How to open a pet store - a profitable pet products business. How to open a pet store: documents, calculations, tips

landscaping 16.10.2019

Walkthrough to implement the idea of ​​how to open a pet store. Marketing plan, financial calculations and good advice for you in the article.

♦ Starting investment in a pet store: 440,000 rubles
♦ Business payback period: 24 months
♦ Pet shop profitability: 35%

Animals are a limitless source of pleasure.

True, every owner knows that his pet is also an additional expense item.

However, some not only do not lose money on buying pet supplies, they also sell them to other people!

Basically, the instructions how to open a pet store from scratch, will not be very different from the usual for any other store: clothes, souvenirs, products.

The difference lies only in the specific features of such a business.

To understand what is at stake, for aspiring entrepreneurs, this material contains a step-by-step strategy for organizing and promoting a store of various pet products.

Planning to open a future pet store

Animal Products Store Project Summary

Before opening a pet store, an entrepreneur needs to decide on its format.

Will it be a modest stall in the underpass? Or a large retail outlet in a shopping center with a diverse range of products?

Each of these options can become profitable and cost-effective if the business is developed correctly.

The expenses required to open a pet store can be covered from the entrepreneur's personal funds or be taken on credit from a bank or issued by investors.

In any case, before starting the implementation, all points are necessary. He will help to obtain the necessary amounts and outline the course of development for the entrepreneur.

In addition to this document, you will also need to have all the necessary permissions to start activities.

The choice of premises for rent for a pet products store

The lion's share of business success depends on the well-chosen premises for the future pet store - the number of visitors, the cost of rent, the variety of assortment.

Therefore, for an entrepreneur, finding the perfect location is the first step in opening a pet store.

For a store of various goods for pets, it is not particularly important whether it is located in the central part of the city or on the outskirts.

Therefore, a novice entrepreneur can open his own business in a residential area, because the cost of rent there is much lower.

People usually buy such products in a store that is closest to their home. Therefore, such an arrangement can be even more profitable.

The main thing is the absence of direct competitors nearby!

If you write it down point by point, the instruction for finding a suitable premises for an entrepreneur will look like this:

  1. The most advantageous location for a pet store is in supermarkets or shopping malls in residential areas.
  2. The area of ​​​​the premises depends on whether the entrepreneur will include the sale of animals in his assortment or limit himself only to products for them.
    Also, of course, from the budget and convenience for the customers of the pet store.
  3. When located in a residential building, consider the likelihood of unpleasant odors which may irritate neighbors.
  4. For each of the types of pets, it is worth highlighting a separate stand in the pet store.
    If the size of the premises does not allow this, it is important to at least separate the products into product groups.
  5. Don't skimp on installation quality system ventilation in a pet store.
    But the racks can be bought second-hand.
    Basically, their entire space will be covered by goods, because the requirements for appearance will not be as strict as in an expensive cosmetics store, for example.

Marketing plan for opening a pet store

Typically, location and target audience analysis is used to develop a pet store marketing plan.

The latter cannot be clearly defined in this situation. Every second family in Russia has pets.

Advertising company for pet products store

"The main secret of success in life is to find your purpose, and then realize it."
Henry Ford

Among the options for promoting a pet store, the best are:

  • a bright, eye-catching sign with a simple but memorable name;
  • distribution of information about the point of sale in places where the target audience gathers - exhibitions, competitions, places for walking animals;
  • distribution of leaflets in mailboxes nearest houses to attract new customers to the pet store on a territorial basis;
  • availability of discount cards for regular customers of the pet store and discounts for bulk purchases.

Competitive Advantages of a Pet Products Store

Neighborhood with competitors should be avoided as much as possible.

However, in this niche, despite the availability of space for new pet stores, it will not be possible to completely avoid competition with other outlets for the sale of pet products.

To distinguish a business from the background of others, you can use the following competitive advantages:

  1. A wide range of products, which includes rare items.
  2. Highly qualified sellers who are ready to give advice to customers of the pet store for any reason.
  3. Availability of a flexible system of discounts for customers and special offers.

