Stages of repair in a new building with a rough finish. Repair of an apartment in a new building from scratch: what, how and when to do

Landscaping and planning 29.08.2019
Landscaping and planning

Purchase new apartment- a joyful event for any person. It is especially pleasant to get an apartment in a new building in which no one has lived before. As a rule, apartments in new buildings do not have any repairs. The owners see the walls without any decoration, electrical wires and plumbing pipes. To turn rooms with bare walls into cozy and comfortable rooms for living, you need to make some efforts by gradually completing a number of important activities.

Bare walls - full scope for activity

Do not buy expensive construction and Decoration Materials for the first renovation in a new building. The building will shrink for several years, under the influence of which the finish can be significantly deformed and even completely destroyed. In view of this, experts recommend giving preference to unpretentious and plastic materials.

Plan your renovation carefully. It is not necessary to draw up many drawings detailing the various dimensions and important nuances. Simple sketches will suffice. Think about whether you will be remodeling the apartment, what materials, in your opinion, will best fit into the interior of the premises, where lighting fixtures and sockets should be installed, etc.

Remember: competent preparation before starting work will save money, effort and time in the future.

Preparation of surfaces for finishing

Prices for ceiling and wall paint

Ceiling and wall paint

Ceiling repair

When choosing a ceiling finish option, start from your preferences and available budget. Inexpensive finishing can be done using:

Before using any of the listed finishes, the surface must be leveled. As standard, putty and primer are used for leveling.

Among the more expensive and interesting options ceiling decoration should be highlighted:

  • installation of plasterboard structures. First, guide profiles are attached to the surfaces, after which drywall sheets are fixed to them. Using drywall, you can equip both simple single-tier and complex ones. Also, this finish allows you to hide wiring, elements ventilation system and other communications, which is very convenient;
  • arrangement of stretch fabrics. The PVC film is stretched and fixed to the pre-mounted frame. The installation procedure is more complicated than in the case of plasterboard structures, because. when performing repairs, it becomes necessary to use a special heat gun;
  • plastic . Also attached to the frame. Main advantages: ease of installation, high assembly speed, low cost and beautiful appearance.

Scheme two-level ceiling plasterboard

Prices for drywall and sheet materials

Drywall and sheet materials

As a rule, when handing over a newly completed house, there is wiring in it, but no electrical appliances no, or their quality leaves much to be desired. After finishing the ceiling and walls, proceed to install sockets, switches and fixtures. Remember the elementary precautions: you can work with an electrician only after the apartment is completely de-energized. Places for installing sockets and lighting fixtures choose at your discretion.

Floor arrangement

Repair in a new building traditionally ends with the arrangement of the floor. As a rule, the condition of the floors in newly commissioned houses leaves much to be desired. If the house is built of concrete panels and the apartments were delivered in a draft version, the screed must be poured.

is a layer concrete mortar, poured over the subfloor and necessary to level the base. There are several types of this alignment. The most popular and easiest to self-fulfillment is wet screed. All work is reduced to the elimination of irregularities and cracks with the help of concrete mortar.

Before pouring the screed, the bottom of the walls should be pasted over with a protective edge tape.

Let the screed dry completely, apply a top coat of your choice and install the skirting boards.

performance indicatorspurpose, load intensity and laminate classtesting technology
Living spacespublic spaces
21 22 23 31 32 33
abrasion resistanceAC 1AC 2AC 3AC 3AC 4AC 5Annex E
impact resistanceIC 1IC 1IC 1IC 1IC2IC 3Annex F
stain resistance4 (g.1&2),
3 (g. 3)
4 (g. 3)
EN 438
thermal stability- 4 4 4 4 4 EN 438
resistant to furniture legs- - no visible damageEN 424
resistance to roller wheels of furniture- - no visible damageEN 425
swelling ratioless
Annex G

This concludes the main repair activities in the new building. Furnishing and technical equipment of the premises are at the discretion of the owner.

