Nutrition. Awareness positions

Garden equipment 28.06.2020
Garden equipment

Nutrition. Feeding

Fortune-telling for happiness. Behold the cheekbones: they themselves extract what fills the mouth.


1. Starting nine.

Casting aside the wonderful turtle, you contemplate the movement of the jaws. Misfortune.

2. Six second.

Feeding from the very top. The tracts were thrown onto a large hill. Increased unhappiness.

3. Six third.

Cheeks shaking: unhappy divination. For ten years you will not find application for your forces. Nothing good.

4. Six fourth.

Feeding to the very top. Happiness. The tiger's gaze is intent and greedy, its aspirations are swift. There will be no misfortune.

5. Six fifth.

The foundations of life are shaking. In the case of fortune-telling about housing - happiness. You cannot wade a large river.

6. Top nine.

There are reasons for feeding. Evil and happiness. It is favorable to ford a large river.


1. Starting nine.

According to legend, a turtle crawled out of the Luo River onto the shore, and a square in the form of dots (Lo-shu) was drawn on its shell - this is a numerological diagram underlying all Chinese metaphysics. All Feng Shui calculations are based on the Lo-shu square, a favorable direction for a person is chosen, etc. "Throwing away the turtle" implies a very serious mistake in human behavior. Refusal from the most ancient knowledge, from the fundamental principles of the existence of mankind is unacceptable. If you turn your gaze only to the material, you will be greedy and envious, expect trouble.

2. Six second.

If you continue to persist in your denial of philosophical wisdom, knowledge of the I Ching and other mystical ancient knowledge, your misfortunes will increase. You harm yourself with your ignorance and conservatism. In business, rely only on yourself, promises of help can be unreliable and deceitful.

3. Six third.

Things are in serious hopelessness. This can take a very long time. The exact period is indicated - 10 years. Let's hope it's not that bad. But it is better to have patience and endurance. Your talents are not in demand yet, do what brings profit.

4. Six fourth.

Excitements do not leave, but thanks to endurance and concentration on the problem, you are able to overcome everything and become happy. The image of a tiger can be viewed as one's own moods and desires, a fierce desire to break out of the vicious circle of troubles, but also a dangerous neighborhood with dangerous people. Consider both predictions.

5. Six fifth.

Don't count on big things, but take care of your home, home improvement, family concerns. Anxiety won't let go. Even now, when you ask the I Ching for advice, you are afraid of hearing a bad prediction. Do not worry. Choose the right field of activity, and luck will be with you.

6. Top nine.

A serious misfortune has passed near you, but it has not affected you. Now there is an opportunity to start a big business, fundamentally change your life. You are happy, and everyone around you can see it. Why hide the joy?


The hexagram describes the process of absorption by a person of everything that gives life: it can be both earthly food and spiritual food. Happiness and serenity can be read on the face of a person who independently obtained all the benefits, did it in harmony with his own nature and the surrounding nature of the Earth, took into account their natural rhythms, rules and laws of the ancient sciences about the structure of the world and the universe. But this is the ideal, correct way to "absorb" vital energy. But what to do and what awaits a person if he rejects all of the above from himself? Nothing but problems, frustrations, and long periods of unclaimed use.

I was lucky to get my hands on serious books on Feng Shui, and I can safely say that this is an amazing knowledge that gives a quick, if not instant, positive result in material life, in the sphere of relationships. As soon as the correct direction of the desktop in the office was chosen and applied, all sizes of tables and chairs, both at home and in the office, were changed - the general situation improved, there was strength for work, unnecessary connections were eliminated. Therefore, I fully agree with the disapproval of the authors of the Book of those who deprive themselves of such experience, consider themselves superior to some semi-mystical, semi-primitive advice of Chinese sages. The authors of the I Ching do not approve of unreasonable disregard for any useful knowledge, be it professional subjects or broadening one's horizons. To learn how to quickly and efficiently master a career, profession, live correctly, communicate, eat wisely and improve health, you need to read many books or learn from knowledgeable people. Therefore, this hexagram only shows that it is now necessary, gives an impetus, calls. Look for sources of obtaining them, do it without delay. You are given a chance to gain rare knowledge. Time is running out, and mastering any subject requires a lot of diligence and practice. The hexagram also indicates the need for students of universities and other educational institutions to be quicker, more industrious and diligent.

