely used construction material especially for floor and wall coverings. Painting fiberboard boards allows you to make them more attractive and extend their life.
The instructions and videos in this article will help you understand the intricacies of staining.

MDF boards are used for furniture production, wall and floor coverings, construction of partitions and fencing structures.

It seems that it is difficult to paint wood-fiber boards (Fibreboard) here. But when you meet finishing this material, a number of unexpected difficulties may arise. The main one is the high porosity of this type of material.

This is considered a characteristic specificity of this type of floor covering. This property of the material is caused by its production, when wood fibers with binders are pressed into a thin sheet under heavy load, due to this, the material, with the right finish, will serve you for more than fifteen years!

And now to the most important thing - how to paint fiberboard, because this material is very different from common tree or plywood. We will tell you how the preparation of fiberboard for painting is carried out, and how painting work is done.

Before painting fiberboard, you need to find out what kind of material it is and what its specifics are. As the name implies, these are slabs that consist of wood fibers. Fibers are obtained in all sorts of ways: by processing shavings and chips, plant fires, crushed wood and other waste from the woodworking industry.

The fibers are collected and pressed when heated with the addition of artificial resins, as well as water-repellent additives (rosin, paraffin) and pectol. Soft Options this product can be made without the addition of resins, due to the lignin released from the cells of the wood fibers during pressing. Also, various targeted additives are introduced into the composition of the plates - fungicides, flame retardants and antiseptics.

As a result, very strong and smooth plates are obtained, which are characterized by similar quality properties:

  • Great strength. Brands of plates of the ST series are used for construction works furniture, wagons, floors and other structures that require the ability to carry high loads mechanical property;
  • Low cost. Due to the fact that the material is made from waste, its cost is much less price pressed wood or plywood. This explains the popularity of this product in different areas construction and production;
  • Water resistance. With a proper finish, fiberboard can resist high humidity and be used as a building envelope in the production of containers, car building and other areas of industry and economy;
  • Durability. Factory impregnation with specialized preparations makes the plates unsuitable for bacteria and fungi, as well as insects and other pests. This will allow the material to work for a long time without much change in structure and composition.

Note! Now MDF is considered a type of fiberboard, but specific fibers are used for its manufacture. tree species and a special pressing procedure. Apart from the general parameters, we want to note one more, one might think, insignificant feature. This specificity lies in the fact that due to some innovative subtleties, the material quite actively absorbs and absorbs liquids. This is important in terms of painting finishes.


Any paint on wood is suitable for working with fiberboard. Since very often floor coverings are made from this material, we will talk about these areas of cladding.

The paint for the floor from the fibreboard is selected taking into account the operational features, there may be such options:

  1. Oil paints and alkyd-based enamels. Suitable for any wear-resistant coatings for floor covering based on synthetic or natural drying oils. Very often, compositions based on pentaphthalic drying oils modified with alkyd resins (PF-115, PF-226, etc.) are used;
  2. Wear-resistant acrylic-based paints based on water dispersions. Quite expensive, but also a much higher quality coating option, especially for living quarters and bedrooms;
  3. Epoxy compounds and alkyd-urethane. stand out good qualities strength and reliability, but still quite expensive and difficult to apply, since they often consist of 2 elements and require advance preparation, taking into account the life time of the diluted material.

The wood fiber floor is painted with alkyd-based enamel.

Note! Since fibreboard is one of the very inexpensive options floor covering, it is reasonable to assume that its cladding should also be in the lower price category. Due to this, in the future we will consider the finishing of plates oil paint based on alkyd PF-226.

Carrying out work

Painting a hardwood floor

If you want to get the job done with my own hands these tips may help you:

Before painting hardwood floors, the boards must be prepared. To do this, they must be cleaned of dirt and dust, putty cracks and remove grease on the surface with technical alcohol. Then it is necessary to heat the oksol drying oil to fifty degrees and apply with a brush in one layer on every centimeter of the surface;
We prime the previously degreased and cleaned floor with heated drying oil.

After the drying oil has completely dried, you need to open a can of paint and gently mix the contents. For better fluidity, you can slightly dilute the composition with a solvent or white spirit;

The enamel is slightly diluted with white spirit and be sure to mix. By the way, in the next article we will talk.

How to choose the right brush and roller for painting

How to dilute paint, enamel, etc.

We paint with a fur roller with an average pile. We make the layer thin, apply the coating equally on the entire floor;

We wait until the enamel dries completely - about 24 hours. Then you need to apply a subsequent layer, but no longer diluted paint. We finish the work by applying the third layer after the second has completely solidified.

Note! Alkyd enamel is very toxic, so you need to work in a well-ventilated area using a respirator and other personal protective equipment.

Painting fiberboard - video

How to paint a wooden floor

Summing up

Fiberboard is a very popular material, especially for covering walls and floors. Painting plates makes it possible to make them more interesting and increase the service life.

