How to finish openings without doors. Making a doorway in a kitchen without a door: beauty and savings

reservoirs 29.08.2019

Depending on the size and layout of the apartment, the doorway can be decorated with a door or an arch without a door leaf, which will look advantageous between the kitchen and the dining room, between the living room and the corridor. In any case, the passage between the rooms plays an important role in the interior, attracting attention and adding, in some cases, convenience and functionality.

Doorways without the usual doors surprisingly transform the room

If for a number of reasons you decide to leave the doorway open, you should understand the advantages and disadvantages of this method.

The pluses include the following:

  1. Allows you to add functionality to adjacent rooms. The most suitable option is such a design between the kitchen and the dining room.
  2. There are no hinges and fittings in the open arch, so nothing will fail.
  3. Finishing the daytime opening will be carried out without difficulty, since there is a fairly wide range of facing materials in hardware stores.
  4. The decoration of an open opening does not require large financial investments, efforts and, in most cases, time costs.
  5. You can do the work yourself.
  6. The open arch will blend harmoniously into any style of interior and design. Its shape can be any - square, triangular, curved, arched.

The disadvantages include the lack of sufficient sound insulation in adjacent rooms and the free penetration of odors, which is especially important for the kitchen.

An opening without a door is a win-win solution for visually combining adjacent rooms: a living room and a hall, a corridor and a dining room, a kitchen and a living room

All doorways can be divided into several main types:

The design of doorways, depending on the purpose, has some features. In particular, bedrooms and children's rooms should provide peace and quiet, so it is not advisable to leave them without a tightly closing door leaf. Kitchens, libraries and living rooms, on the contrary, can be equipped with an open doorway - this will add convenience when moving, expand the space and allow sunlight to freely enter small rooms.

The light decor of the doorway will emphasize the beauty and complexity of the interior of the room.

A wide edging, on the contrary, will highlight the complex shape of the opening and make a visual accent on it.

AT small apartments with low ceilings, arched openings will look best. This type will visually expand the space and add height to it. In this case, the arch should be gentle and have a large radius.

How to arrange a doorway?

Popular design options:

  1. Decorating with curtains or draperies. Will serve ideal option for passage between the bedroom and the loggia. We recommend using high-quality dense textiles that prevent the passage sun rays. For a lighter option, curtains made of threads of beads and beads are suitable.

    For a bohemian style, curtains made of dense material in a rich color are suitable.

  2. Also, for the design of doorways, various vertical blinds. Their range is widely represented in hardware stores. You can use folding wooden, glass, fabric or plastic partitions.

    Vertical blinds as a decorative partition

  3. More classic version decorating open doorways - facing with plasterboard and wood. The convenience of the first is that almost any shape can be built from it and covered with a finishing material - decorative plaster, paint or wallpaper - the choice is yours. Patterns and ornaments can be carved on wood decor. The tree will look more "chic" and will last long term. When changing the color scheme of the room - wood trim can be easily repainted to a different shade.

    Wood trim will good decision when you want to highlight the edging against the background of the walls

  4. A small decorative cornice called "sandrik" will harmoniously merge into classic interiors. It may consist of columns or moldings, contain elements of statues.

    Making a doorway in a classic style

  5. If the interior is made in the Renaissance, Gothic or Baroque style, you should take a closer look at the decorative stucco moldings and columns. This technique will definitely add chic and aristocracy to the room. They are not suitable for rooms decorated in high-tech and contemporary styles. The surface of stucco moldings can be painted in various colors, decorated and gilded. It is not necessary to use natural natural materials; polyurethane will cope well with this task. It is much lighter and stronger than gypsum. In addition, it can be used to imitate natural stone and marble finishes.

    Decorating the opening with stucco will make the room exquisite

The glass door will appeal to those who do not want to completely separate and isolate the space. You can use stained glass, frosted or tinted glass. Apply an ornament to it or leave it completely transparent.

A glass door is relevant when you do not need complete visual isolation, but you need to protect yourself from noise and smell

Compartment doors are suitable for owners of large-sized premises with the ability to equip a wide opening. Their convenience is multifunctionality. If you need to delimit the space - just close the doors.

Sliding doors can be matched to any style of interior

beautiful and convenient way the design of doorways in small apartments will be an accordion door. Can be glass, plastic or wood. Absolutely does not take up space and does not require free space.

The accordion door folds compactly, so it is very appropriate in small rooms

Stone doorway decoration

Facing doorways decorative stone connoisseurs will like natural materials. This type of decor is quite expensive and laborious. Picking up a stone is not difficult, because the palette of colors, shades, textures is very wide - from smooth gray, black to embossed elements of brick color. This material can be found in various sizes, shapes. With the help of artificial stone, you can imitate shell rock, malachite, sandstone or any other.

