Parquet care at home. Parquet and Steam Mop

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In order for the parquet floor to keep his beauty and aesthetics over long years, it is necessary to take care and carefully treat it.

Parquet floors covered with varnish or oil require a certain care. The mainstream conditions for the extension of the pristine type of parquet is the fence against mechanical impacts on it. IMPORTANT Having a welcoming rug so as not to damage the floor with sand, which is applied on the shoe. Inside the room all furniture is worth equipping with special soft stickers for furniture legs.

The main actions for the care of wooden floors is to maintain purity, conducting general cleaning, as well as a periodic coating update.

* Prices only for work, without taking into account the value of the material.

Detailed information about parquet tint prices with oil or varnish in the price list.

I would like to note that regardless of the type of parquet and the method of its laying it is necessary to comply with the basic rules for the care of it. Initial factory varnish or oil coating Requires the same care as the coating after restoration.

It is important to care for parquet daily

There are some basic rules for daily care wooden floors, regardless of the top coating. These are simple rules, but thanks to them you can extend the service life of the parquet and save it pristine beauty And shine. Parquets should be preserved from the fall of a large amount of moisture, during the washing of floors, it is necessary to squeeze the rag well, it is forbidden to apply detergent vacuum cleaners. It is important to remember that from how you will care for your parquet depends on its durability.

Here are the basic rules:

  • it is impossible to use caustic detergents, which contains chlorine, because they can join the reaction with the top coating of the parquet and dissolve it;
  • if you have chairs on wheels, you stand under them to lay protective mats;
  • cleaning using funds specially designed for parquet floors.

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Selective cleaning of parquet

Even when daily care Behind the floor on the floor there may be a spied spots from spilled liquids, as well as traces from furniture or from the greatest patency, for example in the corridor. To delete such contaminations, the use of special care products is required. This requires the help of specialists who have great experience and their use skills. It is recommended to conduct general cleaning once a year.

Periodic coating update

Daily parquet floors are subjected to mechanical effects, as a result of which cracks and scratches appear, even if you carry out the most careful care of the floor.

Parquet is one of the most exquisite and beautiful flooring for modern housing. But besides its external attraction, parquet has many nuances proper care. Knowing some secrets, you can save the original form of the floor as long as possible without much effort and material costs.

Advantages of Parnet.

Parquet coating is chosen because it has a number of significant advantages:

  1. This type of floor does not allocate toxic substancesthat is very important for family health. To this advantage, families with children are very carefully.
  2. Parquet has aesthetic appearance. Excellent combined with various interior solutions.
  3. The natural tree is characterized by a decent durability, which can be extended by proper care.
  4. Parquet coating in the house warm, unlike tiles and linoleum.

What is afraid of a parquet board

Due to the fact that parquet floor boards are manufactured from natural tree, the main pests for the coating will be moisture and dry air. Under the influence of moisture, wood fibers swell and begin to rot, and dryness adversely affects the tree, because it cuts the fibers and the parquet shanks. Another risk group for this coating is mechanical damage (scratches and dents) varnish or directly wood fibers.

Such damage may be formed due to a number of reasons:

  • walking in shoes on heels with a solid coating coating;
  • the presence in the house of large animals with non-heavy claws;
  • lack of protective covers on the feet of furniture;
  • on time not cleaned dust and small garbage, which is entered into a dwelling from the street.
Such mechanical damage is dangerous by what they damage protective covering (varnish) and wood structure. Violation of the integrity of parquet boards negatively affects the appearance of the entire coating.
In order to avoid scratches on the floor, you need to prevent the influence of possible risk factors, which means that:
  • undesirable to wear shoes on the heel indoor;
  • claws of pets need to regularly cut;
  • the feet of furniture, which is located in the room, must be wrapped in special felt or woolen cover;
  • singing two mats in the hallway: the first must be tough to collect the main mud array with shoes, and the second soft, so that it remains small garbage and dust.

Rules for cleaning Parnet

To care for the floor, it is effective, it must be selected based on the type of parquet (lacquered or covered with oil).

Important! When cleaning parquet coating It is strictly forbidden to use washing vacuum cleaners, hot water, chlorks, powder and abrasive cleaning agents.

