An example of an estimate for the repair of a room, important points in the preparation. Estimate documentation Estimate for the repair of the premises sample

reservoirs 26.06.2020

Probably, everyone who starts repairs on their own really wants to know how much it will result in monetary terms. It is useless to run for advice to acquaintances: everyone has different ideas, their own goals and requests. Someone, striving for European standards, lays out considerable sums for this pleasure, including the cost of all purchased furniture and household appliances. Someone is satisfied with a modest economy repair without frills and costs. Therefore, the estimate for the repair of an apartment will be different for everyone..

Budgeting is a necessary initial stage of any repair.

What exactly is this boring accounting lesson for - making an estimate of future expenses, and is it possible to somehow do without it?

The estimate for repair costs is the first and indispensable condition from which you must begin the repair of your apartment

It allows:

  1. Determine your financial capabilities and the type of repair that suits you.
    After all, as you know, everyone is sinful of "Manilov" plans - grandiose plans that are broken either by our laziness, fear of our own creative initiative and banal lack of money.
    Knowing that you have calculated everything correctly and that you have enough money for everything planned will give you confidence.
  2. Complete your grand project without being forced to delay due to financial constraints
  3. Compare the amount of costs you personally deduced with standard estimates for similar types of repairs

The corporate price list shows you, in fact, the amount of money that you will save by refusing the professional services of a repair and construction service..

Seeing this very tangible difference, you will feel a serious surge of enthusiasm and sit down at the encyclopedia of a home master.

After graduating from the repair school, you will no longer need the services of expensive repair services.

So, how do you make your own budget??

Repair estimate templates

Professional price list may differ from yours:

The price list of the company usually indicates the cost of the work performed with the derivation of the figures.

For example, this is how a sample estimate for a kitchen renovation looks like:

Estimate for the repair of the kitchen, compiled by the repair service

If the purchase of material at the request of the customer is made by a company, then the cost of materials is added to the cost.

In the estimate drawn up for self-made repairs, must be present:

  • Costs for building materials (both rough and finish)
  • The cost of construction tools and fasteners to be purchased
  • Shipping costs:
    transport, work of loaders

An example of such an estimate is shown below:

In addition to the cost of materials, an independent estimate may include transport costs.

What else can be included in the estimate

The total list of costs may include the cost of the work of professional craftsmen..

Few people manage to completely manage on their own at all stages, and you should not strive for this, otherwise it will already be a kind of mania, and you will have to devote yourself completely to repair until the end of your days, forgetting about your favorite work, rest and entertainment.

Self-repair becomes unprofitable if:

  • The cost of a construction tool is too expensive, and you are unlikely to need it at the end of the repair.
  • Work is too unhealthy or laborious and requires high skill

You need to soberly evaluate what is more profitable:

  • Buy a parquet grinder, a gas cylinder for installing a stretch ceiling, a welding machine or contact the professionals:
    scraper, ceiling installer, welder of metal structures
  • Whether to buy bags of sand and cement, a concrete mixer (as an alternative to endless multi-day stirring of the mixture in a basin) or buy ready-made concrete and screed all floors and brickwork in one day
  • Whether to suffocate from poisonous fumes of varnish and paints or pay a painter for work
  • Whether to make metal-plastic windows yourself or order ready-made double-glazed windows

How to start budgeting

Material Calculation Examples

    To determine how many rolls of wallpaper you need to buy for the kitchen:

    • from the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls (S st.) subtract S window and door openings and S kitchen apron
    • the obtained S of the working surface is divided by the S of one roll (usually about 5 m ²)
    • the value is rounded up to a whole number and a roll is added for the stock:
      The stock is necessary, since pasting is done with a combination of a pattern that has rapport (repetition)

    More accurate and economical calculation - along the perimeter and by the number of canvases.

    • The area of ​​the slopes, which is added to the area of ​​the walls
    • Evenness of walls with a level
    • Approximate thickness of the plaster layer to be applied

    Knowing the Knauf consumption per 1 m² with, say, a millimeter layer, you can calculate its total amount.

