Do-it-yourself colored mastic for a cake. Recipes for food mastic, mastic for figurines

Decor elements 17.10.2019
Decor elements

Homemade cakes have a special energy: they retain the warmth of the hostess's hands, and it is this cake that will create a special mood for the upcoming holiday. The aerobatics of home gastronomy is not just a deliciously prepared, but also an elegantly decorated dessert. If you want to surprise your guests, then this article is for you: so, how to make mastic for a cake at home.

Mastic for cake is an elastic confectionery mass, which in its qualities is very similar to plasticine. The most complex confectionery decorations can be made from this material, but a beginner cannot work with it at a decent level. Let's try to talk about a few tricks.

The basis of mastic is ordinary powdered sugar. Before making mastic with your own hands, it is very important to sift the powder through a small strainer. It is this stage that will indicate the quality of the future product, because if there are saccharins in the mass, then it will tear when rolled out.

After the mastic is ready, be sure to wrap it in a plastic bag and leave it in the refrigerator for twenty minutes. During this time, the mass will acquire good plasticity. You can store the mastic in the refrigerator for about two weeks, but on condition that it is wrapped in cellophane. If you plan to store it in the freezer, you can count on two months.

Any recipe implies that dyes are added to the sugar dough during the kneading process. If you need mass different colors, then you will first need to knead the uncolored dough, and then separate a piece from it. Do not forget to hide the rest of the mastic in a bag in the refrigerator, otherwise it will dry out. Form a circle from the torn off piece and make a recess in it in the middle. Add a couple of drops of dye there and knead until a uniform color is obtained.

You won’t need any special tools for making mastic: you will almost certainly find it in your kitchen. The mass is simply rolled out with a wooden rolling pin on the table. After covering the dessert or cake, the edges can be trimmed with a round pizza cutter. And you can make some figures to decorate the product using ordinary cookie cutters. If you plan to decorate the cake with flowers, you can use spoons. Fill the indentation of the spoon with a piece of rolled fondant and carefully gather the rest around the edges.

When making mastic is for you business as usual, several special tools are possible. For example, a smooth plastic rolling pin for rolling out the mass, as well as silicone mats with markings. On large rugs, it is very convenient to roll out a close-fitting for cakes, and on small ones - elements of figures. Also, cuttings for flowers, butterflies and leaves, as well as stacks for modeling will help in the work.

On a note! In any step-by-step recipe, it will be indicated that the base should never be wet. After the cake is covered with cream, it must be placed in the refrigerator and wait until completely solidified. If the mastic comes into contact with something wet, it will immediately melt. The decor is generally desirable to do in advance so that it has time to dry well. If the decorations are hidden in a plastic container, they can be stored for several months.

Honey mastic

Honey mass will turn out softer than sugar. She will not crumble and crumble, respectively, it will be a pleasure to cover the cake with her. It is ideal for creating small jewelry. The only disadvantage of honey mastic is a higher cost due to the fact that cheap sugar is replaced by more expensive honey.

You will need:

  • nine hundred grams of powdered sugar;
  • one hundred and eighty grams of honey;
  • forty-five milliliters of water;
  • fifteen grams of gelatin.

Let's start cooking:

First, soak the gelatin in water for about thirty minutes. Then mix gelatin with the indicated amount of honey and heat the resulting mixture in a water bath. One glass of powder should be set aside, and the remaining powder should be poured into a mixture with honey. Knead the sugar dough and slowly introduce the powder that remains. Ready! If you press on the resulting mastic, then a depression from the finger will remain on it.

sugar mastic

The most versatile and simple mastic recipe. Sugar is great for sculpting flowers and figurines.

You will need:

  • five hundred grams of powdered sugar;
  • sixty milliliters of water;
  • one teaspoon of gelatin;
  • one teaspoon lemon juice;
  • vanillin.

Let's start cooking:

As in the previous recipe, soak the gelatin for thirty minutes, after which we heat it in a water bath. In the heated gelatin, add the above amount of lemon juice and gradually introduce powdered sugar. Knead the mass until the dough becomes elastic. Do not allow the mass to be very hard. In this case, it will simply crumble during operation. Powdered sugar mastic is ready!

Milk mastic recipe

How to make sugar mastic, you already know. Once you master this recipe, you can try making mastic with milk. Note that powdered milk is used, which can be quite successfully replaced with infant formula or cream powder.

