Why is the dishwasher bad. What to do if the dishwasher is not washing dishes well

Engineering systems 16.06.2019
Engineering systems

The quality of washing depends on several factors. But usually users do not pay attention to the rules of operation, which is why the device starts to work worse and worse. Among the reasons why your Dishwasher began to wash dirty dishes badly:

  • untimely cleaning of parts;
  • errors during operation;
  • low-quality cleaning products or their incorrect dosage.

Dishes may remain dirty if the machine is used incorrectly.

If your dishwasher does not wash dishes, first of all, analyze how you use the unit. Among the most common mistakes you can note:

  • loading more dishes than allowed;
  • choosing the wrong mode;
  • illiterate stacking of plates and glasses in cages.

Before turning on the dishwasher, you should carefully read the instructions. The dishes should be positioned so that they do not interfere with the operation of the spray arm and do not block access to the detergent. In addition, plates that are on the lower level should not interfere with the passage of water to higher objects.

Put dishes in the dishwasher correctly

The more dishes you put in the dishwasher, the worse it will wash off. If the machine is overloaded, the dishes will have to be washed again after washing. Another mistake is setting a mode that does not correspond to the type of pollution. If you need to wash the pan and you have turned on the glass mode, the utensils will remain dirty. A quick wash will also not remove grease left on pots and plates. If your dishwasher is not cleaning dirty dishes well and you don't know what to do, read the instructions first. It describes all types of possible downloads, modes and other useful information.

If the stains on the plates that have been in the dishwasher appear constantly, most likely the unit needs to be cleaned. Any model should be regularly inspected and checked for the condition of the following parts:

  • sprinklers;
  • mesh filter for food;
  • heating element and tank;
  • inlet filter.

Look at the instructions to understand where the filter is located, collecting food particles. If the appliance does not wash dishes, it is most likely dirty. Usually the element is located at the bottom of the aggregate and looks like a fine mesh. It needs to be washed every ten days.

Washed cutlery in the dishwasher and by hand

If the water is hard, keep an eye on the filter core - it can be seen at the inlet to the unit. When the filter is clogged, the water pressure weakens. This is another reason why the machine does not wash dirty dishes.

The heating element and the tank may suffer from scale. To prevent its occurrence, buy the appropriate tool. It is important that it matches the type of your dishwasher. Periodically turn it on in idle mode, adding a composition that removes scale.

To prevent rusting of the internal elements, wipe them with a dry cloth after all procedures.

If your dishwasher is not cleaning dirty dishes well, one way to fix this is to check the powder you are using. If you have changed the composition, and kitchen utensils plaque and stains began to appear, the reason is obvious. Buy another one and your machine will work much better.

If you always add the same product, and the plates remain dirty after washing, the reasons may be different:

  1. The machine doesn’t wash the traces of coffee, tea and lipstick badly - there is not enough bleach. To solve the problem, buy the right supplements or change the remedy.
  2. A gray coating and ugly stains are a sign of a lack of rinse aid. To solve the problem, adjust its flow.
  3. Plastic plates remain greasy - there is not enough substance that dissolves the fat. To remedy the situation, change the composition or add additives yourself.
  4. There are white stains on the pans - the salt powder is inside the machine, resulting in a plaque.

The cause of the problems may be the use of a composition produced for solving other problems. At first everything will be fine, but in time performance characteristics the unit will begin to deteriorate, and then it will fail.

The reason may be poor quality dishwashing detergents

If there is a coating on the plates, you may have added special salt for a very long time. In such a situation, due to hard water, the ion exchanger breaks down, as a result of which the detergent particles do not dissolve well. If you reapply salts, the dishwasher will quickly return to normal.

If the above measures do not work, the problem may be significant. One of the possible reasons is the failure of some parts:

  1. The heater burned out. This element is in contact with water, so scale forms on it. Over time, the heating element simply burns out. In this case, the water does not heat up, and it is impossible to wash the plates with cold liquid.
  2. The sprinkler does not function - as a result, water does not get into all places, and the dishes remain dirty.
  3. Broken water turbidity sensor - used only in new models. It controls the quality of the water: if it is cloudy, the washing continues, if it is clean, the process ends. When the appliance is not working, the machine does not understand when exactly to end the cycle.
  4. The thermostat burned out - it determines the temperature of the water and gives the command to heat it. In the absence of a signal, it remains cold, and the dishes are not washed.
  5. The recirculation pump has failed - it provides. In the event of a breakdown, the device will not work.
  6. Failure of the control module - this element is responsible for everything. If it fails, the machine will work poorly or stop completely.

