Apple puree for the winter: recipes with photos and videos. The best apple puree recipes for the winter at home with photos

Decor elements 17.10.2019
Decor elements

Competent preparation of apple puree with the preservation of all useful vitamins, pectin and fiber under the power of any hostess. There are many recipes for creating an appetizing workpiece, which just gives all winter without losing taste properties. You can try to create traditional delicacy, and you can diversify it with fragrant inclusions.

How to make a puree from apples for a blank for winter

To know how to make an apple puree for the winter with the right taste and aroma, you should read useful general advice:

  • it is better to do apple puree without sugar, so that the workpiece is kept longer;
  • for the apple puree for the winter, sweet varieties of complete maturity, a ninking species, without glossy peel;
  • do not put on fire dish longer than 20 minutes to avoid loss of vitamins;
  • it is better to prepare a small portion in a small dishes than a large amount in a large pelvis - so less risk to burn hands;
  • if there are other components besides apples, they need to boil in different dishes, and if there is no such possibility - then in one, but observing the bookmark order;
  • for dishes, thick-widths are best suitable;
  • raving the finished mass is necessary in small banks, which includes 1-2 servings;
  • before rifling, you must sterilize the covers, banks, check them for chipping, cracks, damage;
  • poured with a glass of hot hot banks, covered with a blanket;
  • the billet is stored after cooling in a cool place without access light (cellar, storage room).

Classic puree recipe for winter

To get a classic baby apple puree for the winter with a gentle taste, a thin aroma and an acidic note, you should take:

  • sweet-sweet apples - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • lemon juice - squeezed out of half citrus;
  • cinnamon powder - ½ teaspoon.

Cooking apple puree for the winter takes a little time if you follow the step-by-step simple instruction:

  1. Apple fruit rinse, remove the peel, core, defects. Cut the flesh with slices of small size.
  2. Pour water with sugar, boil 20 minutes after boiling.
  3. Remove from fire, pouring a blender, add lemon juice with cinnamon to a mass.
  4. Boil a couple of minutes.
  5. Distribute to banks, sip, give to cool during the day.
  6. The puree has a slightly acidic taste, a spicy note and a thick texture - suitable as an independent use or filling for pies.
  7. To create a dietary or children's dish, sugar is removed and sterilized after pureering for 10 minutes.

Delicious apple puree with condensed milk

Very gentle, apple puree in a blender, in which the taste of fruits and condensed milk will be combined. It will take:

  • apples - 2.5 kg;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • condensed milk - ½ banks;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • vanilla sugar is a pinch.

The method of cooking a fragrant dish, which will appeal to adults and children:

  1. Apple fruit rinse, clean from the peel, remove seeds, cut into pieces.
  2. Pour water in the pan, put apples, put on a slow fire, stew half an hour under the closed lid - the flesh need to be thicken.
  3. Purge the blender or pusher, skip through the sieve.
  4. Add sugar, mix, put on a slow fire, bring to a boil.
  5. At the time of boiling, put condensed milk, mix, cook for 5 minutes, constantly interfering to avoid burning.
  6. Hot blank decompose on banks, wait.
  7. The dish will be modeled sweet, so it is better to choose sour apples for it.
  8. Solo is used as a filling for desserts, a layer for cakes.

Fruit puree apples for infants

Little children are useful to take babysitis of apple flesh, because it is rich in vitamins for the growth and development of the child. A pre-cooked apple puree for infant for the winter does not differ from the purchase, but will retain the usefulness of the fruits grown by their own. To get a gentle mixture, you will need to take:

  • fresh green apples - 3.5 kg;
  • water - 1 l;
  • brown sugar - 100 grams;
  • trucks - 400 g

Stages of manufacturing useful fruit for infant for the winter:

  1. Take a deep saucepan, put on a small fire, pour water with sugar.
  2. Apple fruits rinse, clean from the peel, cores, sharpen the pulp in small slices, put to the syrup, which by that time should boil.
  3. Wash dried plums, dry, remove the bones and peel, grind, add to the fruits.
  4. Cook 30-40 minutes, remove from the fire, pour a blender.
  5. Stay according to pre-sterilized banks for 1-2 servings.
  6. Store in a cool, moderately raw place.
  7. After opening a puree is kept no longer than a day.
  8. Instead of prunes, you can put, apricot, banana, and the sugar replace fructose.
  9. Prune or dried prunes should be uncompressed, only dried in the sun, carefully cleaned if they are purchased.