If you have chosen a natural stone finish, remember that the idea must be really worthwhile and backed up by similar details in the design of the room.

Facing the doorway with “torn edges”

Usually small elements are used, placing them along the edge of the opening, creating either smooth or torn edges. The stone can be used both in one color scheme with the interior, and highlight the finish, using contrasting shades. The stone is combined with both textiles and wood. A fairly durable, low-maintenance way to design a doorway. Since the decorative stone is heavy, it is important to attach it tightly to the wall. To do this, use specially designed glue-based compositions, liquid nails.

Often, instead of decorative stone, brick tiles are used. This material is moisture resistant and fireproof. Able to last several decades. Just as in the previous version, it is laid out scattered along the contour of the opening or even edges are formed. It goes well with both plaster and wallpaper.

The option of decorating the arch with tiles under the old brick

And here the doorway was overlaid with real brick

To prepare a section of the wall for laying tiles, you need to remove all previous finishing materials, degrease the surface. If the wall has rough irregularities, cracks, it is recommended to level it with putty or plaster. Mandatory stage - primer in two stages.

At the end of the drying process, proceed with the installation of the "clinker". Used to attach tiles to the wall. tile adhesives, liquid Nails. It is important to prevent the appearance of glue in the seams between the elements. In order for the joints to be perfectly even, it is recommended to use special crosses. You can find them at any hardware store. The last step will be the application of grout, which may be similar in shade or contrasting to the tile.

How to make a doorway with plastic

A quick and budget option for finishing a doorway. Its installation process is simple. You can do it yourself. Sufficiently durable, plastic and picky in care. Under the material, you can conduct wiring and make the backlight with small lamps. Attach the plastic with plastic glue.

Before sticking the panels, the planes should be leveled with putty and primed

Corner elements are used to seal gaps between panels and walls.

With the help of an open doorway, you can radically transform the room. It will add space, light and lightness. If the apartment is small - this option is simply indispensable, as it will save usable area. It will serve as a win-win option for combining a kitchen with a dining room, a bedroom with a loggia, a library with a living room, a hall with an entrance hall.

A wide range of finishing materials, a variety of shapes will allow you to choose the design of the doorway for any room - from country cottages and huge mansions to modern apartments in new residential complexes. If you are going to combine a sleeping space with a loggia, do not forget about various ways blocking sunlight, such as curtains, drapes or blinds.

The arch of the original form in the bedroom

Doorway decoration with wooden columns

Whichever option you choose - finishing with decorative stone or wood, plastic, brickwork, wallpaper or drywall - it is important to strike a balance. All elements of the interior must be harmoniously combined with each other.

The original solution - built-in open shelves

Sections of the article:

Interior doors are the most advanced variant of zoning living space, providing the proper level of privacy for family members. If privacy is not required, zoning functions are assigned to a doorway without a door.

The absence of a door leaf is compensated by a small increase in usable living space, more convenient furniture placement options, improved interior design, which is especially important when operating small-sized housing. Finishing a doorway without a door in a certain style is made taking into account design recommendations.

Doorless openings: features of the device and installation

The arrangement of such a structure provides for complete dismantling door frame, as well as the choice of the shape, size and decor of the opening in accordance with the interior of adjacent rooms. The classic shape of the opening is a rectangle. The choice of arched structure is determined by the height ceilings, design features bearing walls and unloaded partitions.

As a rule, the basic and decorative finishing of an opening prepared for modernization without a door is made using the following materials:

  • Panel plastics;
  • Polyurethane stucco;
  • Natural or artificial decorative stone.

Additional decoration of openings is realized with the help of screens and curtains. When choosing, materials that are easy to install and maintain and do not lose their characteristics during the entire period of operation are popular.

Advantages of open openings

Swing and sliding interior doors are important elements interior decoration. On the other hand, they take up a lot of space, so in small apartments, arranging a doorway without a door is justified in every way.

Open apertures create a visual effect of increasing the volume of connected rooms, improve ventilation and improve the layout of interior decoration. Doorways without a door are appropriate for connecting a living space with an insulated balcony space. The efforts and material resources spent help to fully or partially compensate for the shortcomings of the standard layout of city apartments, as well as standard projects private houses of country and cottage type. An exception is the free layout of housing, which provides for arbitrary placement internal walls and partitions.

A characteristic feature of finishing a doorway without a door is the moderate cost of the materials used and the possibility of mastering the entire scope of work with your own hands. The total cost of such a finish is lower than the price of the door and the cost of its professional installation.

A doorway without a door will become optimal solution for the interior. As you can see from the photo in our article, you can implement such a finish in any interior of any room. The owner of a house or apartment with a moderate investment of time and money can do all the work on his own.

