Methods of ceiling insulation. Methods of ceiling insulation how to insulate the ceiling of reinforced concrete plates

Garden technique 14.06.2019
Garden technique

Greetings experienced and beginner home masters! This time we will look at how to reduce the heat loss of the house with the "cold" roof, making the insulation. As you know, more than 30% of heat will disappear through the roof, if roofing cake Or the ceiling is not insulation, and this is not enough.

Choice of technology

Usually, one of two options is used for the insulation of the ceiling under the "cold" roof, namely:

  • installation of insulation on the ceiling indoors (if the height of the ceilings allows you to do this);
  • thermal insulation of rough floor attic.

In the first case, only hard heat insulator is used - basalt wool mats or slab polystyrene foam. An attic floor is less demanding - minvat or glass gamble in rolls, bulk materials (ceramzite, sawdust, etc.).

Tools and materials

For preparatory work we will need:

  • wood putty, fire-proof composition (for wooden overlaps);
  • primer deep penetration, cement putty (for concrete slab);
  • putty knife;
  • brush;
  • mounting foam and knife.

For the installation of thermal insulation from the inside of the room, we need to prepare:

  • electrode with drills;
  • wooden rails or aluminum profiles + vapor barrier film and tape (under the subsequent trim);
  • glue + polyethylene nails with umbrellas and rubber hammer (if you are going to make a stretch ceiling).

If you decide to warm the floor on the side of the attic, then you need to stock:

  • vaporizolation film and scotch;
  • wooden bars;
  • nails and hammer.

Preparatory stage

First of all correctly prepare the basis. On wooden floors, small gaps should be filled with a putty on a tree, large gaps are rolled. Surplus the aggregate after hardening remove the knife. Brush or sprayer apply an antiseptic with anti-view properties to the entire insulated surface.

The concrete ceiling requires stripping from decorative finishes, as well as base plaster, if it is kept well. Small cracks need to deepen and expand, close to putty, wide gaps fill foam. If the insulation is planning to stick, the surface of the overlapping does not forget to treat concrete - contact or similar primer.

Hidden wiring be sure to hide in the corrugation. To ensure a dense adherence slab insulationIn the material may have to perform slots for wiring.

Installation of insulation on the ceiling with glue

If in the future it is planned to install stretch ceilings, you can not particularly "bother", but simply glue the heat insulator on the ceiling.

This can be done as follows: the adhesive composition is applied to a sheet of heat insulating material, and then tightly press it to the ceiling. As glue, you can use "Liquid nails", mounting foam, or glue on cement based (is mixed according to the instructions and is applied with a spatula point, voluminous nonsense).

Additionally, attach the heat insulator to the base "fungi" - for this drill with a 6 mm drill, prepare the holes for fasteners (4 on the sheet, retreating about 100 mm from the corners), and rubbing the polymer nails with the hats - umbrellas in them. Suts between insulation plates should be used. It should work like this:

Installation of thermal insulator on the ceiling - frame method

If you are going to see the ceiling sheet Material Or clapboard, thermal insulation lays between the frames of the frame. To mount the framework, we will need to perform the following actions:

1. Prepare the scheme of the crates (the setting step should be equal to the width of the polystyrene plate or be 30-40 mm less than the basalt mat's width when the Minvata warms);

2. using roulette, level and cords perform marking;

3. Attach wooden rails to the ceiling (having hats of self-tapping screws in the wood) or aluminum profile (using direct suspensions), the mounting step is 500 - 600 mm;

4. Carefully check the level so that all the elements of the crates are arranged horizontally and in the same plane - you can pull the transverse control cords in advance;

5. Fill the gaps between the rails and the ceiling slabs with a suitable heat insulating material;

6. Insert the vespus sheet heat insulator, additionally can be fixed, moving the regiments of direct suspensions;

7. If required - to put the seams between the elements;

8. Mount vaporizolation - the membrane is fixed on wooden rails brackets, and on aluminum - bilateral scotch.

Warm the ceiling by the attic

The overall scheme of insulation of the attic space is as follows:

Wooden design is covered with a vapor insulating membrane - the canvas of the film bonded by scotch, stacked on the surface, strictly repeating its relief. Previously check if the height of the lag is enough to properly lay the selected insulation. If the thickness of the thermal insulator is greater, additional bars are stuffed to lags.

Roll or slab material to put between lags, the material should be tight, without voids, lay down to the base. The structure of minvati and glass gamble allows you to mount it in space, but the mats should not be bend, the roll material should not be tamped and strongly compressed. Clamps around foam plates fill mounting foam. Next is mounted rolled waterproofing, A controlled is stuffed and you can begin to lay the floor covering.

Beep insulation

Over vapor barrier (used polyethylene film either pergamine) stacked a thick layer of clay or sawdust. Ceramzite is resistant to ignition and does not require treatment, and sawdust should be laid in a layer, processing each layer with a height of 100 mm fire - bioprotective composition. Either sawdust is pre-mixed with clay, lime and small amount of water - the resulting mass is resistant to ignition and damage to rodents.

How to insulate a concrete ceiling?

Concrete ceilings can deliver a lot of hassle to the owners of an apartment or a private house with reinforced concrete floors. The main problem is their ability to perfectly transmit noise from neighbors and bad heat-saving characteristics. With the problem of noise from neighbors, only apartment owners are facing in high-rise buildings, but the problem of insulation concrete ceiling, affects all owners as apartments and private houses. Therefore, further, the conversation will go about the insulation of such overlaps.

Options for improving the insulation layer

The most important value, when creating a heat-saving layer, will have the type of construction. If this a private houseAll work can be held on the side of the attic, and in the urban apartment, this is possible only on the last, upper floors of buildings. But, usually it is the tenants of these apartments that are needed in this procedure.

In an apartment building, you will have to warm up the premises, and here, the choice of material will have a great importance - it must be as thin as possible, and at the same time, to maintain heat very effectively.

In private houses, you can produce work on insulation, putting the thermal insulator into the inner cavities of the floors. Here it will be possible to use a lot different materials - from sawdust, to the most modern heat-insulating coatings.

Selection of material

Conduct a concrete ceiling, you can, almost the same materials that are used for other types of buildings. The difference will be only that reinforced concrete floors Not hollow, and take advantage of the existing voids will not work.

The main, and most popular insulation, regardless of the type of construction, is mineral wool. She has many advantages over other types of insulation materials, but, there is a significant drawback - the laying of a sufficiently thick layer of Minvati is needed to provide high-quality thermal insulation.

If the height of the room, where it is supposed to insulate the ceiling, not too big, apply Minvatu - not the most best idea. She "Eat" too much space under the ceiling. The only option when this parameter will not have a fundamental value - the thermal insulation of the ceiling of the upper floor of the building. All work can be made from the outside of the overlap, and this will not affect the existing height of the rooms.

The second, no less popular insulation, who is used with great success for the same goals in urban apartments and private houses, foam. It is placed a much more subtle layer, which no longer reduces the height of the premises. You can apply it when the outdoor installation.

All bulk insulation, like clay, or sawdust mixtures with different other materials, can only be used outside. Inside the room, they will not be applied to heat insulation.

Ways of insulation

The difference in the ways will only in the fact that some of the heat insulators can be installed on a specially built frame, and some are stacked from the outside of the ceiling, which is the floor in the upper room.

From the inside the rooms, you can simply glue the foam tile on the ceiling, getting immediately and the design of the overlap is beautiful finishing material, and a small heat saving layer.

But such insulation is usually not enough. It is necessary to take more significant measures. And in this, the same foam can help, but already greater thickness than the decorative tile.

Its advantage is that foam plates can be pasted, directly to the overlap using the usual tile glue. After gluing, the foam plastic is placed on the grid, and is separated by the finish layer decorative coating. The method is inexpensive, but, requiring quite good stucco skills, for subsequent finishes.

If there are no such skills, you can use any heaters, like mineral wool. They are not just attached to the overlap, but stacked in a special framework. It will collect.

The base assembly passes in the same way as for any suspended ceiling system. The first, in the frame base, stacked vaporizolation. The backrest of adjacent strips must be at least 10 centimeters. All stakes of the material are sampled by reinforced construction scotch.

On top of the insulation, one more passage is done by vapor barrier, with the sinking of all the joints and adhesion.

After that, on the frame you can mount the finish coating of plasterboard, or use another finish. One options can be plastic or imitating panels.

When creating a heat-saving pillow outside, all work begin with laying a vapor barrier film. You can apply other vaporizolators.

The next is the insulation. Here are possible options, since on the outside, is usually the attic, the height of which can be sacrificed and apply cheaper types of insulation, which require styling with a thick layer.

If it is supposed to walk along a warmed surface, lag is needed for the future floor. In the cells, which came after their installation, are stacked sequentially - a vaporizing film or other types of insulators, insulated layer, steamer again.