Recruitment for opening a pet store

One of the factors on which the success of a business directly depends is the selection by an entrepreneur of the right staff for his pet store.

Only the seller who has good work skills will help each buyer make the right choice and will not let them leave without a purchase.

The pet store staff will consist of only a few positions: an administrator (or senior salesman), several sales assistants working in shifts, an accountant and a cleaning lady.

The latter will not be required on an ongoing basis, which means that to provide these services, you can contact an outsourcing company or hire people on a part-time basis.

The basis of the pet store team is precisely the sellers of goods for animals.

Therefore, when taking them, one should pay Special attention such factors:

  1. The pet store will not be able to take any person without work experience, no matter how highly trained he may be.
    After all, the sale of such specific products requires certain knowledge.
    The sales assistant must have extensive knowledge in the care of any animal.
  2. If an entrepreneur plans to supply medicinal products for animals to his pet store, the situation will be even more complicated.
    To obtain a license for such trade, a veterinarian is required to be on staff.
  3. The presence of a special secondary or higher education, however, is not the only argument for hiring.
    Indeed, in addition to knowledge about the peculiarities of pet care, the seller must be able to convince the buyer, deal with objections, and make the correct display of goods.
    An entrepreneur must take care of the training of employees.
  4. A pet store employee must have not only theoretical knowledge, but also be able to handle and care for pets. As a rule, in addition to the usual goods, pet stores also sell animals.
    Wrong care behind them leads to death, therefore - losses.

Implementation of the plan to open a pet store

Planned assortment in the pet store

As for the assortment main question for an entrepreneur before opening a pet store: will it sell only pet products or also the animals themselves?

In the latter case, there will be much more worries and tasks, but the revenue, respectively, will be greater.

A novice entrepreneur should put this idea aside for later - when their budget will already allow them to rent a larger room, buy necessary equipment and improve the skills of pet store salespeople.

The most top positions for sales are a number of products for cats and dogs, as well as clothing and accessories for them:

  • cat and dog food, treats, food and water containers;
  • fillers for trays;
  • special preparations for lice, worms and fleas;
  • means for the care of wool, claws of animals;
  • toys, houses, scratching posts;
  • everything that is necessary for walks and trips - carrying, harnesses, collars.

Clothing is a very specific product, which, however, is gradually gaining popularity.

Contrary to popular belief, it is bought not only for pocket dogs for the sake of beauty.

Therefore, a couple of options for animals of different sizes are still worth buying at a pet store.

Do not forget, of course, about the less common, but still important categories - poultry, rodents and fish.

Calculating the cost of opening a pet store

NameCost (in rubles)
Total:440 000 rub.
Preparation of documentation for activities20 000
Repair and decor in the room80 000
Purchase commercial equipment 75 000
Purchase of inventory200 000
Advertising campaign50 000
other expenses15 000

Financial calculations for opening a pet store

Calculation of costs for the development and promotion of a pet store

According to such approximate calculations, the entrepreneur will need at least 249,000 rubles to maintain the work of the pet store and its development.

However, these figures will vary greatly for each individual case.

Pet store revenue and payback

It may come as a surprise to many, but there is a distinct seasonality to this business. In summer and during new year holidays the level of sales of products for animals, as a rule, falls.

On average, a pet store pays off in 2-3 years.

For example, if the monthly income will be about 8-10 thousand rubles. To achieve such a figure, it is required to achieve an indicator of 40-50 visitors (with a standard average check of about 150 rubles).

Such calculations will be relevant for a very small pet store. Usually, hired employees do not even work in such, and the entrepreneur himself performs all the duties.

If the point grows, the assortment expands, as does the staff, then the profit amounts will be higher, and the analysis of income will be more difficult.

For more accurate calculations, you need to draw up a business plan for your pet store.

For analysis, you can use the indicators of the nearest competitors. Or the estimated amount of the average check, the number of customers, the cost of the most popular positions.

where he shares his experience of promoting this type of business when opening.

Grab a notebook and write it down!

