What determines the life of a gas boiler in a private house? Service life of gas heating boilers Double-circuit gas boiler service life.

reservoirs 29.08.2019

Any equipment has its own service life. Depending on the operating conditions, this period may vary to a greater or lesser extent, but there is always a calculated indicator that is guided by when choosing.

Service life of the wall gas boiler, which can be found in more detail at link, is 15 years subject to timely maintenance and replacement of failed parts.

Equipment class

Economical gas boilers are designed for extended service time - according to consumer reviews, this is 30 years of uninterrupted operation, when repairs were carried out as needed.

Middle class units with regular maintenance rarely last more than 15 years. These are devices of the middle price category, the most popular among consumers, where methods of unhealthy competition are used (premature wear of parts, failure of working elements, etc.). Savings of 15-20 thousand rubles ultimately lead to the need to either replace equipment or constantly contact service workers. Among the frequent problems are loss of water temperature, unauthorized shutdown, attenuation of the burner, failure of the electronic unit, etc.

Burner type

Gas equipment works on two types of burners:

  • atmospheric;
  • inflatable.

In the first variant, the process of formation of the gas-air mixture occurs naturally. In the inflatable - in the first chamber, air is mixed with gas, passes into the second, where the combustion process takes place. In such structures natural gas burns without residue, which increases the efficiency to maximum values ​​and, together with it, reduces operating costs by an average of a third.


The key problem of the normal operation of gas equipment is the unstable operation of the power grid. In the absence of a voltage stabilizer or at least a UPS, another power surge in the network can become fatal when the electronic control board, electrical and / or electrically controlled elements fail:

heat exchanger

The material from which the heat exchanger is made is also important, how quickly scale will collect on it. In this case, the choice should be made in favor of separate copies, since on bithermic heat exchangers, in contrast to them, scale forms many times faster.

The intensity of the equipment

Initially, when choosing gas equipment, they make a calculation by power. You can never take it back to back - with constant work, the resource will be exhausted very quickly. You should always make a margin of at least 20%. All equipment is built to impulse work, respectively, the fewer pulses, the more stable the unit will work.

In any case, the gas boiler works exactly as long as its main components work. If you take preventive measures in a timely manner, install protective filters against scale, voltage stabilizers, undergo maintenance on time, you will be provided with more than 15 years of work.

There are things without which it is difficult to imagine our daily existence. One of the most necessary heating appliances in a private house is a gas boiler.

Varieties of boilers

AT modern world many types of gas boilers. Them can be classified according to the principle of functionality and type of installation.

By functionality

Gas boilers are divided into 2 groups.

REFERENCE. Single-circuit boilers can also serve as a source of hot water. To do this, you need to purchase a special device - a boiler.

However, such a tandem almost always comes out more expensive than a simple double-circuit boiler.

According to the principle of installation

Wall Mounted

This placement principle requires special equipment specifications . Usually, wall boilers assembled from lighter metals and lightweight materials. This affects the reliability of the equipment not for the better.

When purchasing wall-mounted boilers, be prepared for frequent repairs and ongoing prevention.

Floor Mounted

These gas boilers more practical and reliable. They are more powerful than their wall counterparts and are able to heat large areas, however, and weigh more. The operation of such a boiler is often requires a separate room due to the large number of different equipment.

The service life of the boilers, determined manufacturer

Each manufacturer assembles its products from the most various materials. Accordingly, the service life of a particular model of a gas boiler can vary greatly.

Important! As a rule, equipment manufacturers set the term of operation at 10-12 years.

The duration of operation depends on the model, operating conditions and type of boiler.

However, practice shows that with proper care, the life of the boiler can be significantly extended.

In addition to timely maintenance, Boiler durability is affected by many factors..

These include:

  • hardness of water;
  • equipment class;
  • pressure;
  • factors and operating conditions;
  • type of room in which the boiler is installed and much more.

The influence of the class and price of the device should not be underestimated. In the so-called "low" class, low-quality Chinese materials are used..

