How to make a beautiful pendant with hands. Pendant with your own hands: Own creativity on a chain

Reservoirs 29.08.2019

Each master I want to please not only your home with new works of needlework, but also yourself, dear people wonderful and unique decorations. The types of decorations are quite a lot, and not all of them are suitable as a gift to some kind of person. It is never known which earrings will be comfortable and not difficult for the future owner. It is also hard to guess with the size of a bracelet or ring. But the pendant is quite a multidisciplinary decoration that can be used as a key fob and men. It remains to solve only what and how to make a pendant with your own hands.

Photograph in accessory

Initial will make a suspension with a photo, because we carry on the neck of your image or a snapshot of another person framed in interesting style, at all times did not come out of fashion. For such a snack you will need:

  • thin transparent plastic;
  • two photos;
  • transparent glue "moment";
  • lighter;
  • chain;
  • scissors.

Cut from photos the same rectangles. If there is a desire, you can cut them in the form of a heart. The same size and shape cut out two parts from plastic.

Each photo, neatly, in its front perimeter, we wash glue and glue to parts from plastic. After that, we stick the photos to each other with the involves.

The edges of the obtained billet carefully pay the lighter around the perimeter.

In this process, the main thing is not to rearrange, so that the plastic does not melt much, and the photos and glue did not begin to burn.

The melted edges of the coulon are closed by links of the chain, gradually seating on glue around the perimeter. Keep the pendant must not less than 20 minutes.

This pendant can be attached to the same chain or lace.

Clay decoration

Polymer clay is a wonderful material to create the necessary exclusive form pendant. For clay suspension, you will need:

  • clay of two contrasting flowers with each other;
  • flat wire;
  • cylindrical items of different diameters;
  • rolling pin (not wooden);
  • pin-pin;
  • acrylic varnish (transparent);
  • plastic board, ceramics or glass (for the role of "workbench" in operation);
  • thin gloves (optional).

The first step will be the creation of a wire part. It is necessary to make a bend in the form of a spiral of one of the ends of the wire.

Bending the wire on cylindrical objects, give it to the second edge of the zigzag form.

On the smooth surface of the wire should be aligned so that all its narrow edges are smoothly lying on the plane.

After the warm-up clay of both colors to make two fragments rolled to a flat state, after which they should be folded together.

After that, the part turn the spiral so that the light shade is in the predominance.

The billet bended several times and rolled into the cylinder.

After that, it is necessary to roll out a flat detail from the cylinder.

The item from the wire is placed on a flat fragment of polymer clay, after which it is well pressed.

Excess plastic should be removed.

From clay with a tint of a darker, rolling the ball, which is punctured by the pin and joins the top of the main part.

The baking temperature should be indicated on the packaging from plastics. After drying the clay, it needs to be lacquered. Pendant is ready!

Art of girlfriend

You can make a pendant from other handicraft or acquired materials.

For example, for the coil from the felt you need to take four colors of this felt, cut out of it one strip of three colors, 10 cm long or less, 1.5 cm wide, and 9 strips of 7 cm long, 1 cm wide. Bulp data we turn Tight rollers, with three strips different color We fold one that we turn into the tube.

When folding the strips to the rolls, it is necessary to sample them with textile glue, and then fold and attach the rolls to each other in the form of a flower. To make one of the petals of the ring rings, use a thick needle that will push the fiber fiber.

To make a pendant from the skin, you will need to cut out of the cardboard 4 oval templates, one of which will be more than others. After that, cut out of the skin are the same in the form of the part, but to leave 1.5-2mm allowed on them to wrap it around the cardboard and glue the edges.

From light skin you need to cut two stripes, fold them with an invalid along and glue to get similar to the shoelaces. One of the laces we framed a pendant, another cabochon or another stone. From dark and light skin we make two decorative parts in the form of crumpled fragments. This can be achieved by wrapped with glue polyethylene, posing a piece of the skin on it and kneading the folds for the skin.

Composition lay out on a large billet, add skin elements into empty places. Little parts also make crossed skin and framing laces.

