How to open a marriage agency from scratch. Profitable business: how to open a marriage agency

Decor elements 30.09.2019
Decor elements


If you decide to create a dating agency, then first of all decide on the place where you will arrange meetings with candidates. It can be a rented office or apartment. The second option, by the way, will cost less. In addition, the atmosphere in it is more conducive to communication. Try to create a warm, friendly atmosphere in it, make repairs, purchase. Don't forget the refreshments for the customers. Tea coffee, mineral water, and maybe wine, can come in handy in a conversation.

Make a card file in the form of an album. Certain information must be collected about each client, including a photograph. Place the questionnaires for men and women separately. You can also group by age, interests, etc.

As for the staff, get at least one assistant to start with. He will answer phone calls while you are talking to a client, for example. In addition, the second employee will be able to process orders and form a file cabinet. As the business expands, the number of agency employees can be increased.

Decide on the payment method and price list for the services of your agency. The client can pay for the application, organization, etc. Each party or one of the parties can pay for an organized meeting, but at a double rate. Perhaps you can come up with some discounts or bonuses yourself.

It is not necessary that your agency will only deal with the selection of the second half. Gradually expand the range of services. You can look for travel partners, create a club of interest or organize other meetings that require help.

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Someone cannot get married or get married, and someone cannot save an already existing family. But since ancient times, before the appearance of services of marriage agencies of matchmakers and dating clubs, each person sought to create a strong unit of society - a family.

If you are a sociable person who is well versed in people, their relationships and wants to start their own business, then you can start opening a dating club. Indeed, for many, acquaintance is a real problem, and in the conditions of the modern rhythm of life, there is practically no time left for meetings and dates.


In order to open a dating club, first of all, look for a room where you will meet with clients. It can be a rented or own apartment or office. Of course, renting an apartment will cost less than an office, and besides, the atmosphere in it is more conducive to communication. Remove one or two-room apartment. This will be quite enough for your club. Do redecorating buy furniture. Create a cozy, trusting atmosphere for your future customers.

It will not be superfluous to organize a treat. Tea, coffee, mineral water - all this may be needed when communicating with visitors to your club. After all, the success of your business will depend on the quality of communication with customers and how real your help will be. And an informal atmosphere with a cup of tea or coffee will help people open up faster, which means you will get to know the person better.

Make a file. To do this, advertise in a newspaper, on radio, television or place it on the Internet. No less effective is posting ads on porches or putting leaflets in boxes in residential buildings. Believe me, there will definitely be those who want to find a life partner. Most importantly, do not forget to include in the ad the phone number and address where you can contact. You can arrange a card index in the form of an album, where basic information will be collected for each client: photo, date of birth, habits, etc. You can group folders in the file cabinet in different ways: by age, interests, gender.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

We all live in stereotypes. Since this article will focus on the opening of a marriage agency, here is another stereotype: the owner of such an institution (or rather, the owner), a very spectacular lady of Balzac age, who considers herself a queen who commands destinies. She herself is hardly successful in her personal life, and is a self-confident fury with many years of experience as a matchmaker. But this, as already noted, is a stereotype. It does not matter who opens a marriage agency - the above-described character or a twenty-year-old student of the archaeological faculty; everyone has the same chance. Here everything is decided by psychology and entrepreneurial talent.

A marriage agency refers to a type of business in which there will not be too high costs, but at the same time you will have to work constantly. Especially at first. In the future, it will be possible to attract employees who can be trained, but at first you need to learn yourself. To manage such an enterprise, you even need to have a creative approach to solving problems. A marriage agency can work perfectly different schemes, which are developed by their organizers, with almost any method of organization can be effective. A marriage agency is an intermediary that helps to conclude a contract and takes a commission for this. And if we take into account that many clients of such agencies come here for material gain, then the agency can actually be called an economic intermediary. The good goals of "connecting lonely hearts", "search for halves", "helping to find happiness" and the like joy of old maids look very good on advertising posters, but, in fact, the activity of a marriage agency is a search for goods for the consumer. Only with the condition that the goods will be sold only when he likes the buyer.