    Knauf is also taken with a margin, as it shrinks and is often applied in several layers.

    Finishing plaster is used to apply the last layer.

Selection, measurements and calculation may take time, but this must be done, otherwise there is a risk of taking too much material, or (even worse) too little. I'll have to go to the store again, and it's not a fact that wallpaper, wall paneling or tiles of the same color and pattern will be available.

To simplify cost calculations, special calculator programs have been developed.

Thus, an estimate for the repair of an apartment can be drawn up today without much mental difficulty, quickly and accurately..

Video: How to make an estimate

Anyone who wants to build a house or make repairs in an apartment initially calculates how much it will cost him. For complete clarity, it is necessary to draw up a list of necessary materials and work, as well as their cost. Based on this, it will be possible to find out how much money is needed. And also decide whether to involve builders or do everything yourself. Not everyone knows how to make an estimate, what positions to include in it and how to calculate everything correctly. Let's try to figure this out.

What is an estimate

An estimate is a document that systematizes all the costs of the upcoming construction or repair. This can be easily done on your own, without having specially designed programs.

How to make an estimate on your own? It is enough to have the Excel program on your computer. It is necessary to carry out the calculation of funds and materials very carefully in order to avoid errors and exceeding the planned costs. It should display everything to the smallest detail.

Common Mistakes

When drawing up estimates, many make mistakes, which then come out and provoke unforeseen waste:

  • Calculations are carried out without a preliminary inspection of the object on which the work will be performed.
  • Additional expenses that may arise in case of force majeure are not included.
  • The full list of works and materials is not taken into account.

The main expense document for repairs or construction requires a serious approach and accurate calculations. Otherwise, you may get incorrect results.

What is needed for a competent budgeting

Before drawing up an estimated estimate for construction or repair, first of all, it is necessary to inspect the object. After that, a list of all ongoing work should be compiled.

How to draw up a budget? You need to know construction technology. Without this, it is impossible to correctly and correctly calculate and record all upcoming expenses. Therefore, we recommend that before making an estimate, study the sequence of the production cycle of work that needs to be evaluated. This will help to understand the need for ongoing operations and the need for building materials.

The main items of the estimate

Any construction estimate consists of three main positions:

  • materials;
  • Work;
  • transport.

All other items (the cost of electricity, equipment operation, etc.) are added to them.

In the first position indicate the list of necessary materials for each cycle of work, unit of measurement, quantity and price. For example: brick, glue, plaster, cement, wallpaper, linoleum and others. This also includes "consumables" (brushes, rollers, gloves, etc.). Before making an estimate, find out the cost of materials directly in the store, or find on the Internet on sites specializing in the sale of building materials.

The second position includes a listing of all actions performed. Here it is necessary to take into account both preparatory and finishing work, their complexity and the conditions in which they are carried out. For example, you need to paste over the room with new wallpaper. To do this, you will need to carry out preparatory work: remove the old coating, clean the walls, prime them. The approximate cost of the necessary work can be found in the ads.

The position "transport" includes: delivery of materials, unloading, removal and removal of construction debris, indicating each item on a separate line. Information about the cost of these services is provided in the price lists of firms.

Drawing up an estimate for the repair of an apartment

How to draw up an estimate in order to carefully plan the repair work in the apartment, finish them in a short time with minimal costs? First you need to decide what kind of repair you will do: cosmetic or major. It depends on the amount of materials needed and the amount of work. If you decide to carry out a major overhaul, then the estimate should be divided into two parts:

  • repair and finishing works;
  • draft and finishing materials.

How to learn how to make an estimate to avoid mistakes? To do this, you should inspect all the premises of the apartment, measure the surface area of ​​walls, floors, window slopes, compile a list of finishing and draft materials, determine the cost and scope of work for each room separately.


Here is an example of how to make an estimate for repairs. Prices and consumption of materials are fictitious.

