Ways to solve problems connecting to a Wi-Fi (Internet) network. Wi-Fi Internet stopped working through a router

garden equipment 19.10.2019
garden equipment

Wi-Fi technology is very widely used in life modern man, because it allows you to easily and quickly solve the problem of connecting to the Internet without using conventional wires. This is especially true in the case of using laptops, with the help of which you can access the Internet in any convenient place due to the presence of a built-in Wi-Fi adapter.

That is why the situation when Wi Fi does not work on a laptop leads to significant inconvenience and even some problems. There are many reasons why Wi-Fi may not work on a laptop computer. It is simply unrealistic to solve the most serious of them on your own without the help of specialists, but there are quite a lot of those that can be completely eliminated on your own. Let's consider them.

Problem with laptop or router?

A fairly common problem that a laptop has stopped connecting to a WiFi network is not a problem with the laptop itself, but with the settings of the router, which distributes the network. Thus, the laptop can be configured correctly, but Wi-Fi still does not turn on precisely because it has nothing to connect to.

To eliminate the possibility that the problem is related to this, you should try to connect to the network from any other device that is equipped with a Wi-Fi adapter - from another laptop, smartphone, tablet, and the like.

If Wi-Fi does not work from another gadget, then the problem lies precisely in the Wi-Fi router distributing the Internet. If the connection is successful, the problem is in the laptop and before solving it, you first need to determine why Wi-Fi stopped working.

Hardware enable adapter

Based on such diagnostics, you can accurately determine that this problem arose precisely through the fault of the laptop. When Wi-Fi does not work on it, you can try using several methods.

The first one is to check if the adapter is enabled wireless connection on a laptop. Almost all modern models have light indicators of the WiFi module operation and there are special key combinations for its hardware activation.

Usually, a lit indicator indicates that the module is on. If the indicator does not glow at all or shines in red, then the Wi-Fi does not work precisely because of the adapter wireless network. It needs to be enabled.

Most often, such indicators are located directly on the keyboard, side or front panel of the device. Sometimes they are located on the monitor case or near the touchpad.

To enable the module of such a network, press the key combination Fn and one of the system F1-F12. The specific combination depends on the laptop manufacturer. Usually, the corresponding antenna icon is located on the desired key. If it is not there, then to enable Wi-Fi, you should try pressing the combination standard for a particular model:
Fn+F3 for Acer;
Fn+F2 for Asus, Dell or Gigabyte
Fn+F5 on Fujitsu devices;
Fn+F12 on HP laptops.

After pressing the appropriate keys, we check whether the indicator of the wireless connection module lights up or whether it stops glowing red. After that, you should try to connect to the network again. If this does not help, go to the next step.

Software inclusion

When Wi-Fi stopped working and its hardware inclusion does not give positive results, it is also necessary to implement its software inclusion, which is carried out directly from the operating system under which the laptop is running.

To programmatically turn on WiFi that has stopped working on Windows 7, 8 or 10, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

1. On the notification panel, which is located near the clock, the network connection status icon is selected;

2. From the list that opens, select the "Network and Sharing Center" or "Network Settings" item, depending on the version of the operating system;

3. The next step is "Change adapter settings".

Among the list of all existing connections, you need to pay attention to the color of the "Wireless Network Connection" icon. If your WiFi does not work and the wireless adapter is disabled, then the connection icon will not be highlighted. In this case, right-click on its icon, select "Enable" from the context menu that opens. In this case, the color of the connection icon should change.

At the same time, the wireless network adapter turns on, it remains to find the desired one in the list of available wireless networks and connect to it.

If, after such actions, Wi-Fi, which has stopped working, continues to be inactive, you need to go to next method problem solving.

Installing and updating the driver

Quite often, the Wi-Fi wireless connection does not turn on due to the lack of a driver or when it is very outdated. To determine the presence installed driver, it is necessary from the context menu of the "My Computer" icon, which is located on the desktop or in the "Start" menu, select the "Properties" item. Next, in the window that opens, select the "Device Manager" command from the menu on the left.

In the new window that opens with a list of connected devices, you need to find the name of the laptop's wireless network adapter. Usually its name is “Wireless Network Adapter” or “Wireless Network Adapter”, along with which the manufacturer of the device should be indicated: Realtek, Atheros, Qualcomm, or something else.