Installation of slopes and plasterboard arches

The budget option for decorating a doorway without doors is based on the use of drywall:

  • The material is easily processed with conventional tools;
  • Smooth and smooth surface panels minimizes the volume preparatory work;
  • The wrong side of the material is characterized by excellent adhesion with gypsum-polymer adhesives;
  • The moderate 20-year resource of drywall structures is compensated by their affordable cost, simple installation, a wide choice of surface decor.

To fix the lining of the arched structure, a frame is mounted from a mounting bar or metal profile. For finishing surfaces with a complex configuration, a thinner and lighter ceiling plasterboard is recommended, which differs from wall plasterboard in increased flexibility.

The use of moisture-resistant putty and a connecting reinforcing tape greatly simplifies the sealing of assembly joints. When choosing a putty, it should be borne in mind that acrylic compounds are highly durable, while gypsum ones are perfectly polished. This is especially important for paint and varnish decor.

Making an opening with plastic

When making doorways without doors, plastic panels are actively used. The offered range includes materials that perfectly imitate the appearance and texture. valuable breeds wood, natural stone and other more expensive materials.

The plastic decor of the doorway without the use of a door in color, pattern, contrast and texture of the surface must match the wall decorative coating. Using the right combination of these characteristics, it is easy to visually increase the size of the opening and ceilings.

Self-assembly plastic cladding does not require professional qualifications. If you have certain skills, all the work is done by home craftsmen on their own.

Advantages of polyurethane stucco

Polyurethane stucco molding can also be used to decorate the opening. For small-sized housing, materials with a low-relief pattern are recommended. The choice of volumetric stucco is justified when decorating rooms with high ceilings.

Polyurethane surface is compatible with most coatings, That's why decoration for openings without doors, artificial stucco has great potential. The material is securely fixed with special glue, the minimum weight does not load the opening wall, moderate heat resistance is compensated by the presence of flame retardant additives.

Features of finishing the opening with stone

The most beautiful and durable finishing decor is natural stone. The material is characterized by unique wear resistance, looks great in daylight and artificial lighting, fully available for adhesive mounting.

Not the largest operational resource of artificial decorative stone is compensated by its light weight, affordable cost, a wide selection of colors and texture options, including the perfect imitation natural materials. It is quite simple to arrange a doorway without an interior door with an artificial stone on your own. This is facilitated by excellent adhesion of the material with cement-polymer adhesives.

Options for laying stone cladding of the opening

In the first version, a edging with smooth edges is laid out, in the second, it is proposed to create an original “torn edge” in terms of perception, consisting of fragments of a stone laid out in a natural guise. Before installing stone cladding, a doorway without a door needs to be leveled, cleaned from the remnants of the previous decor. To improve adhesion, the surface is primed with solutions compatible with mounting adhesive.

The list of design developments for finishing the opening includes the option of cladding with clinker materials that successfully imitate the appearance of natural stone or old masonry. Clinker is characterized by very high wear resistance, preservation of the original appearance throughout the service life.

Criteria for choosing a classic and arched design of openings

According to designers, arched structures provide more possibilities to improve the visual perception of the interior. The creation of arches is justified in rooms with narrow corridors, because not only the interior design is being improved, but also the comfort of using the premises.

in housing with standard ceilings arches with a slight rounding look great. The corner radius of such structures exceeds the width of the doorway by a little more than half. Sloping arches go well with different interior styles, visually increase the height of the ceiling.

For the design of openings in a house with high ceilings, classic arches are recommended, in non-standard version- trapezoidal, elliptical or original asymmetric. For example, for a doorway without a door connecting the corridor and the living room, the choice of a design with slopes that mimic the appearance of semi-columns is justified.

Empire and baroque styles look great in spacious rooms, but the presence a large number decorative elements in small houses and apartments reduces the advantages of these styles to a minimum.

Designers are advised to give preference to symmetrical structures, decorated with low-relief polyurethane stucco molding or gypsum relief overlays installed at the top of the opening.

The desire to complete an arched structure on its own is realized by acquiring an arched blank or mastering the skills of working with plasterboard panels.

What restrictions exist in the arrangement of openings?

In some types of block walls and partitions, door frames are used as load-bearing elements. Dismantling the door frame can provoke subsidence and the formation of cracks in the wall, so such openings should first be reinforced with a power frame.

Such a design will provide uniform distribution load on the walls, which inevitably appears when making openings with stone or finishing materials similar in weight.

In addition, you should think about the environmental friendliness of cheap plastic panels and the heat resistance of polyurethane finishing materials. The problem is solved by using high-quality branded plastic panels and polyurethane products with a high content of flame retardant additives.

Every owner of an apartment or a private house dreams of decorating it in a stylish and original way. After all, the interior of the home speaks of the taste and life position of its owner. Unfortunately, most typical buildings are characterized by cramped rooms, therefore, when decorating such premises main goal should be an expansion of space. Interroom doors visually compress the dimensions of the premises, and also create a dead zone, which is not always functional. An excellent solution for small apartments is the design of a doorway without using a door. How beautiful it is to fit such a passage into the interior with your own hands - read on.

