Why darkens a melchior spoon. How to clean the melchior spoons and forks from black

Encyclopedia plants 12.06.2019
Encyclopedia plants

Melchior is used in the manufacture of many products. This is a rather popular material, almost everyone can find at home objects made from this metal. That is why it is necessary to know how to clean it correctly at home.

Where is used?

This metal is a silver alloy of copper and nickel, sometimes other elements are added to it, for example, iron. The jewelry from Melchior looks bright and expressively, often inlaid them with stones and crystals.

Also Melchior is widely used in the manufacture decorative elements, boxes, figurines, candlesticks, cup holders and other dishes.

Compared with other metal utensils, Melchioric dishes looks very elegant. The use of sophisticated cutlery allows you to feel the representative of the highest society.

The greatest distribution of cutlery from Melchior was obtained in the last century, but at present they have not lost their relevance.

Any hostess knows that over time, such products are unattractive, losing their gloss. Accordingly, there is a need to purify the Melchior effectively and quickly at home, to return the metal of the original color and radiance.

What does Melchior fuck?

This metal alloy is subject to formation on the surface of dark gray oxides when interacting with the environment. In order to decorative products From the Melchior, they did not tuck, they need to peep with a towel after washing. When the melchioric tableware is drying, dark spots remain naturally from droplets of water. The remains of food and contamination provoke the formation of oxides in the thinnest deposits of the product pattern.

Hence, To purify the product from Melchior, it is necessary to remove the oxide coating from the surface. There is a lot of tips and recommendations to solve this problem.

Because of the improper storage and infrequent use of Melchior, the Melchior darkens and deprived of its attractiveness. The formation of ferrous spots contributes to high humidity ambient. Cleaning the Melchior should be competent and regular, which will prevent the appearance of darkening on the dishes. Currently, there are several ways to effectively cope with this type of pollution.

At the beginning of cleaning, it is necessary to remove particles of food and contamination from the surface using hot water and any means for washing dishes.

Melchive cutlery it is strictly forbidden to purify with funds, which contains chlorine, Since the nickel and copper is based on the nickname alloy. These elements enter chemical reaction With chlorine, because of this, the product can be spoiled.

Industrial Cleaning Production

Household chemical manufacturers offer plenty of means that allow you to instantly revive the initial appearance And gloss products. Optimally fit liquid meansSince powders damage the structure of the product. The most common means - Metal Cleener Company Bugi & Sanita "Ultra Glitter" With these funds, it is possible to achieve the necessary effect quickly and for a long time.

These cleaning products contribute to the prevention of further darkening and damage to the product. Therefore, the use of special means industrial productionbest way Clear blackened melchior.

Of course it is possible to apply and folk Methods Cleaning, they are also quite effective.

Cleaning food soda

Simple and effective method that returns Melchior devices Novelty and shine is the use of food soda. It is worth noting that this method eliminates only weak dimming. It is optimally used in order to prevent the loss of color of the Melchior.

We take 1.5 liters of water and add 3 tablespoons of soda. After standard cleaning, the devices are sealed in this solution with soda. Next, the devices are clean water and wipe on dryness. With such a periodic processing, the Melchior will not shift for a long time.

Cleaning with foil

In the process of cleaning the foil black, and the Melchior brightens, acquiring the former shine. With severe pollution, it is necessary to boil the devices in the above composition within ten minutes. It is important to note that this method cannot be used for products, with applying gilding or silverSince this will lead to spraying.

Cleaning using egg shell

In order to successfully cope with the Melchior darkening on their own, take ordinary egg shell. Majar from it removes even serious dimming on the product, solar stains:

  • we take a saucepan filled with 2 liters of water;
  • add a finely disconnected shell from two eggs;
  • put on the stove;
  • in boiling water immersed the product being processed and wait for two or three minutes.
  • next, remove the processed thing, rinse it cold water And wipe dry.

