What to clean Melchior spoons when blackening. How to clean Melchior spoons at home from black and darkening

Decor elements 16.06.2019
Decor elements

Solving the question of how to clean melchioric spoons At home, relevant for many consumers. Someone stops its choice on dining devices made from of stainless steel and distinguished practicality and functionality.

And someone continues to keep loyal to such an expensive metal like silver, not wanting to give up the purchase and use of sets kitchenware From this material.

Information on how to clean Melchior at home is relevant for the third category of users - for those who are enough for comfort and comfort in the kitchen and at the table of Melchior, externally similar to noble silver.

However, there is melchior spoons and a disadvantage that relates them to a noble metal: they also black and oxidize.

Knowing how to correctly clean the Melchior from black at home, you can easily serve the table with them, use with taste and pleasure. This issue, as well as the reasons for the blaracing of Melchior Products, our article is dedicated.

A significant part of this metal is copper, characterized by the ease of metal oxidation.

The nickel is not present in the composition of the alloy is not able to prevent the launch of this inevitable process. It also almost does not affect the fraction of the percentage of iron and manganese, which are part of the Melchior.

The task associated with how to clean the Melchior at home, occurs when the spots appear on the surface of the Melchior. This happens, as a rule, in a wet environment, and at first these stains have a brownish tint.

With long-term laying of metal cleaning, oxide begins to acquire a specific shade - a bluish-black, resembling the color of the Wing Voronov.

The removal of the oxide film does not represent much work only if the surface is smooth. In the presence of embossed patterns on the product, cleaning is significantly complicated.

About cleaning methods

Melchior cutlery can be cleaned one of many ways. It is possible, not to be caught fry, acquire in the usual economic store The composition intended for cleaning silver and melchior products.

It can be sold in the form of a paste or gel. Good results give a napkin impregnated with a special chemical compositionwhich can also be found on sale.

However, whatever the option is selected, it is necessary to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the instructions, protect your hands with special gloves and only after that proceed to cleaning. The feasibility of using gloves is related to the fact that they perfectly protect their hands from dark oxide.

If we clean the usual dish, it is necessary to exercise additional caution: there is a risk that abrasive particles can leave scratches.

Folk recipes will always come to the rescue

Many hostesses successfully cope with the problem, not spending finance for the purchase of some special means. To maintain the rules of cleanliness and well maintenance of this part of the home utensils enough:

  • salts;
  • soda;
  • soda;
  • sodium thiosulfate.

You can cope with this household task using fine salts as follows. A little wet salt is taken to the tampon, and spoons are wiped. If this is not too durable layer, then it will be possible to cope with the problem quickly. Similar effect differs soda.

For cleaning Melchior, sodium thiosulfate will be enough, which is available for purchase in a pharmacy without presenting a recipe. After cleaning with a solution of this product, the spoon should be rinsed in clean water and wipe dry.

It will also be a soda, which is flooded with appliances from Melchior. Lowering for a while in this fluid, they must be washed with water - and then they can begin to delight their glitter and purity.

What kind of drink is preferable? "Fantas" and "Cola", colorless "sprite" or something else, more familiar to the consumer himself.

Melchior spoons are perfectly clean and at boiling in water, in which the eggs were welded before.

Accuracy of execution - the key to success

Studying folk recipes Or choosing one of the modern chemicals for cleaning, it is important to remember one simple rule.

It is necessary first of all to familiarize yourself with the process theoretically. And embarking on its implementation, it is necessary to clearly observe each step from the entire action algorithm.

Clear Melchior, more precisely, the kitchen utensils from it, from blacks you can both with the help of household chemicals and folk remedies. Optimal option For yourself, you will choose, after studying the material prepared by us.

To begin with, it should be sorted out what the material is. Melchior is a light alloy of metals, which in the time of the USSR used to make cutlery as a cheaper alternative to silver. The alloy traditionally includes copper and nickel, in some products the impurities of manganese and iron are observed. Of course, it is made of such material not only spoons and forks, but also mugs, cup holders and other household items.

The complexity of the care of dishes from Melchior is precisely in its alloy. Sometimes for dishes, even from one metal, it is difficult to care, not to mention the optimal cleaning agent immediately for several metals. In the article, we will consider the most effective and popular ways to clean the dishes from Melchior at home.

