Ways to connect the TV to the Internet: via cable and via Wi-Fi. Instructions for connecting a TV to Wi-Fi

reservoirs 18.10.2019
February 13, 2015 19:13

In this article, we will look at how to add a TV to the local network. Yes Yes, modern technology reached the point that we can connect an ordinary TV to the Internet, on which we watch television programs. Earlier we talked about the need for our TV to have wifi support or internet support. And now this is not even necessary, since technology has reached the point that absolutely any TV can be connected to the local network, even the simplest and oldest one, which was released 20 years ago, the main thing is that it has the appropriate connector. You may have a reasonable question: why do you need Internet on a TV? What if you want to watch a movie online in good resolution, and the Internet allows it. Or it may turn out that you need it for work, let's say you want to submit a promotion report to employees, seo site optimization. It turns out that in this case, you can do without a projector. Or even personally for yourself - on big screen you can simultaneously monitor many processes: promotion analytics, internal and external optimization, testing, etc.

So, what TVs and with what means can be connected to local network?

Method 1. TV with built-in WiFi.

This is the most expensive option, as TVs with built-in wifi modules are the most expensive. As a rule, they have support for SmartTV technology. Additional devices to connect the TV to the Internet are not needed. By itself, it can find your wifi network, connect to the router and go online.

Method 2. TV with external USB WiFi adapter.

These TVs do not have a built-in WiFi module. To compare the cost, let's say that the price of a TV with a built-in WiFi module (adapter) is approximately equal to the cost of a TV without an adapter plus the cost of the WiFi adapter itself.

Choosing a WiFi adapter for a TV
Quite often they ask which WiFi adapter you need to purchase in order to connect a TV that does not have a built-in WiFi module. It should be a Wireless LAN Adapter, its box should indicate what brand of TV it was made for. The fact is that you need to buy only original WiFi adapters. That is, if you have a Samsung TV, then you need to look for an adapter for Samsung, if LG, then, accordingly, LG also produces WiFi adapters for its TVs.
First of all, your TV must support a WiFi adapter, which should be indicated in the instructions for the TV, where its specifications are indicated. Secondly, the WiFi adapter must match your TV model.

WiFi adapter package:

  1. Adapter (has the size of a USB modem).
  2. Adapter (allows you to tilt the adapter in the desired direction).

How to determine that this adapter is suitable for our TV model? We look at the box to the adapter, or look at the instructions - we find out the adapter model and browse the Internet for a list of TV models that fit it. Also this information should be indicated in the instructions among the main characteristics (what year of manufacture should the TV be and with what marking, what series).
If you have a TV, let's say, 2013, and the adapter is 2012, then there is no guarantee that it will work. You should also be wary of third-party universal adapters (that support multiple TVs).

Step by step connection:

  • We connect to the Internet from the TV. For this
  • Press the "Menu" button on the TV remote control and go to the "Network" section, Network Settings. Here you must connect your external adapter. If you have it built-in, then accordingly it is automatically recognized. Press the "Start" button, which will start searching for a wireless router.
  • From the list of proposed routers, select our router (by name), click "next".
  • Enter the security key (password) to access wifi. You can do this using the remote control or using a mouse or keyboard connected to the TV port. We press "next". The wireless connection is being tested.

If it didn’t automatically connect (perhaps you have manually entered IP addresses on the router), then go to “IP Settings” (a button on the screen) and set the settings manually. You can try clicking "Receive automatically" and then "OK". That's it, the connection is configured. Now you can go to SmartTV and work with the Internet.

How to manually enter IP address settings?

If you want to configure the connection between the computer and the TV in more detail, if you want to set up port forwarding, then you must manually set the IP addresses. So, first we set the IP address of the gateway (this is our router and we write its IP address here). The same for the DNS server (this is also the IP address of the router). Next, we must select an IP address and enter it in the appropriate field from the range of IP addresses that were specified in the settings of the routers for distribution. Therefore, first go to the router settings and see what IP addresses you have set. We press OK. The network is connected.
Now you can exit to the main window. We press the SmartTV button (colored button in the center of the remote control), go here, for example, to a web browser and check how well our network works.
This sets up the connection of the TV to our wireless LAN.