In this article, we will consider a number of topical issues, one way or another related to how and with what to paint fiberboard on the ceiling. Similar questions have to be faced when carrying out both capital and cosmetic repairs. But before proceeding with the choice of paints and varnishes, let's decide what the surface is, on which it is supposed to apply paintwork materials.

The main characteristics of the base

The abbreviation DVP is deciphered as follows:

  • the letter "P" means a plate;
  • the letter "D" indicates that the material is made of wood;
  • The letter "B" means that the board is not made using solid wood, but from individual fibers, which, by mixing with special resins, are glued together into a material that is homogeneous in composition.

As a rule, one of the sides of the fibreboard is made laminated. For this reason, this material can be used without painting. But if the color scheme of the laminated side does not fit into the interior, you still have to paint the plate.

Before you decide how to paint the fiberboard on the floor or on the ceiling, the base must be properly prepared. Fiberboard, or as it is also called hardboard, is a porous material prone to excessive absorption of paints and varnishes. Therefore, initially you need to think about how and with what to process fiberboard before painting in order to avoid overspending paintwork materials.

The way out in this situation will be the use of special primers, which will simultaneously strengthen the surface of the plate and reduce its degree of porosity by an order of magnitude. After deciding how to cover the fiberboard before painting, the base surface in without fail must be sanded to ensure better adhesion to the primer.

Again, when choosing how to paint fiberboard on the ceiling or on the walls, you need to decide on the type of tools used. From our experience, we suggest using a velor roller, both when applying the primer and when painting, since the use of a brush and a spray gun is unlikely to achieve the desired result.

LMB selection

As already mentioned, before painting the fiberboard on the wall, it should be primed. Given the features of hardboard, it can be assumed that not every composition is suitable for surface preparation. The best solution V this case will become water primers of deep penetration.

Hardboard is a more porous material than solid wood. The deep penetration primer, in turn, will fill the pores and thus minimize the degree of porosity not only on the surface, but throughout the entire thickness of the slab.

In the photo - impregnations that can be used to process fiberboard

Acrylic primers with latex fillers and antiseptic additives have proven themselves well in relation to porous materials. Such priming materials not only minimize the porosity of the substrate, forming a smooth hydrophobic coating, but also prevent the subsequent formation of mold.

There are no special requirements for the choice of paints and varnishes for application to properly primed hardboard. The fact is that properly laid soil reduces the moisture permeability of fiberboard, and therefore the paint practically does not penetrate into the thickness of the plate.

Important: In order to ensure the maximum quality of painting, it is advisable to use a paint made on the basis of the same components as the primer. For example, if an acrylic primer is used as a preparation for the hardboard, it is recommended to use acrylic paints, since in this way the maximum strength and durability of the coating is achieved.

If the question of how to paint fiberboard is still relevant, we can recommend alkyd enamels, the price of which is considered the most reasonable. To apply such coatings, the surface of fiberboard can be prepared using drying oil as a primer.

Drying oil is applied to the surface of the hardboard in two layers with an interval necessary for the complete drying of each previous layer. Qualitatively laid drying oil, as well as acrylic compositions, penetrates into the pores of the plate, forming a moisture-proof surface.

Note! Alkyd enamels can be applied in one or two layers.

Features of painting work

Instructions for conducting painting work on fibreboards begins with the application of a primer.

This is done as follows:

  • We attach fine-grained sandpaper to it and pass it over the entire surface of the plate. Such a measure will significantly increase the degree of adhesion of paintwork materials and fiberboard.
  • Then carefully sweep the surface with a soft brush with a long pile in order to remove all dust.
  • We uncork the container with the primer composition and mix it thoroughly.
  • Pour the primer into the paint tray and use a foam or velor roller to coat the substrate to be treated. We try not to leave smudges, as they will degrade the quality of the finished paintwork.
  • The primer is applied in two layers with a break of 2 hours for drying. The average impregnation consumption is about 1 liter per 10 square meters.

Important: If there are gaps that are not closed at the place where the plates are joined, it's time to putty them. This will require a sickle mesh and. You can do without a special mesh, simply filling the seam with putty, but there is a possibility that a crack will go along the seam line.

You can proceed to the next stage, that is, you can paint after the treated base has completely dried. Drying time depends on the temperature and moisture content of the air in the room. On average, we start the next stage in 1-2 days.

For and brush maklavitsu. The brush is the best tool for applying paint to areas of contiguity and corners.

We do it like this:

  • Mix the paint and bring to the desired consistency using the thinner specified in the instructions.
  • Pour the composition into the paint tray and, immersing the roller in it, apply paint to the base.
  • We paint in one or two layers, depending on the characteristics of the paintwork used and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.


Now you know how to paint hardboard structures with your own hands. Moreover, now you know what materials it is advisable to use for this. It remains to purchase everything you need, including painting tool and get to work.

Do you have any questions? You can find exhaustive answers and explanations by watching the video in this article.

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