What to do when WiFi doesn't work? Wi-Fi Internet stopped working through the router. Wi-Fi drops frequently

Engineering systems 19.10.2019
Engineering systems

It is difficult for a modern person to imagine life without access to the World Wide Web. The times when there was only one computer in the family are long gone. Now people use tablets, smartphones, laptops that are equipped with a WiFi module. A wired router without wireless network support has already become irrelevant. It is not able to provide Internet to all available gadgets. How to be? Of course, replace it with a device that works in WiFi mode.

Previously, routers were quite expensive. Their setup required special knowledge. Now everything has changed dramatically. Router manufacturers have tried to make their devices not only accessible to every customer, but also as simple as possible. Buyers who have purchased devices from brands such as ZyXel, Asus, D-Link and others will be able to verify this. Their range includes both budget models and expensive ones.

However, even though the configuration of routers is as simple as possible, sometimes users experience failures. For example, no WiFi signal. There are many reasons for this failure. Therefore, let's figure it out together how to set up a TP-Link WiFi router and other brands, as well as fix problems with a wireless network yourself.

Wireless network: symptoms of a problem

As soon as the user first encounters failures in the operation of the router, he begins to look for reasons in the device itself. However, in rare cases, it is it that fails. As a rule, the problem lies in the settings. Moreover, it is important to note that you need to check them not only on the router, but also on a gadget that cannot connect to an access point. Most of all, users are concerned about why the router does not distribute the Internet via WiFi.

What signs may indicate a malfunction?

  • There is no signal.
  • Long connection time.
  • Low internet speed from router.
  • Frequent network failures and reconnections to WiFi.

If you find such signs, you will need to check the correct connection and configuration of devices.

Search for the guilty

When it is not possible to figure out why the router does not distribute the Internet via WiFi, but at the same time connects to the network, you need to find out what or who is to blame for this. To do this, a number of specific actions are carried out:

  • provider cable. Its performance is checked in the following way: connect it directly to the computer and make all the necessary settings. If there are no problems with the Internet, then the reason should be looked for in the router.
  • Wireless network settings. After checking the cable and connection, we can conclude that the device itself is functioning correctly. The problem may be in the wireless network configuration. There are devices that are equipped with the function of turning on / off WiFi.
  • Checking devices. There are cases when the malfunction lies directly in the device that connects to the network. In order to verify its performance, it is enough to connect from another gadget.

Why does the router not distribute the Internet via WiFi? Causes

If, with an active connection, the user cannot access the global network, then the reason for this is the errors made when setting up the router.

  • Incorrect entry/determination of the IP address.
  • The transmission channel is set incorrectly.
  • Incorrect DNS value.

The first two mistakes are made by users themselves when creating a wireless network. And this is the reason that the TP-Link WiFi router does not distribute the Internet. The same problems are relevant for routers of other brands. As for the last error, several factors can affect the value, such as a virus on the device.

To fix such a problem, it is not necessary to contact qualified programmers. All the user needs is a cable that allows you to directly connect the Internet, a PC or laptop and, of course, the router itself.

How to set up a TP-Link WiFi router?

Devices of this manufacturer are in high demand among domestic buyers. Therefore, it would be fair to start with him. Entering the settings is standard - entering the address in the browser line. After authorization, you need to find the WAN item in the Network tab. It will prompt you to select the type of connection. You can get it from your provider. The computer has the current values ​​of the gateway, subnet mask, provided that the Internet cable is directly connected to the device. In some models, it is possible to activate automatic detection. After that, you can proceed to the WiFi network settings. To do this, you need to find the Wireless tab. In it, the user selects the Wireless Settings item. On the page that opens, you will need to enter the name of the network. Be sure to select a region for correct operation. In the line with the transmission channel, it is recommended to set Auto. Then click Save.

Now you can start protecting your network. How to change the password on a TP-Link WiFi router? All settings are located in the Wireless Security section. Entering it, the user is prompted to select the type of encryption. Most programmers advise using WPA/WPA2. By activating it, you can enter a user key. After that, be sure to save and reboot the router. If necessary, the network access key (password) is changed in the same way.

Asus routers: setting up a wireless network

In addition to the two models described above, Asus routers are popular in Russia. They are easily and quickly configured using a special program. Ideal for the novice user. In modern models, the firmware has an intuitive interface. All tabs are presented in Russian.

