New Year's tale for children 12 years old script. The script of the New Year's fairy tale "Morozko", redone in a new way

Site arrangement 22.09.2019

On New Year's Eve


Santa Claus Kikimora 1

Kikimora 2

Snow Maiden-

Baba-Yaga Masha-

Koschey Natasha-

Elf senior

Elf 1

Elf 2

Princess Nesmeyana


Zimushka Winter

Voice: New Year is a holiday that promises a miracle. When he comes, we are waiting for new achievements, surprises, miracles. Indeed, only on New Year's Eve a pumpkin can turn into a gorgeous carriage, an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan ... The Nutcracker into a charming prince, Cinderella into a fairy-tale stranger ... Indeed, New Year is without surprises, not New Year. And only on New Year's Eve a fairy tale comes to life on our school stage ..

Scene 1

The action takes place at Koshchei.

Baba Yaga: Eh! How boring! Even in the swamp near Vodyanoye it is even more fun ...

Koschey: It's all New Year ... The most boring and disgusting holiday! What do you think is the most disgusting holiday?

Those present in one voice: Yes ... of course the most boring ...

Leshy: We never celebrate it !!!

Baba Yaga: What if we ourselves arrange our own holiday? What do you think Koscheyushka?

Koschey: HM ... And this is a thought, Yaga! Enough for Santa Claus to arrange a holiday, everyone loves him, but what about us, and how are we worse ?!

Goblin: it good idea

Koschey: I'm sure I will make a great Santa Claus!

Baba Yaga: You are absolutely right, Koscheyushka, and I will perfectly suit the role of the Snow Maiden ...

Koschey: No, old hag, what kind of snow maiden is you? You are good for me as a mother!

Yaga: What do you mean, I'm still so young ... Just think, this year I will be 200 years old ...

I am baba-grandmother Yaga,

Our pop star.

Well, who else is like me,

Will he sing and dance in a funny way?

Sings "Chastushki"

Koschey: No, no, the Snow Maiden must be real, so that no one would guess, otherwise you will betray us with your appearance with giblets!

Goblin: Let's steal the Snow Maiden and have a great holiday

Koschey: So we will do it. Our holiday will be the most fun and terrible (they sing a song and leave the stage)

Scene 2

The curtain opens.

Elves decorate the sleigh.

Elf st .: Give me a garland.

Elf 1: Which one?

Elf st .: That green one!

Elf 2: No, it won't fit here, Better pink.

Elf 1: Let's hang all the garlands, so it will be more beautiful.

Elf 2: Well, it's a very long time, to decorate with all the garlands

Elf st .: Enough of swearing already! You have only problems, Santa Claus will come soon, but we have nothing ready!

Elf 1: Let's better sing our song.

Elf 2: Yes! Under it we will manage faster!

Elf st .: Well, let's!

Sing the song "Light-winged elves"

Ded Moroz comes out with the Snow Maiden.

Elf st .: Grandpa, the sleigh is ready! We can hit the road!

Father Frost: Did you put the presents in the sleigh?

Elf 1: No, we haven't had time yet.

Father Frost: Run faster for gifts!

(Elves flee)

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, where is your staff?

Father Frost: Ouch! I left my staff in the house! I'll go get him, and you Snegurochka wait for the elves and help them put the presents in the sleigh.

(The Snow Maiden sings a song while standing by the sleigh)

"On New Year's Eve, on New Year's Eve ..."

Koschey and his team run onto the stage and steal the Snow Maiden

Elves come on stage with gifts and see how they steal the Snow Maiden

Santa Claus comes out

Father Frost: Who was stolen?

Elf 1: How whom, our Snow Maiden!

Elf 2: This is all Koschey, this is his handiwork!

Father Frost: Well, who needs me now? The granddaughter is missing. Without her, a holiday is not a holiday

Elf st .: Don't worry, grandpa, I'll look for her at the party, maybe she's there!

The curtain is closing

Scene 3

New Year's holiday at school on stage two girls

Christmas tree and winter holiday.

This holiday is New Year's

We waited impatiently.

Masha: Oh what we have beautiful tree

Natasha: Yes, this is my favorite holiday, probably like everyone else

Masha: The holiday has begun, but Santa Claus and Snegurochka are still missing!

Natasha: So let's call them!

Masha: They won't hear the two of us, we can't cope without the guys.

Natasha: So let's give the guys riddles

Masha: Let's

Natasha : He is kind, he is strict,

All overgrown with a beard,

He is in a hurry for a holiday to us now

Who is this?

Masha : She is dressed in silver with pearls

Magic granddaughter

Magic grandfather

Let's all call them together

Everyone calls DM and Snegurochka

Koschey appears on the stage in the clothes of DM and Snegurochka

Koschey: So my dream has come true, I am Santa Claus! Snegurochka, come with me, give the kids the gifts that I have prepared.

Koschey: Congratulations, you little tomboy! Here are your gifts!

Snow Maiden: Koschey, stop it, you’ll scare the children, don’t you feel ashamed?

He throws the boxes under the tree and walks away with long strides, and drags the Snow Maiden with him.

Masha: Natasha, have you noticed anything?

Natasha: What exactly?

Masha: There is something wrong with Santa Claus, he does not look like himself.

Natasha: Oh well, I didn't notice something, come on better gifts open?

Masha: Come on

The girls open the box and throw it on the floor.

Masha: well, are you convinced now? Would Santa Claus give us such horrible gifts?

The girls get the spider out of the box.

Natasha: Yes, you're right ... What could it be?

Elf runs out

Elf: Guard! Stole! Stole!

Masha: Who are you?

Natasha: Who was stolen?

Elf: The Snow Maiden was kidnapped by Koschey with his gang! They want to arrange their New Year, we urgently need to save the holiday! After all, how many things Koschey will do, he will scare all the children!