Having found the desired item and clicking on it with the right mouse button, "Properties" is selected from the context menu. In the window that opens in this case, the item "The device is working properly" should be present. But even if there is a mark about the normal operation of the device, this is far from a guarantee that the correct driver version is installed and Wi-Fi is turned on correctly. To check it, in the properties window wireless device go to the "Driver" tab and pay attention to the items "Date of development" and "Supplier".

In the event that the supplier is Microsoft or the date of development of the program is several years behind the current one, go to the official website of the laptop manufacturer and download the latest official version of the driver.

The same should be done if among the list installed devices there was no wireless adapter.

If the wireless module is present in the list of devices, but marked with a yellow exclamation point, this means that the device is disabled, as a result of which the network has stopped working. In this case, having opened the device properties window, you need to click the "Enable" button.

Another reason why Wi-Fi stopped working on a laptop may be that the power saving mode is enabled, which prevents the wireless connection from working. To disable it, you need to do the following:
1. Open Control Panel;
2. Select the "Power" icon;

3. In the window that opens, select the "High performance" or "Balanced" mode.

External signal obstructions

It's also worth noting that a broken wireless network can also be the result of more than just laptop problems. The wireless connection signal depends on some external factors which can weaken it. Ceilings, walls, floors, and similar obstacles significantly degrade the signal quality of the access point and laptop.

As you know, the signal quality on a personal computer is displayed in the form of several marks - the more there are, the better the signal is. If the wireless connection level is displayed as 1 or 2 marks, then you can not try to use WiFi - in this case, it will not work properly.

In this case, you need to move the router closer to your workplace, move workplace closer to a Wi-Fi router or buy a new, more powerful router.

Other causes of Wi-Fi problems

The causes of problems with the functioning of the wireless network adapter described above are the most common and you can fix them on your own.

It is worth noting that all these are software methods for solving the problem, which will be solved by installing, reinstalling or updating the device driver, as well as performing some operations with the OS.

But often the problem with the operation of the wireless connection module lies in hardware errors. What are these errors? These are problems that are directly related to the board itself, most often - its physical damage.

To fix such problems, you will need to disassemble the laptop. It is worth noting that such actions can only be performed if you have certain skills in this area. If such skills are not available, it is better to entrust the work to professionals.

One of the most common physical damage is an unconnected antenna wire to the proximity module. This problem occurs with laptops that were under repair or if their owner cleaned the cooling system from dust on their own. In such cases, the antenna is sometimes simply forgotten, as a result of which the adapter will not be able to establish a connection even near the signal source itself. To fix this problem, you just need to connect its antenna to the Wi-Fi module.

Sometimes the reason that Wi-Fi stops working is the usual overheating of the network card. This is most often the result of the laptop being placed on some kind of soft surface. The thing is that at the bottom of the device there are holes through which it gets inside cold air cooling all computer boards. By blocking these openings, the system will overheat, which can lead to the failure of certain components.

Another common cause of device overheating is dust, which can prevent cold air from entering the cooling system.

That is why, in order not to encounter such problems, it is recommended to clean the laptop from dust at least once every year: in this case, it will be possible to avoid repairing the laptop as a result of overheating of its components.

In the most neglected cases, the wireless adapter may even burn out. In this case, only replacing it with a new one will help. You can determine such a problem using the device manager, in which the module will simply cease to be displayed. When you try to install a driver for a wireless network, a message appears stating that the corresponding device is not installed in the system.

If nothing helped

If none of the tips above helped, you can use a simple, but at the same time often effective solution: Reboot both the computer and the wireless router. Please note that after a reboot, the router turns on for up to 5-10 minutes before it starts distributing the network. Be patient. Also, despite the opinion of many skeptics, sometimes the troubleshooting function that is in the Windows operating system helps to solve problems with a wireless network.

Thus, the above has been listed most of existing solutions problems related to the fact that Wi-Fi stopped working on a laptop. Almost all of these methods and recommendations can be used by anyone who has encountered a similar problem, since this does not require any special skills.
If nothing helps, and the wireless network does not start working, there is only one way out - to go for help to a quality service center where they can solve any problems with the laptop.

