How to make homemade cheese - recipes and cooking technology. Homemade milk cheese

The buildings 21.10.2019
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Such an amazing, tasty and healthy product! And, by the way, ancient origin. Even in ancient Greece, according to historians, they knew how to make homemade cheese from milk.

A bit of history

Of course, the industrial production of this product has not yet been discussed. But in every family they made homemade cheese from milk. At first - for the purpose of longer food storage (after all, milk "lives" not so long, and cheese can be stored much longer). After - already with the aim of feasting on cheese. This product becomes an indispensable component of many culinary dishes. Especially in countries where animal husbandry and milk collection were originally developed: cow, sheep, goat, mare and even camel.

The current state of affairs

Now, in view of the extensive industrial production, only a few risk making this product at home. Whether because of the lack of confidence in their culinary skills, or because of lack of time and effort. But recently, interest in a natural product has increased significantly, because some of those who monitor their own health prefer to make homemade cheese from milk with their own hands in order to be as sure as possible that the product does not contain unwanted ingredients, usually added at the factory. production.

Important information for a cheese maker

In recipes (some) you can find such a component as renin. This is a special rennet that has been used for centuries to make cheeses. In its pure form, it is quite difficult to get it, and it is impossible to replace it with something - a specific ingredient allows high-speed fermentation without much heating of the product. How to cook cheese if this ingredient is found in the recipe, but you don’t have it on hand? It is known that abomasum is part of some drugs (for example, "Abomin" and the like), so in this case, drugs can be used. Animal renin can also be replaced with vegetable renin, derived from fungi.

Homemade milk cheese

The most common cheese is good to use both fresh and as part of many well-known dishes: pizza, pies, sandwiches, pastries. There are two methods of cooking proven by the people: fast and long. Let's consider them in turn.

Quick Option #1

If there is no time to wait until they ripen, you can try using an express recipe that allows you to cook the product almost instantly.

We will need: cottage cheese of moderate fat content - a kilogram, whole milk - a liter, cow butter - 50 grams, half a spoonful of soda, a spoonful of salt, seasonings are added to choose from in a small (so as not to spoil the taste) amount.

Boil the milk and immediately reduce the heat to the very minimum. Grind the cottage cheese thoroughly, until there are no grains in it. Pour a little into the milk, stirring. We wait a bit and turn off the fire. The resulting mass is decanted through double gauze until the serum stops dripping. In a prepared frying pan over very low heat, melt the butter and pour the mixture. We stir the mass constantly, not allowing it to burn, until completely homogeneous (it should begin to stretch when prying with a fork). At the end, add the selected spices. Then we spread the soft cheese in a special mold and put it under oppression in the cold (from 6 hours or more). It turns out quite a competitive dish, very tasty.

Quick Option #2

Soft cheese can be quickly prepared with eggs and sour cream if you like very fatty foods.

We will need: a liter of whole milk, a glass of medium-fat sour cream, three eggs, a small spoonful of salt.

Pour milk into a saucepan and bring to a temperature of 70 degrees. Salt. The fire must be very small. In a separate bowl, beat eggs with sour cream. Pour this mixture into hot milk. Do not forget to constantly stir the brew with a wooden spatula. Do not bring to a boil, but simply heat for 5-7 minutes. During this time, the milk usually completely curdles, and specific flakes appear. Pour the mixture from the pan into a colander with a fine mesh and let it drain. You can put it under pressure right in a colander so that the whey continues to drain. Leave in this position for six hours. Then we put it in the refrigerator, continuing to hold it under oppression for some more time.

This is another way to make cheese quite quickly.

long option

To implement the plan, you will need: five liters of whole milk, yogurt without additives - a few spoons (or dry, 1 capsule), renin - 0.5 grams, salt on the tip of a knife, purified water.

We introduce yogurt into the milk heated to a temperature slightly above 30 degrees and stir. We make a rennet solution: renin, salt, a little water. We add it to the total mass. We stand in this state for more than an hour. Then we express through a double gauze until the serum stops dripping. After we mix and put under pressure (for about 12 hours).

Final: we wash the product in a weak saline solution and put it under the press for longer storage. Homemade cheese will be ready in about three weeks. And it will turn out much tastier than store-bought. So it's worth the hassle!

Adyghe homemade cheese

We will need: two liters of store-bought milk 2.5% fat, a small spoonful of citric acid.

How to make cheese similar to store-bought Adyghe cheese without much effort? In a saucepan, bring the milk to a boil, stirring with a slotted spoon, but do not boil! Remove milk from heat and add citric acid while stirring. The curdling process begins immediately. We continue to stir for a few more minutes. When the characteristic flakes cease to form, we finish the process. Strain the mixture through a double gauze. We put under load for 6 hours. All whey should drain well, and the resulting cheese should take on a rounded shape. We take it out and put it in a plastic container with a lid. We take a glass of whey left over from pumping and salt it well. Pour the serum into a container with the product, close the lid and put it in the refrigerator overnight. After the specified time, the Adyghe cheese is ready. At the output of 2 liters of milk, more than two hundred grams of cheese and one and a half liters of whey are obtained, which can be drunk or used, for example, to make okroshka.