Natasha: Oh, I'm so scared, Koschey has already been here, something urgently needs to be done!

Elf: We must save the Snow Maiden

Masha: We will help you

Natasha: But how do we find Koschei?

Elf: Let's ask Santa Claus. Maybe he knows

Masha: Yes, Santa Claus will definitely help us!

The curtain is closing.

Scene 4

Masha, Natasha and the Elf Girl return to Santa Claus.

Father Frost: Hello girls!

Elf1: Are you back yet?

Elf2: And where is the Snow Maiden? Did you find her?

Elf st .: No, Masha and Natasha will help me find the Snow Maiden!

Masha: Only we don't know where to look for her

Natasha: Help us Grandpa!

Father Frost: Who can help us? And I know Zimushka-winter will help us!

Santa Claus is calling Zimushka

Father Frost: Zimushka!

Winter comes out

Winter: What happened?

Father Frost: Koschey stole the Snow Maiden! But we do not know how to find the way to the Kingdom of Koschei! Do you know Zimushka how to get there?

Winter: I know, but the road to the Kingdom of Koshchei is difficult and difficult!

Masha: Nothing, we'll get through!

Natasha: We will save the Snow Maiden!

Winter: I have a magic ball, it will show you the way to the Kingdom of Koschei!

Elf st .: Thank you Zimushka!

Winter: Be careful, because Koschey is very cunning and cunning and he has many assistants!

Natasha: Good Zimushka!

Father Frost: Well, run faster, otherwise the holiday is coming soon and we may not be in time!

The elf throws the ball and the curtain closes. (Music "We will find the Snow Maiden")

Scene 5

The scenery of the dungeon, the Snow Maiden sits behind the bars and sings a song. She is guarded by kikimors.

Snow Maiden: Nothing will come of it, they will definitely find me and the guys will have a real holiday

Yaga: We only saw that with Leshim, they are already looking for the Snow Maiden.

Goblin: It is necessary to hide it, but where ??? Here she will be quickly found ...

Koschey: I, Koschey the Immortal, the most cunning and cunning of all villains

(they sing the song "Our Koschey")

Yaga: We know this, but what should we do, where to hide the Snow Maiden ???

Koschey: Yours came finest hour Yaga you will be the Snow Maiden, and we will hide the real one in a fairy tale about which no one will even think

Goblin: Which one is it?

Koschey: Well, for example: in the tale of the goldfish

Yaga: There is no good old man in this tale, he will ask for a fish and she will return the Snow Maiden to Santa Claus

Goblin: And in the fairy tale Morozko, I think they will definitely not find her there.

Kikimora1: No, because Blizzard is a relative of Santa Claus

Kikimora2: She will immediately return the Snow Maiden home:

Yaga: And if in the fairy tale Teremok, they have no time to follow the Snow Maiden, they are building a house!

Goblin: Noooo, Snegurochka is friends with all the forest dwellers, they will drop everything and help her return home!

Koschey: Well then, in the fairy tale about Princess Nesmeyana, everyone there is busy making the Princess laugh and no one will care about the Snow Maiden.

Goblin: What a smart Koshcheyushka you are

Koschey are leaving with the Snow Maiden

BYA is sitting behind bars in a Snow Maiden costume, she is guarded by Kikimora and singing a song.

Elf and girls enter the stage

Kikimora 1: Who are you?

Kikimora 2: What do you want here?

Elf: We are looking for the Snow Maiden, and we know that she is here

Kikimora 1: let us suppose

Kikimora 2: But why do you think that we will give it to you so easily?

Masha: What do we need to do to make you let her go?

Kikimora 1: First try to guess our riddles and then maybe we will let her go

Elf: No, that will not do! Let's agree! We will guess riddles and you will release the Snow Maiden!

Kikimora 2: Come on, let them guess, they won't even guess one!

Natasha: Let's have our riddles! Stop idle chatting.

Kikimora 1: Well listen well

Can't find its roots

Kikimora 2: The top is higher than the poplars

Kikimora 1: All the steeper up she goes

Kikimora 2:It doesn't grow ...

Kikimora 1: What is this?

Elf: Good riddle, personally I can't figure out what it is ...

Masha: Yes, this is an easy riddle, we went through it in geography.

Natasha: By the way, yes! It's a Mountain!

Kikimora 1: The next riddle ...

Kikimora 2: Without wings, but flies,

Kikimora 1: And whistles without a mouth

Kikimora 2: And bites without teeth!

Natasha: Now this is a more difficult riddle.

Masha: You can't guess right away ...

Elf: And this I already know - this is the Wind!

Kikimora 2: But you won't guess this one for anything.

Kikimora 1: And if you guess right, then we will let the Snow Maiden go

Kikimora 2: There you are final riddle:

No lock, no cover

Kikimora 1: Chest made

Kikimora 2:And inside is stored

Kikimora 1: A piece of gold!

The guys mutter to themselves, repeating the lines of the riddle, and whisper among themselves.

Masha: Oh, I know, I know! It's that simple. This is an egg

Kikimora 2: You! You! Arrogant guys! You are nasty ...

Elf: There is nothing you can do about it, an agreement is a treaty.

Kikimora 1: Well, then take your Snow Maiden!

Let go of the BYA and leave

BY: Thank you girls, and you Elf, thank you. Let's go to the holiday soon and can't wait to dance around the Christmas tree

Masha: Something is wrong here again ...

Elf: But this is not a real Snow Maiden

Elf: Well, where, then, is the real Snow Maiden?

Natasha: Need to ask the impostor

BY: Are you girls , I'm a real Snow Maiden !!!

Elf: This we will now check, guess my riddle:

It's snowing in the yard
Holiday is coming soon

BY: New Year

Elf: Right, and then

Whitebeard and red nose
Under the branches

BY: but my friend Vodyanoy understood this !!