The master repairs the dishwasher

To eliminate the listed malfunctions, you should call the master or take the dishwasher for repair.

How to wash dishes in a dishwasher

To achieve the desired result, place the dishes freely so that the water flows down easily. Before loading, remove leftover food from the plates, and soak pots and pans first. Regularly check the condition of the sensors, keep all the necessary tools in stock. Wipe down the interior after each cycle and do a full cleaning once a week.

When choosing a dishwasher model, be sure to consider the size of the load. If a lot of dirty dishes accumulate in the house, a compact device will not suit you - an overloaded machine will not be able to wash the plates.

Treat the dishwasher with care, carefully select detergents, follow the rules of operation and regularly clean it from dirt, and it will never let you down.

After the end of the washing cycle, poor-quality washed dishes were found behind the hopper door - with plaque, food residues or soap suds? Familiar situation? Why did this happen and why does the dishwasher wash dishes poorly? The reasons for this may be simple to the point of banality, but a serious breakdown is not ruled out. Let's take a look at everything in detail.

PMM does not launder: incorrect operation

If the dishwasher has become poorly washed, first of all it is necessary to exclude factors that are not related to the breakdown of parts and systems. The reason for this may be a violation of the rules of use:

  • There is food on the plates. If you are accustomed to saving dishes all day long and do not brush off the leftover food from them, then you can forget about high-quality and efficient washing forever. The manufacturer warns about this in the user manual - take a look at it if you don't believe it.

  • Wrong program. If you have loaded a large batch of heavily soiled dishes and have selected the short or economy setting, don't be surprised if the machine doesn't clean well. These cycles are designed for washing lightly soiled dishes and utensils, as well as for refreshing dishes. In other cases, you need to choose intensive and high-temperature cycles.
  • Bunker overload. The machine does not wash the plates if the baskets are crammed full of them. Unload the boxes, observing the distance between the dishes - perhaps this is the reason.

  • Detergents. Another reason why the dishwasher stopped washing is the wrong selection of detergents or their required volume. Adjust powder dose or detergent, add a rinse aid or completely replace the means available in the arsenal.

If none of the above factors came true and you still end up with dirty or soapy dishes, you need to take the issue more seriously. You will have to understand the structure of the machine or contact the master. Although this is an extreme measure, most problems at an early stage can be solved without contacting a service center.

Other Issues Requiring Immediate Resolution

The reasons listed below are often not related to a violation of the terms of use, or are related, but indirectly:

  • Limescale or simply scale. This is the main enemy of technology that works with heated water. It's all to blame - impurities that make tap water tough. Often, even special softeners and regenerating salt do not soften the impact of water on the inside of the dishwasher. The worst thing is that the raid is not visible - it is inside the PMM and slowly causes the car to break down. If scale appears on the impellers (sprinklers), then the water is sprayed much worse, which affects the efficiency of washing.

  • blockages. It is difficult to fully remove all the remnants of food, napkins and other things from the plates - in this case they will have to be washed, but why then PMM? All this rubbish is collected by filters, and also falls on sprinklers. Therefore, if the dishes are slippery and unwashed after a dishwasher, check the filters. It is advisable to clean them after each cycle - this recommendation is even spelled out by manufacturers in the instructions.

If the amount of detergent is chosen correctly, you have thoroughly cleaned the utensils of dirt and cleaned all the filters, but the washing is still bad, it looks like a breakdown. What to do: how to detect and fix the failure? More on this later.

Possible problems: how to fix?

Consider the possible malfunctions in which the PMM may not be able to cope 100% with its main function:

Heating element failure

Each PMM is equipped with a device that heats water to the required temperature. Thermoelectric heater (TEH) is most prone to scale accumulation on its surface. The longer the overgrown heating element works, the sooner it will burn out. After the heater fails, the machine ceases to cope with the main function - and the quality of washing drops to a minimum, since it is difficult to wash something in cold water. In this situation, disassembly of the machine body is required and complete replacement heater with a new part.