How to change password on Asus WiFi router if you don't remember it? Very easy. It is enough to connect the device directly to the PC via a cable. Then do a full reset. The router will reboot and the user will be able to enter all the data.

Network setup on a D-Link router

Why does the router not distribute the Internet via WiFi? In order to answer this question, you need to go to the "Network" tab. In the WAN item, check the correctness of the selected connection type. It is important to note that there are some providers that work with MAC address binding.

Most devices with new firmware have the function to automatically configure the wireless network. To do this, go to the "Quick Setup" item and activate the "Wireless Network Setup Wizard". At the end, save the results. There may also be a WiFi tab. It is enough to select "Enable".

Setting up a WiFi network on ZyXel routers

In the product range of this brand, it is easy to choose an excellent WiFi router for an apartment. According to many users, these devices are characterized by reliability and high signal quality. However, sometimes there may be problems with the wireless network. The reasons and solutions have already been described above. But in order for the user to know exactly where to correct the error in the settings, the instructions below should be followed step by step.

  1. Entering the settings -
  2. In the interface that opens, select the "Internet" tab and check the connection type.
  3. Go to WiFi network. There, check the parameters of the network standard, channels.

It is important to pay attention to the selected signal strength.

A Wi-Fi router is a useful device that saves the user from having to be literally tied to the Internet with a wire. According to numerous experiments, the signal range of a medium power router reaches 100 meters indoors, and 300 meters outdoors. Once configured, a wireless router does not need any additional maintenance, it is as simple as possible to use, but, like any technical tool, it is not immune from failures and breakdowns.

Examples when a seemingly properly configured router does not distribute Wi-Fi are not so rare. At the same time, the status of the network, depending on the nature of the problem, may be "No access to the Internet" or "Limited", although such a scenario is not excluded, in which the network is determined by the system, but there is no actual connection or large traffic losses are observed. In this article, we will try to figure out why the router does not distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi, and at the same time we will see what can be done in this or that case.

Temporary failure of the router

If the router works day and night without a break, sooner or later it may fail, so the very first thing to do if the router stops distributing the Internet is to turn it off, wait a few minutes, and then turn it back on.

Rebooting the router can also help the device (computer or tablet) detect the network if it is suddenly not detected at the time the device is turned on. This problem is often faced by users of devices that are connected to one or the other wireless network.

Problems on the provider's side

If restarting doesn't help, the next thing to check is if there are any restrictions from the ISP. It is likely that an accident occurred somewhere on the server, the main cable was damaged, unplanned maintenance work is being carried out, and you will delve into the settings and wonder why the router does not distribute Wi-Fi. Dial the technical service number of your provider and make sure that the problem is not on their side, and only then look for the source of the problem on your own.

Hardware failures

At the next stage, we check the health of the equipment - cables and router. If the power light is not on, the wire or power supply may be damaged. We check the condition of the cables in the house (apartment) and beyond, see if the plugs are tight in the sockets. Many modern routers have hardware power on / off buttons and Wi-Fi distribution.

It often happens that someone at home picked up the router and accidentally pressed one of these buttons. This point also needs to be checked. The wireless network indicator deserves special attention. If the Wi-Fi icon on the router is not lit, this may indicate several problems.

  • Breakdown in the distribution system. You yourself will not do anything here, you need to call the master.
  • Crash in the router software. It is eliminated by rebooting, correcting or resetting the settings, in extreme cases, flashing.
  • Disabled Wi-Fi sharing button. In this case, the router does not distribute Wi-Fi, but there is Internet and you can connect to it through the router via cable. If a cable connection is possible only directly, without a router, this may indicate both a breakdown of the device and a failure of its settings.

Wrong Wi-Fi settings

Incorrect router settings are most often indicated by a burning but not blinking Wi-Fi indicator, as well as a change in its color from green to orange or red. The problem is corrected by correctly configuring the network settings. In different models of routers, this procedure is somewhat different, although the principles are the same. If you have never configured routers before, it is best to entrust this matter to a master called to your house, but at least you can check if the wireless network is enabled in the device settings.

To enter the router settings, connect it to a PC via a cable, go to or in any browser and log in with a login/password (admin/admin by default). In TP-Link routers, for example, you need to go to the “Wireless” section and check if the “Enable Wireless Router Radio” item is checked. The checkbox in the "Enable SSID Broadcast" item must also be checked, otherwise the devices will not be able to see the network. In other models, the setting may be in a different location (look for the Wireless network or WLAN section).