Masha: So you betrayed yourself, this is our Santa Claus!

Natasha: Give us back our Snow Maiden!

BY: I can't, Koschey hid her in some kind of fairy tale

Elf: So say which one!

BY: I don't know, I just heard (thought)

I can't do otherwise:

I keep crying, crying, crying ...

Masha: So this is a fairy tale about Princess Nesmeyana

Natasha: So we ran faster to save the Snow Maiden, because the New Year is coming soon and if we do not have time, the guys will be left without a holiday

Masha: Elf throw the magic ball!

The elf throws a ball backstage and they run away.

Kikimora1: It is necessary to warn Koschei that we have been exposed.

The curtain is closing

Scene 6

On the stage, the scenery is a clearing. The Princess walks in the clearing (sings a sad song)

Elf and girls come out

Masha: Oh, and who is there walking in the clearing?

Elf: This is the Princess

Natasha: So let's tell her everything and find out where the Snow Maiden is

Elf and girls approach the Princess

Masha: Princess have you not seen the Snow Maiden here?

Elf: She was enchanted by Koschey and hid somewhere here in your fairy tale

Natasha: Help us please, otherwise the guys will be left without a holiday

Princess: Is it a lot of fun at the holiday? (Crying)

Natasha: Don't cry, we will take you with us, just help us!

Masha: Yes, let's take it, and you will have fun too

Princess: I saw a sleeping girl in the forest, but I could not wake her up from this I became completely sad (crying)

Elf: Don't cry, show me where the Snow Maiden is

Princess: Yes, it's not far here

Approach the sleeping Snow Maiden

Masha: But how can we wake her up, after all, Nesmeyana tried and she did not succeed

Princess: And it's so sad (crying)

Elf: I know how, to remove this spell, you need a lot of smiles, we need to sing a funny song (they sing the song "New Year comes to us again!")

Snow Maiden wakes up

Snow Maiden: What's wrong with me? Where I am?

Elf: You were bewitched by Koschey and hid in Nesmeyana's fairy tale

Snow Maiden: What about Grandpa? How are the guys going to be left without a holiday?

Elf: Don't worry, the magic tangle will show us a short way back.

Natasha: We must be in time!

Snow Maiden: We must hurry. Elf throw your ball

The elf throws the ball backstage and everyone leaves. The curtain is closing

Scene 7

The scenery of the school holiday is DM and the Elves are girls, an elf, Snegurochka and Nesmeyana

Natasha: We made it in time! The holiday is just beginning!

DM: What good fellows you are! I was so worried!

Snow Maiden: Well, that's it, we're starting the holiday! Anything in life happens
Happiness happens, there is trouble ...
All is well that ends well.
We must always believe in good.
Goodbye, Old Year!
It's sad to part.
Here comes the new one:
The clock strikes twelve
You will not stop the shooter running,
Faces brightened ... And on the old, gray snow
New snow is falling.

DM: New Year's Eve is Coming on the Threshold
With new, cheerful speeches.
The old year leaves right on time
And he warmly says goodbye to us.

Elf: Wait, what about Koschey, Baba Yaga, Leshy, Kikimory? They staged this kidnapping because they were never invited to the party.

DM: So let's fix this mistake

Koschey, Baba Yaga, Leshy and Sirens run out

Yaga: Forgive us!

Koschey: We also want the New Year. You always have fun, celebrate, but do not invite us.

Goblin: We wanted to arrange our New Year so that we would have fun too!

Father Frost: New Year is a holiday for everyone, you don't need a special invitation to it.

Kikimora: Please forgive us. We also want to celebrate with you.

Snow Maiden: Well, okay, we forgive you.

Father Frost: Only promise then that this will not happen again.

Villains: Okay, we promise.

Elf: This hall sparkles with multi-colored lights

And invites all friends to the New Year's Ball! (everyone is singing a song)

Scenario New Year's fairy tale"Cinderella" (on new way)

The material is useful for teachers engaged in theatrical activities to conduct new year holiday... The event is designed for schoolchildren.
Managers: Alexey, Denis
Old woman Shapoklyak