Cleaning with the use of husk from garlic

It is worth keeping a garlic husk if the houses have ornaments or dishes from Melchior. Depending on the thickness of the contaminated layer, we select the volume of the husk used. The process looks like this:

  • pour the husk with water and boil;
  • in Nava plunge our dishes and withstand to complete purification;
  • in the future, we rinse the dishes under the crane and wipe on dryness.

Using alcohol solutions

Clear Melchior It is also possible to also apply alcoholic solutions, such as an ethyl or an aqueous ammonia solution, which are famous for its cleansing qualities. When using this method, you need to use rubber gloves To protect the skin of the hands. First we make the working structure:

  • in 300 ml of water, add 2 tablespoons of alcohol to choose from;
  • high quality mix the resulting solution;
  • the resulting composition is wetting the cloth or a brush with a soft bristle and wipe cutlery from Melchior. In the case of a strong darkening, deeply impaired into the material, it is necessary to increase the strength of friction. Alcohol compositions highly remove even the spots.

Melchior can be successfully cleaning using sodium thiosulfate solution. This drug can be purchased freely access for a very democratic cost. One pack is enough for several years to clean the entire Melchioroy utensils.

Cleansing using vinegar

Heated vinegar is also used for cleaning. When using this method, it is necessary to wear rubber gloves.

5 ml of acetic essence is diluted with 250 ml of water. The resulting composition is wetting the towel and processed the entire contaminated surface. After processing, the instruments must be rinsed under the crane and wipe dry.

Cleaning using chalk

Also a good means for cleaning devices from Melchior is chalk:

  • to 1 liter of hot water add 60 ml liquid soap and 50 g of chalk;
  • diligently mix until homogeneous mass;
  • the resulting solution using a rag, polishing the surface being processed. In the future, drying wipe the devices.

Chalk applies in other composition of the cleaning agent:

  • To 250 ml of water, add 60 g of chalk and 110 g of ammonia alcohol.
  • Composition mix up to homogeneous mass.
  • We polish them the treated surface.

After this operation, the devices will delight with dazzling gloss. There are cons of the use of recipes with chalk. The chalk can accumulate in small depressions of the pattern on the surface of the product and form untidy bright splashes. This problem solves the use of brush when processing the pattern of the pattern.

Cleaning with lemonic acid

Forks from black will help to get rid of this solution. He will also be able to wash the ring with a stone.

Cleaning by carbonated drinks

Remimately removed dark places from Melchior Products Roasted Drinks, for example, ordinary Coca-Cola. We simply fill with the heat being processed and leave for several hours. Further rinse the dishes under the crane and dry dryness.

Precious metals cleaning services

Nowadays, it is possible to entrust the restoration of the beauty of the darkened instruments a professional engaged in cleaning silver products. Also this service provides some jewelry workshops and shops.

Beautiful cutlery in combination with dishes and textiles turn simple food intake on a whole event. In ancient times, we used only silver dishes, which was soon replaced by a cheaper alloy from Melchior.

But this alloy is significantly capricious silver: from simple contact with water is capable of dark and covered by unattractive dark stains. How to clean melchioric spoons at home is the main problem Thoughtful owners wanting to serve the table with neat devices. After all, simple detergents are powerless in the fight against the raid appeared.

Melchior cutlery for table setting

Causes of darkens, spots and general rules

The reasons for the oxidation of the Melchior lies in its composition. The basis of this alloy is copper, which is an easily oxidized metal. Additional components: nickel, manganese and iron. They are not able to influence the oxidation processes in any way.

Wet environment contributes to the appearance of spots on the surface of the dishes brown color. In a timely manner, such a hoist darkens to a blue-black shade. Employed this oxidized on smooth surfaces Will not be much difficulty. However, embossed patterns, monograms and snakes can be an additional complication before reading the Melchior Cutlery from black quality.

The following reasons affect the darkening of devices:

It is advisable to clean the melchive dishes after pretreatment, namely washing in hot water using a toothbrush and detergent. This action will allow to remove fats and extraneous pollution.

