Beautiful lighting in minecraft. How to make automatic lighting in minecraft

Site arrangement 03.07.2020
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Different versions of MineCraft have implemented their own lighting models.

In the Classis and Survival Test versions, sunlight spreads from the edge of the map and hits any block below it. If the blocks are not exposed to sunlight, their brightness is zero. Light passes through any transparent blocks.

Block lighting levels.

The MineCraft Alpha version uses 16 units of light brightness, ranging from 0 for almost complete darkness to 15 for the brightness of the sun. Blocks that emit light also vary in brightness. Torch brightness - 14 units. The light from the torch will decrease by one unit when moving one block away from the source.
A glowing stone or Jack's lantern has a brightness of 15 units, which means that the adjacent block will be illuminated with a brightness of 14 units. But if a narrow corridor of one block is overcome, then these blocks are impassable, unlike a torch. They will have to be placed in a niche.

Sunlight has a maximum brightness of 15 units. At sunset, the brightness decreases by one unit every 10 seconds until nightfall, at which the brightness of the illumination of the moon and stars is 4 units. Sunlight does not lose its brightness as it moves away from the source. Blocks under sunlight will be equally illuminated at any height.

Sources of light

In MineCraft, next to the sun, there are blocks that themselves can emit light, that is, they can illuminate dark areas of locations.

block iconBlock nameConditionLight level
sunlightin clear weather15
sunlightin rain or snow12
sunlightin a thunderstorm10
if hit or stepped on9
Red torchburning7


  • Zombies and skeletons burn in the sunlight.
  • Spiders in sunlight stop new attacks, except for spiders that attacked the player before sunrise or spiders attacking from dark caves, they will only attack if the player started attacking first.
  • Endermen in the light dodge combat even when the player is aggressive.
  • The level of illumination in the game sets some rules for the growth of plants and the appearance and existence of individual mobs.
  • Trees grow only when the illumination is 13 units and above. Flowers and seedlings grow at illumination above 8 units.
  • Sunlight does not melt ice and snow, and any local light source of 12 or more brightness can melt them. Mobs require light less than or equal to 8 to spawn. Neutral mobs require at least light 9 to spawn.
  • The Lower World has its own illumination - dim twilight that does not reach complete darkness.
  • In the Nether, there are two valuable glowing blocks for the player: a hellish stone and a glowing stone.
  • If you set fire to a hellish stone, you get an endless source of light. Glowing stone can be obtained by collecting 4 light dust, its brightness is 15 units. A glowing stone is convenient for lighting under water, because, unlike fire, lava and torches do not go out under water. Jack's lamp is also used for the same purposes.

How to make light in Minecraft? Everything is very simple! To do this, you need lamps, red dust, a repeater, a button, a sticky piston and a block. You don’t have to craft anything extra if you have these materials available. Next, you need to start building installations. Here you can take into account not only practicality, but also design elements. We put several blocks on top of each other, we install torches on the sides of the block.

make light in minecraft

Next, use the redstone and spend it to the installed llamas. It is also necessary to install a button on the blocks, by pressing which you can get artificial lighting. For more information, we recommend that you follow the link how to make light dust in minecraft and watch the video. Artificial lighting is necessary in the game, it allows you to be independent of natural light sources such as the sun and moon. Now you can always turn on the lamps if you need additional lighting, and you do not depend on the time of day in the Minecraft game.

In this informative article, we will analyze a wonderful, even very cool thing that will allow you to add more, much more light to your launcher! You have probably encountered such a problem when the mine is very dimly lit. Not convenient to dig, very dark. Not so long ago, we had a command for premiums that allows you to put an item on a block, but this is not so effective. In this article I will tell you what kind of lighting are.
These screenshots show what kind of lighting on the server is according to the standard with maximum brightness, and in another screenshot the brightness is at the limit, now we will try to do this, as well as in screenshot 1.

Bright lighting with a launcher.

1. You need to go to the root folder of the "Roaming" launcher.

The easy way.

Open launcher "Minecraft Only"

Go to the "Settings" of the launcher.

Select "Open Folder".

Highlighted in blue is the path to your folder on your PC.

That's all, we are in the root folder of our launcher.

The usual way.

To do this, we open "Start" and click "Run":

Then in the line "Run" write "AppData" and click OK:

That's all, we are in the root folder of our launcher.

2. After we have opened the ".minecraftonly" folder, select the server you need and look for the "servers" file. Open it with notepad (RMB on file > Open with... > select notepad).