If you want to expand the space of two adjacent rooms, or just dream of interestingly beating the layout of your house, then one of the best options for you is to create an open doorway between the rooms. Such modern design will fit well into absolutely any interior and will be a great find for small apartments.

In this way, you should not finish the doorway leading from the bedroom to common room as this part of the apartment requires privacy. However, the arch, which serves as a passage from the living room to the kitchen, will add a special charm to your home.

Of course, an interior portal will not be able to 100% distinguish between neighboring rooms, however, for space zoning, it is the best fit. This finish has a lot of advantages, thanks to which, it can successfully replace a doorway with a door.

Advantages of open interior passages:

  1. This technique will allow you to combine two rooms with different functions into one. It would be especially appropriate to decorate the entrance to the living room, library or kitchen with an arch.
  2. With the help of open doorways, you can make the interior with the most unusual design. Great amount finishing materials for such structures and different variations of forms will help to realize any fantasy.
  3. Open interior passages do not need to be looked after, while door hinges need constant lubrication.
  4. Ennoble the arch without door structure costs much less than installing a modern door with an attractive appearance.
  5. Sheathing an interior portal is quite simple. Unlike installing a door, even a person who does not have experience in finishing work will cope with such work.

Such entrance structures have only two drawbacks: the impossibility of complete privacy, and a decrease in sound and smell insulation properties. In relation to a fairly voluminous list of advantages, these disadvantages do not seem critical, but they negate the possibility of installing open portals in bathrooms and bedrooms.

Options for finishing a wide doorway

One of the main advantages of finishing interior passages without using a door is the possibility of using a variety of materials for their refinement. Due to the variety of design options for such portals, they can fit into almost any interior.

The best options for finishing interior portals:

  1. A wide doorway can be trimmed with plastic panels. This type of finishing materials is quite cheap, but it looks attractive. Especially popular are PVC panels that have a visual resemblance to wood. Such an imitation is outwardly almost indistinguishable from natural materials, so it will be an excellent addition to interiors in a classic style. Modern designs can be decorated with an interior passageway trimmed with a bright plastic frame.
  2. Polyurethane stucco molding is an excellent frame for luxurious classic interiors. However, do not rush to decorate portals between two small rooms in this way, as this species finishes tend to hide free space. Polyurethane stucco molding looks very similar to its gypsum counterpart, but its weight is much lower, and the cost is not so high. Another advantage of this material is the ability to paint the doorway, decorated with it, in absolutely any color.
  3. Artificial stone, despite its high cost, remains one of the most popular design options for a doorless interior passage. The manufacturing technology of such materials implies the possibility of obtaining absolutely any color. The perimeter of the arch is decorated with decorative stone, however, it is possible to clad a large part of the wall around the entrance element.
  4. Clinker is a tile imitating brickwork. Such material can be seen on the facade of the building, but it is also suitable for ennobling the doorway. As well as fake diamond, the clinker is placed around the interior portal. To make this design look more interesting, the edges of the material are not cut at the same level, but left in their natural form. Especially harmoniously, artificial brick fits into the loft style.

There are other options for finishing doorways without doors, but the ones we have given are considered the most successful. Having a well-developed imagination and basic knowledge in the field of finishing work, you can decorate the interior portal in a more original way.

If you want to improve the doorway, spending a minimum of money, use a regular laminate to finish it.

It is not necessary to use expensive materials to decorate the arch. For modern interiors more appropriate regular painting doorway.

Form of finishing the doorway without a door

The doorway differs not only in the way of finishing, this element of the interior of the room can be given absolutely any shape. In this way, you can subtly emphasize the style of interior design.

What forms of doorways without doors are:

  1. The rectangular passage is the most simple option interior portal. This form of openings is the easiest to work with.
  2. The arched passage looks original and stylish. It will perfectly complement both classic and modern interiors.
  3. Asymmetric arches are the most unusual way to design a doorway. Such passages are not located exactly, but obliquely. Asymmetry looks most advantageous in newfangled unusual interiors.

These design options for doorways look equally good in different interiors. Before deciding on the shape of the interior portal, think carefully about whether you can bring your idea to life.

How to make a doorway without a door with your own hands

To make an open passage between the rooms with your own hands is within the power of everyone. The main thing is not to overestimate your capabilities and choose portal options that you can master the creation of.

So the conversion of an interior doorway into a simple rectangular opening without doors does not require special skills and special documents. These works involve only the dismantling of the door frame and decorative trim formed portal.