Briefly about the future, it looks like this: absorb information like a sponge, do not be lazy, appreciate every minute, communicate in order to reveal your "I"; be honest, sincere, unselfish. And any problems will only scare you, but they will not be able to harm you. You will be ready for great deeds and accomplishments.

Description of external and hidden hexagrams

In the manifested world.
A huge mountain goes over the top of the clouds.
A safe, conscious life, provided with everything necessary, is going on.
Deep underground, in the heart of the mountain, small seeds have sprouted. On the inner plane, a doubt arose about the correctness of a secure and secure life.
The sprouts grow explosively (like thunder), feeding on the mountain. Doubts are growing rapidly, finding fertile ground in the stability and security of the situation. This is accompanied by great emotions and passions.
Trees come to the surface, twisting the mountain. From the inner plane, doubts begin to manifest themselves in the world of events.
And soon the mountain will disappear under the powerful crowns of green trees. There will be no trace of a calm and safe life. Internal anxiety will come out and begin to dominate a person's life.

The baby is growing in the mother's belly.
Internal spiritual growth is absolutely safe and provided with everything you need.
The child must develop, prepare for birth, perhaps it seems to him that the situation is unpredictable and dangerous, since he is weak and completely dependent on his mother. All dangers are illusory, although it is difficult to believe, and sometimes impossible.
The child may be afraid, because he is not in control of the situation. Fears and apprehensions are natural in this situation.
But the mother foresees all the needs of the child in advance on the inner plan, reliably protects him and provides everything necessary. But all the worries are in vain, on the inner subconscious plane, complete safety and support is provided with everything necessary.

Common interpretation of hexagram No. 27

In the manifested world, a tree grows by feeding on a mountain. The mountain is both food and a powerful obstacle that the tree has to overcome on its way to light. This vibration corresponds to HARMONY IN NUTRITION. Man is drawn to the light, but his animal nature does not let him in, namely, there is necessity. The merciless necessity of consuming other living things for food. This is a huge contradiction between the spiritual aspirations of man and the manifested cruel reality, due to the dual nature of man. Without achieving harmony in nutrition, one cannot reach light, heaven, and God.

On the subconscious plane, the provision of everything necessary (a child in the mother's belly) guarantees the success of any of the most daring experiments on HARMONY IN NUTRITION while focusing attention on the subtle plane. This means that when a person strives to subtle energies, to God, the amount of food needed can be drastically reduced and even reduced to zero in the limit.

The names of the hexagrams of the Book of Changes "I Ching" sound concrete, but should be interpreted as broadly as possible, since 64 hexagrams cover all possible life situations. Therefore, HARMONY IN FOOD, of course, includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, but it implies harmony in the energy-information exchange of a person with the entire Universe.

A person who has received the 27th hexagram will be able to solve his problems through harmony in nutrition.




If you get excessively fat or lose weight, worry too much, suffer or age - all this is an IMPROVEMENT of BALANCE in energy exchange with the Universe, including the meal plan. Awareness of the problem leads to striving for HARMONY IN NUTRITION. HARMONY IN FOOD implies asceticism, that is, always stay a little hungry in everything, strictly control yourself during any act of energy exchange. These are very strict requirements that you always want to violate. HARMONY IN FOOD naturally gives rise to BALANCE DISTURBANCES and vice versa.



The hexagram resembles an open mouth.

HARMONY IN NUTRITION - implies harmony in life support, including spiritual food. Sexual relationships, as an act of powerful energy exchange, belong to this plane. Many treatises on tantra indicate the identity of subtle vibrations when having sex and eating. There is hardly any other area of ​​our life that is so closely connected with our everyday daily concerns and where there are so many opposing opinions. This is the hardest plan to grasp.

Awareness positions:

1. Harmony in nutrition is achieved by counting the calories received through food and their consumption in the process of life. Self-discipline, accounting and balance ensure nutritional harmony.