  1. In addition to the usual pet supply store, you can open an online version with product delivery.
    In this case, the location of the point does not play any role at all, but additional profit will appear.
  2. You can start the resource even before you open a pet store.
    There you can conduct advertising before opening and surveys that will help form the requirements of the target audience.
  3. Carefully approach the choice of suppliers of products.
    Buying low-quality and untested goods in your store can be a big stain on your reputation.
  4. The walls can be decorated with posters with a variety of useful information- Breed classifiers, nutrition recommendations, brief information on maintenance and care.
  5. Pay close attention to product expiration dates.
    An exotic product like iguana vitamins can end up dead weight in a pet store and be sold expired.
    People carefully monitor the health of their beloved pets, because such an oversight can bring a lot of trouble to the outlet.

Download a ready-made business plan for a pet store with quality assurance.
The content of the business plan:
1. Privacy
2. Resume
3. Stages of project implementation
4. Characteristics of the object
5. Marketing plan
6. Technical and economic data of the equipment
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Financial and economic justification of investments
10. Conclusions

Conclusion on the feasibility of opening a pet store

Based on the above calculations and forecasts, we can conclude that your pet store will profitable business, bringing income to the entrepreneur, subject to a number of indicators.

The location must be appropriate for the assortment, the sellers must be qualified and experienced in sales, and the prices must be relevant to the needs of the target audience and competitive.

In this case pet store opening will bring returns, will be in demand and will allow unleashing entrepreneurial potential.

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  • General description of the project
  • Description of products and services
  • marketing plan
  • Room selection
  • Recruitment
  • Financial plan
  • What documents are needed to open a pet store
  • Do I need a permit to open a pet shop?
        • Similar business ideas:

Sample business plan for opening a pet store in a city of 150,000 people. Can serve as an example for drafting upon receipt state support or borrowing money.

The aim of the project is to open a small pet shop in a city with a population of 150,000 people. Previously held marketing research, during which an insufficient number of pet stores were identified that could satisfy the existing demand for pet products.

General description of the project

General information:

  • City population: 150 thousand people;
  • Trade format: counter type shop;
  • Location of the store: basement of an apartment building;
  • Type of property: lease of premises with an area of ​​20m2;
  • Working hours: 09:00 - 20:00;
  • Number of jobs: 2 people;
  • Sources of financing: own funds- 700 thousand rubles.

The main performance indicators of the pet store:

  • Monthly profit = 57,333 rubles;
  • Profitability = 13.0%;
  • Payback = 13 months.

List of starting costs:

What taxation system to choose for opening a pet store

The organizational and legal form of business will be individual entrepreneurship. This, in our opinion, is the most convenient form for a small store. As a pet store taxation system will be chosen special. regime - a single tax on imputed income (UTII). UTII is the most profitable option taxation of a pet store, since the amount of tax is calculated based on the area of ​​​​the retail facility, and in our case, the retail area is only 25 m2.

Currently started Practical activities for project implementation:

1. Individual entrepreneurship has been registered with the tax office at the place of residence;

2. A lease agreement has been concluded basement in an apartment building (entrance from the end) with an area of ​​25m2 (plus 6m2 for a warehouse). The rent under the terms of the contract is 25 thousand rubles per month.

3. There is a preliminary agreement with suppliers of goods and animals for the pet store.

The pet shop will be open from 09:00 to 20:00 without breaks and days off.

Description of products and services

The range of our pet store is planned to include the following groups of goods:

  • Food (for cats, dogs, rodents, fish, etc.);
  • Veterinary drugs;
  • Vitamins and nutritional supplements;
  • Bowls and feeders;
  • Containers and accessories for food;
  • Toys for dogs and cats;
  • Collars and leashes;
  • Clothes for dogs;
  • Carriers, cages and aviaries;
  • Goods for training;
  • Cosmetics and care;
  • Aquariums and aquarium chemistry;
  • Filters for aquariums;
  • Toilets and trays for rodents;
  • etc.

The most popular item in our store will be pet food. At the same time, the bulk of sales will fall on cat food - dry and canned food (market research data).

The average markup on the most popular product groups will be about 30%. For individual, rare items, the markup can reach up to 150%. Average check our store will be 600 -800 rubles.