Lacked boards

The main rule during the care of the lacquered coating is that preference is given to the daily dry cleaning of a vacuum cleaner with a soft nozzle or soft sexual brush. Caring for lacquered parquet, you need to try not only to clean the surface from pollution, but also save upper layer varnish.

Once a week, we should wash the floor, but only certain detergents:

All Special Parquet Powers Combines Neutral chemical composition (Lack of aggressive alkaline and acidic components), which helps keep parquet in the primary state.

Parquet with such impregnation is protected from falling into the fibers of dust, moisture and dirt. But such a protective barrier does not have particularly durable properties, because often the oil impregnation needs to be updated. With the printing of the washesized parquet, you can use wet cleaning and special solutions for coating based on vegetable oil (most often coconut). The means are applied over the pre-purified coating according to the instructions from the manufacturer.

Important!Make sure that wet cleaning The rag was well pressed, because excessive moisture hurts the coating.

After cleaning with the use of water, the surface is polished with a wool or felt cloth. This polishing is needed so that the parquet keeps its color in one tone, and did not have a spots different shades. Such wet cleaning is carried out no more than once a month when it becomes necessary to clean immediately large square Parquet.
For daily cleaning Use a soft brush or vacuum cleaner with a felt nozzle. Once a month you need to carry out major coating oil impregnation. To do this, polyrolol for parquet flooring based on oil is applied to the surface, after which the parquet is polished with a special typewriter or a felt (felt) cloth.

Parquet care products

For competent floor cleaning, you need to carefully choose tools with which you will support the coating in a well-kept state.


For light pollution of parquet, it is best to use a wet clean rag (soft, moistened in ordinary water without detergent), with which small spots are removed. Older spots can be removed with soap solution.

Important! Before proceeding with cleaning with water, be sure to eliminate the soft brush dust and sand from the coating.

There are several tips on how to effectively remove fat stain From parquet:

  1. Apply to the fat divorce Talc (silicate mineral, which is often used by athletes) and eliminate it with a broom after 5 minutes.
  2. Apply magnesia powder on the spot (magnesium sulfate) and leave on the spot for 2 hours. After this time, also eliminate the powder by a broom.

If you are disturbed by the stains of various origin, then here are some tips how to get rid of them:

  1. Traces from shoes can be removed using nylon fabric - just wipe the black spots of this matter.
  2. If there are wax drops on your floor or chewing gum is glued, then you just need to freeze these stains with pieces of ice, after which it is delicately remove the contamination with a plastic spatula.

After using these cleaning methods, wipe the location of the contamination with a damp cloth and apply a special protective agent according to the type of parquet.

Did you know?The most expensive parquet in the world costs 1 million dollars per 1 square meter. Meter, such a parquet produces Pietra Firma.


Special tools can help in more launched cases. To purchase similar cleaners, you need to contact the stores household chemicals. If you have noticed trouble-free pollution on the coverage, then you will need a special composition based on the solvent. But mandatory condition Adequate use of this product will be that after the use of the Clean will need to be updated protective layer (Impregnate with oil or put the lacquer) of the parquet coating. It is necessary to use such a tool as follows: just apply a little product on a soft cloth and wipe the stain to them.
If you could not find the necessary cliner for your parquet, then you can help the usual white spirit, it is necessary to apply it by the same instruction. For lacquered parquet, aerosol cleinters are best suited, they are easiest to use them, and in addition, such a tool will be care for the parquet. The aerosol is applied directly to the stain and wipe the place with a dry napkin.

Prevention and protection of parquet

In order for your flooring remains as long as possible in good condition, it is necessary not only to solve existing problems, but also to pay attention to regular care and prophylaxis.

Lacked boards

For lacquered sex, it is important to protect the feet of furniture. To do this, use soft linings or covers that protect the coating from mechanical damage. A more global departure is that the lacquer surface must be updated every 5 years. The old layer of varnish is polished with a special typewriter, then the varnish for wood is applied again. It is better to entrust this process to specialists in order not to damage the coating.
Such measures are needed so that the tree does not heat and change its characteristics from thinning the old lacquer layer. If you treat this measure without due attention, you will need to completely remove the layer of varnish and cycle the parquet board itself to re-cover everything with varnish. Such measures refer to extreme, because they require much more time, finance and strength.