"Chain" also form from light skin, making nodules on her ribbons. It turns out about such a suspension:

The wire is perfect for weaving the pendants of the "Tree of Life" or "Dream Catcher". If with the "tree" in the process of work is easier - you can independently fantasize the number and curves of the roots and branches, then you can use the following scheme for the "catcher":

Creating a cook is possible even from such non-zero objects as old keys or coins. The keys pendant is a regular key decorated with beads, rhinestones or beads.

Creating a coin from a coin battle - More men's work. For this you need a coin with a par value of 10 rubles, which should be cleared emery paper. After that, the mouse drawing is applied, a small drill is made for a ring for a ring. The middle part of the coin is knocked out with the help of bearing and hammer. The inner edge of the rings and the outer edge of the knocked core is sharpening. The drawing is cut out of the core, sandwiched in the vice, jewelry jewelry and diamond boron or appliances. After that, the middle is driven into place in the ring. In the pendant, in the previously drilled hole, the ring-holder, and the suspension is ready.

Video on the topic

A selection of video to create various pendants with your own hands:

Beautiful pendants handmade - The task with which everyone can cope. Speech will go On unique ornaments that can be independently made from almost primary materials. They will easily find at home or in the nearest store.

Bead pendant and beads

Newcomers are better practicing on plastic or wooden beads. The latter, if desired, are painted in any suitable colorif not yet covered with varnish. In the future, artificial or diverse stones (for example, pearls, agate), wood of solid rocks.

From the manufacturer depends on how smooth will each beerinka in the package. In a cheap Chinese often comes across a curve, beetween or too narrow for a needle beads.

It is suitable for training and monophonic "fill", creating the effect of "negligence" in the style of Bocho, etc., but a multicolored ornament can be knocked out. Therefore, patterns of two or more shades are better made from a quality Czech, Japanese or similar bead.

Pendant from wire

The most common in three variations: steel, golden and aged bronze. More expensive and complex in processing - copper and from semi-and precious metals. It occurs in different thickness, starting from about 0.02-0.04 mm.

For multi-layer decoration with large quantity It is better to have several different wires of one color at once.

To work with the material you will need tools that can be borrowed from men: pliers and round-rolls, nippers. As well as a ruler along with a sketch of the coulon.

Polymer clay pendant

Like everyone who once loved to sculpt and did not lose skills. Those who have already forgotten or want to pull the skills will save and please great amount Instructions How to make a pendant with your own hands on the Internet - on video or with photos. You can achieve very beautiful multilayer or gradient transitions, correctly folding or hummer clay pieces.

The uniqueness of the material is that it is possible to make an incredibly realistic fruit, berries, desserts, flowers, any shapes and even the attractions, which will look great in the form of beads for earrings, pendants, bracelets and brooches. For this B. finished goods Carefully sticks the mount, later everything is baked in the oven according to the instructions.

It should be carefully monitored for the expiration date and keep storage conditions if the polymer clay lens it, it will become bad to relent and crumble after heating.

Cold Porcelain Pendant

Easy prepares at home, so it is one of the cheapest materials for creativity. Unlike polymer clay, it is more plastic and homogeneous, freezes at room temperature for several days.

Cold porcelain is easily painted when cooking with food dyes or after a rejection - acrylic paints. It turns out very gentle and realistic flowers, especially if you use forms taken from real plants.

Epoxy resin pendant

Often selling in the form of two components: resins and hardener. They are mixed in a strict proportion and poured into silicone and plastic forms or bases for pendants. After about 1-2 days, the coating finally freezes and becomes transparent.

Pendant from pins

Ideal for brutal accommodation in the style of militaries, but they may look bright and unusually, if they have been decorated (beads, bright yarn, etc.).

Chains pendant, braids, lace

We will use it in order to hang a pendant on the neck, adjusting the desired length, and for the very suspension.

In addition to the listed materials, options and ideas, how to make a pendant can be the most different, even old forks, shells, keys or wrapped wipes, if you make an effort and fantasy.