2. The caloric theory of nutrition does not stand up to any serious test. This is confirmed by numerous examples of full-fledged life activity with minimal food intake. Man is included in the chain of energy exchange from the entire Universe. Therefore, harmony in nutrition is a harmonious relationship with nature, with the Cosmos, with the Higher powers and God.

3. It is not very important what we eat, consume. This is a flow to us. What is important is what comes from us. What vibrations we fill the Universe with. Therefore, the very question of harmony in nutrition is secondary and should not be given much importance.

4. With age, food, as a source of energy, fades into the background. Subtle energy becomes the main source. We are filled with this energy when we are in the vibration of love. Therefore, LOVE is the main source of energy and you should focus your attention on it.

5. Complete harmony in nutrition is impossible for ethical reasons! The world is very cruel and it manifests itself mainly through food. No matter how we hide from ourselves, in the depths of our souls we are oppressed by the question: "Why is the world arranged in such a way that in order for me to live, I must definitely kill someone?" The only thing that can be done is to follow the path of causing the least damage to nature and to yourself. This minimal damage is the achievement of harmony in nutrition.

6. In this life we ​​are given the opportunity to deeply transform ourselves and, for this we have been sent a wonderful test - the nutrition plan. The most severe tests, as you know, most often lead to a breakthrough, to takeoff into heaven! If you came up with the rules of this game called LIFE, would you be able to invent something better or at least comparable to a meal plan?

7. Food is not at all an elementary act of energy replenishment, but serves, first of all, to relieve stress: to provide a feeling of care, warmth and security. The same applies to sexual relations, and to the accumulation of material wealth, and to ensure the safety of yourself and your family. Therefore, harmony in nutrition is impossible without overcoming all types of fear, without overcoming all stresses at a deep level.

8. “We are what we eat” - Hippocrates.

9. Physical nutrition (food) largely determines the future of the physical body, fine nutrition determines the future of your soul. If you feed on the Highest energy of love, then this is the path to God, if you feed on human energy in moments of offense, fear or suffering of people connected with you, then this is the path of soul degradation. A person usually combines both methods of receiving subtle energy, the most important thing is that in the process of life the balance is shifted towards the Divine vibrations.

10. "Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you will be ill with" - Hippocrates.

11. “In some countries, you may find menu cards in restaurants that indicate, in addition to the price, the energy (calorie) content of each meal. Needless to say, if you take this literally, it is just as absurd. For in an adult organism, the energy content is as constant as the content of matter. And since each calorie, of course, has the same value as any other, it is impossible to understand what a simple exchange of these calories can help. What, then, is that precious something contained in our food that keeps us from dying? Negative entropy (explanation: entropy is a measure of orderliness) is what the body feeds on. Or, to put it less paradoxically, it is essential in metabolism that the body manages to free itself from all that entropy that it is forced to produce while it is alive "- Erwin Schrödinger (one of the founders of quantum mechanics) in the work" What is life from a point view of physics ".

12. It's simple. Your health is inversely proportional to the amount of food you eat!

13. "Food will fill the void in my heart" - The Amazing World of Gumball.

14. “I eat to live. And some live to eat, ”- Socrates.

15. "Darling, if you want to lose weight - eat naked and in front of the mirror", - Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya.

16. “On an empty stomach, a Russian person does not want to do anything and think, but when he is full, he cannot”, - Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya.

17. "There is nothing tastier than feeling thin" - Kate Moss.

18. “Loneliness and hamburgers are a hell of a mix!” - The Simpsons.

19. “No food, no happiness.” - Garfield.

20. "A real lady is easy to recognize: she eats nothing" - Margaret Mitchell. Gone With the Wind.

21. "After a good dinner, you can forgive anyone" - Oscar Wilde.

22. "There is no love more sincere than the love of food" - George Bernard Shaw.

23. "Everything beautiful should be edible!" - Salvador Dali.

24. “Two desires are constantly fighting in me, and at the same time - to lose weight and eat. The latter wins more often ", - Elchin Safarli. If you only knew….

25. "Love is a strange thing: it feeds on hunger and dies from food" - Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva.

26. "Eat breakfast like a queen, dine like a commoner, dine like a poor man." Obsessed with a dream (Dream High).

27. "Dinner is good for the soul." Paris Can Wait.