Did you know? The name "Parquet" with French translates as a "small courtyard". Initially, so-called small flowerbeds, but over time the name began to designate the hall for the receptions of the royal family of important specimen, which was decorated with carpets and expensive flooring.

For this floor, it is necessary to conduct a similar procedure as with a lacquered floor, but it will be necessary to update the impregnation every 2 months.

In order to do this, you need:

  • sweep the floor;
  • spend thorough wet cleaning;
  • apply a special coating and give it to dry.

The oil impresses wood fibers and penetrates the structure of the parquet. Such a floor is easier to update, it is not so afraid of scratches and light mechanical damage.

For both types of sex you need to maintain a stable microclimate indoor:

  • constantly control the temperature and humidity indoors. It is better to keep the temperature in the range of + 18-25 ° C, and the humidity is in the range of 50-65%;
  • for more comfortable surveillance, you can use special climate control systems, they comprehensively support the optimal microclimate performance by synchronization with heating system, filters in the house and air conditioning;
  • avoid excessive moisture and dryness (do not stand a pair indoors, leave on the floor puddle during washing, do not warm up the room over 25 degrees).
Parquet flooring is a rather elegant solution that requires constant scrupulous care. But, if you adhere to the recommendations for the care of such a floor, the parquet will take the decades to please you with their appearance and in the company with other interior solutions to create an exquisite housing.

Video: Parquet Care

What should be care for parquet? As a rule, parquet floor is better decoration Any room, he will give completion and some chic. The tree is distinguished by its naturalness, besides, it makes the floors warm and engraves exquisite interior. Novelties of production I. color solutions Allow the product for any room. But how to care for the parquet board?

Most people whose floors are covered with parquet boards, worries main question - How to wash parquet and whether it is possible to do it? Specialists advise follow the guidelines for the care of the parquet board, because the surface of this outdoor coating Even more sensitive to small scratches.

For this reason, contact with some substances should be protected, to the number of which include:

  1. Water, which, perhaps, the main danger to the parquet. As soon as the floor falls on such a floor, it must be removed as early as possible. Therefore, even wet cleaning should be carried out correctly. How to wash the coating in this case? Wipe the floors only once a week, do not fill the parquet with water, but use the soft well-squeezed rag. Specialists do not advise use the washing vacuum cleaner.
  2. Acute items, such as claws of pets. In this case, you need to either make a manicure, or remove partially claws.
  3. In order for it to glitter, the use of special tools that protect the floor will be required.
  4. Legs from furniture items. In stores today you can purchase various lining, such as rubberized or felt.
  5. How to clean parquet if it is badly polluted? For high-quality cleansing, necessary special means To care for a parquet, and it is desirable that the brand corresponds to the brand of the varnish used, they will allow cleaning the floor without divorce and harm.
  6. Heels, that is, it is impossible to walk in this kind of shoes. If such a floor in the corridor, then a transparent rug is needed on the threshold.
  7. Sand and other dirt that very quickly spoil the floors from the floorboard. They do not just scratch it, but also penetrate inside.

When taking into account the enemies, the climatic conditions indoors must also be taken into account. Therefore, it is so important that the care of the parquet at home is carried out qualitatively and in a timely manner.

If strong damage has already happened, it will be necessary to remove the top layer of parquet.

Parquet care depending on climatic conditions

Due to the fact that such a floor is made of natural wood, it is very sensitive to the microclimate indoors and to how to wash the parquet floor. Moreover, this fact does not depend on the fact that in the manufacture of parquet, each layer of natural wood is processed by special means. But what is the washing parquet and can it be done at all?

With increasing moisture level in the house, the tree begins to increase in the amount, as a result of which specific bumps are formed on the surface. And if the air in the room is too dry, then the product bursts, which often leads to the formation of cracks.

During the stacking, it is important to ensure that it does not lay down to the walls, that is, the gap is obliged to be a centimeter, which is subsequently filled with a sealant. It is necessary that bugs are not formed on the floor, since this material is elastic.

But is it possible to wash the parquet or he will change its properties after this procedure or is it possible to carry out wet cleaning depending on the type of tree used? Each hostess washes the floors with ordinary water and a cloth, with a parquet of business in the same way, but only a rag should be well squeezed before use, otherwise the planks wave. But the brilliant floor from this will not be, for this you can use the cleansing and safe tool.

