We clean the kettle from scale with available means. Descaling an enameled kettle How to effectively descale a kettle

Engineering systems 16.06.2019
Engineering systems


Perhaps one of the most used items in every kitchen is the kettle. It is he who is a symbol home warmth and comfort, as well as an integral attribute of the home tea ceremony. In the process of use, pollution and scale gradually form inside and outside. You can clean it using several proven methods that allow you to return to its original appearance without unnecessary hassle and financial costs.

Exists a large number of variety of models made from various materials. But unfortunately, none of them is immune from the appearance of scale. main reason The formation of such complex pollution is the high concentration of salts in the water. However, even the use of special filters is not always able to solve the problem. Scale usually covers the bottom and walls of metal and enameled vessels, as well as electric kettles. Because of its appearance, many electrical appliances simply fail.

It is dangerous to ignore the formed plaque, because such a deposit can not only cause a breakdown of an electrical appliance, but also lead to overheating, having a small heat sink. In addition, water boiled in such a device can contribute to the development of kidney disease.

If you want to remove scale from the kettle, you can use several proven methods, however, it is advisable to take into account the material of manufacture of this product. Regardless of which model you have to clean, you should remember that after the treatment, the vessel must be boiled 1-2 times, and then drained. This will destroy the remaining funds used.

Homemade ways to clean the kettle from scale and rust inside

If you need to qualitatively clean the device from scale and rust, using home remedies, you can use the following methods.


  • Take 100 ml of table vinegar 9%, and dilute it in 1 liter of water.
  • Pour the resulting solution into the kettle and boil.
  • When the water begins to boil, check how effectively the scale layers are removed.
  • If the process is progressing sluggishly, do not remove it from the fire for another quarter of an hour.
  • After completing the cleaning procedure, rinse the vessel with clean water.
  • Attention! This cleaning method should not be used for electrical appliances. Vinegar can deprive the heating element of certain properties.


  • Fill the kettle with water by adding 1 tablespoon of baking soda to it.
  • Bring the liquid to a boil, and then do not remove from heat for half an hour.
  • Then proceed to the washing process with household sponge or rags.
  • Then fill it with water again, boil it and drain it.
  • Lemon acid

  • Measure out 1 liter of water, and add 2 teaspoons of citric acid powder.
  • Pour the resulting liquid into the kettle and boil it.
  • Rinse the container with clean water, and boil water in it again, which must then be drained.
  • Cleansing with citric acid can be carried out without the boiling process.

  • Dissolve lemon powder in water, in the proportions indicated above.
  • Pour the liquid into the teapot.
  • Leave the container for several hours.
  • Then wash it in the usual way.
  • How to clean the kettle with citric acid - video


    You can get rid of traces of scale with the help of brine left after preservation. In this case, the effect is achieved due to the presence of the same lemon in it, which can easily cope with scale.

  • Pour the brine into the kettle and boil it.
  • Then wait for the brine to cool completely, then wash it.

  • Fruit and potato peels

    If there is a thin layer of scale that has formed on the inner walls of the vessel, peelings from fruits and potatoes can be used.

  • Wash thoroughly.
  • Put them in a kettle, fill with water and boil.
  • After boiling, remove the device from the heat, and leave it together with the contents for 2 hours.
  • Then wash the vessel.
  • Using the peeling of pears and apples, you can easily get rid of white salt deposits.

    Carbonated drinks

    You can wash the kettle with high quality using Coca-Cola, Fanta and Sprite.

  • Allow the gas to completely evaporate from the drink being used.
  • Then pour the drink into the kettle (about 1⁄2 of its capacity), and bring to a boil.
  • Then wash the vessel in clean water.
  • Attention! This method is not suitable for an electric kettle. In addition, colored drinks can leave a characteristic shade on the walls of the vessel. If it is necessary to clean the white, it is advisable to use colorless liquids such as Sprite or 7UP.

    In the case of the formation of very complex contaminants that accumulate on the walls of the kettle for a long time, you can use more powerful way its cleaning, involving the alternate use of several means at once.