Nostalgic option: processed cheese

How to make melted cheese at home? After all, this type of product has not ceased to enjoy steady popularity among our people since the days of the USSR! And homemade cottage cheese cheeses are not so difficult to cook, even without some experience.

You need to take fat cottage cheese - half a kilo, a glass of milk, a spoonful of cow's butter, salt and soda on the tip of a knife. To obtain a refined taste, you can use additives: cinnamon, ginger, cocoa, nuts. We do it at will.

Further preparation of cheese is quite simple. In milk, slightly warmed up, add salt and mix with grated cottage cheese. We put the mixture on a very small fire, stir constantly so as not to burn. Then add the oil, follow the process, stirring constantly. The curd starts to melt. Do not let it stick to the bottom and sides of the dish. As soon as the boiling process begins, remove from heat. Additives can be added at this stage. We leave to drain on a fine mesh. We put it in a container for storage (keep it at the bottom of the refrigerator). Such cheese at home can be used to make sandwiches, pizza, soup, oriental pastries. It is perfectly stored in the refrigerator for at least a week (but, as a rule, it is already eaten during this time).

With greenery

Cheese at home, low-calorie and nutritious, can be cooked with herbs. It is full of vitamins and minerals. It is good to use a similar product in the spring, when beriberi is planned. In addition, for people who follow their figure, it is extremely relevant.

We will need: 3 liters of milk, 1.5 liters of low-fat kefir, fresh herbs, salt.

"Green" vitamin cheese at home is prepared easily and simply. Let's start by heating the milk (but not boiling)! Next, pour in a thin stream of kefir, stirring constantly. Characteristic cheese flakes are formed. Still do not boil the mixture! Remove the pan from the heat and add a couple of pinches of salt. The resulting mass is thrown back on gauze, folded in several layers. Let the whey drain and form the heads. At this stage, we introduce greens into our cheese. As ingredients, you can use fresh cilantro, dill, parsley, basil, onion. Here, focus on your own taste - who loves what more. We tie the formed heads in gauze and put them under pressure overnight to further “dry” the product.

What is a press: useful information

What is this device? After all, not every housewife has a branded kitchen in the kitchen. It is very easy to make it with your own hands. Type in a glass jar of water (half-liter or liter, depending on the size of the head of cheese). Close the jar tightly with a lid. Place the jar on top of the prepared head, wrapped in cheesecloth and placed in a colander so that the whey can drain, maintaining balance. Here's a primitive press for you. But he must act, performing his functions.

How to salt?

How to cook cheese at home so that the finished product has a salty taste (since cottage cheese sometimes turns out to be too sweet cheese)? We do the following procedure. In a glass of whey, dissolve a spoonful of salt. Place the head of cheese in a container according to size. Pour salted whey on top so that it completely covers the cheese. Cover with a lid and put in the bottom of the refrigerator overnight. When the finished cheese is well salted, we take it out and store it already without whey (although you can not take it out and keep it in the same form).

In a slow cooker

This device has long gained popularity in many kitchens. Therefore, we give a recipe for how to make cheese in a slow cooker. We will cook with seasonings and herbs, but if you like pure cheese, you can simply exclude these ingredients without doubting the final result.

So, we need: 2 liters of milk, two large spoons of rock salt, half a liter of low-fat sour cream, 5 fresh eggs, a bunch of dill, dry sweet paprika - a couple of tablespoons.

Eggs, sour cream, paprika, dill, chopped finely, mix in a separate bowl until smooth. Pour milk into the multicooker bowl and add salt, stirring. We turn on the steam cooking mode (10 minutes). Cook with the lid open, stirring constantly with a silicone spatula. Milk is ready to boil. Pour the prepared mixture into it, stirring constantly. Extend the timer by five minutes. Then pour the mass into a colander, covered with gauze in several layers. Let drain and lay under the press for 6 hours. Cheese in a slow cooker is soft and tender: with the indicated amount of ingredients, the output is about 400 grams of a product ready to eat.

We use the oven

In the oven, the product turns out to be slightly baked, browned. Cheese in the oven is quite simple to prepare using the previous skills.

We will need: milk - three liters, kefir - a liter, 3 fresh eggs, two small spoons of salt, two small spoons of sugar. If we want to do with greens, then a bunch of fresh herbs is optional.