The lack of an electronic display reduces overall work efficiency. In the middle and premium segment, much higher quality European-made parts are used. Dear models have a self-diagnosis function and more fine-grained functionality settings, which has a very positive effect on the operation of the device.

Details that affect the duration of operation

In devices various types and price categories, materials of different quality and characteristics are used. Biggest Influence some details have a long and productive operation of a gas boiler.

Heat conductor material

The wear rate of the gas boiler, as well as the efficiency of its operation, depends on the material of the heat conductor.

  • In floor boilers apply details steel and cast ironmore reliable and wear resistant.
  • In wall equipment,\ radiators are used to lighten the weight copper. This material is highly dependent on water quality and subject to corrosion.

Radiator type

It should be noted that in addition to the material of manufacture, the type of execution also affects the durability of the radiator.

In the production of boilers, 2 types of radiators are used.

  • Serpentine: This type of radiator is excellent for descaling. He easy to maintain and durable. To restore its functioning, simply remove and clean it. After that, you can continue to operate the boiler.
  • Bithermic: cannot be cleaned. The cost of replacing it in case of failure is most the amount spent on the boiler itself.


Another detail that is constantly in contact with water. Its durability depends primarily on the hardness of the water used in the boiler.

Burner type

The work of the whole gas system also depends on the type of burner installed. They work on the basis of the atmospheric or forced principle.

atmospheric principle

It takes air directly from the room where the gas boiler is installed. The product obtained as a result of combustion is removed through the hood. In this type of device, a lot of soot and other harmful deposits accumulate, which makes it difficult for the system to work and increases the load on its parts.

coercive principle

Air comes in from outside. The combustion products in such a burner device are forced out through a special chimney, which more efficient in terms of operation.

Reference. Availability electronic elements also adversely affects the life of the gas boiler.

Features of use that affect the service life

In addition to the installed parts, the operating conditions also have a special influence on the durability of the device.

  • The boiler should be selected according to the parameters of the room in which it will function. Especially it is important to choose a device with a peak power reserve of 15-20% of the planned in operation.
  • An important role is played by the data of the premises itself. Gas boilers are afraid of corrosion and rust. Consequently - it is necessary to exclude the presence of moisture and avoid excessive air pressure.
  • The key to a long service life of the device is a good, quality water . Hard water contains a large number of salts and is main reason scale formation on parts that come into contact with water. This greatly affects the performance of the device as a whole. It is very easy to deal with hard water - you need to install any filter that purifies water. It is best to use polyphosphate filters designed specifically for heating systems.
  • The decisive factor in the struggle for the performance of the gas system is correct calculation of the device power required for continuous operation. If you take it "back to back", then the resource of work will quickly be exhausted. Parts of the device will become unusable after a while. That's why it is necessary to have a power reserve of at least 20% of the calculated th. This will prolong the stability and performance of the device.

Thus, by conducting timely maintenance and taking all of the above measures, it is possible to achieve stable and productive operation of a gas boiler for a period of more than 15 years.

Question: There are two bathrooms in the house and a sink in the kitchen, what equipment to choose for heating and hot water supply?

Answer: A double-circuit boiler may not be able to cope with hot water supply. If a significant water consumption is expected, it is better to purchase a single-circuit boiler for heating and an indirect heating boiler for hot water. A pipe is drawn from the boiler, through which hot water enters the boiler coil. From it, due to heat transfer, the water in the tank is heated. In your case, the recommended boiler volume is 200 liters. The equipment is expensive. As an alternative, consider installing a gas instantaneous water heater. The advantage of this solution is that in summer period when heating is not needed, the boiler will not work, which will increase its resource.

Question: Is it worth paying attention to the type of ignition?

Answer: In gas boilers, the burner can be turned on in two ways. Piezoelectric ignition is done manually at the push of a button. At the same time, a spark jumps and the igniter wick lights up. It burns constantly, even if the boiler does not heat, the gas is still consumed. If the protective automatics work, for example, during a power outage, in order to start the stopped boiler, you will need to press the button again. If the owner is not at home, the heating will be turned off until he arrives. Boilers with electric ignition are devoid of such disadvantages. They do not have an igniter, and the inclusion is automatic.