If the article did not help solve your problem and Wi-Fi still does not work, write in the comments, I will try to help.

Some difficulties in the functioning of a wireless network are inherent in routers from different manufacturers, Tp-Link is no exception. It is the problems with these routers that will be discussed in this article. Let's determine the existing factors due to which there is no Wi-Fi network and the access point does not cope with its function. Thus, we are faced with such difficulties in the work of Tp-Link, which we will consider further:

  1. the turned on router is operational, but the devices are not receiving a wireless network. In other words, wifi router does not distribute.
  2. The router distributes a Wi-Fi signal, but there is no Internet.

If you have a problem of the second type, then follow the links "No Internet access" in Windows 7 and "Limited" - in Windows 10.

And in the case when your information devices (phone, laptop, tablet) do not capture the wireless network at all, then the problem lies in the router itself. So let's try to figure this out.

The information obtained from this publication can be applied to all types of Tp-Link routers, for example, such as TL-WR741N, TL-WR841N, TL-WR1043ND, etc.

What actions should be taken if the Wi-Fi signal is not distributed through the router?

We do it first:

  • First, you need to double-check if Wi-Fi is connected on a laptop (phone, tablet or other device). At the same time, if you do not have a wireless connection on one of the devices, Wi-Fi is displayed on any other, for example, the tablet has Internet access, but the phone does not, then read the publication about changing the channel.
  • Provided that the router is newly acquired, the network name will be similar to other users. And when connected, it can simply get lost between the Wi-Fi that are nearby, and you simply will not notice your wireless network. In this case, you can turn off the access point and visually determine which network name will disappear. Or, configure your router with a cable.
  • reboot the router.

If the problem persists:

Recheck the connection and power on of the router. At the same time, if the plug from it is inserted into the power source, and the light on the device itself does not light up, then try turning on the power button on its back side. Unless of course it is on your router model. Basically, next to the button there is an inscription ON/OFF.

The router may not distribute the Internet if the Wi-Fi network is disabled by the same button on the back of the router. Take a good look at your device, this power button may be in the recess of the router, and usually there is an inscription next to it Wi-Fi. In order to enable it, you need to use some sharp object. You can clearly see this button on the Tp-link ТL-MR3220 image.

Turn on such a button on your device and determine if your problem is solved, that is, if the wireless network is not connected.

If it showed up, good. Otherwise, you need to double-check the settings.

Checking Tp-Link settings

Open the router control panel using the cord. My post on the topic? will help you figure out how to do it. In general, everything is simple: we make a connection, using the transition program we type, taking into account the type of router, either or, and enter the login and secret code. Provided you haven't changed it before, enter admin on both lines.

In the control panel we find the menu Wireless, and if the firmware is Russian-language, then Wireless mode. View the window that opens and make sure that the following items are checked:

Enable Wireless Router Radio(Turn on the wireless broadcast of the router).

Enable SSID Broadcast(Enable SSID Broadcast).

Otherwise, check the boxes next to them and save the changes by clicking Save. Then reboot your router.

By the way, you have the option to enter a different name for your wireless network. To do this, open the field Wireless Network Name and write the desired name.

In fact, we have considered all the parameters of the router that are responsible for the transmission of the wireless network.

I will add that you can also double-check the fixing of the removable antenna on the device itself. And you can also try to reset the settings and configure the router from scratch. In addition, there may be a problem with the health of the device itself.

An important point in solving the problem is the reason, that is, as a result of which the router stopped distributing the Wi-Fi signal, maybe after some settings or changing parameters.

Why does the router not distribute Wi-Fi? An overview of the main causes and ways to solve them.


Since today almost every person has at his disposal not only a desktop computer, but also a laptop, tablet, smartphone or all at once, the most convenient type of Internet connection for him is WiFi, which distributes wireless Internet to all devices immediately using a router.

As a rule, after installing and configuring the router by the master, many users believe that there can be no failures in its operation. However, this opinion is erroneous. Quite often, users are faced with a situation where the router stops distributing the Internet over WiFi, but with a direct connection, there is access to the network. Let's try to figure out what can cause such a problem and how to fix it.

