Confidor instructions for use for fruit. Insecticide Bayer Garden "Confidor" - reviews

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    Insecticide Confidor Maxi

    Active substance: imidacloprid, 700 g/kg.

    Preparative form: water soluble granules.

    Confidor Maxi is a highly effective low-toxic insecticide of systemic and contact action.

    Mechanism of action:

    The active substances of the insecticide penetrate through all parts of the plants: root, stem and leaves. Thanks to its composition, Confidor Maxi is practically not washed off by rain, it is effective even in hot weather and has an extended protection period.

    The drug is widely used to protect potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, flower and ornamental plants.

    Protective period:

    From 5 to 15 days depending on the pest and weather conditions.

    Phytotoxicity and safety:

    Confidor is not phytotoxic to plants. Has the 3rd class of danger. The drug is dangerous for bees, so the treatment must be carried out when the bees are not yet flying - in the early morning or late evening.

    Instructions for use:

    1g drug for 10 liters. water.

    Apply Confidor Maxi on potatoes and tomatoes should be with the massive appearance of the Colorado potato beetle on leaves and stems.

    Spraying of apple trees and other agricultural crops is carried out when pests appear during the growing season.

    Features of the insecticide Konfidor® in comparison with similar preparations:

    1) Provides long lasting protection with just one treatment.
    2) Great to use as drip irrigation.
    3) Non-toxic to warm-blooded animals and the environment.
    4) It has a systemic effect through the root system and stem.
    5) Large range of use against sucking and gnawing harmful insects.

    A single treatment is enough to kill insect pests.

    culture Pests Consumption rate Waiting periods
    Potatoes, tomatoes king beetle 20 days
    Apple tree Aphids, leaf moths, California scale insects, codling moth 30 days
    Plum Sucking pests, aphids 1.0 g per 10-14 liters of water (for 4-6 trees) 30 days
    Peach Aphid, codling moth oriental 1.0 g per 10-14 liters of water (for 4-6 trees) 30 days
    Vineyards Grape leaflet, phylloxera leaf form 0.5 g per 10 liters of water per 1 weave 30 days
    eggplant Colorado beetle, aphid 1.0 g per 10 liters of water per 2 acres 20 days
    Indoor tomatoes and cucumbers Greenhouse whitefly, aphids, thrips 1.0 g per 10 liters of water per 2 acres 3 days
    Hop Aphid 1.7 g per 10 liters of water per 2 acres 30 days
    Floral and decorative Whitefly, aphids, thrips, leaf moths, leafworms 1.0 g per 10 liters of water per 2 acres

    Use of the drug Konfidor® using drip irrigation.

    First, pour into the container about 70-80% of all the water intended for the preparation of the solution. Then, into a container connected to the irrigation system, prepare the mother solution of the drug and start applying. After application is complete, flush the system with a quantity of water equal to the volume of the system as a whole.

    Use of the drug Konfidor® on seedlings.

    The application rate per hetar should be 0.5-1.0 liters. If the seedlings are in cassettes, before planting (1-2 days in advance), it is allowed to process them by short-term immersion of the cassettes.

Confidor: description of the drug

Confidor is one of the commercial forms of low-toxic imidacloprid for humans. This is a systemic drug with a prolonged action on a wide range of garden pests, including those leading a secret existence on crops. The tool is usually used once, without resorting to repeated treatments of fruit and vegetable plantings. The exception is the high density of the pest on the site, which allows the use of Confidor up to 3 times per season.

Shelf life: 3 years.

Confidor is best known to gardeners as a concentrate in 1 g packages. It is important to note that it is not only an effective insecticide, but also an antistress agent for plants, accelerating the growth of the vegetative mass. The drug should not be sprayed during the ripening and harvesting phase, as it perfectly retains its concentration in the organic mass of plants. It should be borne in mind that at least 20 days pass from the moment of the last processing of plantings to the suitability of fruits for food. Indications for use Confidor:

  • Colorado potato beetle, thrips, cows, aphids, cabbage bugs on potato lands;
  • Phylloxera, leafworms (all types), codling moth, California scale insect, etc. in the garden;
  • Whitefly, carrot psyllid, vegetable moth, aphid, etc. in the garden.