On the slave rail, the draft floor is stacked, which is subsequently closed by the finish coating.


The insulation of the concrete ceiling is not a difficult thing. The emerging problems are as a rule, not with the process of insulation itself, but with the consequences of the heat-saving structure, if it is located inside the room.

Therefore, if possible, the warming concrete floors are needed from the outside, and not from the inside of the premises.

Warming of concrete ceiling - what are the options?

Concrete ceilings deliver a lot of trouble, because the parameters of the heat saving are not too good, and they are perfectly skipped. Therefore, the owners of many apartments and houses with concrete floors have to think about insulation and noise insulation of such a ceiling.

How to insulate the ceiling per day and without repair

In winter, the cunning cold is ready to get into our house through the slightest affordable loophole. If you have already insulated the floor and walls, and heat still disappears very quickly, then it's time to think about the ceiling.

People who had the opportunity to live on the last floors of Khrushchev, do not be acquainted with the problem of cold air flows from above - concrete overlaps with a loose embankment of ceramzite on top are absolutely not able to hold unfortunate degrees measured by a centralized heating system.

Thus, not a warmed ceiling is a powerful screen for external elements and frosts.

How to insulate the ceiling in a private house:

Most often, the inhabitants of private houses are set most often autonomous system Heating or counters with centralized: it is in such cases that it is precisely in such cases that it is easiest to calculate the costs of preserving a favorable microclimate in the premises.

* It is worth noting that some autonomy of the house allows you to choose from large number Options:

  • You can use any thermal insulation materials, from clay to mineral wool;
  • Warming up the inner surface of the ceiling and in the attic;
  • At the same time make the ceiling clean repair and do without it.

In general, in its own home, the choice of materials and techniques depends on the wishes of the tenants and the size of their wallet. Consider possible options and choose suitable for yourself:

  • Warming of polyurethane foam tiles. This option combines both insulation, and finishing, in addition, you can choose the design of the material at your discretion - now in the market the ceiling tiles are presented in full color gamma, with stucco and without it.

Before starting work, it is necessary to carefully prepare the ceiling, align it and get rid of irregularities, sharpen cracks. How to do it in detail written here: "And the ceiling is far? Or how to align the ceiling with your own hands "

The tile itself is attached to the glue. Polyurethane foam has an extremely low thermal conductivity, Therefore, this small trick of design will allow you to warm perfectly.

  • Polyfoam and its modern analog of polystyolster - Some of the cheapest materials that allow warming up without special expenses.

If you have conceived to equip a new ceiling design, for example, to make a multi-level drywall or tension, then under the metal guides on the ceiling, you can kill with the help of dowels - "umbrellas" whole sheets of foam.

  • Most available way The ceiling insulation consists in creating a heat insulating layer from bulk materials . To do this, it is enough to clamp the attic waterproofing film, on top of which you can pour a layer of clay, wood chips and sawdust and even sand or land.

It is important to take into account the burden that your ceiling is able to withstand - at beam overlaps it is better to use sawdustThe layer thickness is 15-20 cm, concrete floors allow you to pour even the ground, the layer of which for full heat insulation should be at least 17 cm.

  • Classic way. If your task sounds: "How to insulate the ceiling for a day and without repair", then this method will be the most suitable for you, since all the works are made by the attic. Dense fitting materials and a dew point movement prevent condensate formation on a warmed ceiling, in addition, it is such insulation that the maximum number of years is capable of listening to the maximum number of years without adding additions.

You will need waterproofing, rails or construction stapler, foam, mineral wool, board, depending on the use of the attic.

If it is used as a residential premises or for storage, it is better to use a 80 mm board, which can be moved without fears, in other cases and 40 mm will be enough.

Sequence of actions with classic ceiling insulation:

First prepare the material: Measure the distance between beams or width of the floor slabs and cut the waterproofing and foam on pieces capable of sticking exactly between beams.

The first spread the waterproofing film and with the help of rail or stapler are fixed to beams. At the same time, keep in mind that, to use the rails, the insulating film should be chopped into 4-5 cm.

Warming in the apartment:

The question of the ceiling insulation in the apartment gets up only when staying on the last floor. There are significantly more problems than in a private house: to equip the attic for municipal services - expensive pleasure, and create mounds from cheap materials, you hardly allow anyone.

However, in the houses of the Khrushchev era, sand, ceramzit, construction trash poured in the atticWho dilapidated from time to time, he drove and began to skip the winter stupus to the apartment. This is quite possible to use the same material.

The main methods of insulation of ceilings in apartments remain:

  • The use of foam under modern attached and stretch ceiling;
  • Polyurethane tile and modeling;
  • Appeal to utilities.

However, there is another tricky waywho often used in soviet times And undeservedly forgot now. The essence consists of B. rough renovation Apartments with clapboard.

As you know, this material, gradually gaining a second life in the form of a European version, is attached to the crate, which can be laid fiberglass or mineral Wat, up to 7 centimeters thick.

Taking into account the fact that the old Dedovsky way of insulation with cladding lining will lower your ceiling by 8-10 cm - with the height of the walls of 2.5 m and less is too much.

The methods of insulation are abound, their choice is directly related to the materials of the ceiling, place of residence and financial capabilities.

*On a note: The most reliable and durable is the classic method of insulation using mineral wool and foam.

How to insulate the ceiling

Consider all the methods of ceiling insulation - in a private house and apartment. Tell what materials should be used. Recall the undeservedly forgotten method,

How to insulate the ceiling in a private house: warming rules, materials and methods

Example of ceiling insulation in the house

In the context of the Russian winter, the insulation of the ceiling in a private house - the question is not the last. To save on the payment of heating, it is important to maximally reduce the loss of heat that occur through all the enclosing house designs - windows, walls, doors, ceiling. The windows and doors of the homeowners are trying to set high-quality, the walls are insulated, but about the ceiling is often forgotten. Meanwhile, through this enclosing structure, up to 20% of heat can leave!

Everyone who remembers the school lessons of physics and know that warm air According to natural laws, it rises up, and here it comes into contact with the cold surface of a non-insulated ceiling. As a result, condensate is formed, that is, air humidity at the top of the room increases. Of course, it does not benefit the health of households, because dampness can provoke the formation of mold. Therefore, the issue of insulation should be posed by each owner of a private house.

General rules of insulation

Thermal insulation of the ceiling and other enclosing structures, labor cost, but the necessary event. The result of the effort will be a comfortable temperature in the house with minimal heating costs.

Here general rulesYou need to take into account, solving, the better to insulate the ceiling in the house:

  • Material for insulation should be safe from the point of view of ecology.
  • The insulation for the ceiling should not contribute to the spread of fire in case of fire.
  • Reducing the heat loss, the selected material should not have a significant impact on the processes of naturally vaporocirculation occurring in the house.
  • There should be no moisture on the insulation material.

Materials that can be used for insulation

Mineral Wool ceiling insulation

When searching for materials that can be insulated with a ceiling in a private house, several effective solutions are possible:

  • Ceramzit. This is a bulk insulation, lightweight, absolutely non-flammable material, which is made on the basis of clay. The material is environmentally friendly, not afraid of moisture effects, has good thermal insulation characteristics, it does not have rodents and pests.
  • Mineral wool. This is perhaps the most popular insulation option, has excellent thermal insulation qualities. The disadvantages include hygroscopicity, this material should be carefully protected from moisture from entering it.
  • Ekwata.. Cellulose-based material is environmentally friendly, has excellent thermal insulation properties.
  • Styrofoam. Light material of polymeric origin. Fireproof, it is convenient for the work is not afraid of moisture.
  • Penosop. These are porous polymer material for insulation with an unlimited service life.

Methods of ceiling insulation in the house

The choice of material is also connected with the method that will be used for insulation. Perform insulation in two ways:

It should be noted that both ways are able to provide a worthy level of insulation, so you need to choose the one that will be more convenient to perform.

The techniques and types of materials used are distinguished. So as not to be mistaken when answering the question than to insulate the ceiling better , It is worth remembering the immutable rule: if insulation is insulated from the inside, you should choose a vapor-permeable insulation. In the event that insulation is carried out on the side of the attic or outside the private house, you should purchase material with steamproof properties.

How to make insulation from within the room?

Hearth ceiling foam

As a rule, the insulation of the ceiling from the inside of the room is combined with the construction of suspended or stretch ceilings. In this case, the insulation is placed in the space between the ceiling plate and the coated installed.

Having insulated the ceiling at home from within the room, most of the homeowners choose the mineral insulation, which is produced in the form of rolls or mats.

  • If you plan to arrange suspended ceilings in the house, you first collect a frame from metal products for fastening the plasterboard (or other material that is scheduled to sew the ceiling). Then in the space between the profiles lay the layers of the insulation.

Tip! For the stickers of the mineral insulation, it is convenient to use glue for the tile, it quickly grasps and retains the material well.

