How is the meeting at work. Conduct a meeting effectively

Landscaping and planning 11.10.2019
Landscaping and planning

What could be worse than an endless meeting - it goes on and on and on! You, as a leader, should make sure that no one deviates too far from the topic and does not drag out the speech. And how do you help people focus without becoming an overseer and stifling initiative?

What the experts say

One nice thing: the rules of moderation are still not higher mathematics, and you, most likely, already know how to behave. But here's the problem: It takes discipline to keep a meeting from going off the rails, and few people are willing to put in the effort they deserve. “Some don’t think about how to conduct a meeting, someone wasn’t taught, and someone didn’t have time to prepare,” says Robert Posen, senior lecturer at Harvard Business School, fellow at the Brookings Institution, author of the book At the Peak of Opportunity. Rules for the effectiveness of professionals. “In companies these days, the pace of work is accelerating at a tremendous pace, and managers simply do not have time to think in advance how this or that meeting will be organized,” confirms Roger Schwartz, organizational psychologist, author of Smart Leaders, Smarter Teams. But if you win minutes today, you will lose hours tomorrow. So spare no effort in preparing for the weekly team discussion or extended organization-wide meeting, where the strategy of the department or the entire company will be discussed. Here are a few ways to make your next meeting more productive than any previous one.

Clearly state the goal

Many problems can be avoided if you immediately determine the purpose of the meeting. Schwartz remembered a poster in an Intel conference room: "Don't start meetings unless you know why." Smart advice. Send agenda items well in advance so attendees know what's going on. If necessary, make a list of topics that you will not discuss. Schwartz recommends writing it in the form of questions, i.e. not "Discuss the schedule for the videos", but "When will the videos be ready?" - thus, the desired result is immediately set. Next to each item, it makes sense to designate the roles of the meeting participants - from whom you expect information, from whom fresh ideas who makes decisions.

Control the size

A meeting can get out of hand if there are too many people. “It's very likely that participants will be inattentive, no one will want to take responsibility for what is happening,” Posen says. But an insufficient number of participants also does not provide the necessary diversity of opinions. Call only those who are really useful. “Don't invite everyone who has anything to do with the topic,” advises Posen. “If you are afraid of offending someone, send that person the resolution and other materials of the meeting so that he is aware.”

Set the right tone

It depends on the manager how freely people express their opinion. "You'll have to bring all the ideas together in the meeting," warns Schwartz. You need to set people up so that they want to teach and learn. Don't waste time trying to get everyone to agree with you, but listen carefully to opposing opinions and assessments. Admit that you do not have all the answers, however, as none of those present have them. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Schwartz says: "It is necessary for the participants to perceive the meeting as a puzzle or mosaic - everyone lays out their piece and together they put together a big picture."

Curb the talkers

“People often make speeches instead of asking questions,” recalls Posen. It is difficult to curb a talker, but sometimes there is no other way out. Schwartz suggests this formula: "Okay, Bob, you're absolutely right, and it makes sense for us to discuss this separately." Bob will have to agree, and on this day he will no longer try to give the same speech again on a different occasion. And if there are people on the team who like to put in a word, talk to them beforehand or during a break and ask them to keep their remarks to a minimum in order to give others a chance to speak out on the case.

Steer the conversation in the right direction

Sometimes the problem is that someone talks, albeit not for too long, but not quite about that. "If two or three people bring up related but not directly relevant issues, the discussion will degenerate," warns Posen. We need to bring them back to the main topic. Sometimes a red herring is used intentionally: perhaps the speaker is unhappy with the direction you have given the conversation, or may not want to cede the decision to anyone. Do not accuse such a person of trying to disrupt the meeting, but ask what is the matter. Posen offers this formula: “This is not the first time you have deviated from the agenda. Is something bothering you?" We need to immediately deal with this problem, prevent a split and return to the main topic of the meeting.

build bridges

“Usually the host moves on to the next topic when he sees fit,” Schwartz argues, “but the interlocutors do not keep up with him and get stuck on the previous points.” Before moving on to the next question, ask if everyone understood everything with the previous one. “Give people time to discuss,” advises Posen. This makes the conversation more focused.

Know how to finish right

A productive meeting must end on the right note so that real productive work can follow. Posen suggests asking participants, “What steps are we going to take next? What will be the implementation schedule? Write down the answers and send them to e-mail so that everyone is aware. This encourages accountability: "No one can plead ignorance," Posen says.

Remember the basic principles

  • Clearly state the purpose of the meeting and distribute agenda items well in advance.
  • Talk to those who tend to be verbose first and ask them to be as concise as possible.
  • Send out post-meeting emails listing next steps, who is responsible for each item on the implementation schedule.

It does not follow:

  • Invite too many participants - call only those who are really needed.
  • Move on to another topic before everyone has spoken.
  • Get distracted by related topics. Offer to discuss secondary points of interest at another time.

Example #1: Listen to everyone

Bill Collins, vice president of maintenance, repair and operations for American Airlines, was tasked with building relationships with union members. For a big talk, Bill organized mass meetings, inviting 6,500 of his members. These gatherings had no success: “ Public events have not been held for fifteen years now, and people have accumulated irritation, and each of them was eager to speak out. They would have gladly pulled me up,” Collins recalled. Meetings that were supposed to last an hour went on for two or more.

Bill decided to change something. First of all, he began to organize meetings by type of activity and by shift, so that each time there were no more than 250 people in one room. “They still wanted to hang me, but at least the conversation started,” he says. In addition, he changed the course of the meeting itself, stating the topic at the very beginning and asking everyone to speak openly about sore points. “I said: “We want to discuss this and that. And what do you want to discuss?” And if someone tried to speak on a completely different topic, then Bill would answer: "We will discuss this in detail when we get to the questions and answers. Is it okay?" - and waited for at least a nod before moving on.

When Collins described his new method to his colleagues, many wondered if the meetings would drag on longer than before, because now everyone had the right to speak. But Bill was sure that everything would work out. “Workers are usually distrustful of management, and this process has brought us closer.” After the first meeting held on new way, he got the proof he needed: “No one yelled. Everyone spoke calmly and cordially. And in the end we ended the meeting on a positive note. Union leaders said it was the best meeting they've ever had."

Example #2: Actively Deter Interferers

When Betsy Luks took over as CEO of HealthRIght, non-profit organization As Rhode Island's health care provider, she has a new responsibility to hold monthly meetings with twenty representatives of various health care institutions, from labor unions, hospitals, insurance companies to patient advocates. They needed to solve the accumulated problems and reach compromises. Before the arrival of Betsy Luks, each meeting was devoted to a specific topic, but at the same time there was no clear structure for its conduct and it was impossible to reach a final decision. As a result, everything went wrong. “Everyone had their own problems - and only talked about them,” says Betsy.