How to make mashed stench from apples in a slow cooker

From the Soviet times a recipe for children's fruit mashed stench for the winter, which includes cream. In addition, it will take:

  • apples of soft grade - 2 kg;
  • cream - 1 package;
  • sugar is a third of a glass of multicookers;
  • water - ½ cup from a slow cooker.

To get apple puree in a slow cooker for the winter, there is a master class with a step-by-step instruction:

  1. Apple Fruits Prepare: Rinse, cut on the Quarters, remove the fruits and seeds, do not need to clean the skin.
  2. In the bowl of the multicooker, pour water, to put the flesh on top, close the lid.
  3. Prepare in extinguishing mode or soup 60-80 minutes.
  4. After 20 minutes from the beginning of cooking, mix.
  5. The multicooker signal will mean that the mode approached the end - to get apples, shift to another dishes, pour sugar, pouring.
  6. Cool, pour cream, pouring a blender again.
  7. Roll over sterilized banks.
  8. Serve for breakfast or dessert.

VideoBept: Apple Puree at home for the winter

Today, stores are rich in assortment of mashed potatoes, baby blends and porridge. The childhood industry is flourishing, bringing colossal revenues to well-known brands. However, many parents do not consider it necessary to spend money on ready-made mashed potions and cottages, growing vegetables and fruits on their beds, of which they then make food for their children. Apples, pears, plums, pumpkin, zucchini, potatoes, carrots and various berries can be quite raised on their plot. More difficult, of course, urban residents who are purely physically can not grow anything on their windowsill. An apple is a symbol of health. This fruit contains a lot of vitamins and trace elements that are so necessary both sick and healthy, both small and adults.

Puree for baby: do it yourself for the winter

Recently, pediatricians claim that apple puree must be inquisitive after vegetable. After all, apple juice can harm the rapid stomach of the crumbs. There is a deal of truth in it. Therefore, feed the child must begin with zucchini, then pumpkin, and then apple.

Some moms do not want to cook puree on their own, giving preference to pannakes from the store. But in the store a good puree is expensive, so much easier and cheaper to make a natural product yourself. In addition, most manufacturer adds starch, sugar and citric acid in mashed potatoes, and this is not always indicated on the packaging. All these products are a growing body will not bring any use, and can trigger the intestinal disorder or allergies.

Mashed for infants with your own hands for the winter is not easy, because in order for it for a long time stored, you will have to add sugar, and this does not always suit the child. Pumpkin and zucchini can be cleaned, cut into small pieces and remove into the freezer. In winter, the vegetables can be obtained gradually, and cook them for a couple, and then rub with milk and feed the crumb.

To prepare an apple puree, an apple needs to be cleaned, cut and boil in a saucepan in a small amount of water on slow heat. In order for the puree to be truly tasty to wipe it through a sieve or grind a blender, and then add some milk. It is desirable such a puree for a long time not to store, but prepare at a time. In order for vitamins in the apple to be preserved, you can make a puree from the baked apple. If the child is not inclined to constipate, he can be cooked puree from pears. Apricots and plums can provoke a liquid chair, so you need to be careful with these fruits and not give a lot.

For the winter, the puree is preparing as once, only after grinding the puree need to put on fire again and boil again, and then decompose sterile banks. If the banks are clean and well-sterilized, then the puree can be stored even in the room. Many mashed potatoes do not need to harvest, because the child grows and the number of products that it can eat increases. Most likely, the kid who had eaten puree, in the winter, the apples will already be born in winter.