Household chemicals

Today, on the shelves of shops, you can find a huge variety of various household chemicals, designed exclusively for cleaning certain surfaces, metals and items. To restore cutlery and other items from Melchior, it is recommended to use precisely such special household chemicals. In this case, you are guaranteed to clean the dishes and do not damage its surface.

The cleaning agent for Melchior is such species:

  • helium;
  • water based;
  • cream;
  • napkins.

Before buying household chemicals, make sure that it is designed to clean the products from Melchior.

Clean Melchior folk remedies

It is easiest to clean the Melchior from black at home by folk and infirred means. This is effective, economically and definitely not hurt the surface of the alloy. In the table we presented the most popular methods for cleaning the dishes from this metal.



Baking soda

The most popular way to quickly and qualitatively clean the Melchive utensils from dark spots and blaracing is the use of food soda. To do this, it is necessary to divorce in one liter of warm water about two tablespoons of food soda, after which the fluid needs to stir well. Then pre-washed spoons, forks and knives from Melchior need to be placed in the resulting solution for 6-8 minutes. After the procedure, kitchen utensils must be solid in clean water. The hostess use such a method as prevention, which makes it possible to maintain Melchior in perfect condition. If the soda solution did not help, soda the problem areas with a cashis from soda (mix a little warm water and powder).


If you want to return the spoons and forks from this alloy the former shine, it is quite well to wipe their cotton swab, moistened in alcohol or vodka. If the contamination is too persistent, you can soak dishes from the alloy in alcohol solution. After such a procedure, be sure to rinse the Melchior in the soap solution, and then slide several times in warm water.

Table vinegar

If you do not contain cutlery from the melchior correctly, the alloy darkens from dampness, and the need to clean the metal appears. To fix such a omission, you can use a table vinegar. To do this, we need to dilute about half a tablespoon of fluid in warm water, and then graze the kitchen utensil from the Melchior with the resulting solution. Do not forget to rinse the cutlery after well and subsequently contain them at home correctly.

With the help of chalk spoons, forks, cup holders and other utensils from Melchior can be polished to shine and original color. Recipes using challa two. First option. In a deep saucepan, we pour one liter of warm water, add 50 grams of grated in a small grater. economic Soap And as many crushed chalk. Next, it is necessary to properly stir ingredients, and then graze the resulting solution that requires cleaning objects from Melchior. Second option. We fill in a glass of warm water into the saucepan, add a teaspoon of chalk and twice the variest alcohol. By stirring the ingredient, polishing the liquid cutlery. In both options, the Melchior is subsequently needed to slip and wipe dry.


If Melchior has an old and very rich dark bloom or resistant black spots, then you should resort to more serious cleaning methods. To do this, break a couple chicken YaitzIn order to get the shell. Pour water into the pan, add shell into it, then bring fluid to boiling. We place items from the darmeted melchior in a boiling liquid, and in time we turn off the gas. After kitchen utensils, you need to slip under the running cold water And wipe dry.


Potato starch can also effectively deal with dark lapse On Melchior and at the same time does not damage the structure of the material. By analogy with the previous way, you need to weld potatoes, put the cutlery in the boiling decoction and give them time to stand. Then kitchen utensils need to rinse in cold water And wipe.

This method is considered the most efficient and best contributes to the restoration of a darkened or blackened Melchior. For the procedure, we need a saucepan of aluminum, on the bottom of which you need to lay out a piece of foil. We lay out cutlery from the melchior on top and pour them with water, add soda to liquid. We bring the fluid to a boil and observe a unique chemical reaction: under the action of high temperature and soda, the Melhior will be brightened, while the foil, on the contrary, will darken. If the effect was insufficient, repeat the procedure with a new foil piece. Note! If your Melchior Cutlery is gold-plated, silver plated or patterns, this method is categorically impossible!

Try to prevent strong pollution and mammage of the Melchior, otherwise it will be easier to get rid of items from this alloy, rather than clear household chemicals or folk remedies at home.