  • Fill the kettle with water and add 1 tablespoon of baking soda to it.
  • Bring the liquid to a boil and drain it.
  • Then draw clean water into the vessel again, pouring 1 tablespoon of citric acid into it.
  • Boil for half an hour, and after the specified time, drain the water.
  • Refill the vessel with clean water, and pour 1⁄2 cup of 9% vinegar into it.
  • Boil for half an hour and drain the water from it again.
  • After letting the kettle cool, remove the scale with a kitchen sponge. This method is not recommended for cleaning electrical appliances.
  • Attention! When cleaning, do not use metal scrapers and hard brushes.

    When choosing one or another cleaning method, one should take into account what materials the vessel is made of. To do this, you can use the table below.

    Table of home remedies for cleaning kettles made of various materials

    How to clean outside

    During operation, pollution appears not only inside, but also outside. If scale can be dealt with using the above methods, how can you easily and effectively clean the outside of the kettle? In this case, simple improvised means will also come to the rescue.


    Grease that has stained the surface can be wiped off using baking soda and a damp kitchen sponge. However, with this cleaning option, you should not be too zealous, as scratches may remain on nickel teapots.

    Old dirt can be removed by boiling in a soda solution.

  • In a container of a suitable size, draw clean water, and put soda in it, at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water.
  • Then lower the kettle into the container, making sure that the water covers it completely.
  • Put the container with the vessel on the fire, and boil for half an hour.
  • Then let the composition cool, and remove dirt from the surface with a kitchen sponge.
  • Rinse the vessel cleaned of dirt in clean water and wipe dry.
  • Advice. Before cleaning the outside, warm up the appliance. This will make it easier to remove dirt.

    Soda with 9% vinegar, mixed in equal proportions (1 teaspoon each), will help get rid of dried dirt.

    How to clean the outside of the kettle with baking soda and vinegar - video

    Activated carbon

    Aluminum kettles are perfectly cleaned with activated carbon.

  • Take 10 charcoal tablets and turn them into powder.
  • Then moisten the sides of the dishes, then evenly apply the powder on them.
  • After an hour, wipe the outside and rinse with clean water.
  • Toothpaste

    Instead of soda, you can also use toothpaste for more gentle care.

  • Apply to outer surface paste by squeezing it out of the tube.
  • Scrub the soiled areas with a sponge or soft brush, and then rinse the paste with warm water, then rinse the surfaces with cold water.
  • Using a flannel cloth, you can then polish the coating to a shine.
  • How to keep your kettle clean

  • To prevent rapid scale formation, it is advisable to use bottled water. And when using tap water, defend it for several hours or pass it through special filters.
  • The water poured into the vessel should not be boiled more than once, and it is advisable to rinse the vessel daily.
  • To avoid the formation of heavy scale, you can sometimes boil the kettle by adding a tablespoon of citric acid to it.
  • With the help of these simple folk methods, you can clean the surface and inside of the dishes from scale, while making a lot of effort. Many of them cannot cope with too complex pollution, and it is for this reason that in some cases it is more expedient to use means industrial production. However, for people who prefer to avoid using complex chemical compositions in the kitchen, these methods will become the best option. Timely removal of scale will provide easier and faster cleaning of surfaces, and regular prevention of its appearance will be the key to cleanliness of the vessel throughout long period time.

    Someone noticed that the kettle, as, by the way, the stove is the face of the hostess. Therefore, each of us should know how to clean the kettle from scale.

    Where does scale come from

    Part drinking water included great amount minerals and salt. Whatever folk methods and you didn’t clean it with modern filters, even a small percentage of various impurities still remain. During the heating of sodium and magnesium salts, a lime scale forms, which eats into the walls of the dish and does not want to voluntarily leave it.

    This plaque covers any kind of material, so all housewives have to clean their kettles.

    Why get rid of limescale

    • Limescale has a low thermal conductivity, which is why water boils more slowly.
    • If the kettle is electric, and you are too lazy to clean it, plaque quickly disables the heating element.
    • Water becomes tasteless due to scale. And if it boils for a long time, it is also cloudy.

    Effective ways to deal with scale

    How to clean a kettle with simple means that can be found in every home.

    Hit the scale with citric acid

    1. Type a full kettle of water, pour 1-2 sachets of citric acid (depending on its volume and scale thickness). Boil.
    2. Let the solution cool slightly, in the meantime, the acid will have time to corrode the plaque as much as possible. Drain the liquid.
    3. Boil water with citric acid again. Drain the liquid again and rinse the kettle thoroughly.
    4. You can replace citric acid with vinegar - 100 grams per liter of water.