Master class how to make a beautiful pendant

  • Glass balls put on a baking sheet and put an oven for 20 minutes preheated to 260 degrees.
  • Pour balls B. cold water With ice, inside they are beautifully crackled. Beads are ready.
  • Insert the PIN into the hug, cut off the extra bouncing, leaving 3-5 mm from the edge.
  • Cut the tip S. inner hugs by taps. To the transparent super-glue.
  • Firmly press the glue ball. Wait until the materials are grabbing and leave to dry.
  • Put in the loop of Pina Colezko and skip the lace or chain through it.

On the photo how to make a pendant show steps simple process The manufacture, which will be interested in doing with younger schoolchildren. When everything works out, take on more complex and interesting products. Successes!

Photo pendants do it yourself



Such a pendant can be prepared as a birthday gift, St.Valentine's Day and other holidays. It looks charming and on its manufacture you do not spend much time and money.

What do you need:

* You can pick up any size, shape and color of the coil depending on the glass blank. You do not spend all the glue and glaze to the pendant - there will remain a lot for other projects.

  • Glaze for making jewelry;
  • Good strong glue (you can superchalter);
  • Billet from glass round shape;
  • Silver round coil substrate;
  • Photos printed on dense paper;
  • Sharp knife;
  • Rubber mat.

Step 1:

A drop of glaze for jewelry placed on the opposite side of the glass blank. Distribute it to the tip of the tube or toothpick. Gently pressed the glass to the photo so that there are no air bubbles and hold for 30 seconds.

Important: Do not move the glass by photography - you can smear the photo ink. If you put the glass blank incorrectly, or noted air bubbles, do not worry - the glaze is made on a water basis. You can wash the glass and try again.

If everything happens, leave a photo with a glass blank overnight, so that it is good.

Step 2:

Using a sharp knife, cut the photo and spread marks of the glaze, along the contour of the glass.

Step 3:

Squeeze in a small amount of glue the inside of the metal coast and give it a glass blank with a photo. Remove, with a knife, excess glue that can perform on the contour. Let dry within 4 hours.

The real needlewomen in the farm does not disappear even a piece of wire, especially if she is new. You can find many ways to apply it. In today's master class, you will learn how to make a beautiful pendant with your own hands from any like a pebble and several decent-wire decimeters. The thinner of the wire, the grace with the product will look.

Natural Stone Medallion Talisman

You rested on the sea or in the mountains and found an attractive pebble from which you can make a pendant? Or a stone can be bought, very beautiful and completely inexpensive natural pebbles are sold in jewelry stores, at the exhibitions of stones. Most often they have no fastening, they are simply polished. To secure such pebbles on the chain, it will take 10 minutes of time, the rounds and thin metal wire.

Pebbles are wrapped with wire in random order, helping the round-rolls. (In the photo, this is an ordinary "tiger eye" from the souvenir shop, which is "from the evil eye"). We make a loop on top and fix it. Exquisite pendant on the neck from natural stone Ready.

You can complicate the product and make two hearts from the wire, as in this product from rose quartz, which is considered a love talisman. Such a pendant can be given for the day of all lovers.

Teens love so-called "friendship pendants", that is, paired medallions. It is believed that two pair things seek to connect, so their owners will be inseparable. The easiest way to make pendants of friendship from two identical pebbles.

How to make a pendant with your own hands

You can make a medallion with an inserted photo and give it to memory, as it was taken in the old days. There are many ways to create such jewelry at home, start better from the simplest.

You will need:

  • purchased medallion with transparent cabochon
  • pencil

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Cabochon remove from the rim, pushing the knife tip.
  2. Attach the cabochon to the photo and put the pencil.
  3. Cut photos on the circuit circuit.
  4. Insert a photo into the frame.
  5. Insert cabochon into place.
  6. The pendant is ready, and the transparent cabochon makes the image bright and relief.