A very interesting case is when a laptop sees the network, but a smartphone or tablet does not. It turns out that the router does not distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi only for mobile devices. This problem is sometimes faced by owners of smartphones and tablets brought from the United States. The reason for this is the discrepancy between the channel selected in the router settings and the settings specified in the firmware of the mobile device. The problem is usually solved by manually selecting the channel, 1st or 6th.

Incorrect network adapter settings

If Wi-Fi does not work on the router, this does not always have to mean that the problem is hidden in the router. It is possible that the settings on the receiving device have gone wrong - a computer, laptop or tablet, in any case, it will not hurt to check the configuration of the wireless adapter. Open by team ncpa.cpl network connections, go to the properties of your wireless network, in the list of parameters on the "Network" tab, find the item IP version 4 (TCP / IPv4) and double-click on it.

In the properties window that opens, set the acquisition of the IP address and DNS server address in automatic mode. If automatic is already set, try manually setting the DNS address (Google) or (Yandex). You can also set the address of any other alternative DNS server, which is not difficult to find on the Internet.


Hello, friends. If you have problems with the operation of a Wi-Fi router, or setting up Wi-Fi and you have already looked at the article, which by the way is the most popular on this site, then you probably noticed that the article has collected a lot of comments, or rather questions about various problems about setting up and the operation of the Wi-Fi network.

Of course, the questions there are very different, we have already dealt with some, and I wrote separate articles about their solution, for example. And I can't give a concrete answer to some questions yet. But after analyzing the comments a little, I noticed that there are a lot of questions of this type: the laptop and other devices have stopped connecting to the Internet via Wi-Fi, or the Internet via Wi-Fi often breaks, you have to restart the router.

In fact, there can be a lot of reasons that lead to such problems and almost always and they are different for everyone. For example, I'm on my router TP Link TL-WR841N I have never noticed a Wi-Fi network break, and judging by the comments, this happens very often for others.

An even more interesting case, which I also met in the comments, is when the Internet works, and at one point the Wi-Fi network stops working. Devices either do not connect at all, or connect, but work with the network status without access to the Internet, or access is limited. Phones and tablets connect to Wi-Fi, but sites do not open.

What to do if the Internet through Wi-Fi stops working?

Problems with Wi-Fi Internet:

  • WiFi internet stopped working
  • Wi-Fi drops frequently
  • Wi-Fi internet is very slow
  • Devices connect to the router once.
  • The device connects to Wi-Fi, but the sites do not work (the sites do not open).

If you have one of the above problems, or a similar problem, then I have one tip that may help solve it. Friends, I do not guarantee anything, but it's worth a try, in many cases it helps.

Every Wi-Fi network operates on a dedicated channel. When configuring the router, the default is "Auto", and everyone advises, including myself, to install the Channel (Channel:) on the "Auto". This means that the router itself will look for a more suitable channel and use it. The thing is that there may be interference from a nearby Wi-Fi router and then a variety of problems with Wi-Fi may appear. Refusal to connect to the network, network without Internet access, and frequent breaks.

You need to try changing the value of the Channel parameter (Channel:) to any number from the list, or if you have a specific value set, then try changing it to “Auto”.

How to change the channel (Channel) on a Wi-Fi router?

Everything is simple here, so you should not have any problems. You need to go into the settings of the router, well, I hope you already know how to do this, I have already written about this many times. Apparently it will be necessary again, very briefly :). Connect the router to the computer via a network cable (at the time of setup) and enter the address of the router in the address bar of the browser. Enter your username and password and click "Send", enter, or whatever you have, it doesn't matter.

I will show an example on, but even if you have a different model, or even a company, I think that the process of changing the Wi-Fi channel is not much different.

Go to the tab “Wireless” and on the left we find the item “Channel”.

Near it there is a drop-down menu in which you can select a channel. I advise you to try several channels, at your discretion, after each channel change, do not forget save changes by clicking the “Save” button and reboot router. If you already have a certain number set next to “Channel”, then try setting the value to “Auto”.

There is a program that you can see which channel is already occupied by neighboring Wi-Fi, and which is not, it's called inSSlDer. But I will not describe it here, because it is more suitable for setting up a Wi-Fi network for more stable operation. And this is the topic of another article. Although if your devices find a lot of neighborhood networks, you can try this program.