Method 3. The TV has Internet support, then it does not have WiFi support

This type of TV does not have a built-in WiFi module and does not support WiFi connection adapter. However, they have a LAN for connecting an internet cable. How to connect such a TV to the Internet? Connect the TV with a cable to our router (like any other computer). However, in this article we are talking about wireless Internet, so we will try to explain how to connect to wireless network.
So if you have a TV of this type, then it can be connected to another WiFi router that has a client operating mode (that is, it will receive a signal from your main WiFi router and use it to access the Internet). You set up this router in the “client” mode (we have already told you how to do this), connect it to the TV. So your TV will already have WiFi mode.

Connecting with Android Mini PC TV

There is another option for connecting such a TV to the Internet - the most technologically advanced and the newest. Get Android Mini PC TV - this is a special small computer (it has the size of a USB modem in the form of a small box). It connects to the TV with special cable. More expensive models have a cable for connecting to the ports of old TVs. Now you select this device as the signal source on the TV and a window with many icons appears on your monitor, as if it were a tablet. The TV turns into a large tablet. Then you can connect a keyboard, mouse to the TV and use these input devices to navigate through applications - everything is exactly the same as on a tablet. You can install various Android programs and so on on your Android Mini PC TV minicomputer. Through the same menu you connect to the Internet.

TV without Internet access today is perceived as something inferior, outdated, because the global network is a huge repository of multimedia content. However, TV is not a device that is customary to replace with a new one every year. What happens: the owners of "anachronisms", released at a time when no one thought about the Internet on TV, to remain deprived? Not at all. Almost any TV receiver can be connected to the World Wide Web with very few exceptions. And today we'll talk about how to do it.

Smart TV is a TV combined with a computer, and the presence of a network adapter for such a device is a matter of course. Happy owners of smart boxes can even choose how to connect the TV to the Internet - via cable or Wi-Fi. Both of these are quite simple.

Cable connection is possible in two ways: directly and through a router. The first option is used if the TV is the only device in the house with a network adapter or a separate Internet channel is allocated for the TV. The provider's cable is connected directly to the TV's network adapter.

The second option - connecting through a router, is much more common. In this case, the TV becomes one of the members of the local network, where the router is the center and source of the Internet. The cable connects the TV network adapter and the LAN port of the router. No special settings are needed for this, the TV is connected to the router in the same way as a computer.

If your Smart TV is equipped with a Wi-Fi adapter, it needs an access point or Wi-Fi router to connect to the global network.

Connecting and setting up the Internet on Samsung Smart TV

When connecting cable type:

  • Connect the TV network adapter and the LAN port of the router using a patch cord (a piece of cable with connectors). The screenshot below shows the back of the TV where the network port is located.
  • Using the remote control, let's go to the Smart TV settings, from there - to the "Network" and "Network settings" menus.

  • In the "Network Type" section, select "Cable".

  • Click the "Connect" button.

After a few seconds, the connection will be established and activated. The TV will receive all network parameters automatically.

When connected wirelessly:

  • Let's go to the network settings through the main menu of Smart TV.

  • Select the connection type "Wireless".

  • Select the access point running on your Wi-Fi router.

  • Enter the access point password and click Finish.

After a short time, the connection will be established.

On different models of Samsung smart TVs, the appearance and arrangement of menu items are different, but the principle of connecting to the Internet is the same everywhere.

Connecting and setting up the Internet on Smart TV LG

By wire:

  • Install physical connection router and TV. The socket for the network cable on LG TVs, like Samsung, is located on the rear panel.
  • Use the remote control to enter the TV settings menu and go to the "Network" section.

  • Select "Wired Connection (Ethernet)".

  • After the connection is established, click "Finish" and exit the menu. Internet is set.


  • Enter the network settings through the main menu.
  • Select the connection type "Wireless".

  • In the list of options for connecting to a wireless network, click the "Configure from the list of access points" button.

  • Enter the password to connect to your hotspot. Confirm your input and wait a few seconds until the connection is established.

If your smart model TV and router support WPS connection, you can click the second button in this menu - “ Easy Installation(WPS mode)”, then press the same key on the router.