You can think over the concept of work long before the opening, because only about a month will have to be spent on registering the subject entrepreneurial activity. A marriage agency is not a licensed type of activity (people are sold without any certificates), and therefore there are no restrictions on the form of entrepreneurship. Many agency organizers stay simple individual entrepreneurs, because it is much simpler and does not require significant reporting. From legal forms preferably a limited liability company, but only if an association of entrepreneurs has decided to engage in matchmaking. Such a business is difficult to classify, and it is best to check the coding of activities with a lawyer, but most of the available codes are suitable (OKPD 2) 63.99 Other information services, not included in other groups. After all, the marriage agency collects information in order to use it correctly later.

Initially, the scheme of work of a marriage agency can be one of three types: men pay, women pay, everyone pays. Considering that men and women need the same degree of a member of the opposite sex with whom to build a family, it is best to take money from everyone. But the most cunning and profitable way is to determine the potential of the client. After all, all visitors to the marriage agency can be divided into 2 categories: goods and buyers. The product can be attributed to attractive (in general) people who will enjoy attention, to buyers - those for whom you have to look for a suitable person, because the client cannot do without the help of professionals.

But here it is very important to consider what level the agency will be, whether it will work for everyone or whether it will become something like an elite club, leaving a profile in which is already a privilege. Work with a focus on ordinary people still not worth it, because a simple class usually does not have problems with their personal lives. It does not work out, mainly for business people who are constantly loaded with work, people with high demands on applicants, and, of course, for unfortunate victims. natural selection. The most difficult thing to help with this is the second category, because the celestials are thirsty for those representatives of humanity who, to put it mildly, do not possess anything outstanding themselves.

Ready-made ideas for your business

A very common situation is when a girl has been waiting for a prince on a white horse all her life. When she suddenly turns thirty, she is ready to be content with just a prince. When it comes to fifty, only a horse will suit her. But the problem is that princes no longer look at thirty-year-old virgins, and even horses at fifty-year-olds. When working with such clients, it is especially important to bring them down to sinful ground and describe the real chances.

Already here it becomes clear that an employee of a marriage agency is a very competent psychologist who should be able to deal with almost any person. His task is to solve the problem of the client, and sometimes it takes a long time to convince him that the stated requirements do not correspond to the possibilities. It looks suspiciously like a realtor's job. It will be easiest with business people who clearly know what they want and correctly assess their chances.

For a successful man, the risk of not finding a woman is practically minimized, but finding a wife, in good sense this word is hard enough. Due to the banal lack of time, he cannot understand a person, and pays the agency just to find an adequate and suitable person for him. Almost the same applies to successful women, here in general sexism is inappropriate. And the situation is no longer so popular when a person through an agency is looking for a one-time or simply not always partner. In general, a marriage agency already in its name defines the purpose of its activity, and therefore looks for a permanent companion for people.

The practice of international dating, which still does not lose popularity, has long received. For some reason, it is generally accepted in Russia that the specific coefficient of princes in total number population Western countries higher than in this country. And many women are striving abroad, firmly convinced that the grass is greener there, the sky is bluer, and men are more real. To the credit of the Slavs, it is worth noting that they are really very attractive for the most part, therefore, in countries Western culture the men are more interested in them than in their native women. And for several decades there has been an established scheme in which foreign buyers turn to local agencies with a desire to find goods from other countries, and the Russian agency offers goods on this world market. At the same time, only agencies are in contact with each other, determining among themselves who will suit whom. However, foreigners can buy subscriptions in order to freely view the profiles of Russian girls. Men pay for all this, although a Russian marriage agency can make their services paid for. So, for example, a girl can pay for posting her profile.

Ready-made ideas for your business

To establish work with foreign countries, you need to create your own website, while English version should be included by default. The organizer of the agency begins to search for foreign representatives of this marriage market and agrees with him on cooperation. They cannot do business alone, simply because they are in complete different countries. Russian girls are subject to high requirements for compliance with external data. In addition, men from their agencies, and they, in turn, from their Russian colleagues will demand confirmation of the reliability of the girl. That is, so that all the data provided by her are correct (a rare overseas prince is ready, in addition to the Russian tsarina, to receive an illegitimate prince as a free bonus), so that the girl sets as her goal precisely the creation of an international cell of society, and not low mercantile earnings, and that similar things.