Breakdown of the circulation pump

The pump that pumps water into the dishwasher, when it fails, blocks the water supply for the washing process, hence the dirty, cloudy dishes. The way out of the situation is to replace the part with a new original.

Sprinkler wheel problems

The impeller is a mechanism that rotates the rocker with sprinklers. In case of failure, the rotation stops (both one impeller and two) and the dishes are not washed well. The way out is to replace the impeller.

Temperature sensor failure

The temperature sensor (thermal relay) is used to measure the water temperature. The information received by the sensor is fed to the electronic module, which commands the heater to start heating. If the data is incorrect (or not supplied at all), the heating element does not start and the washing takes place in cold water - hence its low quality. The sensor needs to be replaced with a new one.

Malfunction of the control module

The task of the software board is to send commands to all PMM nodes. So, the module controls heating, draining and other processes. In the event of a breakdown, the board does not work correctly, causing a malfunction of the machine. In this case, the module must be flashed or replaced with a new one.

Turbidity sensor failure

This failure is typical only for expensive machines, the design of which includes a sensor that controls the turbidity of the water. It sends a signal to the board that if the water is not yet clean enough, the cycle should continue. If the sensor fails, the module does not receive information about the state of the liquid and the wash cycle does not work correctly. It will help to replace the sensor with a new one.

Why won't the dishwasher clean? Did you load the dishes, run a wash cycle that ended successfully, but when you opened the door, you found the dishes dirty or not washed at all? Perhaps the dishwasher does not take out detergent or draws water, but does not clean the appliances. How to find and fix the problem, read the article.

First you need to understand exactly how the machine performs the cycle. Each sign can indicate a separate breakdown. Please note that your dishwasher:

Why did PMM start to work badly? The reasons can be varied, here are some of them:

  • errors during operation;
  • problems with water supply;
  • water does not circulate in the system at the proper level;
  • no detergent intake;
  • sprinkler malfunction (upper or lower).

Only a thorough inspection will help determine where the breakdown occurred. Let's consider everything in order.

Incorrect operation of the dishwasher

Each dishwasher (Ariston, Bosch, Kuppersberg) comes with instructions. The manufacturer really expects that you will read it, because most problems arise when the elementary rules for using the PMM are not followed.

The arrangement of dishes in the baskets also matters. Here are the mistakes users make:

  1. Place large dishes and plates in upper section, and small cups and glasses - in the bottom. This blocks the access of water to the devices.
  2. Place objects in the pan, near the sprinkler, which may block its operation.
  3. Place the plates so that they cover the detergent compartment.

Important . The drain must be cleaned 1-2 times a month, and chemical cleaning cycles should be run every six months.

The reason that the equipment fills with water and does not work may be scale. It is not noticeable from the outside, but inside it settles on metal parts. It can clog the nozzles in the rocker arm, blocking the water outlet. Therefore it is important to use special salt. It reduces the level of water hardness, and hence the amount of harmful impurities.

We fix problems in the PMM with our own hands

There are also more serious problems that need to be fixed.

No water intake

Why is the system heating the water but not washing the dishes? The control board "thinks" that there is water in the tank, because it receives such data from the pressure switch. As a result, the heating element is turned on for heating, but without water it overheats and burns out. So, you need to check the level sensor.

Watch your dishwasher work. If you see that the technique is working, but do not hear the characteristic murmur when water is drawn in, then you need to check the inlet valve.

What to do:

  • stop the program;
  • check shut-off valve;
  • check the valve.

Usually it is located below the front panel. But different manufacturers can place the valve on the side and back.

We will describe the general sequence of works:

  • shut off the water supply;
  • disconnect the inlet hose;
  • behind it is a valve;
  • check the electronic part of the part with a multimeter, connect the probes to the contacts and see the value;
  • if the valve is working, it will show from 500 to 1500 ohms;

  • check the mechanical part by applying voltage to 220 V; if at the same time the membrane opens, the part is working;
  • to replace, disconnect the hose and wiring from the valve;
  • set a new element.