Successful work!

flooring prices

Floor coverings

Video - Do-it-yourself repair in a new building

Who doesn't dream of their own apartment? Of course, owning your own home is a whole range of possibilities, in addition, it is freedom and almost the beginning of a new life. However, quite often, in order to start new life I'll have to tidy up the old one a bit. Recently, new buildings have become increasingly popular, especially among young families.

A new building is an opportunity to get an apartment relatively inexpensively, however, in order for the apartment to be ready to move in, you still have to work hard. Repair is a word that few people want to hear, moreover, it is equated with natural disasters, but few people know that right approach the significance of the lack of repair can be reduced, and the process of bringing the apartment into marketable condition will be painless.

Renovation of apartments in a new building requires a slightly different approach compared to the same in an older building. However, if you approach the issue with all seriousness, then the repair will not become an obstacle on the way of the owners to the desired, in this case- to move to a new apartment.

Renovation of a new building: where to start?

At integrated approach to repair an apartment in a new building, you should first analyze the type of building in which the apartment was purchased. Basically, most new buildings are erected as monolithic or panel structures. The difference between these two buildings can most often be reduced to the shrinkage of the house and the layout of the premises.

First of all, monolithic buildings are considered to be more reliable and stable; they shrink quite quickly, which will not interfere with repairs. However, the layout of the premises monolithic houses presented due to the empty space limited by several partitions, which means that a team of professionals will be required to carry out the repair.

In addition, work on the site will require much more time. On the other hand, it is not recommended to carry out repairs in prefabricated houses until the building has completely shrunk, which can happen in six months or a year. But, on the other hand, the layout of the premises in panel house already made, and even a beginner can handle the repair.

New building and repair: where to start repairing an apartment without finishing?

Before the renovation of an apartment in a new building begins, a detailed design plan for the future apartment should be developed. It is necessary to consult with a designer or a specialist regarding finishing work, color design, flooring, ceiling type, lighting and more. With such a plan, work will proceed in an orderly and harmonious manner.

First of all, it is recommended to start repairs directly with labor-intensive and dirty work. Do not lay tiles or tiles before the installation of pipes, plumbing and other things has been done. In other rooms, it is recommended to deal with the floor as a last resort, when the work with the walls and ceiling is completed. Naturally, such work as sewerage or electrical installation should be carried out in the first place, this is done so that after the finishing work not to redo everything anew.

When the main work is completed, you should proceed to a more detailed interior design, including painting. You should pay special attention to the choice of color for painting the walls, the same can be said about the wallpaper. It's far better to sacrifice a few days of decorating than having to repaint or re-wallpaper everything afterward. It is also worth thinking in advance about the zoning of the premises, and when making changes to the decor, take them into account.

Stages of apartment renovation in a new building

The first stage of repairing an apartment in a new building is working with communications, and this is the wiring of electricians and the wiring of plumbing pipes for hot and cold water supply, as well as sewerage. At the same time, it is best to remove plumbing pipes inside the walls, which makes the work harder because the walls are usually concrete, but aesthetically and in terms of convenience it will be better.

As for the electrical installation, it is necessary to create a new electrical panel and remove it deep into the wall - stretch the wires in the protective corrugation along the floor, then pour the cement screed on top.

The second stage of repairing an apartment in a new building is the leveling of the floors. In order to level the floor in a new building, there are many ways. We will highlight the best one - this is a cement-sand screed device with an expanded clay cushion. Expanded clay pillow serves additional sound insulation and floor insulation.

The next step is the alignment of the walls, ceilings and the construction of additional partitions. You can level the walls in new buildings different ways or gypsum mixture and you can also sheets of drywall.

The final stage of finishing a new building is Painting works painting walls and ceilings.

If you ordered an apartment renovation in a new building from our company, you can be sure that we will make repairs efficiently and inexpensively.

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Repair is associated with a million spent nerve cells, with a difficult and very long process? We will prove you otherwise! You don’t believe it yet, but repair can be a pleasure if you turn this difficult and, at first glance, rather boring task into a simple and exciting process.