Download pet store business plan

marketing plan

Statistics say that the average Russian spends about 15 thousand rubles a year on the maintenance of his pet. Pets are kept by every 6th inhabitant of our city, of which a third regularly purchases something for their pet (food, drugs, clothes, etc.). From this we can calculate that the capacity of the pet products market in our city is about 20 million rubles a year. In fact, this means that up to 7 pet stores can safely operate in the city.

Today, there are only 5 shops in the city. It turns out that at least 2 more stores can take their share in the market. Moreover, in the area where we plan to open our pet store, there is only one outlet that serves 30,000 people (the approximate population of the area).

Step by step plan to open a pet store

Our point of sale will be located at a distance of 700m to the nearest competitor store. In the course of a secret purchase, some, in our opinion, disadvantages in the work of a competitor were identified:

  1. A poor assortment of goods;
  2. Chaotic display of goods;
  3. Low professionalism of the sales assistant;
  4. Absence in the range of decorative pets (hamsters, guinea pigs, fish, etc.).

Thus, our outlet will have the following competitive advantages:

  1. Wide range of goods. At the same time, popular items (feed, preparations) will be presented in a larger volume.
  2. Clear and convenient display of goods for the buyer;
  3. Large selection of pets;
  4. Long opening hours of the store (from 9:00 to 20:00);
  5. Experienced and qualified shop staff.

According to our calculations, competent organization business will allow reaching the planned revenue indicators of the store equal to 20,000 rubles per day, after 3 months of work. With an average check of 800 rubles, this literally means that at least 25 people a day or 750 people a month should visit the store. We believe that this is a very real number. The estimated annual revenue of the store will be 6,000,000 rubles.

Do not forget that the promotion of your store, and therefore the income, will largely depend on the good advertising that you can do through social networks. smmbox can help you promote a group. Enjoy.

Room selection

The room in which it is planned to open a pet store complies with all SES standards and fire safety. Refurbishment of the commercial part of the premises is not required. To start activities, it is enough to install commercial equipment (racks, shelves, showcases) and purchase the first batch of goods. It is assumed that the cost of purchasing commercial equipment will be about 100,000 rubles. To create an initial stock of goods - 480,000 rubles. This amount is enough to fill the shelves of a pet store with a sales area of ​​25 m2.


Planned staffing The pet store will include 2 sellers working in shifts 2 through 2. The salary of sellers will consist of a monthly salary (7,000 rubles) plus a percentage of daily revenue (4%). The approximate monthly payroll of two sellers will be 40,000 rubles, the annual one - 480,000 rubles.

About 12,000 rubles per month will be spent on the payment of insurance contributions for employees during off-budget funds(30% off wages). Annual costs for this item fixed costs will amount to 144,000 rubles.

The duties of the accountant will be performed personally by the project manager.

Financial plan

The fixed costs of a pet store are presented in the following table:

The total monthly expenses of the pet store will be 116,000 rubles, annual - 1.4 million rubles. The annual cost structure of a pet store is presented in the form of a diagram:

As can be seen in the diagram, in the structure of annual costs, the largest share falls on the payment of wages to shop assistants - 34% of the total annual costs. In second place are the costs associated with the payment of rent for the use of the premises - 22% in the structure of total annual costs. The third place is occupied by insurance deductions - 10% of total expenses.

The break-even point of sales of a pet store at an average trade margin 40% will amount to 406 thousand rubles per month:

Calculation economic indicators the work of the pet store is presented in the table - the forecast of income and expenses:

How much can you earn by opening a pet store

Net profit based on the results of annual sales of the pet store will be 688,000 rubles (57,333 rubles per month). Thus, the start-up costs incurred to open a store pay off in 12-13 months of the store's operation.

Recommended download pet store business plan for only (banner_bi-plan), from our partners, with a guarantee of quality. This is a complete finished project which you will not find in the public domain. The content of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

What equipment to choose for a pet store

To start the activity of the outlet, you need to purchase:

  • counter and showcases;
  • sales racks;
  • racks and shelves;
  • cells;
  • a computer;
  • lighting;
  • forced ventilation system;
  • document safe.