  • In the event that stretch ceilings are installed, the framework will have to collect specifically for laying insulation. Convenient to make it from the bar.

Tip! Mineral wool during installation in no case cannot be compacted, since its heat-insulating properties depend on the presence of aircrafts between the fibers.

  • Separate question - installation of lamps. The fact is that even modern lamps are a bit heated when working, and the presence of the insulation on the ceiling does not give warmth freely. As a result, the lamps quickly burn out. Therefore, it is necessary, or to cut the insulation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe layout of the lamp, or leave the air layer between the layer of the insulation and the material of the ceiling sheat. The first method reduces the effectiveness of insulation, and the second - requires a significant decrease in the ceiling level.

Tip! There is another way to solve problems with lamps - not to use embedded, but to establish the most ordinary chandeliers and sconces.

Warming Ceiling by the attic

Warming Ceiling by the attic

This option is the most efficient. Consider how you can insulate the ceiling from the outside of the room? It is perfect for almost any kind of insulation. However, if it is decided to use mineral wool, then it should be laid a layer of vapor barrier film.

When using mineral wool or foam layers, the material is placed in the intervals between the wooden frame bar. When using foam plastic, the joints of the joints should be made of mounting foam.

If the attic is planned to be used, then the floor should be made on top of the laid insulation, hashing or setting the floor on the lags.

So, holding the ceiling warming in a private house with your own hands , First of all, it should be declared which side of the ceiling will be insulation. You can then select the insulation from the options proposed above.

What to insulate the ceiling in a private house with your own hands outside and inside: photo and video

How to insulate the ceiling in a private house - choose suitable material, warm the ceiling outside and inside with your own hands, guided by instructions, photos and videos

Concrete is one of the most popular building materials, as it is characterized by high strength, durability, and also has many other advantages. However, like any other material, it has some drawbacks to which the high thermal conductivity applies. Therefore, to make a concrete structure warm, it must be insulated.

Wall insulation

How to insulate concrete walls

As a rule, facing the insulation of concrete, novice masters are wondering how to make insulation outside or from the inside. It would seem, from the inside to perform insulation easier, but experts recommend to mount the insulation outside.

The fact is that the walls of the heat insulator wall from the inside will be fenced off from the heat source. As a result, they can bleed so much in winter that the dew point will be between the insulation layer and the wall. As a result, under the insulation, condensate and dampness will appear.

Note! Internal insulation often becomes the cause of fungi and mold on the walls.

You can avoid all these troubles in the case of an outdoor insulation.

Wall insulation technology outside

There are quite a lot of varieties of thermal insulation materials that concrete walls can be insulated. But most of all is popular with polystyrene foam. In addition, mineral mats are used to insulate concrete.

The installation instructions for these materials are as follows:

  • First of all, it is necessary to prepare the surface of the walls - remove the old plaster, as well as dismantle the elements that will interfere with further work - plums, canopies, etc.
  • Next, mats or polystyrene panel are glued with special glue.
  • Then additionally fixed with special dubs, which are called "umbrellas" or "fungi" For this wall will be drilled by the perforator directly through the insulation. Dowels are clogged so that their caps are slightly insulated into the surface of the insulation.
  • After that, a fiberglass reinforcing grid is glued over the insulation. To do this, a thin layer of glue is applied to the wall and the grid is removed in it using a spatula.
  • After drying the adhesive, one more layer is applied on top of the grid about 3 mm thick.
  • The final stage of the finish is the application of decorative plaster and painting.

It must be said that on this technology can be carried out with a means of aerated concrete, as well as any other building material.

Another common option is the insulation of foam concrete. In this case, the panels that are glued to the walls or blocks are used. In second case, facing masonry is erected. Therefore, such a technology is suitable for private houses.

Wall insulation from the inside is performed on the same technology. The only thing in this case is still necessary to use hydro and vaporizolation. In addition, the lamp is performed, to which finishing materials are subsequently attached, for example, plasterboard or plywood sheets.

Tip! Before proceeding with the insulation of walls from the inside, it is necessary to carry out communication. To do this, you may need to perform diamond drilling of holes in concrete. Also, to lay cables should be stamped channels, in some cases it may even need to cut the reinforced concrete diamond circles.

Warming overlap

The insulation of the reinforced concrete ceiling is an important point of the insulation of the room, since heat loss through it can be up to 15 percent. This procedure can also be performed both from the inside and outside. Therefore, we consider both technologies.


For insulation, the ceiling can be used different materials:

Ceramzit It is a construction refractory material based on foam burned clay, made in the form of granules. It has good heat and sound insulation properties, does not contain harmful substances in its composition, therefore it is an eco-friendly insulation.
Styrofoam Polymer material with low thermal conductivity. In addition to good performance, attracts the fact that it is low price.
Loose cellulose insulation, which is absolutely harmless to humans.
Mineral wool It has excellent thermal insulation properties. As a rule, it is applied at the construction stage or when performing a capabilities.

Ceiling insulation technology outside

The easiest way to insulate the non-residential attic. In this case, the insulation is placed on the floor of the attic. It is much easier to make it than to complete the insulation of the concrete ceiling from the inside.

As a rule, this procedure is as follows:

  • First of all, the sex of the attic is covered with vapor insulation material.
  • Then the layer of mint clay is placed.
  • On top of the clay, a layer of clay with a thickness of about 15 cm is falling asleep.
  • After that, the insulation is sewn by boards.

If it is necessary to insulate a flat concrete roof, then this operation is performed when pouring a screed.

The procedure is performed in this order:

  • The overlap is covered with a layer of vaporizolation.
  • Then the screed with cement mortar is performed with the addition of "Betolate". This material is similar to foam crumb.
  • After, the screed is covered with rubberoid.

Tip! For achievement best Effect, insulation concrete roof Outside, you can perform using extruded polystyrene foam, which is laid under the tie. In addition, the overlap can be filled with a layer of ceramzite with a thickness of 15 cm and from above to perform a screed.

In the photo - gluing foam plates to the ceiling

Warming from the inside

In the apartments, the ceiling, as a rule, is insulated from the inside. To do this, the profile is attached to the ceiling to which the insulation is then fixed. Next, the waterproofing layer of parchment is fixed, after which they are mounted heat insulating plates. Next to the ceiling should be attached with your own hands plasterboard, plastic panels or other materials.

It must be said that it is also possible to use the foam surface pastoral technology described above. In this case, the finishing finish is carried out, as a rule, decorative plaster or blowing wallpaper.


The insulation of concrete buildings is an easy task. The only thing this procedure requires exact compliance with technology to avoid the problem. high humidity In the room and the occurrence of mold.

As a rule, for each material there is its own installation technology. From the video in this article you can get more information on this topic.

/ How to insulate a concrete ceiling?

How to insulate a concrete ceiling?

Concrete ceilings can deliver a lot of hassle to the owners of an apartment or a private house with reinforced concrete floors. The main problem is their ability to perfectly transmit noise from neighbors and bad heat-saving characteristics. With the problem of noise from the neighbors, only the owners of apartments are facing in high-rise buildings, but the problem of the insulation of the concrete ceiling, affects all owners as apartments and private houses. Therefore, further, the conversation will go about the insulation of such overlaps.

Options for improving the insulation layer

The most important value, when creating a heat-saving layer, will have the type of construction. If this is a private house, then all the work can be held on the side of the attic, and in the urban apartment, this is possible only on the last, upper floors of buildings. But, usually it is the tenants of these apartments that are needed in this procedure.

In an apartment building, you will have to warm up the premises, and here, the choice of material will have a great importance - it must be as thin as possible, and at the same time, to maintain heat very effectively.

In private houses, you can produce work on insulation, putting the thermal insulator into the inner cavities of the floors. Here it will be possible to use a lot of different materials - from sawdust, to the most modern heat-insulating coatings.

Selection of material

Warming, it is possible, almost the same materials that are used for other types of buildings. The difference will be only that reinforced concrete floors are not hollow, and it will not be possible to use the existing voids.

The main, and most popular insulation, regardless of the type of construction, is mineral wool. She has many advantages over other types of insulation materials, but, there is a significant drawback - the laying of a sufficiently thick layer of Minvati is needed to provide high-quality thermal insulation.

If the height of the room, where it is supposed to insulate the ceiling, not too big, applying minvatu is not the best idea. She "Eat" too much space under the ceiling. The only option when this parameter will not have a fundamental value - the thermal insulation of the ceiling of the upper floor of the building. All work can be made from the outside of the overlap, and this will not affect the existing height of the rooms.

The second, no less popular insulation, who is used with great success for the same goals in urban apartments and private houses, foam. It is placed a much more subtle layer, which no longer reduces the height of the premises. You can apply it when the outdoor installation.

All bulk insulation, like clay, or sawdust mixtures with different other materials, can only be used outside. Inside the room, they will not be applied to heat insulation.