You will need:

  • milk powder (one hundred and sixty grams);
  • powdered sugar (one hundred and sixty grams);
  • condensed milk (one hundred and seventy grams);
  • one teaspoon of lemon juice.

Making mastic on powdered milk will not take you much time. We take a deep bowl and mix the powder and powdered milk in it. In the resulting mixture, you need to add one teaspoon of lemon juice and condensed milk. Knead the dough until it becomes plastic. That's all, the mastic is ready!

Chocolate mastic recipe with photo

Mastic for covering the cake is made from completely different chocolate: white, milk or bitter. There are many cooking options, here is one of them:

  1. We take one hundred grams of dark chocolate and melt it in microwave oven.
  2. Add one tablespoon of honey to the melted chocolate and mix well. Checking the readiness of chocolate mastic is simple: tear off a small piece of dough, roll a ball out of it and flatten it with your fingers. If the mass is ready, then its edges should not tear.

To make chocolate mastic according to another recipe, you will need:

  • one hundred grams of dark chocolate;
  • forty milliliters of cream (30%);
  • ninety grams of marshmallows;
  • two tablespoons of powdered sugar;
  • two tablespoons of cognac;
  • one tablespoon of butter.

Let's start cooking:

Melt the specified amount of chocolate in a water bath. Without removing it from the stove, add marshmallows to the chocolate, do not stop stirring constantly. As soon as the marshmallow is half dissolved, you can add cream, cognac and butter. Mix everything well until the future mastic becomes homogeneous in consistency. Remove from heat and slowly add powdered sugar. Knead until the mass turns into an elastic dough. Shiny mastic is ready!

Marshmallow mastic recipe

Marshmallow marshmallow mastic recipes are very popular. We recommend buying marshmallow sweets of the same tone, or divide them by color before cooking.

You will need:

  • marshmallow marshmallows (two hundred grams);
  • powdered sugar (five hundred grams);
  • one teaspoon of butter.

Let's start cooking:

Put one teaspoon of butter and marshmallows in a bowl and heat in the microwave for a few seconds. We need the marshmallows to start melting. Stir the mixture with a spoon until you get a homogeneous mass. Powdered sugar is introduced into the future mastic gradually. Determining readiness is simple: the mass will resemble plasticine.

Gelatin mastic

This type is simply indispensable when you need to make durable details for decorating a cake. However, she has one drawback: it is impossible to eat such mastic, since it turns out to be very hard. Nevertheless, gelatin mastic dries well and retains its shape, which means it should be used exclusively for decorative purposes.

You will need:

  • two hundred and forty grams of powdered sugar;
  • one hundred and twenty grams of starch;
  • one tablespoon of gelatin with a slide;
  • sixty milliliters of cold water;
  • one teaspoon citric acid;
  • two teaspoons of honey (it is better to use artificial honey).

Let's start cooking:

Gelatin is traditionally poured with water for thirty minutes, after which it must be melted in a water bath. In the melted gelatin, add the above amount of citric acid and honey. In a separate container, mix the powdered sugar and starch, then slowly introduce them into the gelatin mixture. You should get a mass with a smooth, uniform consistency.

Next, line the bottom of the bowl with food. film and pour mastic there. We wrap it with a film and put it in the refrigerator until the mass stops blurring and thickens. Before using such a mastic, knead it well. If it is not moldable because it is too cold, put it in the microwave for a couple of seconds.

Mastic from condensed milk

This type of mastic is used by professional confectioners quite often. The mastic based on condensed milk has a very soft and oily structure, which makes it very convenient for it to fit even the largest cakes. In addition, this mastic is very tasty.

You will need:

  • two hundred grams of condensed milk: one hundred and sixty grams of powdered sugar;
  • one hundred and sixty grams of powdered milk;
  • two teaspoons of lemon juice;
  • one teaspoon brandy.

Let's start cooking:

We mix milk powder and powdered sugar, slowly pour condensed milk into the resulting mass. Add one teaspoon of cognac and lemon juice, mix well. Keep in mind, condensed milk-based mastic will not be snow-white: it will have a characteristic yellowish tint.

