Halloween extracurricular activity script. Halloween: Home Party with Friends - Music, Menu and Entertainment

Landscaping 01.10.2019

October is almost over, which means that the most creepy-interesting night of the year is approaching - the eve of All Saints Day - Halloween. More recently, the holiday was celebrated only in Britain and America, and today the whole world is looking forward to October 30, it is on this night that Halloween is celebrated. Everyone, from small to adults, wants to try on the images and costumes of witches, devils, goblin, demons, vampires, zombies and other evil spirits. Leaving such a reason without everyone's attention is a huge sin, so we decided to provide you with an interesting and scary Halloween scenario for young people, students, teenagers, children. At school, at university or at work - it doesn't matter where you are going to celebrate such a multifaceted holiday. The main thing is that you are ready for new unusual and non-standard ideas for celebrating Halloween!

Interesting kids' script for Halloween at school

Halloween is a great fun and scary holiday, and there are dozens of ways to have fun at school. Celebrating the Eve of All Saints Day is considered a good way to diversify school days and defuse the atmosphere in the team. And since today's educators simply have to keep up with the times, an interesting children's Halloween script at school should be suitable for today's students.

Ideas for a kid's Halloween script at school

The leading Halloween parties at school can be:

  • Damn and Dracula
  • Fairy Godmother and Wicked Witch
  • Water and Goblin
  • Baba Yaga and Kikimora
  • Two features
  • Zombie and Tooth Fairy

Otherwise, it all depends on the organizer's imagination. The main thing is not to forget about the most important things, without which Halloween is impossible:

An unusual Halloween scenario for high school students and teenagers

Despite the fact that the triumph of cheerful evil spirits came to us recently, it managed to gather a huge staff of young fans. An unusual scenario for Halloween for high school students and teenagers is prepared in advance so that the holiday every year is memorable and unique. The script is both frightening and fun event at school requires the patience of the teachers and the free time of the participants. After all, organizing a holiday dedicated to all evil spirits is not an easy task. Everything - from decorations and makeup to opening speeches and pranks - must be thoughtful and harmoniously combined.

Ideas for an unusual Halloween scenario at school for teens

First of all, the participants of the holiday gather on Halloween in the decorated assembly hall to display and protect their costumes. The winners, determined by the audience vote, receive prizes and “scary” titles. Then the presenters appear on the stage in the images of Woland and Azazello for various competitions, magic tricks, dances, games. Woland, according to the episodes of the book and the film, sits in his throne on the stage and announces the program numbers, while his assistant performs secondary functions at the school's Halloween party.

  • "Devil's tail". Each participant is tied with a rope-tail with a pencil at the end. With the tip of a pencil, you need to get into the neck of the bottle as quickly as possible;
  • "Sweet Treasures". All participants need to collect sweets and goodies in the auditorium. Whose prey is the greatest, he is the winner;
  • "Witch's Bones". Preliminarily, bones are laid out in the assembly hall, which participants must find in a minimum amount of time.

An unusual Halloween scenario for teenagers and high school students based on "The Master and Margarita" ends with a ball at Satan's with a terrible waltz of evil spirits and dances to terrifying music. At the end of the holiday, Woland chooses the king and queen of the dark forces and rewards them with terrible decorative crowns made of bones and nails with spiders and bats.

Scary Halloween Script for Students and Youth

Scary Halloween script for students and youth consists of several important nuances... Strange surroundings, eerie costumes, and themed entertainment are among them. At the mention of the holiday of Halloween, each person has the same association - a pumpkin lantern "Jack's Lamp". It is not difficult to make it, having a sharp knife and minimal dexterity. It is important to create several such symbolic attributes for the holiday and place them at the entrance, in the corridors, on the stage and on tables. You can also attach other decorative elements to them: artificial fog, scarecrow, cobwebs, figures of ghosts and ghosts, etc.

An important role in preparing a scary Halloween scenario for young people is played by a suitable musical accompaniment... The track list must certainly contain dark compositions ("Requiem", "Ball at Satan's"), Celtic music, several crazy driving tracks for wild dances. In no case should you forget about outfits. At the celebration of the dark forces, face control is important. The holiday will be incomplete without creepy costumes of witches, demons, gnomes, devils and other evil spirits.