How Confidor works

The agent is "absorbed" by the deciduous mass of plants, becoming a toxic food for insects. If 6 or more hours have passed since the treatment of the land, the drug is not afraid of rain. Imidacloprid has been protecting potato fields from the Colorado potato beetle for more than 2 weeks, activating its destructive properties every day during especially hot hours. Confidor has a poisonous effect on humans and warm-blooded animals only in concentrated form. The drug is extremely dangerous for honey bees.

How to apply insecticide

Using standard personal protection measures, a working solution of Confidor is prepared immediately before garden pest control. To process potatoes, Confidor should be bred at the rate of 1-1.5 g per 10 liters. water, focusing on the planned processing area of ​​200 square meters. m. For each specific pest of the garden and garden, the drug is diluted in various concentrations of the active substance. You should follow the scheme of working solutions in the instructions for the insecticide. Spraying is carried out in dry cool hours (morning, evening) without strong wind.

What could be more important than getting a healthy and full-fledged crop for agrarians? Only the elimination of pests, of which there are more than a hundred names. Each species carries a certain threat. And not only damage to the green part, but also the destruction of fruits at an early and mature stage of vegetation.

Insecticide Confidor is a new generation drug. Deserves positive assessments of most professionals in gardening, horticulture and flower business. For home flower beds, the drug is also suitable, but with a few reservations: strict adherence to recommendations for use, breeding.

Description and properties of the drug

  • less toxic;
  • cheaper twice;
  • more convenient to use.

The substance has the form of a powder for wetting the joint venture, a liquid concentrate of the WRC, an emulsion of the SE. It dissolves well in water, leaves no residue. This is convenient for spraying in greenhouses and outdoors through sprayers - the drip irrigation system does not clog.

In powder form, Confidor is used little in the post-Soviet space. The most popular are concentrate and liquid-soluble emulsion. These options are convenient, effective, and have few side effects.

Important! Recently, complaints from farmers about the appearance of a large number of fake products have become more frequent. Counterfeits are difficult to distinguish from the real drug. But there are a number of signs that point to fraudulent products.

Confidor is used as a protective agent for all types of crops. It is possible to protect indoor and garden flowers with the help of an insecticide. The protective reaction lasts at least 30 days. Recommended number of treatments: no more than 3 times during the season. Application methods:

  • watering;
  • spraying;
  • dressing of seed and seedling material;
  • wiping houseplants.

Type - neonicotinoid - abilities are derivatives of nicotine. You should not be afraid of this. Since such a substance is found in nightshade. The smell is unpleasant, and the taste is very different from other substances (burning and tart). An interesting fact is that nicotine is found in zucchini, potatoes, peppers and even tomatoes, but in small quantities.

Safe for humans, but deadly for insects even in small amounts. The substance quickly penetrates into the juice of the plant. However, its traces cannot be found in pollen. That prevents the destruction of honey plants.

This formula is suitable for all types and types of plants (including trees and shrubs). Excess dosages of Confidor can be dangerous also because of this formula. Therefore, the recommended doses must be observed.

The manufacturer additionally states that Confidor's current formula has a bonus goal: growth stimulation. The fact is that pencycuron is able to destroy the initial stage of pathogenic spores.

In the presence of overgrown pathogens, the substance is ineffective. Hence the conclusion: when using a working solution for seed or sprouts, the drug helps to remove infection problems.

Since the composition of the substance contains nerve poisons (neonicotinoids that can block membrane channels), experts point out the need to carry out work in compliance with safety standards and regulations.

The mechanism of action is through the intestinal-contact route, which reinforces the need to comply with the technical safety base.

Efficiency and benefits of use

Insect dressing agents in the ground and on plants are not frequently updated. Picking up an effective one is also not always possible the first time. It should be borne in mind that the insecticide that was used earlier may simply not be suitable for the second or third time.

There is only one reason: 65% of pests are able to develop immunity to strong substances. Confidor with all the nuances has the following advantages:

  • new formula and protection;
  • active substances always have a negative effect on insects;
  • long-term action;
  • not afraid of moisture, temperature changes.