If you want to give the interior passage a different shape or even expand it, then you will have more worries. First of all, you will need to get permission from the housing authorities. Then dismantle the old finish and get rid of the extra parts of the wall. After dismantling works are completed, you can move on to strengthening and leveling the resulting opening, as well as giving it the desired shape.

If you live in a multi-story building, then in order to dismantle part of the wall, you will need to obtain permission from the utilities. Otherwise, you may get in trouble with the law.

Finishing doorways decorative materials- This is a fairly simple step. You can choose any option you like and use it according to your idea.

The original doorway without a door (video)

Doorways without doors - it's not new, but it's enough original way decoration of interior passages. You can use it in absolutely any style of interior. Trust your taste, don't be afraid non-standard solutions and your interior will delight you with its individuality!

Doors play an important role in interior design. There are many different models in stores, but high-quality ones cost a lot of money, and you usually don’t want to look at cheap ones. There is a good option - to update the old doors with your own hands. There are many techniques, and not the most complex ones, that allow you to correct the situation for little money.


Whatever method you choose to update the old interior door, you will need to carry out a number of preparatory work. Usually old painted specimens are going to decorate. Painting is usually amateur, so there are more than enough bumps, sagging and other minor defects. All of them need to be aligned.

We remove the door leaf from the hinges, lay it on a flat surface. You can - on the goats or the table. We take putty on wood (even if they are from or) and we cover all holes, chips and cavities with it. After drying, we proceed to the next stage - grinding.

We take sandpaper with large grains and with small. We process, achieving a flat surface. If you work manually, it takes a lot of time and effort. With a hand sander, work moves faster. If further painting is planned, we try to achieve the most even surface. If you plan to decorate with wallpaper, fabric, self-adhesive film, you can not bring it to the ideal, but it should be exactly the same.

Next, we remove the dust, wash off the remnants with water and diluted dishwashing detergent. We dry. The next steps depend on the selected update method. If you are going to glue fabric or wallpaper of any kind, you can prime the surface (liquid diluted glue or a special primer). After the primer dries, you can glue the selected type of decor or apply paint. By the way, if you are going to paint the doors, you need to select the paint of the same type that was before, otherwise you will have to remove everything to a clean base, and this is very difficult.

Update old doors with wallpaper

The simplest and affordable way make old doors attractive - use wallpaper. They do not have to be in the tone of the walls, although this option is not excluded. First, we prepare the canvas as described above, and then you can proceed to the finish.

The procedure for pasting doors with wallpaper is as follows:

Wall mural

Modern photo printing allows you to transfer three-dimensional images to paper. They turn out very nice. And you can print any image of your choice. Generally, any. Photo printing is usually done by advertising agencies, sometimes by printing houses. Contact there, explaining what you need (have a flash drive with the selected picture and exact dimensions canvas on which you want to print the image). Having received the required image, we glue it on the door according to the method. described above.

Wallpaper with moldings

If on plain wallpaper stick foam or polyurethane moldings, sockets, the style will completely change. This type of door is suitable for classic interiors or rooms; when using a colorful background and a different form of moldings (with roundings), you can decorate in the Provence style.

The work is no different from the sequence prescribed above. We take prepared doors with a leveled surface, spread with glue, glue wallpaper.

Leveling the panels with a rubber roller is not difficult to achieve good results, but some small air bubbles remain. To remove them, they take a special plastic spatula (they are available in any hardware store), and they finally remove the air from the center to the edges. Also, with this spatula, the joint of the wallpaper, if any, is ironed. It is quite possible to achieve that the joint will not be visible.

We cut the edges of the wallpaper with a wallpaper knife. This must be done until the wallpaper is softened from the glue, otherwise then they can “reach out” for the blade and tear. We leave to dry. After 12 hours or a day - depending on the temperature and humidity in the room - you can continue decorating the old door.

Carefully, with a simple pencil, mark up. When everything is drawn, with a tape measure we measure the required length of the molding pieces. Cut off, cut the edges at an angle of 45 °. We take a suitable glue (you can PVA) and carefully spread rear surface cut off elements, glue them according to the markup, leave to dry.

By the same principle, you can update old doors so that the style will be different. Some examples in the photo gallery.

Beautiful tone-on-tone wallpaper is the secret to the appeal of this door decor
Moldings were glued to the painted doors, which were then painted with “golden” paint.

Designer decoration of old doors

If you are interested in designer things, you can try to turn it into an art object. The good news is that you do not need to cook it: bumps and sagging will hide under the design.

The decoration process begins with the manufacture of papier-mâché. Take egg trays, sprinkle with water, knead with your fist, trying to level the surface. In the process, they will tear, this is normal and even good - we need small pieces. These almost flat fragments, on liquid nails or with a glue gun, are glued to the surface in random order.

Lids, rings, a small perfume bottle, a small non-working computer mouse, the remains of a mosaic, everything that comes to hand are used. There will be a lot of trash, you can collect ahead of time.