Apple juice was previously recommended to give children from three months, then research began, and pediatricians were shone in one voice that at such an age apple juice is harmful and can only give it after a year. At what age, the parents give a child to give their parents on their own, the main thing is not to start giving little by little, that is, several drops.

Puree for infant: recipe for winter

If the first three years feed the child correctly, then he will not have any problems with overweight and the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract will appear. What to give a child first? The lore is better to start with a vegetable puree, then you can enter porridge, cottage cheese and after fruit mashed potatoes.

Vegetable puree can be bought in the store or prepare yourself. To do this, cauliflower, pumpkin, zucchini, broccoli, turnip, beets, potatoes, carrots and spinach. Before cooking, vegetables need to be washed and clean. Then prepare them in a double boiler or in the bucket with a small amount of water. Cooked vegetables need to wipe through a sieve, add milk and several drops of vegetable oil. The breast milk is best suited to see it. If the child is on artificial feeding, the milk mixture is added in the puree. In no case cannot use a cow or goat milk, at this age the stomach they will not bring any benefit. After a year in the puree, you can add sugar or salt.

The puree for infant recipe for the winter can be found on the Internet or look in the book about the healthy nutrition of infants. There are no special secrets in cooking, the main thing - after cooking puree boil and sterilize banks in which it will be laid out. In order not to worry about the preservation of the puree, it can be placed in the refrigerator. There it will certainly not deteriorate.

Apple puree recipe for infant for the winter

In order to prepare a puree, you need to take a ripe green apple, preferably local origin, wash it, clean and cut into small pieces. Homemade not always bright apples, having worms, much tastier their imported fellows. Therefore, preference should be given to fruit, vegetables and berries from our own garden and garden. After the apple is cut, it must be put in a saucepan and cook in a small amount of water (the level of water and apples should be the same). Cooking the fruit follows a slow heat for about ten minutes, to digest at all. After that, apples are slightly cold and kneaded manually or with a blender. If the child is not inclined to allergies, you can add a little fructose or sugar in puree. Although it is still better to do without any additives. Chemical compounds that are available in an apple puree are beneficial on the kid's digestive system. After all, an apple is rich in polysaccharides, oligosaccharides, unsaturated fatty acids and food fibers, and about the number of vitamins that can speak infinitely in apples.

The recipe for an apple puree for a baby for the winter is simple. Apples are boiled, peat and folded into sterile banks. In order for the puree, the full cans can be sterically sterilized in a closed saucepan.

Pear puree for infant recipe for winter

Pear is a storehouse of minerals and vitamins. It does not cause allergies, accelerates the metabolism, normalizes the work of the intestine and is well absorbed. A good multivitamin one-component lure is a puree from a pear. Such a puree can be given to children from six months.

Pear mashed potatoes for breasts recipe for the winter. To cook mashed puree, wash pears, clean them and boil in a small amount of water with a saucepan. After that, overcame the resulting mass and boil it again. Next, the mashed potatoes are laid out in pure sterile banks. After that, the banks are sterilized again and after complete cooling is removed into the refrigerator. In the summer, cook puree is easier, as fresh fruit is either in the garden or in the store. In winter, these are more difficult. There is no longer anything in the garden and in the garden, and on the shelves stores there are fruits and vegetables, stuffed with preservatives and unknown chemical compounds that allow them to store them for a whole year. Therefore, parents have to buy expensive puree.

Pumpkin puree for baby recipe for winter

The versatile fruit is the pumpkin. Especially growing it began in North America, then it spread across the planet. The pumpkin contains vitamins PP, A, B, E, C, K, T, Calcium, Silicon, Iron, Potassium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Copper and Beta Carotene. Vitamins are needed for correctly the development and growth of the child, trace elements allow the bones to grow, phosphorus and magnesium develop the nervous system, zinc interferes with inflammation and strengthens immunity, beta carotene improves vision.