(Snowflake dance)
Storyteller: The inhabitants of the fairy kingdom, and the inhabitants of the fairy kingdom, can you hear me? Everything is ready for the New Year's ball in royal palace... At the ball, something amazing is bound to happen. After all, it's not for nothing that our kingdom is fabulous. Come don't forget. Honestly, you will not regret it. Our King got up at 6 o'clock in the morning. I personally checked if everything was ready for the holiday. And now he is in a hurry to visit his friend the forester. Oh, I'll run to catch up with him.
(The forester comes out)
Father: (sings) Little Christmas tree is cold in winter ...
(The King comes out)
King: Hello, Master Forester.
Father: Hello, your royal majesty.
King: Listen, I've wanted to ask you for a long time, why are you flinching lately?
Storyteller: And looking around?
King: Has a monster appeared in the forest, threatening you with reprisals?
Father: No, your majesty, I would have stabbed the monster right away.
Storyteller: So maybe bandits appeared in the forest?
Father: Why are you sir, I would have kicked them out right away.
King: Well, then what? What brought you to this state?
Father: My wife.
King: Well, business.
Storyteller: It's true, your majesty.
Father: I swear to you. I married a pretty but tough woman, and they twist ropes out of me.
Storyteller: They are his wife and her two daughters from their first marriage.
Father: For the third day now they have been dressing for the New Year's ball and have completely driven us out. We are me and my dear, beloved daughter Cinderella, who because of my weakness became a stepdaughter.
King: That's it, I'm leaving, I'm leaving immediately to the monastery. If there is no order in my kingdom. Live as you know.
Father: Hush, hush, your majesty. If my wife finds out, I am lost. Don't judge me. My wife is a woman special. Her own sister, the same as her, was eaten by a cannibal.
King: So what?
Father: Poisoned and died.
Storyteller: You see, your majesty, there are poisonous characters in this family.
King: Well, okay, so be it, I remain on the throne. Give me the crown, but be sure to come to the ball with your daughter.
Father: Thank you, your majesty.
(Sisters come out, dance)
Anna: Did you measure my dress again? And in general, what a manner of taking other people's things. Look, everything has gone at the seams.
Maryana: Hysterical. Your dress surrendered to me, you still have no taste.
(Stepmother comes out)
Stepmother: Oh, what a hard job it is to go around all the supermarkets. So where is this bum? Cinderella, where are you?
All: (shouting) Cinderella, Cinderella, Cinderella.
(Cinderella runs out)
Anna: Cinderella, are you dreaming again?
Stepmother: Why are you standing there?
Maryana: Have you washed the dishes?
Anna: Did you iron the dress?
Stepmother: Did you clean the house?
Cinderella: Yes, mother.
Anna: Don't be cocky to your mom.
Maryana: Make your face simpler.
Stepmother: Did you do it? OK. It is for you new list your instructions.
Cinderella: But it's too late, isn't it?
Stepmother: Cinderella, it's never too late to work. Goodnight, my crumbs.
Sisters: Good night, Mom.
Stepmother: And you, Cinderella, let your blond fairy-tale prince dream.
(Laugh, leave)
Cinderella: Mother and sisters were invited to the ball, but I was not. This is not fair. Right? They will dance with the prince, and he has not even heard of me. They will eat ice cream, but I will not. Although no one in the world loves him as much as I do. It's a shame, isn't it? After all, it is very harmful not to go to the ball when you deserve it.
(Cinderella sings and dances)
Stepmother: Dancing? I knocked off my feet from fatigue, going to the ball, and you?
Cinderella: Yes I am.
Stepmother: Silence! Anna, Maryana, come here soon.
(Music plays)
Maryana: I will put on a red velvet dress and a precious piece of clothing.
Anna: And I will have a cape embroidered with golden flowers.
Sisters: Mom, what happened?
Stepmother: You know, my dear crumbs, this impudent woman was dancing right now.
Anna: Danced without sewing my cuffs?
Cinderella: I sewed them a long time ago, sister Anna.
Maryana: Danced without smoothing my collar?
Cinderella: Here he is, sister Maryana.
Anna: She does everything to drive us crazy.
Maryana: Don't feed her bread, just let me argue.
Stepmother: Where is your father, not grateful, where is this monster?
Cinderella: He talked to the king in the forest.
Stepmother: With a king, with a king. Talked to the king, why were you silent? Where are you, poisonous snake?
(Father runs in)
Father: What happened, dear?
Stepmother: Look me in the eyes? Is it true that you spoke to the king?
Father: Pure, really.
Stepmother: And you, of course, asked the King to write my babies in the book of the first beauties of the kingdom and to give you a salary?
Father: Well, what are you, dear, how can you?
Stepmother: So you spoke to the king and did not beg anything from him? Oh, how unhappy I am. My God, how tired I am of taking care of everyone. If only someone would appreciate it.
Sisters: Mom, Mom, we will appreciate you.
Stepmother: And this monster. All is decided. I will survive you from own home... I will make your life miserable. Yes I, you know ...
Cinderella: No, mother, please don't, you better look at your New Year's dresses.
Sisters: Are they ready ?!
Stepmother: Show them immediately. Yes, my girls, today you have a meeting with
professional matchmaker Madame Shapoklyak. She and her glamorous managers will teach you how to deal with a prince.
(Song Shapoklyak)
Shapoklyak: But this is all in the past. I now have mine Marriage Agency... I help people, however, for money. So, mail, what's new?
An invitation to the royal ball. Good. Conduct a master class. So where are my managers?
(Managers come out)
Alexey: Sorry, madam, some traffic jams.
Denis: We barely made it to your forest ruble.
Alexey: What are our plans?
Denis: Whom do we match?
Shapoklyak: Two brides who are already over ... 18
Alexei: Rich?
Shapoklyak: We don't work with others.
Denis: Beautiful?
Shapoklyak: The beautiful ones will find suitors themselves, and these specifically need help. (Look at the photo)
Alexey: Perhaps, first, a plastic surgeon.
Shapoklyak: Then we will go with them to the royal ball.
Denis: And what are we going to do there?
Shapoklyak: You work, and I rest!
Alexey, Denis: How?
Shapoklyak: Something like this.
(Dance Shapoklyak)
Shapoklyak: Enough. Let's go meet the brides.
(Music plays)
Stepmother: Cinderella, I know you wanted to go to the ball?
Cinderella: Yes, I did.
Maryana: You want a lot, you get little.
Anna: Such little girls are not allowed to the ball.
Maryana: Now, if she had a dress?
Anna: Dress? Tell me more crystal shoes and your own carriage.
Maryana: Then it would not be Cinderella, but a princess.
Stepmother: Okay, I'm kind today.
Father: Get ready soon, Cinderella!
Stepmother: Yes, but after you complete this entire list of errands. And then you can come and stand on the sidelines, admire us.
Cinderella: But there is a whole month of work here?
Stepmother: Hurry up, hurry up, dear.
Sisters: Look, don't you cry?
(Go away)
Cinderella: No, I won't cry, I won't.
(Fairy enters)
Fairy: Hello Cinderella.
Cinderella: Hello dear godmother.
Fairy: I am very glad to meet you, Cinderella. I do not ask, dear, how you live, I know everything. I hate your wicked stepmother, and her daughters too. I would have punished them long ago, but they have such great connections! However, enough about them. Cinderella, do you want to go to the ball?
Cinderella: Yes, very much. But I can not.
Fairy: Now we are going to the ball, and my assistants will do everything according to the list given to you by your stepmother.
Cinderella: Thank you!
Fairy: Let's start working miracles. We will make a carriage from a big pumpkin, from mice to playful horses, and a rat will be a coachman.
Cinderella: Thank you. But is it possible to go to the ball in this old dress?
Fairy: Of course not. Let's go now to a fashion boutique and buy the best dress there.
(Music plays)
Shapoklyak: So, girls, what distinguishes a prince from an ordinary groom?
Alexey: First, the crown.
Shapoklyak: Secondly, a regal look.
Denis: Thirdly, the kingdom, which means: money, dollars.
Shapoklyak: What to do when you meet your prince?
Alexey: First, keep calm.
Shapoklyak: Second, smile at him.
Denis: Well, show your smiles?
Alexey: No, you better not smile.
Shapoklyak: Just curtsy and look flirtatiously at the prince.
Sisters: Like this?
Shapoklyak: Almost.
(Everyone is dancing)
Shapoklyak: Follow me. The ball is waiting for us.
(Music plays)
Cinderella: Is it really me ?!
Fairy: Yes, it's you! Cinderella, today is a fabulous New Year's Eve, and when the clock strikes ...
Cinderella: I know, godmother, I will have to run home, because the carriage will become a pumpkin, and so on ...
Fairy: Not on New Year's Eve. And with the chimes, let all your dreams come true.
Cinderella: Thank you dear godmother. I'm so happy.
Fairy: Good luck, dear Cinderella! See you at the ball.
(Came to the ball)
Anna: Write it down, Mommy, the Prince looked at me three times.
Maryana: And he smiled at me and sighed once.
Father: What do you need all these records for?
Stepmother: Don't bother us having fun.
Maryana: He always grumbles.
Shapoklyak: Girls, do not forget how we taught you.
Storyteller: Oh, your majesty, what a wonderful ball!
King: It's all right. But our prince is bored.
(Cinderella enters)