    Removing a thick layer of scale

    If the solution with citric acid did not give the expected result, try another method:

    1. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of baking soda in 1 liter of water. Pour this solution into the kettle, boil for about half an hour.
    2. Drain the resulting liquid. Pour water and add a tablespoon of citric acid, boil.
    3. Pour water with vinegar a third time (the thicker the layer, the more vinegar), boil for 30 minutes.
    4. After such a triple treatment, the scale becomes soft and easily lags behind the walls. Remove it with either a kitchen sponge or a wooden spatula. Rinse the kettle thoroughly, boil clean water for reliability and pour it out.

    Trying to clean Coca-Cola

    1. Release all gas from the drink before use.
    2. Fill half of the kettle with Coca-Cola, boil.
    3. Pour out the contents, rinse.
    4. Some claim that "Fanta" and "Sprite" are also suitable for this case.

    Is your teapot sparkling clean again? Isn't it time for a fragrant tea? Good tea drinking and pleasant conversation!

    It doesn’t matter what kind of kettle you have at home - electric, enameled or metal, you can’t avoid scale in it under any circumstances. Even expensive water filters will not save. From scale, electric kettles quickly break down, and at the bottom of ordinary kettles - metal or enameled - an explosive mixture of scale with rust is formed.

    What causes scaling

    In ordinary kettles, scale forms directly on its inner walls and bottom, while in electric kettles, the heating element becomes the place where scale appears, which is in direct contact with water.

    Scale is formed due to the salts that make up our tap water. And the more of them in the water, the more intense the scale will appear. Hard water can be softened with all kinds of filters, but even they cannot completely remove the salts from the water.

    The consequences of scale

    Ignoring the problem of scale is extremely dangerous. Firstly, it causes premature failure of electric kettles and the destruction of the walls of ordinary ones. Scale has a very small heat sink, which leads to overheating of the kettle surface. It does not allow water to come into contact with highly conductive steel, thereby heating the steel to unacceptable temperatures. In electric kettles, the heating element is made of steel, and as a result of the appearance of scale, it experiences strong thermal resistance, which leads to breakage. Secondly, getting into our body with water, scale has an extremely negative effect on its condition. The consequence of this phenomenon can be significant problems with the functioning of the urinary system and kidneys.

    KitchenMag put together in this review better ways how to remove scale in a kettle. Regardless of which cleaning method suits you personally, do not forget to thoroughly wash the kettle after the procedure and boil the water “idle” (1 to 2 times) so that the remnants of the product do not get into your tea. Leftover vinegar or baking soda can cause serious poisoning.

    1. Method for metal teapot- cleaning with vinegar

    Cleaning with vinegar is the fastest and highest quality way to clean dishes without harm to health and the use of chemicals. Food vinegar must be diluted with water (100 milliliters of vinegar per 1 liter of water), pour the solution into a bowl, put on a small fire and wait for it to boil. As soon as the kettle boils, you should lift the lid and check how the scale is peeling off the walls of the kettle. If the detachment is defective, then you need to leave the kettle on the fire for another 15 minutes. After cleaning, the kettle should be washed well, removing all residues of vinegar and deposits.

    2. Method for a plastic electric kettle - cleaning with citric acid

    You can’t use vinegar for an electric kettle, but citric acid is a great cleaning tool. It is necessary to dilute 1-2 sachets of acid (1-2 teaspoons) in 1 liter of water, pour the solution into the kettle and boil. The plastic of the kettle will “renew itself”, and the plaque will disappear without a trace, easily exfoliating after the acid. All that remains is to rinse the kettle and boil the water “idle” once. But still, boiling with a solution of citric acid is an extreme measure. Perfect option teapot care - monthly cleansing with citric acid without boiling. Just dilute the acid in water, pour it into the kettle and leave it for a few hours.

    3. A method for all types of kettles, except for electric ones, - cleaning with carbonated drinks

    A truly popular way is descaling with Fanta, Coca-Cola or Sprite. These drinks ideally clean rust, scale from dishes and even car carburetors from burning.

    First you need the soda to stand open. After the gas bubbles disappear, you should simply pour the soda into the kettle (up to the middle) and bring to a boil. Then wash thoroughly. The method is not suitable for an electric kettle. On various women's forums you can find useful advice: it is better to use "Sprite", since "Coca-Cola" with "Fanta" can leave their shade on the dishes.