When buying equipment, you need to focus on rational use trading area. Shelves, racks, etc. must be multi-tiered or with the possibility of mounting on the walls of the store.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business for the sale of pet products

Engaged in paperwork for registration of IP in tax office, it is necessary to select activity codes for the business in question, according to the all-Russian classifier. Suitable for a pet store: OKVED 47.76.2 ( retail pet food and pet food) as the main code, and 47.78 (other retail trade) as an additional code.

Opening a pet store has its own specifics. The list of documents is different from what is required to start a regular retail outlet. In the article, we will figure out how to collect a complete package of documents and arrange a business correctly.

What documents are needed to open a pet store: we make a list

The first thing to do - register a pet goods store as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The choice of the form of activity depends on the scale of the business. For a department in a shopping center or a small stationary store, it is enough to issue an IP, if you plan to open a larger outlet, choose an LLC.

Choose the OKVED code

For both forms of activity, you will need to specify OKVED codes. Choose the codes you need based on the assortment of the outlet. According to latest updates classifier, the following will do:

  • 47.76.2 Retail sale of pets and pet food in specialized stores
  • 46.11 Activities of agents for wholesale trade agricultural raw materials, live animals, textile raw materials and semi-finished products
  • 46.19 Activities of wholesalers of general goods
  • 46.21 Wholesale of grain, raw tobacco, seeds and feed for farm animals
  • 47.19 Other retail sale in non-specialized stores
  • 47.73 Retail trade medicines in specialized stores (pharmacies)
  • 47.74 Retail sale of articles used for medical purposes, orthopedic articles in specialized stores
  • 47.78 Other retail sale in specialized stores
  • 47.89 Retail sale in non-stationary shopping facilities and in the markets of other goods
  • 47.91 Retail sale by mail or via the Internet

We issue additional permits and licenses

You have registered your business. In order for trading activity to be legal, it is necessary to obtain a number of documents. The specific list depends on the products presented in the store.

  • If you sell pet medicines, flea collars and medicated food, you will need a pharmaceutical license.
  • To sell animals, you will need a veterinary certificate and other permits issued by public administration veterinary (local authority).
  • Permission from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station and the Fire Department.
  • A patent from the licensing chamber is not needed for this type of activity.

How to choose a store space

The main thing here is the location. It is good if the room is located near the metro, there is residential buildings. A great option - on the ground floor of a residential building or in a visited shopping center. With the right advertising and a good range of products, you can earn the trust of pet owners and develop a customer base.

The area of ​​the premises for a pet shop must be at least 50 - 70 m². If you do not plan to rent a warehouse separately, you will need additional space for storing goods (10 - 20 m²).

When selling animals, you will need a room of 150 m². So you can divide it into zones: food, medicine, related products and aviaries and aquariums.

How much does it cost to open a pet store from scratch: approximate calculations

  • Paperwork
  • Room rental and renovation
  • Purchase of equipment and showcases
  • Purchase of goods. If he plans to sell animals - also for their maintenance
  • Employee salaries
  • advertising

On average, at the initial stage, 2'000'000 - 3'000'000 ₽ will be required. If you plan to create a website and promote it in search engines the costs will be higher.

Starting your own business is always a risk that justifies possible future prosperity. Owning your own business is a dream for many. But thinking about a potential business, the question arises of which field of activity to give preference to.

In this article we will talk about how to open a pet supply store, what documents to prepare and what to expect from entrepreneurial activity.

Every entrepreneurial path has its advantages and disadvantages. In the event that the advantages of a business justify its disadvantages, it can be profitable.

Benefits of a pet store:

  • demand (for this moment every third family has a pet that needs care and attention);
  • the possibility of obtaining a stable income;
  • in case of profitability, it can pay off in a short time;
  • the market of pet products is annually enriched with a variety of new assortment;
  • average level of competition.


  • at first it will be quite difficult to decide on the range of products. After a while, it will be clear what the locals prefer;
  • a high degree of risk (its profit will largely depend on how well the store is geographically located);
  • a characteristic smell in the room, which is extremely difficult to get rid of;
  • a high degree of responsibility for the animals that will be sold in the institution.