How to make mastic shiny or colored

Even though it's on sale today huge amount artificial food colors, we still recommend using natural ones (vegetable or fruit). Let them not always give such a rich color as we would like, but for a tasty homemade cake this is the best option and right choice hostess who cares about the health of her loved ones.

Vegetable dyes are obtained simply: if you use berries, then grind them well with a blender. If you use vegetables as a dye, then it is better to rub them on a fine grater, and squeeze the juice through gauze.

So, what colors can be obtained from herbal ingredients:

  • red color and all its shades (juice of strawberries, cranberries, red currants, raspberries). You can also use red wine;
  • saturated pink color achieved through the use of beets;
  • if you need to achieve yellow color then use lemon zest or saffron infusion;
  • green color achieved through the use of spinach;
  • to make the mastic orange, use carrot juice or orange zest;
  • you can get purple or blue dye from blueberries, grape juice, and also from red cabbage;
  • achieve Brown color obtained by adding cocoa powder, strong coffee or sugar burnt in a pan.

As for purchased food colors, there are several types of these products:

  • dry powdered dyes. Before adding such a dye to the mastic, you need to dilute it in water. As a rule, for one tablespoon with water, you need to take the dye on the tip of a knife.
  • liquid. Such dyes are added to the mastic instead of water.
  • concentrated and thicker gel dyes. Economical option, very saturated colors.

Achieving glossy mastic is not as difficult as it might seem. To do this, in one tablespoon of vodka you need to dissolve one tablespoon of honey. This mixture is applied to the mastic with a soft brush at the end of the cake. Vodka will not leave any smell and taste - it will simply evaporate. And you will get amazing beautiful cake with a nice glossy sheen.

Watch the video recipe for inspiration:

Do you know any simple mastic recipe for beginners? If yes, then share with our users in the comments below the article.

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sugar mastic for a cake - a thick plastic cream, from which it is easy to make different figures to decorate baking. It has a pleasant taste and has a long shelf life. In this article, we have collected the most popular mastic recipes - they will be useful to those who always cook cakes at home: all instructions are illustrated with photographs and step by step recommendations so you're sure to succeed!

Making a classic sugar mastic for a cake is not difficult - it is within the power of any non-professional who wants to cook desserts at home.

We prepare a mass of the following products:

  • Powdered sugar - 455 grams.
  • Food glycerin - 2 teaspoons.
  • Gelatin - 1.5 teaspoons.
  • Invert syrup - 1.5 tablespoons.
  • Water - 2 tablespoons.

Go to step by step instructions with photos. First, gelatin is slightly heated in warm water. Then the container is placed on a steam bath, where it is held for 1-2 minutes. The main thing is not to let the gelatin boil, otherwise it will lose its gluing properties. Syrup is introduced into hot gelatin.

Next step: sift the powdered sugar before using. This will protect against lumps that can ruin appearance.

After the powder has been carefully sifted, it must be introduced into the gelatin mass, then everything is mixed with your hands. The resulting base can be used immediately (roll it correctly with a rolling pin, and then apply it on a cake or make figures), or you can leave it for the future. If properly packed and stored at home in the refrigerator, the product has a shelf life of up to 2 weeks.

If you have mastered classic recipe, then you can make an unusual mastic for a cake, for example, you can make milk, pastilla, custard and chocolate options with your own hands.

Milk variant

For this option, the following ingredients are used:

  • Powdered milk mixture - 150 grams.
  • Powdered sugar - 150 grams.
  • Condensed milk - 150 grams.
  • Lemon juice - 2-3 tablespoons.

Sift milk powder and powdered sugar well. Then condensed milk is gradually added to this mixture, adding lemon juice. Now knead the mass with your hands until it becomes elastic. So that it does not stick to your hands, you need to constantly sprinkle the table with powdered sugar or starch. Ready mastic for condensed milk cake is stored in a container or roll it into a ball, wrap it with cling film and put it in the refrigerator. Within 2 weeks, the mass can be removed and used to decorate pastries.


Such sugar mastic dries quickly and is easy to manufacture. small parts(for example, it is easy to make a bow, mastic ruffles or edible flower petals from it). Figures from this mass are durable and can be stored for a long time in a dry room.

For home cooking you will need:

  • 0.5 kg of powdered sugar.
  • 50 grams of starch.
  • 6 grams of gelatin.
  • 50 grams of water for wetting.
  • A couple of drops of lemon juice and a little honey.