Also check inlet hose and mesh filter. Cleaning is carried out under pressure from a tap.

Water does not circulate well, detergent problems

If there is a normal water intake, but the equipment does not start washing or does not wash off the dirt from the dishes, then the circulation system in the PMM is broken. Check:

  1. Nozzles. Open the bunker, pull out the baskets. Remove the lower and upper spray arms. Clean the nozzles with a toothpick and rinse under the tap.
  2. Circulation pump. The machine fills with water, but then stops. For diagnostics.

Important! The circulation unit (or engine) is an expensive part. Sometimes it is better to entrust the work to the master.

What do we have to do:

  • disconnect the PMM from the network and communications;
  • put in a free place and lay an old blanket (towel);
  • flip the case onto the back panel;
  • remove the bottom panel under the door;
  • unscrew the screws around the perimeter and remove the pan (preliminarily disconnect the float sensor, which is located on the pan);
  • in the center you will find a circulation block;

  • inspect the pump, ring the electronic part with a multimeter;
  • in the event of a malfunction, the element will have to be completely replaced.

If you are convinced that the water washes the dishes normally, but there are stains and food residues on the surface, check the detergent dispenser. Unscrupulous manufacturers make a cuvette from cheap material.

When exposed to hot steam, the plastic expands. Therefore, the compartment is jammed. The tablet does not dissolve properly. The way out is to replace the cuvette or adjust the compartment with your own hands.

Heating problems

Depending on the PMM device, a breakdown can manifest itself in different ways. In more modern models built-in temperature sensor that controls the heating temperature. If you set the program to 70 degrees, then when the temperature is reached, the sensor sends a signal to the module, which turns off the heating element.

If the heater burns out, then the machine (Bosch, Siemens, Ariston and others) draws water, starts heating and stops. Models without a sensor continue to work with cold water, so the devices are poorly washed.

How to understand that washing takes place in cold water? Open the door after the end of the cycle. Walls and dishes should be warm. You can also feel the nozzle during the first drain.

Usually installed in cars flow heater, so in the event of a breakdown, you will have to change the entire unit. The sequence of work is the same as when replacing the pump. Only first you need to unscrew the fixing screws inside the camera.

When the equipment does not turn on and does not start, the matter may be in the control module. This is the most serious damage that you cannot fix on your own. The electronic board controls all processes in the dishwasher. You can check it, but it is better to entrust the repair to a specialist.

We have listed possible reasons deteriorating dishwashing performance. If you notice something like this, proceed to fix the problem. After all, why do you need a car that does not perform its main function?

When the house has a dishwasher, washing plates, cups, glasses is greatly simplified. But no model, unfortunately, can work forever. From time to time something always breaks. And then you have to look for the reasons why the dishwasher began to wash poorly.

All malfunctions can be conditionally divided into two groups: those caused by a violation of the rules for the use of equipment, or those that appeared as a result of the active operation of the machine during a long period of operation.

And if in the first case everything is solved quickly and quite simply - with your own hands, then if serious problems are found, you still have to turn to professional repairmen.

Breakdowns associated with violation of the rules of use

One of the most common causes, which leads to the fact that the dishwasher began to wash poorly, is that not all food debris has been removed from the dishes. But every manufacturer warns about such problems. Do not ignore the instruction manual! So you will definitely have to clean the plates of food before washing.

If you use the dishwasher correctly, damage can be avoided.

Often the reason that the dishwasher does not wash well is the incorrect definition of the operating mode. For example, choosing an economical, or short, program in case of heavy pollution. But greasy dishes will be washed qualitatively only if you set a long washing cycle, and it is better to turn on maximum temperature water.

If you see that the dishwasher is not washing well, check if you are overloading it. Perhaps the problem lies in in large numbers wash items. To find out for sure, put fewer plates next time and look at the result.

The dishwasher does not wash well even when detergents not recommended by the manufacturer are used. Check out your manual! The choice for washing solutions with unsuitable characteristics or the consumption is too large volume for one cycle of operation of an electrical appliance will not lead to a good result. Try changing brands of rinse aid, or at least cut back on your use as a start.