Repair and finishing works:

Place of work

Type of work

unit of measurement


Price per unit of measurement, rub.

Total amount, rub.








Laying tiles

Skirting boards



Sockets, switches


Consumables and finishing materials:


unit of measurement


Unit price

total amount

Starting putty

Finishing putty

Wallpaper glue

acrylic paint

Tile adhesive

Skirting boards

Socket, switch




To get the preliminary results of the cost of repairing an apartment, you need to add up the total amounts from each column.

18819 + 7870 + 4000 = 30689 (rubles)

You should be aware that the final costs always come out more by 10-15%.

30689 + 15% = 35292.35 (rubles)

The principle of calculating construction costs is no different from estimates for repairs. Only production cycles and materials will change. How to make an estimate for construction with minimal costs? To do this, you need to carefully plan all the work, clarify what materials will be needed, find out the prices.

Drawing up an estimate is a very important stage from which you need to start any repair or construction. A properly drawn up document will help to carefully plan and rationally allocate costs - both material and money. The main thing is to take the calculations seriously and perform them as accurately as possible.

If there is a need to repair an office space, then the question immediately arises of the mandatory preparation of an estimate for repairs. When contacting a construction company, it is better to first invite an estimator who will calculate everything. A correctly drawn up estimate for the repair of an office space includes parameters such as an indication of the materials from which the premises are built. This is due to the fact that the cost of repairs depends on the level of complexity, and work in an old building with brick walls is more difficult than in a modern monolithic one. The estimate also includes the names of the work to be carried out, the units of measurement of these types of work, the quantity, cost per unit and the cost of a particular type of work. As a result - the total cost of work. Moreover, each room is calculated separately. Some types of estimates include only the following parameters: materials, work, total (separately per square meter and total).
Ultimately, this document will allow the client to navigate the necessary costs, think over the types of repairs that are needed in the first place. The quality and cost of the building materials themselves can be negotiated with the contractors additionally. In addition, you can simply purchase the required amount of finishing materials yourself, and it is the company's responsibility to include the purchase of only rough building materials and the construction work itself. You can order an estimate from a company specializing in the production of such documentation in order to control the contractor and not overpay.
It should be taken into account that the cost of the work indicated in the estimate for the repair of office space may vary depending on the timing of the work, therefore, if you decide to sign the estimate presented by the company, you must indicate the timing of the order in it.
If before the start of the repair, its volume or individual points are not completely clear, then at the conclusion of the contract, an approximate (indicative) estimate for the repair of the office is signed. Individual paragraphs of such a document can be changed in accordance with changing circumstances.
If there is no time to draw up documentation yourself, and there is a desire to plan repair work in advance, then a typical estimate can be downloaded. In this case, it is possible to choose the option that corresponds to the planned repair.