The insecticide is suitable for home and garden flowers, vegetables and fruit crops. Provides protection for orchids, crotons and cacti, suitable for soil. Only 15% of the proposed funds give such a result.

But Confidor is rarely used for indoor plants. Since the drug is applied in non-residential premises.

Most often, the product is sprayed when thrips are seen on houseplants. In other cases, they try to choose a different type of protective agent.

There is an active use of insecticide as a shield against the Colorado potato beetle. The insect is overly voracious and dangerous to plants. In addition, this species is an opportunist, can live for a long time without food, has developed immunity to most means of protection.

At the moment, the Colorado potato beetle has not developed immunity to Confidor. This is indicated not only by reviews of summer residents, but also by clinical trials.

Insecticide is relevant for infection:

  • aphids and their offspring;
  • whiteflies and thrips;
  • all kinds of moths and bark beetles;
  • codling moth and scab;
  • leafworms and other dangerous insects.

How to use correctly

It is recommended to purchase Confidor in the mass that is used immediately. Available in vials and blisters. Volume from 1 liter to 2 ml. This is convenient and economical, since a 2 ml ampoule can be useful for indoor flowers. The mass is large - for the garden and the garden.

Dosage and consumption rate

To carry out spraying with Confidor, the consumption rates and concentration of the solution are taken into account. On the packaging, the manufacturer indicates the possible proportions for each type of plant.

So Confidor Maxi and Extra differs in concentration from the usual drug. Accordingly, that breeding will depend on the name.

There are two ways to apply: for soil and for crops:

  1. The soil. Application takes place on moist soil. Used as a prophylactic agent. Spraying with a standard working solution. 1 ml Confidor is added to 10 liters.
  2. Plants. Instructions for use are written on the packaging. Depends on the degree of infection, the type of culture. Standard spraying occurs with a liquid prepared at the rate of 1 ml of product + 5 liters of water. For prevention - 10 l + 1 ml.

Rules for the treatment of seeds, plants and trees

This form of the drug as Confidor 200 sl is considered the strongest. Recommended for dressing the Colorado potato beetle, beetles. The container is immediately taken with a volume of 10 liters. If you want to process the seeds, then soaking occurs in a different way.

4-5 liters of water are poured into a 10-liter tank (room temperature, settled). Add the drug (2-2.5 ml). From aphids and from pests in large quantities, the concentration of the substance increases by 2 times. Stir and add water to 10 liters.

Confidor in powder form is used both in open beds and in closed ones. The dosage is different: 2.5 g of the drug is mixed in 5 liters of water. But in powder form, the insecticide is not suitable for seed material. Emulsion only:

  • potatoes: 200 g per ton;
  • rye, wheat, oats: 500 ml per 1 ton;
  • corn: 5 liters per 1 ton.

For indoor plants, the dilution formula is used: 10 liters of water + 1 (prevention) - 1.5 (destruction) g.

Sharing with other drugs

Most often, Confidor protection is used for potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers. It is these cultures that are common in our territory on private property. The drug Confidor is really an effective assistant, but it is impossible to do it alone.

There is a need to use other means: top dressing, enhancers of growth and development, and others. The emerging question of most farmers concerns the compatibility of the substance. It was primarily taken into account by the creators of the drug. Therefore, you can use an insecticide together with:

  • copper salt of sulfuric acid;
  • and lime with the addition of soda;
  • copper sulfate and calcium oxide.

Since preference is often given to biological products, provided that they were introduced earlier, the possibilities of Confidor do not decrease, and there is no danger to crops.

There is a risk that the insecticide will eliminate the result from them. Therefore, it is recommended to create a gardener's calendar, where each application of biological and chemical preparations will be clearly spelled out.

Compliance with security measures

The importance of observing safety precautions is one of the main conditions for the use of Confidor on a land plot. Security measures concern not only the time of treatment with insecticide, but also the moment of breeding.

The manufacturer warns that the consequences of poisoning are asymptomatic, which increases the risk of unpleasant consequences - it stimulates the growth of cancer cells. Pathological consequences include:

  • decrease in mental activity;
  • disability;
  • underdevelopment of the fetus during pregnancy;
  • nervous disorders.