Key Signs of Wireless Network Failures

Most often when people encounter network errors WiFi, they blame the router itself for their occurrence and believe that it needs to be replaced. However, in most cases, the problem lies not in the device itself, but in its incorrect configuration and computer settings. Consider the main evidence of a malfunction:

  • The device cannot find a signal WiFi;
  • WiFi constantly reconnecting;
  • The wireless connection provides very slow internet speeds;
  • Infinite connection to the router;
  • The device is connected to the network WiFi, but no internet access;

In the event that you encounter one of the above malfunctions, before putting an end to the router, it is recommended that you carefully check and reconfigure the router and the device to which it is connected.

Troubleshooting the router

Before proceeding to the settings, you must first exclude hardware malfunctions of the device. To do this, follow these steps:

Step 1.

  • Connect LAN cable directly to your computer and check your internet connection. If there is Internet access, then the device is working properly and the problem lies in the router itself.

Step 2.

  • Connect LAN cable to the router and connect it with a second cable to the computer. If in this case Internet access has appeared, then the router is in working order and the reason for the wireless network lies in the settings of the WiFi.

Step 3.

  • Almost every router has a special button with which you can turn it on and off. WiFi. Click on it and make sure that the indicator light with the icon lights up on the device WiFi. It will signal that the sensor WiFi physically correct.

Step 4.

  • After you have established the health of the router, you need to make sure that the connected via WiFi device is correct. To do this, try connecting to the wireless network from another computer, phone, or tablet.

  • If another device recognizes the network and goes online, then the problem lies in the device that you connected earlier. Check if it is enabled WiFi and try again.

Troubleshooting Internet access via Wi-Fi

If the computer is connected to WiFi, but there is no Internet access, the problem is almost certainly an incorrect configuration of the operating system. If the computer was previously connected to the network of another provider, then, most likely, the previous IP address and DNS server address were saved in its settings. To reconfigure them, follow these steps:

Step 1.

  • On the taskbar in the right corner, find the icon for a wireless Internet connection, right-click on it and from the menu that appears, select the line " Network and Sharing Center».

Step 2.

  • In the pop-up window on the left, click on the line " Change adapter settings”, then right-click on the wireless connection icon and select “ Properties».

Step 3.

  • In the expanded window, you will need to find the line in the list " TCP/IPv4 protocol”, right-click on it and also select the line “ Properties».

Step 4.

  • The network card settings will open in front of you. In this window, you can manually enter IP and addresses DNS servers. However, for the correct operation of the wireless connection, it is recommended to set markers opposite the lines " Obtain an IP address automatically" and " Obtain DNS Server Address Automatically».

  • After selecting the items, press the button twice OK» to complete the setup and restart your computer. After the reboot, try to connect to the Internet using WiFi.

Setting up a Wi-Fi transmission channel through the router interface

In theory, one of the above methods of solving the problem should have worked. However, if this did not happen, then the last option remains.

All routers distribute WiFi through special channels, the number of which can reach 13 or more. As a rule, in the default settings of the router, there is an automatic mode for searching for the most suitable channel. If your channel is the same as your neighbors, Wi-Fi may not work properly. To change the channel manually, follow these steps:

Step 1.

  • Turn your router upside down and examine the contents of the sticker on the back of it. There must be indicated IP address to access the settings, as well as the login and password to enter them.

Figure 1. Setting up a Wi-Fi transmission channel through the router interface

Step 2.

  • Open any browser and enter the same one in the address bar IP, which is listed on the back of the device. Don't forget to put a dot at the end.
  • After going to the specified address, the login page for the router settings will open in front of you. Enter your username and password in the appropriate fields, which are written on the sticker, and log in.

Step 3.

  • Next, go to the " Wireless connection” and find the item “ Settings».
  • On the right side there is a line " Channel" which has the status " Auto».

Step 4.

  • Click on the arrow to open the drop-down list and select one of the available channels in it. Next click " Save».
  • The router will go to reboot. After processing all the new settings, you can try to connect to the Internet using WiFi. The problem must be solved.

IMPORTANT: The router settings interface depends on its manufacturer and model. The article shows an example of a router TP Link. However, all interfaces are similar to each other and have similar section names. If you want to learn more about the interface of your device, go to the official website of your provider and view information on routers.