Scary Halloween Scary Scenario Ideas for Young People and Students

Any scary Halloween party should include multiple contests and many entertaining games... Most often, the script includes contests for the most original costume, the funniest performance, the most terrible image, the funniest character, etc. The winners can be presented with souvenir bats, ghost-shaped lollipops, tickets to unusual room fear. By the way, such a room can be a good attraction. In a separate corner, you need to arrange tables in the form of a labyrinth, on which the ugly exhibits will be located:

  • Dead Man Jack's heart is a sluggish tomato in its juice;
  • Dead Man Jack's Blood - thick tomato juice;
  • Dead Man Jack's Eyes - Boiled quail eggs with a drawn pupil;
  • Dead Man Jack's Tongue - Raw beef liver;
  • Dead Man Jack's hair is a tousled wig on a ball or ball;
  • Dead Man Jack's Guts - Raw Pork Guts;
  • Dead Man Jack's teeth are white hard candies;
  1. "Worms and the Eyes of the Witch"
  2. "Pharaoh"
  3. "Horror"
  4. "Death walks between us"

A special place in the scary scenario for young people and students is given to the dance block. The theme of the dances is the sabbath of witches. Girls are encouraged to dance with brooms, guys - with dummies of axes, knives, scissors, saws. So that the mood will last until next Halloween.

Scariest School or College Halloween Scenario - Best Ideas

Today, only a set of funny and fascinating traditions has remained from the ancient pagan celebration. On the eve of All Saints' Day, young people try on the images of evil spirits, dress up their homes and public places with eerie decorations, perform the "Mischief or a gift", "Treat or regret" rituals, and also organize parties based on the worst Halloween scenarios. Unlike Celtic sacrifices, today's holiday, although it claims to be the most nightmare of the year, still remains fun and reckless.

Best ideas scariest Halloween scenarios:

  1. Vampire party
  2. Haunted house
  3. Rise of the Dead
  4. Scary tales for adults
  5. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
  6. Visiting the surgeon
  7. "Wii"
  8. Werewolf time
  9. All the circles of hell
  10. Sabbat: witch, goblin, water

Taking one of these themes as an idea and complementing it with eerie staging, dull music and nightmarish challenges, you can create the most terrifying Halloween scenario.

A Halloween scenario for kids, teens, students and young people doesn't have to be the scariest, but it should certainly be interesting. A high-quality script for a good holiday at school for children consists of a lot of important nuances, which are important to remember at all stages of preliminary preparation!

Halloween Script "Ball of Not Pure Strength"

Halloween script for dancers. Lots of dances, black humor, interesting contests, the choice of Mr. and Mrs. Nightmare. Characters: Witch, Damn, Kashchei the Immortal, Dracula and other evil spirits. What is needed in preparation: costumes of heroes, a throne, a bowl of red water, an order, candles, paper, water, three bottles with nipples, a projector, a film.

Haunted House Halloween Scenario

An interesting script for Halloween at school. Participants will need carnival costumes and make-up. Interesting creative contests and ghost teams competition different rooms"Haunted houses". Characters: presenter, two ghosts, competition participants. What you need in preparation: carnival costumes, pumpkins, candles, Whatman paper, gauze, paper.

Halloween Day of Ghosts Scenario

Script for Halloween at home, which is carried out by parents with their children. Contests and games for children, according to the plot of the whole event, children are looking for a treasure - a box of refreshments. Characters: Baba Yaga, Kikimora (or Leshy); 5 Witches; 4 Devil. What is needed during preparation: suits, felt-tip pens, hoop, paper, scissors, cobwebs, ropes, Balloons, toy skeletons, spiders, snakes and

Halloween Yellow Script

Halloween script for adults or teenagers. Held at home. Each guest must prepare a scary story to tell. Characters: two presenters, guests. What you need in preparation: carnival costumes candles, pumpkin, invitations, flashlight, plasticine, dough, polystyrene, paper, wine, food, props for home decoration and contests.

Halloween Scenarios for Golden Hoof Students

According to this scenario, Halloween is held as the festival of magicians, wizards, witches and ghouls "Golden Hoof". The guests show their magical talents, the jury chooses the winner. Characters: presenter, jury, students. Preparation Needed: Costumes, pumpkin, pumpkin pie, wigs, cards, glass sticks, cotton wool.

Halloween script for students

A script for a Halloween conference in which students have to go through creative contests. Costumes, wall newspapers, horror stories are being prepared. The winners are determined by the jury. Characters: presenter, magician, jury, participants. What you need in preparation: carnival costumes, pumpkin, candles, music, chemicals and other props for competitions, a camera.

Halloween script - All Saints Day

A humorous Halloween script for adults. Competition between the teams of "black" and "white", jokes, games of the hosts with the guests. Characters: "Gatekeepers", two leaders - "Headless" and "Tall", participants. What is needed during preparation: carnival costumes, props for competitions, refreshments for participants.