Cooking mastic takes about 20-30 minutes. First, gelatin is soaked in water with the addition of lemon juice and honey. After everything swells, it is necessary to heat the mixture until completely dissolved, and then allow to cool. Starch is mixed with powdered sugar, the dissolved mass of gelatin is also added there. Everything is whipped with a mixer. If the mass is too thick, then kneading is best done on your own, with your own hands.

Chocolate marshmallow yummy

Mastic for a marshmallow and chocolate cake is convenient because it keeps its shape well, does not flow, does not crumble after the figures dry. And it's also very tasty.

The basis is made from the following products:

  • Chocolate - 100 grams.
  • Small marshmallow marshmallows - 90 grams.
  • Cream - 30 ml.
  • Butter - 1 tablespoon.
  • Powdered sugar - 120 grams.
  • Cognac - 1-2 tablespoons.

Cooking mastic mass takes about half an hour. First, carefully dissolve the pieces of sweet chocolate over low heat (the composition does not matter, but milk chocolate will be tastier). We interfere with it, not allowing it to burn to the bottom of the dish. Without removing from heat, add marshmallows. Cook until completely dissolved. As soon as the marshmallows dissolve, pour the cream, brandy into the pan and add the butter. Everything is cooked until a thick smooth mass is obtained. Remove from heat and stir in the sifted icing sugar into the hot mixture. We interfere until the mass acquires the consistency of an elastic soft dough suitable for rolling and creating the desired shapes.

Custard variant

This delicious mastic is made from the following ingredients:

  • Water - a third of a glass.
  • Butter - 50 grams.
  • Flour - 100 grams.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Cocoa (optional) - 2-3 teaspoons.
  • Powdered sugar - 300 grams.

Water is heated in a saucepan with oil and a pinch of salt. As soon as the butter is melted, and the water just starts to boil, all the flour is poured. If you want to achieve chocolate flavor then cocoa is added along with the flour. After the first bubbles, the saucepan is immediately removed from the heat and powdered sugar is mixed into the mixture. Everything - the basis for decorating cakes is ready. You can roll it out and apply it on the surface of the cake or make a butterfly, sails or other shapes from the rolled out base.

Important Rules

There are some rules and secrets that will help in the production and decoration of your baked goods:

  • When preparing a cake for mastic, remember that only dense pastries are suitable, the fragile texture will not withstand the decor and will crumble and sag.
  • The main ingredient is the base of powdered sugar - without it, it will not work to make mastic for the cake. It can be made at home by simply grinding and sifting granulated sugar, or you can buy ready-made powder in the store.
  • In order for the figures to retain their shape, professionals in their master classes recommend adding starch, honey, a protein mixture, gelatin, marshmallows or condensed milk - these products help to achieve mass strength and prevent spillage. To glue several figures together, you can use egg white with no large quantity powdered sugar.
  • The coating for covering the cake cannot be applied on a wet base - on soaked cakes, on sour cream, etc. The mastic mass quickly dissolves from moisture and loses its thick consistency. It is best to prepare the ganache for the cake and place it in front of the fondant (this will protect the decorations from water). A layer of marzipan is also suitable.
  • If you cover the entire surface of the cake with a mastic layer, then do it with your hands sprinkled with starch. What definitely cannot be done is to pull the edges strongly - the mass can tear. We also recommend rolling out the cake thinner (3-5 mm) - too thick a base will not lie flat and will look ugly.

If you want to make colored mastic (for example, to get white, red, brown or black mastic), then it is allowed to decorate ready-made figures with food paints diluted with vodka, cognac or liquor. To make the surface on the cake shine, cover everything on top with a thin layer of honey and vodka (mixed in a 1: 1 ratio).

So, we have listed the main recipes and talked about the subtleties with which even non-professional cooks can make sugar mastic to cover the cake. Finally, we recommend watching these video tutorials, which clearly show everything that we talked about in the article:

Today you can order a cake decorated with mastic in many pastry shops, but such a cake will cost an order of magnitude more expensive than a traditional one. In addition, many of us prefer baking. And here many housewives ask themselves: “ “I will try to answer this question today.

First you need to know that there are several types of mastic for homemade cakes. I will talk about the most common and affordable. Knowing the features and uses of each of them, you can easily make mastic to decorate your own at home.