    4. For special severe cases- soda, citric acid and vinegar (not for electric kettles)

    Suitable for the most running state of the kettle. Pour water into the kettle, add a tablespoon of baking soda (table), boil the solution, drain the water. Next, pour water again, but with citric acid (1 tablespoon per kettle). Boil for about half an hour on low heat. Drain again, add fresh water, pour vinegar (1/2 cup), boil again for 30 minutes. Even if the scale itself does not come off after such shock cleaning, it will definitely become loose, and it will be possible to remove it with a simple sponge. Hard brushes and metal sponges are not recommended for all types of kettles.

    The water in our plumbing has the unpleasant property of forming lime deposits in teapots, covering its walls and heating element with an untidy layer. How to clean Electric kettle from scale, so as not to damage it? Is it possible to somehow avoid the formation of this muck in the electric kettle, get rid of it forever?

    Unfortunately, it is impossible to remove scale so that it ceases to form. In water, even filtered and quite clean, hardness salts are still contained. They are not only in distilled water, but using it in everyday life is not only expensive, but also not at all useful. So the task of “cleaning the electric kettle from scale” belongs to the category that regularly arises in front of everyone who uses the kettle. It will not be possible to remove this need from the list of mandatory tasks.

    Home remedies for scale in a kettle

    There are many ways to remove scale in an electric kettle, and the worst of them is mechanical. That is, scrape off hard sharp objects limescale is absolutely not worth it. So you can completely ruin the kettle by damaging its body or heating element. Even if the layer of lime deposits has become thick, it should be removed gradually. Otherwise, you just have to throw away your favorite electric kettle and buy a new one.

    Much more effective is the removal of scale using various chemical reagents that dissolve it or make the layer more loose and brittle.

    Before trying to get rid of stubborn deposits different means, the electric kettle must be washed well from the inside with a hard washcloth (not metal!).

    To easily clean the walls and spiral of the kettle from scale, you can use the following substances.

    Citric acid or natural lemon juice

    To do this, pour 80-100 g of citric acid into the previously washed kettle, add water to the upper mark and turn on the device. When the water boils, you need to leave the acid solution to cool completely, you can even overnight. After that, the electric kettle must be cleaned of the loose grayish sediment formed under the action of acid and pieces that have lagged behind the walls. If necessary, if at one time it was not possible to remove all scale from the walls, the procedure can be repeated.

    If there is no citric acid at hand, but there are fresh lemons, you just need to cut 2-3 lemons into circles along with the peel and boil them in an electric kettle. Lemon juice is able to clean the kettle no worse than powdered acid, at the same time it also aromatizes it.

    Video: checking folk methods of descaling

    Vinegar, table vinegar, apple cider or dilute vinegar essence

    For an ordinary electric kettle with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters, you will need 2 cups of 6% table vinegar, which must be added with water to the maximum mark. To clean the kettle, vinegar must be boiled and left for several hours, as in citric acid. Just keep in mind: the smell of vinegar in the kitchen will be very strong. It will be possible to get rid of it later with intensive ventilation.

    Very stubborn, old scale deposits can be removed by combining Chemical properties acids and alkalis: vinegar and soda. To do this, you first need to boil a concentrated soda solution in a kettle. It will take about half a glass of powder for a full kettle of water.

    When the solution boils, drain it, and fill the container with a strong solution of vinegar or citric acid. A violent reaction will begin with intense release of carbon dioxide. Gas bubbles contribute to the destruction of dense layers of sediment, and in this way you can clean the kettle even from old layers. After all the scale has turned into a loose sediment, the kettle must be washed well.


    You can very effectively get rid of scale by using Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta or other similar carbonated drinks as a solvent. They contain orthophosphoric acid, which helps to remove even the most persistent deposits of lime salts. You just need to pour a drink into the electric kettle and leave it for a couple of hours. You don't even need to boil. Then it remains only to treat the inner surface with a moderately hard washcloth or brush, and rinse.

    For white teapots, it is better to use colorless drinks so as not to stain the plastic.

    Otherwise, then you will have to look for ways to clean your white electric kettle already from colored traces of fanta.