Halloween scenario for a group of friends

Halloween costume themed party. Quiz, Mind games in Halloween, sweepstakes, games. Characters: Leading - Devil or Devil. What is needed during preparation: pumpkin, knife, carnival costumes, candles, scissors, cloth, foil, cardboard, musical materials, cat, rubber toys, flashlight, treats, apples.

Halloween Celebration Scenario

If you want to spend Halloween in an unusual way, this scenario will suit you - in it you will find a masquerade, a scary story contest, initiation into evil spirits, dances of evil spirits. Characters: presenter, guests - participants. Pre-requisites: carnival costumes, pumpkin, posters, dressing room props, old ghost sheets, treats, candles, a mirror, competition props, music.

Halloween Script by Undine

Halloween show in which the characters enter from the stage. Ominous contests, presentation of a "terrible" clothing collection, sacrifice. Characters: Witch, Vampirella, Victim, participants. What you need in preparation: carnival costumes, pumpkin, musical materials, bell, lamps, a bowl of water, a wreath on your head, candles.

Panic Room Halloween Scenario

Halloween in fun company... There are many scary contests and terrifying games waiting for you in this scenario. Characters: two presenters. What you need in preparation: invitations, pumpkins, figurines of spiders or rubber snakes, fancy dress, ribbon, scarf, magazines, scissors, candy, felt-tip pens, pencils, paper.

Halloween script in Russian

Humorous holiday evil spirits... In this Halloween scenario, all the evil spirits are from Russian fairy tales. Fun attractions and games for spectators, contests. Characters: two buffoons, Leshy, Lesovichok, Fairy, Baba Yaga, Barmaley, Vodyanoy, Barabashka, participants. What you need in preparation: costumes of heroes, pumpkins, candles, musical materials, vegetables, two baskets, a broom, crystal droplets.

Halloween Party Script for Adults

For those who do not like surprises and pranks, or want to celebrate Halloween in peace, this scenario is suitable. It contains the history of the holiday, the auction of masks, the dance of witches, contests. The holiday ends with a tea party. Characters: presenter, witches, mermaids, spectators. Preparations needed: Irish or Celtic music, carnival costumes, pumpkin, candles, scissors, paper, knives, toilet paper, scary pictures, treats.

Scary Halloween script for adults

Halloween party script for adults. Halloween fortune telling unusual contests, predictions for guests. Characters: three leading: Executioner, Death, Witch. What you need in preparation: carnival costumes, pumpkin, candles, music, ivy leaves, props and prizes for competitions, cake, champagne.

Halloween Sabbath Scenario

A cognitive Halloween scenario suitable for those celebrating at home. The history of the holiday, traditions, interesting contests, thematic riddles and fortune-telling. Characters: presenter, guests. What you need in preparation: fancy dress, a list of proverbs and riddles, a pumpkin, a candle, props for contests, treats, a camera.

Halloween script for teens

A fun scenario for those who like to spend Halloween actively. Scary but harmless contests, lots of games, unusual entertainment. Characters: presenter, participants in competitions. What you need in preparation: carnival costumes, musical materials, pumpkins, candles, scary pictures, masks, ice cream, bananas, paper, pens, scissors, cube, cocktails.

Halloween script for school

According to this scenario, the Halloween holiday is held as a performance, and then contests - team competitions. The event ends with a disco. Characters: Imp is the host of the evening, Isabella, Lestat, Jack, Whooperi, Dick Turpin. What is needed during preparation: a hut, candles, pumpkin, carnival costumes, musical accompaniment, glasses, tomato juice, props for games, a cell phone.

Halloween script for grades 8-11

An unusual scenario for Halloween at school. History of the holiday, original contests for teams, choosing the best suit. Characters: presenter, two leading witches, four participating witches, jury, fortune teller, spectators in fancy dress. What you need in preparation: posters with inscriptions, pictures, candles, a pumpkin lantern, a gourd for a fortune teller, a broom, props for contests, sweets, cookies, fortune notes.

Elementary School Halloween Scenario

This Halloween script is for the youngest school kids. Telling children about the holiday, costume competition, funny active games... Characters: presenter - teacher, students - participants. What you need in preparation: costumes, music, sweets for rewarding, large orange balloons and markers, handouts, bandage, cotton wool, threads, felt-tip pens, posters (witch and hat, fun account).