Milk mastic prepared on the basis of condensed milk, powdered sugar and milk powder. Mastic allows you to create complex decorative compositions. The main thing is a little practice

Milk mastic

Would need:

  • 1 glass of powdered milk
  • 1 cup powdered sugar (keep 1 cup of powdered sugar in reserve)
  • 150 g condensed milk
  • 1 tsp lemon juice

1. Sift the powder, discarding all unsifted lumps (when kneading the mastic, they will not dissolve, and the mastic will turn out with grains).

2. Mix a glass of powder with a glass of powdered milk, pour condensed milk and lemon juice into the mixture and knead the mastic dough.

Sprinkle with powdered sugar if necessary. The mastic for covering the cake should be homogeneous and elastic, should not stick to your hands.

3. Give the finished mastic a little “rest” in the refrigerator and you can decorate the cake!

This type of mastic is perfect for covering cakes, because. mastic has a pleasant milky taste.

However it's important to know that the mastic will never turn out snow-white, but will have a creamy tint. If you want to make fondant for the cake in rich bright colors, then use food coloring. Coloring mastic with natural juices (beets or spinach) will be problematic, because. they will greatly "thinn" it.

Photo: A. Sukhoveeva, personal archive

Mastic for cake based on marshmallows (marmyshkovy)

Would need:

  • 100 g marshmallows (Bon Pari, Tuchki-Tyanuchki, etc.)
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice
  • 100 g sifted powdered sugar

1. Put marshmallows in a large container, sprinkle with lemon juice and heat in the microwave until doubled in size. It takes me less than one minute. During the heating process, you can mix the marshmallows once or twice.

2. When the marshmallow is warmed up, it must be thoroughly kneaded and kneaded with a spatula (the mass will look like chewing gum).

3. Gradually add powdered sugar and knead the mass like dough. Keep in mind that while the mass is hot, it is able to take in more powdered sugar than necessary.

Do not rush to add powder more than the specified weight, let the mastic “rest” a little and cool down (ideally, an hour or two). You can add powder, if necessary, to the already prepared cold mass, but remove it if you knead too much - no longer.
Photo: A. Sukhoveeva, personal archive

The indisputable advantages of this type of mastic include the fact that this mastic is suitable for covering cakes, and for sculpting figures: added a little butter (1 tbsp) and a little less powdered sugar during the kneading process - you get a soft and pliable mass for coating. Without oil and with a lot of powder - dense, tight mastic for modeling.

Another advantage of this mastic is that you can get a perfectly white color using white marshmallows or a colored mass using multi-colored marshmallows. A great option for those who do not have a set of food coloring in their kitchen arsenal. Mastic has a pleasant sweet taste and aroma of airy marshmallows (vanilla, strawberry, lemon - depending on which flavor was added to the "marshmallows").
Chocolate mastic - who doesn't love chocolate!
Photo: A. Sukhoveeva, personal archive

Chocolate mastic for cake (shokomastic)

Would need:

  • 100 g marshmallow
  • 100 g chocolate
  • 1 tbsp butter
  • 2 tbsp heavy cream
  • 200 g powdered sugar

1. First, melt the chocolate (in a water bath or in the microwave), add marshmallows and mix.

2. Heat until marshmallows increase in volume and stir well. You should get a homogeneous viscous mass.

3. Pour warm cream into this mass and add butter. Mix well, until completely homogeneous.

4. Now gradually add the sifted powder and knead like a dough. The finished mastic is soft and pliable, but no longer sticky to the hands. Wrap it in cling film and let it rest.

Such mastic can be covered and sculpted from it figures. Remember that for sculpting the mass should be denser than for covering (the density is adjusted by adding powdered sugar and / or a small amount of starch).

Chocolate mastic has a pronounced taste and aroma of chocolate and can be brown or creamy in color, depending on which chocolate you used. If desired, this mastic can also be tinted with food coloring, but only if you decide to make a mastic based on white chocolate. It is best to add dye at the stage of kneading the "dough".
Photo: A. Sukhoveeva, personal archive

Mastic on gelatin

Would need:

  • 1 tsp gelatin
  • 40-50 g cold water
  • 0.5 tsp lemon juice
  • powdered sugar
  • dye - optional.