28. “The body is the baggage that you carry all your life. The heavier it is, the shorter the journey. ”- Arnold Glasgow

29. “We slept, now you can eat. Have eaten, now you can sleep. " Thumbelina.

30. “Fat people live less. But they eat longer, ”- Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

31. "I am not a goat - I do not eat grass." Adventures of the brownie Kuzi.

32. “I dream of baking a cupcake out of smiles and hugs and sharing them with everyone.” - Mean Girls.

33. “In fasting, the main thing is not to eat each other,” - Metropolitan Vladimir (Sabodan).

34. "Man does not live by bread alone." From the Bible (Old Testament, Deuteronomy, ch. 8, v. 3).

35. "If you eat like this, you will become much larger, and I do not mean your breasts." Slayers.

36. “I prefer to eat what has no eyes. The eyes are the soul, and that which contains the soul can hardly be good for the body, ”- Jean-Claude van Damme.

37. “Who said that we seize pain? Not me. I ate her up. ”- Supernatural.

38. "Don't make a cult out of food!" Golden calf.

39. "Each piece eaten remains in the mouth for two minutes, two hours in the stomach, and two months on the hips ..." - Christian Dior.

40. "Men do not meet our expectations, and only desserts bring true immediate pleasure without subsequent disappointment" - Bernard Werber. Mirror of Cassandra.

41. “You must love what you eat, or love the person for whom you are cooking. Cooking is an act of love. ”- Alain Chapelle.

42. “All my life I haven’t thought about salt, but when my doctor said I couldn’t take it anymore, I really wanted it.” - Desperate Housewives.

43. "If primitive people often perished from lack of food, then we are now perishing from its abundance," - Titus Lucretius Carus.

44. “When I'm upset, the only thing that calms me down is food.” - Oscar Wilde. The importance of Being Earnest.

45. "If you want to lose weight, eat everything, but do not swallow anything" - Harry Seecom.

46. ​​“When asked about his difference from most people, Aristotle replied:“ They live in order to eat, but I eat in order to live ”- Aristotle.

47. "He who eats little, lives long, for with a knife and a fork we dig our own grave." Love Formula.

48. "The doctor told me to stop cooking for four, at least if I don't invite three more people." - Orson Welles.

49. “We need to eat and drink so much that our strength is restored by this, and not suppressed” - Mark Tullius Cicero.

50. "When you speak, think well, when you eat, chew well." Chinese proverbs and sayings.

51. "Moderate in food is his own doctor." Latin proverbs and sayings.

52. Eating food is a pleasure, overeating is a crime - Allen Carr. An easy way to lose weight.

53. “Food that the body does not digest is eaten by the one who ate it. Therefore, eat in moderation, "- Abu-l-Ala al-Maarri.

54. "If you eat everything, food is poison." Russian proverbs and sayings.

55. “A person cannot think well, love well, sleep well if he hasn’t had a good dinner before,” - Virginia Woolf.

56. “It has long been noticed: the less you eat, the more you think. On a full stomach, thoughts become an annoying hindrance to digestion, ”- Anton Chizh. The scent of blood.

57. “The mind feasts when the body is losing weight, and the one who greedily nourishes the womb,
becoming fat in flesh, in mind it is poor ”- William Shakespeare. The fruitless efforts of love.

58. "Simple food gives people health, delicious food - disease" - James Ellroy. Black Orchid.

59. “There is more simplicity in the person who eats caviar because he wanted to, than in the one who eats barley flakes on principle,” - Gilbert Keith Chesterton.

60. “That which is born is born in order to eat and be eaten” - Irving Stone. Origin.

61. "The need for food is stronger than love." Japanese proverbs and sayings.

62. “Those who have what they have, sometimes cannot eat,
Others can eat, but they sit without bread.
And we have what we have here, but at the same time we have what we have -
It means that we have to thank heaven! ”- Robert Burns.

63. "What is patriotism if not love for the food that you ate as a child?" - Lin Yutang.

64. "If the body is not cleansed, then any food brings harm to it" - Hippocrates.

65. "Your food must be medicine, and your medicine must be food" - Hippocrates.

66. “Animals feed, people eat; but only smart people know how to eat, ”- Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin.