Halloween script for the "Holiday of evil spirits" for children 8-10 years old

Interesting and cognitive scenario Halloween for kids. The history of the holiday, entertainment, games on the theme of evil spirits, an artist competition. Characters: bat, ghost, devil, witch, skeleton. What you need in preparation: costumes, music, posters, balloons, candles, pumpkins, certificates, disposable spoons, props for contests.

Halloween Script for Kids - Horror Show

The Horror Show is a Halloween show script for kids. Funny songs and games with the audience. Characters: presenter, witch, pumpkin muzzle, Dracula, devil, talking head, Skeleton King, Skeleton Queen. What is needed during preparation: costumes of heroes, a broom, pumpkins, a lantern, candles, a sheet, music, treats, balls, a broom, a bag.

Good Halloween - scenario for children 3-7 years old

Halloween script for the little ones. Outdoor games for toddlers, themed riddles, a competition between the good and the white witches. Characters: presenter, participants. What is needed in preparation: a stuffed animal of an evil sorceress, candy, a basket, leaves, paper, a spatula, a watering can, hoops, water, balls, musical materials, figurines of angels, Christmas decorations in the form of angels.

Carnival Halloween for children at English language

This Halloween script is perfect for kids learning English. Halloween songs in English, auctions, games - relay races. Characters: presenter, autumn, participants. What you need in preparation: costumes, leaves, pumpkins, 8 hoops, 2 buckets, 4-5 potatoes, 2 watering cans, shoes, candles, musical materials, a broom, baskets, treats.

Scariest Childhood Halloween Scenario

One of the most interesting scenarios Halloween for children - based on The Master and Margarita. Quiz about evil spirits, riddles, outdoor games. Characters: Azazello, Queen of the Ball (Margarita), Behemoth, Casper, Water, devils, Baba Yaga, Koschey the Immortal. What is needed in preparation: candles, candlesticks, costumes of heroes, a lantern, a throne, music, props for competitions, treats.

Halloween Script - All Saints Day - For High School Students

For this Halloween scenario most time is allotted to the disco. The party begins with a story about the history of the holiday, then contests and dances. Characters: two leading. What is needed during preparation: pumpkins, balls, cloth, candles, costumes, music, pictures from history, scary pictures, a scarf, a screen, pasta, a bouncy ball, balls, flour, masks.

Room decoration: The room can be decorated in dark colors. Be sure to decorate with bats, pumpkin lanterns can be made a little later and used as decoration.

You can place body parts on furniture and the floor: a severed hand, eye, finger, etc.

Also in the design you can use small spiders and snakes, leave "traces" of the presence of magicians and sorcerers: black cat, toad, raven.

To create a mysterious and mystical atmosphere, it is better to illuminate the room with candles.


It is also advisable to agree with friends in advance that everyone should come in costumes. You can arrange a witch's sabbath, or a meeting "At the Devil's Places", or just a ball of evil spirits.

To intrigue friends, you can prepare an original greeting for everyone, in which you warn them to travel carefully, because so many extra ears around can overhear and interfere.

Scary joke:

During the event, you can try to scare your friends.

Sitting in the middle of the room and placing a pumpkin lantern in the center, tell each other in turn horror stories... Then suddenly put out the candle in the lantern and scream in a terrible voice.

Of course, if there are no particularly impressionable participants.

Food and drink for the holiday:

  • For food and drinks, you need to come up with original names: traditional blood - tomato juice or any other red drink, swamp slurry - if the drink is green.
  • Dishes can be called like this: One-Eyed Jack's Eye, Kruger's Fingers, Horns and Hooves.
  • Each dish served can be accompanied by a mysterious story: where did they get the main ingredient, how did they get it. For example, talk about the terrible battle with Kruger, in which he managed to cut off his hand.

Style predictionsHalloween:

After that, you can hold "terrible" relay races, various games and contests, a comic quiz, and rallies.

At the end of the event - traditional predictions: either positive, claiming that everything will be fine, or comic, which will be much more interesting and fun.

Predictions can be placed, for example, inside spider baked goods. Thus, spiders will appear on the table - fortune-tellers, on the "catch" of which it took a lot of effort.

Games and contests for a Halloween party for friends

1. "The worst mask"

The main task: to decorate the mask.

Small images of insects, body parts, bones are used as decor. Each is given a ready-made template and glue to attach the selected designs.

2. The game "Sweetness or trick"

Are procured in advance cards with various comic tasks: to chuckle, to stick your head out the window and howl for a long time, sing a song, etc. They fit into a carved pumpkin. In addition, notes with various penalties are being prepared.