Ways of insulation

The difference in the ways will only in the fact that some of the heat insulators can be installed on a specially built frame, and some are stacked from the outside of the ceiling, which is the floor in the upper room.

From the inside of the rooms, you can simply glue the foam tile on the ceiling, getting immediately and design the overlap with a beautiful finishing material, and a small heat-saving layer.

But such insulation is usually not enough. It is necessary to take more significant measures. And in this, the same foam can help, but already greater thickness than the decorative tile.

Its advantage is that foam plates can be pasted, directly to the overlap using the usual tile glue. After gluing, the foam plastic is placed on the grid, and is heated with the finish layer of decorative coating. The method is inexpensive, but, requiring quite good stucco skills, for subsequent finishes.

If there are no such skills, you can use any heaters, like mineral wool. They are not just attached to the overlap, but stacked in a special framework. It will collect.

The base assembly passes in the same way as for any suspended ceiling system. First, in a frame base ,. The backrest of adjacent strips must be at least 10 centimeters. All stakes of the material are sampled by reinforced construction scotch.

On top of the insulation, one more passage is done by vapor barrier, with the sinking of all the joints and adhesion.

After that, on the frame you can mount the finish coating of plasterboard, or use another finish. One options can be plastic or imitating panels.

When creating a heat-saving pillow outside, all work begin with laying a vapor barrier film. You can apply other vaporizolators.

The next is the insulation. Here are possible options, since on the outside, is usually the attic, the height of which can be sacrificed and apply cheaper types of insulation, which require styling with a thick layer.

If it is supposed to walk along a warmed surface, lag is needed for the future floor. In the cells, which came after their installation, are stacked sequentially - a vaporizing film or other types of insulators, insulated layer, steamer again.

On the slave rail, the draft floor is stacked, which is subsequently closed by the finish coating.


The insulation of the concrete ceiling is not a difficult thing. The emerging problems are as a rule, not with the process of insulation itself, but with the consequences of the heat-saving structure, if it is located inside the room.

Therefore, if possible, the warming concrete floors are needed from the outside, and not from the inside of the premises.

The ceiling and the roof accounts for, depending on the local conditions and construction of the house, 15-40% of its heat loss. Builders for the insulation of ceilings, overlaps and roofs count the markup, because Work time-consuming and often have it to do on weight. However, the ceiling insulation is quite possible, without a construction qualification: the technology is not difficult and in most cases does not require special equipment. To help those who decide to warm on top of themselves, and this article is intended.

The general scheme of ceiling insulation with modern materials is not particularly difficult, on the left in Fig: vaporizolation (parobarar) does not allow from the inside to the insulation pair of moisture, capable of spoiling it. The waterproof membrane does not allow liquid moisture to it, incl. And condensate in the attic, but launches the water pair, which still penetrates the insulation. In insignificant quantities, but, accumulating, it is able to reduce insulation on no and reverse the construction of the building.

However, behind the external simplicity there is a long evolution of insulation techniques and a lot of thin nuances, without knowledge of which there may be in vain. therefore next will be considered:

  • Physics and features of insulation technology from above.
  • Properties of modern insulating materials and additional coatings to them: films of subcoase, hydro and vaporizolizing; How to choose to choose materials for insulation.
  • The possibility of using traditional cheap insulators and insulation: clay, clay, sawdust, etc.
  • Schemes and methods of ceiling insulation: on the side of the attic, from the inside of the rooms; Also from the inside from the roof side - for houses without a attic (eg dacha and temporary) or with an attic.
  • How to insulate the ceiling in a house with a cold roof and concrete floors.
  • Methods for insulation ceiling in utility rooms; First of all in the garage and bath.

Cold and warm roofs

Cold is called the roof without t. Roofing cake: A multi-layer insulation building structure between the counterclaim under the roof flooring and the inner skin on the rafters. The device of roofing pie refers to another topic - the insulation of the roof, but then we will have to get acquainted with it. First, for underacted buildings and mansard. Secondly, in a private house, the insulation of the ceiling on the side of the attic and the roof is inextricably linked technologically and structurally, which can be seen on the right on the upper rice. The insulation of the ceiling with the attic along with the roof from the inside gives the following advantages:

  1. 2 layers of the insulation of 100 mm, separated by an extensive thermal buffer in the form of an attic room, are equivalent to the 1st layer of the same material in 270-280 mm;
  2. From paragraph 1, the cost savings should be saved to 40%, and the total, taking into account the larger consumption of the film, is 10-15%, which allows you to apply more effective insulation materials;
  3. Heating the ceiling outside and the roof from the inside at the same time, you can do the interburst insulation (see below), which is easier technologically and affordable to an unprepared to the lover;
  4. "Two-stage" insulation of the top of the building will allow, if necessary, additionally insulate the rooms from the inside separately without the risk of reinforcing the room.

About Minvate

Warming of Minvata in the Russian Federation beats all records of popularity: Material is inexpensive, working with it is easy. This is also explained above all the large reserves of easily affordable raw materials and production technology worked in many decades. The disposal of the domain slag in the USSR had to take care of the first five-year plates during the industrial jump in the first five-year plan, and for a breakthrough to space, thermal protection of returned capsules based on fiber-based heat-resistant capsules was developed. mountain breeds. So the "modern" methods of production of slag and stone (especially basalt) wool are not really so new.

Mineral wool professionals especially like: expensive special equipment do not need to be needed, but there is a wide range of speckling and accessories for it. As a result, the ceiling is up to 20-25 square meters. m is possible to insulate in less than 1 work shift, or even in 2-3 hours, this is who can do. How it looks technologically, you can judge the video below.

Video: An example of the insulation of the ceiling of mineral wool

By reading further, you may have a question: and where is the membrane between the insulation and the ceiling? It is possible that in this case It is not needed if the attic with the roof is already insulated; Why do the owners lay out too much. More attention should be paid to the following precautions when working with mineral wool:

  • Full wiring rolled into the bay and hanging on the wall.
  • Judging by the fact that the working light is used on the outlet, the room is completely de-energized, and its wiring is disabled in the nearest distribution box or on the introductory shield is absolutely correct and absolutely necessary.
  • Master dressing full set Individual protection (PPE): Special overalls, gloves, glasses, respirator. For an amateur mastery is important momentbecause Pretty expensive SIZ will have to use once.

It is already clear that the Ministry of Service is not devastable: it is allergen and carcinogen group 3. Suitable for residential premises, but it is necessary to work with it. In addition, the manufacturers and sellers and sellers, under the action of even insignificant amounts of moisture vapors and their own weight, gives an irreversible shrinkage, as a result of which for 3 years, its thermal conductivity drops by 50%: the air intervals in the insulation are the same thermal bridges. , like metal jumpers, only on the basis of microconvection. Gaps between plates in 5% of the insulated surface area increase heat loss by 30-35%

From here it follows another unpleasant circumstance: Simplicity of work with Minvata - apparent. When trimming the plates / rolls in size, you need to give an idiot (usually 20-40 mm) so that the plates lay in the openings of the battle without druiting, as to the right in fig., But in the following shrinkage, the gaps did not go. Perhaps this is only on the basis of experience, because The properties of the material varies significantly from the party to the party.

Finally, the thermal conductivity of absolutely new minvati significantly depends on its humidity - towards deterioration. Improving air humidity in a warmed mining room with 60% to 85% leads to an increase in heat loss by 10-12%. Therefore, in the future presentation, we, focusing after all the most popular insulation, will give, where possible, recommendations for replacing it than - Better better.

Note: Look also to the mounting conductor (arranged green on the left in Fig.). If instead of the fishing line to use propylene linen cord, then the conductor can be left constant. Then you will not need special loosening and, when installing the ceiling and a surface with a negative slope, the signs of the middle and corners of the plates will be excluded.

Physics and technique insulation

As you know, a critical factor for insulation - dew point, Temperature at which this absolute, in g / cube. M of the air, the content of water vapor in it corresponds to 100% relative humidity and condensate falls. Dew points getting into residential premises are unacceptable: excessively wet air is destructive on health, and for asthmatics and cores may turn out to be a fatal circumstance.

For building structures The dew point is not at all useful: from periodic saturation of moisture concrete and brick crumbling, wood molds and rotates, because The resource of its antiseptic impregnation is notgeful. Since it is impossible to drive out the dew point forever, it remains to give it to "walk" by insulation, ensuring it isolation from moisture vapor and ventilating. The easiest of the insulation scheme is realized when installing the insulation outside, pos. 1a in fig.

Methods of "struggle" with a dew point when insulation

Sometimes it is technically impossible to warm outside. Or additional insulation is required to an existing one. Analogue - in the older in highly severe frosts were put on 2 fur coats: an inside of the fur inside, and on top of her - the fur outside. In this case, i.e. When insulation from the inside, its scheme is developing such that the condensate in the insulation migrate to the cold surface, and it has been glad to the collection and removed or evaporated, pos. 1b. The most insulated material in this case is needed without losing insulating properties during moisture. Such exist, see below.