It is clear that it is impossible to cordon off the treated area, but it is necessary to take precautionary measures:

  1. All work is carried out in a protective suit, rubber gloves and a respirator. The place of dilution of the working fluid is a separate room, without the presence of heaters and other combustible objects, liquids. Confidor has the ability to ignite when temperatures rise from 35 degrees.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to carry out work near reservoirs, water basins, water supply sources. A humid environment enhances the penetration of Confidor through the pores.
  3. When carrying out procedures with indoor plants, they are taken out to non-residential premises.

Insecticide analogues

There are plenty of similar products to Confidor on the agricultural market. The base company, namely Bayer Crop, licenses them and agrees to release the semi-finished product. The main active ingredient remains in the same dosage.

There may be additives that increase or decrease the performance of a similar agent.

So Corrado and Colorado are used exclusively for the territory where the Colorado potato beetle "settled". And Tanrek is able to remove harmful turtles, cicadas and apple flower beetles from the soil. Analogues include:

  • Commander and Biotlin;
  • Warrant and Bison;
  • Spark Golden.

But for the destruction of greenhouse thrips, analogues require a complex effect (combination with other drugs). You should also carefully study the instructions and recommendations before buying. Most of the analogues are suitable for certain crops, and not for all garden, garden species.

Confidor Maxi is ranked among the analogues, since its use is due only to certain regions (southern). Its capabilities are perfect in such places, since the temperature regime is allowed to be more than 30 degrees above zero. Confidor marked Extra is a more intense drug, the latest development of Confidor.

Storage conditions - not only the terms indicated on the packaging, but also being in the room after purchase. Therefore, it is worth knowing all the nuances that you may encounter. So when buying, you should pay attention to the shelf life of a closed package: from the date of issue, no more than 3 years.

If the packaging is broken, the product is not effective. The same rule applies to the working fluid: it cannot be used after 5-6 hours after dilution.

Do not allow people with cancer, pregnant women, children and animals to the drug. The temperature in the room should not reach 25 degrees above zero.


Every year, dozens of new drugs from trusted manufacturers are released. Confidor Maxi and Extra is a vivid confirmation of this. Substances have a positive effect on ripening and obtaining high yields.

Recently, scientists have been developing in the field of agriculture and plant protection in order to reduce the harmful effects of pesticides by reducing the doses used. A new drug in this area is "Confidor". Reviews about it and its modifications prove the popularity of the tool.

General information

"Confidor" is an insecticide that, according to reviews, has performed well in individual households. It is easy to use, well protects crops from pests. The drug has proven itself both indoors and outdoors.

It destroys pests such as:

  • mole;
  • scab;
  • leaflet;
  • Colorado beetle;
  • thrips;
  • leaf flea;
  • whitefly.

The insecticide has a long lasting effect. If once a season you treat a site that is not systematically affected by pests, then such a preventive measure in the form of a single treatment will be enough. Also, the drug has proven itself during the period of mass invasion of pests.

"Confidor", reviews confirm this, perfectly performs its functions at high temperatures - it is not afraid of heat.

Experts warn that when working with the drug, care must be taken, since its main active ingredient is neonicotinoids. If you use the drug according to the rules and follow the dosage, then it can be considered safe. Also, such protection can be used for indoor plants.

The composition of the drug

The insecticide was developed by Crop Science. The composition of the drug includes three components:

  • wettable powder;
  • concentrated emulsion;
  • water soluble concentrate.

The powder dissolves well, so "Confidor", reviews confirm this fact, it is very convenient to use in greenhouses - its solution does not clog spray nozzles.

Experts warn that due to the high effectiveness of the drug on the market, it is highly likely that you can buy a fake, you need to be careful.

The secret of this remedy is its additive - it is the pesticide penticurin (in other sources - pencicurin). It is a fairly safe, weak action fungicide. It is resistant to hydrolysis and sunlight, the half-life in the soil is 180 days.

Its main active ingredient is the neonicotinoid imidacloprid. It is highly toxic and can accumulate. The systematic penetration of microdoses into the body can lead to poisoning and severe side effects, this fact is confirmed by reviews. When to process and instructions for the use of "Confidor" are described below.