During the selection of wood, not exotic rocks should be preferred, since they are very whimsical to use. Of course, avoid deformation will not work, as in different time The climate in the house changes. Therefore, the care for the parquet floor should be carried out accordingly.

For example, in winter, heating devices include, and the air becomes dry, so the planks decrease. But it should not be feared, since the spring situation with the sexes will change and the planks will expand again.

But in the spring and summer, due to frequent rains, the bar will expand, but this is not so critical, since the situation will change with the onset of the next season.

But if the microclimate changes greatly, the coverage utilization will be reduced. Therefore, it will be necessary to lay this coating in a different way. That is, before putting the product, you should polish the planks and coat with oil. After that, it is necessary to place the substrate and sash on top of the plank, but glue in this case is strictly prohibited. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to care for the parquet at home so that it will serve as long as possible.

In order to implement this, you need to know where it appears, because the creak, as a rule, is formed for the following reasons:

  • the planks will creak because of the friction of each other;
  • boards rub about the nails that they were fixed;
  • they rub about the laid substrate.

In addition, the creaking floor can become due to the lag or incorrectly laid substrate, which does not fit properly to the base.

In rare cases, it is possible to eliminate the creaking of parquet on its own, but it is better to take advantage of the help of specialists who either differ and partially replace the product, or fill the emptiness with a special composition.

In order for this floor covering to be operated as long as possible, it should be monitored that the humidity is not above sixty percent, and temperature mode hesitated from fifteen to twenty five degrees.

On the construction market Available great amount Diverse parquet. But how to care for him correctly, because different coverage requires a special approach?

The most common type of parquet is lacquered.

Parquet board care in this case reduces the following recommendations from specialists:
  1. The first two weeks this floor covering cannot be washed, the cleaning of the parquet should be carried out only by a dry way.
  2. Categorically impossible to use pollution detergent and gasoline.
  3. Parquet care implies another feature - under the entire furniture it is necessary to put soft rubber or other lining, as they damage the floors.
  4. After the above time, you can make a wet cleaning, but how to wash parquet? To do this, use only a soft cloth, which you need to squeeze pre-well.
  5. If the floors are badly contaminated, then cleaning the parquet is carried out only by Clean. After all, aggressive care products are destroyed by the top layer, since their cleaning makeup is dangerous for most floor coatings.

Unfortunately, the lacquer will deteriorate over time, so it must be changed every five years, but before covering, it is necessary to polish the plank.

Parquet care facilities should be selected according to the coating itself, since otherwise the surface layer may be damaged.

Parquet, covered by varnish - all the rules for caring for the floor are practically no different from the previous version, in this case the answer to the question as washing parquet is absolutely similar. Wash it with a well-squeezed cloth, but not more often than once a week. But it will be necessary to clean and update it more than once every five years, and once in eight months, as it is less wear-resistant. During care, it should be used dry cleaning and cannot be used alkali or powder, even if it is impossible to wash the parquet from dirt. But how to wash parquet if there was serious pollution on it? For cleaning, you can use the usual shopping soap.

It is important for the owners to know how to remove the creaking of parquet, although in most cases it is better to contact the help of specialists. After all, the creaking floor delivers a lot of inconvenience to the owners of an apartment or at home.

Natural parquet - the entire carpet cleaning procedure is practically no different from the previous ones, but if it has formed pollution that cannot be cleaned, then how to wash the floorboard in this case? Here it is better to seek help from specialists, because only they know how to remove the parquet if necessary.

During operation, it is necessary to carefully monitor the state of the parquet, otherwise it is necessary to change the top layer much more often than it is necessary for the standards, for this you should know how to clean the parquet.

First of all, you need to figure out what "Natural Parquet" is. There are three main types of natural parquet coverage: a classic piece package, a massive parquet and a parquet board.

Parquet is called parquet, the size of the slats of which does not exceed 600 mm in length and 60 mm wide, the thickness ranges from 15 to 22 mm. It is made from valuable breeds Tree - oak, beech, ash, maple. On the edges of the parquet slats make special spikes and grooves, with which parquet planks are attached to each other. Small sizes of parquet powder make it possible to lay it not only by the traditional "Christmas tree", but also to create beautiful patterns on the floor.