She decided to hold these meetings differently - she immediately began to determine the goal. This helped focus the discussion. Betsy also tried to build relationships with people who tend to take over the conversation. “Health care reform covers many very sensitive issues. Each of the participants only cares about their own problem, and some are able to endlessly talk about the same thing, because it seems to them that no one is listening to them, ”explains Luks. She met with these people before the monthly general meeting, listened to them personally and checked whether she understood their point of view correctly. Then, already at the general meeting, with the permission of such a participant, she stated his position publicly, but more briefly.

She assigned an “observer” to difficult people in communication. “We had a man who always repeated the same speech,” recalls Betsy. She asked a member of the presidium to sit next to this talker and stop him as soon as he dispersed. Her assistant always said respectfully: "Yes, that's a great idea" - and repeated it, but briefly. Chatterbox felt that he was respected, and Bets calmly continued the meeting. “I got rid of the role of a traffic controller, but at the same time I did not quarrel with a bore,” she summed up.

Betsy used the same methods at smaller events. “In the case when there is more than one interlocutor, I use this tactic. If invited the right people, send out a clear plan and neutralize difficult participants in advance, everything will go like clockwork.


Formulate main topic assembly. As a rule, a team meeting is held on one topical issue. This may be, for example, an analysis of the organization for the year or the transition to a reduced working time.

Think of an agenda. Its points will be specific issues that need to be discussed. There must be at least two and no more than five. Arrange the questions in descending order of importance. If the topic of the meeting is quite extensive, put “Miscellaneous” as the last item on the agenda. Here you can deviate a little from the main topic and discuss small issues that are of concern in this moment.

Prepare speakers. Each item on the agenda of the meeting should be addressed by a competent person whose opinion is considered authoritative. Warn him about the upcoming report 1-2 weeks in advance so that the person can calmly think over his message. 2-3 days before the meeting, talk to each speaker, make sure that the text of his speech is ready and corresponds to the stated topic.

Prepare the room for the meeting. It's good if your organization has an assembly hall or other room equipped with . Otherwise, use the most spacious room. On the day of the meeting, sufficient chairs will need to be set up, and a projector, computer, and microphone, if used, will need to be connected and set up. You can also arrange in advance for each meeting participant special folders with documents that will be discussed.

Notify all employees of the date, time, and location of the meeting. Use one of traditional ways: post information on the bulletin board, send it by e-mail, call the heads of structural divisions, talk personally with each employee. Your choice will depend on the traditions of the company and employees.

Register attendees before the meeting begins. You will attach this list to the protocol later. Start the meeting by all means at the time that was scheduled and that was announced to the employees. Do not wait for latecomers, show the significance and seriousness of the event.

Announce the main topic of the meeting and the issues that will be discussed at it. Ask the team to choose a chairman and secretary for the meeting. As a rule, the head of the organization or his deputy is elected chairman, and the clerk or office is elected secretary. The chairman will be meeting, maintain order and follow the rules. The secretary includes maintaining a detailed protocol: speeches of speakers, questions to them, discussions and proposals.

Stick to the set time limit for speaking, otherwise your meeting runs the risk of dragging on until midnight and not making any decisions. As a rule, keynote speakers have 15-20 minutes at their disposal, but no more than 30. Co-speakers speaking on secondary issues should keep within 10-15 minutes. The performance of the participant from the hall is limited to 2-3 minutes. You can answer the question no more than 5 minutes. In case of exceeding the time, firmly remind the rules.

After the agenda of the meeting has been exhausted and everyone has spoken, briefly summarize the meeting. If they were accepted important decisions, their draft must be read aloud to all those present.

Within two days after the meeting, you must prepare the final version of the minutes and the decisions made. The minutes must be agreed upon and signed by the chairman of the meeting. Bring the decisions and the deadlines for their implementation to the attention of all employees who will have to implement them.

Useful advice

It is believed that team meetings should be scheduled for Wednesday or Thursday, because. the middle of the working week is most favorable for a constructive discussion of problems and decision-making.


  • how to run a meeting

Parental meeting is a means of interaction between teachers and parents. Their implementation is necessary to improve the effectiveness of training. Through conversations at parent-teacher meetings, the family gets acquainted with the requirements of the school, new teaching methods, and the results of the child.


The meeting can be held in the form of a speech, i.e. lectures. Conduct a survey in advance and find out what issues parents are most concerned about. This will help you plan the topics you need to speak at the meetings.

Tell parents how friendly the children are, if there are any conflicts between them. Draw their attention to how they can help you develop mutual assistance, responsibility, and endurance among the guys.

Do not express dissatisfaction with any child's behavior or studies in front of other parents. Conduct all individual interviews at the end of the meeting.

Be tactful and attentive, and you will achieve the same friendly attitude towards yourself.

General meeting is held to discuss contentious issues requiring decisions based on the opinion of the majority. Usually considered here common topics, but concerning each of the invitees. And the resolutions adopted at the general meeting are subject to immediate implementation without taking into account the opinions of those interested persons who did not take part in the voting or were in the minority. Holding such a meeting requires high-quality preparation and registration, so that everyone decisions taken could have legal effect.


Preparation for the general meeting consists in a qualitative study of the topics to be discussed. To begin with, make a list of them under the general name "Agenda". Here, list the topics with detailed description(if required) and an indication of speakers on specific issues. Discuss with the speakers the possibility of their speech (obtain consent) at the specified time and the features of the study of the topic (the time allotted for the report), as well as the need for an additional one (projector, etc.).

Write an announcement to inform about the upcoming . It should indicate the time and conduct of the general, agenda (list of topics proposed for discussion). Post the ad in public places where it can be read by interested parties. If there are items on the agenda that concern specific people, they should report the meeting separately, sometimes in writing (depending on the importance of the issue).

2. How to speak at a company meeting

“My God, well, the time has been chosen for the meeting! Don't these empty-headed idiots know that I'm up to my neck in work and I don't even have time to drop a line or two?

Anger is a normal reaction of company employees and is much more common than we think. While virtually all companies hold meetings on an almost daily basis, meetings are not always scheduled and are often very disorganized due to a lack of proper leadership. Issues that could be resolved with two or three phone calls, a few emails or a short conversation in the corridor, often paralyze the work of important specialists who are forced to sit in the meeting.

Well-planned and well-executed meetings can bring great results. Let's take a look at what can be done to keep company meetings productive.