Try the method that I described above, it definitely won't get worse. And judging by the reviews on this site, the steps to change the Wi-Fi channel on the router really help to solve the problem with unstable Wi-Fi, or in general, solve the problem when not a single device wants to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi, or connects, but the network does not have internet access. Good luck.

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Wi-Fi Internet stopped working through the router. The Wi-Fi network drops out frequently. updated: February 18, 2013 by: admin

Not working wi-fi - this phenomenon is quite common, and most often occurs if any changes are made: after reinstalling the OS, updating firmware, replacing a router, and others. Sometimes it is difficult even for experienced craftsmen to find the cause of problems in the Internet.

What is the reason for Wi-Fi not working on laptop?

The reasons for the inability to connect to Wi-Fi can be very different, they can be conditionally divided into simple and complex. And in this article we will try to consider the main ones.

Banal (simple) reasons for not working Wi-Fi

  1. You have not paid for the Internet - pay for it.
  2. The router is not turned on - turn it on.
  3. No Wi-Fi coverage - move closer to the router.
  4. Your router is "buggy" - reboot it.

Serious reasons for not working Wi-Fi

If you have a problem connecting to Wi-Fi, then first you need to determine what the reason is: in a router or in a laptop.

The easiest way to find out what the problem is is to connect another device to your router or connect your laptop to a different Wi-Fi network.

Wi-Fi router/router not configured

Before connecting to a wireless network, you need to configure the router. If you have not done this, then you should find on the Internet instructions for the router of your model and for your particular provider.

To find out if the connection from the provider works, you need to check in the WAN tab in the admin panel or the indicator on the router. If the connection from the provider does not work, then the problem may be as follows:

  • Incorrect connection settings to the provider are specified in the admin panel.
  • The router is faulty.
  • ISP problems. To exclude or confirm this option, you can contact the provider.

Wi-Fi does not work on a laptop - the receiver is not working (burned out)

Sometimes laptop wifi just stops working. The network connection is either missing or unstable. The reason may be a breakdown of the Wi-fi module in the laptop. Then it may need to be replaced or repaired.

The most likely reason for a laptop not connecting to the Internet after reinstalling the operating system is the inability of your new operating system to find and install a driver suitable for your network card.

As a rule, to install the driver on the network adapter, you need to use the driver disk that came with the laptop, and you can also download the necessary driver from the manufacturer's website for a specific model of your device.

You can check if the driver is installed on the network adapter in the Device Manager.

Wi-Fi module is not enabled in your laptop

There are 2 ways to enable the Wi-Fi adapter programmatically if it was previously disabled in the OS settings:

1. Through the Network and Sharing Center. You need to enter the ncpa.cpl command in the input window after pressing the Win + R combination. This command will open "Change adapter settings", from there you need to go to "Wireless network connection". If the network adapter icon is gray, then you need to enable it.
2. Through the device manager. If the adapter is disabled in Device Manager, then the Wireless Network Connection icon will not appear in Network Connections. Then, as in point 1, you need to press Win + R. Then you need to enter the command devmgmt.msc, it will open the device manager. Next, we find a device that contains Wi-Fi or Wireless in its name, and after right-clicking, you need to click "Enable". If the adapter does not turn on, then you need to check if there are suitable drivers.

Firewall or antivirus blocking internet access

Sometimes your OS security features such as antivirus or firewall can prevent your laptop from connecting to Wi-Fi.

If the problem is in the firewall, then it is not difficult to solve the problem: you just need to disable it in the system settings.
If the antivirus arranges obstacles, then you must either end the necessary processes through the task manager, or you can disable the antivirus itself.

Viruses and Malware are blocking Wi-Fi

If you do not have an antivirus installed or it is outdated, then there is a high probability that you will encounter a virus - a blocker. Such viruses block your access to the Internet, allegedly due to breaking the law. Such a virus works very simply: it registers its DNS servers in the network settings, and your browser finds only a fraudulent site. To solve the problem, you just need to change the DNS servers to the ones that suit you.

There may be too many devices connected to your wi-fi. Look and turn off the most active ones who "clog" the Internet channel.

Many factors affect the speed of Wi-Fi. These include both external problems, and the matter may be in the device.

The most common reasons:

  • A laptop network adapter and a Wi-Fi router have different capabilities.
  • An unauthorized connection has occurred to your router.
  • Influence of electrical appliances.
  • Wrong router location.
  • The wireless channel is being affected by another router.
  • The equipment is outdated.