When most of surfaces are “decorated”, we take acrylic silver paint in spray cans (2 pieces are needed) and paint over the decor well. When choosing a paint, it is better to take an expensive one, in particular German, so that it does not crumble later.

Decorating doors using decoupage technique

Romantic or "cheerful" door design can be done using decoupage. For work you will need:

  • napkins with a suitable pattern;
  • PVA glue (about 200 ml);
  • natural bristle brush;
  • acrylic lacquer.

We prepare the canvas, as described earlier. Priming and painting suitable color. After the paint has dried, we start decorating. We take a pack of napkins you like, separate upper layer, which is with a pattern.

Tear napkins with a pattern lengthwise into three strips. We tear, we do not cut. We need a slightly uneven edge. Two strips on one side get a smooth edge, put them aside in one direction. The middle part is torn into squares. The best option is if they are with a side of 3-4 cm.

We take glue, a brush, a small container. In it we mix PVA with water in equal proportions.

Next, we proceed to decorate the door with our own hands. We take a strip with a smooth edge, apply it to the area to be decorated (in this case this is the center of the door leaf). We dip the brush in glue, we begin to smooth the fragment in different directions. Creases form, but this is just not bad - a more textured finish will turn out, so there is no need to align them especially. Napkins when wet are very delicate and elastic, remember this when working, act carefully.

Gradually we make a frame with one even edge. The second is carelessly torn.

Filling the middle of the "frame"

When the entire surface is filled, we leave it for a day - we wait until the PVA dries. Next, take acrylic varnish and cover our decor with a soft brush. So that it does not smell, we take varnish on water based. It's a little more expensive, but it doesn't hurt your head.

The beauty of decoupage is that at a meager cost we get beautiful things.

Door decoration with self-adhesive film

Perhaps the easiest way is to update old doors with self-adhesives. All you need:

  • the film itself
  • a spray bottle containing soap and water;
  • plastic spatula or soft cloth;
  • sharp knife (you can wallpaper).

This film is in different options- there is a plain matte or glossy one, there is a plain one with holographic patterns, under a tree, there are even special doors for pasting with applied photo printing.

Regardless of the type of film, it is glued in the same way. In this case, we decided to update the old doors using the photo printing option. One moment: before gluing, we remove handles, latches and other door fittings.

For the decor to be of high quality, the surface of the door must be clean, even and smooth. If you processed it before this grinder, try gluing a small piece of film. If it sticks well, everything is fine. If it “does not stick”, you will have to prime the doors, and then paint or varnish them to create a smooth surface.

We take a spray bottle and evenly wet the surface of the door.

We shave the film, remove it from one of the corners protective layer, also sprinkle it. So, wetting, we separate the protective paper from the upper part along the entire width of the film.

You should get a strip 15-20 cm wide. Do not remove any more so that the film does not stick to the canvas. We apply the peeled off part to the upper edge of the door leaf (or the area to be decorated), it quickly sticks. Try to immediately apply evenly, but the situation can be corrected - for this we wetted the surface so that the film could be moved. If you pull it, it moves a little.

After making sure that the canvas lay flat, we take a plastic spatula (for wallpaper) and smooth the surface with it, moving from the center to the edges. The goal is to remove all the air. Since the surface is wet, this is not difficult - water displaces air.

Further, everything is simple. We pull down the protective paper, peeling off the strip, glue it and so on - to the very bottom of the door. If you glued for a long time upper part, the bottom one can dry out, so periodically check if the doors are dry, spray again if necessary.

After the entire film is glued, cut off the excess along the edges with a sharp knife. All that remains after that is to install the fittings.

Door decor with stencils

Old doors can be updated with applied drawings. The only pity is that not everyone has artistic talents. But in this case, the problem is solved with the help of stencils. You can draw them yourself, or you can find the image you like, print it on thick paper, cut out the pattern with a sharp knife, leaving jumpers in places. Here is the finished stencil.

The disadvantage of a paper stencil is that it does not last long. If you need a "long-playing" transfer it must be on a transparent thick film. In more detail, the stencil cutting technology for door decor is shown in the video.

The drawing can be anything. Both geometric and floral, stylized images of animals, birds, cartoon characters are popular.

To increase space, as well as simply for aesthetic purposes on interior partitions remove door blocks. During the redevelopment of the apartment, most often they equip a free passage between the hallway and the hall. No less popular is an opening without a door, which combines the kitchen with the living room. The expansion of space occurs due to getting rid of the dead zone reserved for opening the sash. However, redevelopment creates new problem associated with the design of a doorway without a door, which is sometimes difficult for the owner to solve.