1. Soak gelatin in water until plump (according to package instructions, this may take 10 minutes to 1 hour).

2. When the gelatin swells, heat it until it dissolves, but in no case boil it - this will cause the gelatin to lose its properties!

3. Add lemon juice and, if desired, coloring to the warm gelatin solution.

4. Now stir in the sifted icing sugar. I can’t say exactly how much powder is needed (about 100 g). Look at the mass - it should be soft, plastic and not sticky to your hands. Try to stretch the mastic - it should stretch well. At this stage, it is no longer necessary to add powder (if you overdo it, the mastic will quickly become “oak”).

5. Wrap the mastic in a film and, according to tradition, remove the “rest” for a couple of hours.
Photo: A. Sukhoveeva, personal archive

From gelatin paste makes great figurines., because it dries fairly quickly. But for the same reason, it will not succeed in wrapping the cake.

The taste of gelatin mastic is neutral (just sweet), because, in fact, it contains nothing but sugar.

I tried to talk about the most common types of mastic, which can be easily made at home from the available ingredients. Of course, in order to make high-quality mastic at home, some experience and skill are required. But believe me, it’s enough to try each type of mastic once or twice, and you will certainly find your own, which will get better and better every time!

Before you figure out how to make mastic for a cake, you need to remember what it is all about. Mastic is used to decorate cakes, different figures are made from it. The composition of the mastic for the cake necessarily includes powdered sugar, and depending on the recipe, other ingredients are added. So there is a recipe for making mastic for a cake with gelatin, with milk, and even with marshmallows. Interested in how to make cake fondant with these ingredients? Now we'll tell you.

How to make milk mastic for a cake?

We make milk mastic for the cake from condensed milk, add cognac if desired. Figures molded from milk mastic will be soft and edible.


  • dry milk - 160 g;
  • condensed milk - 200 g;
  • powdered sugar - 160 g;
  • lemon juice - 2 teaspoons;
  • cognac - 1 teaspoon;
  • food colorings.


Sift the powdered sugar and milk powder and pour it on the table. Slowly pour the condensed milk into the middle, kneading the mastic. Knead it until the mastic becomes homogeneous and elastic. If the mastic sticks to your hands, add a little more powdered sugar. If the mastic began to crumble, then add a little lemon juice to the mass. If desired, the mastic can be tinted with food coloring. To do this, add a few drops of food coloring to the desired volume of mastic. It is better to use the finished mastic immediately, but if there is a need to use it the next day, then wrap it in polyethylene and put it in the refrigerator.

How to make gelatin cake mastic?

Gelatin mastic turns out to be tough, it will be problematic to eat it, but the figures will turn out to be very clear.


  • water - 55 ml;
  • gelatin - 10 g;
  • powdered sugar - 600 g;
  • lemon juice - 2 teaspoons;
  • food colorings.


Soak gelatin in cold water to swell. After we put it on the stove so that the gelatin dissolves. We do not allow boiling, otherwise the mastic will not work - gelatin will lose its properties, burn and acquire bad smell. Sift the powdered sugar and pour it on the table in a slide, if the portion of the mastic is large, then it is better to knead in a bowl. We make a recess in the middle of the slide and pour the gelatin into it. Knead the mastic and add lemon juice if it crumbles or powdered sugar if the mastic is sticky. Having painted in different colors with the help of food coloring, we cover the cake with mastic or wrap it in polyethylene and put it in the refrigerator.

How to prepare mastic for marshmallow cake?


  • powdered sugar - 350 g;
  • marshmallow - 170 g;
  • dry cream - 80 g;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife.


If you want to get colored mastic, then you can take multi-colored marshmallows and make mastic alternately with marshmallows of each color. Although you can tint the finished mastic with food coloring.

We chop the marshmallow and heat it in the microwave for 30 seconds (you can do it in a water bath, but it will take longer). Warmed marshmallows knead with a spoon. Mix dry cream, powdered sugar and vanilla. Pour this mixture in small parts to the mashed marshmallows and knead the mastic. Pour the mixture until the mastic becomes elastic and stops sticking to your hands.

How to prepare mastic for a cake is now clear, it remains to figure out how to cover this same cake with mastic.