And the main thing in this matter is the ORDER, when the sequence of do-it-yourself apartment repair is observed, and all the stages of repair in the apartment follow one after another according to a pre-compiled repair plan.

So, you still decided and tuned in to make repairs in the apartment, private room with your own hands. How to make an apartment renovation with your own hands? What is the best place to start? When and in what sequence to change doors, windows, repair floors? What is the execution order repair work it should be? We will try to answer the main questions in this article.

Stages of repairing an apartment with your own hands: we plan in advance the order of work

Indeed, it is important to know and follow the sequence of work carried out at all stages of apartment renovation from scratch.

If you follow the sequence of events, you can significantly save money, reduce repair time, and achieve a better result when finishing work.

The first stage is global preparation

Each repair begins with global preparation. First of all, you need to complete all dismantling works: removal of plaster, old wallpaper, whitewash, door blocks, floor covering, as well as, if necessary, the dismantling of partitions and their rearrangement.

A situation may arise that, already completing the repair, when finishing, you will find that you still forgot to dismantle something. Here we have to redo a considerable part of the work, and redo it slowly, carefully, in order to minimize new destruction.

Therefore, having finished dismantling everything unnecessary, old and to be replaced, very carefully examine the result of your work: have you done everything.

Stage 2 - replacement of double-glazed windows

This work is rather dirty, especially its first part, when the old window blocks must be dismantled. After installing the window and window sill, immediately cover them with a thick polyethylene film so as not to scratch or smear during subsequent work.

Stage 3 - plastering work

When performing plastering work, the following sequence of work must be observed: marking for beacon profiles, priming walls, installing a beacon profile, plastering walls, slopes. Plasterboard walls are not subject to plastering. Works on ceiling plastering, installation and installation of tension and suspended structures should be carried out only after completing the wiring on the ceiling of ventilation, electrical cables, and other communications.

Stage 4 - wiring of electrical communications, plumbing work

The activities of the fourth stage are one of the most critical stages of repair - this is the installation of heating radiators (or replacement), laying and wiring electrical cables, low-current wires (this includes ground cables, Internet, telephone, TV, alarm.

Before you start laying cables, be sure to mark the output of sockets and switches on the plastered walls. Next, proceed with the work on strobe holes and grooves for cables, junction boxes, socket boxes, install a built-in electrical unit.

Be sure to draw a wiring diagram: it is needed in order to prevent accidental contact with the places where the wire is laid when you start drilling a hole, hammering nails. It is very important in the kitchen, toilet, bathroom before laying the electrical wiring to carry out the piping, including other related work.

Fifth stage - floor preparation

Underfloor heating, screed and leveling. When the screed is laid, leveled, it is necessary to wait for its absolute drying. For different materials– different drying times, carefully read the instructions in the instructions or packaging.

6 stage of repair - proceed to finishing

When the floor is prepared, you can install the doors, then proceed to the finishing work. The sequence of finishing works depends on the choice of technologies and materials used. So, whitewashing or painting the ceiling is done first, and, for example, it is best to install a false ceiling when the walls are finished. Laying of any floor covering, whether it is linoleum, tile or parquet, is carried out when both the walls and the ceiling are ready.

Then you can install skirting boards, sockets, platbands, all sorts of decorative elements; plumbing, faucets, various accessories are installed in the bathroom, kitchen, toilet.

Important! If possible, it is better to repair the entire apartment at once and entirely. Similar stages of work, this is especially true for "dirty", such as the removal old whitewash, installation of windows, not to mention the demolition and rearrangement of partitions, it makes sense to do it in all rooms at the same time in order to prevent this from happening when carpet is laid in one room, while in the other they have just begun to wash off the old whitewash from the ceiling.