Pumpkin puree for infant recipe for winter is simple. First you need to wash the pumpkin, then cut off a small piece, clean it and cook either in a double boiler or in the ladle in the small amount of water. Then there is a vegetable, boil it again and folded into a sterile jar. It is still better to do a puree from pumpkin in advance, but simply freeze small pieces. In winter, just get small pieces and boil in the bucket.

The charm of the pumpkin is that it does not cause allergies, positively affects the process of digestion and improves the chair.

Puree from plum for infant for the winter

In order to prepare a puree from plum, you need to take a few ripe fruits, wash them out, remove the skin, remove the bone and boil them in a small amount of water in the bucket. The gentle soft fruits of strawberries, peaches, drain and apricots can be peathed and in fresh form, but fresh fruits and berries can cause a serious allergic reaction. Therefore, it is better, of course, boil fresh fruits or prepare them for a couple. The puree from plums for infant for the winter is prepared as follows. When the drain dwinches during the cooking, the heat treatment can be stopped. After the drain cools down, it must be wiped through the sieve and boil once again on slow heat for five minutes. After that, the mashed potatoes need to be decomposed on sterile banks, close the lids and flip up to the complete cooling.

Puree from zucchini for the winter for infant

The baby grows and for normal development to him to maternal milk need an addition. From three months you can start typing. Zucchini mashed potatoes are ideal for compensation. The zucchini does not cause allergies, stimulates digestion and warns constipation. This vegetable contains vitamins and minerals necessary for the development and growth of the kid.

Puree from zucchini for the winter for infants is preparing simply. You need to take one small zucchini, wash it out and clean, if there are seeds - remove them. After that, the zucchini is cut into small pieces and stacked in a double boiler or a lattice with water. It is preparing quickly - approximately 5-10 minutes. Then the vegetable needs to be frozen and decompose into sterile banks, then boil the puree with banks.

Nowadays, women spend a lot of time at work, they do not have time to stay at home. The apartment of a modern woman is filled with electronic servants, which take on most of their home care. But no matter what a woman should remain a woman and at least sometimes do something for her family, not related to money and work. It is important to leave for a family at least two days a week and devote them to creating a home coat, cooking and communicating. Prepare for your family is pleasure. Therefore, you should not neglect home cooking. After all, it is not at all necessary to work in the kitchen one and then rolling from fatigue on the bed. All family members can be attracted to the cooking and guidance of order in the house. Together, it is much faster and more fun, and in the evening there will be time for family games, watching TV or just for conversations.

The appearance in the house of a small child changes the way of the whole family. Mom can no longer run to the store and work when she needs. You have to pay a lot of time cooking and child care. Some moms quickly finish breastfeeding, they translate the baby to artificial feeding, acquire a ready-made mashed potature in the store and leave a crumb to the care of the grandmother. So it happens because working mothers cannot afford one and a half or even three years to sit at home, they feed the whole family and sometimes earn more dad.

Bottling puree from apples for winterYou, first of all, take care of your loved ones, which in the autumn-winter period lacks fresh fruits in nutrition. Dessert is not just tasty, but also very useful because it will be preserved all the advantages of fresh apple fruits. Jars with apple blanks will always be at your hand, if you want to bake an apple peer or a pie with fruit filling.

Puree from apples for winter: recipe

Prepare puree from home apples for winter Simple enough, but as in any other recipes, there are its secrets and subtleties, which the hostess must know about. First of all, it should be concerned about the right choice of fruits for this recipe. Fruits of autumn varieties are best suited, they will have sweeter, and it means you will have to add a smaller amount of sugar sand.

If at the initial stage of cooking fruits as few pieces as possible, or to skip them at all through the meat grinder, then the heat treatment will take less time, and therefore more benefits will remain in the finished apple product: more vitamins and microelements that are destroyed in the process of long-term heat treatment.

There are certain subtleties concerning cooking puree from apples to children for winterIn particular, too many sugar sand should not be added. And for the recipe it is best to select fruits with green or yellow skin, and if you use red fruits, then in some cases the likelihood of an allergic reaction is high after using this product.