Advice: To make your Wi-Fi work faster, try rebooting your router, moving it to a different location, or updating its firmware.

If the Wi-Fi on the laptop worked properly before reinstalling Windows, then the reason can only be in the drivers. Right-click on the "My Computer" icon, go to the "Hardware" tab, then click on the "Device Manager" button. In the list that appears, icons with an exclamation mark indicate those devices for which the driver is not installed.

Find out your motherboard model (if you have a desktop computer) or your laptop model (you can see it under the battery). Then go to the manufacturer's website and download the drivers for your network card. After installing them, Wi-Fi will reappear on your computer.

The wifi button does not work on a lenovo/HP/asus/acer laptop - how to fix it?

You can fix a non-working button only by replacing the entire laptop keyboard, order a keyboard from your laptop and replace the old one with a new one yourself or take your laptop to a service.

Important! While the button does not work, you can turn on wi-fi on your laptop without a button, using OS Windows. To do this, click: "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Network and Internet" - "Network and Sharing Center". On the left, click on the item: "Change adapter settings." Next, we are looking for a wireless network, right-click on it and select the item - ENABLE.

What to do if the wifi driver does not work on a laptop?

In this state of affairs, we have no options, we either need to update the old driver, or remove the existing driver and install a new one.

To remove the current driver from your Wi-Fi - right-click on the "My Computer" icon, go to the "Hardware" tab, then click on the "Device Manager" button. Next in the list, we look for your network card and remove all network equipment, then restart the computer and install a new driver for Wi-Fi.

There are also cases when your wi-fi adapter (network card) does not have new drivers for modern operating systems, in which case you need to return the old operating system.

Wireless Internet is very convenient, modern, but it is not always problem-free. Some failures that cause a lot of trouble for users occur on their own time after time. Today we will talk about why the Wi-Fi network disappears. As a rule, such incidents are relevant for laptops, which, it would seem, are simply designed to work specifically with wireless networks, supporting the idea of ​​​​creating an ideal mobile solution.

Diagnosis of causes

Since there may be several causes of the problem, we will consider each separately below. In general, to begin with, you will need to do some diagnostics and check if there are any problems with the power supply of the router and the device itself. In the case of the first, everything is determined quite simply, to check the second, you need to try connecting other devices to the network - tablets, phones.

If everything works fine, it is possible that the problems are only with the computer, and you need to check the operation and settings of its adapter one by one.

energy saving

The next thing we should do if the Wi-Fi network is lost is to diagnose using the system. Click on the wireless network signal icon and find the item "Diagnosis of problems", and then follow the instructions. Perhaps this option will help you.

Open "Start" and in it find the "Control Panel" we need. Now we need the settings that are hidden under the Power Options icon.

There will be several options here, and if you do not want to set high performance, then you need to select at least "Balanced mode".

In case of unacceptability and this option, you can only set the consumption separately for the adapter. Click "Setting the power plan" next to the desired option.

Now "Change advanced options".

Here we scroll down and find the “Adapter Settings” item - you need to open the parameter tree, then open the “Energy Saving” sub-item again and set “Maximum Performance” in the “Battery” and “Network” parameters.

Everything that could be done here, you have done - now click "OK", "Save changes" and close the window.

The second option also, in a sense, depends on the power settings - it happens that when the user sends the computer to sleep, after turning on the adapter still remains in this mode.

Click "Start" again and click on "My Computer" and select "Properties".

Inside it will be a lot of equipment, but we are interested in network adapters. Having opened the tree with them, we are looking for the one with the Wi-Fi attribute and double-click the left mouse button.

Here we are looking for "Power Management" and uncheck the box "Allow the device to turn off to save power." Next, click "OK" and test how everything works. To be sure, the best option is to reboot the device after all these operations.

Sometimes the problem may be in the oxidation of the adapter contacts, not connecting it after cleaning or repair, or in the device drivers. In the first two cases, only mechanical intervention will help. To update the drivers, you need to find the name of your model and go to the official website of the manufacturer to download the necessary programs.

This is all that could be done on the computer side if the Wi-Fi network disappeared, and now we will consider solving the problem on the side of the distributing point.

If the reason is in the router

If, after all the checks, you came to the conclusion that the problem is with the distributing device, then you can’t do much here: when the router is turned on and working normally, even without special settings and the provider’s cable plugged in, the network will be determined and should not disappear.

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