Each participant is given several small sweet things - sweets, gummies. The presenter invites the participant to draw the task out of the pumpkin. After the participant has familiarized himself with the task, the leader asks him: "Sweet or trick?" In the first case, he gives one of his sweets, in the second, he completes the task.

The one who runs out of sweets the fastest is considered the loser.

The one who lost must complete the penalty task.

3. Game - fortune telling in the name of the betrothed

Similarly to the old Scottish custom, you can conduct a comic fortune-telling on the betrothed.

For this everyone unmarried girls hand out an apple and a knife, with which they will cut the peel from the fruit. Having cut off the peel, the girls throw it over their shoulders. By the position of the fallen cleanings, the first letter of the future husband is determined.

You can draw up all possible names in the form of a memo and give each fortuneteller in a comic form to search for a betrothed. You can also even indicate its approximate coordinates in a comic form (for example, your betrothed Pavel is in three flights on a broomstick to the north).

4. Game "Get the apples"

Several apples are placed in basins of water, preferably with tails. The task of the participants is to get an apple without using hands and eat it as quickly as possible.

Of course, it is advisable to provide also a towel to wipe the faces of the participants.

5. "Pumpkin relay"

Since the pumpkin is the main attribute of the holiday, the expediency of using it for competitions is obvious.

The relay is carried out in two stages:

  1. Creation of a festive symbol - Jack's head. To complete the task, each participant needs to be given a knife and a small pumpkin, from which all the pulp is first removed, and then the face is cut out. A candle is inserted into the center of the pumpkin.
  2. Bring the pumpkin with a lit candle so that the flame does not go out.

6. "Garlic necklace"

Everyone knows that garlic and aspen stake are required to fight vampires. In our case, it will be garlic.

The task of the participants is to collect 13 heads of garlic, laid out in advance in different parts of the room, and make a garlic necklace out of them, tied with a thread.

7. "Find a Pair"

Pre-prepared 20 cards depicting various attributes of the holiday, two each: two pumpkins, two bats etc. They are laid out in four rows of 5 cards each.

There are two people involved. Each participant opens two cards. If they match, then he takes them for himself and makes another move. In case of mismatch, the cards are turned over, and the move goes to the other participant.

The participant with the most cards wins. The loser performs a penalty task, which was agreed in advance.

8. "Witch's Potion"

Pre-prepared list of required ingredients for the potion. For example, 5 spiders, 3 mandrake roots, dragon claw. Everything necessary components are laid out in advance throughout the room.

The task of the participants is to prepare a potion faster than others, having collected all the components.

9. "Terrible Relays"

Relays adapted to the theme of the holiday:

  • "Run on a broomstick" - witch competition;
  • "Each finger has its own nail" : on the image of the hand, glue nails on each finger;
  • "Find a Pair" : disassemble all the "eyes" - colored tennis balls - in pairs;
  • "Delicious drink" : drink a glass of "blood" as quickly as possible through a double straw - tomato juice or any red drink.

10. "Scary bag"

The bag in which there are various subjects, passed in a circle to the ominous music. As soon as the music stops, the one who has the bag in his hands gropes for an object in it and tries to guess what kind of thing it is and where it came from.

The game must comply with the condition: the story must be scary.

11. "Creation of sculpture"

Participants are divided into pairs. In each pair a "sculptor" and "clay" are chosen.

Each sculptor must create a sculpture that matches the theme of the holiday.

For a better manifestation of imagination, you can use paints and additional items. You can create a sculpture with two or three people.

12. "Word game"

Since Halloween is a holiday of evil spirits, then you need to select words describing evil spirits. For example, nasty, terrible, scary, etc.

The winner is the one who named the last word.

He is given the right to take out the main dish of the evening - "Pumpkin Pie"

13. "Damn, the rooster and the soldier"

All players are divided into two groups and discuss the task for the losing team in advance.

Each group agrees whom they will show: devil - imitate horns on the head, rooster - shout "Kukureka" and clap their hands on the sides or a soldier - stand at attention.

Having made a choice, both groups line up opposite each other and at the same time, on a signal, show the one whom they have chosen.

Different actors win in different combinations: the devil is afraid of the rooster, the rooster is afraid of the soldier, and the soldier, in turn, is the devil.

Play up to three points. The losing team completes the penalty task.

14. "Haunted Volleyball"

There are two teams of two people who stand at the edge of the table opposite each other. Each team is given two air balloon, in total - 4 balls.

The task of the participants is to throw the balls on half of the opponents so that they do not fall to the floor.

You can complicate the task: move the balls without using your hands.