6 7. "Tell me what you eat and I will tell you who you are" - Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin.

68. “Hunger weakens, weakens and kills a person. Heavy food destroys the human body. Therefore, you need to look for the middle ”, - Hippocrates.

69. "Get up from the table a little hungry, and you will always be healthy" - Claudius Galen.

70. “I don’t finish eating when I’m full! My meal ends when I start hating myself. And then I stop. ”- Louis C.Kay.

71. "Since we are condemned to eat, we will eat well" - Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin.

72. “The stomach is smarter than the brain, because the stomach can vomit. The brain swallows any rubbish, ”- Chingiz Aitmatov.

73. “Someday there will be restaurants and cafes specializing in food filled with love. Such food will do more for you than any healthy food. ”- Klaus Joule (Messenger).

74. Food prepared with hatred is poison.

75. “Love sent to food during cooking or just before eating is absorbed by the food and in many ways changes it, increasing the level of vitality in food and even improving its taste. The cells of your body absorb this love when you eat this kind of food. In addition, food filled with love has many healing properties. ”- Klaus Joule (Messenger)

76. “Love comes and goes, but you always want to eat” - unknown author.

77. You want to eat the most when you lack love.

78. “The paradox is that a civilized person condemns himself to death by starvation by eating too much unhealthy, unhealthy food,” - Professor Eret (author of the revolutionary mucusless diet).

79. “Life is a nutritional tragedy. The more waste accumulates in the human body, the more food he has to absorb in order to stop the process of excretion of foreign substances, ”- Professor Eret (author of the revolutionary mucusless diet).

80. A person thinks that he lives thanks to nutrition, receiving energy from food. God made fun of man. In fact, God directly feeds man, bypassing the consumption of all food.

Only love can nourish a person. Are you laughing? Do you think that love cannot feed? Do you think that only gold can feed a person? Then remember the curse of one ancient Greek king - everything that Midas touched turned into gold. (This was the desire of the madman.) And the first thing he touched was food. And then his beloved daughter turned into a golden statue ...

This hexagram number 27 "The Hungry Devil" of the Great Chinese "Book of Changes" is called, in fact, not "the hungry devil". It's called - Nutrition. And this is how it looks:

The name itself is harmless. But it suggests a very unfavorable interpretation ...

Look at the picture - what does it remind you of? This is a barrel, an empty barrel. The point is that this barrel will never be filled - that is the meaning of the metaphor! This hexagram will always be like this - empty.

This model is the curse of those possessed by the "hungry devil." The hungry devil is an old, eternal archetype. So they call it - an obsession that arises from the fact that people do not understand - love alone can truly satisfy.

And then they try to fill themselves with food - and they eat more and more - without joy. Or sex. Or buying things. Or - traveling, collecting impressions. Some people so absorb - books and other knowledge, which, nevertheless, do not bring them either mind or rest.

What does the classical Chinese commentary write when decoding Hexagram No. 27 "The Hungry Devil"?

“You will abandon your magic turtle and, looking at my goodness, open your mouth with greed. Misfortune."

What is a "magic turtle"?

On the shell of a turtle - they were guessing in ancient times. We must translate the expression "abandon the magic turtle" as follows: "lose wisdom", "stop understanding the predictions and lessons of the I Ching" ...

A hungry demon causes a feeling of inner emptiness in a person.

This is when a person is not interested in anything - such is the "princess Nesmeyana."

And then he begins to fill his inner emptiness with someone else's good, while losing his personal inner strength. Why is power being lost? So food is not for the future.

The classical ancient commentary directly writes about this:

“The food is not for the future. Misplaced food ".

You will deviate from the base to eat on a sandy hill.

Sandy hill - consists of sand, and, you know, sand is good for many, but it is not nutritious. You can sculpt "pies" out of the sand and call them whatever names you like for delicious dishes - but this is just a game of "family happiness", a game of fake "daughters-mothers", a game of abundance.

The games people play ... and their guests are synthetic dolls that can't really laugh or cry. Kenes and Barbies on a sand barbecue ...

Many of us can hang this hexagram on our wall as a reminder that this is the true symbol of our life - above the desk in the office, in our store, in our apartment ...

