Prepare a cast iron pan or cauldron before the first use: how to do it in the oven, on the burner and in the fire. How to prepare a cast iron skillet before first use at home New cast iron skillet first use

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Often in home economics there is a need to ignite cast iron pan. This is done for different purposes: before the very first use (many manufacturers require this), for cleaning, so that pancakes and pancakes can be baked, etc. In general, there can be many reasons. But how to properly carry out the procedure so as not to harm either yourself or the pan, we will tell you below.

Why heat the pan

It is customary to ignite a frying pan in several cases. Let's look at the most common ones.

  1. After the purchase. Often, traces of factory grease remain on the surface of the dishes, which are not very pleasant to eat. In this case, the pan is calcined to remove them.
  2. For the cleaning. In the process of long-term use of a cast-iron pan, carbon deposits form on its working surface. In fact, this is already burned oil and fat, which are also not suitable for use in food. In this case, calcination is necessary in order to get rid of soot.
  3. To prepare for making pancakes. Our grandmothers also used calcined old frying pans for baking pancakes and pancakes. In this case, all absorbed oil is also removed from the surface, it becomes clean, dry and ideal for preparing treats.

So, whatever the reason, but if you need to heat a cast-iron skillet efficiently and effectively, without damaging it in any way, we are ready to help resolve the issue. In total there are several ways to cope with the task.

Method one: use salt

This method is the most famous, simple and common. It does not require much effort, but you still have to monitor the condition of the pan. So, first prepare the dishes for the procedure:

  1. Thoroughly wash the pan with the obligatory use of detergent. Rinse so that no foam remains. Wipe the skillet until it is completely dry.
  2. Check: the surface must be perfectly clean, without dried food residues or traces of burnt oil.

Now you can start baking. Sprinkle a centimeter layer of regular table salt on the bottom of the pan. It is usually advised to use a coarse grind, but in fact, any will do. Naturally, it is better to take the most common, cheap salt, without any additives and not iodized.

We put the filled frying pan on the fire. The calcination itself lasts about 20 minutes, while you can feel bad smell. This is fine. After the process is completed, simply discard the salt, it is no longer suitable for further use.

This procedure is not completed. At the bottom of the calcined frying pan, you need to pour a small amount of refined vegetable oil and heat again for 20 minutes. Oil can be replaced with fat or lard, the effect will be the same. Now the dishes are ready for use (naturally, the oil is drained, and the pan itself is washed under running water without the use of additional funds, just rinsed and wiped).

Let's see why it is necessary to use salt. This substance is an excellent natural absorbent. It absorbs all harmful residues, making the cast-iron work surface almost perfectly clean. That is why this method of calcining a pan has been used for a long time.

Method two: use vegetable oil

This method is much more extreme than the first. If you are not careful or watch the liquid, the oil can flare up, but it is quite fast and effective. It's done like this.

We take a pre-cleaned and absolutely dry frying pan (there should not be any drops of water on it at all). Pour in as much oil as possible. Usually, unrefined vegetable is used for such purposes, it does not give a smell. Remember that in the process of calcining the pan, burning particles of food and absorbed oil, which can smell very unpleasant, so you should not aggravate the pronounced smell of unrefined oil. However, if this does not scare you, you can use it.

We put a frying pan with poured oil on the fire, heat it up and keep it on the stove for half an hour. After that, we wash off the used liquid, wash the dishes well under running water. Everything can be used to prepare healthy and safe food.

Method three: in the oven, without too much fuss

This method is ideal for busy people who do not want to carry out all the above manipulations. But it is not as effective as the first two.

So, first, again, prepare the dishes for the upcoming procedure:

  • Wash under running water, always using a special detergent;
  • Take a clean cloth, soak it with vegetable oil (but not much);
  • Dry the frying pan;
  • Gently grease it with a cloth soaked in oil;
  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius.

Everything, now you can start working directly. We turn the pan upside down and carefully place it in the oven, which can be turned off after an hour. However, after turning off the dishes, we do not take them out, but leave them inside until they cool completely. Here's the "lazy" way. But, as you can see, it takes much longer than the first two.