Start with the meeting agenda

When it comes to meeting, consider whether it is really necessary.

If you decide that the meeting really needs to be held, analyze the issues that you want to discuss and create an agenda for the meeting, guided by the priorities of these issues.

It may seem obvious, but most meetings go so bad precisely because they don't have an agenda.

Plan how much time you are going to spend on each topic so that you have an idea of ​​the total duration of the meeting. This way, if discussion of one of the agenda items is delayed, you can compensate for this by reducing the discussion of other issues or eliminating some agenda items altogether.

Divide the meeting into several stages

Each stage of the meeting should be planned to facilitate participation, exchange of information, guidance in decision making, prioritization of answers to questions, and ease of resolution of disagreements.

1. Statement. The leader should make a brief introduction, which will clearly state the problem under discussion, the purpose of the meeting; collected information; all of which will facilitate the effective participation of people in the meeting and help achieve the desired results.

2. Discussion of the essence of the issue. After the introduction, the group begins to discuss the essence of the matter, dives into the problem and suggests ways to solve it.

3. Solutions. During the debate, some proposals are rejected under the weight of refuting arguments, while others are more rational and consistent. They form the basis of the decisions to be taken at the meeting.

4. Summarizing. This is the last and one of the most important parts of the meeting, because by repeating each solution one more time, any errors or questions can be eliminated. If at this stage the problem remains unresolved, then it is time to continue discussing it until the assembly finds a way out.

Behave Appropriately

If you behave according to some basic suggestions, you will be able to participate effectively in meetings and create a positive professional image for yourself. A number of important aspects must be taken into account.


Your posture is an important indicator of how interested you are in the issues that are being discussed in the meeting. If you're lounging lazily in a chair or resting your elbows on a table, you may be seen as indifferent. Show your interest by leaning forward slightly with your whole body - in this case, you will appear disciplined, alert and determined.

Since the number of people present is usually small (less than twenty people), you will most likely speak seated; therefore, your gestures should be moderate and discreet. Save sweeping gestures for emotional moments and ideas you want to highlight.

visual communication

Visual communication is important so that you can identify yourself as a participant in the meeting, to make it easier to understand the topic under discussion and to see how people react to your message. When participating in a meeting, do not stare into space, do not get distracted by details of lighting, wall decorations, ashtrays, etc. - and do not draw automatically with your pen. When you listen, look at the person carefully and interestedly, and when you speak, look at all the other participants in the meeting.


We have already seen that the right vocabulary is the one that meets the needs of the audience. If you are at a meeting of technicians from the relevant division of your company, you can use the professional language accepted in this area. If the meeting is attended by people from different departments, then it is better to avoid such a specific technical vocabulary so that everyone present can easily understand you.

The way you talk

When you participate in a meeting, speak clearly and deliberately; Express your point of view with enthusiasm, but always with a certain amount of restraint. Even if there are disagreements, you must remain calm and collected and discuss your ideas without undue heat, not allowing emotions to get the better of the voice of reason.


Usually meetings take so long because people are talking about things that are not related to the topic of discussion. Remember that when you are in a meeting, you need to know what the purpose of the meeting is and what issues will be covered so that you can get your ideas across without getting sidetracked.


It's clear that it's much easier to be specific if you prepare well in advance of the meeting, prioritize all of the material, and anticipate people's possible resistance to your ideas.


No one wants to be overly serious during a meeting, but too many jokes can hinder progress. Use humor in moderation, keep your presence of mind, and never allow yourself to be ridiculed that might humiliate or offend your companions.


You must not stop your natural behavior simply because they came to the meeting. In some meetings, you may feel a little stiff, but this is not a reason to abandon the way you usually act - especially in the workplace, where people know each other very well. If you behave differently, people will notice, which can have devastating consequences for supporting your ideas and your image.

How to hold a meeting

The success of a meeting almost always depends on the person who leads it. As a leader, you should strive to achieve the following goals:

Motivate everyone to actively participate in the meeting;

Pay close attention to the thinking of the group;

Provide information necessary to continue the discussion;

Make sure that the discussion does not deviate from the intended goals and the problems that have arisen;

Maintain a friendly environment;

Encourage an informal tone, but without vulgarity;

Avoid delicate situations and deal with them;

Demonstrate proper presence of mind;

Ask questions that encourage the birth and development of group ideas;

Start and end the meeting on time;

Avoid personal attacks;

Provide calmness, cordiality and tolerance;

Recognize the importance of each of the participants.

Based on these goals, the leader should consider the following things regarding his role and behavior.

1. If a person came to a meeting, he must have something to say. It is the leader of the meeting who should encourage all participants to be active.

2. Since the leader occupies a high position in the organization, he must remain neutral. If he speaks his mind, then all subordinates (sometimes just for the sake of saving their jobs) can give up the idea of ​​expressing what they really think. Therefore, the leader should listen to as much information as possible in the meeting, answer questions and encourage discussion of the stated topic, but at the same time he should remain neutral.

Perhaps, like some leaders, you develop a frown when discussing serious issues. This can intimidate subordinates into not saying what they think and not actively participating in the meeting, which is what you want them to be. Of course, you can't smile all the time when talking about serious things, but a more relaxed facial expression can give good results.

How to behave as a meeting participant

If you know how to behave properly as a meeting participant, then the likelihood that your ideas will prevail and you will make a favorable impression is greatly increased.

When asked a question, answer it firmly, confidently, and with conviction.

Speak clearly and at such a speed that people can keep up with your reasoning.

If your knowledge and experience can be useful, ask for the floor without hesitation.

Do not answer questions posed to other meeting participants unless they cannot be answered and you are sure that your assistance will be useful.

Stick to a given topic and do not conduct parallel conversations.

When you speak, look at all those assembled; when listening, look at the one who is speaking.

Don't create tension by criticizing your colleagues or making inappropriate sarcastic remarks.

If you need to refute an idea, try not to hurt the feelings of those present. Rely on diplomacy and understanding the opposite point of view.

Don't dominate the meeting; give others a chance to speak.

Some people mistakenly think that they have to talk a lot to fully participate in a meeting. In some situations, it is possible to take an active part without saying a word, as the attention you give to the debate, take notes, and ask for clarification speaks volumes about your participation.

If you think you should say at least a few words in a meeting, but don't know what to say, you can make comments - preferably encouraging ones - about the opinions of other participants. If you have nothing to say, then do not waste words on criticizing something.

How to handle sensitive situations in a meeting

How to deal with lack of interest

Those who are not interested remain indifferent. They sit in the far corners, doing other things (reading magazines and newspapers or drawing on a piece of paper), demonstrating a complete lack of interest in the subject under discussion.