The action of the drug

A distinctive property of pencycurin is that it quickly penetrates into plants and circulates with their juices. The positive point is that it does not penetrate the fruits, as well as nectar and pollen. The second component - neonicotinoids - tend to quickly decompose in the light under the action of groundwater. The combination of these factors made it possible to reduce the optimal dose for treating a unit area, which guarantees the safety of the drug for bees and people.

Another feature is that the drug "Confidor" (this is noted in the reviews) kills spores of pathogenic fungi that grow after the insect has bitten off part of the plant. Because of this, plants damaged by pests develop on a par with those that were not touched.

The conditions that must be observed are that the apiary is located at a distance of at least one and a half kilometers from the place of treatment; after applying the fungicide, one should not be among the plants for 24 to 36 hours.

Imidacloprid is a nerve agent that blocks sodium channels in membranes. Once in the body of the pest, it leads to the fact that the insect stops eating, rather quickly its coordination of movements is disturbed, and the insect dies within two to three days.

Modifications and compatibility

The tool is a basic preparation, several modifications have been created on its basis.

For example, for the southern regions it is recommended to use "Confidor Maxi", reviews of experts claim that it has a wider temperature range in which its effectiveness is maintained. If the base preparation works from +15 °С to +25 °С, then “Confidor Maxi” is effective from +4 °С to +30 degrees.

With regard to compatibility with most of them, except for those that have an alkaline reaction. This applies to:

  • Bordeaux liquid;
  • copper sulfate (copper sulfate);
  • copper oxychloride;
  • compositions containing lime and soda.

Recently, another modification has been created - this is "Confidor Extra", reviews about this drug are only positive. It is a continuation of the Maxi line. There are very few consumer reviews due to the novelty of the development.

As for the interaction with biological products, it all depends on the time of application. If these funds were sprayed earlier, then they do not reduce the effectiveness of the "Confidor", but it reduces their effect to zero.

What is the danger of the drug?

Despite the relative safety of the drug "Confidor", instructions for use and reviews prescribe to still treat it with caution. Experts refer the product to the second and third hazard classes.

This is especially true in cases of overdose and violation of the rules of use, which can lead to chronic poisoning by microdoses. Such poisoning is asymptomatic, but causes:

  • oncological diseases;
  • decrease in mental abilities and performance;
  • in case of pregnancy provokes the occurrence of abnormalities in the fetus;
  • in children can provoke the development of neuropsychiatric disorders.

Rules for using the tool

The rules that must be observed when working with the drug "Confidor" (instructions for use and reviews are advised to follow them strictly):

  1. Store the product where children or animals cannot see and get it. It is best if it is a locked cabinet in an isolated non-residential area.
  2. Drugs are stored separately from foodstuffs.
  3. It must be remembered that the volatility of a substance increases sharply if the ambient temperature rises. If the temperature exceeded 35 °C, storage and use of the drug is prohibited. This is due to the flammability, explosiveness and toxicity of its vapors.
  4. It is not recommended to use the product closer than 50 meters to water bodies and water sources. This is due to the fact that a humid environment increases the penetration of neonicotinoids through the skin of animals.
  5. It is also not allowed to be near the treated area closer than 150 meters in windy weather and closer than 50 meters in the absence of wind.
  6. It is strictly forbidden for pregnant women, nursing mothers, children, people suffering from allergies or suffering from cancer to be near the drug or treated plants.


If "Confidor" (who used in the reviews testify to the effectiveness of the drug) is used to treat indoor plants, it is recommended to work with the drug in an isolated non-residential area. Pregnant or breastfeeding women, allergy sufferers, cancer patients or cancer survivors, and children should not enter this room for 72 hours after treatment.

When treating plants with a basic insecticide or its modifications, including Confidor Maxi, instructions for use (reviews confirm this) require the use of a full set of protective equipment.

These should be:

  • protective overalls;
  • respirator-mask with anti-gas cartridges;
  • necessarily rubber gloves and boots;
  • for small areas of households, instead of overalls, it is allowed to use a plastic raincoat up to the heels with a hood and an elastic band around the face.