With insufficient care, Melhihor darkens

What to clean the melchive objects of the house should be chosen based on the amount of free time and the complexity of the procedures, as well as the presence of the necessary components in the kitchen. But it is important to observe two simple conditions:

  1. after any cleaning, an abundant rinse in warm water is necessary;
  2. it is impossible to leave instruments in a wet form, be sure to wip dry with a soft cloth and thorough drying.

Terms of use of household chemicals

Among the diversity of purchased tools should choose special chemical compoundsDesigned to bring in the proper view of the cutlery of silver and products from Melchior. Consistency can be different: gel, paste, liquid, emulsion. Working with such drugs, you need to comply with precautions and use gloves.

Cleaning powder is also effective against an unsightly fly, however, its abrasive particles can easily scratch the surface of spoons and forks. In the case of the use of such powders, it is necessary to act neatly, without a strong pressure.

Also can not be allowed to contact Melchior with household chemicals on a chlorine basis. This chemical contributes to the oxidation of copper-nickel alloys.

Washing of such products in dishwasher contraindicated.

Tools from the kitchen for cleaning

How to clean cutlery if you do not want to use chemicals? It is necessary to use sweater substances located in the kitchen of any hostess:

Preparation of cutlery for cleaning

  • Vinegar table. They are cleaned spots from dampness. It is necessary to moisten the napkin with warm vinegar and wipe the devices.
  • Baking soda. Brown flare ished with moist food soda. It is applied on a rag or a sponge that spoons and forks are wiping. It is necessary to act delicately due to the possibility of scratching the surface of the appliances.
  • Salt small. Acts small darkens, applies similarly to Soda.

Food foil is a very effective means.

The use of aluminum food foil is considered to be the most gentle tool for cleansing melchior knives, spoons and forks. Even without active mechanical movements Oxidel disappears from the surface of the products. It is very good for embossed, patterned patterns and decorations of dishes, which are not desirable to injury in any way.

Clean the Melchior Cutlery Foil follows:

  • The bottom of the scene of the suitable volume is covered with a foil layer. From above, fifth part of a glass of food soda (a pair of tablespoons) is poured.
  • Now you can lay appliances and pour boiling water. To enhance the result, you can maintain the temperature on slow fire about 10-15 minutes. In such a state, the oxide will dissolve in water and comes off from the objects cleaned.
  • It will only be necessary to rinse them in warm water and dry high quality.

Decorative handles of cutlery

Gold-plated products and objects with blackening to expose this procedure is not recommended. They will not stand such a strong impact. Such things are wiping with a cotton swab, moistened in wine vinegar or turpentar. In addition, the gilding on the nicknamed devices can be rubbed with a flannel cloth moistened with egg protein.

Other cleaning options

If previous options for some good reasons Failed to be implemented, there are still options for the resulting ways, how to clean and refresh the melchior spoons, knives and forks. Among them are:

  • A decoction after cooking eggs. It is transferred to the aluminum container, they add a crushed shell, slightly salt. In the resulting composition, devices are immersed. After 10 minutes of boiling, the flask will disappear.
  • Garlic husk. It boil together with cutting devices to remove oxide. The longer to carry out boiling, the better the result.
  • Potato decoction. It returns freshness to sweat products. They must be immersed for several hours in potato decoction.
  • Carbonated drinks. Soaking in carbonated drinks is also an effective cleaning method from stains. An hour later, the product is rolled inside the gas cutting, it is thoroughly wiped dry, be sure to polish.
  • Antichloro It is also called sodium thiosulfate. It can be found in the pharmacy kiosk. Treatment with such a means effectively copes with a dark fly film. After the purification procedure, a rich rinse and drying of melchior items is required.
  • Ground chalk. The tablespoon of the chalk powder is connected to two large spoons of the ammonia. The instruments are riveted with the furry and then carefully polished.
  • Hyosphet. This substance is usually applied in photo printing, but effectively help to neutralize the resistant dullness of the instruments. The ingredient is divorced by water to obtain a concentration of 1: 5. Each item is wetted in solution, rinsed and polished.

Clean and well-dried cutlery from Melchior must be stored in a dry place. To eliminate air access, they are wrapped in the food film. This will save the resulting clean result for a long time.