Different LG Smart TVs have slightly different menu interfaces. But the difference between them is not so significant that you can get confused. If you figure out how to connect a TV of one model to the Internet, you can easily do it on another.

Other brands of "smart" TVs - Sony, Toshiba, Philips, etc., connect to the global network in exactly the same way.

How to connect Smart TV to the Internet without a built-in network adapter

There are situations when setting up a wired TV connection to the Internet is not possible, for example, if there are no free ports on the router or the cable does not fit into the interior design. And the device is not equipped with a wireless network card. A removable Wi-Fi adapter that plugs into a USB port will help fix the situation.

Unfortunately, these removable adapters are not universal. They are produced by TV manufacturers themselves and only for devices of their brand, and each device supports a strictly limited range of TV models. With which devices a particular adapter is compatible, should be indicated in technical specifications the last one.

Externally, a removable Wi-Fi adapter resembles a large flash drive or USB modem, but there are models of a different type - in the form of a small box with a cable and an antenna (or without it). The former look more aesthetically pleasing, but the latter catch the wireless signal better, because thanks to the cable they can be moved from place to place and thereby find the best reception area.

Like other Wi-Fi devices, detachable TV adapters belong to different generations IEEE 802.11 standard and operate in different frequency ranges.

Modern standards include IEEE 802.11n and IEEE 802.11ac. Only they support a data transfer rate sufficient to view video content high resolution, and operate in two frequency bands at once - 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. This means that they are compatible with any Wi-Fi routers, since the majority of the latter broadcast either in one or the other range (less often in both). And for the devices to work together, you need to tune to one common frequency.

In addition, removable Wi-Fi adapters for TV differ in the following parameters:

  • signal reception radius. It is important that this value is not less than the distance to the access point.
  • transmitter power. It is 30-50-70-100 mW. The lower the power of the device, the higher it should be at the access point, especially if the latter is located at a considerable distance from the TV.
  • Support for encryption technologies in WiFi networks. For compatibility with modern devices, the adapter must support WPA and WPA 2 standards, with old ones (generations of the 90s and early 2000s) - WEP.

Connecting to the World Wide Web conventional TV

Regular TVs (non-Smart) do not have network adapters, so simply taking and connecting such a device to the Internet will not work. But it's very easy to get around this limitation. It is enough to connect a special set-top box to the TV - Android TV Box, Apple TV or their equivalent. To the delight of the owners of old TV sets, such set-top boxes are now sold at affordable prices and their choice is very large.

A set-top box (media player) is a compact device that looks like a large flash drive or a plastic box that will not only equip your TV with network interfaces, but also give it other “smart” functions. This is, in fact, a miniature computer with its own processor, memory, operating system and other attributes, the monitor of which is a TV, and the input device is a remote control. By the way, special keyboards and similar mice are produced for set-top boxes, and many of them are compatible with ordinary ones.

TV set-top boxes are distinguished by technical parameters. They, like computers and smartphones, are more and less productive. They have different processors, different amounts of RAM and permanent memory, different interfaces. Such devices can connect to the Internet both by wire and over the air.

Set-top boxes, unlike removable Wi-Fi receivers, are universal, that is, they are compatible with various brands and models of TVs. Only the same connection interface is important for both devices. Usually this is HDMI, less often USB, even less often other types.

Setting up the Internet on a TV with a media player is unlikely to cause difficulties for those who have connected a smartphone or computer to the network at least once. After all, they work for the same operating systems as mobile gadgets from PC: Andriod, iOS, Windows.

How to connect the set-top box to the TV

  • Turn off the power of both devices (if the set-top box does not have its own power adapter, then only TV). For reliability, it is better to pull the plugs out of the sockets. The HDMI interface, although it supports hot plugging, in fact often burns out, especially if you connect devices, each of which has its own power source.
  • Plug the media player or its cable into the HDMI or USB socket of the TV.
  • Turn on devices.
  • Using the remote control supplied with the set-top box, go to the menu, and from there - to the network settings.