Storyteller: Hello, we are very glad to see you. Let me introduce: His Majesty the King.
King: Good afternoon. Oh, what a kind, lovely creature. Come quickly, I will introduce you to the prince and the guests.
(Music plays)
King: Prince. Son. Look who came to us.
Storyteller: A mysterious and beautiful stranger.
King: Right. Why are you silent, son?
Prince: Oh sir, I am silent, because I cannot speak.
King: Don't believe him. He can speak poetry and speech. Let's go.
Prince: And you, and you are not tired on the road?
Cinderella: No, what are you, I rested on the road.
Prince: Please!
Stepmother: Sorry, prince. I’m just a minute.
(Prince steps back)
Stepmother: Oh, you are a snake. Still, I managed to come to the ball.
Anna: And I found the dress.
Maryana: What bad taste.
Anna: What an ugliness.
Father: Cinderella, my daughter. I have no words. Where did you get such a beautiful dress?
Cinderella: My godmother gave it. It was she who helped me to come to the ball.
(Cinderella waves to the godmother)
Father: You are amazing!
Stepmother: Shut up, you fool. Just try to tell me that this is our Cinderella.
And for you, Snake, I'll arrange it now. (Wants to take away)
King: (Claps) Gentlemen, we're going to play royal forfeits now.
The first fant is yours. Can you please sing to us something?
Cinderella: Good! Now I will sing you a kind song.
Prince: Bravo. Perfectly.
King: Good storyteller, the next fant is yours. Please do something magical, wonderful and enjoyable for everyone present.
Storyteller: It's very simple, your majesty.
(Fabulous music sounds)
Prince: Don't be alarmed.
Cinderella: And I was not at all scared. I expected miracles from tonight.
And here they are, please. Well, after all, where are we?
Prince: You and I are transported to a magical land.
Cinderella: Oh, where are the others?
Prince: Everyone is where he pleases. But we're not here for long. After a few minutes, the magic will disappear.
Cinderella: True. What a pity. Are you sad, prince?
Prince: I don't know. Can I ask you one question?
Cinderella: You can.
Prince: A friend of mine, also a prince. Also quite bold and decisive.
I met a girl at the ball, whom he liked so much that he was completely confused. What would you advise him to do?
Cinderella: Maybe the prince thought that he liked this girl so much?
Prince: No, he knows for sure that nothing like this will ever happen.
King: What a wonderful ball. Legs themselves directly ask to dance. Everyone dances!
Cinderella: Try to guess what I'm thinking about now?
Prince: Ah! Think about how good it would be to eat ice cream!
Cinderella: I am very ashamed, prince, but you guessed it.
(Run away)
Stepmother: No, you saw. What audacity.
Anna: What about the prince?
Maryana: Oh, Mom. Everything is lost.
Alexei: And the prince does not take his eyes off Cinderella.
Denis: She's all like that.
Shapoklyak: Quiet you.
Stepmother: Don't be upset, little ones. I have a plan. Behind me.
(Music plays)
Shapoklyak: Sweet Cinderella!
Cinderella: Yes, I'm listening to you, who are you?
Denis: We Good friends your godmother.
Alexei: And she asked me to convey that she was very sorry, but at 12 o'clock the magic would disappear.
Shapoklyak: The pumpkin will become a carriage. And your dress will be old and dirty again.
Cinderella: Where is the godmother herself?
Shapoklyak: She was urgently summoned to the embassy.
Cinderella: Yes, very sorry.
Shapoklyak: Hurry, Cinderella.
(Go away)
Cinderella: Well, why now? This is not fair.
Prince: The best ice cream in the whole wide world. What's wrong with you?
Cinderella: Thank you, dear prince. Thanks for all. For being so caring, attentive, polite, kind. I have never met the best.
Prince: Why are you talking to me so sadly?
Cinderella: Because, because I have to leave.
Prince: No, no, I cannot let you go. Honestly, I can't. No. I thought it over. After the ice cream, I would tell you directly that I love you. Oh my god, what am I saying. Please don't go!
Cinderella: You can't.
Prince: Stay.
Cinderella: I can't.
Prince: Do not be angry with me, please, for my words. The thing is, I really like you.
Cinderella: Yes, I ...
Prince: Well, forgive me. I love you!
The clock strikes. Cinderella runs away.
Prince: Wait! Where are you going?
(The prince is sad)
King: What's wrong, prince? You are ill. I knew it. And 40 servings of ice cream. Oh, what a shame, you must have frostbitten your stomach.
Prince: I didn't touch the ice cream, Dad.
King: I didn’t touch it. True, he did not. Then what about you?
Prince: I fell in love, papa, with our glorious stranger. But she ran away.
King: In love? What happiness!
Prince: This is a misfortune. She doesn't love me. She ran away. And she didn't want to listen to me.
King: Nonsense. Trivia. Loves. Let's go find her soon, son.
(Music plays)
Cinderella: I don't understand. I'm in the same dress. The carriage did not turn into a pumpkin.
Shapoklyak: Great, we deceived you.
Stepmother: Look, a splinter, she wanted to take the prince away from my daughters.
Alexey: You are not of that status, baby. Although you are nothing.
Denis: He needs something more interesting, not you, dirty little one. Can you give me a phone number?
Stepmother: You think you've put on a dress and that's it: your prince.
Cinderella: I will immediately run to him and ...
Shapoklyak: Yeah, so he is waiting for you. He does not need a simple and poor girl.
Cinderella: He said so?
All Yes.
Stepmother: So come on, blow home. Frying pans and a broom are waiting for you.
Cinderella leaves.
All: Oh yes we are.
Stepmother: Now I’ll put things in order. Eh, the kingdom is not enough, there is nowhere to roam.
Denis: I feel sorry for her.
Shapoklyak: Be quiet, Knight.
Stepmother: Then we proceed according to the plan.
(Music plays)
King: My friends. Our prince fell in love with a kind stranger.
Storyteller: But she ran away.
King: We need to find her urgently.
Denis: Your Majesty, look, shoe.
Alexei: This is probably a stranger lost.
Shapoklyak: Let's try this shoe on to all the girls, and to whom is it ...
Prince: No, this is not her shoe.
Storyteller: And the young lady had expensive shoes. It is unlikely that she parted with them.
Prince: Then we have to draw a portrait of the girl.
Storyteller: And let the courtiers look for our stranger in every home.
King: Right. Don't worry, son, we'll find her.
(Go away)
Anna: Mom, now what?
Maryana: This upstart is lucky again.
Denis: Yes, a complete failure.
Alexei: It didn't work out with your shoe.
Shapoklyak: It's okay, they will look for a beautiful and smart one.
Stepmother: Exactly, not this poor thing in rags.
Shapoklyak: The right decision.
(Music plays)
King: What to do?
Storyteller: We won't find her.
Prince: Where is the mysterious stranger?
(Fairy and Father enter)
Fairy: We know, Your Majesty.
Father: In the portrait, my daughter Cinderella.
Storyteller: Why did she run away?
Fairy: She didn't want to. These are all of them. Come on, come here quickly.
Father: This was all set up by my wife and my daughters.
Fairy: And her friend Shapoklyak along with her retinue.
Father: And Cinderella is now at home crying and suffering.
Alexey and Denis: We are not to blame.
Shapoklyak: These are all of them.
Fairy: They also used my name. I’ll turn you into frogs now.
Together: Please don't.
King: Eh, are you not ashamed? Why are you so evil and not good.
Stepmother: Your Majesty, I am all one and one. The husband is always at work, and already kind word and I haven't heard a glance from him for a long time.
Anna: And this proud woman, Cinderella did not have time to come to the ball and on you, give her a prince right away.
Maryana: So we will stay in girls. This is not fair.
Stepmother: Not life, but one loneliness.
(Music plays)
Fairy: What a touching scene.
Father: Dear wife, please forgive me for everything. Well, you're just a queen!
(Music plays)
Stepmother: Oh, how dizzy. Thank you my dear!
Alexey: Madam, let's celebrate the New Year together.
Denis: And you, madam, I invite you to the New Year's party.
King: Yes, how little our ladies need. Just a little attention.
Father: Your Majesty, I will now bring Cinderella.
Prince: No, please, myself.
King: That's good. And we will go all together to meet them.
(Cinderella sings)
Prince: Cinderella! Cinderella!
Cinderella: Prince, sweet prince.
Prince: Please don't run away. I know everything.
Cinderella: But I was told?
Prince: This is not true. I need you and only you.
Fairy: Dear friends! Our Cinderella hurried to put on a New Year's outfit.
Storyteller: And we invite you to a festive concert.
(Musical numbers)
(Dance of the Prince and Cinderella)
King: Congratulations, my dears!
All: Cinderella, please forgive us.
Cinderella: I have forgiven everyone for a long time. Let's all celebrate the New Year together.
The song "New Year!"
Old year pump up running
The clock shows the last minutes
Whirling fluffy white snow
Fireworks decorate the skies
It is a pity, of course, that there is only one.
For twelve months in the world
New Year celebrates with us
And we believe in miracles as children.
Chorus: New Year is always like a sweet dream
New Year will be a fairy tale for us.
A chime awaits in the heart.
New Year comes to every home.
Against the background of music words
In a multi-colored, New Year's
In the light of the holiday lights
Congratulations today
All the gathered friends.
Happiness to everyone and less bitter tears
And more often in life to smile.
May I never return to you
Past sorrows and tribulations
Happy holiday friends, everyone
Happy New Year! Hooray!!!