In this case, to solve the problem, ask them a question and give them a certain amount of time to think about the answer to it and come back.

How to avoid side conversations

Occasionally, attendees chat with neighbors, usually on topics that have nothing to do with those discussed at the meeting.

One way to solve this problem is to pause so that this chatter is the loudest sound, and people feel uncomfortable and shut up. If that doesn't work, ask the person to give their opinion so everyone in the room can listen.

How to control the "monopolist"

Such a person is always ready to tell a story or an anecdote, express his opinion about anything, he talks loudly and laughs. Such people are difficult to deal with; to take them under control, you need to be a strong personality and pay close attention to this matter.

One option is to talk to such a person in advance and gently explain to him that his behavior interferes with the successful flow of the meeting and the active participation of the rest of those present. If that doesn't work, ask him to speak at the meeting only when it's his turn, and interrupt him if he tries to say something at another time.

How to motivate silent people

People who remain silent in meetings are either shy or unsure that their presence makes sense.

To help them participate more actively in the meeting, ask them to comment as often as possible on issues related to their area of ​​work or on suggestions from other participants. Be tactful but firm.

How to neutralize a pessimist

Pessimists believe that nothing will work, all solutions are impossible and no one knows what to do. They only see the bad in everything. If you ask them to explain the reason for their disagreement, they will often be able to justify their pessimism by giving you good example for comparison.

To solve this problem, ask them to simply sit, listen and write down their suggestions, refraining from expressing opinions for a while.

How to avoid the intervention of the "protector"

This type of attendee always wants to better explain what their colleagues just said: “What John really meant when he said…” First ask them to let a colleague speak. And then let them present their own version. Ask the colleague who spoke if this explanation is correct and what exactly it means.

How to deal with backtracking and objections

Have you noticed how people react when their ideas are rejected or criticized? Regardless of whether the authors of these ideas are right or not, they are filled with conviction and begin to defend themselves by everyone. possible ways for their opinion to win. It happens to almost everyone, regardless of their life history or official position. This is a normal reaction.

Because this is predictable human behavior, objections must be raised with certain precautions.

Refer to your own example

If you yourself tried to do something similar to what the person defending his idea is now offering, tell him about it, try to show how much that idea was important to you and how difficult it was to convince yourself of its fallacy. This involvement will give you the right to speak on the subject and show your solidarity with your colleague, who will then be more willing to listen to your concerns.

Agree on a number of points

Agree with the offer on a number of points and simply ask to be allowed to provide additional information. This will disarm the author of the idea, and he will listen to you with interest.

Example: “I fully agree with Paul's suggestion regarding the conduct of our manufacturing and sales departments. He quite accidentally made a mistake in the given figures; he did all the statistical calculations, read the sales reports, and accurately assessed the general outlook for the market in the coming year. I would just like to add a few details that may help in making decisions." (Pause, wait for a positive reaction from your colleague.) I did one study…” (from now on you can start voicing your objections).

Protecting a person from an ill-wisher

If the person who expressed the idea has an enemy, and you agree with the idea, then express your opinion before objections from the opponent follow.

Example: “I am aware of Paul's efforts to defend a project to diversify the company's product line. The unexpected obstacles that arose are due to the actions of specialists who are unfamiliar with Paul's research and are unable to appreciate his experience in implementing the proposed changes. I know how serious Paul's work is, and I want to offer additional information for consideration, because I know that Paul puts the productivity of our company over anyone else's research” (objections can begin here).

By expressing your ideas in this way, you will not hurt anyone's feelings and will not provoke an unnecessary defensive reaction.

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Posted On 04/02/2018

Article 45

1. Owners of premises in apartment building are required to hold an annual general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building annually. Unless otherwise established by the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building, the annual general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building is held during the second quarter of the year following the reporting year, in the manner prescribed by this article.

(in ed. federal law dated 06/29/2015 N 176-FZ)

(see text in previous)

2. In addition to the annual general meeting, general meetings of owners of premises in an apartment building are extraordinary. An extraordinary general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building may be convened at the initiative of any of these owners.

3. The general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building is competent (has a quorum) if it was attended by the owners of premises in this building or their representatives with more than fifty percent of the votes from total number votes. In the absence of a quorum for holding an annual general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building, a repeated general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building must be held.

3.1. The managing organization, the board of a homeowners association, a housing or housing-construction cooperative, or another specialized consumer cooperative are obliged to maintain a register of owners of premises in an apartment building, which contains information that allows the identification of the owners of premises in this apartment building (last name, first name, patronymic (if any) the owner of the premises in the apartment building, the full name and main state registration number of the legal entity, if the owner of the premises in the apartment building is a legal entity, the number of the premises in the apartment building owned by an individual or legal entity), as well as information about the size of their shares in the right of common ownership of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building. Upon receipt by the managing organization, the board of a homeowners' association, a housing or housing-construction cooperative, another specialized consumer cooperative, an appeal in writing, including an appeal using the system, the owner or other person specified in this article, on whose initiative a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building, on the provision of a register of owners of premises in an apartment building, these persons are obliged, within five days from the date of receipt of such an application, to provide the owner or other person specified in this article with this register. The consent of the owners of premises in an apartment building to the transfer of personal data contained in the register of owners of premises in an apartment building, when this register is provided in the manner prescribed by this part, in order to convene and organize a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building, is not required.

(Part 3.1 was introduced by Federal Law No. 485-FZ of December 31, 2017)

4. The owner, another person specified in this Code, on whose initiative a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building is convened, are obliged to inform the owners of premises in this house about such a meeting no later than ten days before the date of its holding. Within the specified period, a notice of holding a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building must be sent to each owner of premises in this building. by registered mail, if the decision of the general meeting of owners of the premises in this house does not provide for another way to send this message in writing, or handed to each owner of the premises in this house against signature or placed in the premises of this house, determined by such a decision and accessible to all owners of premises in this house .

(as amended by Federal Laws No. 176-FZ of June 29, 2015, No. 257-FZ of July 29, 2017)

(see text in previous)

5. The notice of holding a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building must contain:

1) information about the person on whose initiative this meeting is convened;

2) the form of holding this meeting (in-person, absentee or in-person voting);

(Clause 2 as amended by Federal Law No. 176-FZ of June 29, 2015)

(see text in previous)

3) the date, place, time of this meeting or, in the case of holding this meeting in the form of absentee voting, the deadline for accepting decisions of owners on issues put to the vote, and the place or address where such decisions should be submitted;

4) the agenda of this meeting;

5) the procedure for getting acquainted with the information and (or) materials that will be presented at this meeting, and the place or address where they can be found.