As we can see, there are still more advantages, which means that investing your money in the pet business is not such a fantastic idea. Competent plays a decisive role in this matter. territorial location store and its business plan.

The step-by-step process of organizing such a business is presented in the following video:

Required Documents and Permits

In order to start your business, you will need the following list of documents:

  • registration . The choice of the first or second format will depend on how large the store you plan to open. For a zoo tent, you can, but a large point will require;
  • licenses and certificates for the entire range of products offered due to its specificity;
  • veterinary certificates (in case the store sells animals);
  • medical certificates for each employee of the future institution.

In addition to the package of documents described above, you may also need permission to trade in a particular premises from the following authorities:

  • sanitary and epidemiological station;
  • fire protection.

Only after their approval can the work be legal.

Format Options

Immediately after you have assessed your opportunities and risks and collected the required list of documents, you should think about which store format would be more preferable for you. Among all options the following can be distinguished:

  • Large store with a wide range designed for both common animals and exotic species. In it, as a rule, you can also find a variety of types of food, clothing and toys. And the staff of sales consultants has more than ten people in one shift.
  • An institution of any scale, the main principle of which is self-service. This format allows you to keep only 2-3 sales assistants, who can also be cashiers at the same time.
  • Medium size store. The range of this format is quite diverse, but still inferior to the first option. It can sell some types of animals: fish, birds, etc., different types of feed, animal care products and much more.
  • small shop, which specializes exclusively in the sale of feed for different types animals and care products. The presence of specific pharmacology is allowed.
  • Small Animal Department in a large shopping center or hypermarket, the range of which has a narrow focus.
  • Establishment of any size with narrow specialization, which offers products exclusively for cats and dogs, or, conversely, for exotic pets.
  • Score on the Internet or in social networks . At the current level of development of trade in the network, this option may well turn out to be cost-effective.
  • Opening zoological center. Its peculiarity is that the center includes several departments at once, for example: a veterinary pharmacy, a pet clothing store, possibly a veterinary clinic, and so on.

The choice of one format or another will depend on how solvent the residents of the area where you are going to open an institution.

What are the best animals to trade

Any such store implies the presence of some animals for sale. This is a big responsibility for the owner, but the risk can be justified if you choose the right object of trade.

If you are just opening an establishment and do not yet have a very good idea of ​​how in demand it can be in a particular area, then you should not provide too wide a range of animals. This can be very risky.

It is best to start trading with small kittens, puppies, inexpensive fish and birds.

As the outlet gains its reputation, there will be an opportunity to sell other types of animals, such as iguanas, hamsters, chinchillas and more.

Please note that if you decide to go into the animal trade, you will also need to take care of related products. Otherwise, who wants to buy a chinchilla if you don’t have the opportunity to get specialized food for it.

And one more piece of advice in this regard: at the beginning of the work, you should not start selling expensive pets. Earn the trust of your customers and then it will be possible to think about how to start supplying more expensive copies.

Related products

This is perhaps the rare case when the range of products can be as wide as possible, despite the fact that the quantity of each type of product can be relatively small. Even if the winter down jackets for dogs sold will be sold in a single copy, but you will know that next time they can be ordered from suppliers in several units.

It must be remembered that each pet has a number of features that your potential buyers always strive to take into account. Therefore, let them find everything they need in your institution.

When compiling the proposed assortment, take into account the following list of goods, which can be expanded if necessary:

The success of the enterprise largely depends on the coordinated and trusting work with suppliers. The best option to search for suppliers is the Internet.

Give preference to those that have positive reviews. Equally important is the experience and extensive interaction with different companies.

Paying attention to the price set by suppliers, also find out about the possibility of returning the goods in case the quality does not suit you. Responsible companies always provide this opportunity to their customers.

Location selection

The determining value of the future profitability of the institution is its territorial location. Ideal location for any store regional cities. If you place a retail outlet in a large city, then there is a risk of not being able to withstand the competition and eventually fail.