Annex No. _ to the Contract No. __ dated _____ 2018
Estimate for repair work at the address: Moscow,
Number Name of works and materials Unit price number unit of measurement Completed work
positions on the estimate Quantity price per unit of work/materials, rub. cost of work, rub. cost of materials, rub.
1 Civil works
2 1 Dismantling of wall frames from MDF and GKL sq.m. 35,08 90,00 3 157,20
3 2 Dismantling, fitting in place and installation of the door block together with a wooden frame with preservation PC. 2,00 2 819,00 5 638,00
4 2 Dismantling electrical outlets PC. 14,00 90,00 1 260,00
5 3 Carpet removal 6,50 sq.m. 14,25 80,00 1 140,00
6 4 Dismantling the floor laminate with underlay sq.m. 18,50 90,00 1 665,00
7 5 Removing wallpaper from walls sq.m. 85,95 80,00 6 876,00
8 6 Porcelain tile flooring diagonally across the room sq.m. 32,75 780,00 25 545,00
9 6.1 Tile granite ceramic Estima 400 mm. * 400 mm. sq.m. 40 725,00 29 000,00
10 6.2 Glue tile kg. 223 17,00 3 791,00
11 7 The device shtrob in the walls for laying electrical networks p.m. 8,00 320,00 2 560,00
12 8 Arrangement of nests in walls and boxes for laying wiring boxes PC. 29,00 260,00 7 540,00
13 8.1 Crown PC. 2,0 590,00 1 180,00
14 8 Installation of sockets and switches PC. 29,00 280,00 8 120,00
15 8.1 Insulating tape PC. 2,0 34,00 68,00
16 9 Layered priming of walls sq.m. 85,95 30,00 2 578,50
17 9.1 Primer Prospectors universal l. 26,0 32,00 832,00
18 10 Partial plastering of wall surfaces sq.m. 68,76 360,00 24 753,60
19 10.1 Gypsum plaster mix 8,00 kg. 550 18,00 9 901,44
20 10.2 Beacon rail PC. 10,0 32,00 320,00
21 10 Rough putty of wall surfaces and window slopes sq.m. 85,95 240,00 20 628,00
22 10.1 Putty VETONIT LR+ kg. 366 29,00 10 614,00
23 10.2 sq.m. 3,0 168,00 504,00
24 11 Reinforcement of walls and window slopes with fiberglass sq.m. 85,95 220,00 18 909,00
25 11.1 Fiberglass painting sq.m. 100,0 29,00 2 900,00
26 11.2 Adhesive for fiberglass kg. 28 95,00 2 660,00
27 12 Finishing putty of walls and window slopes sq.m. 85,95 160,00 13 752,00
28 12.1 Putty Shitrok kg. 64 59,00 3 776,00
29 12.2 Sandpaper with abrasive coating sq.m. 2,0 168,00 336,00
30 13 High-quality water-based wall painting sq.m. 85,95 160,00 13 752,00
31 13.1 High-voltage interior paint l. 33,6 237,00 7 963,20
32 13.2 masking tape PC. 7 48,00 336,00
33 14 High-quality water-based ceiling painting sq.m. 37,50 180,00 6 750,00
34 14.1 High-performance paint Euro 2 l. 15,0 180,00 2 700,00
35 15 Cutting and installation of porcelain stoneware skirting boards p.m. 43,00 380,00 16 340,00
36 15.1 Porcelain stoneware porcelain stoneware sq.m. 9 725,00 6 525,00
37 15.2 Glue tile kg. 36,0 17,00 612,00
38 16 Installation of radiator screens PC. 2,00 680,00 1 360,00
39 16.1 Screen with fastener PC. 2 1120,00 2 240,00
40 17 Room cleaning sq.m. 37,50 45,00 1 687,50
41 18 Taking out the trash tn. 1,20 1900,00 2 280,00
42 18.1 Garbage bags PC. 36,00 6,00 216,00
43 18.2 masking tape PC. 8 48,00 384,00
44 18.3 PVC film sq.m. 40 19,00 760,00
45 18.4 Container rental PC. 1 3990,00 3 990,00
46 Total works 186291,80
47 Total materials 91608,64
48 Total direct costs 277 900,44
49 Total work with overheads (to salary) 17% 217 961,41
50 Total work with planned savings (to HP) 8% 235 398,32
51 Total work in the existing building and after hours (to Monday) 20% 282 477,98
52 Total works and materials 374 086,62
53 Total according to the estimate with transportation and procurement costs 6% 396 531,82
55 VAT 18% 71 375,73
55 In total, according to the estimate with VAT in rubles. 467 907,55

Anyone who wants to build a house or make repairs in an apartment initially calculates how much it will cost him. For complete clarity, it is necessary to draw up a list of necessary materials and work, as well as their cost. Based on this, it will be possible to find out how much money is needed. And also decide whether to involve builders or do everything yourself. Not everyone knows how to make an estimate, what positions to include in it and how to calculate everything correctly. Let's try to figure this out.

What is an estimate

An estimate is a document that systematizes all the costs of the upcoming construction or repair. This can be easily done on your own, without having specially designed programs.