VIDEO: The router does not distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi. What to do?

Problems with wifi connection any user of modern devices has ever experienced the Internet. Unstable Internet (or even its complete absence) is usually very annoying, I want the problem to be solved as soon as possible, but it cannot be solved on its own - you need to diagnose the problem and make efforts to solve it. Just today we will look at the most common problems of wi-fi connections to the Internet and how to solve them.

Why wifi disappears - reasons

Reasons that could potentially lead to the lack of a stable wifi connection(or connections in general) is incredibly much, this is a banal removal on an excessive long distance, and the presence of any radio interference in the coverage area of ​​​​the access point, and the presence of all kinds of shielding elements between the router and you. However, most often the network goes down due to software errors and hardware failures.

Problem Diagnosis

If the Internet is lost via wifi, and there are no obvious signs of a hardware malfunction (a broken router antenna, for example), and approaching the access point to a distance of 3-5 meters did not help, you should start looking for software errors. The mechanism for their detection is individual for each specific OS and gadget. And yet, in the case of the most popular devices, such as Windows laptops, smartphones running Android and Iphone, there are some universal recommendations that, with almost one hundred percent probability, will help to detect the software cause of the lack of signal.

If your gadget is running less popular operating systems, such as symbian, windows mobile, or even some kind of "self-written Chinese OS", it is not advisable to carry out software diagnostics, since there are usually no built-in mechanisms for this in such operating systems, and flashing will take much less time than "picking" in the program kernel.

What to do if wifi is missing on a Windows laptop

The reasons for losing a wifi signal on a laptop can be conditionally divided into three categories:

If when you press the corresponding key on the laptop, the wifi module operation indicator (the light next to which wifi is written or the corresponding icon is drawn) does not light up, then the problem is in the device itself. Check if the corresponding option is enabled in the BIOS. To do this, restart the laptop and press the corresponding key in the first 3-5 seconds of loading. As a rule, this is F2, F8 or F12. However, the BIOS boot initiation key may be different - carefully read the notification that appears when you turn it on (usually the button you need is written at the bottom right). It is worth noting that your BIOS version may not have the option to enable the wifi module, so it is recommended that you first read the user documentation or enter a combination of: ““your laptop name” wifi bios” into the search engine.

Lost wifi in windows

If the indicators of the wifi module and router are on, but there is no signal, you should check if wifi is enabled in Windows itself. Right-click on the appropriate taskbar icon (the bar at the bottom or top of the screen), then click: “network and sharing center” => “change adapter settings” => find the icon for monitors with a wifi signal strength scale => “enable”.
Also, instead of right-clicking on the icon on the taskbar, you can click "start" => "control panel".

Often the reason that wifi disappeared on a laptop is faulty drivers. Right-click on the "computer" shortcut, select "properties" => "device manager" and find "network adapters". Make sure the adapter is turned on. If there is a yellow triangle next to it, select “update drivers”.

The reason for the unstable work of wifi may be the high load of the router. Check and disable the most active users!

If the laptop sees other networks, but cannot connect to the one that interests you, the problem is in the router settings. To diagnose it, you need to connect to the router using a cable or other device and type the debug address in the address bar of the browser: "". In the window that appears, enter: "admin / admin". Next, you should check if wifi signal transmission is enabled, and if your device is on the “black list” of the MAC filter. You should also make sure that the router allows the simultaneous connection of several devices.

If the connection to the router fails even through the cable, you should hold down the "reset" button on the router and wait 10-15 seconds.

If none of the above helps, try calling your ISP and ask if it's getting feedback from your router (when it's up and running). If not, then most likely your router hardware has failed.

Wifi is constantly or periodically turning off on a laptop, what to do?

If the signal on the laptop appears and then disappears, and no matter what access point you are connected to, most likely the problem is in the system power plan settings. To fix this problem, select the "maximum performance" mode, however, be aware that this will affect battery life. Also, disable automatic hibernation - very often, after waking up from sleep mode, the wifi adapter de facto remains turned off until the next reboot.

I lost wifi on my iphone, what should I do?