Whatever method you choose to season the pan, remember that all precautions must be followed. First, oil is an extremely flammable substance, and when misuse it can ignite easily. Secondly, it is best not to pour out the used liquid and pour out the salt immediately, but only after they have completely cooled down. It's both more efficient and safer.

Cast iron is a very high quality material that is ideal for heat treatment food. However, it has special pores that clog over time, and cooking on such dishes becomes not very pleasant. In addition, food can acquire different flavors. To get rid of such a problem, it is recommended to periodically ignite the pans. During the procedure, all past oil and food particles are burned, and the dishes again acquire all their positive traits. That is why it is important not to forget about calcination and sometimes carry it out.

A few secrets

  1. Cast iron skillet oil is not only a non-stick substance, but also a kind of lubricant. If you periodically ignite the dishes using this liquid, after a while nothing will burn on it.
  2. After carrying out such a procedure, the pan can be rinsed cold water.
  3. For real cast iron, calcining is a necessary and very useful procedure. After it, the pan only gets better, in no case is it deformed or cracked. If such a nuisance occurred, you were sold a low-quality product.
  4. And finally, if your cast-iron skillet is covered with enamel, you should not bake it. In addition, such dishes are not afraid to wash in the dishwasher, you can also store food in it. By the way, it is strictly forbidden to store food in an ordinary cast-iron pan, as well as leave it wet: this will ruin the dishes.

Cast iron is a great material for a pan. It is convenient to use and durable. Take proper care of your frying pan, and it will give a lot of delicious dishes!

Video: preparing a cast iron pan for use

Any housewife dreams of a large spacious kitchen, which will be equipped in accordance with modern technologies. But that is not all. Each of them dreams of high-quality dishes that can simplify the cooking process due to their characteristics. All housewives dream of having a cast-iron pot, cauldron or frying pan. Quality tableware guarantees the high quality of the prepared food.

Cast iron is the material from which the most the best dishes. Kitchenware from such material was used in times before our era. Cast iron is environmentally friendly, reliable and durable, nothing can spoil it. Cast iron pans are very popular. But often, careless handling of dishes leads to the fact that they deteriorate during short term. Before you start using a cast iron product, you need to do a few things that will extend the life of your kitchen equipment.

Preparing your cast iron skillet for use

On the manufacturing enterprises all iron products without fail treated with sealant. This procedure will avoid the formation of rust on the surface of the dishes. Therefore, do not rush to cook food in only purchased kitchen equipment. Take care of your health and wash it in warm water with normal detergent before use. If you find rust on the surface of the dishes, do not rush to get upset, you can get rid of it with a metal washcloth, but just do not overdo it. To dry a cast iron product, put it in the oven at a temperature not exceeding 200 degrees.

There are 2 ways to heat a cast iron skillet.

1 way. Ignition in sunflower oil

Like all pans, cast iron pans must be lubricated with sunflower oil before first use. Grease both sides of the dish in a thin layer while it is still warm. It is only necessary to grease the pan from the outside for the first time; in the future, such a procedure is not necessary. After the pan has been greased, it must be placed in the oven upside down. In the inverted state, it should be in the oven until the smoke disappears. Grease the pan and let it cool down. If you follow the advice, then a good result awaits you: the dishes will get shiny look, will be easy to clean and evenly heated.

Please note that if there is a plastic handle on the dishes, then it will not work to ignite it in the oven. Plastic can easily melt, which can lead to an unpleasant and dangerous situation called a fire.

2 way. Baking a pan with salt

This method appeared a very long time ago, and is still used, recognizing it as one of the best and most reliable. The essence of such calcination is that salt is poured into a hot frying pan, and then, for 20 minutes, the dishes are calcined in it. Salt must be constantly stirred. After the time has elapsed, the salt is poured out of the pan, after which the dishes are washed with warm water and dried.

Caring for your frying pan after preparing it for use

Of course, the life of the product depends on what quality it is. Buy cast iron pans from well-known manufacturers and cook the best. Poor-quality products will immediately betray themselves. Uneven heating of the surface, not a brilliant color - all this indicates that the pan you purchased is not one of the quality products.

To keep the surface of the pan smooth for a long time, use wooden spatulas. They will in no way cause any harm to your dishes. Do not leave cast iron on fire without food or water. Doing so will damage the non-stick coating and shorten the life of your cookware.