How to make an estimate on your own? It is enough to have the Excel program on your computer. It is necessary to carry out the calculation of funds and materials very carefully in order to avoid errors and exceeding the planned costs. It should display everything to the smallest detail.

Common Mistakes

When drawing up estimates, many make mistakes, which then come out and provoke unforeseen waste:

  • Calculations are carried out without a preliminary inspection of the object on which the work will be performed.
  • Additional expenses that may arise in case of force majeure are not included.
  • The full list of works and materials is not taken into account.

The main expense document for repairs or construction requires a serious approach and accurate calculations. Otherwise, you may get incorrect results.

What is needed for a competent budgeting

Before drawing up an estimated estimate for construction or repair, first of all, it is necessary to inspect the object. After that, a list of all ongoing work should be compiled.

How to draw up a budget? You need to know construction technology. Without this, it is impossible to correctly and correctly calculate and record all upcoming expenses. Therefore, we recommend that before making an estimate, study the sequence of the production cycle of work that needs to be evaluated. This will help to understand the need for ongoing operations and the need for building materials.

The main items of the estimate

Any construction estimate consists of three main positions:

  • materials;
  • Work;
  • transport.

All other items (the cost of electricity, equipment operation, etc.) are added to them.

In the first position indicate the list of necessary materials for each cycle of work, unit of measurement, quantity and price. For example: brick, glue, plaster, cement, wallpaper, linoleum and others. This also includes "consumables" (brushes, rollers, gloves, etc.). Before making an estimate, find out the cost of materials directly in the store, or find on the Internet on sites specializing in the sale of building materials.

The second position includes a listing of all actions performed. Here it is necessary to take into account both preparatory and finishing work, their complexity and the conditions in which they are carried out. For example, you need to paste over the room with new wallpaper. To do this, you will need to carry out preparatory work: remove the old coating, clean the walls, prime them. The approximate cost of the necessary work can be found in the ads.

The position "transport" includes: delivery of materials, unloading, removal and removal of construction debris, indicating each item on a separate line. Information about the cost of these services is provided in the price lists of firms.

Drawing up an estimate for the repair of an apartment

How to draw up an estimate in order to carefully plan the repair work in the apartment, finish them in a short time with minimal costs? First you need to decide what kind of repair you will do: cosmetic or major. It depends on the amount of materials needed and the amount of work. If you decide to carry out a major overhaul, then the estimate should be divided into two parts:

  • repair and finishing works;
  • draft and finishing materials.

How to learn how to make an estimate to avoid mistakes? To do this, you should inspect all the premises of the apartment, measure the surface area of ​​walls, floors, window slopes, compile a list of finishing and draft materials, determine the cost and scope of work for each room separately.


Here is an example of how to make an estimate for repairs. Prices and consumption of materials are fictitious.

Repair and finishing works:

Place of work

Type of work

unit of measurement


Price per unit of measurement, rub.

Total amount, rub.








Laying tiles

Skirting boards



Sockets, switches


Consumables and finishing materials:


unit of measurement


Unit price

total amount

Starting putty

Finishing putty

Wallpaper glue

acrylic paint

Tile adhesive

Skirting boards

Socket, switch




To get the preliminary results of the cost of repairing an apartment, you need to add up the total amounts from each column.

18819 + 7870 + 4000 = 30689 (rubles)

You should be aware that the final costs always come out more by 10-15%.

30689 + 15% = 35292.35 (rubles)

The principle of calculating construction costs is no different from estimates for repairs. Only production cycles and materials will change. How to make an estimate for construction with minimal costs? To do this, you need to carefully plan all the work, clarify what materials will be needed, find out the prices.

Drawing up an estimate is a very important stage from which you need to start any repair or construction. A properly drawn up document will help to carefully plan and rationally allocate costs - both material and money. The main thing is to take the calculations seriously and perform them as accurately as possible.

Discount on estimate 35%

  • 00 days
  • 00 hours
  • 00 min.
  • 00 sec.