15. Dance competitions:

  • "Dance with a broom" - to the music, a broom is passed in a circle, the one who has a broom when the melody stops, must dance a waltz with it.
  • "Count Dracula" - while music is playing on the street, everyone is dancing, Dracula is sleeping (a specially selected person). Night falls, the music stops, Dracula goes hunting. All participants stand motionless. If Dracula notices that someone has moved, then he takes him to his lair and turns him into a vampire, who will go hunting with Dracula the next night. The game continues until the most persistent participant is identified.
  • "Reincarnation" - to the music, quickly change into another costume.

16. "Ghost Contest"

Participants are divided into two teams, which "howl" the tune of some famous melody.

The task of the opponents is to guess the name of the song.

17. "The boat of fate"

In China, traditionally on this evening, monks make boats of Destiny, which are sent sailing at dusk, along with a lit candle installed on them.

An interesting and detailed Halloween script for school students.

Halloween. School scenario

Goals: to acquaint students with the holiday and its traditions; develop creativity.


Imp leading the evening.

Isabella, heiress of Lucifer.

Lestat, the vampire.

Jack, the pumpkin king.

Whooperi, sea witch.

Dick Turpin, Heathrow ghost.

Event progress

Imp. Ha ha! Hello, vampires, witches, ghouls and other not entirely pure power. Today a grandiose sabbath will take place, which will be remembered by you for the number of perfect nastiness, troubles and other dirty tricks !!!

Eerie laughter is heard. Isabella lights up. She walks surrounded by her retinue.

Imp. Viva young, beautiful and terrible Isabella! Vivat is the most beautiful and most unpredictable!

The vampire bows to Isabella in respectful obeisances.

Lestat. Hello Isabella! You, as always, are beautiful, like a true child of darkness.

Isabel... Thank you Lestat! I knew that you would not let me down and that you would come to our sabbath. Help me complete my mission: my uncle asked me to elect the king and queen of the evening.

Lestat... It is with great pleasure that I choose a contender for the title "Our Royal Majesty".

The light flashes. Lestat comes to the fore, two demons choose the participants in the hall.

Lestat... First, all applicants must drink fresh blood!

The children are brought a glass of tomato juice.

Lestat. Now I want to know if you know how to scare someone. So, demons, do not hesitate - we demonstrate!

A musical excerpt from a horror movie is included.

Lestat. And now you, dear participants.

A competition is underway. Three winners are given orders.

Isabel. Yes, they will make great villains! Thank you, Lestat, you are truly a genius of horror.

Lestat... That's not all, but I'll probably save the next competition until we choose a queen ...

Imp. Madam Isabella, Jack has come!

Jack. Hello! Sorry for being late!

Isabel. Oh, Jack, you will choose the queen of our coven for us.

Jack... My favorite activity!

The hall is completely dark, only candles are burning, which the contestants need to blow out. The first three blown out all their candles become winners.

Lestat... The conclusion in choosing a pair for the evening will be a dance! The gentlemen invite ladies!

Lestat invites Isabella to dance, kneeling on one knee, Jack - with a gallant bow.

Isabel. It was impressive! Musicians, play! I dance with both!

The boys invite the finalists to dance, it is taken into account how they do it.

Classical music sounds, the dance itself is evaluated.

Lestat... I find it difficult to choose ...

Imp. The most famous ghost in the British Isles!

A ghost appears above the stage, chuckling eerily.

Dick(in a whisper). Hello!

Isabel. New guest !!! (Claps her hands.) Dick, we need to pick a couple of evenings from the remaining applicants.

Dick. I will be happy to help you choose! I really love to play! Here, in England, everyone is very fond of the game "Find me". But, as a rule, we find only parts: arms, legs, ears and other parts of the body. And you have to collect all the parts that are in the hall. All clear? In search! Our couples' support groups help them.

Participants collect paper bones that are glued in the hall. One winning pair is determined by counting.

The sea witch Whooperi comes out.

Whooperi. Good evening, the most beautiful witch! My father apologizes that he cannot appear at today's Sabbath, he is completely dry.

Isabel. I am glad to see you! Bring someone a rag, we have water on the floor!

Whooperi. You do not have enough water, there are no swamps around. So I brought water with me. She is the best of the distant swamp reserves.

Imp... Sorry to interfere, but we have ... everything in moderation, and water ...

He does not have time to finish, one of the demons closes his mouth and drags him backstage.

Imp(from behind the curtains). Let me go, I have to hold the coronation ceremony ...

Isabel... He already tired me a lot! Perhaps my dear guest will conduct the ceremony today. Whooperi, do you agree?