Massive parquet is different from piece by its sizes. Boards massive parquet It can be from 600 to 3000 mm long, from 60 to 200 mm wide, but the thickness does not exceed the thickness of the piece parquet - from 15 to 22 mm. For the manufacture of a massive parquet, a tree is used both classical and exotic rocks. Big sizes The massive parquet board does not allow stacking pattern. Laying the massive parquet is different from laying piece, at the board there are no special fasteners, they are put close to each other on the adhesive basis.

Parquet board, unlike a piece and massive parquet, is glued from natural wood Three-layer design. Parquet boards are equipped with special "locks" for easy and fast laying. The size of the parquet board is greater than the piece parquet, but less than the massive: thickness - 14-15 mm, width 130-200 mm, length 2000-2500 mm. The inner and lower layer of the parquet board is made of softer coniferous rocks Woods, and the upper layer is made of valuable wood wood. And although the upper layer is not more than 4 mm, but when proper laying and operation life of such an outdoor coating will not be much smaller than massive board and piece parquet. Although, of course, it is impossible to say about such a floor - "put on the century." After all, the thin top layer will not allow to bother it more than three times.

Despite its differences in the size and methods of laying, all types of natural parquet coating require the same gentle care. You can not walk on parquet floor in street shoes - sand, small dirt will quickly lead to a loss of beautiful external view. Natural parquet floor can not be washed with a wet cloth or a sponge, it is only permissible to wipe a slightly wet. The use of washing vacuum cleaners is unacceptable. Be sure to make special linings for the furniture legs, from felt or felt. The natural tree does not tolerate the differences in humidity, you need to try to maintain moisture in the house from 45 to 60%. To do this, in the heating season (when the air in our apartments can be reheated) should be used by special devices - air humidifiers. In addition, this is useful not only for parquet coverage, but also for the health of people, especially young children.

Differences in care dependes not from the type of parquet, but from what the upper layer of wood is processed: varnish, natural oil or oil with UV hardening (ultraviolet hardening).

Classic protection method wooden parquet From various external influences - lacquer coating. The lacquer attached to the natural parquet of a special gloss and glitter, emphasizes the beauty of natural wood, protects against abrasion, contaminants.

It is recommended to clean such a floor with a vacuum cleaner, a wet cleaning is allowed only well pressed with a cloth. In water for cleaning, you can add special tools intended for care parquet floors with lacquer coating. So not only the dirt is removed, but also the protective film is applied to the parquet.

If the liquid shed accidentally on the floor, it must be removed very quickly.

If a stain appeared on the floor, which cannot be washed with ordinary water, then only the stain remover for cleaning the lacquered floor is permissible.

Even if they regularly apply special means for lacquer with a wet cleaning, it is still possible to apply special protective and decorative coatings on parquet, or polish. IN residential buildings Or apartments it is enough to do no more than once every two or three months.

But still, over time, varnish will be gradually braid. How quickly it will happen - depends on the load on the floor. You can update the lacquer coating using various means to restore and update varnish. And if this is not enough, you can fully update the top layer of the parquet coating: bounce, polish and re-cover with varnish.

Parquet, covered as a protective oil with oil, deprived of a shine of a lacquer coating, but the tree looks as natural as possible.

Wooden floor with natural oil impregnation is recommended as much as possible with a damp cleaning, it is best to use vacuum cleaner or soft dry rags.

Parquet, covered with natural oil, no need to regularly process with polishing agents. But still once a year it is recommended to apply a special mastic to the care of floors covered with natural oil. For parquet of light tones, made of soft wood (ash, beech); Perhaps it is necessary to do more often - twice a year.

If in time the floor will need to be updated, then this can be done using grinding grinding machine from large quantity Oils distributed over the entire floor surface. When it is not enough, the floor will need to be bored and re-covered with oil.

Parquet floor covered with oil with UV hardening, it will not be stuck so fast, like a natural oil. And operating conditions in residential buildings and apartments will not require special care for several years. But over time, such floors will also need to process once a year to treat the field care facilities covered with oil.