TV connection to the Internet through an electrical outlet

Data transfer technology electrical wires- PLC (PowerLine Communication), has existed for a long time, but is not yet very popular. However, soon, we must expect, it will come finest hour, because with the implementation of the Internet of things and systems " smart home» traditional wired communication will be difficult, and the radio will be oversaturated with information flows. Then the electrical network as a transmission medium will be very useful.

PLC is not independent technology connection to the Internet, it transmits data on the principle of an Ethernet cable connection (if you do not take into account the peculiarities of transmission over lines of force), but devoid of its main drawback - the need to lay and mask the wires. Places for connecting devices to the network are becoming ordinary electrical sockets, more precisely, special adapters installed in them.

PLC adapters, such as in the picture, are supplied to the Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian markets by TP-Link, ZyXEL, D-Link and some others. They cost around 1000-5000 rubles (the price depends on the transmission speed to the Ethernet and PowerLine channels, the number of devices in the kit, LAN ports and other options).

For comfortable viewing of high-resolution video, it is optimal to buy a PLC with a transfer rate of 100 Mbit / s.

Connecting such devices is not difficult: the LAN ports of one PLC adapter module and the TV are connected with a patch cord, then the adapter is plugged into a power outlet. The second module is connected to the LAN connector of the router and an outlet near it. After that, set up wired Internet on TV in the usual way.

Many TV owners would like to access the Internet from their devices without using a PC. Knowing how to connect a TV to the Internet, a person may not spend money on buying a computer or laptop. This can be done using a headset and special equipment.

What TVs can be connected to the Internet

You can connect the Internet to a TV that has the “Smart TV” function. With this technology, the user can change the device settings online. With the Smart TV option, the TV is connected to the Internet via a local network or via a wireless Wi-Fi connection.

You can go online from a regular TV without “Smart TV”. Before connecting the Internet on the TV, you should prepare a set-top box to which you need to connect an HDMI cable. This equipment allows you to access the Internet from a TV without built-in Wi-Fi.

What is required to connect

Before connecting, make sure you have the necessary equipment:

  • router and configured Internet access point;
  • LAN cable for direct connection.

The owner of the television device must first study technical instruction to TV and find out your IP address for further settings. It is recommended to get information about the type of connection provided by the Internet Service Provider. There is a static and dynamic IP address or PPPoE, which also needs to be considered.

Connection methods

There are the following ways to connect the TV to the Internet:

  • direct cable connection for models with built-in LAN connector;
  • usage Wi-Fi router, a special set-top box or PLC adapter;
  • enabling WPS;
  • signal transmission through a computer or laptop;
  • “Smart TV” setting.

Knowing how to access the Internet from a TV using this equipment, you can take full advantage of such a connection.

Direct cable connection

There are several ways to connect. If the device has a LAN input, you can connect the TV to the Internet via a cable by connecting it directly to this port. If you have a dynamic IP address, a network cable connection will be created without any further action on the part of the user. The TV will immediately receive an IP address that opens access to the Internet.

If the provider provides a static IP, the subscriber will have to set the necessary parameters in the settings manually. In the TV menu, find the item “Network / Network connection” and go to the “Set up connection” tab. Using the remote control, select the “Manual Setup” item and press the “Wired” button. Here you should enter the IP address and DNS, confirm the changes made. After that, the user can independently build a route map.

Through a router

The router allows you to connect several devices to the Internet: computer, laptop, TV. Through the port of the router, you can connect to the TV using a cable or via WiFi. In the first case, one end of the cable is connected to the built-in TV port, and the other to the input located on the rear panel of the router and marked yellow. If everything is done correctly, data from the router will be transmitted to the TV, on the panel of which the port indicator light will light up. Finally, you need to select the type of IP used and manually enter the necessary data.

Install wireless wifi connection You can use a TV device equipped with a built-in Wi-Fi module. To activate it, follow these steps:

  • check the functionality of the connected router;
  • open the device menu and in the settings go to the “Network connection” item, if necessary, specifying the type of connection - wireless;
  • in the list that appears, select an available wireless point of the home network;
  • enter the password and wait for the connection.

In the absence of a Wi-Fi adapter, you can connect to the Internet using WPS - Wi-Fi Protected Setup. To do this, you need to know the login and password set on the router. There is a WPS button on the back of the router, you must press and hold it for a few seconds, then activate the WPS function on the TV, if necessary, enter a special code.