To prevent the appearance of persistent contaminants, as well as damage cutlery from Melchior, take the following useful advice Care and content kitchen utensils From this metal:

  • high humidity - the most frequent cause The formation of black and dark spots on Melchior, which is why cutlery must be kept correctly and dryly wipe after each process of cleaning or washing;
  • toothpaste or powder will also help cope with minor contaminants on the Melchioric surface, but it is worth resorting to such a medium in extreme cases;
  • if you want to keep the plugs and spoons from the Melchior in a priority form, after each cleaning, wrap the items in several layers of the food film, which will ensure full-fledged moisture protection;
  • for cleaning Melchior, you can use the same special jewelry compositions as for cleaning silver;
  • you can wash cutlery from Melchior, both hands and a dishwasher.

These tips should be enough to prevent strong pollution, darkening or blaracing of Melchior.

Cutlery from Melchior, as well as silver, exist in almost every home. So I, engaged in the guidance of order in parent cabinets, stumbled upon a small box with tea spoons from Melchior with gold-plated spraying. But having launched without the need of thirty years, the appearance of them acquired very deplorable.

In search of information about how to clean Melchior spoons, I revised a lot of different sites and found a lot pretty simple ways Elimination of this terrible plaque on spoons. In practice, I decided to try as an experiment several options for cleaning by simple domestic funds.

To begin with, I tried to simply wash the spoons, using the usual detergent for dishes, but it, of course, did not make any effect on the fall.

So we will experiment.
1 way. The bottom of the stainless (or enameled) tank is stagged with foil and put the spoon. I smell 60 g. calcinated Soda And 40 g. Salt.

Flip hot waterso that the items were completely covered. We put the container on the stove and boil 15 minutes on a small fire (so that the signs of boiling are barely noticeable). Spoons right in their eyes begin to brighten.

We rinse them with clean water, in order to eliminate traces of soda and salt, and wipe with a soft napkin. From black spots there is no trace.

2 way. We applied a little toothpaste on your cotton disk (you can use and powder) and rub the melchive spoon, of course, the accompanying effort. And the spoons spoke again with their pristine glitter. This is the effect!

3 way. In the saucepan, we pour a liter of water, put on fire, throw the crushed shell from two eggs (raw) and 30 g. Salts.

As soon as the water boils, put spoons from the melchior in it, we boil literally two minutes, and ... all the efforts were in vain. Spoons did not change nicknamed.

4 The method is intended specifically for Melchior with gilding. We wat the cloves with apple vinegar (you can use another egg protein, turpentine or wine vinegar) and comprehensively rub the spoon. Alas! Again no positive results. I even tried to withstand a spoon in a pure vinegar solution, but unsuccessfully.

5 way. In a small grater, we rub the purified potato tube and immerse the melchior spoons in the mouth.

Perhaps this cleaning method is the safest, because it is not necessary to rub or boil, and even more so to use chemicals. Only natural natural component. True, it is also not observed from it. The whole black remained in place.

Here are 5 ways to clean the melchior cutlery, tested by me. Most I liked the option using toothpaste. It was for them that I cleaned all the spoons who took part (unsuccessful) in other experiments. Pasta instantly removes all black.

But this is not all ways to clean the melchior objects. The rest is only Casual, suddenly someone will be useful.

To clean the spoons from the Melchior with small contaminants in the form of divorces and darkens, you can also use such available tools, as:
Summer alcohol, if you breed it in warm water and simply wash the instruments with this solution, then slip in clean water and wipe dry;
Mel, if it is missed to the state of flour and, sprinkling on suede cloth, wipe it objects;
Vodka or alcohol, if you lose the melchior appliances with a soft napkin moistened;
The water remaining after cooking eggs or potatoes - you just need to wash it with it objects or soak overnight;
special meansused to clean jewelry.

Now that in no case cannot be done when trying to clear the melchior objects. So, it is impossible to use any means containing chlorine - it does not affect the Melchior;
Apply abrasive substances and rub products from Melchior with rude rigid sponges - this will lead to a violation of the integrity of the coating;
Similar items to wash in the dishwasher.

And in conclusion, a few words about how to "contain" correctly and store items from Melchior to subsequently have to make efforts to restore their former sparkling species. To do this, only follow several rules:
Store cutlery from Melchior is preferably separate from all others in some box;
After using the instruments, it is immediately necessary with the detergent tool to wash them, then dip in the soda solution;
Any method of washing or cleaning melchior objects must be completed with a soft napkin drying;
After the completion of the washing procedure, the perfectly dry plugs, spoons, knives from the melchior, must first be wrapped in paper (wrapper absorbed excess moisture), then wrap the food film (in order to exclude air penetration), and for funny reliability it is still in foil.