The maximum allowed working time with the tool is two hours. At the same time, the wind speed should not exceed 35 meters per second, which is 12 Beaufort points. Visually, this can be determined by the leaves of the trees - if they no longer move, but flutter slightly, and thin branches sway slightly, this wind is already considered too strong to work with the drug.

After the work with the "Confidor" is completed, in the reviews of experts it is noted that in an isolated non-residential premises it is necessary to change clothes. In this case, there should not be food nearby. Equipment that does not get wet should be disinfected with a solution of soda ash in the proportion of 50 grams of powder per bucket of water. Clothes made of fabric are washed with powder or shavings of laundry soap. Detergents with a neutral chemical reaction must not be used. After the clothes are disinfected, it is necessary to wash your hands with soap and water, treat your face with soapy water and take a shower.

First aid

The complexity of first aid in case of poisoning with the base drug, as well as its modifications, including Confidor Extra (this is indicated in the instructions for use and reviews) is that the usual measures taken in case of poisoning do not work, there are no antidotes against neonicotinoids .

It does not work:

  • Activated carbon;
  • water with potassium permanganate;
  • call for artificial vomiting.

Treatment is carried out according to the symptoms. If during the use of the drug malaise is noted, work should be stopped immediately and a doctor should be consulted. If symptoms of poisoning are found, the victim is urgently taken to a toxicologist.

Signs of poisoning are expressed:

  • drooping eyelids;
  • shortness of breath;
  • nervous tic;
  • twitching of the limbs;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • staggering gait.

How to apply?

The action of the drug is based on the fact that it is effective against chewing and sucking pests when they feed. If the insects are in the resting phase, that is, in the form of a pupa, egg or nymph, the drug does not work.

Where the insect infestation has not been too great, a single treatment, which is called the first scheduled spraying, is sufficient. The remaining cases require two or three treatments per season. The same applies to the action of "Confidor" from the whitefly, reviews of gardeners confirm that multiple processing is required to get rid of these malicious pests. This is due to the period of the protective action of the drug, which ranges from 14 to 21 days, and for the Maxi modification, this figure is 30 days.

The last time the product is used before the harvest time. After the buds have blossomed and before the ovaries have formed, the drug is not used to avoid poisoning the bees.

Instructions for the use of the VRK "Confidor" (reviews of which can only be found positive) are the following recommendations:

  1. Fruit and vegetable herbaceous annuals. 1 ml of the product per 10 liters of water is spent on one hundred square meters. Spraying is done after planting and before flowering of the first brush, as well as after flowering of the fourth.
  2. Melons and greenhouse crops - 1 ml per 30 liters of water per 100 squares of leaf surface. The calculation is made according to a visual assessment: it is determined by eye how much the soil is covered with foliage, and then the processing area is calculated. That is, if the soil is visible from the leaf mass, for example, on a quarter of the entire field, then 10 liters of the solution should be sprayed over the green mass on one and a half acres. Process until buds appear.
  3. Fruit and coniferous trees - 1 ml of the drug per 10 liters of water, spend 5 liters of solution on young plants, 10 liters - on adults.
  4. Berry and flower bushes - the volume is reduced by a factor of three, a height of up to one meter is equal to a young tree (consumption - 1.5 liters per bush), over a meter - to an adult (3 liters per bush).

The amount of solution is adjusted depending on the level of damage to the landings.

The benefits of the drug

The clear advantages of the basic "Confidor" and its modifications include:

  • high efficiency in the fight against many types of harmful insects;
  • long exposure time, which is explained by the fact that the drug is not washed off the leaves with raindrops - the protective period lasts from two to four weeks;
  • does not lose efficiency at ambient temperatures up to 29 ° C;
  • quick death of pests - from two hours to two days;
  • kills insects not visible to the eye;
  • helps to recover the cells of affected plants;
  • has a low consumption;
  • has a prolonged action - insects may die later, having eaten the processed foliage;
  • the drug is effective for a wide range of crops;
  • improves the development of green mass;
  • due to the novelty of the remedy, pests have not yet adapted to the drug;
  • non-toxic when used correctly.