The knowledge gained will help to cope with an unsightly raid on favorite canteen devices from Melchior. Cleaning methods are quite enough, from all the proposed you can choose the most acceptable.

Master Class for Cleaning Melchior

To check the method of home cleaning of the Melchior with the participation of soda and foil, old knives were taken. Knives were covered with a dark raid, as well as the abundant layer of old fat.

Pre-treatment with a detergent, toothbrush and warm water did not give any results, the Melchior knives remained dark and terrible in appearance.

To carry out global cleaning work, we needed a large pan, foil, soda and knives themselves. The saucepan had to take very much so that there were enough long knives on her bottom. The foil was used the most common, which is in the inventory of each mistress.

When installing at the bottom of the foil, special accuracy is not so important, since in the boiling process it will still partially pop up.

We drag the bottom of the pans with foil, smell soda, put the knives. You can additionally salt and add a pemolux powder agent that will help in the fight against the fat.

Pour knives on a foil with a cleaner boiling water or simple water, we turn on gas and boil for a while. IN this case We poured steep boiling water and boiled for 15 minutes. Note that if you add Pemiolux to the water, it is worth being on a check and control the level of fire, so that the foam formed inside the pan does not run away.

After a short boiling, the contents of the pan merges. It remains only with the help of a brush to consider the remnants of contaminants from the melchior knives. You can flush knives solely in clean warm water, and you can use additionally detergentTo achieve maximum result.

In this case, the processing was not performed with special care, but at the same time final result It was good.

Melchive spoons look elegant. They give the table with an overwhelmed aristocratic look and bohemian luxury. But over time they are oxidized. The gray flare appears first, then it will black. How to clean Melchior spoons at home? Actually quite easy. Moreover, the means for cleaning will be found in the kitchen even at the most saddow hostess.

A little interesting about the cleaning of the alloy

There are many ways to return the former color to Melchior spoons. Conditionally, they can be attributed to two groups: chemical and mechanical. The first is based on the restoration of the alloy from the oxide by chemical reactions. The second is the usual mechanical erasing of the oxide from the surface of the metal with cleaning agents.

Both ways are good, but have some disadvantages. Chemical method It is impossible to extract melchior spoons with gilding or black. The result may be unexpected, from sweating to the complete disappearance of decorativeness.

Mechanical involves the use of abrasive substances. To the touch, these particles are not felt, they are not discerning their naked eye. But they leave small scratches on the surface of Melchior, which are immediately invisible, and after a while turn into a dull raid. And he already remains forever. You can get rid of this plaque only polishing hours. Condition meditative, but long and tedious.

I want quickly, purely and without costs. Following the recommendations, everything is done.

Chemistry is not only a school lesson

Let you not frighten the need to conduct a chemical response in its own kitchen. It is absolutely safe, does not require special tools or substances.

Sodium thiosulfate
Sold in each breakdown pharmacy, it is negligible. Apply on a soft rod, carefully wipe the spoon. The result appears literally in the eyes. Melchior brightens, black leaves.

Council. It is very desirable to use gloves. The tool does not corrupt the skin of the hands, but black oxide is poorly washed away from the fingers.

Aluminium foil

Each kitchen. Fit the bottom of the bucket or saucepans, pour out the usual food soda. Attention! Not calcined, not caustic! It is the food, in a white-orange pack, the design did not change for many years, it is difficult to confuse.

Pour water, approximately 1 l to 2 tbsp. l. soda. Melchior spoons are placed on the smallest fire. Heat minutes 3. Carefully look as soon as the flare disappeared, immediately remove objects from the saucepan.

Council. If there is no kitchen foil, then you can take a foil from chocolate.

Carbonated drink
The method seems exotic, however, it works. In a suitable glass or ceramic dishes Melchior spoons are placed, poured by gas. After 15 minutes, cutlery pull out, clean, without a fallow.

Council. If there are doubts, then take colorful drinks. Through them, the entire cleaning process is clearly visible.