Let the pan cool down on its own. After cooking, do not rush to cool it under running water. Dishes should be washed after they have completely cooled down.

It needs to be washed after every use! Whatever you cook, burnt oil and soot remain on it, which damage the surface. AT damaged areas food will constantly burn, which will lead to difficulties while washing dishes.

« How to heat a cast iron skillet?”- such a question can be asked, having an old kitchen utensils and buying new crockery. A cast iron pan has everything necessary qualities to cook most dishes on it. If everything is done correctly, the food will not stick to the bottom of the pan and the cooking process will be more pleasant.. In the article, we will analyze several effective ways independently ignite a cast iron pan at home. We will also look at the reasons why this should be done.

Why do you need to do this?

Before you start calcining the pan, you need to find out why you need to do this at all? Few people know, but a cast-iron pan must be prepared before the first use, and also periodically processed during operation.

The first reason is the need to protect yourself and loved ones from the consequences of factory production. The fact is that after casting, the cast iron is treated with engine oil: this allows you to protect the cast iron from external influences. However, eating food with residues of machine oil is dangerous to health, therefore, before the first use, the cast iron pan must be calcined.

Another reason for this preparation of cast iron is to check the quality of the metal. The calcination process takes place at a very high temperature. If at the same time even slight cracks or changes in shape form on the kitchen utensils, then the pan can be returned to the store. Such dishes are unusable, as the pan will not last long.

If the pan is not heated periodically, the porous structure of the cast iron will accumulate small parts of the food, even if it is invisible to the human eye. Gradually, the remains of food will decompose, causing corrosion of the metal. Also, food remains will not allow a protective layer to form on the surface of the pan. This is a good reason for calcining kitchen utensils.

The final, but not the least important, is the fact that if you periodically ignite the pan, and also use it for cooking as often as possible, the food will completely stop sticking to the cast-iron surface. This is very helpful if you love to cook. thin pancakes and pancakes.

We heat the cast-iron skillet correctly

Having dealt with the reasons for calcining the pan, you can begin to analyze how to do it at home simply, quickly and efficiently. In fact, there are not many ways to prepare cast iron kitchen utensils for use. Below we will consider the most popular of them.

On a plate with salt and oil

One of the most simple ways- this is calcining a cast-iron pan on the stove. Moreover, in this way it is possible to additionally harden cast iron to make it even stronger and last longer. In order to carry out the procedure correctly, follow the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. First, let's deal with a new cast iron pan, which must be processed before the first use. To do this, put the dry dishes on the fire and wait until the color of the cast iron changes from black to grayish. After that, immediately substitute the cast iron under running cold water. Get ready for a large number steam, as well as the unpleasant smell of engine oil.
  2. Now you need to thoroughly wash the cast iron pan with dish detergent, rinse and allow to dry completely. Again we put the kitchen utensils on the stove, but this time we pour the bottom of the pan abundantly with coarse salt. Make sure the salt layer is about one centimeter high. It is very important that the salt is dry, so it is best to use a new container of the product.
  3. Heat the salt over medium heat. During the calcination process, the salt should never be stirred or disturbed in any other way. The denser and thicker the product layer, the more efficient the process of preparing cast iron for use will be. The smell during metal processing will also be very unpleasant, so carry out the procedure at a time when you can ventilate the room.
  4. Many people ask how long it takes to ignite the pan with salt. However exact time it is difficult to name, because for each pan this figure will be individual. You can navigate by the color of the crystals: if the salt does not darken for 15 minutes or more, the roasting of the pan is completed. Salt can be changed periodically when the crystals become very dark.
  5. At the end of the procedure, the salt should be discarded, and the pan should be wiped with a clean, dry cloth. However, this alone will not be enough. As an additional protection, the surface of the cast iron must be rubbed with vegetable oil. To do this, you can additionally slightly warm the dishes on the stove, and then rub the bottom of the pan with a cotton cloth soaked in vegetable oil in a circular motion.
  6. As soon as the oil is distributed evenly over the bottom of the cast iron pan, we send the dishes to the stove and heat again. This additional action will protect the cast iron from corrosion..