6. Owners who have at least ten percent of the votes of the total number of votes of the owners of premises in an apartment building have the right to apply in writing to the managing organization or the board of a homeowners' association, housing or housing construction cooperative, other specialized consumer cooperative to organize a general meetings of owners of premises in an apartment building. In the application for holding a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building, issues to be included in the agenda of the meeting should be formulated. At the request of the owners, the managing organization, the board of a homeowners' association, a housing or housing-construction cooperative, or another specialized consumer cooperative are obliged to take the measures necessary for holding a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building within forty-five days from the date of receipt of the application, but no later than less than ten days before the date of the general meeting, notify each owner of the premises in this house of the holding of this general meeting in the prescribed manner, and also issue Required documents based on the results of this general meeting and ensure that they are brought to the attention of the owners of premises in this house in the manner prescribed by paragraph 3 of Article 46 of this Code.

(Part 6 was introduced by Federal Law No. 176-FZ of June 29, 2015)

7. A general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building may be convened at the initiative of the managing organization that manages this apartment building under a management agreement. At the same time, the agenda of such a meeting may include issues referred by this Code to the competence of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building.

(Part 7 was introduced by Federal Law No. 176-FZ of June 29, 2015)

Art. 45 LCD RF. The procedure for holding a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building

» How to conduct

How to conduct a meeting with subordinates

How to conduct sales meetings

The sales team meeting is an important and effective tool management of the company's sales staff and sales in general. At meetings, orders from the authorities are collectively conveyed to subordinates, the results of the past week are discussed, and plans are made for the next. At the meeting, you can encourage the successful and spur the laggards, feel emotional condition and the mood of subordinates, to hear alarm bells in time and take action. But in order for meetings with subordinates to be effective and beneficial to the company, and not be an empty pastime, you need to conduct them correctly.

Much has been written and said about how to conduct meetings with subordinates. If you are holding weekly sales meetings, the first thing you need to do is to prepare thoroughly for each meeting with a detailed agenda. It should include an analysis of the results of the past week, completed or outstanding tasks, as well as a plan for the next week. Directly before the meeting, distribute the agenda to subordinates or send it by e-mail.

The meeting itself should begin with an analysis of the instructions of the past week. Sales managers must clearly understand that orders are given for a reason - their implementation is controlled. Then they will try to fulfill them. Ask them if they completed this or that task, if not, why not. When subordinates know that they will have to explain themselves to everyone, they are more responsible in completing assignments.

The next stage of the planning meeting of the sales department is planning next week. Give specific and clear instructions to specific employees. Set realistic and clear deadlines.

Appoint a secretary or recorder to record all given instructions in the minutes. Penalize for unreasonable disruption of orders, so that others would be discouraged. Weekly meetings with sales managers will help you establish discipline and responsibility in the team. And this, in turn, will affect the quality of work and the growth of turnover and profits of the company.

A planning meeting with sales staff should not take more than half an hour. Do not allow yourself and others to spread thought along the tree. Establish clear rules for sales meetings and stick to them carefully. Even if at first it doesn’t work out, over time you and your subordinates will learn how to hold planning meetings with employees concisely, productively and cheerfully.

You need to end the meeting on a positive note, encouraging subordinates with a well-aimed example, a bright slogan or a peppy word. After the planning meeting, send the participants a protocol with instructions. This can be done via Skype, after creating a special chat and coming up with an interesting, motivating name for it. A planning meeting at work can and should be a powerful tool to bring your ideas to life!

Andrey Kropochev

10 ways to solve problems with subordinates

There are 10 ways that a manager can help solve problems with subordinates.

1. Do not detain subordinates for a long time, if this is not required by the issue. Production, economic and personnel issues, as a rule, can be resolved in 2-3 hours. After this period, employees begin to get tired, and information ceases to be assimilated, so there is no need to turn the next scheduled meeting into an endlessly lasting lecture.

2. Discuss current affairs with subordinates at the meeting. Remember, a meeting is the same meeting of subordinates, but with one condition - they have the right to express their opinion on the issue under discussion. No need to interrupt them, let alone stop them.

3. Use when holding a meeting modern technologies. You can hold the meeting as a presentation using a projector or as an online interview using skype. So, subordinates will not be bored, and they will definitely focus on the issue under consideration.

4. Call to your office for a personal meeting only those subordinates who are really guilty. Keep the conversation in a strict, but not "killer" style.

5. Hold "planning meetings" with a description of the results achieved and the planned goals.

6. Don't forget to hold "fly meetings" to solve momentary urgent tasks.

7. Spend "five minutes", which are aimed at coordinating the actions of subordinates.

8. Brainstorm. At such meetings, subordinates express their proposals for improving the company's activities and for solving the production problems that have arisen.

9. Organize strictly certain time mini breaks. Go on smoke breaks with your subordinates. As a rule, many pressing problems are discussed in the smoking room.

10. Celebrate corporate and public holidays with your subordinates. It will bring the team together. The subordinates will have confidence in the leader.

These ten simple rules will help you effectively manage your subordinates and coordinate their work.

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Home / Blog / How to have a productive morning meeting

How to have an effective morning meeting

Sleepy young people.

Hand-burning coffee in disposable plastic cups. Shy passers-by. A pile of papers with strange tables and figures that just keeps trying to fall out of the supervisor's folder. It's a morning meeting with a sales team. Sound familiar?

Are all meetings going well? Not!

From personal experience, as well as studying the experience of other leaders, we can say with confidence that most morning meetings are ineffective, primarily due to the fact that they are NOT prepared for them. And we are talking, first of all, about the leader who initiates the meeting. Subordinates see that the leader is not ready, and, naturally, they have a logical question: Why!? And then, not being able to turn their backs and leave, subordinates, at best, continue to sleep.

And yet, how do you make sure that the event called the morning meeting begins to bring real benefits?

First of all, it is necessary to clearly understand why we have a morning meeting.

We have identified the following goals:

  1. Give a fresh start to a new day at work. For all team members, the day starts at the same time - with the start of the meeting.
  2. Charge the team emotionally, set them up to achieve results.
  3. Make it so that everyone takes responsibility for the results of the day.

It's all. There is no need to overload and try to close all the issues that were not resolved earlier with the help of the morning meeting.

There is a direct relationship: the more issues you try to solve with the help of the meeting, the lower its effectiveness.

We warn you, no negativity, only positive attitude!

10 mistakes during general meetings of owners

By the way, it is better to postpone the discussion of the negative aspects that arise in the work for the evening.