It is worth remembering that with its relative safety, the drug is still a pesticide. When working with it, you must strictly follow the instructions for use. All people who have already used this tool in practice were very pleased with the result.

Confidor belongs to the group of broad spectrum insecticides. It is applied to processing of plants and the soil. Shows high efficiency against most types of pests. The tool has a great activity in the fight against insects that are resistant to insecticides.

The release of the insecticide is carried out by the German company Bayerb. In the preparation, the active ingredient is imidacloprid, which has a strong effect on the nervous system of insects. Once in the body, the active substance paralyzes the nervous system, after which the insect cannot eat plants and soon dies. The insecticide affects both adult insects and larvae of various stages of development.

Action and types

The drug is of three types:

The tool copes well with insects that lead a hidden lifestyle. The insecticide is designed to kill aphids, whiteflies, caterpillars and the Colorado potato beetle. The product can be applied to the soil along with fertilizers.

Features of the drug are as follows:

  1. The tool has a high resistance to rainy weather. The drug will work perfectly even after heavy rain.
  2. It has a long protection period of 2 to 4 weeks.
  3. The first results are noticeable after 1-2 hours after treatment. The maximum effect is achieved after 2-3 days.
  4. The drug is not toxic, but it is desirable to carry out the treatment no later than 30 days before harvesting.

One of the features of the effect of the drug on insects is that the product does not cause them addiction even after repeated use. Suitable for working vegetables in the ground, as well as soda flowers and ornamental plants.

Instructions for use

Confidor extra.

The drug is diluted in a small amount of water. After stirring, the volume of water increases to 10 liters. Spraying should take place in calm weather. Before use, the solution must be filtered, as the drug is not completely soluble in water.

To process potatoes, you need 1 g of Confidor extra per 10 liters of water. It is necessary to process cucumbers, tomatoes or other vegetables at the rate of 2 grams of the product per 10 liters of water. During the flowering period, the solution can be poured under the root.

Confidor 200.

The main use of this tool is to destroy the Colorado potato beetle. Application for the destruction of other pests may be ineffective due to the low concentration of the active substance.

The dilution of the solution occurs according to the following algorithm:

  1. A small amount of water is collected in the container.
  2. The agent is introduced with the calculation of 2.5 ml per 10 liters of water.
  3. If the plant suffers from a large number of pests, the concentration is increased to 5 ml of the drug.
  4. The solution is mixed, and the volume of water increases to 10 liters.

Insecticide in the form of a powder is highly soluble in water. The powder is diluted in proportions of 2.5 g per 5 liters of water.

Confidor maxi.

Insecticide Confidor maxi and extra is consumed less, as they have a high concentration of the active substance. For 10 liters of water, 1 ml of emulsion or powder is enough. If there are a lot of pests, the dose can be increased to 2 grams. The insecticide copes with the Colorado potato beetle, aphids, caterpillars and other harmful insects. The norm per hectare is from 70 to 500 grams of insecticide. Plants can be sprayed at any time, with the exception of flowering. For one ton of seeds, 180-360 grams of the drug will be needed.

Processing of indoor plants

Due to the fact that the insecticide does not have volatile substances, it can be used to treat indoor and greenhouse plants. Flowers are treated with a solution with proportions of 1-2 grams per 10 liters of water. The tool is used not only for pest infestation, but also for prevention.

With large accumulations of harmful insects, an increase in concentration up to 2 g is allowed. There is no point in diluting 10 liters of the drug for watering indoor flowers. Therefore, an insulin syringe is used to measure the amount of insecticide. For watering an indoor flower, 0.1 mg of the drug per 1 liter of water is enough. One liter will be enough for several applications.

The insecticide protects against almost all pests, except for the tick. Orchids, cacti and ficuses need repeated processing. Only adults die from the solution, but not their larvae. Confidor 200 is able to cope even with cockroaches. To destroy these pests, the solution is diluted in the same way as for watering indoor plants. After the room has been treated, it must be ventilated. To consolidate the effect of the fight against cockroaches, re-treatment is carried out after 14 days. The insecticide is able to cope not only with adult cockroaches, but also with larvae and eggs.

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