In the house, not every opening can be left without a door. The open passage of the bathroom or pantry will look ridiculous. The secluded area is considered to be the kitchen, bedroom and office, but there is an exception to the rule for these rooms. To organize intimacy, the openings are finished with curtains, sliding screens and other similar devices. As a result, a visual illusion of separation of rooms is created, while the space remains without a dead zone.

Open passages emphasize the integrity of the living space. All openings are made of the same shape and decorated with material similar in structure to form a single ensemble.

They get rid of the door leaf when making an opening between the kitchen and the living room, or when one of these rooms is connected to the hallway. However, it is desirable to provide visual separation at least with curtains.

If a gas stove is installed in the kitchen, for safety reasons the room will have to be fenced off with at least a sliding system.

Free passage is arranged when combining a hall or kitchen with a balcony. The process involves the simultaneous removal of the door and window frames. If an office or a small bedroom is set up on the balcony, the rooms are separated by curtains or a screen.

When it's not about fencing off the kitchen with gas stove, often the passage is decorated with shelves. Curly flowers, figurines and other elements are placed on decorative shelving.

Getting rid of the door not only expands the space. Air circulates freely through open passages. Even in a small apartment in the summer it becomes fresher.

When making an opening, doors are not required in the following cases:

  • A modern solution for redevelopment is an interior portal that allows you to save the rectangular shape of the opening. Without a door, the passage becomes freer, and the decoration of massive decorative elements gives aesthetics.

  • Arched passages are popular. In an apartment with high ceilings, they prefer the classics, equipping the opening with a semicircular configuration. For a building with low ceilings, it is desirable to visually raise the walls with an elliptical arch.

  • The door block is abandoned by owners who like irregularly configured aisles. When decorating, asymmetric arches, triangles, trapeziums are in demand. A rectangular portal looks beautiful, the corners of which are rounded at different radii. The only negative is the limitation of the passage size. It will not work to make an opening if its width is less than 80 cm.

Doors are abandoned when decorating the passage with a bar counter, stained glass elements, and mosaic fragments. Often such techniques are appropriate for studio apartments.

Advantages and disadvantages

If you compare a beautifully designed open opening with a door block, you will be able to identify a number of advantages:

  • The integrity of the space of the combined rooms is created. The apartment becomes free, bright, while maintaining the functionality of each zone. The kitchen remains the kitchen, the living room remains the living room.
  • When framing the doorway, materials that do not require complex maintenance are used. The absence of a sash eliminates the loosening of the box, the formation of a dead zone.
  • Without a door leaf, the opening can be given an original configuration that allows you to emphasize the style of the interior of the entire room.
  • Making an interior portal even with the most expensive materials will turn out to be more cost-effective than installing a high-quality door block.

The disadvantage of an open passage is the impossibility of using it for and a pantry. With any type of design, a passage without a door is not able to provide the intimacy of a specific purpose area.

Free ventilation through open openings will bring great inconvenience when combining the kitchen with living rooms. Smells during cooking, along with fat vapors, will spread throughout the apartment.


You can design the opening while maintaining the original configuration or modify the passage. Often the shape of the structure depends on the materials used for finishing. An important role is played by the skill of the master.

Of all types of doorways, the simplest option is the classic rectangular shape. To assemble such a structure is within the power of an inexperienced person. To design the opening, the entire door block is removed along with the frame. The ends of the walls along the contour are trimmed with decorative cladding. If it is difficult to dismantle the boat, only one leaf can be removed. Sheathe the remaining elements of the frame with MDF or plastic. The disadvantage of this method is the narrowing of the doorway due to the remaining elements of the box.

In the case of arched openings choice of forms huge:

  • Considered a classic semicircular arch. The transition is suitable for combining any rooms. If the apartment has low ceilings, it is better to refuse a semicircular arch or expand the passage.

  • arches trapezoidal forms are easier to manufacture, suitable for apartments with low ceilings, often installed when combining a kitchen with a living room. However, designers rarely use a trapezoid due to its association with the shape of ritual accessories.

  • Fans of unusual configurations prefer triangular arches. The design has many subspecies, more suitable for spacious rooms with high ceilings.

Modern apartments are increasingly equipped with doorways asymmetric forms. The design is easier to make from drywall. For decoration, LED lighting is used, niches, shelves and other decorative elements are equipped. Asymmetric designs allow you to hide large defects in the passage and the interior partition itself.

How to decorate a doorway?

When making an opening without a door, almost any material used for wall decoration is suitable. Budget option is an drywall construction followed by painting or wallpapering. It is optimal to choose a GKL in the manufacture of an asymmetric device. Plastic or MDF will be cheap.

Of the more expensive materials for decorating the doorway, artificial stone, tile, and precious woods are used. The pinnacle of art is the decoration of the passage with stucco.

When choosing the option of finishing a doorway without a door, one must take into account the style of the entire room. The design should harmoniously fit the passage into the interior, and not highlight it as a separate design.