Question: The apartment has a chimney, which gas boiler to choose?

Answer: In houses with a chimney, gas boilers with an open combustion chamber can be installed. Combustion products will be removed by natural draft. Many buyers install a double-circuit boiler in place of the old geyser. The advantage of this solution is the lower cost of the equipment and its installation. The disadvantage is that air is taken from the room, which is consumed to maintain the combustion process. Therefore, they are recommended to be placed in boiler rooms, in which it is easier to organize constant ventilation than in the kitchen. Recently, even in the presence of a chimney, gas boilers with a closed combustion chamber are mainly used for apartment heating. They are considered safer, as they get air from the street.

Question: Which floor or wall-mounted boiler is better to install in a cottage for heating?

Answer: In a private house there is always a room that can be allocated for a boiler room. It can be equipped with both wall-mounted and floor-standing boilers. But the service life of the latter is on average 5-10 years longer. This is explained by a more reliable design of floor-standing boilers, in particular, they are equipped with cast-iron heat exchangers. They are less demanding on operating conditions, namely on quality tap water. They are easier to maintain. If desired, a cascade connection of several floor-standing boilers can be arranged in the boiler room. In this case, the system will become even more reliable. If one breaks down, the other boiler will maintain heating. In the warm season, when less is required thermal power, half of the equipment can be turned off.

Question: What equipment to choose if the gas pressure is low?

Answer: Problem low pressure in the gas network is typical for our country. This is explained by the fact that gas is distributed from the place of production to the consumer in three stages. First, it passes along the highway with high pressure, then enters pipes with medium pressure, and then goes through gas distribution points with low pressure to consumers. The farther the house is from such a point, the lower the gas pressure. If such a problem exists, you should refuse to buy a boiler with an open combustion chamber. Atmospheric burner with a lack of gas will quickly fail. Therefore, it is worth giving preference to a boiler with a closed chamber. Considering that with reduced gas pressure, the boiler power drops, it makes sense to choose a model with a margin for this parameter.

Question: Advise a traditional wall-mounted gas double-circuit boiler with a closed combustion chamber with a power of 24 kW.

Answer: When choosing a double-circuit gas boiler, it is necessary to analyze your need for hot water supply. You can choose equipment with a flow heating system that normally copes with the maintenance of one bathroom and sink in the kitchen. In this case, you can choose suitable option by price. For example, it can be an economical option with a Baxi Main Four 24 F boiler or a more expensive German Vaillant turboTEC plus VUW with an improved control and monitoring system and a liquid crystal display. With significant hot water needs, a boiler with a built-in boiler, for example, Ariston Clas B 24 FF, would be an excellent option. When the water supply runs out, it continues to work in flow mode. But such boilers are always more expensive than conventional ones.

Principle of operation and device

Question: What does open or closed combustion chamber mean?

Answer: Two types of burners are used in gas boilers. In atmospheric combustion chambers - open. The combustion process is supported by natural draft. In order for it to function, you need a chimney. Such a burner has a simple device: there is an ignition wick and a gas valve. It works with minimal noise. The second type of burner is called fan or forced draft. Air is forced into the combustion chamber by means of a built-in fan. Although due to its operation, the noise level is higher, but other advantages outweigh this disadvantage. A boiler with a closed combustion chamber does not require chimney. It needs a coaxial chimney, which can be carried out in any house or apartment.

Question: How does a single-circuit gas boiler work?

Answer: The boiler consists of a burner, a heat exchanger and automatic devices controlling the gas supply. When an appropriate signal is received from sensors and thermostats, the burner ignites. The water passing through the heat exchanger is heated to a temperature set by the user. Then it enters the heating system. The built-in pump ensures its circulation. A single-circuit gas boiler works only for heating. To get domestic hot water, additional devices will be required. It could be geyser, electric water heater or boiler. The choice of the latter is optimal for high consumption of hot water, for example, in big house with multiple bathrooms.