If it is problematic to immediately repair the entire apartment, you need to start the repair from the farthest room from the front door and continue the repair work, gradually approaching the exit. Repair of the corridor and hallway is done last. This is a fairly obvious rule: it is clear that carrying buckets of mortar, bags of construction waste through freshly renovated rooms is far from the best solution. But this rule is constantly violated ...

Read about - all the secrets and features of the technology for installing double-glazed windows in residential premises.

Watch the video on how to putty drywall under the wallpaper - that's it drywall sheets Before wallpapering, you need to prepare.

By the way, you should move from the room farthest from the hallway even with a complete renovation of the entire apartment. To a greater extent, this applies to the final stage of work - finishing.

This is how the apartment repair instructions look like. For those who prefer the video format to reading, we suggest watching an informative video on do-it-yourself apartment renovation:

The house is completed. Members of the selection committee walk along the floors, apartments, and the owners square meters they are looking forward to how they will transport furniture, arrange a sofa with a TV.

But a happy moment is separated by several months of a difficult, but so important process - repair, so where to start repairing a new building?

It is important to understand that the owner of the apartment can start pouring the screed, decorating the walls when the house is put into operation, the acceptance certificate is signed. Spend time up to this point on design development, selection building materials, placement of rooms, if the apartment provides for a "free layout". Another important aspect is the selection of specialists. If wallpapering, plastering or puttying with little experience can be done independently, then the wiring, pouring the screed, installing suspended ceilings should be done by specialists.

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

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Some developers offer buyers apartments with already completed “finishing”. But refuse such a service immediately. The screed will be minimal, the walls will be crooked, wallpaper and linoleum will be the cheapest. The color scheme with the buyer is almost never agreed upon. Consider this option only if absolutely necessary.

Many "experts" say that in a brick new building you should not immediately do a luxury renovation. Within 5-6-10 years the building needs to shrink. Large, small cracks may appear on the partitions. chic Venetian plaster and expensive wooden panels will fall into disrepair. For the first years, it is advised to choose a simpler version of finishing work.

In practice, the house must be settled before the keys are handed over to the tenants. If after 2-3 years cracks “flaunt” on the walls and ceiling, tiles fall off in the bathroom or in the kitchen, the floors “swell”, it’s time to think about violating construction technology and filing a lawsuit with the developer in court. The house can very quickly come into a state unsuitable for operation.

Where does the renovation start?

At the first stage, a thorough inspection of the obtained square meters is carried out. Windows and doors, screed (if it has already been completed), engineering communications wiring are checked. Then it is important to distribute in what sequence to perform. If there is not enough time and money to do everything at once, pay attention to the points:

  • Windows, front door, ventilation. Developers save money by using economy options. At least change the lock on the door.
  • Placement of interior partitions. Space zoning. If you are not satisfied with the layout proposed by the developer, you will have to demolish the existing walls (with the exception of capital ones), build new ones.
  • Wiring, sockets, cables for installation of a heating boiler, air conditioners, washing machine. Pre-determine where the light sources, chandeliers, wall sconces, spotlights, sockets will be located.
  • Laying of sewer, water pipes, installation of toilets, baths, showers, sinks.
  • Checking radiators. It is possible that those mounted by the developer will have to be replaced. If the heating is individual, decide how to do the wiring, where to install radiators with central heating. At this stage, involve a specialist so as not to freeze in winter and not to think why gas bills reach astronomical amounts.

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

Construction of houses, outbuildings, terraces and verandas.

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Together with an experienced builder, an experienced lawyer, check the condition of the received apartment, identify all the shortcomings and problem areas. Then, at least carefully re-read the clauses of the contract. It is likely that you will be able to receive some amount from the developer as compensation. Do not agree to the seller's offer to fix everything with your own hands. They won't do it better


What to Consider When Planning a Renovation

As soon as a certificate confirming the right of ownership is received, property tax will begin to be charged on the apartment. The owner is already obliged to pay rent for the use of electricity, gas (if any), water. No one lives in the apartment yet, does not fully use any of the square meters, and bills are already appearing in the mailbox.