Features of ceiling insulation

Features of the ceiling insulation first, in which it is impossible to organize the drain condensate. Even if the ceiling is inclined, the water is that, on the walls of flowing? Drainaged walls in construction are known, but the complexity and cost of them are such that it remains here only to mention. Secondly, warm (sourcing vapor) and the cold side of the ceiling in a low-rise building can vary in places and during the cold season, due to solar heating. Therefore, the ceiling insulation technology is primarily oriented to ensure that the condensate in the insulation is not. And if it was formed, then you need to give it the opportunity to evaporate outside as possible, i.e. in the cold side.

Cold overlap

At the ceiling of well conductive material, for example. Concrete, when insulating the outside of a loose material, 3 air gaps A, B and C are provided for this. 2a. Gap A, between vaporizolation (parobarar) and a layer of insulation - safety, in case of abundant condensate falling, which is possible on the cold surface. The gap a necessarily ventilated, it is difficult to perform it technically, so it is desirable to warm the ceilings on concrete floors to be insulated with massive, i.e. Impermeable to moisture insulation. One of the practically important cases of this kind is further considered. The gap B is accumulating, it creates partial pressure of water vapor, ensuring their diffusion through a semi-permeable membrane, transmitting gases, but delaying liquid moisture. Clearance C is the main worker, it is also ventilated, but because it is closer to the outside, to ensure its "purgeness" is simpler, for example, in the form of a slit around the perimeter.

Note: If there is a technical opportunity and the ability to make a gap also b ventilated, it will only benefit insulation.

Warm overlap

"Warm", i.e. A poorly conductive overlap, creates a rather high barrier on the way from the inside, which shifting the dew point in the insulation layer, if you look at the pos. 2b. This makes it possible to do without a gap A, which in turn simplifies the insulation of a wooden ceiling outside. Suddenly, the condensate on the border of the parobamire and the basics will still fall out, then in a small amount, immediately absorbed into the tree, and then, without arguing moisture in the room to the critical mark, slowly evaporates. The tenants most likely not notice - wood keeps its mechanical and heat engineering parameters in a wide range of humidity.

Therefore, it is preferable to insulate a wooden ceiling, pos. 3: The foundation is stated in an inexpensive film parobararier (see below), an ordinary waterproof film without metallization will also be used to the membrane. It is only necessary to arrange an air gap between the insulation and the membrane; About his role said above.


Parobarier Requirements are tightened if water vapor is received from free spacebecause In this case, the intensity of their "attack" is not limited. Then the parobarar is needed from a foil film, pos. 4, because No plastic is an absolute obstacle for water vapor. The gap A between the parobarrier and the insulation is also needed, but now it is to ensure it is constructive easier. Critting the parobarrier to the insulation, as on the pos. 5, it is undesirable in all respects, even if the steam barrier with the substrate, see further: and the work is superfluous, and the insulation is worse.

Materials for insulation

The modern successes of the technique of insulation of buildings are largely due to the achievements in the field of separation films (membranes). "Old Good" Ruberoid and Pergamine with counterparts still find application, but working for themselves, the least one should save on films. And due to quality with durability, and in view of the fact that, having spent a bit "top" on insulating membranes, you can save more on the insulation. Therefore, with membranes and begin.

Barriers and membranes

As clearly of the previously used in the insulation of buildings, the separation coatings are divided into vaporizolizing, or parobac plates, cutting fluids with their evaporation, and waterproofing (membrane), which is delaying only the liquid phase. Parobilers, in turn, are divided into film, fooled and foils with a capillary substrate (T. Naz. Volgisoles), and membranes - for single-layer film, film microforetted with bilateral parrottees, and so on. Superdiffusion membranes, passing couples only one way.


Film parobachers are effective only polypropylene thickness from 60 microns. Polyethylene of any thickness due to its most nanostructure vapor permanent, which would be the opposite to anyone claimed. PVC under the action of temperature and humidity drops is rather soon becoming fragile and cracks.

The basis of the foil parobacker may be polyethylene, because Gaza does not let the foil layer on it. On the high-quality material of this class, the rib foil is tightly on the edge of the tape, and in the corner it can be picked up with a sharp knife, i.e. Foil is thick enough. In pholoizols with the substrate there is still a layer of fibrous material (most often syntheps) on the reverse, i.e. Driving to the insulation side. Condensate will fall out, it quickly goes to the capillary of the substrate quickly goes on the edges of the coating, so pholoisoles with the substrate should be mounted with tensions, like floorproofing of the floor, which goes into the ventilation gap around the perimeter.

Note: In the structures of insulation on pholoisols with the "Insurance" substrate, the "A" gap (see above) is not required.


Simple film membranes are common waterproofing, incl. and polyethylene. For the insulation of the ceilings, they are only suitable in heated rooms, because In addition to vapors, passed in a noticeable amount and fluid. When insulating the attic, it is desirable to use microporphic films. Most often, they are produced with 3-layer with reinforcement, left in rice; Also used as coatings of greenhouses and greenhouses. For the insulation of the ceiling in them, it is good that the reinforcing mesh does not give a film strongly and ensures a stable height of the gap b.

Superdiffusion membranes on sale go like underlined films, in the center in fig. Their outdoor side is smooth, metallized, designed for resistance to atmospheric precipitation. Couples pass through it out; Outdoor or installed, or it is outside and in a roll. The wind strength of the submarine films provides through reinforcement: in high-quality membranes it is easily forgiven with the inside, and the film looks like a seashed, right in fig.


Materials for insulation actually are divided into:

  • Monolithic, or massive - dense, moistureproof. The dew point may wander in them as if without prejudice to the quality of insulation.
  • Loose, fibrous and porous - are produced in the form of plates (mats) or rolls. The cheapest and technological is relatively insulation. Gigroscopic, from moistening the properties of the material deteriorate, often irreversibly, so we need measures to protect insulation from moisture and its ventilation.
  • Bulk / sprayed - insulated layer is formed in place; For high-quality insulation, special equipment is required.


Foamed polystyrene is suitable from the monolithic insulation for independent work. The attic and ceiling under the cold roof must be insulated with extruded polystyrene foam - EPPS. For the insulation, the EPPS is produced by t-shirt plates, which eliminates the formation of air thermal mass; Therefore, the schemes of insulation of the foam is very simple and inexpensive due to the small costs of the membranes, see for example. In fig. Epps does not give a shrinkage, not hygroscopic. It is durable, it is capable of working as part of the supporting structures, its insulating qualities of the highest, and durability in the open air, according to the latest data, up to 100 years and more.

The usual granular foam from strong oscillations of external conditions can begin to get lazy for the winter, but is easily processed and mounted on any surface glue for water-based tiles or PVA. Its layer of 30 mm is equivalent to minvat in 100 mm, therefore, it is advisable to warm with low ceilings from the inside with foam plastic.

The plates of foam and eppt are not bent, so they can only be mounted on the open surfaces; To insulate the EPPS roof, you have to disassemble the roof. However, more serious flaw - Its flammability and selection when sunbathing a huge number of high-thickening gases. If the fire in the warmed polystyrene foam from the inside of the room occurred at night, when everyone slept, the tenants are actually doomed: evacuating people under such circumstances only in some cases. Therefore, use polystyrene foam for internal insulation it is possible only in limited quantities and then when in any way it is impossible; One of these options see below.

Fibrous / porous

The main advantage of loose insulation is the high productivity of labor with them without the use of special equipment, therefore, pro-individuals are already committed to them for which time is money. For independent work from Rukhlyakov, minvat and sheet / slab polyurethane foam (neoprene) are suitable for independent work. Minvata disassembled in detail earlier, and neoprene for the insulation of large areas of too roads, although moisture is not afraid and compared with EPPS.

Sprayed and bulk

By the totality of the operational qualities, the EPPS is almost not inferior to the sprayed insulation of foamies. In the frozen form, they are similar to foam, but are made on a formaldehyde-carbamide basis, so poorly burning and distinguished little not very poisonous smoke. The mass forming foamizole can be supplied to hard-to-reach cavities, and craft-paper or pergamine is sufficient from the separators, if only the foaming mass has not shuffled through the slot. However, foamies and sneakers themselves, and are sprayed with expensive installations. To work with a foamy station, serious vocational training is necessary, therefore, the equipment for spraying foamizol does not give up.