Question: How does a double-circuit gas boiler work?

Answer: In double-circuit gas boilers, two circuits pass through the heat exchanger: one for heating, the other for hot water supply. They cannot work at the same time. When the user opens the faucet with hot water, the automation turns off the heating and starts the DHW circuit. This feature should not be considered a disadvantage. No heating depending on external conditions the room becomes cold after about 2 hours. Continuous supply of hot water takes a much shorter period of time. As an advantage, note the compact dimensions that double-circuit gas boilers have. They allow you to place this mini-boiler room in the kitchen of a standard apartment.

Question: What are the advantages of equipment with a built-in boiler?

Answer: Double-circuit boiler with flow heating water can provide hot water 1-2 points of water intake. Often, when you open the tap, you have to wait for the heated water. More comfortable conditions provides boiler. By combining this device with a double-circuit boiler, manufacturers have created a single design. All devices are under one fairly compact body. There are both floor and wall models. They can serve several water points. This will provide enough water. First, a quarter of it should be added to the existing volume. After all, hot water will be diluted cold to a temperature comfortable for the user. The emptying tank will immediately be filled, while heating will occur quickly, in flow mode. Finally, boilers do not suffer from scale formation like flow systems.

Question: What is the difference between traditional boilers and condensing boilers?

Answer: In traditional boilers, the energy obtained from the combustion of gas is spent on heating water. Part of it, along with the products of combustion, goes into the chimney. As a result, heat is simply released into the atmosphere. No such losses occur in a condensing boiler. Before leaving the pipe, gases and water vapor from the first heat exchanger enter the second. In it, they are cooled, that is, they give off heat and turn into a liquid. The resulting condensate is drained into the sewer. Thus, all the burnt gas is spent on heating without loss and is spent more economically. This is the main difference between traditional and condensing boilers. Due to the characteristics of the device, the latter are more expensive and are produced only with a closed combustion chamber.

Question: What is a bithermic heat exchanger?

Answer: The bithermic heat exchanger is used in double-circuit boilers. Both circuits are located under the burner and are heated by its flame. The hot water main runs inside the heating circuit, which looks like a pipe in a pipe. The peculiarity of this design is that the boiler can heat one thing. The priority of hot water supply is structurally set, therefore, when the tap with water is opened, the heating is turned off. It will turn on again automatically as soon as the DHW consumption stops. This feature is not considered a disadvantage. The problem of a bithermic heat exchanger is the formation of scale in the DHW pipe, where the water is heated to 70 degrees and above. Overheating is facilitated by the coolant remaining in the heating circuit. A significant amount of scale impairs thermal conductivity and disrupts the operation of the entire boiler. Therefore, during service maintenance, it is necessary to clean the heat exchanger in a timely manner.

Q: What is a plate heat exchanger?

Answer: Some double-circuit boilers are equipped with a secondary separate heat exchanger for hot water supply, which is called a plate heat exchanger. Heating in it does not come from a burner. When the user opens the tap, the heat carrier from the heating system is redirected through another pipe to the secondary heat exchanger. This allows you to limit the temperature of heating hot water to 65 degrees, which significantly reduces the process of scale deposition. Despite this, the plate heat exchanger also needs to be cleaned. Due to the complex design with small gaps between the plates, it is difficult to perform. It is often better to replace it. Therefore, as an advantage of plate heat exchangers, only their small dimensions can be noted, due to which the boiler is more compact compared to models equipped with bithermic heat exchangers.

Care and maintenance, safety

Question: What should the master do during the annual technical inspection?

Answer: Maintenance gas boiler is performed by a service center specialist before starting heating season. It is necessary to turn off the supply of gas and electricity. The boiler body is disassembled and cleaned (you can use detergents) combustion chamber, heat exchanger and nozzle, which must first be removed. Dust inside the boiler is removed compressed air. After the main components are installed in their place, the master will check the gas pressure. Then the nozzle is adjusted. Using special equipment that analyzes combustion products, the correctness of the settings is checked. They also pay attention to the health of the safety valves, sensors and pump. Upon completion of the work, the owner of the boiler is issued a technical inspection report.