3 years

with LLC "Prestige"

payment estimates

All of us periodically face the need to repair and furnish the apartment. First, it is worth deciding whether we just want to update the room or completely change its appearance? After that, we evaluate our financial capabilities. It is also necessary to choose the style of the apartment, for this we review the photos on the website or in magazines. Style should reflect the character of the owners and demonstrate taste. We decide on the color of the walls and ceiling. The combination of colors should be harmonious. If possible, it is better to repair the entire apartment. Too much debris and dirt remains after the repair.

To draw up the main stages of repair, you need a general plan of the apartment with the dimensions of windows and doors. The purchase of materials and tools depends on how correctly the work plan is drawn up. It is necessary to determine the start and end dates of the repair so that it does not stretch for many months.

Repairs begin with the dirty robots themselves: replacing windows, removing door frames, chasing walls for electrical wiring, sockets and switches, removing old wallpaper, whitewashing, plastering. We dismantle the old tiles in the bathroom, bathroom and kitchen. After that, we dismantle the pipes, if necessary.

We start the remodeling process with the bathroom and kitchen. When repairing premises, most of all dirt and dust remains. We put tiles on the aligned walls. It cleans well and is indispensable for wet rooms. We immediately solve the issue of replacing the bathroom, toilet bowl and sink. Then, in turn, we repair all the rooms, starting with the farthest. The renovation of the corridor is done last.

The most time-consuming and monotonous type of work is putty. There are many types of starting and finishing putty. If the walls have to be leveled a lot, then the stage of plastering work is extended. Thick layers dry more slowly. For a stronger adhesion of putties and the surface of the wall and ceiling, they are pre-primed. After complete drying, make the finishing putty. Smooth surfaces of walls and ceilings are the main thing to do the job right.

The quality of the floor of the apartment depends on the screed. You can make a classic screed from a cement-sand mortar. With the development of repair technologies, self-leveling flooring has also begun to be used. If you have an apartment on the ground floor, then underfloor heating will be a great solution. There are many types of flooring offered on the market: parquet, laminate, linoleum, etc. Any of them can be laid on a flat floor.

Painting work is carried out only after the final drying of ceilings, walls and floor screed. After that, we carry out whitewashing or painting the ceiling. Next, we install interior partitions or doors. We pay special attention to the choice and gluing of wallpaper. Wallpaper design can support any renovation concept, and proper gluing is the basis for creating an apartment interior. Last of all, we install skirting boards, platbands, plumbing and decor.

We decided on the sequence of work. Now a few words about the purchase and delivery of materials. Materials are the main cost item. Starting and finishing putty, primer, water-based paint and wallpaper are suitable for walls and ceilings. For the floor, you need to choose the appropriate coating and material for the screed. For the bathroom, kitchen, bathroom, you will need tiles, glue and a fugue. Faucets in the bathroom and kitchen need to be replaced. It is necessary to accurately calculate the number of wallpapers and tiles, as the color in different batches may vary.

If you hire builders, you don't have to worry about tools, they prefer to work with their supplies. We'll have to buy brushes for painting and a couple of spatulas. If you are going to do the renovation of the apartment yourself, then you should take care of the construction tool in advance. Modern materials require special tools. Buying them is expensive, so contact the rental.

When calculating the cost of any material, it is necessary to find out the area on which it will be applied, and multiply this number by the consumption rate. And do not forget to add 10% to your calculations of the amount of materials. Make a budget. If you decide to change the bathroom and toilet, add their cost to the total cost. If you forgot something, it doesn't matter. The hardware store has everything you need. You should have at least 30% of the amount calculated according to the estimate, because there will always be unplanned expenses during the repair process.

If you live in a renovated apartment, then do the alteration of each room separately. You can do the renovation yourself or hire a contractor, but remember that many of the above jobs require some skill. If you have not plastered before, did not screed floors and did not lay tiles, then it is better not to waste your energy on work and money on materials. It will be cheaper to hire professionals. In any case, double-glazed windows should be installed by a specialized company. The same applies to the front door. Treat fashionable redevelopment of apartments with caution. Do not damage load-bearing walls.