Special napkins
In jewelry stores for sale of silver cleaning. They can be used for Melchior. These are napkins, liquids, pastes. The instructions read certainly, act as recommended not to damage spoons.

Council. All these funds are based on sodium thiosulfate. Is it worth overpaying? But, if you really want a "dragon and bohato", then the way to the jewelry for the purchase.

Broth potatoes
The most ordinary potatoes boil and put the cutlery for 30-45 minutes into this water. Next, pull out and ready! Spoons sparkle.

Council. Water for decoction is not solid. Spoons are put straight into the hot liquid.

The most important thing is: after any of the listed operations, it is necessary to carefully rinse the melchive spoons with clean water. Then wipe dry. Any remaining droplet of fluid is a new dark spot in the near future.

Strong hands and mechanics in action

Melchior spoons clean chemical method It is impossible. What to do? Rub! Sustilly to scratch the surface.

Choose the least "poisonous", without any magic additives. The thin layer is applied on a soft cloth, a lint-free napkin or a cotton disk. And clutch. According to reviews - the most gentle and effective method. It is inconvenient because the curly elements are poorly rubbed.

Council. To clean the deepening, you can use the old soft toothbrush.

Dental powder or chalk
The principle of operation is similar to toothpaste. For the convenience of applying a cloth can be slightly moistened.

Council. The smaller the grinding of the powder or chalk, the less likely the appearance of scratches. For reliability, you can drive through a coffee grinder.

Salt or Food Soda
Make a thick cashem from the means and ordinary clean water. Neat movements believed oxide with melchior spoons.

Council. You can add a little alcohol to the mixture or a few drops of glycerin to soften the abrasive action.

Wet a rag in ammonia, fast movements remove the flare, immediately washed large quantity water.

Council. You can simply dip nickor spoons in the ammonia alcohol. But it is necessary to wash it immediately.

If the alloy darkened slightly, then you can do without trustees. Sometimes it is enough just to thoroughly wash the spoons with any non-aggressive liquid gel.

Council. After washing, rinsed with metal with warm vinegar. It gives shine of the product.

Naturally, after all procedures should be washing with clean water and wiping dry.

Sometimes in the deepening of the pattern or figurine pattern remain microclippels of water that are invisible. But they make their cunning, adding work for the future. To avoid this, after wiping, Melchior spoons leave on a clean dry towel half an hour. During this time, the residues of moisture will evaporate, and you can remove cutlery for storage.

  1. So that he subsequently manifested as possible as possible, it is necessary to properly store cutlery. Absolutely dry melchior spoons wrap in a foil or food film, then removed into a dense box with a well-closing lid. The smaller the alloy contacts the air, the less will have to work on cleaning.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to clean Melchior tools, which contains bromine or chlorine. These substances are strongly oxidized by nickel and copper, which is in alloy.
  3. If there are inserts from stones on the curly pattern, then the ammonia alcohol should be excluded from cleaning agents. It dissolves the jewelry glue, which are fixed by stones.
  4. If it is too lazy to extrude Melchior spoons at home, then in many jewelry workshops have long been offering their services such. Just attributed, pay money, pick up clean devices.
  5. All methods described above are removed oxide, but do not remove the fatty film from food. To achieve the best result, it is desirable to first wash the metal items with soap, and only then clean the flare.
  6. It is said that the decoction of pearl cereals or garlic husks in the aluminum pan perfectly cleans Melchior. Reviews for this method is not enough, but why not try on an invisible site?
  7. The back of the sponge for washing dishes has a rough side. Many hostesses with the pleasure of Skryabyut her cutlery. And then they hide: "Powder has not cleaned, and the scratches are full ... where did they come from?" And really, from where? I had to rub more stronger, it would still be emery paper Took, so sure.
  8. Even the exotic council fell. Allegedly Mesilied the dough with the Melchior object, and he cleared. Then he baked from the same test. Recommended so to do so now. Well, yes, and then pancakes with the remnants of a black fly fly for both cheeks. Milot! If you count so, then throw the dough, and not in your mouth pull.
  9. Instead of a rag with mechanical cleaning options, you can use a slice of suede. Then Melchior spoons will also be polished to the brilliance without effort.
  10. Some special means For cleaning, they contain substances that form an invisible film on the surface of the melchior. It perfectly protects the metal from the subsequent formation of a new plaque. Read the packaging, everything is written there.
  11. It is impossible to rinse Melchior spoons hot water, they will quickly darken again. Room temperature is perfect.