Question: How safe are gas boilers?

Answer: The gas boiler protection system includes a number of devices. Expansion tank takes on excess water. If its capacity is full, it will work safety valve and the water will drain into the sewer. When the pressure returns to normal, the valve will close again. If these two elements are not included in the main design, which in modern models practically does not occur, they are built separately into the heating system. The gas supply is checked by an ionization combustion control device. If the flame goes out, it immediately stops the gas supply to the combustion chamber. The safety devices include a traction control sensor. Systems are provided that turn off the boiler if the supply of gas, electricity stops or the volume of coolant decreases.

Question: Is it true that if there is a hood above the stove, a gas boiler cannot be installed?

Answer: This is not entirely true. The restriction applies only to a boiler with an open combustion chamber. To burn fuel, it takes air from the room. The products of combustion are sent to the chimney under the action of natural draft. Extraction can break it. Harmful substances instead of the chimney, they will enter the room, which is dangerous for the user. This rule applies to any device with forced exhaust ventilation. Install a gas boiler with a closed combustion chamber. In it, air for the burner is taken from the street with the help of a fan, and waste substances are sent there. Such a system has nothing to do with the air in the room.

Question: What is the summer and winter opening hours?

Answer: At the end of the heating season, the user only needs hot water. In the cold season, both heating and hot water are involved in the operation of the boiler. In summer mode, the burner only turns on when the hot water tap is open. The rest of the time the boiler does not work. AT winter mode the burner reacts both to the DHW consumption and to the readings of the sensor that controls the temperature of the water in the heating circuit. To switch operating modes, special buttons are provided on the control panel. Boilers with weather-compensated automatics in accordance with indications outdoor sensor can independently switch from one mode to another.

Questions from users

Question: Which double-circuit boiler is better to choose if the electricity is often cut off, so that the power outage does not affect the heating operation?

Answer: A power outage will, in any case, lead to a shutdown of the double-circuit boiler. I can recommend using an uninterruptible power supply + car batteries in case of a power outage if they do not happen often. Or use a more expensive system with a non-volatile boiler and boiler, the heating system is built in such a way that it can work with natural circulation, but in the usual case it is powered by electricity.

Question: We wanted to buy a floor boiler "Lemax" in the store. But we were told in the store that in this case the entire heating system would become too expensive. namely, pipes, etc. Those. pipes should be wider in diameter. In our version - two storey house With ground floor(where the boiler is supposed to be placed). The total area of ​​the house is 120 sq.m. And further. What is better, cheaper and more practical - a double-circuit boiler and or a separate boiler for heating and a hot water column?

Answer: The option with a double-circuit boiler is actually equivalent to the option "single-circuit boiler + column", in terms of reliability, but still, in the version with a column there are minor flaws. It will be much more practical to use a double-circuit boiler (we save money and space).

Question: How to choose a gas boiler to heat a residential 2-storey house with an area of ​​160 sq.m.

Answer: To you normal fit a double-circuit boiler with a capacity of 24 kW, if there is a need for hot water for household needs.
The calculation of the power of boiler equipment for houses with normal thermal insulation can be approximately carried out as follows: 1 kW of boiler power per 10 sq. m of premises, with a margin of 15-20%.
The easiest way to choose a closed and open combustion chamber is as follows: if you already have a chimney, then a boiler with an open chamber is purchased, and if there is no chimney, then it is more cost-effective to purchase a boiler with a closed one.

Question: What is the average gas consumption per month?

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Any heating equipment has its own lifespan. Therefore, when choosing equipment, we pay attention to the quality of materials, strength and place of production. Every customer wants their heater to last as long as possible. To do this, it is important to understand what normative term gas boiler services. On average, he works 7-12 years.

What factors negatively affect performance and contribute to wear? How to prevent breakage? This article will help you understand how to choose and operate a gas boiler correctly in order to avoid rapid wear and tear.