Here again, a good knowledge of psychology is required from the employees of the marriage agency, because, as you know, everyone lies. At the same time, a major obstacle is the language barrier, and sometimes the agent has to correspond with men on behalf of the girl. Thus, more than one maniac is revealed, although usually a foreign agency, for its part, also checks candidates for marriage. Agents operating under this scheme must be fluent in at least English language, but it is desirable to have and communicate in German, Spanish, French and Turkish. Turks, as the most Europeanized Muslims, are quite normal about the possibility of marriage with a non-Muslim woman. If you work with existing agencies that have been checking clients who have applied for more than one year, then the risk of inadvertently enslaving your client or much worse is practically reduced to zero.

But in Russia, there is already a problem with demography, and Russians, deprived of the attention of the opposite sex, should also help. Previously, the most common scheme was when a marriage agency did not divide clients by gender in the provision of their services. For them, the client was just a person who came and received help in finding a partner. Both men and women paid, moreover, the same amount. As a result, the agency received a bonus from the already formed family, and sometimes the agent was invited to a wedding, where he pretended to be sincerely happy for the formed couple. Then wealthy men became regulars of marriage agencies, who were looking for a permanent or temporary alternative to their wife, while the beauty of the girl became the main and often the only criterion. There were also unmarried people who wanted to acquire fashion accessory in the form of a young and frankly stupid, but beautiful girl. After all this, the most profitable business marriage agency became the international exchange described above.

In your own work, it is best to combine all these areas in order to ensure the maximum flow of customers. Whether to have a taboo on people who are already married or not, every entrepreneur decides, because, in fact, morality is the decisive factor here. But sometimes the prestige of the institution (which is much more important). Recently, a form of payment has been common in agencies, when only a man pays for everything. Even if it is not international communication. But, as already noted, it is better to take money from someone for whom you have to look for options. Everything here is like in the economy, twenty percent of people are interesting to eighty percent of the opposite sex, the remaining eighty are considered only by the remaining twenty. For everyone the best representatives humanity is not enough.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The very principle of the agency's work is as follows. People leave their profiles, which are neatly sorted according to certain criteria. You can have a virtual catalog, you can work the old fashioned way, offering albums to visitors. A person looks through the catalog and selects the options that suit him. Liked people are informed and describe the candidate. In case of a positive answer, the couple arranges a date. As a rule, the client pays for each viewing of the catalog, or buys a subscription, which can be limited or unlimited in time. But the main amount is received by the agency in case of success, when the couple is ready to apply to the civil registry office. It is very difficult to get out of paying a fee for the acquisition of your happiness, because this is clearly stated in the contract that the client concludes with the agency. A real chance is only to leave with a newfound lover to distant countries and sign there. And even then, there is a possibility that a mercantile cupid businessman may sue lovers for non-fulfillment of the terms of the contract. In general, such cases are rare, and some agencies receive money only in the event of an official marriage, or at least after the couple decided to move on to a serious relationship and suspend their search.

So, how much will it take to open a marriage agency? It will be necessary to pay registration - 20 thousand no more. After - search for premises. A very small one is also suitable, about 20-30 m 2. The cost of rent is difficult to name, but for a large city it starts from 20 thousand rubles a month. It is not difficult to find a room with a ready-made repair (that is, a completely ordinary office will do), but it is better to equip the interior according to stereotypical ideas about a matchmaker's house. This is perhaps the only business where hearts, doves and pink-backed cupids look appropriate on the walls. Although it is also better not to overdo it with sugary pink content. Arranging your premises is unlikely to require more than 50 thousand rubles, but for an elite agency it is better to buy an expensive upholstered furniture and order design project- it will pay off, and the level of the institution must be maintained in everything.