If you carefully read the instructions and strictly follow the recommendations, then your Melchior spoons will play with honor to play the role of "family silver" for many years. And no one can guess about little tricks. Worthy and elegant is about Melchior.

Video: how to clean Melchior spoons

Melchive cutlery is popular at the expense of their practicality and perfect appearance. That is why they often become a decoration of the festive table. However, due to the oxidation, the product is often covered with a raid, it is very difficult to deal with.

Therefore, in the article we will tell in detail how to clean MelchiorHow to mainly keep, and why the material is oxidized.

Advantages and disadvantages

Melchior is an alloy of copper and nickel, which can be complemented by other components. They may be an iron or manganese.

The material is very similar to its appearance, however, the cost of such cutlery will be significantly lower.

The main advantages of such a metal are:

  • Cost. This is an excellent alternative to silver. Therefore, if you wish to impress your guests with spoons, forks and knives with aesthetic appearance at optimum cost, Melchior will be an excellent solution;
  • Low thermal conductivity. The material is very slowly heated. So, the probability of burning down to a minimum, which is very important when drinking hot dishes and drinks;
  • Corrosion resistance. Melchior refers to stainless materials, so it will be long service life.

Despite their own positive characteristicsThe material has several drawbacks:

  • Fast oxidation. Such a reaction leads to the formation of black plaque and loss of shine;
  • The need for constant care. To make the material for a long time preserved the original appearance, each mistress should know which leaving funds can be used.

Why Melchior Cherneette

The reason for the appearance of black plaque is the presence of 50% copper in the Melchior. This metal has a property easily oxidized.

Despite the fact that another half of the alloy is a manganese, nickel and iron, they will not manage to cope with such a strong reaction.

Therefore, as a result of oxidation, small brown spots initially appear, which after begin to darken, gradually acquiring a black shade.

It is not easy to get rid of it, however, having bought a professional or prepare them from the girlfriend ingredients, you can protect spoons, forks and knives from their appearance.

To protect your devices from the appearance of such a flying, the hostess is required to follow the rules of care.

How to remove pollution

Since Melchive cutlery objects require constant care, then for this you can use the following methods for cleaning the plaque.

Traditional folk ways

Cleaning soda and alcohol

This method can be used at home. This requires the following components:

  • 1 l warm water;
  • 50g soda or 50 ml of ammonia alcohol.

Soda and alcohol have a property not only cleaned from dirt and plaque, but also to return the primordial brilliance of any surface.

To do this, dissolve the selected component in water and thoroughly wash the devices in it. Once all pollution and stains are removed, rinse them.

After that, wipe them with a cloth complete removal moisture to prevent the oxidative process.

You can also use pure alcohol or vodka. To do this, lower the spoon and fork into one of the liquids. Wait for the stains and pollution to be dissolved.

Acetate solution

To do this, in 200 grams of warm water, dissolve 1 teaspoon of concentrated vinegar (if you add more, the surface may suffer). Savit the napkin and rub the fork and spoons to the complete disappearance of dirt and plaque.

Cleaning chalk

For this hostess you need to prepare a mixture that will consist of:

  • 50 grams of ordinary household soap;
  • 50 g of chalk;
  • 1 l of water.

All ingredients need to be mixed in glass containers until complete dissolution. After that, you can start. As soon as the spots are removed, wash the devices and wipe with a cloth.

You can also prepare a solution that will contain:

  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 50 g of chalk;
  • Ammonia. It is necessary to add it in the 30: 60 proportions.

Thus, it turns out good tool To impart brilliance and create a protective layer.