For proper treatment With objects from Melchior, efforts will not need to bring them into the proper form. All in our hands.

Purchase Melchior Cutlery good quality by optimal prices from a verified seller

Cutlery from Melchior looks attractive and noble. They will decorate festive table And become indispensable in the kitchen on ordinary days. Spoons and forks of sets made of metal alloy have an original drawing. At all positive qualities Products, there is a problem that complicates the use of Melchiorovoy dishes. It darkens hot water and changes the color from contact with some substances. Any problems require solutions. There are several ways explaining how to clean Melchior.

Advantages of devices from Melchior

  • Durability;
  • Low price;
  • Exquisite appearance;
  • Strength.

Read in this article:

Causes of color change

Melchior is alloy noble metals: copper, zinc, nickel, silver. It has the property of manifestation on the surface of dark oxides from water and food residues. With microscopic examination, such darkens are the oxides in the recesses.

The purpose of cleaning objects is to remove oxidation from the surface of the melchior product.

A number of factors affect the quality of the metal alloy. These include:

  • Elevated moisture level;
  • Wrong storage conditions;
  • Wrong selection of product care products.

Options for cleaning Melchior

Chemical production offers to buy various compositions for Melchior care. Clean the Melchior spoons and forks will help gels, napkins, as well as liquid detergents. Suitable for cleaning metal sanitary cream and powder. In jewelry stores, you can purchase special napkins.

Home Cleaning Methods

There are several tips that will explain how to clean Melchior spoons at home.

  1. Tooth powder or pasta. Powder is poured on a cloth or napkin or extruded paste. The tableware is wiping to the disappearance of metal darkening.
  2. A piece of chalk. To clean the chalk first appears to the powder, then rubs on with the brush in the dishes. Gradually, she will acquire perfect condition. The chalk will help if you need to polish the surface of the instruments or objects from Melchior.
  3. Baking soda. Two soda cleaning methods: You can simply graze the surface of soda, diluted in water to a porridge state, or boil in soda solution.
  4. Eggshell. Shell Ot raw Yaitz crushed. Then it is placed in boiling water, add salt there. Melchioric tableware is boiling and gradually acquires shine and nice color.
  5. Foil. Soda is poured into the food foil, the dishes turn into foil and placed in boiling water. The foil begins to darken during boiling, and the dishes brighten, becomes clean and beautiful.
  6. Sodium thiosulfate. The substance is in the assortment of pharmaceutical kiosks. Its cost is insignificant. Sodium packaging is enough for cleaning dishes for several years. The process is simple and clear: the napkin is taken, which is wetted in the chemical solution, then the dishes are wiped and washed with clean cool water.
  7. Ammonia. A few drops of alcohol are added to the water, products from Melchior are placed there. Dirt from the surfaces disappears.
  8. Alcohol. Replacing alcohol with vodka. Napkin or waters for washing dishes wetted in alcohol, then cutlery are wiped.
  9. Vinegar. It must be room temperature. For cleaning it is recommended to take a rag of wool. A teaspoon of vinegar is divorced in a glass of water. The woolen cloth is wiped up darkened places.

Clamps and blends for cleansing

Clean the Melchior at home, you can prepare ragners or compositions of several substances.

  1. Chalk and soap. IN hot water Soap is divorced, desirable economic. The powder made of grinding chalk is mixed with soap solution. The composition (the thick, the better cleansing) objects are placed. A dry cloth is wiped and the surface of the cutlery is cleaned. The decoction will help from black and from darkening.
  2. Potato solution. The mixture is prepared in the usual way. It should be liquid mashed potatoes On water. Melchive objects are lowered in it for about 20. The method is soft, therefore recommended for products expensive decorated with gilding or black.
  3. Garlic husk. It is poured with water and boiled. When the broth will be ready, the melchior products are lowered into it. Boil is required to shine and radiance.