The next step is to create a website. This is a very crucial moment, because you need to invest at least 50 thousand rubles in it: the site must be attractive, fast-working and contain large catalogs. Sometimes its promotion may be required, and the services of optimization studios may cost several tens of thousands of rubles more (although not in a one-time payment, but stretched over several months).

Advertising is also important, because there are enough competitors in this market, and before you earn a good reputation, you need to attract customers. Advertising on the Internet works well, especially on dating sites. But ordinary ATL tricks can also be effective. Here you need to allocate at least 50 thousand rubles more.

Now you need to consider the issue of hiring staff. Many owners of marriage agencies started their business on their own, having only knowledge of languages, a lot of energy and a sincere desire to earn money. But sooner or later, a large marriage agency will need additional employees who work with clients, select options for them and correspond with representatives of the foreign marriage market. Here the calculation is about 15-20 thousand per additional person. Plus monthly payments: utilities, outsourcing, internet. But there can also be expenses when organizing trips of foreign men to this country (although, usually, such tours are fully paid off). As is clear from all this, the agency does not incur large expenses, which ensures a fairly high profitability of such an undertaking.

The most profitable for a marriage agency is the client who cannot find a mate. It is he who will pay the most, in desperation paying money for any dates already. A business built on happiness is gradually retraining into a business built on failures. But not having successful experiments in the selection of human representatives in your portfolio (no matter how rude it may sound, in fact it is) can be very dangerous for your reputation, and therefore for doing business. The more steam generated through the agency, the more clients it will have. As elsewhere, it is better to sacrifice short-term profits to secure your place in the market.

The cost of services of a marriage agency starts from about 300 rubles for viewing one-time questionnaires. It is possible to pay for each new questionnaire for a small amount. If the client wants the agency to take over the search for a partner, then he must pay 20-25 thousand rubles, in elite organizations this amount is much higher. If the pairing ends with a natural outcome (more prosaic - a wedding, meaning), then the matchmaker receives from 10 thousand rubles, more often - 12-15 thousand.

In the case of working with foreign agencies, the Russian representative office will receive approximately 30-50% of the amount that the foreign colleague will help out (usually it is about $ 10 thousand per man for the entire period of work with him - on average, a year). There are also additional services. This may be a special presentation of the client to members of the opposite sex. Or a professional photo session (only you need to agree in advance with photo studios, because it will be very difficult to maintain your own, especially at first). The cost of such additional services starts from three thousand rubles.

The success of a marriage agency depends on the leader. Correct installation– be a businessman, think like an entrepreneur, not a lover of women's novels. But the calculation should still be on the consumer, the actual marriage between customers - the best advertisement. If you follow this, you can quickly find a customer base and get ahead of competitors; although, as practice shows, the owners of marriage agencies often even cooperate with each other, because not always suitable candidates turn to one intermediary. At the same time, a marriage agency is a highly profitable business (in the case of many clients), which has a constant monthly income (from those who are still looking for a mate) and an additional one in the form of rare but large deductions (from those who have finally found a mate).

Making people happy and getting paid for it is quite real: this is what marriage agencies came up with. A marriage agency is one of the most profitable types of business, as the need for love and creating a family will always be relevant. Entering this business does not require large financial costs, but it implies the desire and ability to successfully interact with people - after all, in this business you will have to earn money on such a delicate subject as feelings.

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  • Taxation system

How to open a marriage agency from scratch

People who are looking for options to start their own business and are considering this type of entrepreneurship are wondering how to open a marriage agency from scratch.

First you need to decide in which market you will work. You can successfully create marriage unions within your own country, or you can enter the national and international markets. To enter the international level, you will need a good knowledge of English and cooperation with foreign marriage agencies that can provide you with a base of potential clients, mostly men interested in foreign wives. Another option is to build your own customer base from scratch, but this will require time and advertising costs.

If the scale of your city is enough for you, then you can limit yourself to its borders. But it is more promising to do this business throughout the country and even around the world, especially since it is enough to have an office at one point. Almost all work with clients can be done online.

Most agencies accept cash contributions only from males, but this does not oblige you to work by the same rules.