Removal of stains decoction of potatoes

If you have a broth after cooking potatoes, it can be used for cleaning.

To do this, bring it to a boil and put it in it. Hold them within 20 minutes. After that, you need to thoroughly rinse spoons and forks and wipe.

Solution with the addition of garlic husk

Take into the skirt of garlic and add it to a saucepan with water. Bring to a boil, then put spoons and forks into it. Once all pollution and stains are removed, you can rush them and wipe.

Cleansing foil

According to many users, this method of purification is considered the most effective. To do this, it is necessary on the bottom of the usual aluminum pan or other container to put foil. After lay on it, table objects and pour with a soda solution. Bring to a boil.

Foil has the property to choose any contamination, including black raids. However, if your product has a gold or silver coating, it is best to abandon it and choose a more sparing way.

Removal of stains using toothpaste

Apply toothpaste on your cotton disk and wipe them the devices.

Preparation of ragger of ground shell

To do this, prepare:

  • Shell from two eggs;
  • One tablespoon of salt;
  • 1 l of water.

Grind the shell in a coffee grinder and add to it salted salt. Connect all ingredients with water and put a mixture on fire. Put the table objects in the finished decoction and boil two minutes. After that, slip them and wipe dry.

Sulfate sodium solution

To do this, divert the medicine in the water in proportions 1: 3. Next with a cotton swab, wipe each product.

Cleaning Gazirovka

To do this, it is necessary to buy a conventional gas composition to after pouring it products and keep them for 2 hours.

How to remove black spots with silver plated or gold-plated devices

For this, the following methods are perfect:

  • A solution prepared with the addition of turpidar;
  • Processing with egg protein.

Basic rules of purification

If you want to save Melchior devices at an initial form, you must remember the basic rules of cleaning:

  1. You should not use the means which include chlorine;
  2. So that the surface retains its glitter, caustic powders cannot be used, since most of Of them contains chlorine. Exceptions are funds such as pemoxol and pemolux. You can buy them in a household chemical store;
  3. Solutions must contain a minimum amount of caustic substances, such as alcohol. If they are in the composition, then add them quite a bit;
  4. In addition, there are special means for restoring, cleaning and giving a brilliance of dishes;
  5. Products can not be washed in the dishwasher.

Also in stores you can find napkins and a special paste, which are designed to purify spoons, forks and knives. They are perfectly suitable for products with a complex decor. You need to apply such a paste with a cotton wand.

If you want to avoid black spots, you can use the following recommendations:

  • Periodically, after washing products, lower them in a soda solution;
  • The main reason for the appearance of black spots is moisture. Therefore, the devices must be thoroughly dry dry rags or napkins;
  • Try to do so that they do not lie with products from other materials. Also, for additional care, it is possible to put a small piece of chalk.

If devices are used only on holiday tables, wrap every piece of paper and ordinary polyethylene film. If your home has a hermetic container, you can use it.

Thus, they will not accumulate moisture, which means, if necessary, you can use clean spoons, forks and knives without traces and plates.


As practice shows, Melchior requires a lot of attention. With regular prophylaxis, table objects will remain clean and beautiful for several years.

Before the purchase of such devices should be understood whether you are ready to spend your time on cleansing plates and dirt or it is easier to purchase an expensive version, the surface of which will not be oxidized.

More recently, some fifty years ago, cutlery from Melchior were considered almost a mandatory attribute on festive table. Forks and spoons conscientiously served the owners and guests, and then went again to lockers and servants until the next festival.

And either from long storage, or from damp (or from everything together), the melchive cutlery began to darken and covered unsightly stains.

Many of these spoons and forks lived safely to this day, however, they acquired a little non-primary look.

Of course, the removed to be unrecognizable products from Melchior can be:

  • throw out
  • hide into a chulad to better times
  • attribute to those skilled in the art that they make it Melchior cleaned,
  • try to clean your own.

The last solution to the exit from the created position may be the most correct for those who are not afraid to experiment and are ready to give a second life to cutting devices.

If you feel about this category of people, you will use those simple substances and products that are practically in every home: soda, salt, ammonia, chalk, dental powder, and others, which will be discussed below.