Of course, it is necessary not only to choose a sweet variety correctly, but also make sure that the fruits did not blame and not threw. Ugly fruits can spoil the taste of the finished product, it will have a characteristic smell. It does not matter if there are threatened places on the apples, they need to carefully cut carefully before starting cooking.

If you buy fruits in the supermarket, and not in the agricultural fair, then it is better before the start of cooking completely clear the fruits from the peel. Often in supermarkets, to give a commodity type of fruits, they are covered with the finest layer of wax, which is not washed off with flowing water. Buying apples on a seasonal agricultural fair fair, you can be sure that the fruits were not covered with nothing, so they are enough simply rinse with flowing water and put it in a pan with a sandpaper.

In case you have already crushed apples, but you have any other things, so now you can not finish cooking, be sure to sprinkle slices with lemon juice. Due to acid, slices will not darken, and the puree will have a "healthy", appetizing color.

When the cooking is completed, you must decompose the puree according to pre-prepared jars, they must be pre-rinsed and sterilized. Metal covers must be pre-boiled to pre-boil so that the product can be stored for a long time and cannot be spoiled. Knowing, you can prepare a delicious and useful dessert for the whole family.

Puree from home apples for winter

When you cook, then you need to achieve a homogeneous consistency: without pieces of skins and bones, the same rule acts in the preparation of mashed potatoes. You will definitely need fine metal sieve to hand over the fruit mass, separating the seeds, skin and other solid particles that can spoil the taste of the finished puree and its homogeneous consistency.

The most popular recipe - puree from apples for the winter "Sleep"which fully justifies its name. The taste is really obtained by unique - gentle and saturated. The product can be simply eating a spoon, opening a new jar, you can add it to the milk porridge, and also use as a filling for homemade baking - looser and pies.

There are only two ingredients in the classic recipe: apples and water, but there are more original options with the addition of other fruits, spicy spices, etc. But we start with a classic option that can be called the most versatile in the culinary plan.

Fruits - 2 kg
Water - 250 ml
Sugar - 250 g
Lemon juice - 20 ml

First, all purchased fruits need to rinse with running water. Then cut them on the quarter and cut the seed crust, and each quarter cut into smaller slices. For cooking mashed potatoes, you will need a large enameled bowl where all the fruit slices fit. A bowl must be placed on fire and boil for half an hour, during this time fruit slices should become soft. First, in a bowl it is necessary to pour some water so that the slices are not burned at the very beginning of the cooking, and after the apple will be allowed enough juice.

Softened apple slices should be wiped through the sieve, on which all the skin will remain, you will have a homogeneous apple mass. It must be rejected again in an enameled bowl and add sugar sand. If you want the puree to get sourness, you can add several lemon juice spoons. Juice also lightens a little apple mass, and she will have a pleasant appetizing look.

A bowl must be placed on fire, and after boiling the mass to cook it for another 15 minutes. The finished product can be decomposed on banks and hermetically closed with prepared iron covers. Despite the fact that the workpiece can be stored and for two years, it is better to eat the product for the winter to eliminate the possibility of developing a bacterial environment in a can with conservation. But you can store 2-3 years without losing its taste and useful properties.

Puree from apples for winter

It is not only important cook puree from apples for winter, but also guarantee its long-term storage during the year. To do this, it should be carefully followed by cooking technology, listening to the advice of the experienced culinary. In this recipe, there will be only one difference from the previous one - we will conduct additional sterilization of the finished product in the jar, so your workpieces will definitely be stored throughout the winter, and even longer until the new fruit harvest is available.

Sweets who often worry about their figure will also like this version of winter blanks. The puree is obtained very fragrant, gentle, has a pleasant sweet taste, and its caloric content of only 68 kcal in the stogram portion. At any time, you can pamper yourself with a fragrant fruit dessert, absolutely without worrying that it will be the reason for the appearance of unnecessary kilograms.