And as for too remote corners, for example, villages and villages, here such a store most likely will not be in demand.

When starting such a business, carefully research the future location of the store and the solvency of local residents.

Conduct an analysis of the area. If it already has too many pet stores, then it makes sense to consider some other territory.

Necessary equipment and personnel

The number of staff in your establishment will depend on how large it will be. When choosing personnel, pay attention to their education, it is good if it is veterinary. However, there are people who are infinitely imbued with love for our smaller brothers and know more about them than any specialist. Such employees will always be the face of your store.

You will also need the following equipment:

  • trade racks different sizes and designs for the presentation of small and large goods;
  • counter and showcase structures;
  • houses, aquariums and animal cages (if you are going to sell them);
  • customer service equipment (luggage offices, cash registers, etc.).

Restaurant advertising

As you know, advertising is the engine of trade. When opening a point from scratch, try to make it known as much as possible more people. come up with original name and creative slogan. If you have no thoughts on this, contact an advertising agency.

In the first months after the opening, it makes sense to use the services of promoters who distribute leaflets on the streets.

Project costs

Statistics have shown that a successful pet store pays for itself in the first year his work. However, at the start, it will still require serious capital investments. The costs will be directed to:

  • rental of premises;
  • purchase of goods to be put up for sale;
  • the cost of registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • staff payments;
  • taxes;
  • current expenses.

According to the latest research, about 20 million dogs and 30 million cats live in Russian homes. In terms of the number of pets, our country is second only to the United States of America. Parrots, rodents, amphibians, and fish live in people's apartments. Already today, the turnover in the pet products market is more than 50 billion, while the amount increases by 20-30 percent annually. Impressive? In this article we will tell you how to open a pet store and what you need for this.

Before you decide to open a store, analyze the competition in your city. To do this, find out:

  • pricing policy of pet stores;
  • store locations;
  • filling with goods.

This analysis will help you understand where to locate the store, assess the overall demand for products, and find out the scarce categories of goods and animals. Without such research, the business will only bring you frustration and loss, so you need to take it very seriously.

After the analysis, it is necessary to register the future enterprise. Since you will have to work with wholesale companies, and over long distances, it is better to register an LLC. Such an enterprise will have more confidence on the part of partners and suppliers, although fines in case of violations will be much more serious and the registration procedure will be more complicated.

Do not forget in the column "field of activity" in addition to the sale of goods at retail, add the provision of consultations and outreach trade. Many buyers prefer to order home delivery.

Remember: to sell live food, cat and dog food, medicines and animal vaccines, you must obtain a license and have a veterinarian on staff! To sell animals, you need to obtain permission to sell from the Committee of Nature, pass an inspection by the SES, veterinary and fire services.

Determining the scale of a pet store

Before proceeding with the search for premises, it is necessary to determine the scale of the future store. There are several types of pet stores:

  1. Mini shop. It is a small shop of the most necessary goods for animals: feed and care products. Brings little money, but it takes much less to open. For such activities, one seller and a trading place up to 10 will be required. square meters. It is advantageous to locate it on the first floors multi-storey buildings, thus capturing a certain territory and customers.
  2. Medium store (up to 50 square meters). In such a pet store, you can allow to expand the range of goods and arrange places for small animals (rodents, turtles, birds).
  3. Large pet stores (from 80 square meters). Such a store can accommodate a wide variety of goods, as well as cages with animals. Popular with correct location, requires personnel for several shifts and high costs for rent and purchase.
  4. Highly specialized pet supply stores. Designed for owners of certain types of living creatures. For example, a store with marine life: fish, turtles and others. Additional profit is obtained through the sale of aquariums, cleaning products and accessories.

Room search

Having decided on the scale of the pet store, you need to start looking for a room of the desired area. The hardest part is finding the right location. To do this, before renting, you need to study the area well, if there are any competitors nearby.

For medium and large stores, renting a place in a shopping center is ideal, where, due to high traffic, you will definitely find your buyer.

For mini-shops, it is better to settle in the yards of high-rise buildings, where rent is cheaper, and all residents will have in mind.