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

Construction of houses, outbuildings, terraces and verandas.

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If you want to resell the property, the apartment starts to make losses from the moment it is put into operation. Therefore, do not postpone repairs for a long time.

Approaches to the repair of an apartment in a new building

Specialists distinguish two types of repair: scheduled and quick.

Planned option

Good for those who finish the apartment for themselves, going to live here happily ever after. A work plan and budget is being prepared. All stages are described with necessary materials, deadlines. A team is selected, including the necessary specialists: plumbers, plasterers, painters, etc. The work is carried out systematically, the deadlines for screeding are kept (at least 28 days), puttying and plastering technologies are observed.


  1. the estimate in most cases is exceeded;
  2. the process runs the risk of becoming infinite. If the masters are not paid for the result, but time payment they won't be in a hurry. At your expense.

Scheduled repairs should be guided by those who have a place to live, who do not rent an apartment and do not count every ruble spent on finishing. Among the advantages of this option:

  • lack of haste. There is an opportunity not to miss something important, significant in later life;
  • careful planning. The wishes of all family members, children, parents are taken into account.

Quick repair from scratch

For a minimum time, the screed is poured, plumbing is installed. In one of the rooms, the walls and ceiling are being ennobled so that there is a place to live. Further, as the money comes in, all other premises are put in order.

This option is considered more economical. The apartment is used for its intended purpose. The term of repair depends only on the financial capabilities of the owner, his desire for a life in comfort. Disadvantage: ten years will pass in such a "temporary building" and a state of permanent decoration of the surrounding space.

How to start renovation in a new building

First, change the doors, or at least the locks. Hundreds of people looked at the apartment before you, someone “accidentally” could have duplicates. In order not to worry about the safety of property, start repairs from the front door.

At the next stage, invite an experienced electrician, preferably from management company, install the switchboard. Otherwise, you will not be able to use either the hammer drill or the concrete mixer.

When laying electrical wiring, consider the following:

  • in rooms with high humidity special waterproof sleeves are used for laying wires and cables;
  • for a washing machine, boiler, air conditioners, separate cables are laid, designed for current strength up to 25A;
  • mandatory grounding, in particular for power cables.

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

Construction of houses, outbuildings, terraces and verandas.

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The cable must be solid from the switchboard to the final outlet. Twisting and soldering are equivalent short circuits, the failure of the entire system.

After laying electrical wiring, do not forget about plumbing, sewerage. No one lives in the apartment yet, but water will also be needed for repair work. Install a toilet and at least one sink. Do not spend money immediately on exclusive options - limit yourself to the simplest ones for the duration of the repair. They will not be sorry if something heavy falls from above, cracks will appear. Sewer and water pipes use high-quality ones, in particular, if you plan to “embed” into a wall or floor.

Performing roughing operations

The developer can perform a rough screed and plastering of partitions. The next step is to clean up. But first remove all construction debris, concrete, plaster. Check if the walls are even. It is possible that you will have to scrape off or cut off excess material.

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

Construction of houses, outbuildings, terraces and verandas.

Ask an expert

The work is quite dirty. Prepare ahead of time and a large number of garbage bags, respirators. It is better not to close the windows during the cleaning process, even in winter.

  • close the holes between the plates, if any;
  • bring out interior partitions in their places of permanent residence. It's not about the lungs drywall constructions, but about walls made of bricks or foam blocks. If there are already partitions, check for the presence / absence of cracks, through holes.

A reinforcing mesh is first laid on the floor. A sand-cement mixture is poured on top in the proportion of 1 part of cement x 2 parts of crushed stone of fine fraction x 3 parts of quarry or river sand, carefully sifted. It is better to take water not tap, but drinking, so that it does not change chemical composition concrete mix. The screed should not be too liquid.