  1. First you need to roll out the mastic. To do this, sprinkle the table with corn flour or powdered sugar. We roll out the mastic with a rolling pin, sprinkling powder on the table so that the mastic does not stick.
  2. How much fondant is needed for a cake? We take into account that the mastic will cover not only the top of the cake, but also its sides. Make a circle of mastic a little more than necessary - then you can cut off too much. For example, for a cake 6 cm high and 25 cm in diameter, you need a mastic cake with a diameter of about 40 cm.
  3. Gently press the mastic to the surface of the cake with your palms, trying not to touch it with your fingers - prints will remain. Mastic cannot be applied to freshly impregnated cakes - it will melt. There should be some layer between water and mastic, dry cake or butter cream.
  4. Cut off the excess mastic with a knife.

Enough big number housewives know how to bake delicious pastries and cakes. Often they have them noticeably tastier than purchased cakes, but very often inferior to them in beauty and originality of design. Soft cream, which they usually use, only allows you to cover the dessert, but will not allow you to make any complex decorations. A cream with a syringe allows you to make an inscription or a wedding, but it can float from the heat, and is not as reliable as one made from mastic.

When an ordinary woman sees two-tiered cakes with flowers, hearts or mastic figurines, it seems to her that such beauty can never be repeated at home. But it's not. In order to create such a miracle herself, she needs mastic for the cake at home, step by step recipe with a photo for the first time and a little determination.

  • Mastic is an edible sweet and plastic paste that is used to decorate baked goods. It is quite possible to cook it at home, just like the cream for the cake, by choosing the right recipe.
  • For beginner cooks, it is better to take not just a recipe, but detailed wizard a class with a photo and instructions on how to decorate a cake with mastic, since there are still certain subtleties in this matter. It won't take you a year to learn how to make cake decorations exactly the way you want them - a tank for a boy's birthday, for example, or a doll for a girl.

The choice of mastic depends on the purpose of its use - to cover the cake, to make decorations in the form, for example, of mastic figurines.

  • One of the most popular sugar mastic, which craftswomen take to cover pastries. Its recipe is quite simple. You can also make simple curly ornaments out of it.
  • The next type of mastic is floral, which is suitable for more subtle decoration. This type of mastic rolls out quite easily, which makes it possible to cover the cake with it.
  • If the cake recipe involves more complex decorations that require long sculpting, then Mexican pasta is usually chosen, which, due to the lower thickener content, allows the cook to work with mastic longer.

When you decide on the design of the cake, you choose between white and colored mastic. White color it is stylish, but, for example, in a cake for a boy it is not very suitable. Colored mastics come to the rescue.

The recipe is simple: white mastic is being prepared, then it is divided into pieces and the desired food coloring is added to each of them. Keep in mind that it is better to let the resulting cream be a little paler than you would like than if an excess of dye causes the mass to tear and become unusable.

Mastic at home, if it is properly stored in the freezer, can be used not for a year, of course, but from two to four months for sure.

How to make mastic for a cake, consider in detail, taking specific recipe, and now a few general rules.

Powdered sugar, which is used for mastic, must be finely ground, otherwise the paste will tear.

During sculpting or when rolling, in order to cover the cake, it must sometimes be put in the refrigerator. This will protect the mastic from thawing and stickiness.

On the basis of the cake, so that it is not wet at the moment when we work with mastic, we apply oil cream in advance and put it in the refrigerator. The cream must harden well, otherwise the mastic may dissolve.

Mastic figures and other moldings are made in advance, one to two weeks before, because they must have time to dry well. Store them until use after drying in a tightly closed container.


The mastic recipe, with rare exceptions, includes powdered sugar. Before using it in cooking, the powder should be sieved through a sieve to avoid getting large crystals that will make the mass insufficiently plastic. We will talk about other ingredients and their exact proportions already, taking a specific recipe, or a master class, and now we will name the inventory necessary for work.

  1. Rolling pin: special plastic for mastic, if not, then ordinary, wooden.
  2. Silicone mats for rolling out the mass. In extreme cases, just a flat table surface.
  3. Knife, stacks.
  4. Various accessories for decorating pastries. It can be special silicone molds or simple spoons, the main thing is your imagination.

Mastic recipe at home

gelatin mastic recipe

The recipe is best for sculpting. It will not work to cover the biscuit with it, because the gelatin mastic hardens quickly.

In ten grams of gelatin, add 50 ml of water and leave for thirty minutes to swell.