You can independently work with a cellulose insulation, or an eco-way: the use of a blowing plant does not require any profits, so they are on a wide sale and rental, from cargo to small like a backpack or a suitcase. EcoWhat as a insulation relatively little known in the Russian Federation, but compared with the Minvata, it is just a miracle:

  • On thermal conductivity 0.037-0.042 W / (m * k) approximately equal to Minvate; Eco-out thickness in 100 mm is equivalent to the wall in 3 red forty bricks. This makes it possible to do with interbalable insulation, see below.
  • To moisture in 20% heat insulating properties of eco-plates are not falling; Drying after the limit moisture is completely restored.
  • Sorption moisture absorption in 72 hours in an atmosphere with 100% humidity - 16%.
  • Does not shrink, do not pump.
  • Chemically neutral, does not cause corrosion.
  • Due to the presence of 12% antiseptic (boric acid) and 7% of the antipyrine (borants), weakly fuel and in the extremely hot flame almost does not highlight smoke, see left in Fig. below.

  • Uncontractable for rodents: glass gamble eaten, and the eco-friend does not touch. 5 years later, on applying in the house, where mice are sicked, their moves in the eco-house are not detected.
  • Application is possible dry by manual way to open horizontal surfaces, with moisture to the reveal installation in hard-to-reach cavities (in the center and right in Fig.), With moisturizing and adding 5-15% glue on the surface vertical and with a negative slope, both manual and coating. .
  • High labor productivity when applied by a moistened deposition (attention and pros) should be drawn: Paul, walls, ceiling and roof (!) Houses with an attic area in terms of 120 square meters. M "Fold" for 1 work shift.

Note, for reference: Equata is on sale under the names of Cellulose Insulation, Ekofiber Ab, Ekorema, Ekovilla, Excel, Isodan, Seluvilla, Termex. The global leader of production and application is Finland.

The most serious advantage of eco-house - it is hypoallergenne and hypocancower. Does not detect those and other properties. The raw material for the production of eco-makeup is a waste paper, and who has anyone and when and when something inflamed or was combed from old newspapers? Is that in brains from the content of articles. But for the preparation of eco-plating, the paper carrier together with the content is grinding into a homogeneous gray mass.

There are three disadvantages:

  1. First, the cost of a unit of its mass is about 30% higher than that of Minvati. However, if you consider the difference in the cost of PPE for minvati and rent a manual "blowout", then the high costs remain approx. fifteen%. We will throw more expenses for membranes (for EcoWing enough kraft paper from a warm side) - the cost of insulation is almost equal. And if you warm the ceiling from the attic manually, then the eco-house will cost and cheaper.
  2. Secondly, the eco-friend need to be prepared. The initial mass is sold compressed by 2.5-3.5 times, it is necessary to fluff into some tank, add, if necessary, water and glue. It is already bad for the pros; Time is money, and blowing plants that prepare a lot of themselves, very expensive. But for an amateur and one-time work, this deficiency is not particularly significant.
  3. Thirdly, a moistened eco-friendly applied in any way at temperatures above 23 degrees and air humidity up to 65-70% to dry. It is seriously holding back its application: while the thunder is not born, the man will not cross. In the summer of insulation who thinks? And I went chill and heating accounts - you can only apply dry, far from everywhere and not always.

Note: If you have a little eco-friendly from work, keep in mind - this is a great material for crafts from papier-mache.

Ceramzit and Penolrochka

Traditional ceramzite (left in Fig.), The advantages and disadvantages of which are known, can also be replaced by a somewhat more expensive material, but the best - the crumb of foam glass or simply foaming, on the right there. Penolrochka is easier to clamzit, so it can be satisfied with a weak base: fragile flooring, in pockets from drywall (see below), etc. Its insulating properties above, allergenic and carcinogenic are not detected. An example of two-stage ceiling insulation with clay and minorvata is shown in Fig. below. The film membrane (bilateral permeable, not underground) provides steam-exchange between the warming steps necessary to avoid condensate falling in the Minvat. If the clamzite is replaced by Plenokrochki, and the Minvatu is an eco-way, then instead of the membrane, it will be enough polyethylene with a thickness of 120 μm. In this case, the mounting conductor is not needed, and the insulation from the inside can be launched in the entire height of ceiling beams.

Sawdust and chips

Wood processing waste is also traditional insulation. How to insulate a chip attic, see the roller below. The insulation of the ceiling sawdust is more attractive, the first, their bad flammability. The second - on the nearest panel "Opil" you can offer for free of charge in any quantity, and even deliver at your own expense.

Video: Waste with sawdust ceiling and floor in the attic

However, the availability of sawdust is the reverse side of the medal, they have a very big drawback: they can "wrap up", to care. In this case, CH3OH pairs are highlighted. Yes, yes, of the very tree (methyl) alcohol, from which unlucky drunks, in the throats of which with a voluptuous boulder goes out, it would seem that everything that is not water is blinded and dying. Therefore, the sawers and are pleased to get rid of the "opila": according to modern sanitary requirements, sawdust from under the sawmills should be deleted continuously and immediately go to disposal.

Meanwhile, it's not so difficult to get rid of both disadvantages of wood-trap and expensive. Approximately the same way that makes a safe eco-friendly. Proper insulation Woodworking waste is as follows:

  • Work lead in summer in the world and sup;
  • In advance in 2 separate containers (be sure to separate), strong solutions of born and borants are prepared;
  • The insulation is poured with layers of 3-5 cm;
  • Each layer is plentifully sprayed with the same solutions alternately with the help of plaster brush-maclovers or homemade coupling;
  • The subsequent layer is poured and sprayed after complete drying of the previous one.

As for sawdust, a reliable guarantee from their fermentation, even on a damp, the attic gives even a frustration based on the bastard and clay, see below. Describe why, here, unfortunately, there is no possibility; the thing is unique properties Clay and outer layers of coniferous wood. The insulation of this species is known in houses of more than 100 years ago. But, once again, unfortunately, it is difficult to find fatty clay in nature, it is a valuable mineral raw material, and on sale - not cheap.

How to insulate the ceiling?

With attic

Main methods of ceiling insulation outside, i.e. From the attic, shown in Fig. Preferably, of course, to do with interbalable insulation. In this case, pay attention to that with a sufficiently massive rig, the ceiling should be taken challenges on ceiling beams Or obligate them to circle them. Parobarrier then can be a film. If the ceiling is thin, then the jumps of its heat resistance in the locations of the beams can be harmful. Then the foil parobarar is fastened from the inside between the beams and the ceiling.

For complete insulation. Before the calculated power of the insulation, more laborious, but also more efficient will be the scheme on the right in acc. Sections Rice: The inter-bull layer is placed in roll or slab, and the bullshit - from square mats by the rotary, i.e. With displacement of seams.

Note: Pay attention to the section Fig. Right down. This is the most insulation of a hill with clay suitable for all types of insulation without using synthetic membranes.

From the inside

Without attic

In private farm other than those described above additional insulationFrom the inside most often you have to insulate the Bescaneous buildings "on the go", in the middle of the cold season. Let's say, they started to build, built at the time of the Hozblok or Townka, and then it turned out that it would have to winter. Or the chickens stopped rushing, the pig of something burned and soothes in front of her eyes. There's nothing to be hungry, you have to warm the roof.

Typical design warm roof Showing on the left in fig. Heat tank winds are needed to avoid corner frost. In this system there are 2 nodes, a and b (ventilated lip and counterbuilding, or controlling), which should not be done without disassembling the roof. However, the "bypass" of the node A is shown in Fig. Right up. It is taken into account that, firstly, in light buildings from individual developers of the skate bar, as a rule, does not happen, and the skate "beam" is done by knocking down Mr. 2 boards. The ventilation holes are drilled by 2-3 on the span between the rafters. If the whole roof is only the ruberoid, then there is nothing to do that through the ventilation a rain is not dried, you need to climb up and install some skate run with a gap, at least from bent zinc.

How to be with a node B, shown to the right below. It uses the fact that in the small self-leaf reigleel ( carrying construction) Ballery roofs do not perform. The role of longitudinal beams embedded into the rafter legs lay on the shells under the roof, and the spans between the rafters are free from the bottom. In fig., It is necessary to assume everything is clear: the underpantle of the membrane will have to be superimposed by pieces, and the necessary power of the insulation makes it necessary, if necessary, with the help of pad bars.

In an apartment building

Independently insulate the ceilings in an apartment building possible only from the inside. First, residents of law do not have work on the roof or a common attic; Secondly, for which contributions to the overhaul pay? Roof crews - you need to require its insulation from the operator; Does not want - all legitimate rights on the side of residents.

Nevertheless, while there is a cheese-boron year, there is something for insulation the ceiling in the apartment can be done with their own hands. Typical scheme The insulation of the ceiling from the inside of concrete is shown on the left in Fig. The main drawback is not at all expensive, subject to corrosion and are not always so effective as manufacturers, special metal products for insulation with thermoshabamy thermoshabami. Not as thermoshabs for the installation of polycarbonate! It can be replaced with a wooden crate. And not special materials for thermosazor around the perimeter and the complexity of working with them.

The main thing - from the height of the room is torn 0.4-0.5 m. It does not add inhabitants and in modern apartmentsAnd what to talk about the most in need of the insulation of Khrushchev with ceilings in 2.5 m?