Via PC or laptop

Users can connect an old TV or any modern TV model to their computer or laptop. The device will work in 2 modes:

  1. Image Repeat: The TV acts as a display. You can open a browser and watch movies, but the device can only be controlled through a computer. HDMI or VGA is used to establish a connection.
  2. Reading data from a computer. You can access computer data using an established local network. The user will be able to watch movies and listen to music stored on the PC's hard drive without an Internet connection.

Via TV box

You need to understand what you need to connect. Standard set-top boxes from different manufacturers have TV viewing, browser, and home theater functions. They are analogous to "Smart TV". The set-top box connects to the router using a LAN cable or Wi-Fi, and to the TV via HDMI. The IP address settings are set in the set-top box menu.

Android set-top box - analogue mobile phone or a tablet whose interface opens on a large screen. Uploaded from Play market applications can be used from the TV. On TV, access to work with email and instant messengers, viewing online channels via the Internet. To do this, you need to study the instructions for searching and configuring channels.

Such a set-top box allows you to connect the Internet to an old TV that does not have the Smart TV function or Wi-Fi receivers. It's basically a mini computer.

PLC adapter and wireless connection

If you have a standard modem, you can connect to the network using an Ethernet cable. A PLC adapter (powerline) can replace such a cable - a device that transmits a signal through the wires of a home electrical network. Such equipment is provided by Beeline and Rostelecom providers.

The appearance of the adapter is somewhat reminiscent of an ordinary power supply, but only without wires. The set consists of a receiver and a transmitter. We connect the transmitter to the router using an Ethernet cable, then press the button on both Pair adapters and after pairing, the Internet can be taken from the receiver using the same Ethernet cable through the STB set-top box.

Modern adapters provide high data transfer rates - up to 1 GB per second, but this is stated, real speed transmission is still lower, but usually higher than when connected via Wi-Fi. PLC adapters are plugged into a power outlet.

Smart TV settings

Samsung and LG TVs

TVs of both brands are configured in the same way. To connect Smart TV to the Internet, you need:

  1. Go to the main menu.
  2. Log in to your personal user account by entering your username and password
  3. To create a new account You must register with your email address.

You can download applications in your personal account. There is also access to the Internet. In case of signal loss, the IP address must be entered manually.

Sony TVs

Owners of Japanese Sony TVs should adhere to following scheme actions:

  • go to the device menu and select the “Home” item;
  • click on the button with the name “Settings”;
  • go to the "Network" tab, and then click "Update Internet Content";
  • in the "My Applications" window, select the appropriate icon to launch.

Otherwise, the “Smart TV” function is the same as the corresponding function found on other devices. You can manage it without changing the firmware of the device.

Many modern models TVs have the function of connecting to the Internet. Moreover, the purchase of models with Smart TV generally loses all meaning if it is not possible to connect them to good high-speed Internet. Most often, the connection is made via a network cable or Wi-Fi wireless technology. But what about those who do not have either wired Internet or wireless? In such cases, the output seems to be the application USB modem supporting 3G/4G technologies. What is so complicated here and why describe the connection procedure, because, probably, it is enough just to insert the modem into one of the USB connectors on the TV? But no, no matter how smart TVs are, they cannot work directly with USB modems, although it is possible that in the foreseeable future manufacturers will eliminate this drawback as well. In the meantime, users who want to combine the incompatible have to go to tricks and look for sophisticated connection methods.

Internet from USB modem to TV via Wi-Fi router

One of the most common ways to connect a TV to the Internet using a USB modem is to use Wi-Fi router as an intermediary. There are many models of routers that work perfectly with for the most part popular 3G/4G modems. In particular, this routers companies such as TP-Link, D-Link, Asus, Zyxel, Tenda and others.

When using this connection method, you should follow a few tips:

  • In the process of choosing a router compatible with a 3G/4G modem, in without fail specify whether it specifically supports the modem model that you have or that you plan to purchase. Such information can be obtained on the page of this device on the official website of the manufacturer.
  • Pay attention to connection speed. It should be borne in mind that for the normal functioning of Smart TV and the ability to watch movies from the Internet, a high speed of this very Internet is required, which not every 3G modem can provide. After acquiring a router and making all the settings necessary for it to work together with a modem, connecting the TV to the Internet can be done both via cable and Wi-Fi, provided that the TV supports this technology. If desired, through this router it will be possible to connect other devices to the Internet.