Any cleaning ends with washing in clean water and wiping dry. For storage, choose a food film or foil. They will be removed from the compound with oxygen. Quality and Exterior Products depend on the correctness of storage and care

Melchive products replace silver in budget variant. IN soviet time Cutlery from Melchior was produced according to the same models as silver, differing only marking. And, I must say, they look quite adequate and smart. But only if they are well studied.

However, silver also darkens and should also be cleaned periodically. But we'll talk about silver separately, and now we find out how to clean Melchior at home, the cheapest, simple and absolutely available means.

Why Melchior darkest

This alloy of metals is inclined to form dark oxides upon contact with some substances. In order for the dishes or other products from the Melchior to do, immediately after washing, they need to wipe the soft cloth. Each drop of water dried on the surface of the Melchior naturally will leave the dark spot after himself. Cause darkening and unsolved residues food products, delayed in the smallest deepening on the surface.

From here, it is naturally the answer to the question "how to clean Melchior": you need to remove the oxide film from the surface.

Modern means for cleaning Melchior

The chemical industry produces quite a lot of funds to help care for household items made from different metals. There are special compositions intended to clean the darkened Melchior at home. It can be gel, liquid or just soft napkins impregnated with special composition. Some of the finished means are not only cleansing the surface, but also cover it. protective layer, Protecting Melchior from further oxidation.

It is possible to successfully and very effectively clean the melchive utensil powders for cleaning dishes. It is only necessary to choose those tools that do not contain chlorine and have not too pronounced abrasive properties.

But if there is no such means at hand, there is no time or desire to go to the store, you can easily do with simple household methods.

Homemade products cleaning products from Melchior

In former times, to brush the dishes from Melchior, the hostess took a simple tooth powder from the shelter, a rag, and rubbed the cassel from the dental powder of a spoon-fork or other dishes. Now the dental powder is much more difficult than any finished cleaning agent metal products. The substance that is literally antiques can be replaced with a crowd chalk (if you have it and you are not too lazy to turn it into a thin powder).

Another replacement option is toothpaste. Moreover, it is possible not only white, but also gel paste. It is necessary to clean the dishes just like a dental powder: to apply a little paste on a cloth and wipe the dishes from Melchior to the disappearance of dark spots.

But the chalk has a tendency to be clogged into the small deepening of the relief and to form there are not the most beautiful blessed clusters. You will have to stock brushes and patience to brush everything to the perfect state.

You can use for cleaning Melchioric dishes and ordinary cutlery food Soda: either to wipe the soda cashem objects that require cleaning, or boil them in a solution of soda for several minutes.

Do not throw out energies from eggs if you decide to make cleaning cutlery. Shell is suitable only from raw eggs, you will need to rinse it and grind. Then throw it into boiling water with a spoon crash salt, then put there and cutlery. After 10-15 minutes of boiling, darkened spoons and forks will acquire the former radiance and purity.

The most famous is the next answer to the question "How to clean Melchior with households":

  • take a piece of ordinary food foil, approximately 25 × 40 cm, and to shall with a pan or bowls;
  • pour the same 4 tablespoons of food soda
  • lay out melchive dishes;
  • pour boiling water into a bowl so that it is covered with all cleaned appliances.

In solution begins chemical reactionAs a result of which the foil darkens, and Melchior, on the contrary, brightens and returns the cleanliness of the surface. If the darkening is very strong, you can boil a few minutes with cutlery in soda solution with pieces of foil. But this tool should not be used for dishes, on which the gilding is applied or silvering: and gold and silver tears.

It is possible to make a perfectly clean the melchior with a soft rag moistened in sodium thiosulfate solution. This substance is sold on any pharmacy and worth a penny. Buy on the case of one package - and you will have enough for a couple of years to clean the whole Melchioroy utensils.

After any method of cleaning, it is necessary to rinse well with dishes in not too hot water and wipe dry. Do not remove cutlery to storage if they are wet at least to a small degree, otherwise everything will take it again.

It is better not to store the Melchioric dishes where it can get household chemicals, especially containing chlorine.

Well cleanses the surface of the melchior and water with the addition of ammonia alcohol. If you have been settled in the closet ultrasonic device for washing, it's time to get it and use it. Place it into the container with the cleaned objects and turn on the network for 15-20 minutes. All, even the most resistant pollution dissolve.

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