First, make sure that the problem is in the iphone, and not in the router - often, users mistakenly believe that wifi does not work on the iphone, although the reason is in the access point. If your gadget sees other networks, the iphone is working. Second, make sure you have the latest version of iOS.
If updating iOS did not help, click: "Settings" => "General" => "Reset" => "Reset Network Settings".
If that doesn't help, the iphone is faulty.

If the gadget does not connect to any network at all, either flashing it or going to the master will help. If it connects to some networks, but not to others, you should enable the bgn broadcast mode on the desired access point and try to set a static signal broadcast channel instead of the Auto mode. This can be done through the router settings menu (the above address is It should also be noted that not all android devices support pairing with wifi relayed through the laptop in forwarding mode (when the laptop acts as a router).

Lost internet via wifi, but there is a wifi network

If the device is connected to an access point, but there is no Internet, check the cord going to the router and contact your provider. If the problem is only on a specific device, try clearing the cache or using a different browser. You should also make sure that the device (not the memory card!) has at least 10% of the memory.

What to do if the wifi icon is missing

If the icon itself has disappeared, you should make sure that wifi mode is enabled. If there is no option to enable wifi, or the icon does not appear, you will have to reflash the smartphone or update the laptop drivers.

So, in the article all the most common problems with wifi access on the Internet, as well as ways to solve them were proposed. If you read this article, faithfully followed all the above recommendations, but your wi-fi still didn’t work, feel free to take your device to a service center, since you (most likely) won’t be able to fix the problem at home.

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Very often, users complain that their router does not work on their computer. What could be the reasons for this phenomenon? How to deal with them? Understanding all this is not as easy as it seems. After all, a computer is a technique with which various problems arise. And it is often very problematic to find the cause of a particular breakdown. Have to go through everything possible options. And after that, find out the cause of the breakdown. So why might the router refuse to work? What scenarios are possible?


So, the first alignment is not so rare. But the situation can be corrected very quickly, even without any additional knowledge in the field of computer technology. True, this option is usually relevant for laptops. On stationary computers, this problem usually does not occur. The user wondered why the router does not work?

Then it's time to check if Wi-Fi is enabled on the laptop? The light should be on, next to which the antenna is shown. If this phenomenon is not present, you will need to turn on Wi-Fi. And then connect to the network. Now there won't be a problem. Only often the router refuses to work for completely different reasons. Which ones exactly? What should you pay attention to?


Everything depends on the situation. What to do if the router on the computer does not work? It is on a stationary model, and not on a laptop. Although a similar problem may also occur with second gadgets.

If it refuses to work, you should generally check its connection to the computer. In the case of laptops, as already mentioned, there is often no Wi-Fi enabled function. But with stationary computers everything is much easier.

The cause of a non-working modem may be a wire not connected to the system unit. Sometimes it is recommended to simply remove and reinsert the plug with the wire leading from the router to the PC into the socket. This helps a lot.


The next scenario is not too easy to detect. The previously listed methods are corrected in a matter of minutes. Yes, and finding them is much easier, the main thing is to be attentive.

Why is the router not working? The whole thing may be in the damaged wires connected to the device. AT this case There is only one thing left - the replacement of cables. And no more. But the problem is that under such circumstances it is difficult to detect damage (except for obvious damage) on your own.


But that's not all. In fact, there are a lot of options for the development of events. TP-Link router not working? What could be the problem? For example, if we are talking about an old modem, you should check its performance. Maybe the Internet connection hardware itself is out of order.

Often the router can be repaired. Only now such a device will not be able to work for a long time. Therefore, the most logical way out of the situation would be to buy a new modem and then connect it.

On average, the router is able to serve without any problems for about 2.5-3 years, subject to constant work. If at least once a day to give the device a break for a few minutes, you can extend its life up to 5 years. If after the specified period problems began, most likely, it is the malfunction of the equipment that is the whole point. The situation can be resolved without any problems. It is advisable to choose a router that is similar to the previous one.


D-Link router or any other does not work? Why is it so? The reasons may be different. And not always everything depends only on the user. The fact is that in some cases it may turn out that the provider itself is to blame.

What is this about? Internet access is provided with the help of certain equipment and transmission lines. All this tends to wear out and break over time. Therefore, accidents are not ruled out at the stations of providers. And during these periods, users are observed Access to the Network is not available, and the no-signal light on the modem is on.