Oil with UV hardening differs from natural oil by being subjected to hardened industrial method Under ultraviolet rays. This means that it will be impossible to restore such a coating with a strong worn out, but this gear can also be bored and then coat or varnished or natural oil.

Observe all the rules for the care of natural parquet, use only special means for washing and cleaning, and your parquet will save a wonderful look!

The article prepared Natalia Shipilov.

When choosing a cloth, preference gave the material perfectly absorbing water. The rag should not be tough, so as not to scratch parquet.

Features of care

Parquet has a different top cover: oil-wax, varnish.

There are some features of lacquer care. Application of the lacquer layer on the board is performed by the manufacturer in the manufacture of a parquet board, or immediately after installing parquet. When applied by the lacquer in the second way, we advise you to postpone the installation of furniture for 10-14 days. During this time, the lacquer layer fully solidifies, it will be possible to put furniture in the room. When operating the coating on the lacquer layer, dirt accumulates, minor scratches appear, scuffs. To eliminate all these flaws, special means are needed, soapy solution cannot be used. Large companies engaged in the manufacture of parquet offer a complete range of products with which the coating can be made.

Tip! Optimal option There will be an acquisition of a cleaning composition recommended by a parquet board manufacturer.

To update parquet coating in places with maximum permeability (corridor, kitchen), 2-3 times a month can be used special means. Basically, the care means are offered by producers in the form of polyrollas performed on a wax basis. Similar funds are deprived unpleasant odorTherefore, safe for the inhabitants of the apartment.

Restoration of the gloss of parquet is possible when applying a special means - freshener. To eliminate "Galtsin" on the parquet, a varnish will be required - spray. If systematic care is carried out behind the parquet, in this case the coating can be stopped for 10-15 years, after which it is necessary to update the lacquer coating.

We highlight the basic care options for a parquet, covered with a wax or oil layer. Before the start of cleaning, it is important to check the condition of the floor. When defects are detected: chipping, cracks, you need to carefully clean them with wire, then fill in a joinery glue mixed with sawdust.

Attention ! When Ignoring this procedure, the Parquet will start rotting in places.

Parquet covered with wax, suggests dry cleaning. As preventive tools, it is necessary to select such compositions in which there is a solvent and wax.

Tip! Conducting wet cleaning is allowed only if the amount of water is minimal. Apply protective products with wet rags parallel to the direction of the tree fibers.

With a wet cleaning of the parquet, the soap is not intended. Otherwise, the color of the floor will change in those places where the soap falls on what kind of aesthetic nature of the parquet sex will not go. Caring for the new parquet involves 2-3 one-time cleaning per month according to the following algorithm:

  • cleaning, floor drying;
  • protective oil treatment, elimination of oil excess;
  • processing of the coating layer of protective wax.

Prevention measures

Parquet floors experience daily mechanical effects, scratches appear on them. For increase operating period Such coatings can be used by the following methods:

  1. Remove floor carpet. Under carpets accumulate a large number of mud. Small grapplets of sand are able to spoil the top wax or varnish parquet layer.
  2. Control furniture on wheels. When moving such furniture on parquet boards Scratches and chips appear.
  3. On the furniture legs We make special felt overlays. W. entrance doors We put the rug to absorb moisture, was not overlooked by the parquet of sand.

Parquet care products

Currently, manufacturers offer a variety of preventive tools by which the initial shine can be returned.

Varnishes for parquet. Protective varnish Forms a dense layer on the surface of the board. Sell \u200b\u200bvarnishes: on water based; based on synthetic solvent

Such varnishes are suitable for applying to parquet in production rooms. There are such varnishes, which implies the use of ultraviolet lighting. To increase the moisture pressure of the parquet, it is advisable after laying, apply a layer of lacquer layer made on a water basis.

Attention ! Synthetic varnishes are undesirable to use in children's rooms as well as in apartments where there are pets. They have a sharp smell, cause suffocations and allergies.

Wax - oil mixtures. Finding deep into wood, similar compositions fill the pores, emphasize the individuality of the wood, give the parquet of a unique view. First, the floor is applied to the floor special oil, then cover the floor with a mixture of oil and wax. This mixture is safe for pets, does not cause allergies in children. The frequency of parquet floor covering is such a composition - 1 time per year.

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