But here is an acceptable way out of position. We take into account first, that in the stone houses warmly goes through the ceiling mainly in the corners. Who did not see how the ceilings in mono-coils are molded and molded, believe me. Secondly, block and monolithic houses are very rack to fire. It is possible to achieve an extensive fire in them only thoughtful malicious effects. Therefore, it is possible to apply granulated foam in a small volume.

The scheme of the insulation of the concrete ceiling, spent still in brews when plasterboard appeared on sale, is given to the right in Fig. From the height of the ceiling in this way, everything is going on. 5 cm. Perform the filling of the corners of the corners is quite difficult, therefore such a technology and then did not particularly worry: the corners are squeezed first along the short sides of the room and fill in the insulation from the sides. Then the corners of long sides and fall asleep the insulation in the intervals between the shells of the crate. Polyfoam and horizontal binder mounted last.

And now let's remember once again about the eco-house. Will it be difficult to blow it into pockets? At least through temporary technological hatches? The question is rhetorical.

Special cases


Mansard insulation is actually the same particular topic as roof insulation. Here, it is appropriate to mention it again in connection with the Equata. Look at the left in fig., Polished red. In private houses climb into this attic without disassembling roofing or not at all, or it is impossible to work there. And to blew an emotor instead of the recommended rolled insulation, you can without any difficult difficulties.

Garage and Banya

Roofs of garages are often mounted on steel 2-beamed beams or chambers. Reliably, the price does not particularly bite, but what to do with such thermal bridges, if you need to warm? The warring ceiling insulation scheme on steel beams is given to the left in Fig. Its feature is that the plates of the insulation laid at least 2 layers by the rotor horizontally and vertical. In this way, it is possible to reduce heat loss to acceptable. If you use the eclash, the cavities between the beams and between the sewing and the beams sim simply be blown. Pholoisol is then not needed, enough kraft paper from the inside over the ceiling binder.

The case is easier: the features of its design, without which the bath is not a bath, and the thermal / humidity mode of operation allow you to develop a universal scheme of the ceiling insulation of the bath, which is shown in Fig. on right. Feature: If the insulation of Minvat, then the basalt, the other will not pull thermal loads and periodic references. If you warm the bath with an emotory, then the peculiarity is that it is necessary to prepare a mass with the addition of glue.

Large heat loss and cold air blowing from the ceiling is a consequence of improper or poor-quality thermal insulation. Heat losses through the ceiling can reach 20%, as the preheated air rises up, and if it does not meet the barrier capable of keeping inside the room, it will blow it out, like your budget. Events on ceiling insulation must be performed on the construction stage of the house. But if for some reason this did not happen, or old thermal insulation I was unusable, you will have to do everything again. What are the methods of insulation of the ceiling, how to better implement them in a case, what materials are used - here are the main questions that arise from the owners. At the same time, it is important to do everything correctly so that the insulation does not reflect, the condensate did not accumulate on the surface, the mold or fungus did not appear. And for this it is necessary to understand the very essence of the works and processes occurring in the insulation.

Why and how to warm the ceiling

What is meant under the insulation of the ceiling? If blowing on top, on the side of the overlap, we say "you need to insulate the ceiling", but what actions are meant by this? In fact, there are several technologies, and which one is suitable in each particular case depends on the starting conditions.

In a private house, the insulation of the ceiling is always produced from the side of the upper room: Whether it is the attic, the next floor or attic. Laying heat insulating material On top of the overlap or in the voids of overlapping ensures the retention of heat indoors. At the same time, the height of the insulated room does not decrease, no additional decoration of the ceiling is required, and it is not necessary to mount thermal insulation directly above the head, because it is not so easy to fix it, and the particles will penetrate the living room. But the most important thing is the processes occurring in the ceiling and heat-insulating material, provide heat and dryness of the room and materials, the condensate is not formed and the insulation does not wet.

What is the principle of insulation the attic? It's no secret that the most best insulation - This is the air. All modern thermal insulation materials are essentially air, concluded in one way or another in shape. But how can I use air for insulation so as not to pay for it? Our ancestors came to a very wise when they built houses with a two-tie roof and an exceptionally cold attic, in which there were two turns in the front. Our climate allows you to beat this situation in favor. Double roof Well delays snow, which is also insulation. Snow covered roof so well keeps heat, which even if in the yard -25 ° C, then inside the attic temperature is about 0 ° C. The air, locked in the indoor attic, is an ideal insulator whose characteristics can be changed depending on the time of year or weather, opening and closing the end of the front and airing the room. Paul attic always insulated with bulk natural materials, in aggregate with air, it made it possible to maintain the temperature inside the heated room +20 - +25 ° C. Plus, the insulation of the floor in the attic is also the fact that the material does not reflect, it can be dried by airing the room.

Extremely important! For the attic to perform the function of the heat insulator, it is impossible to insulate the roofs of the roof from the inside. This will lead to the fact that the snow on the roof will be lifted, and icicles will be formed on the ot. In addition, the design of a laptile roof is always open for inspection and repair.

Important! Ingusted from all sides, the attic with heating is no longer a attic. This is an attic, more acceptable to the climate of warm countries in Western Europe. The construction and operation of the attic apply their rules.

In the apartment of a high-rise building, everything is somewhat different. Heat the overlap or the floor of the upper floor is not possible. Yes, and the problem of blown ceiling most often arises from the inhabitants of the last floor. What to do? The only option is to insulate the ceiling from the inside of the room, although it is not recommended, but there is no other choice.

When insulation, the ceiling is important to remember such a rule: each subsequent layer in the direction of the room should have a greater steam-consisting ability.

Below will consider separately ways of insulation of the attic outside and from the inside.

Ceiling insulation outside (from the upper room)

The insulation of the ceiling on the side of the upper room implies the laying of the heat-insulating material on top of the overlap or in its emptiness, if any. As already written above, they do in private houses and cottages. The type of material for insulation and the technology itself of its styling depend on how the overlap is wooden or concrete. For overlapping on the beams, which is a wooden floor on the lags, lightly flowing materials or a roll type are suitable. But for the insulation of the concrete slab - dense mats or plates, as well as heavy dumping materials.

One of the most ancient and tested ways of methods of insulation ceiling - insulation of the attic of sawdust. In some regions, it is possible to purchase sawdust for a snapping or getting at all for free if there is a woodworking nearby. Quite often, at the enterprise, they themselves do not know where they opted, so - come and take at least every year. Flush the sawdust is better from above wooden floors.

The only drawback of this method is that sawdust is lit. Therefore, several appeared different ways Watching sawdust.

Method 1.. All the cracks in the wooden floor attack wrap the clay, a little liquid. Sprinkle with sand top. If suddenly the clay is somewhere crawling, the sand will immediately fall asleep, and the integrity will continue. To protect the sawdusts from mice, pour the layer of hazed lime to the carbide. Next goes the main layer - sawdust. For different regions, the thickness of this layer can be different, but the minimum 150 - 200 mm is optimal to be 250 - 300 mm. Since sawdust is a combustible material, then it is sprinkled with a thin layer of spent slag, especially around hot communications - chimney, for example. From above, nothing is laid. You can only decompose the boards for the convenience of walking in the attic.

Method 2.. The surface of the floor must be protected from moisture. You can do it in two ways: the first - to lay on the wooden floor waterproofing filmcapable of passing steam from the room side, the second - as well as in the first way to wove the entire floor of the clay. Then it is necessary to mix sawdust with cement. For this, 10 parts of sawdust are taken, approximately 1 - 2 parts of cement and 1.5 parts of the water. First, the sawdust is mixed with cement, then water is added. Sawdles should get closer slightly to pinch them. The resulting mixture can be poured from above to the floor of the attic or flooding between the beams of overlapping on the draft floor. The 200 mm layer will be enough. It is still necessary to begin to fulfill all these works so that for the summer of sawdust with cement managed to dry well (they dry for a long time).

Important! Check, dried in sawdust or not, easy: just go through them. Drying sawdust will not be rebuilt, but will slightly crunch.

Method 3.. Looks like a second way. Only instead of cement uses clay.

Method 4.. Looks like the first way. Slag can not sprinkle on top. Speakers can be on top to smear clay only not very liquid so that it does not shed deep inside.

Considering that clamzite - the material is rather heavy, it is not recommended to warm the wooden floors. It is too large to risk that wooden flooring can fail. The ceiling cerapholite is insulated with concrete floors.

First of all, the surface of the concrete floor must be made by a vapor barrier film. It should be treated with the overtrown, joints to schotech. The walls are caught up, approximately 40 - 50 cm. Wooden rafters And the chimney is also needed to enclose a vapor barrier film.