    Oxalic acid

    If there is on the farm oxalic acid- it is also suitable for removing scale. Instead of acid, you can put a large bunch of fresh sorrel inside the kettle - the effect will be the same, you just have to wait a little longer due to the lower concentration of acid.

    Finally, you can visit the store household chemicals and buy special anti-scale products there. Their range is quite large. But do not expect that the use of expensive special equipment will help you get rid of scale easier and faster than the methods described above. All of them work almost equally efficiently, and the more convenient it is to clean the electric kettle, everyone chooses to their liking.

    Video: getting rid of scale in an electric kettle

    What can be done to prevent

    Finally, a few tips for preventing scale formation.

    • Buy an electric kettle with a closed coil or heating disc. They are much easier to care for than open coil models. It will also be easier to remove the scale that has appeared.
    • Don't run your kettle too hard. It is better to remove a thin layer of scale once a month by simply boiling a solution of citric acid than to kill half a day off once a year to get rid of a thick layer of lime that has covered the entire inside.
    • Use filtered water for boiling. It's better for the teapot and for your health.

    Over time, almost all the water in the kettle leaves limescale. It manifests itself in the form of salt deposits on the walls of the kettle or heating element, if we are talking about an electric kettle. In any case, this phenomenon has an unpleasant effect on the operation of the ten, appearance products. That is why every owner of a heating device periodically faces the problem of how to descale the kettle.

    In addition to the fact that the scale looks ugly, spoils the appearance of the kettle, its presence harms the family budget:

    • due to scale, a longer interval of time is needed for the kettle to boil;
    • the presence of scale quickly disables the kettle;
    • when scaled up, the electric kettle can spontaneously turn off;
    • the presence of scale spoils the color of water, affects the quality of drinks prepared from it (tea and coffee).

    Descaling methods

    You can remove scale in the kettle in several ways, both folk and using special means.

    Household chemicals

    Household chemical stores offer a wide selection detergents for descaling. Instructions are included with each. Most often, the product is added to the kettle along with water and boiled for a certain period of time. The names of all are almost the same: "Antinakip" or some derivatives. When choosing a tool for an electric kettle, make sure that there are certain additives that prevent the destruction of metal elements.

    Before the advent of special tools, each housewife used her own, proven over the years, which is available in every kitchen. Consider the most popular.

    Lemon acid

    Descaling with citric acid is easy. This is the way that helps in solving the problem of how to descale an electric kettle. To do this, add 100 g of citric acid to the kettle and let it boil. The liquid in which citric acid is dissolved is not poured out. She should stay in the kettle for several hours, preferably until completely cooled. After a certain period of time, the liquid is drained, and the plaque loose from the action of citric acid is removed.

    In the absence of citric acid, it can be replaced with lemon slices. To remove plaque in the kettle, boil 3-4 slices and leave lemon water until it cools completely.

    food vinegar

    To remove scale, you can use not only ordinary vinegar, but also its other derivatives, for example, apple cider vinegar. However, this method cannot be applied to electric kettles.

    The technology is simple. Pour half a glass of table vinegar and boil for 10 minutes. After the kettle has been thoroughly rinsed and easily cleaned with a hard sponge, the appliance can be used to prepare hot drinks.

    Baking soda

    Plain baking soda in the amount of one tablespoon is poured into the heating element, the scale is destroyed after half an hour of boiling.

    Powerful Recipe

    If the scale layer is significant, use A complex approach. First, soda is used, washed, vinegar is added, removed again and transferred to citric acid. It is worth noting that this method is very effective. Accompanied by a violent reaction with the release of bubbles. All scale, even very old, turns into a gray loose sediment. The method should not be used for heating elements electric kettle.

    pickle brine

    The remaining marinade from tomatoes or cucumbers contains vinegar or citric acid. The brine itself can be used to remove scale.

    Modern way

    The experience of cleaning heaters with the help of modern liquids to quench thirst is interesting. Ordinary Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta are left open so that the gas comes out. Bring sweet drinks to a boil and remove scale with a regular sponge.

    Peeling potatoes and apples

    To remove scale in the kettle, you can boil finely chopped potato and apple peels for several minutes. Leave the liquid for several hours to cool. The method can be used for enamelware and electric kettles.

    wood ash

    A good descaler is wood ash. It is not boiled, but simply rubbed into a salt coating. Then the scale is removed with a hard sponge.

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