Because many of us have long "deviated from the base" and have long been eating on the "sandy hill" - in hypermarkets and multiplexes.

There they buy toys and entertainment for their children - filling an empty barrel, which should be filled with their love, so that it finally ceases to be empty.

And then these children grow up to be rather unhappy adults who think like this: "Love is giving or receiving a lot of things."

And they get upset when there are few things.

But when there are a lot of things, they get upset too. True, they do not tell anyone about this, they hoard in themselves - so that they do not think about them with irritation and envy - they say, "they get drunk".

And then they say to themselves something like this monologue from Venechka Erofeev's poem "Moscow-Petushki":

“I took out everything that I have from the suitcase and felt everything. I felt it and suddenly I was all over and faded. Lord, you see what I have. But do I need THIS? Does THIS yearn for my soul? This is what people gave me instead of what my soul yearns for! And if they gave me That, would I really need It? "

Let's show each other our suitcases! What is there with us, in these suitcases, instead of saturating love - love?

You need to eat in order to live, not live in order to eat.




Make-up. Nutrition.

Explanation of the structure

Thunder promotes the awakening of nature, the growth of cereals, fruits, and other food.

The structure of both gua



Don't just think about the material. Having stuffed your mouth, you will not be wiser, take care of the value of the spiritual, do not leave the "divine turtle".


The physical form of a person depends on the nutritional system, observe the system.


Counteraction to the value system disrupts metabolic processes, treatment takes a long time, up to ten years.



Don't pay too much attention to food, gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins. Take an example from nature, where everything is rational.


Moderation in eating and drinking is happiness, then all difficulties are surmountable.


Excessiveness is harmful to everyone.

The main thing in gua

Take food without greed, know in all measure.

The main thesis

Think about the soul, not just the flesh.

Divine aspect

Compliance with the measure in everything is shown necessarily.
Perhaps more care should be taken.
Don't pay too much attention to the "jaws" - the collective image of gluttony.

Conformity with the Tarot

Arcanum XIV, Temperance, and the Ace of Cups - food and drink. The positions are straight and inverted. Caution - Arcanum IX, The Hermit. In addition, it is also a concern for courage, the strength of the soul.

Jaws - food. If you do not feed, there is no movement, stop. Therefore, movement is received by means of the sign YES GO, GREAT EXCESSIVENESS.

Summary. Divination interpretation

1. Social status, politics.

The success of the one who has this sign in the situation depends on the observance of laws, not only physical, but moral. Spiritual values ​​should prevail. Methodical and systematic.

2. Business (everything related to the material world, Taurus, Pentacles).

All of the above applies to business.

3. Relationships (love, gender relations, family life)

In love, do not attach much importance to the physical side. But love affairs can be quite successful. Mutual attraction, sympathy.

4. Interpersonal relationships.

Interpersonal relationships need to be redefined. Demand respect and trust from others. Keep your distance from yourself and people. Do not allow familiarity.

5. Health (on the physical and subtle planes).

Diseases associated with changes in the shape and weight of the physical body. Use caution and moderation in food and drink. Treatment can be lengthy, up to ten years, so it is better to set aside time for prevention, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and play sports.

6. Trend.

Observe the measure in everything, avoid excesses.


Arkan is in charge of Temperance - questions of "individual grace". While vicious inclinations make their way into the functional human organism, which was God's likeness before the Fall, the Guardian Angel accompanies God's image in man as a faithful ally. The guardian angel takes over the functions that were destroyed in the first man by original sin, and fills the gap that has been broken. He covers the ward with wings, endowing him with his own merit in the eyes of God's justice and taking upon himself his sins. Guardian angels become, as it were, "mothers" of the wards, which is why symbolically Arcanum XIV is a woman with wings, and the Most Holy Virgin and Mother of God bear the liturgical title "Queen of Angels".

Hexagram 27, in accordance with the figurativeness of the Chinese source, denotes an open mouth. The interpretation of the hexagram indicates, first of all, redundancy in food and intemperance or ill-considered speech, lamenting about fate, as a way to get away from solving one's own problems. Emphasizes possible health problems as a result of an incorrect lifestyle or worldview, and for some delays in fulfilling a wish, warns of the likelihood of changes in life. However, we eat, transmit and receive information not only through the mouth, as a part of the body. So, for example, each chakra is the center of reception and transmission of a certain energy supplying a person.