In fact, cast iron can be calcined without the use of salt, by pouring vegetable oil on the bottom and heating the liquid. Such a process will also prepare the cast-iron container for use. Most housewives use this method, and all because it is easy to perform, besides, there is a stove in every house.

Step by step in the oven

You can also ignite a cast-iron pan yourself in an oven. This method is even simpler, as it does not require constant presence in the kitchen and control over the process. For convenience, we have prepared a table with step by step, in which the calcination process is described in detail.

Process description


The first step is to prepare the pan and oven. If you want to ignite an old cast iron pan, the dishes must first be thoroughly washed to remove grease and food debris. This can be done using soapy water or dishwashing detergent. You also need to preheat the oven to about 180 degrees.

Installing the pan

Make sure the cast iron is completely dry before putting the pan in the oven. Then rub the surfaces of the kitchen utensils with fresh, odorless vegetable oil, soaking an old cotton rag in the liquid. Additionally, you need to remove the remaining oil with a clean waffle towel. Then put the pan upside down on the oven grate.

Ignition process

On average, the process of roasting a new or old cast iron skillet takes one to two hours. As an additional fire protection for the pan, you can wrap a baking sheet with foil and set it to a lower level. After 60 minutes from the beginning of the process, the oven must be turned off.


Do not immediately remove the cast iron pan from oven. Leave the kitchen utensils to cool completely inside the warm oven: this process may take another hour or so. After the specified time, the pan will be ready for use. If you do not plan to immediately cook food, then additionally treat the surface of the cast iron with vegetable oil, and then put the dishes in the cabinet.

This method is simple in that it practically does not require your participation in the process of calcining a cast-iron pan at home. It is also very effective if you carry out a planned calcination of kitchen utensils, the dishes will last a very long time.

  • initially, for calcining cast iron, the housewives used animal fat, more often goose;
  • if such a product is not at hand, you can use vegetable oil, best of all sunflower odorless;
  • you should not wash the cast-iron pan after calcination with detergent, as in this way you will get rid of the protective layer formed by vegetable oil;
  • in no case should you ignite a cast iron pan, which has an additional enamel coating;
  • never store cooked food in a cast iron pan, immediately transfer the dish to a saucepan or plate;
  • if food is burnt to the bottom of the cast iron pan, do not use an iron brush to remove the contamination;
  • to properly wash such kitchen utensils at home, use a special household chemicals or suitable folk remedies;
  • The cast iron skillet is not meant to be washed in dishwasher, you can clean such dishes only with your own hands under a stream of warm water.

If stick useful tips, as well as properly store cast iron kitchen utensils, such a pan will last for many years and it will be a pleasure to cook on it.

The presented material fully describes how you can ignite an old or new cast iron pan on the stove or in the oven using salt and vegetable oil.

Despite the appearance modern tableware from new materials, cast iron in the kitchen is still popular. And this is not surprising, because products made from it are durable, reliable, and also resistant to damage. Therefore, the question of how to properly ignite a cast-iron pan remains relevant.

Why season a cast iron skillet

Ignition provides three advantages to cast iron products:

  • firstly, it allows you to remove the remnants of technical oil;
  • secondly, it promotes the formation of a non-stick "coating";
  • thirdly, it prevents.

Housewives love cast iron cookware because it heats up evenly and does not deform. But cast iron is a somewhat “loose”, porous material. And over time, its pores get clogged, because of which the food begins to burn and acquires an extraneous taste and even smell. If this happens, then the pan needs to be ignited. This procedure must be done regularly. During calcination, oil residues and food particles that have eaten into the surface are burned, and the properties of cast iron are restored.

The calcination is carried out using oil. It is needed to create a protective layer on the surface of the pan, which will prevent clogging of pores (and burning food). In addition, oil prevents the gradual destruction of the metal and increases the service life of the product.

Ignition can be done in several ways. Let's look at them in detail.

How to ignite cast iron with salt

Salt is an ideal absorbent, and this property has been known to people since ancient times. It absorbs the remains of burnt oil and food, making the bottom and sides of the pan really clean. Salting is the most popular and widely used method. None special difficulties he doesn't call. You only need to carefully monitor how the process is going and what happens to the pan.