Not working or any other? It's time to call your ISP and find out if there are any accidents on the line. Don't forget to include your home address. If an accident or breakdown occurs, nothing needs to be done. Just wait. Access to the Network will return only after all problems on the line are resolved.

Engineering works

Why is the TP-Link router not working? What can cause this phenomenon? In fact, understanding is not as easy as it seems. Along with accidents on transmission lines, another moment stands out as technical work. Planned or due to the connection of new services from the provider.

This is quite a common occurrence. But they try to warn about it in advance. Usually the provider informs about planned technical work or about testing new services. AT specified periods there may be either interruptions in the Internet connection, or lack of access to the Web. Therefore, it seems that the modem is not working.

What to do in this situation? A call to the provider will eliminate all problems. It is recommended to call the service company and check if any work is being done on the line. If this is the case, you just need to wait until the end of the technical check of the equipment. And after that, the signal will return to normal. Otherwise, you should look for the problem elsewhere.

Downed settings

Why is the TP-Link router not working? The next variant of the development of events is those who have gone astray. It doesn't matter for what reason the failure occurred. Anything can lead to a reset. But the fact remains - Internet access cannot be provided. As a result, the router refuses to work in full force.

In case of incorrectly set settings, the operator by phone will help to set correct parameters. After that, it is recommended to restart the computer and check the Internet performance. The provider will let you know if everything is fine with the settings. If this is the case, but the router still does not work, then you will have to look for the cause elsewhere.


There are still a lot of options. Many people wonder why the Wi-Fi router does not work. Recently, such a reason as equipment incompatibility has become more and more common.

The fact is that each computer component has its own system requirements. And if the computer does not respond to them, there is a possibility that the router will not work. And no matter how hard a person tries, you still can’t make it work.

Incompatibility is far from the most dangerous scenario. But there are only two ways to fix it. The first is reinstalling the operating system or replacing computer hardware that does not meet the requirements of the modem. The second is the choice and purchase of a new router. To eliminate this problem, it is recommended to pay attention to the system requirements in advance when purchasing a modem.

By the way, with incompatibility most often on this moment faced by users who have Windows 10 installed. This OS causes the most problems and problems. Therefore, you should not be surprised if the modem refused to work. It is recommended to either wait until the next system update is released, or reinstall the OS to one compatible with the router.


What other cases are there? Beeline router not working? How to be in this situation? Why is this happening? Line overload is considered the next most frequent. This problem usually occurs in the evening. Then, when a lot of subscribers throughout the region begin to use Internet access services.

In this situation, usually either the signal is too weak, or it is absent altogether. How to proceed? There are several options - either constantly connect and disconnect from the network, trying to work with the Internet, or just wait. Sooner or later the network will unload. And the performance of the router will improve again. By the way, at the time of network overload, all buttons on the modem will light up as if everything is in order with the device. in perfect order. For this reason, it is very difficult to detect the problem.


The user does not have a router? Finding the cause of this phenomenon is not always easy. But the first step that is recommended to be taken before delving into various hardware problems is to reboot the device. It is possible that a minor glitch occurred during operation. It caused trouble. And so it seems that the router is not working.

The modem has a reset button. If you click on it, the device will reboot. This is exactly what is required! Alternatively, you can use the on / off button of the router. It is enough to turn off the device for a minute, then turn it on again. The same modem will reboot.

Just a few seconds - and performance should return to the network. The main thing is not to turn off-turn on the device constantly. It will only hurt. But it happens that all of the above options are sorted out, and the connected router still refuses to work.


In this case, you can only complain about one problem - viruses. Very rare, but it turns out that a computer infection affects operating system and prevents connected devices from working to their full potential.

If all the previously given examples did not fit, it is recommended to scan the operating system with an antivirus. And cleanse it. After that, it is advisable to restart the router and computer. That's all. The device should now work.


TP-Link router not working? Maybe it's all about the computer drivers. It is recommended to update this software for the network card and the connected router. Or even install it on your computer.

Often it is updating the drivers that helps to fix all the problems with the device. Perhaps these are all possible scenarios for the development of events. Now it’s clear why the router is able to refuse to work and how to deal with this phenomenon in one case or another.

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