Complete solidification and strength gain will occur after 28 days. Then SNiP allows you to start laying tiles, linoleum or laminate. Walking on a new screed is allowed after 4-5 days. It is not recommended to artificially accelerate the percentage of drying. Ideal Conditions for drying:

  • humidity up to 70%;
  • temperature not higher than 250C in the absence of drafts and direct sunlight.
  • A standard cement screed can be replaced with a plaster screed, but not in the bathroom or kitchen. The screed will be ready for further work in a week, and walking on it is allowed after 4-5 hours.

Finishing work

While the screed dries and gains strength, finish the walls of the kitchen and bathroom. A good option- tile. If the skills of the work, it is best not to start studying and do not try to put their own hands. The specialist will make everything faster, more beautiful, and smoother.

The sequence of repairs in a new building is needed only in order not to do the same job twice. What seems obvious on initial stage repair, by the end of the repair it may turn out to be completely wrong - redundant, ill-conceived, incorrectly done.

In addition, if the order of work is violated, at best, the amount of garbage will increase, at worst, for some work, floors, ceilings or walls will have to be cracked.

Check it out carefully here.

Shrinkage of a new building

At the initial stage of apartment renovation, it is necessary to clearly understand what new house will "settle down" in the first two years. The soil under the new house will be compacted, the walls at the joints will receive the so-called "hairline cracks" - that is, some work must be done in strict sequence.

Not only that, belated repairs of neighbors - knocking out partitions, door frames or wall chasing can also cause cracks in the walls. In addition, you need to take into account such a moment as the law on silence. When all the repairs have already been made and the neighbors with children will come to their apartments, it is unlikely that they will be able to calmly carry out noisy work or “hang out” a dust curtain.

1. Concept development

First you need to clearly define what will be from your apartment - this is not a plan, but a drawing up of the concept of an apartment. For example, you have a pre-retirement age and the main thing is home comfort and peace. Or you are 20 years old and most importantly, cool parties in the apartment. From the concept, one can clearly deduce what zones the apartment will consist of and the amount of necessary work.

2. Making a plan

After you decide what will be and where, you need to draw up detailed plan repair. It will consist of:
  1. Where will the plumbing fixtures be located - showers, sinks, toilets, bidets, etc. This is necessary in order to make the final piping before repair.
  2. Where there will be a cooking zone, you need to determine where it will stand, tables, a refrigerator and hang shelves. Here you need to calculate the number and position of the required number of electrical outlets - in the kitchen there should be at least ten of them. If a TV, telephone or computer is planned in the kitchen, you must also stretch the appropriate cables.
  3. Where in the rooms and auxiliary rooms will there be and what kind of furniture. You need to clearly imagine where you will walk, where the children will sit and play. This is necessary so as not to lay the heated floor under the furniture, washing machine, refrigerator, etc.
  4. Where will the work area be - there will be a computer, a desktop. This is necessary in order to determine how many sockets you need to install, how many and what kind of cables to pull - Internet cable, telephone, antenna, etc. It is also possible to calculate required amount lamps.
  5. Where and what will be the recreation and sleep areas - here you need to competently stretch cables and switches for arranging lighting zones.

3. Purchase of components for repair

  • After drawing up a plan, you need to arrange shopping - the purchase of appropriate sanitary appliances - faucets, sinks, showers, etc.
  • You need to buy all the electrics - cables, sockets, switches, etc.
  • In accordance with the concept and taken dimensions of the kitchen, bathroom and toilet, you need to buy tile on the floor and walls. Moreover, on the floor they buy more durable and less slippery tiles. On the walls, it's the other way around. For laying tiles, tile glue is bought, grout between the seams and plastic crosses - to maintain the inter-tile distance.
  • Buy wallpaper and, floor and ceiling plinths and glue for fixing this whole economy.
  • With the dimensions of the floor of the apartment, you need to visit shops selling floor coverings. Managers using a computer program will calculate for you how much and what length and width you need to buy linoleum and laminate.
  • Material for floor screed, plaster, putty and primer for walls are bought.