By the way, first you need to prepare it:

  • wash well using a standard detergent and rinse so that no traces of it remain on the surface of the dishes;
  • wipe dry;
  • make sure that there are no burnt food residues and oil stains on the surface.

If everything is in order, it's time to move on to calcination. To do this, fill the bottom of the dishes with a centimeter layer of table salt (if possible large). Salt should be ordinary, without the inclusion of spices and not iodized.

Turn on the stove and put a pan of salt on it. The calcination process lasts approximately 20 minutes. Don't worry if it's accompanied by a strong bad odor. At the end of the calcination, the salt will have to be thrown away: use it in food purposes no longer possible. By the way, it is better to pour salt only after the pan has cooled.

But this is not the end! Pour odorless vegetable oil into the pan or put a piece of fat (lard) in it. Ignite for another 20 minutes. Then drain the oil, rinse the pan under the tap without using detergent, rinse it and dry it thoroughly.

Burning on the stove with vegetable oil

For some housewives, this method causes concern, so it is used much less frequently than calcination with salt, although it takes less time and effort. This is due to the need to constantly ensure that the oil does not flare up.

Pre-wash and dry the pan very thoroughly. It must be perfectly dry! Pour odorless refined vegetable oil onto the work surface. Don't save: this case the more, the better.

Put the dishes on the fire and ignite for half an hour. Then pour out the rest of the oil and wash the pan well.

Safe roasting in the oven

The first step is to prepare the pan, namely:

  • rinse it under the tap using a regular dishwashing detergent;
  • wipe dry with a towel;
  • soak a clean linen napkin with a small amount of odorless oil;
  • preheat the oven to 180°C;
  • Wipe the inside of the pan with an oiled cloth.

Place the product in a preheated oven upside down and bake for an hour. Then turn off the heat, but leave the pan inside: let it cool down. This will happen only after a few hours, so this method cannot be called fast. But it is suitable for those who do not want to mess with hot oil or stock up on salt without additives.

Features of using a cast iron pan

  1. The oil improves the non-stick properties of cast iron. It simultaneously acts as a lubricant and creates an insulating layer on the working surface. With regular baking, a cast-iron skillet performs just as well, if not better, than modern non-stick cookware.
  2. After calcining, the pan is rinsed with cold tap water.
  3. Ignition is good for cast iron. If, after correctly performed manipulations, cracks or defects appear on your dishes, this indicates a low quality of the material and dishonesty of the manufacturer.
  4. Enameled cast iron pans are not subject to calcination! But they have their advantages: firstly, they can be washed in the dishwasher, and secondly, food can be left in them after cooking.

If you took a cast-iron pan from the store, then for full use it must be ignited at home. The purposes for calcination can be different: so that food does not burn, on demand from the instructions from the manufacturers, for thorough cleaning, and others. This procedure should be taken seriously, observing all the rules and sequence of the calcination technology, so as not to harm yourself and others.

A real cast iron pan is a very high quality product, ideal for the heat treatment of food. A feature of this material is the presence of pores, which, as the product is used, become clogged with food and oil. Subsequently, such clogging occurs burning, sticking of food, which has a bad effect on the taste characteristics of food and on the psychological background of a person, since cooking in such a pan becomes an unpleasant and exhausting procedure.

Thanks to calcination, the cast-iron pan again acquires positive qualities and properties. When the pan is calcined, burnt oil and food particles that have clogged deep into the pores burn out. Therefore, this procedure should be carried out at least once every six months, and if this is your favorite pan, then you need to ignite it once every 3 months.

In what cases should it be annealed?

There are several occasions when a cast iron skillet should be seasoned.

  • New frying pan. On its surface remains "industrial plaque", a lubricant that adversely affects your health when it is eaten. At first glance, it is not visible, but after calcining the pan, you can cook safely, as it is irretrievably removed.
  • An old cast-iron frying pan with soot. Nagar is a burnt fat and oil that has been accumulating for a long time, which is harmful to humans. To get rid of this ailment, a thorough calcination of the pan will help.
  • For making fritters and pancakes. Our grandparents also knew this method of cleaning a cast-iron pan. After calcination, pancakes and pancakes do not burn, but easily lag behind the surface.