Decoration at home as a mermaid from H2O

At home can be done unique, very interesting decorationsIf you make friends with beads, epoxy, wood, polymer clay, Skin. By gaining experience, you can independently do a thing at home, imitating all the well-known jewelry, such as the "Heart of Ocean" pendant from the movie "Titanic". This video will teach how to make a pendant with your own hands, the same as the mermaids from the popular H2O series: just add water.

Female half of humanity, at least a large part of it, loves decorations. This is characteristic of the ladies of any age, everyone wish to look attractive. Elegant to highlight the neck bends will help the pendant on the chain. Now many are fond of needlework, create decorations for sale, as a gift or for our own use. How difficult is it to make pendants with your own hands? Let's consider several available options.

What makes pendants

Wearing such a decoration can afford any woman, therefore the variety of these accessories amazes with many shapes, sizes, colors and materials. What do you use to create pendants with your own hands? Options Set: plastic, wood, paper, leather, feathers, fur, fabric, stones, metal, beads. The first suspensions were made from fish vertebrae, beautiful shells, pieces of amber and even living colors. Now modernity dictates its trends, and on the necks of the girls can even see the decorations in the form motherboard Computer or floppy disk. The fantasy of those who make pendants with their own hands, is truly limitless, which makes each individual and original ornament.

Creating a Cool in the form of a heart

It can be said that the suspension in the form of a heart is the most popular, such a decoration is almost every girl. In addition, they are not difficult to make even a novice creator. Self simple ways Make a pendant heart with your own hands - weave beads or wire. Such an accessory will become an excellent gift for both the day of lovers and any other holiday. To create such a decoration of beads, you will need the beads of different colors and size, a fishing line and a ring that will be attached to the chain. You can weigh the simple red heart, futuristic gold or silver, the scheme is easy to find in a beadwork magazine. If you want to experiment, take a piece of felt and embroider the heart on it. You can fill the entire inside, and not only edging, sew or glue different size Beads, artificial pearls, rhinestones Swarovski. Let all elements combine with each other in color, the combination of gold, yellow and white looks very beautifully. At the end of the embroidery, cut the heart, carefully stick the cardboard to keep the form. Place a leather layer over the cardboard, position the perimeter - and the pendant is ready.

Weaving wire jewelry

Pendants do with their own hands not only from beads. A fairly common option is a wire suspension. Those decorations that are sold in stores are made of gilded or silver plated, and copper or aluminum is suitable for domestic creativity. Pendants make pendants from wire various shapes. With a thin wire it is easier to work newcomer, and a combination of thick and thin metal thread will give the highlight to your creation. To work with this material there will be a grip, solder and often complement stones, beads, pearls or wooden elements.

Cuts from stones

With your own hands, you can make the pendants with stones, not necessarily with precious. The easiest way is to find on the sea shore (or ask friends to bring from vacation) unusual pebbles, make a hole in it and hang on the chain. If you are not satisfied with this option, then use beading schemes, including

The sheathing (edging) of the stone beads is called the cabochon, and this is a rather popular way of making decorations. The cut can be made metallic with the help of the same wire: let the flight of the imagination, a combination different shapesThe connection of opposites will be in priority without limiting you with standard schemes.

How to make a pendant with your own plastic hands

Homemade wizards are used for their masterpieces - quite a fatty material from which you can make anything, like plasticine. Then he will freeze and will keep shape. To make pendants with their own plastic hands, you will need:

  • polymer clay of the required colors (either white and acrylic paint);
  • dense polyethylene film;
  • pIN (the suspension is attached);
  • glossy varnish;
  • glue "SuperMent";
  • rolling
  • sharp knife
  • stationery knife,
  • fact stack (for example, wire bundle or toothpicks, needles);
  • flakes.

Need to work on a prepared level surface, it is desirable to use disposable latex glovesnot to leave the fingerprints on the product. The manufacturing process is similar to Roll, cut out, fasten different parts. You can make as one pendant and a set with earrings. Form and color - on your choice. For pouring, clay is sent to the oven for a certain time (According to the instructions sold with the material).

Let you do not have the question of how to make a pendant with your own hands. Just decide which decoration will be decorated, and dare, try different options.

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