Next, the mint clay is stacked on the film. And already on top - Ceramzit. For better thermal insulation, a mixture of a large and fine fraction of clay is taken. Then the petty will fill out emptiness, and the backfall will turn out more homogeneous. For the cold climate, the clamzite layer should be 50 cm. Recommended in some sources 15 - 20 cm will not save the situation. It is because of the fact that for high-quality thermal insulation clamzite, it is necessary to float with such a large layer, it is rarely used.

A light cement-sand chat with a layer of 50 mm is placed on top of the ceramisite. The solution should be sufficiently thick, so as not to shed deep into the backfill. Thus, the attic will be quite durable, and it can be used to store anything or as a boiler room. The big plus is also complete fire safety and environmental friendliness of this method.

Clay is an ancient building material, the scope of application of which is varied and multifaceted. In itself, the clay in insulation is not used, since it should be simply cooled for effective thermal insulation, 50 - 80 cm. This severity will not be able to withstand a wooden ceiling, and such a thickness of the backfill is simply inexpedient, it is better to choose modern material.

Therefore, clay ceiling insulation is used in a mixture with sawdust.

First, the floor is covered with a vapor insulating film that does not transmit water. Next, you can prepare the clay-opium solution. The water is poured into a large barrel, in which 4 - 5 pots of clay are added. Then clamp is mixed in water so that the water has acquired a dirty color, and the clay is almost dissolved. Next, the mixture is poured into the concrete mixer and falls asleep with sawdust. As stirring, the amount of water is added. As a result, the solution should be neither liquid nor thick.

An excellent version of the ceiling insulation in the attic of a wooden house - mats from the canthake. Modern reed mats, tied with twine or wire, simply stacked on top of the overlap of the rotor. It is better if the layers are 2, the second of them will overlap the joints of the first layer mats, removing the "cold bridges". The disadvantage of this method is fire hazard.

For those who want to insulate the ceiling by natural materials, seaweed will be suitable. In the seaside regions, this material can be bought for pennies, and with a large desire you can order delivery to another region. The advantage of marine algae ladders are that mice do not come in them, they are hypoallergenic and even therapets, as they are saturated with iodine and sea salt, the pairs of which are useful, and also do not support burning and do not smoke. Insects and microorganisms are harvested in algae.

Sea algae are not afraid of moisture, so steam insulates the floor is not necessary. Right to the overlapping or gender laid out the lashes with a layer of 200 mm. From above, you can equip the floor or to store the boards for the convenience of moving.

Equata or cellulose wool - modern material that is positioned as natural. To reduce flammability, it is treated with antipiren or boric acid. Equodata absorbs moisture in himself, so it is not necessary to fit the vaporizolation film.

Equodata is placed on wooden or concrete floors immediately. To do this, a special blown plant is needed, thanks to which all the slots are styled, the insulation layer is obtained by a monolithic and saturated incident inside the air. For most regions of the Russian Federation, there is enough eco-plating layer in 250 mm, but in the colder regions it is better to make 400 - 500 mm.

The technology of insulation of the ceiling is an eco-way sometimes includes splashing water. It is needed in order to speed up the formation of lignin. Then after 1 - 3 weeks on top of the EcoWhat, a crust appears. Due to the fact that this material has a property to lift, it is always necessary to take stock in 5 - 15%.

Penopelex - a representative of the family of extruded polystyrene foam. This material has greater durability than foam, and therefore it can be used to insulate concrete ceilings before pouring a concrete floor from above. A good option For the insulation of the ceilings of the first or second floor of a low-rise private house.

Heat the ceiling of polyplex if wooden floors are not recommended. The fact is that EPPS - the material is absolutely not "breathing." In the end, B. wooden structures Moist will accumulate, this will lead to the appearance of mold and fungus.

Before laying polyplex to concrete overlap, the latter must be checked for the presence of irregularities. First, the surface is aligned, only then you can select vapor insulation material.

Then the plates of polyplex are laid out. Be sure to disperse. Mixed to the surface with special dowels with a hat "Mushroom". The joints between the plates are filled with mounting foam. After the foam dries, the cement-sand screed with a layer of 50 mm is flooded on top. It will serve as a solid floor of the attic or the second floor.

Warming Ceiling Minvata (URSA)

The most sought-after modern material for ceiling insulation is a mineral wool. One of the manufacturers of thermal insulation materials based on minerals or fiberglass is a URSA company, in the assortment of which there are rolled positions, and rigid slab.

URSA Minvat in rolls is good for the insulation of wooden floors, it is convenient to lay it between the beams. But minvati hard plates are used for the thermal insulation of concrete floors, although it is possible for wooden.

The insulation of the URRA ceiling is made in this way:

For wooden floors. There is a vapor insulation material between the beams of overlaps. Its styling is obligatory, since the Ministry of Service is afraid of moisture. The film is spread with the allen, and the joints are sampled by scotch, on the walls are on the walls at 15 - 25 cm. Next, the rolls of URSA minvati thickness are stacked between the beams with a thickness of 100 to 250 mm depending on the calculations of heat loss. The material should be in space with effort. To do this, it must be chopped with a small margin of 2 cm more than the distance between the beams. Next, there are two ways: the first one - you can leave the minvatu open, but then by the floor it will not be possible to walk, the second one can make a wooden floor, leaving the gap between minvata and floor boards in 3 mm. The advantage of mineral wool is its fire safety.

For concrete floors. The surface of the concrete is aligned, then covered with a vapor barrier film. The plates of Minvati are stacked on top, be sure to rotate. Then the wooden floor or flooring is equipped from boards, plywood or others. It is not recommended to perform a screed over mineral wool, as concrete has low vapor permeability, which means that the main rule of thermal insulation will not be observed.

Foam ceiling insulation (polyurethane foam)

Polyurethane foam is a modern material that is advertised everywhere, as the most ideal insulation for ceilings and attic. Advantages this material They are non-combustible, good adhesion, neutrality to microorganisms and insects, waterproofing and soundproofing properties, resistance to temperature fluctuations, no cold bridges. The disadvantage is full of countertility, it badly affects the microclimate of the room.

The insulation of the ceiling by polyurethane foam is made only specializing in this organization. The material is sprayed under high pressure so that it fills in all the slots and envelops the protruding elements - columns, etc. The layer is usually 10 - 12 cm.

Ceiling insulation from the inside

Extremely unwanted measure - ceiling insulation from within the room. In addition to reducing the overall height of the room, the risk of heat-insulating material or its evaporation into the room, as well as the likelihood of the appearance of mold and fungus in the insulation. But if there is no other way out, you will have to at least take into account a number of restrictions: do not use mineral wool and form ventilation gap between insulation and ceiling trim.

Ceiling insulation extruded polystyrene foam (Polyoplax)

EPPS is a good option for insulation of a concrete ceiling. First, the lamp is nailed to which drywall will be fastened. The height of the crashes of the crate should be 2 - 3 mm more than the thickness of the insulation. The step between the rails should be equal to the width of Penoplax minus 1 - 2 mm. Next, the insulation is stuffed between the crate, it must come with effort. For greater reliability, it must be fixed with a dowel to the ceiling. Then the calcase is mounted on the crate and the suspension ceiling is obtained. Instead of plasterboard, you can mount the stretch ceiling.

Penofol is a foamed polyethylene, one side of which is fooled. Its insulating properties are not so great, but if the heat loss is not too big, it can be enough.

It is necessary to fill the ceiling to fill the crate to which the foam foam is fooled into the room. You can nail it to the crate. On both sides of this material it is necessary to perform a ventilation gap, so one more thing is stuck on top, to which plasterboard is mounted. Also possible is an option of the stretch ceiling.

The second way of insulation of the ceiling by foam - use it complete with Penoplax.

In addition to the method described above, a penofole is styled by Penoplax to the crate, and then drywall.

Heat ceiling with thermal insulating plaster mixtures

According to the incomprehensible reason, the option of ceiling insulation with special thermal insulating plaster mixtures is not popular. And in vain. This is a wonderful material for the insulation of a concrete ceiling. Plasters are absolutely eco-friendly, decorative, do not suffer from moisture and steam, do not burn and do not fear fungus or mold. Amka among the materials of UMKA have positions that can be used indoors.

The ceiling insulation with a white agglomerate of a cork of a cork tree is an environmentally friendly natural method of insulation. Cork is convenient to use when mounting suspended ceiling Type Armstrong, fixing to the crate. The use of vaporizolation is not necessarily, since the cork is not afraid of moisture.

The above-described ceiling insulation methods are the most common, but the general list does not end. There are a lot of other natural and synthetic materials that can be used for the insulation of the attic of the private house. Choosing one or another method and material, be sure to take into account the overall concept of your home. For example, insulation the ceiling of an eco-friendly wooden house of polyplex or foam at least stupid. To keep the wood dry and give it the opportunity to "breathe", it is necessary to choose natural vapor-permeable materials, such as algae, reed, sawdust or eco. And for the house of concrete, foam concrete or brick, EPPS and polyurethane foam will be suitable as it is impossible.

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