Whooperi. Of course yes! Lestat, Jack and the Imp is your task for everyone present in this room to swear allegiance to our royal couple.

The guys are divided into three teams. They bring out three empty and three filled soda bottles, three glasses. The competition consists in the fact that each team member in turn pours water from a full bottle into a glass and runs to fill an empty one. The amount of water and the speed of the team are taken into account. The winner is announced based on the results of the competition.

Isabel. I like it! Awesome ceremony!

Imp... Oh my lady! With the coronation ceremony, we completely forgot about your birthday!

Lestat. Happy birthday, Isabella!

Jack. All the evil spirits of our coven have prepared a gift for you!

Imp... Premiere of the film "On Halloween Night".

Music sounds, a screen is taken to the stage: a shadow horror film that shows evil spirits. Then the guys show their performances. Children are given tasks - horror stories written in advance on cards. It takes 5-10 minutes to prepare a miniature.

Whooperi. Happy birthday again, Mrs. Isabella!

Isabel. Thank you, awful ones! I want a real coven!

Dick. Then it's time for some real Halloween fun!

Jack... I really love yellow! All the same three teams are involved, your task is to find yellow bows in the hall, which are made of ribbons and tied in remote corners or attached in a conspicuous place. The winner is the one who finds the most bows faster.

A competition is being held.

Lestat... I propose the following game "A quiet, mysterious voice." Everyone sits down at the table again. A player is selected by drawing of lots; he sits away from the table with his back to everyone. Clockwise, in turn, everyone says the word "Halloween". The driver must guess who said it. For each guessed vote, he gets a point. The game continues until everyone is in the role of the driver. The points are then added up and the team's total points are compared.

A competition is being held.

Whooperi. Based on the name of the holiday - Halloween - let's guess the letter "X" as the main one in such a game. I ask one of the teams the question: "Who?" Members of this team must answer with the letter "X". For example, a hamster. The next question for the other team is: "Which one?" Answer: "Thin". Question: "What is it doing?" Answer: "He wants." Etc.

The game develops quick reactions. The team is given 15-20 seconds to think.

Dick. We, ghosts, love dark and gloomy places very much ... From each team, I will ask two people to come here to me. Now Lestat, Besenok and Jack will help me attach clothespins to the clothes of the remaining participants. Those who came out to me with a blindfold must remove all the clothespins from the clothes of their team members.

A competition is being held.

Imp. We now expel one player from the team from the room, lay out objects on the table, for each team their own, but all the objects lie together. The team comes up with an action with the proposed items. The player does what the blindfolded team has in mind. All his actions are controlled by the participants. When he does the right thing, they shout "hot", if wrong - "cold."

For example, we put a ball, a spoon, a plate, a sugar bowl with sugar on the table. Now we make a task (for example, you need to take a spoon, take sugar from a sugar bowl with it, put it on a plate and throw a ball). The player is blindfolded. Not knowing the task, he goes to the table, tries to determine first what is there, tastes sugar on his tongue. Then he performs various actions with objects. For example, he takes a ball, puts it on a plate, sprinkles sugar with a spoon into a plate next to the ball. The team that spends less time on execution wins.

Desenok's cell phone rings.

Imp. The chef is calling! Madam, it's time for us to go home!

Lestat. And that's right! See you soon!

Isabel... We say goodbye to you and leave the King and Queen of Halloween in command on your Bald Mountain. Sabbat! Ball!

All other heroes of the evening say goodbye to the guys.

A festive disco begins.

Additional material for the teacher.

About Halloween for schoolchildren

Halloween is a holiday celebrated on October 31 in the United States of America. Children dress up in fancy dress and masks and go from door to door begging for sweets. Many of them carve lanterns from pumpkins. Fortune telling and stories of witches and ghosts are popular pastimes.

Halloween evolved out of New Years and celebrations of the dead. Christian church founded the holiday on November 1, which was called All Saints Day, so that people can continue to celebrate their holidays. The Mass that was celebrated on All Saints Day was called "Allhellomes". The day before All Saints 'Day was called the Eve of All Saints' Day or "All Helluoin".

The main entertainment of children on Halloween is begging for sweets. Children dress up in masquerade costumes and masks, go from house to house and say: "Treat, or we'll play a joke." Neighbors give the kids treats like candy, fruit, and change so that the kids don't play a trick on them.