Estimate for the repair of a one-room apartment 44 sq.m

Name of works Unit from. Qty Price per one. Total price
Dismantling works
1 Complex of dismantling works sq.m 44 180 7920
2 Taking out the trash Complex 1 6000 6000
3 Total: 13920
Ceiling works (Finishing works)
1 Ceiling priming sq.m 44 30 1320
2 Priming with betocontact sq.m 44 60 2640
3 Ceiling plaster up to 3 cm. sq.m 44 320 14080
4 Ceiling putty for painting (2 layers) sq.m 44 190 8360
5 Ceiling grinding sq.m 44 88 3872
6 Painting the ceiling with water-based paint sq.m 44 180 7920
7 Installation of a ceiling plinth on glue (fillet) running meters 46 190 8740
8 Total: 46932
Wall works (Finishing works)
1 Plastering walls using the rule (without beacons) sq.m 116 290 33640
2 Wall putty sq.m 99,50 190 18905
3 Installation of perforated corner running meters 12,50 56 700
4 wall sanding sq.m 99,50 50 4975
5 Wall waterproofing sq.m 1,50 290 435
6 Priming walls with acrylic primer (2 times) sq.m 116 30 3480
7 Priming walls with betocontact sq.m 16,50 50 5800
8 Installation of partitions from cinder blocks, tongue-and-groove blocks sq.m 7 490 3430
9 Pasting wallpaper without adjusting the picture sq.m 99,50 160 15920
10 Wall tiling sq.m 16,50 680 11220
11 Grouting tiles sq.m 16,50 75 1238
12 Trimming tiles running meters 10 130 1300
13 Installation of a decorative corner running meters 5 48 240
14 Total: 101283
Floor works (Finishing works)
1 Floor waterproofing sq.m 2,70 290 783
2 Priming the floor with concrete contact sq.m 44 50 2200
3 Mounting the damper tape running meters 46 32 1472
4 Screed device with cement-sand mixture up to 5 cm sq.m 44 290 12760
5 Substrate laying sq.m 30,80 35 1078
6 Laying laminate in a straight line sq.m 30,80 240 7392
7 Trimming laminate running meters 6 88 528
8 Laying plywood on the floor under linoleum, parquet sq.m 30,80 180 5544
9 Laying tiles on the floor sq.m 2,70 650 1755
10 Grouting tiles sq.m 2,70 75 203
11 Trimming tiles running meters 1,20 130 156
12 Linoleum flooring, carpet sq.m 11 190 2090
13 Installation of a metal threshold running meters 2 180 360
14 Installation of plastic plinth running meters 46 90 4140
15 Total: 40461
Electric installation work
1 Laying power cables according to the location of sockets, laying grounding cables, laying low-voltage cables, installing socket boxes, junction boxes, installation and assembly of low-voltage and power shields, wall chasing, testing Complex of works 1 17500 17500
2 Total: 17500
Plumbing work
1 Installation of water purification filters, installation of a system against water leakage, installation of sewerage, installation of water supply routes, installation of a storage water heater, installation of outlets for hot water, cold water, welding of fittings, gating Complex of works 1 13000 13000
2 Installing a tub with piping PC. 1 2600 2600
3 Production of a plumbing cabinet from plasterboard (the price depends on the size) PC. 1 2960 2960
4 Installation of a toilet bowl (floor mounting) including plumbing PC. 1 2300 2300
5 Total: 20860
1 Installation of a single-sided door: installation of a box, leaf, insertion of hinges PC. 2 1700 3400
2 Casing device running meters 20 80 1600
3 Latch handle insert PC. 2 350 700
4 Total: 5700
Auxiliary work
1 Material lifting complex 1 7000 7000
2 Total: 7000
3 Total for work: 253656

* The prices indicated on the site are not a public offer (Article 435 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

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