You will spend on an easy way to cook for less than an hour, but get a delicious and useful home product, the analogues of which you just do not buy in the supermarket. Baby puree from apples for winter You can use in the nutrition of preschoolers, but it is better to abandon such an embarrassment of an infant child. For infants it is better to cook every day a small portion of fresh puree, using fresh apples and other fruits.

Apples - 1 kg
Sugar sand - 1.5 glasses
Water - 150 ml

Fruits should be thoroughly rinsed with flowing water at the very beginning, cut off damaged areas. Then all the fruits should be cleaned from the shawl, it is convenient to use a special tool for cleaning vegetables and fruits. Fruits should be cut into four parts and remove the core with seeds and plates. Puffed cut into small cubes.

For the preparation, we will use an enameled pan, where it is necessary to pour water and pour sugar, and mix the syrup thoroughly so that the grains are dissolved in the liquid.

Next, in a bowl you need to put apple slices and bring the mixture to a boil. Mass must be cooked on minimal heat for 20 minutes after boiling. In the process of cooking, apple mass should be regularly stirred, preventing burning.

Because in this case to make puree from apples for winter, we cleaned the fruits from the peel in advance and removed the seed box, so you can not wipe the fruit through the sieve, but grind them with a submersible blender or a conventional pepper for potatoes. After grinding, we will not re-bring the puree to a boil, and immediately lay out on pure prepared jars.

At the next stage, sterilization is waiting for you: you need to put the filled banks into a wide saucepan, the bottom of which will be covered with a towel, pour water so that it reaches "shoulders", and put a saucepan on fire. Sterilize banks are necessary within 10 minutes from the moment of boiling, while boiling should be average, and so that water drops do not fall into the inside the tank, they must be covered with iron lids. After sterilization, the banks should be sealed, but to choose a dark, non-fit place for storage. These simple you can add cinnamon, whose aroma is perfectly combined with apple taste. Dessert will be just awesome!

Puree from apples for the winter "Sleep"

Truly everyone will surprise apple puree with condensed milky, whose taste is definitely not compared with any other recipes known to us earlier.

Apples - 4 kg
Condensed milk with sugar - 1 bank
Sugar - 4 tbsp.
Water -<2 стаканов

In the precipe prequence, instead of condensed milk, cream is used condensed, which contains any vegetable additives.

In the initial recipe it is indicated that we need four kilos fruit, but this is an approximate weight of whole apples, and after processing, when you clean them from the peel and the seed part, you should have three kilograms of processed fruits. If you have frightened with a solid pulp, then you need to cut them with small cubes, and the flesh can be softer and larger slices.

To the apples, folded in a large bowl, you need to add about one glass of water, and put on fire. Cooking fruit slices should be about half an hour, during this time all apple pieces will become completely soft. Be sure to stir the mass, otherwise it will begin to burn to the bottom of your dishes, just when you boil. In the process of cooking, you should not cover the dishes with the lid so that the moisture is gradually evaporated, in this case it will turn out to be more dense puree from apples "Slept" for the winter, recipe It may also exclude the addition of water at all, then you can guide personal experience, evaluating the juit of the selected apple variety.

Softened slices need to pour in any way - to skip through the meat grinder, wipe through a sieve or chop by a submersible blender. Then you can add sugar to your taste and pour out the condensed milk, and put a bowl on fire. Having thoroughly stirring the dessert, it must be boil for 20 minutes, but note that during the boil the mixture will sprinkle greatly.

Now you have a delicious delicacy, and you can decompose on clean jars, hermetically seal and flip upside down to the cooling. Keep the preservation follows in a cool dark place, but in the conditions of the urban apartment, you can choose a wardrobe or storage room to exclude direct sunlight.

The gentle apple delicacy can be eaten as a full breakfast, add to oatmeal or semolina, in cottage cheese or pancakes.

Baby puree from apples for winter

If you want to cook Apple puree for winter, recipe You can choose with various fruit additives. Very interesting combinations with pears, plums, pumpkin. All preserved preservation options are preparing quickly, and are obtained very tasty, useful for all family members, especially in the autumn-winter period, when the body lacks fresh fruits and vitamins.