I was thinking that I already wrote about connecting the TV to the World Wide Web. But I’ll write about how to access the Internet from an LG TV that has a Smart TV function. Perhaps, this article will seem to someone too simple, and not necessary. But I'm sure a lot of people will find it useful.

Practically, from all TVs that can connect to the Internet and have the Smart TV function, you can visit websites, access social networks, read Twitter, etc. Yes, yes, even VKontakte can be accessed from the TV while lying on the couch. Here they are - technologies 🙂

I will write this article using the LG TV as an example. (Model LG 32LN575U, but it doesn't matter).

A few words about the browser

The browser built into LG TVs is quite decent. He even knows how to play Flash. But he's there, to play banners, nothing more. Video on some site, or a game in social network, it will run. But, most likely, after a while an error will appear:, or something like that.

Navigation, functionality, browser speed, are, as I already wrote, at a decent level. Like for TV.

How to control surfing the Internet from the TV?

Can be controlled from the remote remote control which was included. But, it's not very convenient. Then I remembered surfing the Internet from an ordinary mobile phone, which with buttons (ah, nostalgia 🙂). Control the TV browser with the remote, it's about the same.

It is best, of course, to connect a keyboard and mouse to the TV. Better yet, a wireless keyboard and mouse. Such management will be the most convenient. If these devices are not available, then you can control the TV browser from your phone or tablet. Which works on Andriod, or iOS.

And yet, you can buy a proprietary LG Magic Remote. From which to manage the browsing of sites, it will be very convenient. At least that's how it seems to me 🙂 . The last two methods are only suitable for LG TVs.

Connecting the TV to the Internet

It is clear that in order to view sites through Smart TV, the TV itself must be connected to the Internet. It can be via cable, or via Wi-Fi, if possible. I wrote more about the connection in separate articles:

If everything is fine with the connection, then you can proceed to launching the browser and visiting sites.

We visit sites from LG TV (Smart TV)

First, go to Smart TV (by pressing a special, blue button on the remote control). Then, at the bottom, select and launch the browser” Internet“.

Please note that on home page Smart TV, the icon that displays the status of the Internet connection, should be green. This means that the Internet is working, and you can continue.

After launching the browser, you can immediately click on the address bar, and using the keyboard, enter the address of the site you want to visit. Or, ask search query. To confirm the transition to the address, press the button go on the virtual keyboard, or using the cursor, select one of the options that pop up from the bottom.

A site will open, or search results that you can view, follow links, etc. Everything is like on a computer.

In the lower right corner, it will display “ Mini TV“. You can browse websites and watch TV at the same time. If this window bothers you, you can close it. Hover over it and click on the cross that appears. To return “Mini TV”, press the button in the form of a TV on the top control panel.

You can open many tabs at the same time. Just click on the green cross to open another tab. In this tab, by default, a panel opens, which displays thumbnails of the pages of the most visited sites. A bit higher (below the address bar), the tabbed panel is displayed.

When you open a site and want to bookmark it, just click on the corresponding button, which I showed in the screenshot below.

In order to open browser settings, history, bookmark manager and help, just click on the appropriate button and select the desired item. Also, you can turn on the view in full screen, zoom in, and close the browser.

In the settings, you can select the start page, search engine by default, always show the bookmarks bar, disable Flash, etc.

I just want to give you one piece of advice. I have already met articles on the Internet several times that a vulnerability was discovered in Smart TV, though on Samsung TVs. The data that was entered on the TV could get to intruders. I now have to enter passwords to various sites, and even worse, payment data.

I hope this vulnerability has been fixed now. But, do not forget that Smart TV on any TV is new and a little more raw technology. So, for now, it’s better not to pay for various services through the TV, and not to enter your payment details. For this, it is better to use a computer.

More on the site:

How to access the Internet from an LG Smart TV? Browsing websites on TV updated: February 7, 2018 by: admin

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