What affects the life of a gas boiler

It is believed that the duration of the unit depends on its class. So, economy-class models serve on average from 7 to 12 years. In this case, the device is repaired as needed. Models of the middle class (middle price category), as the manufacturers promise, will work for 10-15 years.

Why is class taken into account? Because cheap devices use lower quality materials, mechanical control, often there is no display. They are not as efficient in operation and are not equipped with the latest features.

Boilers of the middle and highest price category are supplied with units made of quality materials. They have built-in sensors, automation, self-diagnosis and useful functionality. Electronic control and the presence of the display make the use comfortable. But at the same time, the price of these devices is often "wound up" on the name of the manufacturer.

For example, such well-known brands as "", "", "", are much more expensive than less well-known ones. This is used by dishonest firms that, instead of expensive components, use lower quality Chinese ones. As a result, you overpay, and the life of the premium boiler is the same as in the economy segment.

What factors should be considered

In addition to the class and price segment, for the duration of operation gas equipment other aspects are also affected.

Heat exchanger material

Why is the service life of a wall-mounted appliance shorter than a floor-standing one? Perhaps the type of placement matters? No, just floor units are equipped with cast-iron or steel heat exchangers. For the same period of operation, their percentage of wear is significantly lower than that of copper radiators, which are installed in mounted boilers.

Copper is thinner than steel, and during operation it lends itself to oxidation and corrosion. Backlash in the heat exchanger can be soldered, but the unit will not last long. The average term of work is from 5 to 10 years maximum. Practice shows that copper radiators serve no more than 7 years, after which they must be repaired or replaced. They are more sensitive to the quality of tap water.

Wall-mounted appliances are less powerful than floor-mounted ones. This leads to constant operation at maximum power and rapid wear.

The type of heat exchanger also matters. An ordinary coil can be descaled on its own, and the boiler will continue to work. Bithermic radiators are not subject to cleaning, and the replacement of the node is almost equal to the cost of a new device.

Burner type

Gas appliances have two types of burners:

  • Atmospheric - take air from the room to maintain the flame. Combustion products are discharged naturally with the help of traction.
  • Supercharged or forced (turbo chambers) - fresh air is taken from the street through a coaxial chimney. The power of the flame can be adjusted, the smoke is removed by a fan.

What about operating time? Forced removal of combustion products is more efficient. The boiler works with greater efficiency, which increases the efficiency and reduces the load on its units.

In devices with an atmospheric combustion chamber, a lot of soot accumulates in the holes and on the elements. As a result, the equipment spends more power to maintain operation, heating temperature, so the nodes fail faster.

Electronics and automation

Electronic models are equipped with control sensors, self-diagnostics and require connection to the network. Instability in the network, power surges lead to damage to the elements. We recommend installing a voltage stabilizer.

Operation features

The service life of heating equipment initially depends on right choice. To do this, it is necessary to select the boiler, taking into account the characteristics of the room in which it will work, and the planned peak loads. It is recommended to choose a boiler with a power reserve of 15–20%.

Choose a room for the installation of equipment in accordance with the regulations. It shouldn't be damp inside. Corrosion quickly destroys the heat exchanger, so install an air vent to bleed excess air.

Install magnetic filters to prevent scale formation. They soften water by attracting heavy salts.

Also, the pressure affects the life span of the unit. To keep the performance stable, include in the expansion tank.

  • Devices with steel and cast iron radiators have the maximum service life.
  • Devices with forced draft burner are more efficient.
  • With a voltage stabilizer, the equipment will last a longer time.

It does not depend on the manufacturer's forecasts how many years the boiler will work. Great importance has its maintainability. Therefore, it is better to choose so that if necessary it is easier to find service centres and spare parts.

In buildings connected to the gas distribution system, it is advisable to install gas boilers - devices that are suitable both for ensuring the operation of the heating system and for heating running pipeline water. The owners are attracted by the long service life and the relative cheapness of the operation of this equipment.

In addition, a gas-fired boiler can be easily automated by installing temperature sensors and control elements. An extensive range of units allows you to choose the most suitable one for each specific case.