For cooking, you can use the latest achievements of kitchen appliances, for example, you can soften fruit slices in a double boiler, so you can save more beneficial substances in fruits.

For cooking, you can use a slow cooker, while you can not worry that the fruit mass will nourish. In a multicooker for cooking, you choose the "quenching" program, but the process will take a little longer: for softening - about an hour, for the finishing cooking of a homogeneous mass - 10 minutes.

I remember well how my mother gave up an apple puree for the winter. Rather, the process is not the process, but a delicious result. Beautiful, fragrant delicacy, cool from the long "Tomny" on the dusty shelf of the cellar. You hold in your hands a whole cup of children's happiness and smile. Tastier ice cream and chocolate combined. But I grew up, and the mashed potature stopped. This is not surprising. In order to recycle several tens of kilograms of apples without a blender and kitchen combine, a lot of strength was required. But today it's easy. Therefore, I share with you the proven apple puree recipes for the workpiece for the winter, for which I produce a delicious delicacy of my daughter.

Home apple puree for children and adults for the winter

Classic recipe. The main ingredient is apples. And nothing more is needed. Well, except that sugar for sweet tooths.


Apple puree harvest (step-by-step recipe with photos):

Apples are soot in clean cold water. Wash thoroughly. Put on the waffle towel, so that moisture has absorbed.

Cut the apples into several pieces. Remove the tails and core.

Put apple slices in a saucepan. Put with sugar. Fruit sour? Sugar sand can be put more. And if you harm the apple puree for the baby in the winter, then the sweetener does not put at all. After the apples are at room temperature for several hours, they will empty juice. To speed up cooking, pour purified water (100 ml per kg of fruit).

Tow apples under a closed lid on slow heat for 15-25 minutes. Salges have become soft? Turn off the fire.

Load apples to homogeneity. Or wipe through fine metallic sieve.

Shot with banks and covers. Magnushka pour back to the pan. Boil over a few minutes. Spread on prepared containers.

Cover covers. Cool apple puree under a dense cloth and move it to a storage until winter in the cellar or storage room.

Other fruits can be added to the apples. Apricots, plums, banana, peaches. But if the apple puree will be used for the first dust of a breast child, it is better to prepare each kind of fruit delicacy separately.

Apple puree with condensed milk at home at home

For babies, I do not advise such adhesive. But the older guys will be in complete delight. Shopping purees and nearly stood with this delicious delicacy.

For cooking you will need:

How to prepare an apple puree with a condensed milk (recipe with photos):

Apples well wash. Cut into several parts. Remove the core. Purchase areas cut.

Fold the sliced \u200b\u200bfruit into a saucepan or a saucepan. Or in a multicooker bowl.

Pass sugar. Stir and pour water. Cover the saucepan with a lid. Tow apples on slow fire.

After 20 minutes, check for readiness. Apple slices should be soft.

Purise them with a submersible or ordinary blender. If it is not, then wipe through a sieve with the smallest cells. Then return the puree to the pan and add condensed milk. Boil after boiling 5-7 minutes. Constantly stirring.

During this time, sterilize small jars. Little containers hold over the ferry 5-7 minutes. For half-liter, you will need 10 minutes. For liter container - 15. Distribute hot blanks on banks.

Slide or screw the sterile covers. Leave to cool under a dense blanket. For the next day you can be stored in a cool dark place, where the conservation will wait for the winter.

Successful, delicious and useful billets!

Apple puree for the winter likes the same children and adults. Gentle, soft and air delicacy to prepare simply. Often the hostess twist a delicious apple mass into small jars. The most ideal package for storage will be half-liter jars and less.

But such a delicious billet from apples is successfully used to prepare pies, cakes and buns as a filling. It is possible to cook in some taste in several options. The usual apple puree from sugar and apples. Or add condensed milk, cream - such a puree from apples for the winter is called "Sleeping" because it turns out very gentle and sweet.