The significance of the Book of Changes in the global culture is very noticeable, the interest in it is especially great now. But when using any symbolism for fortune-telling, one should take into account the national and cultural characteristics, mentality and lifestyle of the subject of fortune-telling. In the ancient Slavic language, the word "mouth" was written in two letters, which had the figurative names "retsi" and "ot", which meant any process of transferring information from the source to the receiving side.

Fortune-telling should not be done out of idle curiosity, otherwise the answer will be either incomprehensible or meaningless. Only by considering a real problem and asking a thoughtful question about it, you can get clear recommendations on the direction of solving the problem. For fortune-telling from the Book of Changes, this is especially important, because here the answer can be exhaustive only if we understand which plane of being we are in contact with.

So at the densely material, everyday level, the hexagram "Nutrition" can drop out if a person has material difficulties. In this case, the advice of the hexagram is to change the field of activity. Having carefully analyzed the existing knowledge and experience with which a person has already been saturated, and using them to move in a different direction from the previous direction of activity. Hexagram 27 also symbolizes change, renewal, promising in this case success, including material, in a new field.

If the questions concern health, then one cannot do without specifying the diagnosis, because, depending on the disease, it is necessary to advise paying attention to certain energy centers, where the interaction of energies has been disrupted. Here, as we can see, the hexagram and information from other areas of knowledge are analyzed. Although often the causes of painful conditions in modern aggressive, irritable and simply intemperate people can become precisely their speech, carrying negative, anger, deception, etc.

The same reasons are often the source of problems in human relationships, but here we are already touching on the mental plane, and, despite the seeming complexity of considering this higher level, the problems here are usually associated with the activity of the heart chakra. It is a very powerful node for receiving and delivering nutritional energy. In what units can we measure the hourly streams of love or rejection, kindness or rejection that flow through us? They are not always realized, but people near us feel, and our well-being, mood and even fate directly depend on the quality of these energies. Therefore, away from any negativity that devours us from the inside, and we will love and give good - this is the most wonderful food for the human body and soul, real energy delicacies.

And then comes the level of problems associated with the spiritual plane. Here everything is much more complicated, but in principle, two types of problems can be distinguished. The first, nor more common, is associated with the wrong choice of the vector of movement in the spiritual direction. Here a person is imbued with a certain spiritual truth, to which he makes inept, but sincere, essentially pure energy messages, zealously feeds it, and in return receives a depleting stream of the same potential, but of a different quality. At some stage, he understands, feels, sees that he was not going where he was going, or even nowhere. There is a realization that he was feeding an alien energy or a beautifully presented dummy, which, due to inexperience, he took for an ideal.

The second group of problems can be identified as the consequences of rollbacks. A person lived like everyone else, normal, work-home, family-children. Once circumstances developed in such a way that he touched his spiritual urge with a light finger, something fluttered inside. Wonderful, unusual, unfamiliar, but a kind of familiar feeling! This man went to the call, but only soon discovered that there were more problems in life, the family tensed and condemned, friends had disappeared somewhere, life was examining the strength of the spirit, raising deep karmic layers that were stretching from distant ancestors. Here there is surprise, disappointment, a stop, and then an attempt to return to a safe starting point.

And here is the only possible advice for those people who believe and know that they are following the right (for themselves) path, but find that this path is difficult and there is no longer any strength to move on. It is necessary to understand that this path is always difficult for all who set foot on it. There is only one reward - a constant increase in spiritual potential.

And the higher this potential, the more difficult the task. And so it is endless. But you cannot stop, because a rollback will follow, which in our life is expressed in severe, confused illnesses, withdrawal to alcoholism, drugs, i.e. to the bottom. Why? Because, having once raised the spiritual bar, one cannot go back, having lost this, albeit small, but already achieved potential. So you cannot return to the starting point, you can fall only lower - to the opposite sign, but to the level of your potential.

The Universe gives tests of strength, and in difficult moments additionally nourishes the body, soul and spirit. This is what the "open mouth" of Hexagram 27 says.

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