How to open your marriage agency and make money from it

A marriage agency does not require large expenses, and yet there will be expenses. In addition to the initial costs of registering an individual entrepreneur, renting premises and salaries of employees, you will also have to spend money on advertising. It is very important that people know about you. It is also important to create a good reputation for your business.

Be sure to analyze competitors, their methods of work, promotion and base collection. If your city has a solvent population and there are no marriage agencies yet, most likely, the start will not be difficult. In this case, you will only have to compete with free dating sites. But there are many frivolous users on these sites: people who are truly interested in creating a family are more likely to go to a marriage agency with a serious selection of candidates. Your task is to make yourself known to potential customers, and then - to create a reliable reputation. At first, it is important to invest in advertising and quickly build a customer base.

If there are competitors (and most likely there are), you need to carefully analyze their offers in order for your agency to be competitive. Read more about that in 2019.

Marriage makes us better understand ourselves, and this is not the least of its virtues, nor is it the least of its flaws. (Jean Rost)

The marriage agency market is saturated, however,annuallyincreasing demand for 25-30% receiving services for organizing the creation of marriage couples. This is probably due to the fact that among the marriage agencies there are low-quality, semi-criminal enterprises that, under the guise of a marriage agency, are practically pimping. This factor plays a negative role in relation to other marriage agencies. And their credibility is waning.

However, among them there are highly professional enterprises that, with their task of creating new couples are doing great. But such marriage agencies are in the minority.

The goal of this project is to create a small marriage agency business plan to organize real and quality services with a high percentage of wedding couples.


When opening a marriage agency, the staff plays an important role in the development. After all, their interest in a business project also depends on its quality customer service. quantitative composition in the agency's catalog, which means the company's income.

The engine of ideas and their promotion into life will play a role competent psychologist. After all, only a psychologist can know the subtleties of the psychology of relations between a man and a woman! It is the psychologist who will help the client to reveal his personal desires and claims.

One of the reasons that contribute to the breakup of relations between couples who mean long-term relationships when they get to know each other is a complete misunderstanding of each other, in other words, incompatibility, although necessary work carried out with them in full.

Much in this matter depends on the competence of the psychologist himself, his intuitive sense when working with couples, since during testing, not everyone answers sincerely to the questions of the tests, and their answers may be deliberately false. And only experienced psychologist can foresee the end result of the relationships of the couples being examined. And to help those to understand that in their case marriage is impossible (or possible).


A marriage agency will need 2-3 psychologists, their salary will be - 40-50 thousand rubles a month.

Another important link in the cadres will be System Administrator(programmer) and a well-designed Internet resource, on the basis of which the main ones in terms of the number of requests to the marriage agency will be held. His salary will be 25-30 thousand rubles per month.

The third specialist visagiste. His task is to show the partner the best external data of the intended companion. Based on the fact that men love with their eyes, the make-up artist will have a lot of work.

In addition, the fee will come mainly from the male side who applied to the agency. The task of the make-up artist is to please the male half of the clients with his work. Makeup artist salary will be 25-30 thousand rubles a month.

The total cost of wages will be 90-110 thousand rubles.


To ensure the success of a marriage agency, you need to think through all the details to the smallest detail and take into account even the smallest nuances.

For example, women like to consult with their friends in making an important decision for themselves. You can arrange for them a separate room of "girl's secrets". This will be the highlight of the project.

Still needed separate room for a closer and more conducive communication between a man and a woman.

And, of course, a reception for official negotiations. Clients need to be made clear that this marriage agency is a very real project to resolve their personal problems, protracted loneliness.

Renting a 50 sq. m. will be 1.5-2 thousand rubles per 1 sq. m. m. per month, and repair and design work - another 150-200 thousand rubles (one-time costs).

For 350 rubles, from our partners, with a quality guarantee. In the public domain, on the Internet, it is not.
The content of the business plan:
1. Privacy
2. Resume
3. Stages of project implementation
4. Characteristics of the object
5. Marketing plan
6. Technical and economic data of the equipment
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Financial and economic justification of investments
10. Conclusions

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