In addition, various spices and seasonings are often added: cinnamon is ideal for apples. You can also add carnations, nuts, honey.

Each hostess has its own recipe and components ingredients. Apple puree is considered a very tasty and very easy dish, which may include those who observe the therapeutic diet.

In addition, such a delicious light home billet will also enjoy the guys. On our website today is a basic or classic apple puree recipe for the winter, which is easy to cook at home.

Apple puree with condensed milk for the winter

For cooking such a home billet, as an apple with cream, you will need:

  • filtered water (two full glasses);
  • sweet apples selected (4.2 kg.);
  • condensed cream concentrated (one standard bank);
  • sand Sugar Normal (Four Art. Spoons).

Apple puree with condensed milk for the winter - step-by-step recipe with photo:

Prepare the necessary components for making puree from apples. To continue not to spend time on their search. Keep in mind, vegetable additives should not contain in condensed cream.

If we talk about apples, you can use different varieties, it is desirable that they are sweet, as well as selected.

The fruits are all prepared to clean from the skin, with the help of a special tower machine, remove the core with seeds gently.

After that, the pulp of fruits is crushed, and the degree of their grinding depends on what kind of apples were selected. The largest slices to cut those apples that have a very soft pulp.

All crushed apples lay out in some deepest dishes, add filtered water.

The dishes with apples and water are necessary to put on the most silent fire and cooking to carry out until the apples will not get a soft consistency.

By time it is about fifteen minutes before half an hour. If there is no special time on the cooking of apples, then the dishes are covered with a lid, which will significantly speed up the cooking process.

At that time, the apples are preparing, you can deal with the sterilization of covers and glass cans. After the apples prepare completely in any way to pour them. Do it with the help of sieves, meat grinders, manual blender.

When the mass becomes mashed potatoes, add sugar sand in the required quantity and concentrated cream. Mix the fruit puree thoroughly and cook continuously stirring for twenty minutes.

The condensed milk can be replaced with conventional cream in apple puree, while the amount of sugar specified in the recipe should be enlarged. Adjust to your taste.

In the prepared banks pour apple puree with cream. Capacities spin as it should be. Turn over the cans with an apple-cream puree, leaves on a towel to a complete cooling. If the puree is prepared correctly, then it should purchase a white color.

If you wish, you can still respect the apples in the process of cooking. Apple puree will acquire a darker shade, caramel color.

Apple domestic workpiece in winter is used as a pleasant addition to the morning caress or as a separate dish. If a homemade apple cream mashed potatoes mix with cottage cheese, it turns out a very tasty and tender impregnation for a cake or cake.

Apple puree for winter the easiest recipe

It is a delicious air apple puree perfectly suitable for baby nutritional child. How to prepare the simplest apple puree for winter in banks from apples and sugar?

It will take:

  • 2 kg of apples;
  • 150-200 g of sugar (not a complete glass).

How to cook:

Wash apples, cut into 4 parts, cut the core and clean the peel. Fill the pan with water less than half and lower the purified slices of apples into the water.

Water should not completely cover apples.

Put a saucepan with apples on the stove. Bring to a boil and reduce fire. Cooking after boiling for 5 minutes, it all depends on the variety of apples. If the early, then you do not need to cook for a long time. If late (simiren type) and solid - cook a little longer. You yourself will see when apples are decorated and become soft.

Take a colander in the form of a sieve and merge the contents of the saucepan. Liquid stalks, and the apple flesh will remain in the sieve.

Now apple flesh is placed in a saucepan, add sugar and cook 5 minutes after boiling, stirring continuously. If the apple mass thickens strongly, then you can add a little water, which remained from the welded apples.

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Floor liter jars rinse and sterilize on the kettle, in the microwave or oven. Covers sterilize in boiling water.

Eliminate the ready-made mashed potatoes on jars, cover with iron lids and roll upside down, wrap something warm and leave for a day until completely cooling. Remove jars with apple puree for the winter in a cool place for storage.

Video: Recipe apple puree Sleeping for winter with condensed milk

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