Remember: before renting the premises, analyze the traffic around the planned trading place, even in shopping centers there are places where a person’s foot rarely steps.

But you don’t have to bother with the city district, since such stores are required both in the center and on the outskirts.

Remember: an online store with a delivery option will increase the profits of the pet store and increase the visibility of the chosen place.

Range selection

An important success factor when opening pet stores is the right assortment of goods. Absolutely every pet store must have:

  • pet food;
  • animal care products;
  • accessories;
  • animal medicines.

In addition to this list, pet stores offer clothes for pets, cages, houses, trays and other little things. You can also offer advice from a veterinarian who can diagnose and suggest drugs for the treatment of animals.

It is not at all necessary to trade animals in a pet store, there is a great danger of losing the “product” before it is sold (pets die even with proper care). Therefore, for small pet stores, selling animals is not profitable.

If you are planning to open a small pet store, it is better not to trade animals.

Possible risks

Any type of business with the wrong approach is dangerous with losses. Therefore, the miscalculation and analysis of possible business risks is an important component of future success.

  • Experiment.

It is possible to estimate the demand for pet products only due to periodic changes in the range of goods, brands of feed, medicines, and accessories. After a few months, it will be possible to identify hot items, thereby stabilizing your profits.

  • Staff.

Illiterate staff will repel potential buyers . If the sellers do not understand the products offered, cannot recommend a medicine or a convenient accessory, then dissatisfied customer will leave himself and will not advise others to go. Therefore, it is necessary to hire experienced salesmen and veterinarians without saving on wages.

  • Store atmosphere.

The buyer should have a desire to return to the store. Pleasant atmosphere, music, properly laid out goods, useful brochures and friendly sales assistants will make the client come back and make him come back again.

It has been proven that people are willing to overpay for goods and services, provided that they receive competent service and have a pleasant environment. This can be your trump card in the fight against competition.


For systematic work in a medium-sized pet store, it is recommended to organize work in two shifts. Each shift should have two sales assistants, one of whom should have a veterinary education. Thus, four employees with a fixed salary and a percentage of sales will be required.

It is undesirable to leave a large salary for the seller, since his interest in customers is falling, and interest is a good incentive to work. The recommended salary is 10 thousand rubles plus 10 percent of sales.

To motivate staff to productive work, recommended most to deduct salaries from sales

Cost items for opening a pet store

How expensive is it to open a pet store? Let's calculate the main items of expenditure.

  • Registration of LLC;
  • Obtaining licenses and permits;
  • Renting premises, cosmetic repairs;
  • Purchase of commercial equipment: showcases, racks, counters, refrigeration equipment, cages for animals;
  • Purchase of goods;
  • Employee salaries;
  • Taxes.

Prices for each item vary in cities, and also depend on the size of the store. On average, opening a medium-sized pet store before the crisis required 1.5-2 million rubles, and almost half of the funds were pledged for the purchase of goods.

Example #1

Calculation of expenses for the year (for opening a store with an area of ​​50 square meters, including the purchase of animals)

NameAmount, rub.
1 Registration of LLC4 000
2 Obtaining licenses and permits2 000
3 Installation of air conditioners and fire alarms30 000
4 Shop equipment200 000
5 Purchase of goods1 600 000
6 Employee salary960 000
7 taxes140 000
8 Rent840 000
TOTAL:3 176 000

The amount of revenue with this scale of the store is 200 - 300 thousand per month, in this scenario, the store will pay off in less than 1.5 years.


If, after all the calculations, you still decide to open your own pet store, then read a few of our tips:

  • Be original

Come up with an unusual but memorable name, make a large sign and pointers to the store.

  • Don't overprice

First you need to attract a client, this is possible with the help of discounts and promotions for opening, due to which a person will save significantly.

  • Allocate an advertising budget

Put yourself in the customer's shoes, where do you see or hear an advertisement for a pet supply store? In public transport, in shopping centers, at bus stops. Use "guerilla marketing", hire a promoter and give out 200-300 discount cards with the name of the store and its address.

The key to success in any business is patience and daily work, so do not give up and develop your store, then it will start to bring good income.

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