To date, it is known, and practically and time-tested, 3 main methods for calcining a cast-iron pan.


  • Wash the pan thoroughly with dish soap.
  • Rinse and wipe dry.
  • Inspect the entire work surface of the pan for the presence of dried food residues or burnt food. If found, remove them.
  • Pour salt into the pan, 1 centimeter thick. Salt grain size of great importance does not have. The main thing that salt was without additives and iodine content.
  • We ignite a frying pan with salt at maximum temperature 15-20 minutes. An unpleasant odor may be present.
  • After the end of the roasting of the salt, throw it away. She is no longer fit for food.
  • Pour into the pan sunflower oil to cover the bottom. Leave on high heat for 20-25 minutes. It is also possible to use lard, fat, if there is no vegetable oil.
  • After the procedure, drain the oil, rinse the pan, without using detergents and wipe dry.

The use of salt in this method of calcination is explained by the fact that salt is a natural absorbent, it absorbs all harmful residues from the surface of the pan, so the salt after the procedure is not suitable for eating.

Lots of refined vegetable oil.

This calcination technology is more dangerous than the first one. Be extremely careful and attentive, follow the instructions. Negligence and inattention can cause a fire (since hot oil can flare up if left unattended and cause harm to health).

  • Wash the cast iron skillet thoroughly with detergent.
  • Wipe dry (there should not be a single drop of water, otherwise, in combination with vegetable oil, the latter will begin to “shoot”).
  • Fill the pan the maximum number oils.
  • Put on the stove, heat at medium speed for 30-35 minutes, making sure that the oil does not begin to boil intensively.
  • After calcining, drain the used oil, rinse the pan under running water.
  • Wipe the work surface of the pan dry. You can cook.


This method is suitable for people who have no time to carry out all the actions described in the first two methods. But, unfortunately, it does not give such a high result as other methods. Baking in the oven is only suitable for pans that do not have a wooden or plastic handle.

  • Wash the pan thoroughly with dish soap.
  • Wipe the work surface dry.
  • Soak cotton fabric with a little sunflower oil.
  • Grease a cast-iron skillet well with a damp cloth.
  • In a preheated oven (180-200 degrees), send the greased pan upside down. Ignite it for an hour.
  • Turn off the oven after an hour. Leave the pan there until it cools completely.

This method takes much more time, but it is much less hassle than in the first two methods of calcining a cast-iron pan.

Fundamental rules

Even if the calcination of a dish does not seem like a complicated procedure to you, you should still carefully study and adhere to the most simple but important rules.

  • Oil is highly flammable! Be careful when heating it.
  • Salt for calcination, it is desirable to use medium or coarse grinding. Salt should be free of any additional substances.
  • Dispose of used oil and salt only when the substances have completely cooled down. Firstly, the effect of such a procedure is enhanced, and secondly, it is much safer.

Features of the procedure

Cast iron - very interesting material, which has its own exclusive properties, which not all metals can boast of.

  • With the technology of calcining a cast iron pan, the vegetable oil used is the "lubricant". And if you periodically ignite the pan with it, regardless of whether this state of the surface of the dishes requires it, or not, then after a series of such procedures, nothing will burn on it.
  • After the calcination procedure, using any technology, the pan can only be rinsed with water, without the use of any detergents, then the substance remaining on the surface will “work” a little more without your participation.
  • If cast iron is real, without impurities of other metals, then calcination will not be able to harm the pan in any way, but on the contrary, each time it will only improve its quality.
  • If the pan after calcination is deformed or cracked, then you have been sold low-quality products, you can safely return it to the store (while keeping the receipt for the goods).
  • Important!!! If the cast-iron pan has an enamel coating, then it must not be calcined! The enamel layer may be damaged.
  • It is not recommended to store liquid food (soups, broths, gravies) in cast iron products. This can be explained by the presence of pores in the metal. If there is liquid in the pores for a long time, they will rust, and the dishes will “deteriorate from the inside”, which will no longer be possible to fix.
  • Never use abrasive products containing chlorine to clean a cast iron pan!

With proper and careful use cast iron cookware it will last you decades.

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