So, how to make the meeting work for you.

The duration of the meeting is no more than 40 minutes. Maybe less. But - no more. From experience, 25-35 minutes can be considered the most optimal. Time is money.

Naturally, in order to meet the deadline and carry out efficient assembly, the leader must carefully prepare for it. The hack will be noticed right away. Preparation is, first of all, the plan of the meeting. We recommend something like this plan:

  1. Greetings. It's great if the team has its own greeting ritual adopted by the majority of its members. This distinguishes a team from a collective.
  2. Subordinates should start talking, not the leader. The best way to do it is something like this: Guys, let's share what was good on the routes yesterday? Show off! It is clear why? That's right - positive from the first minute.
  3. Setting goals for the day. Time to speak to the manager. As a rule, there should be no more than three goals. For example, a general sales plan in money, then a separate plan for a separate product, and something else. First, we announce team goals, then personal goals for each participant of the meeting.
  4. After that, there may be questions from the team: How and where can we sell it? . This happens quite often, because. Our plans are ambitious. Do you agree? And here is a trap for the leader. As soon as he starts to answer - he hit! What to do, guess what?
  5. Ask your team: What and how will you do to achieve your goals? Brainstorming ensued. Supervisor encourages team to offer as much as possible more ideas. It doesn't matter what works and what doesn't. A positive attitude and a desire to achieve success are important, and ways will be found in the process.
  6. Next, specifics are needed: who exactly does what and what. Five to ten minutes of silence - there is a process of breaking down goals, where, to whom, how much and what needs to be sold today. More details on how to break down your plans and make them real - we will write in another article.
  7. End of the meeting. Here you need something that will support the positive attitude of the team. This is also from the realm of rituals.

Finally, a few more tips:

  1. All personal issues between the leader and the subordinate must be discussed one on one, after the meeting.
  2. The venue should be such that it does not interfere with anyone and not be distracted by anyone. Remember, time is money!
  3. Sweet tea and coffee help to create a positive mood and turn on the brain, but buying them, preparing them, etc. no need to waste meeting time. Make sure your subordinates provide themselves with drinks before it starts.

That, perhaps, is all. Take it into service and remember - experience is gained in action. Dare!

Alexey Zolotov. business coach of the company Workshop Business Solutions.

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A meeting is a mandatory event in which all members of an organization take part, for example, an annual meeting of shareholders or a general meeting of members of a cooperative. The procedure for holding a meeting is regulated by the charter of the relevant organization, the course of the meeting and the decisions taken are recorded in a special document - the minutes of the meeting.

In contrast to the meeting, the meeting is attended by a certain fixed circle of persons, as a rule, who are representatives of various firms or departments of the enterprise.

Meetings are usually regular, meeting strictly

divided time, most often once a week, and are intended to discuss current issues, although there may be unscheduled meetings caused by production needs. Meeting minutes are not required, but a decision is usually made at the end of the meeting.

Business meetings are divided into business conversations and negotiations. Business conversations are held in a free form, designed to discuss any issues that have arisen and do not necessarily end with a decision. Negotiations are designed to resolve serious issues joint activities enterprises, delimitation of areas of activity, production pricing policy etc. They end with the adoption of final documents or oral declarations.

Due to the specifics of their work, any merchant quite often has to take part in various meetings, conferences and business meetings, as well as organize these events himself. It is necessary to follow the established procedure for their organization and conduct, because often the success of all commercial work depends on it.

When preparing a meeting, meeting or negotiations, you must:

1. Select and clearly formulate an agenda. There may be two or three main issues and three or four minor ones on the agenda. If there are few main issues, then the meeting will proceed slowly and take as much time as if there were enough of them, and if in large numbers discussion will become superficial.

2. Determine the composition of the participants (for a meeting, negotiations). The exception is production meetings, which are held regularly (usually once a week) with a constant composition of participants.

3. Select the day and time of the event. During negotiations, the day and time are agreed in advance with all participants.

4. Notify the participants about the day and time of the event. When holding a meeting, it is desirable to do this 5-7 days in advance. The day and time of the production meeting is notified only to persons invited to it who are not permanent participants in the meeting.

5. Set the expected duration of the event and warn the participants about it. Experience shows that announcing the end time of a meeting or meeting reduces its duration by 10-15%.

6. Prepare the main report or message and determine the mandatory participants in the discussion. The report must be specific, reflect the essence of the issue under consideration, the conclusions must be substantiated. Verbosity and vagueness of the report or message causes indifference among listeners.

7. Select and prepare a room. Care must be taken to ensure that the room is comfortable enough to accommodate all participants. There should be no shortage of chairs. When organizing negotiations on the tables in front of each participant, it is advisable to put a card indicating the last name, first name, patronymic and name of the company he represents. Tables should also have paper and writing instruments, you can put a soft drink. It is considered good manners to serve tea or coffee during negotiations with a small amount of pastries.

You need to start work at the right time. Delaying the start of a meeting or meeting usually results in participants meeting very late the next time the meeting is held. It is customary to observe the start time of negotiations strictly by all parties; being late for negotiations is considered as extreme disrespect for partners and can lead to undesirable consequences.

The situation during the meeting (conference) or business meeting should be kind. Personal attacks in relation to the participants, showdown are unacceptable.

A chairman is elected to conduct the meeting. The main duties of the chairman are:

follow the rules;

announce the name and position of the speaker, the name of the organization of which he is a representative.

The chairman of the meeting must meet certain requirements, the main of which are: competence, impartiality, the ability to express clearly and clearly, and tolerance for other people's opinions. The chairman has no right to express his preference for one or another opinion or participant in the meeting, as well as to impose his opinion. He should state his proposals after all.

An important step in any meeting or meeting is the adoption of a decision. At such moments, the meeting often becomes helpless, as if losing energy. This happens because the participants are unable to realize that it is time to make a decision, or hesitate, not daring to make a choice. In such cases, it is best to choose one proposal and continue to consider it.

The rules for holding a general meeting of shareholders of agricultural land have changed

It is important not to miss the moment when the debate should be closed - here the experience and skill of the chairman is needed. A good way is midterm voting. It sums up the next stage of the discussion. One should not, however, be too hasty with the final vote, since it is possible to make a decision that is rejected by a minority. In this case, members of the minority may take action to prove the majority wrong, which may lead to the resumption of discussion and the loss of results already achieved.

A special type of meeting is the so-called "brainstorming". Such a meeting is held when it is necessary to solve a complex problem, find a way out of a confusing situation, and make a responsible decision.