Compared to other models

The main advantage of gas boilers is high efficiency - about 90%. The passports of some models indicate that their efficiency reaches 107-109%, but in reality this is just a successful marketing ploy. From school course physicists know that not a single device in the world can have an efficiency of 100% or more than this value - otherwise the unit turns into a perpetual motion machine!

Below we will talk about why manufacturers overestimate the figures. However, a gas-fired boiler significantly outperforms equipment of another class in terms of efficiency. Worthy alternative he can only make a pyrolysis unit.

The next advantage of a gas heating boiler is a long service life, which is explained by the simplicity of the design. The equipment does not have complex components, all its main parts can be easily replaced.

The main element of the boiler is the burner - its device determines the way the fuel is burned, and also affects the efficiency of the unit.

Only solid fuel boilers have the same reliability as gas boilers.

Another advantage of gas-powered equipment is high power. Unlike electric and solid fuel boilers, gas boilers have proven themselves in heating large spaces. At the same time, temperature control in all rooms is carried out with high precision: solid fuel and diesel boilers do not have such a function.

Pros and cons

In general, to the advantages of boilers gas heating equipment features such as full automation, long service life, fuel availability and high efficiency. But the boiler also has disadvantages. Among them it is necessary to highlight:

  • exactingness to operating conditions;
  • the need for permission to install a heater in Gaztekhnadzor;
  • lack of economic benefits when heating rooms with an area of ​​​​less than 100 m2;
  • burner smoking due to equipment wear.

In Russia, one more factor is added to the listed factors: pressure drops in the gas distribution system. This can shorten the life of the unit: if the gas flow is weak, the burner will start to burn itself. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase gas heating boilers adapted to Russian conditions.

Classification and principle of operation

Depending on the functional features, there are two types of gas boilers: single-circuit - designed exclusively for heating the coolant in the heating system and double-circuit - have a more complex principle of operation, simultaneously heating both the coolant and running water in the water supply.

A single-circuit boiler, if desired, can be equipped with an indirect heating boiler. This will allow heating water for household needs. True, the cost of a gas boiler with a boiler will be higher than in the case of buying a conventional double-circuit unit. In addition, it will be more difficult to mount such a heating complex.

The double-circuit boiler has its drawback - a long waiting time for hot water, especially if the distance between the heater and the tap is more than 7 meters.

By power

According to the presence of power levels, gas boilers are single-stage and two-stage, according to the method of fuel combustion - condensing and convection.

At the same time, condensing ones are considered more economical: their principle of operation is based on the release of additional heat from combustion products. As a result, the fire maintenance period is extended without increasing the amount of energy expended.

By installation method

According to the installation method, boilers are further divided into two categories - floor and wall. The former have great power, but the latter are more convenient to use and take up little space. Floor boilers come with air and atmospheric burners. An inflatable torch is a great option for households that face the problem of pressure drops in the gas pipeline.

In addition, the boiler equipped with it is suitable for service on liquid fuel. In turn, the atmospheric burner has a device that enables it to operate silently. The removal of combustion products is carried out using natural draft through the chimney.

Natural draft can also be provided in the design of wall-mounted boilers. There are also models with forced draft: they have a shorter service life of individual parts that wear out during operation.


It's all about the calculation method used by manufacturers. It takes up to 6% of energy to maintain the operation of a conventional boiler, up to 11% for a condensing boiler. The remaining heat is transferred to the water, and the manufacturer defaults to 100%. Therefore, in order to establish the exact efficiency of condensing equipment, it is necessary to subtract 11 from the indicator indicated in the technical data sheet.

As a rule, as a result, the coefficient is equal to 97-98%. This is much higher than that of solid or liquid fuel heating boilers. According to the value of efficiency with gas boilers only electric ones can compete.

Gas and liquid fuel boilers have a similar device, the only difference is in the burner. If you replace it, the heater can be converted to work with another type of fuel. But it is not recommended to do this on your own, especially when it comes to turning a diesel boiler into a gas one: for this, you must definitely obtain permission from Gaztekhnadzor.

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