But before proceeding to the cleaning of Melchior, it is necessary to estimate its degree of pollution.

If Melchior only darkened, but there are no dried fat spots on it, then you can immediately begin to clarify it.

But if the spoons and forks are so old and covered with a layer of dirt and fat, they must first wash them first. This is especially concerned with spoons and forks with a carved knob or corrugated surface, with a small pattern or engraving. After all, if you simply delete the blackness, then the whole dirt entered into the groove will become more noticeable.

How to wash Melchior from dirt and fat

Take a saucepan and pour a few dishwashes in it.

Add boiling water and foam.

Immerse all forks, spoons and knives in a soap solution and leave for a day. Items periodically mix. If they are strongly contaminated, it is necessary to warm the water several times.

The next day, arm yourself with a soft toothbrushing and with the help of it all the dirt using the same water.

Then Melchior wash in pure water and wipe. Now they are ready for the next phase of cleaning.

Foil, soda and salt

This an effective way Helps remove black raids from Melchior even more than a hundred years ago.

  • To do this, make a saucepan and shutting it to the bottom of the baking foil.
  • Fold all forks and spoons in the pan, pre-peeled from dirt and fat.
  • Pour about three spoons of food soda and salt.
  • Pour so much hot water so that the cutlery is completely covered with it. Some mistresses instead of water use potato decoction.
  • Put a saucepan on fire and boil for 15-20 minutes. For the Melchior do not worry. The composition of it is an alloy of copper, nickel and zinc - withstands high temperature without consequences.
  • Fire turn off, and the Melchior leave in water until its complete cooling.
  • Remove cutlery and wash in clean water.
  • Wrap carefully with a dry soft towel.

By the way, it is impossible to leave products from Melchior to be wet or even slightly wet. Of course, they will not cover rust, but every droplet, drying, will leave behind the dark mark. It is from moisture Melchior darkens.

Soda and other abrasive substances

Melchior is polished well. Of course, if you decide to apply sandpaper or other an aggressive remedy in the form of abrasive, then after such a cleaning spoon, most likely, you have to throw away.

But abrasive substances like soda, chalk, dental powder, toothpaste Will help you clean the table melchior.

  • Push into a small container soda and add so much water so that it turns out to be Cashier. Apply Cashitz on a soft cloth or a sponge and without a strong push, sweeten the product. If a melchior with a corrugated surface, take toothbrush With soft bristles and with it, carefully clean the product. Then everything is well ringed in clean water and wipe dry.
  • You can also remove the muffin powder with a light black raid from the products from Melchior. Instead of a toothed powder, you can use chalk, but before use you need to thoroughly crush it so that its large pieces do not scratch the metal.
  • Dark raid from Melchior can be removed and toothpaste. Squeeze it into some kind of dishes and distribute water. Lower into the solution of a spoon and leave half an hour. Then you wash well and wipe.
  • If you can transfer the smell of ammonia alcohol, add it to the water, making a weak solution in which the forks and spoons are wrapped (or other products) from the melchior. Then rinse in clean water and wipe dry.
  • Dark rings on Melchior is removed, if you clean the product with wine vinegar or turpentine.
  • An insignificant darkening can be removed, cleaned the melchior with vodka or alcohol.

Melchior cleaning with egg shell

If you have decided to clean the Melchior in the coming days, then during cooking scrambled eggs or kneading tests do not throw out the enemy shells.

  • To clean the Melchior, take the shell from two raw Yaitz, crush it, fold into the pan, add a spoonful salt and pour one liter of water.
  • Bring to a boil.
  • Lower cutlery from Melchior to this water and boil two or three minutes.
  • Melchior rinse in clean water and wipe dry. The same can be done, replacing the egg shell with garlic husks.

Melchior cleaning with citric acid

Prepare a saucepan. In one liter of water, dissolve 100 g citric acid. Lower cutlery and pieces into the solution copper wire. Boil all this is 15-20 minutes. Then slip in clean water and wipe.

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