The portal in the apartment is equipped with two types: full - with a top and side elements, two-sided - only side faces without a top. Similarly, they provide for the installation of a threshold and platbands or refuse these elements.

Installation of slopes and plasterboard arches

If you decide to arrange a doorway without a door with your own hands in the form of an arch, it is better to use drywall for decoration. Sheets are inexpensive, easy to cut and install. In the manufacture of the arch, a frame is assembled from a galvanized profile. The structures give the shape of the future opening. The frame is sheathed with fragments cut from GKL sheets. Fixation takes place with self-tapping screws. The finished arch is treated with a primer, a perforated corner is glued, puttied, and after drying it is sanded.

If there is no desire to build an arch, the slopes are simply lined with drywall. To further refine the doorway, water-based paint is used or wallpaper is glued.

How to trim a doorway with stone?

The decoration of the portal with a decorative stone looks stylish. The material is made of natural crumbs with the addition of coloring pigments and polymers. When framing an opening, they rarely adhere to even boundaries. Most often, preference is given to torn edges. To aesthetically decorate the doorway inside the room, use a stone with a small, almost smooth relief pattern. Elements with a deep texture create a bulky design. They are used to finish the openings of the entrance doors from the side of the street.

Decorative stone cuts well, but for corners it is better to use ready-made corner elements. Installation is carried out with an adhesive solution for tiles or liquid nails.

Finishing with dobors and platbands

Simply and tastefully, it will turn out to finish the rectangular doorway and made in the form of planks. Elements are made of wood, MDF or plastic. The latter look less aesthetically pleasing.

From MDF there are ordinary ones, with an edge at the end and telescopic ones. In the first version, the edge of the bar without decorative coating. Joints need to be tight. Edge trims have a finished look. The end is sealed with a decorative film and in case of flaws, the joints look presentable.

They produce flat, rounded and other shapes. Wooden planks can be decorated with carvings. Installation of elements is carried out on glue, nails or self-tapping screws. Telescopic architraves are fixed with a lock to a pre-fixed bar.

Finishing the interior opening MDF

MDF panels will turn out to be a beautiful and inexpensive finish of the portal, only platbands are still selected from a similar material. The disadvantage of facing is the fear of dampness. MDF is better do not use to decorate the passage connecting the kitchen with the living room. If above the oven is organized good system hoods, then dampness does not threaten the material.

To sheathe an MDF doorway, first construct a frame from wooden slats. The panels are cut to size and fixed with special metal clips. Planks are connected to each other lock connection"thorn-groove".

MDF panels without locks are planted on adhesive solutions. The frame is not built. For gluing the planks, a perfectly flat surface is prepared. The joints are closed with a decorative strip, and the edges of the passage are framed with platbands.

Decorating a doorway with plastic

The principle of ennobling the opening with plastic resembles a finish MDF panels. Only the material is different. Plastic panels PVC is fixed to the frame with fastening clips or glued. The frame is completed by a trim made of a similar material, which is attached to the guide bar.

PVC panels trim the doorway of a rectangular, semicircular and other configuration. Sold in stores ready-made kits for lining arches, you just need to choose the product according to the size of the passage.

Advantages of polyurethane stucco

Gypsum stucco is rarely used because of its fragility and heavy weight. If the apartment has high ceilings, and a Venetian or other similar style is chosen for decoration, then the decoration of doorways is carried out with polyurethane elements. The material is not fragile, light, can be painted.

For the installation of such stucco, a flat, durable surface is prepared. Pre-treatment with a deep penetration primer. Elements fasten adhesive mixture. After the glue has hardened, the joints are puttied and then sanded with sandpaper.

wood finish

Lovers of natural materials prefer a wooden portal lined with trims and platbands. When making a door portal with your own hands, you can even use cheap pine wood. After good polishing, treatment with protective impregnations and varnishing, the material will be difficult to distinguish from valuable wood. You can decorate the wooden portal of the doorway with a carved ornament.

The elements are being installed on the frame. First, flat planks are fixed to the slopes, then trims are installed. The facing of the doorway is fixed with self-tapping screws. Hats are sunk into drilled hidden holes, and rubbed with putty on top. I glue the platbands, fix them with nails or self-tapping screws.

curtain decoration

Easy option to issue doorways without a door - hang curtains. The whole process consists in fixing the cornice over the passage. Curtains will hide the opening without a door from the field of view, divert attention, do not clutter up the space. The main requirement is not to use curtains with horizontal opening. They will become an obstacle in the free passage. It is optimal to use curtains for doorways with vertical closing. When open, the curtains are tied to the wall.

If you make every effort, decorating a free interior passage will turn out better than a door block. If expensive materials are used, it is advisable to take the advice of specialists so that the costs are not in vain.

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