To hold such a meeting, first of all, it is necessary to clearly formulate the task - only one, the most difficult or the most important. It is desirable that no more than 7-12 people take part in the discussion. It is advisable to arrange the chairs in a circle so that there is no "gallery" and "presidium". It is necessary to strictly determine the time of the discussion. Lack of time creates stress that stimulates brain activity. The optimal time for such a meeting is about 30 minutes. No one should criticize the proposed proposals.

Most people cannot work creatively under conditions of moral hazard, if one is pulled down, others will only think about how not to seem stupider than everyone else. At the beginning of the discussion, as a rule, banal, empty ideas are put forward. The ban on criticism makes it easier to put forward any ideas, among which there may be very valuable ones. It is advisable to select the best ideas, and not discard the worst ones, what seemed unsuitable now may come in handy later. No need to establish the authorship of ideas - the best ideas are always the product of collective creativity.

When a way out of a difficult situation seems to be found, it is advisable to divide into two groups - “supporters” and “opponents” and try to find weaknesses in the developed solution. The final decision must be clearly formulated and recorded.

Back to Hosting meetings

The general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building (not to be confused with the HOA) is the governing body of an apartment building (Article 44 of the LC RF).

Its competence includes:

Making decisions on the reconstruction of an apartment building (including its expansion or superstructure), the construction of outbuildings and other buildings, structures, structures, the repair of common property in an apartment building;
- making decisions about the limits of use land plot on which the apartment building is located, including the introduction of restrictions on its use;
- making decisions on the transfer for use of common property in an apartment building;
- choice of a way to manage an apartment building (direct management of the owners of premises in an apartment building; management of a homeowners association or a housing cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative; management of the forces of the managing organization (Article 161 of the LC RF);
- creation and liquidation of a homeowners association;
- approval of the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises in an apartment building;
- other issues referred by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation to the competence of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building (Articles 44, 135, 141, 156 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

The decision of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building, adopted in accordance with the procedure established by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, is binding on all owners of premises.

2. What are the forms of the meeting?

A general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building can be held:

1) in person, that is, with the joint presence of the owners of the premises in a specific place and at a specific time to discuss issues put to a vote;
2) in the form of absentee voting - without the joint presence of the owners of the premises through the transfer in writing of the decisions of the owners on the issues put to the vote (Article 47 of the LC RF).

3. Whose initiative should be?

A general meeting of owners of premises may be convened at the initiative of individuals or legal entities who are the owners of the premises in this apartment building.

The initiators of the general meeting of owners may be:

a) primary - the owner or several owners of premises in this house (Article 45, part 1 of the RF LC);
b) the next meeting - persons from among the owners responsible for holding the meeting (elected at the first meeting of owners - article 45 part 1 of the LC RF), the board of the HOA (if it has been created);
c) extraordinary - at the initiative of any of the owners of this apartment building (Article 45, part 2 of the RF LC), the board of the HOA (if it has been created), members of the HOA.

4. How to prepare a meeting?

For the successful holding of the general meeting, it is desirable that the house has an initiative group of owners of the premises. In turn, the territorial executive authorities (prefectures of administrative districts and district councils) organize information and explanatory work with the owners of premises in apartment buildings on issues related to the implementation of their rights and obligations established by the Civil and Housing Codes of the Russian Federation. The initiative group, together with the district administration, develops the documentation necessary for holding the general meeting, forms the agenda, selects the premises in which the general meeting is supposed to be held, the placement of information and documentation, and also determines the date and place of the general meeting. In that work needed help provided by the district government. The initiative group, together with the district administration, is also working on other issues related to holding a general meeting (identifying all owners in this apartment building; preliminary polling of residents' opinions on the way the house is managed, as well as searching for organizations specializing in managing apartment buildings (through appeals to the prefecture or district council); determination of the share of each owner in the common property of an apartment building; determination of candidates for the chairman of the general meeting, secretary, counting commission, and others).

5. How do I notify tenants?

Article 45 of the LC RF regulates the procedure for holding a meeting. Its initiators are obliged to send a notification to each owner, which indicates not only the issues under discussion, but also the last name, first name, patronymic of the person who convenes the meeting. The General Meeting is not entitled to make decisions on issues not included in the agenda, nor is it entitled to change the agenda. Otherwise, the decision of the general meeting may be challenged in court (Art.

46 h. 2, 146 LC RF).

According to paragraph 4 of Art. 45 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the initiators of convening a general meeting are obliged to inform the owners of the premises in this house about the holding of such a meeting no later than 10 days before the date of its holding.

6. When is the meeting eligible?

The general meeting is eligible if it was attended by the owners of the premises in this house or their representatives, who have more than 50 percent of the votes of the total number of owners (Article 45 of the LC RF).

The presence of the owners at the meeting is confirmed by a registration sheet of participants indicating the last name, first name, patronymic, address, details of the certificate of ownership of the premises, and the signature of the owner.

If the meeting is attended by a representative of the owner, then a power of attorney must be attached.

The right to vote at the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building belongs to the owners of premises in this building. The number of votes that each owner has is proportional to his share in the right of common ownership of common property in this house (Article 48 of the LC RF).

The list of objects of common property and the procedure for determining shares in the right of common ownership are established by Art. 36, 37 LCD RF.

7 rules for holding a meeting

In this case, the power of attorney issued by the owner to the representative can be issued in a simple written form and certified at the place of work, study, residence.

Voting is carried out on each issue on the agenda after its discussion. To sum up the results of voting, a counting commission must be created, the composition of which is approved by the general meeting. Any decision of the general meeting is drawn up in a protocol in the manner established by the general meeting of owners of premises in this house (clause 1, article 46 of the LC RF).

8. How to formalize decisions?

The LC RF does not establish any requirements for the form of the protocol. But according to the traditions of conducting general meetings, the minutes must be drawn up in writing, signed by the chairman and secretary, as well as members of the counting commission. In the protocol in without fail the date, place of the general meeting of owners and the agenda are indicated. The law establishes that the decisions of the general meeting of owners must be brought to the attention of all owners of the premises, including those who did not take part in the meeting, within ten days from the date these decisions were made (Article 46 Part 3 of the LC RF).

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Is everyone ready to work?


Great, let's go and work!

Is the situation familiar?

The shift meeting is the most valuable element of communication with your employees. You get the opportunity to motivate them, inform them about what key topics and issues need to be addressed today and listen to their ideas and suggestions.

The main objectives of the shift meeting:

1. Increase the enthusiasm of employees who must understand the specific goals set for the day (motivation at the level of the individual);

How to organize and successfully run a meeting

Achieve successful teamwork (group motivation);

3. Increase sales volume and revenue level by providing impeccable quality of service;

4. Setting a goal and defining a specific task for the shift. (For example, the plan for December is 2,000,000 rubles, the plan for the day is 64,516 rubles).