Halloween lanterns are empty inside pumpkins with a face carved on one side. Most lanterns have a candle inside. An Irish legend says that Halloween lanterns (English jack-o "-lanterns) are named after a man named Jack. He could not go to heaven because he was a curmudgeon, and he could not go to hell because he played evil jokes on the devil, as a result, Jack is forced to roam the earth with his lantern until the Day of Judgment.

Fortune telling is an important part of Halloween. For example, at this point, the ring and thimble are baked into a pie. It was believed that whoever finds the ring will soon marry or get married. Today, people use fortune telling with cards and fortune telling by hand.

Once upon a time, people believed that the earth was full of witches and that they met on October 31st to worship the devil. We look at many things differently today, but we still love to tell stories of witches on Halloween.

This scenario can be used both at a private party and when holding a holiday in a cafe. It is necessary to stock up on Irish or Celtic music when preparing for the holiday.

Today we have come here to celebrate one of the oldest holidays in the world - Halloween. This is a very strange holiday, which combines both pagan honoring of evil spirits and Christian worship of all saints, from which it got its name - "the eve of the evening of the saints."
The roots of this strange holiday take us back centuries, in the pre-Christian era, when the lands of Ireland, Northern France and England were inhabited by Celtic tribes. Their year consisted of two parts - summer and winter. And the transition from one season to another was marked by the end of the harvest, celebrated on October 31 and symbolized the beginning of the new year. Winter came into its own.

According to the legends of the ancient Celts, on the night of November 1, life gave way to death, and it was on this terrible night that the gates opened between the two worlds - our world of the living and the supernatural world of spirits, the dead and all kinds of evil spirits. On this night, various witches, goblins, as well as the souls of the dead can easily enter our world from hell. These souls return to our world in search of a body that they can possess for the next year.

Of course, no one wanted to become the prey of evil spirits. There were several ways to defend against it. One of them was the custom of dressing up in ugly, ugly masks. It was believed that the one who would be most similar to evil spirits would remain unnoticed for her - otherworldly forces would take the mummer for their brother.

And in this we want to help you! Since none of you took with you the rescue masks, we give you the opportunity to redeem the mask you like, and then no evil spirits are afraid of you!

Mask auction

Since, according to ancient legend, this night opens the border between the other world and our world of the living, between the past and the future, it was this night that the witches chose for themselves to hold their witch's gathering - the Sabbath. And so many people wanted to see a real witch at least with an eye! For this, there was such a ritual - at night it was necessary to go out into the street in clothes turned inside out, and a real witch would surely meet on your way. Nobody wants to try?

But you don't have to! We have already done it for you - we turned our jackets inside out and quietly went out into the street in search of the most real witches. And we found them! And they not only found, but also persuaded to take part in our holiday. So, meet our adorable witches !!!

Dance of witches

According to legend, there is another way to protect against unclean spirits - this is an integral symbol of Halloween, a pumpkin head with a scary face carved on it and a candle inside. It symbolizes at the same time the end of the harvest, and the evil spirit, and the fire that scares him away. An interesting combination, isn't it?

The history of these strange lanterns dates back to Irish folklore. According to legend, many centuries ago, the blacksmith Jack lived in Ireland, a rare dodger and alcoholic to boot. Once he managed to trick the Devil himself, forcing him to climb a tree. And after Jack painted a cross on a tree, the Devil could not get down from this tree for a long time.

When Jack died, he was not taken to heaven because of his many sins, and he was denied in hell because he outwitted the Devil himself. Jack was given only one smoldering ember, designed to illuminate his further endless path in the dark, and so that the ember did not go out, he was put in an empty turnip.

Subsequently, the turnip was replaced with a pumpkin, but the tradition of lighting candles on the eve of Halloween remained and became another way of protection from evil spirits.

In order not to fall prey to evil spirits, we invite you to participate in the competition for the best and scariest pumpkin flashlight.

As the legend says, on this night the gates are opened between the world of the living and the dead, and many evil spirits stand guard over these gates. But not only spirits can penetrate our world, but we can also look into the other world. And since we are in a bar with a marine theme, it is here that none other than ... Who should be guarding the gate? That's right, mermaids! Now we will take a look at their ritual dance in honor of Halloween!

Mermaid dance

So, now we know who we will be dealing with when we try to enter this mysterious and mysterious other world. But the question arises - how will we look in this world if we manage to penetrate into it? Most likely, we will be little different from the spirits, and now I want to call those brave souls who are not afraid to see at least one eye what is happening in the world of the dead !!!

Competition for the best mummy (wrap each other in toilet paper in pairs)

(dance break to Celtic music)

Competition for the best Irish dancer

(dance intermission)


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