Snow Maiden;
Overseas Prince;
New Russian Vanya;
Helen, director of the White Rose modeling agency;
Mafia - 2 people;
Santa Claus is a psychotherapist;
Teachers: head teacher, mathematician, writer, historian, Englishwoman, music teacher.

Scene 1.
Storyteller: Hello, Dear guests! Would you like to hear a fairy tale?
Once upon a time there were Grandfather and Baba ... You probably think that I will say "They were very poor"? No, you are wrong! This is a fairy tale about the new Russian Grandfather and Baba, so they were rich. They had everything - the Bosch stove, the Ariston refrigerator, and Washer Bork, and a Porsche car. The only thing they did not have was a granddaughter who would help them with the housework.
Grandfather and Baba's apartment. Grandfather is watching the news, Baba is spinning in front of the mirror.
Baba: Grandfather, how long can you watch this news! This is not news, but solid gruel! Either the Swan Princess was kidnapped, or Ivan Tsarevich dismembered the frog in order to conduct a medical experiment!
Grandfather: Don't bother, old! I must know the rate of the dime! You'd better not jump at the mirror, but clean the apartment, otherwise the dust in the corners starts to come to life! Why did I buy a washing vacuum cleaner for you?
Baba: You should have remembered the dishwasher in which you put the carpet to wash! And in general, I'm not cleaning now, I'm late for yoga. I would have taken it myself and put things in order.
Grandfather: And I also have no time for cleaning, I have it planned in 2 hours business meeting in sauna. Grandma, maybe we can hire a housekeeper?
Baba: You can't find a good housekeeper now! Now such young people will not clean, but rob! I don’t trust these women, oh I don’t. Not only do they steal, they also eat like horses. You can't get enough of them!
Grandfather: Come on, in order to save money, we blind ourselves to a housemaid out of snow? Will not eat, but will work for three. And at night we will put it out on the balcony so that it does not take up space in the house.
Baba: And in the spring, what to do with her? Freeze until next winter?
Grandfather: And in the spring we won't need it, we were going to the Canary Islands.
Baba: Exactly, I completely forgot. Come on, let's go sculpt!
Storyteller: And they went to sculpt the housekeeper. They did not try hard, spat, clapped, stamped. Let's see what they did.