Ways in which the stated goals of the meeting can be achieved:

1. Employee motivation

2. Informing employees

3. Effectively listen to employees


They allow for continuous learning aimed at achieving specific tasks without spending too much time on it. Therefore, we can talk about the presence of the following advantages of this method.


For the buyer- Improving the atmosphere of service.

For staff- the possibility of continuous training, advanced training.

For manager, store manager- improving mutual understanding with the staff, identifying the needs of employees.

For organization- formation corporate culture organization and team spirit of its employees.

Shift Meeting Standards

When holding a shift meeting, certain standards must be followed, among them the following:

1. The structure of the meeting should be simple

2. Check in practice how employees learned the information

3. Wrap up the meeting

4. Anticipate and effectively solve emerging problems

5. Do a final review

The structure of the meeting should be simple

Greetings- may be different, depending on the style of conducting the meeting by the manager. The main purpose of the greeting is to attract the attention of all employees, and this is also the right time to inform employees about how much sales you have in the store today.

Briefly let them know main questions that you are going to talk about in today's meeting. That. You will make an overview of the content of your meeting. The review must be short, for example:

“Today we will discuss ways to increase sales and what we will be doing during the holidays.”

“Today we will repeat the stage of making contact with the buyer, as it is one of the most important. After all, it is at this stage that the client decides whether he wants to communicate with you or not.

Main body of the meeting

In the main part of the meeting, you should explain to the employees each main issue, while using effective ways presentation of information so that employees better remember the main points and general content of the meeting.

For example: The title of the topic is using existing opportunities to increase sales. Discuss with employees how you can improve your customer experience during the holidays.

Use guided discussion. Ask employees to offer their ideas, their thoughts on the topic of the meeting. Write down all answers.

Questions and answers

At this stage, you have the opportunity to receive feedback from employees. They may ask you questions that may or may not be related to the main topics of discussion. When giving feedback and asking questions, you need to be specific.

For example: Do you need any information on the organization of work on holidays?


At this stage, you need briefly recall about what you have been talking about throughout the meeting.

At the end of the meeting, you should make a final review of the goals you have set for this shift so that employees feel their importance and so that you can make sure that these goals are met. clear, specific and realistic. The review should be short and should not add new ideas. It will be better if you ask open-ended questions on key topics that were discussed during the meeting.

For example: “Irina, please tell us what you learned today about how you can improve customer service during the holidays”

Such a review of the goals set will also allow make sure You that they:

realistic and specific and that employees may need further development or training during the day.

Conclusion - call

Call to action. It is necessary to inspire as much enthusiasm as possible in employees before starting work ...

Possible problems

It is necessary that you plan in advance for the possibility of any problems. Typical problems that may arise during a shift meeting are as follows:

  • Wrong choice of meeting place. You must select the venue for the meeting that is best suited for resolving issues that your employees have or discussing the main topics that you have prepared for this meeting. For example, if the main topic of the meeting is the quality of customer service at the checkout, hold the meeting near the cash drawer.
  • Deviation from the topic of discussion. If you strictly adhere to the structure of the meeting, you can avoid possible deviations from the topic. If deviations nevertheless occur, you should try to return to the main topic of discussion. For example:
  • « Svetlana, this is a very interesting idea and we will discuss it tomorrow at the meeting, but now we need to get back to discussing effective ways to serve our customer during the holidays.”
  • Too many main topics of discussion. If your employees are overloaded with information, they will be confused and will not be able to remember the basic questions. Ideally, there should be no more than 3 main topics of discussion. If, when discussing this topic, you need to use role play or a demonstration of a skill or procedure, then allow only one topic for discussion per meeting.
  • Employees who lag behind others in their work. You should not publicly criticize or scold such employees. Immediately after the meeting is over, discuss the employee's problem with them in private.

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While many meetings are a waste of time, they shouldn't be. Below are some guidelines on how to run an effective meeting.

  • Make an agenda. The agenda is your meeting guide that will show you and other participants what you need to discuss. Having an agenda makes the meeting much more efficient because other participants can prepare ahead of time.
  • Start on time and finish on time (or even earlier). Respect meeting participants by starting and ending on time. The exception is when all participants in the meeting insist on extending it.
  • Hold less frequent but more effective meetings. Hold a meeting only when it is really necessary. Avoid "fixed" meetings like "We'll be meeting every Tuesday at 2pm." These meetings for the sake of meetings will not have a clearly defined purpose. But when you do organize a meeting, prepare an agenda ahead of time and send it out to prospective attendees. If all issues were resolved before the meeting, cancel it. Believe me, you will be grateful for it!
  • Think about who to include, not who to exclude. Invite not all employees to the meeting, but only those who are really related to the issue under consideration. After that, make sure that everyone invited knows why they should come and what is expected of them at the meeting. This will help them prepare accordingly and gather the necessary information.
  • Do not be distructed. Don't let meeting participants stray off topic, even if they offer really interesting topics to discuss. Also stick to the time frame you have set for each agenda item. Deviate from the planned plan only with the permission and consent of the entire group.
  • Note what needs to be done. As the meeting progresses, determine what needs to be done, and immediately agree on who will do it. In addition, after a while, you will need to make sure that this work is actually being done.
  • Get feedback. Feedback is the breakfast of a champion. It tells you not only what you did right, but also what you did wrong, and how you can make future meetings more effective. Ask the meeting participants to provide you with frank feedback - verbal or written - and then analyze it and learn lessons for yourself for the future.

Real world

As Peter Drucker once remarked, "You can either work or have a meeting, but not both" (Peter Drucker, The Effective Executive (New York: HarperCollins, 1993)). To extract maximum benefit from the meeting you are attending, play an active role. If the rest of the participants do not show much enthusiasm, take the initiative in your own hands. Summarize the condemnation and suggest the next step: "It seems we have already discussed this issue and expressed our opinion on it. Maybe we can make a decision?" or "Sally, I think John agrees with what you're saying, but just wants to figure out how we can avoid a similar situation in the future." If you speak up what other participants think - but hesitate to say themselves - you will put yourself in a leadership position, and the rest will usually be grateful to you. When the discussion is over, say that if there are no objections, you will all return to your work. Respect for the group and its time starts with respect for yourself and your time. Get ready. Preparing for the upcoming meeting will not take much time, but it will make it much more productive. Consider an opening speech that briefly outlines the reason for the meeting and describes the decisions or actions to follow after the meeting.

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