3. If there is nothing in this file, then open the "options" file, also with a notepad, if you do not have third-party programs installed that open the ".txt" format.

How to make light in Minecraft? Everything is very simple! To do this, you need lamps, red dust, a repeater, a button, a sticky piston and a block. You don’t have to craft anything extra if you have these materials available. Next, you need to start building installations. Here you can take into account not only practicality, but also design elements. We put several blocks on top of each other, we install torches on the sides of the block.

make light in minecraft

Next, use the redstone and spend it to the installed llamas. It is also necessary to install a button on the blocks, by pressing which you can get artificial lighting. For more information, we recommend that you follow the link how to make light dust in minecraft and watch the video. Artificial lighting is necessary in the game, it allows you to be independent of natural light sources such as the sun and moon. Now you can always turn on the lamps if you need additional lighting, and you do not depend on the time of day in the Minecraft game.

The essence of the mechanism is that when night falls, the light turns on in your house. When it starts to get light, the light turns off!

All we need for this mechanism is:

  • Daylight sensor 1 pc.
  • Lamps (Any quantity)
  • Red torch 1 pc.
  • Redstone 8 pcs.

Here I built a simple house:

Then we make holes in the ceiling and insert the lamps there:

Multiplayer version

I recently posted a short guide about new command block features. As I mentioned in it, nothing particularly new has been introduced, but the development of mechanisms is now much easier and faster. Promising to consider examples, I, in general, did not lie. Today we will look at an example of an automatic light control system that I disassembled, which I needed when creating one of my projects. Are you familiar with the lighting system in modern entrances? When the light turns on only when someone moves, after a while it remains on, and when the movement stops after a certain amount of time, it turns off. I guess yes. It is this mechanism that we will try to create using the new features of Minecraft 1.9.

To begin with, it is worth thinking about what statistics we need to implement the proposed task. Let me remind you that we have to track ( a) player movement and ( b) the time after which the lighting stops working. Let's see how we can concisely create the corresponding previously indicated statistics:

Let's proceed to a detailed study of the mechanism. Command blocks should be placed: ( a) in the suggested order, so that the arrow of each previous command block points to the next one; ( b) of the proposed type; ( in) with the proposed variations of modifiers. If you follow the proposed conditions, prepare the place (by placing lapis lazuli blocks at the required depth), and also create the necessary statistics, then everything will work fine.

minecraft:lapis_block 0 /scoreboard players tag @p add AL

We remove the block of red stone (put the air; turn off the lighting). Since this command block in chain mode has a conditional modifier variation, it will only trigger when players have waited one hundred game ticks.

The activity modifier has not been commented separately. With him, everything is clear.

If you try to figure it out, everything will turn out to be very, very simple. Therefore, I am publishing a map with this mechanism, where you can try it out personally, as well as study the commands without my comments.

Basically, that's all. I hope that this diagram will be useful to someone.

How to make light in Minecraft?

Minecraft today is a super popular sandbox computer game that allows you to create your own world. The essence of the game is very simple - earn, look for materials and build, however, absolute freedom in the possibilities of building your own world is a surprisingly attractive fact, and therefore Minecraft, although not intricate, is still very popular for a long time. In the game, you can create not only a resource or a building block, but also a phenomenon.

In this article we will tell you how to create light in Minecraft.

Sources of light

Minecraft has a lot of light sources - sunlight, fire, torch, lava, lighthouse, moonlight, sea lantern, glowing stone, etc. The most popular among all this variety are the torch, Jack's lantern, glowing stone, locked chest and activated lamp, but the torch gives the most light, in addition, it does not require complex materials for manufacturing.

How to make a torch?

For a torch, you only need two ingredients - coal and a stick. How to get these resources? To get coal, you need to burn a block of wood. Coal from one block of wood is enough for four torches. Trees in Minecraft are everywhere, so getting them is easy. In fact, it is also easy to get a stick. When the materials are collected, open the workbench - a special panel that allows you to collect various blocks and objects in the game, select a stick and put coal on top. All! The torch is ready!

The rest of the lamps are made by analogy with the torch, only the materials are needed more rare. So, for example, to make a Jack lantern, you need a torch and a pumpkin, for a glowing stone you need light dust, for a sea lantern you need a prismarine crystal, etc.

Tricks to create light

If there is not a single object at hand that creates light, and lighting is very necessary, you can use the /time set day command in the game console, using this command you can set the day in the game at any time.

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