If the internal partitions do not match your plans, they will have to be knocked out and carried out. This is usually done with a sledgehammer or with the help of specialized companies with special saws.

After internal walls knocked out and new ones built, they begin to break the joints between the slabs of the walls and the ceiling and the floor. These joints are usually very poorly sealed, and besides, low-grade concrete is used there. If you are planning to replace interior doors, at this stage you need to remove them.

  1. The resulting voids should be foamed, and sealed with polyethylene foam bundles (such a white sausage), and again sealed with sand concrete, but from good concrete. This operation will save you from mold, cold, smells from kitchens and possible leaks.
  2. Now you need to stretch and part the pipes of the water supply, sewerage and batteries (if they are transferred). At the same stage, water meters are installed. There are two types of piping - tee (one pipeline departs from the collector to each plumbing device) and collector - a separate pipe goes from the collector to each plumbing fixture.
  3. After that, cables are pulled and, if necessary, holes for sockets are cut. Electrical wiring can be mounted in walls or stretched along the floor. Cables are usually "packaged" in plastic pipes or cable channels. Sometimes electrical wiring is included in the apartment.
  4. Well, the kitchen is being equipped with a ventilation system - ventilation ducts are being carried out and a place is being prepared for the hood
  5. Low current is being drawn cables - internet, television and telephone
  6. The external unit of the air conditioner is hung out and technological holes are drilled in the wall for pulling pipes and cables.
  7. At the last stage preparatory phase garbage is being removed.

1. First stage

A) sex work

The floors in an apartment in a new building have large differences in height, which can reach 7-10 centimeters. In addition, the plates, the reverse side of which is the ceiling of the neighbors from below, are smooth and relatively even exactly at the neighbors from below (their ceiling). To eliminate this, a rough floor is made - a floor screed is made.

The work is simple - the rough floor is bought in the store in the form of a mixture, diluted with water in accordance with the instructions and ready mix spills onto the floor. After that, the mixture is leveled by the rule according to pre-installed beacons.

The highest quality is a sand concrete screed. At the edges of the screed, you need to leave room for electrical wiring. Complete drying of the screed is sometimes delayed for a month (it all depends on the thickness of the layer).

A warm floor is installed on the subfloor in the right places.

B) Wall work

The walls are leveled with plaster. The scheme of work is approximately the same as for sexual work, only in this case the mixture is applied with a trowel on the rule (emphasis on "and") and applied to the wall according to pre-installed beacons.

After plastering, a two-meter rule is applied to the wall. In this case, the gap between the rule and the wall should be no more than 2 mm. When the wall dries completely, putty is reapplied, and after drying, the wall is sanded and torn with a primer mixture.

After that, the necessary drillings are made in the walls for wiring cables.

B) Installation of windows and entrance doors

In the vast majority of cases, you won't have to. do-windows with a window sill and slopes, the developer installs, and the installation of doors is almost always included in the cost of manufacturing doors. The work is hard and responsible, in some cases even requiring welding.

D) Ceiling installation

If the ceiling is even, you can simply paint it, if not, it will have to be leveled. The ceiling can be leveled like this:

  1. Plaster and putty it (if the ceiling is relatively even and paint
  2. arrange dropped ceilings plasterboard
  3. Arrange stretch ceilings
  4. Arrange the ceiling ceiling tiles armstrong type
  5. Cover the ceiling with ceiling tiles

2. Intermediate stage of repair

  1. Laying tiles in the bathroom, toilet and in part of the kitchen - above the sink and stove
  2. Plasterboard drywall work you can align the walls or ceiling. If drywall on the ceiling is often welcome, then drywall on the walls is not the best solution. Firstly, it will eat up part of the square, and secondly, it will be impossible to hang or lean on anything on the wall. However, drywall on the ceiling can be replaced stretch ceiling or ceiling type "Armstrong".
  3. Wall primer
  4. Arrangement of decorative elements (stucco, "socket" under the base of the chandelier, etc.)

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