Breakdowns associated with active operation

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to recognize a malfunction immediately, and the dishwasher continues to wash poorly even after all your efforts. In this case, you have to look literally deeper - perhaps the reason lies inside the household appliance.

Scale formation

The reason for the appearance of scale is hard water, which from the inside settles on metal parts, destroying them. Bad at this case the fact that when negative processes get to the sprayers of water, it will not be enough for high-quality washing of dishes.

To fix the problem yourself at home, instead of detergent, try using citric acid. Select a mode that will last for a long time at the same high temperature. When your dishwasher is not doing well due to scale buildup, the steps above will almost certainly solve the problem.

Mechanical blockage by foreign objects

They are most often caused by food leftovers on plates, pieces of napkins and similar debris that easily gets into the middle of a household appliance. In this regard, the main damage is done to cleaning filters and sprinklers.

Food leftovers, napkins and other debris easily clog the machine's filters.

Therefore, when the dishwasher began to wash poorly after 3-5 months of operation, you need to check the condition of these parts. Most manufacturers recommend cleaning filters and sprinklers after each wash cycle.

Dishes that do not need to be washed in the dishwasher

Occasionally, problems arise due to the fact that items not intended for this are placed in the dishwasher.

  • metal frying pans, pots, etc., because the rust formed during operation can be a real danger to other items when they are washed at the same time;
  • thin and fragile types of porcelain sometimes break, damaging the dishwasher;
  • for products coated with varnish or anodized aluminum, the color may change under the influence of high temperatures;
  • on porcelain, on which hand-painting was used, the drawing may be washed off;
  • objects made of wood, natural bone and other similarly fragile materials may be damaged or change their appearance.

Breakdowns that cannot be repaired by one's own hands

Sometimes really serious malfunctions become the cause of poor washing quality. In this case, only qualified specialists with special devices and spare parts can help.

Breakage of heating element - water heater

Since the heating element is constantly in the water, it is highly susceptible to the formation of scale on its parts. And if you do not clean it for a long time, then the dishwasher may break.

Most often, when the dishwasher fails, it is the heating element that is broken. After all, since it does not heat the water, it is not possible to wash the fat on plates and glasses in cold water. Well, since heating element can't be fixed, you have to buy a new one.

There are a number of breakdowns, the repair of which should be entrusted to a specialist

Failure of the circulation pump

Naturally, every dishwasher has a water pump that pumps water inside. If it breaks, it will not flow, which means that the washing process will not start. Here, there is also only one option - to change the circulation pump.

Sprinkler impeller malfunctions

talking in simple terms, thanks to the impeller, the mechanism with the rocker arm, on which the sprinklers are installed, rotates. When the impeller fails, of course, the sprinklers will not rotate, which means that there is no question of any high-quality washing of dishes. The only solution to the problem is to replace the broken part.

Temperature sensor failure

The temperature sensor, or thermal relay, is responsible for measuring the water temperature and transmitting this information further as intended - to the software module. The latter, in turn, gives the command directly to the heating element, helping it to turn on exactly at the time when it is needed.

So without a temperature sensor command, the water will remain cold, and the greasy dishes will not be washed. In this case, there is also only one way out - replacing the damaged temperature sensor.

Software module problems

As the name of the part implies, the main task of the software module is to give accurate and timely orders to other dishwasher systems during operation, such as heating, draining and filling water. It is clear that without such important detail the household appliance starts to work incorrectly or refuses to respond to your commands at all.

The software module is repaired by flashing or a complete replacement - depending on the complexity of the malfunction.

Failure of a sensor that measures water turbidity (for expensive models)

The turbidity sensor is needed so that the software module knows exactly when to end the wash cycle. After all, if the dishes have not yet been washed and are dirty, then the water will be cloudy.

If the sensor breaks down, the software module will not be able to understand what kind of water is now, and the dishwasher will continue the washing cycle until it is turned off. The way out in this case is to change the turbidity sensor.

How to repair a dishwasher (video)

No matter what kind of malfunction you have to face, remember that you can do repairs yourself only when you clearly know what exactly should be done in a particular situation. Otherwise, you still have to call professional repairmen, but it’s not a fact that the final cost after your actions will remain the same.

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