Scene 2.
Grandfather, Baba and Snow Maiden. The Snow Maiden cleans the apartment: she washes the dishes with a mop, she cleans the clothes on Baba with the Pemo-Luxe.
Baba: Lord, Grandfather, well, they blinded me ... What did you put her instead of her brains?
Grandfather: I took out some detail from the TV and inserted it. I wanted the best ...
Snow Maiden: best gift for best girl!
Baba: ... but it turned out as always! Look at her, she can’t do anything, everything is falling out of her hands.
Snegurochka: When there is no mood and everything falls out of hand - tea "Brooke Bond"!
Grandfather: I think I understand. I guess I inserted an ad unit for her.
Baba: I knew it, you old fool!
Grandfather: Stop it!
Snegurochka: Take a break - eat "Twix"!
Baba (to the Snow Maiden): Come on, take out the trash, at least bring some benefit.
Snow Maiden (leaving): Did you know that not all yoghurts are equally useful?
Baba: Grandfather, so what should we do with her now? She will ruin all the equipment for us, and there’s no point in her!
The Snow Maiden returns with Helen, the director of the White Rose modeling agency.
Helen: Hello. Does this girl live here?
Grandfather (suspiciously): Are you interested in registration? Everything is in order with us, she lives on a private balcony with conveniences.
Snow Maiden: The best prices- from 15,000 for square meter!
Helen: No, no. Let me introduce myself, I am Helen, director of the White Rose modeling agency. We are looking for girls to participate in a beauty pageant.
Baba: And I think, where did I see your face. And in advertising, it seems, they starred.
Helen: Yes, I did. I sold aspirin.
Snow Maiden: "Aspirin Oops" - live without pain!
Helen: And now I want to take the Snow Maiden to the beauty contest. Grand Prize - trip around the world.
Snow Maiden: Five continents are waiting for you! Send us 2 membranes from Nescafe ...
Grandfather and Baba (together): We agree! Take her wherever you want!

Scene 3.
Beauty contest. Girls walk the catwalk, smile, accept beautiful poses.
Storyteller: Snegurochka, she is, of course, a fool, but a beauty. And in a beauty contest, brains are not the main thing. So she became the winner.
Helen and Snegurochka appear on the stage.
Helen: Meet our winner Snegurochka! Snow Maiden, what are you feeling now?
Snegurochka: The feeling of freshness stays with me all day!
The Overseas Prince runs out onto the stage and falls to his knees in front of the Snow Maiden.
Prince: I am the Prince-from-the-Sea, and you are a super-girl, a genius of pure beauty!
Snow Maiden: Purity is purely "Tide"!
Prince: I propose to go to my country and be my guest. I will treat you, give gifts, dress you in a fur coat.
Snegurochka: This season, fur coats can be bought in the network of stores " The Snow Queen».
Prince: What is she talking about?
Maria: Never mind that. She drank Panadol and her head went off. Come on, we will issue a visa for the Snow Maiden to your country.

Scene 4.
Storyteller: Snegurochka left for an unknown country with the prince, but did not say anything to Grandfather and Baba. A month passes, Grandfather and Baba are waiting for news from her and cleaning, but from her there is neither hearing nor spirit ...
Grandfather (on the phone): Vanya, all hope is for you, save me! Our housekeeper, the Snow Maiden, left for a visit to the overseas prince and disappeared. Probably, she got him so bad with advertising slogans that he paid some brothers to kidnap her and never return her again. Go, Vanyusha, to a distant country, save the Snow Maiden and bring her home.