At this time, sift five hundred grams of powdered sugar.

Put the swollen gelatin on the fire and bring to a boil. Then let it cool down a bit.

Add half of the powder to warm gelatin, stir well.

We spread the resulting mass and knead it, adding the second half of the powder, until the mastic stops sticking to the hands.

Put the resulting mass in the refrigerator for a while, then proceed to sculpting.


If, according to your idea, you need to cover the cake, cover it with mastic, then you should take the honey paste recipe. It turns out soft, plastic, decoration details will turn out well from it. This short master class is about its preparation.

Just like in the previous recipe, we start with gelatin and water, mix them and give half an hour to swell. We just take a little in other proportions: 15 g of gelatin and 45 mg of liquid.

Then add 125 ml of honey to the gelatin and put this mixture on water bath and warm up.

Separate a glass from 900 g of powdered sugar, and add the rest to the honey-gelatin mixture, already removed from the heat, and stir well.

The rest of the powder is used to add with thorough mixing of the mass. We do this until we see that the finger leaves a depression when pressed, and the resulting mass does not stick to the hands.


When you want to make a beautiful birthday cake for a child that needs to be covered with fondant of the same color, and place decorations suitable for a boy or girl on top, then a sugar paste recipe will do.

Sugar mastic allows you to cover the cake and sculpt from it, it is much denser than any cream. Most master classes for making numbers or hearts use it.

After half an hour of soaking in 60 ml of water, put a teaspoon of gelatin in a water bath.

Pour a teaspoon of lemon juice, a pinch of vanillin into the gelatin removed from the fire and stir.

Pour five hundred grams of powdered sugar into the resulting mixture in parts and knead until an elastic dough is obtained.

If the mass turned out to be solid, but you want to cover the cake with it, then do not be discouraged. Mastic will cover the biscuit on top of the butter cream, and the cream will soften the paste and it will become soft.

If the resulting hard sugar mastic is intended for modeling, then you will have to knead it again, adding a little lemon juice or water.

Dairy from condensed milk

This recipe is suitable for beginners, because here it is enough to take powdered milk, powdered sugar and condensed milk in equal proportions, one to one. Many children love condensed milk cream. For such a sweet tooth, a boy or a girl, this delicious mastic is also suitable.

First, mix the milk powder and powdered sugar.

Pour condensed milk into this mixture and mix everything well. You can add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix well until a plastic mass is obtained.

Twenty min. mastic should be in the cold.

Now we can start working with mastic: cover the cake or sculpt decorations. Then the dessert for the New Year or birthday will please everyone not only with taste, but also with beauty.


This recipe is one of the easiest to prepare and the number of ingredients.

Let's take two hundred grams of chocolate. Usually they take black or milk chocolate, some use white chocolate. Soften it in a water bath or in the microwave. It is important not to overheat the chocolate so that it does not curdle.

Then add seventy grams of honey to the chocolate and mix.

Cover the resulting paste with cling film and leave for a day.

If you plan not only to cover the cake with this mass, but also to sculpt decorations from it, remember that chocolate melts quickly, so put the mastic in the refrigerator from time to time.

On the net you can find a master class where marshmallows, powdered sugar, cognac, etc. are added to chocolate and honey. This is a more complex recipe, but each craftswoman chooses according to her taste and tastes of those for whom the cake is intended for her birthday, New Year or other holiday.

From marshmallow

Although we talk about marshmallow mastic, the recipe calls marshmallows for good reason. On the Internet, you can find more than one master class where marshmallows are used to make mastic. Outwardly, they really look like our traditional marshmallows, but in fact, the composition of this delicate marshmallow, which came to us from the USA, differs from it.

It has neither applesauce, no egg white, as in traditional marshmallows. Therefore, in order to avoid surprises, it is better to look at the photo in order to know exactly what marshmallow marshmallows look like, and buy it for cooking.

To two hundred grams of marshmallow marshmallows, add one teaspoon of butter and put in the microwave for a few seconds until they melt.

Stir and gradually add five hundred grams of powdered sugar.

The resulting sweet dough looks like plasticine.

Master class on manufacturing various decorations will allow you to learn how to make a variety of decorations from mastic - a snowman for the new year, roses for a wedding, hearts for Valentine's Day and a variety of toys for children for a birthday.

Mastic for cake: video recipe

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