Scene 5.
Two mafiosi sing the song "We are a gangsterito gangster". Vanya appears with a sword, on a horse-stick with the inscription "Mercedes-Benz".
Bandit 1: Who are you, what are you doing here?
Bandit 2: Where did you get the car from? Not our car, cool.
Vanya: I am the new Russian Ivan, and the Russian car is a pirated copy. Are you bandits?
Bandits (in chorus): Yes, just don't call us bandits. We are the Russian mafia. What do you want from us?
Vanya: So you stole the Snow Maiden? Confess!
Bandits: So you came for her? Finally! Save us, take her away quickly, we are so tired of her, we have no strength. Can't even talk normally.
The Snow Maiden appears with a saucepan in her hands.
Snegurochka: Rollton noodles are on today's menu!
Bandit 1: You see, Vanya, he feeds him some rubbish, and makes his hands wash all the time.
Snegurochka: "Savegard" and you are protecting the family!
Bandit 2: What do you want, Vanya? Invented! Come on, we will pay you the ransom ourselves, just take it away as soon as possible, tired of it - no strength!
Vanya: I, a Russian person, do not need your ransom. I'd rather give the money to our teachers as bonuses. And I'll take the Snow Maiden anyway.
The bandits thank Ivan, give him a bag of money. Ivan and Snegurochka leave.

Scene 6.
Vanya: Grandfather, woman, I brought you your loss. Do not let her go on tour abroad anymore, she has no mind at all! A beauty, hard-working - only such a fool ... I will be ashamed to show her to my friends. As the mouth opens - as if the TV turned on. What to do with it?
Grandfather: I'll try to send her to school. Let's check what Russian teachers are capable of. Maybe they'll make a human out of her.
Vania: Great idea! And if the teachers can correct her brains, then I will write them bonuses. The bandits gave me money for taking the Snow Maiden.
Grandfather: Agreed. Tomorrow I will go to find out if she will be accepted to school. The head teacher at the school is just a good one ... Maybe he will meet me halfway.

Scene 7.
Storyteller: We took the Snow Maiden to school, she went to school for six months, she was gaining intelligence. Her teachers were talented, but even they could not cope with her. So we have assembled a teachers' council.
Meeting of the teachers' council.
Head teacher: Colleagues, we are faced with an acute question - what are we going to do with the Snow Maiden? Your suggestions.
Mathematician: I can say that the girl is very capable, has amazing ability in mathematics. True, she solves strange problems. Counts how many more dishes were washed by Villaribo residents than Villabaggio residents. He constantly says how much cheaper soap and detergent has become. He says that "Dressing Duck" destroys 3 times more germs than ordinary powder.
Writer: The girl also has great talent in literature. She remembers so many poems! True, the poems are more than strange. For example, "The universal myth saves capital" or "Coffee Jockey - look at life more fun." But she reads little. Recently I asked her the names of Russian heroes, and she told me - San Sanych, Alyonka and Seryozha, too.
Historian: She also has problems with history, and very strong ones. In class, I asked her what democracy is. So she almost began to conduct an agitation campaign. Says "Vote, otherwise you will lose."
Englishwoman: Colleagues, don't judge the girl so harshly. Here in English language she has achieved great success. She speaks the words "Fruittella", "Nokia" and "Orbit" like a real Englishwoman. Sounds like music! By the way, what about her music?
Music teacher: Well, what can I say ... She does not know classical pieces of music, but she has excellent voice and hearing. Sings songs like
“These words are sung by the whole city. Advertising calls and SMS-bonus from MTS ”.
Head teacher: Well, there are problems. I propose to take the Snow Maiden to our school psychotherapist.

Scene 8.
Psychotherapist's office. The psychotherapist - aka Santa Claus - is dressed in a white robe, conducting psychodiagnostics of the Snow Maiden. Grandfather and Baba, Vanya and teachers are waiting for the results and the publicity of the diagnosis.
Santa Claus: Snegurochka, what's the problem?
Snow Maiden: MMM - no problem!
Vanya: The problem is that she has an ad unit instead of a brain. We need to clear her brains.
Snow Maiden: The best remedy for cleaning - "Komet"!
Santa Claus: Yes, the case is very difficult. Snow Maiden, do you know who I am?
Snow Maiden: Doctor Caries?
Santa Claus: Diagnosis - acute accentuation on commercials. I will now use the hard freeze method. You just need to change.
Santa Claus changes clothes, turns to the Snow Maiden and hypnotizes her, making passes with his hands. The Snow Maiden falls into a trance, Santa Claus depicts a surgical operation and takes out some detail from the Snow Maiden's head.
Santa Claus: Well, that's all, now she will wake up.
Grandfather and Baba: Has she really become normal?
Snow Maiden: How long did I sleep. What is it? I was sick?
Teachers vying: It worked! Did not work out! Let's check! What is Tide? Pedigree? Sprite? Kamei?
Snow Maiden (to Santa Claus): What's wrong with them? Is there something wrong with their heads? What are they talking about?
All in chorus: Hurray, it worked! This is real New Year's magic!
Santa Claus: Now our Snow Maiden has turned into a real Russian dream girl - a beauty, clever and good worker. But remember, she can be the same again if you don't behave like fairy-tale characters. Baba should not only go to yoga, but also bake pies. And you, Grandfather, should not go to saunas, but grow turnips. Do not forget that you yourself are from a fairy tale and are capable of performing miracles, then you will not need my magic either.
Baba and Grandfather: We are not stupid, we understand! Now let's get down to our fabulous business!
Vanya: It turns out that you are not a psychotherapist? Who are you then?
Snegurochka: This is Santa Claus, don't you recognize him!
Santa Claus: Quite right. New Year is coming very soon, let's congratulate our guests!
All in chorus: Happy New Year!

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