Beat eggs and mix with kefir. We put the milk on the fire, but do not bring it to a boil. Add the prepared mixture, sugar, salt to the milk. Stir constantly so that it doesn't burn. With the advent of stratification (flakes), remove the pan with the cheese mass from the heat. Next, you need to drain and put under pressure, as in previous recipes. The difference is the process of baking cheese in the oven. We put the finished head in a baking dish, coat with yolk, slightly beaten. We heat the oven to 220 degrees and bake our cheese for 10-14 minutes, until a golden crust forms.


As you can see, making cheese at home is easy. With a sufficient supply of food and a desire to experiment, you can not buy cheese in the store at all, since the cooking process itself will result in an interesting culinary action, and it will be difficult for you to stop.

Homemade cheeses made with dried fruits are very popular. Prunes, dried apricots, dried apples and berries are used. To prepare the product, dried fruits must be thoroughly washed and poured over with boiling water. After that, cut into small pieces and mix with the cheese mass at the stage of head formation. And after already - under pressure. Such cheeses have a delicate fruit and cheese aroma, exquisite taste.

Try to cook, using basic recipes, cheeses with the addition of all kinds of nuts. The most accessible are walnuts. They must be peeled and veined, poured over with boiling water and finely chopped or ground in a mortar. Then mix the nuts with the base and form a head.

In general, in the preparation of homemade cheeses, you can really show a flight of culinary imagination. After all, there are many variations of recipes. And I want to try everything!

How to cook cheese at home - TOP-8 recipes with photos from the magazine website

Cheese is a unique dairy product. It is rich in vitamins - A, B1, B2, B12, C, D, E, PP, and the ratio of phosphorus and calcium in it is perfectly balanced. It is also very valuable that the nutrients contained in cheese are absorbed by the human body by 98-99%.

People have been making cheese since time immemorial. It was invented, most likely by accident, in the 8th millennium BC, at a time when sheep began to be domesticated: milk, stored in the stomachs of these animals, turned into curd and whey thanks to rennet.

Today, store shelves abound with different types of cheeses. Soft and hard, creamy and melted, smoked and moldy... However, many cheeses contain flavors, thickeners, preservatives, and therefore resemble a natural product very remotely.

Fortunately, there is a way out of this situation: you can learn how to cook cheese at home, tasty and healthy, without production additives harmful to health. We invite you to try your hand at making homemade cheese. We will reveal to you a few secrets on how to make it delicious and share the most delicious homemade cheese recipes.

How to make homemade cheese

Recipe 1.

You will need: 1 kg of cottage cheese, 1 egg or 2 yolks, 1 liter of milk, 120 g of butter, 2-3 teaspoons of soda, 1 coffee spoon of salt and spices (dill or cumin seeds) if desired.

Bring milk to a boil in a large saucepan. Put the cottage cheese into the milk and cook, stirring constantly, for about 4 minutes over low heat - until the whey separates. Then take clean gauze, soak it in water, fold it in two layers and cover the colander; pour the hot curd mass into it. When the serum has drained well, tie the gauze tightly and hang it over the sink. Whisk the softened butter, salt, baking soda, and egg (or egg yolks) in a separate bowl while excess liquid drains. When the whey is completely drained, transfer the cottage cheese to a clean bowl, combine with the yolks and butter, and mix well. If desired, add dill, cumin seeds or other aromatic herbs to the cheese to taste. Boil a small amount of water in a large saucepan. Place another smaller dish on top, and put the prepared curd mass into it. Boil in a water bath for about 9 minutes, stirring constantly. When the curd mass begins to melt and becomes viscous, transfer it to a mold greased with butter, press down on top with a light press and let stand in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Remove the finished cheese from the mold and serve on the table, cut into pieces.

Recipe 2.

You will need: 1 kg of homemade non-grained cottage cheese with a fat content of at least 9%, 100 g of butter with a fat content of at least 82%, 3 eggs, 1 liter of milk with a fat content of 3.2%, 1 teaspoon of soda and salt.

Boil the milk, add cottage cheese and boil for about 30 minutes after boiling, stirring constantly. Place a colander in another saucepan, lay gauze folded in 2-3 layers on it and lay out the prepared cottage cheese. After the whey drains (by the way, very tasty pancakes are obtained from it), put the cheese mass in another, clean dish, add well-beaten eggs, softened butter, salt and soda in it. Combine all the ingredients well, boil on a fire slightly above average for about 10 minutes, stirring constantly, and put the curd mass in a deep bowl greased with butter, gently level with a spoon, and when the cheese has cooled, put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Remove the finished Adyghe cheese from the bowl by turning it over. Serve cut into nice slices.

Recipe 3.

You will need: 1 liter of milk, 1 tablespoon of coarse salt, 3 eggs, 200 ml of sour cream, spices to taste.

Add salt to milk, mix, boil. Combine sour cream well with eggs and pour in a thin stream into hot milk. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, 3-4 minutes. Immediately after large flakes form, you can add your favorite spices, herbs that you like, or garlic to the curd mass. This is a simple and at the same time win-win, wonderful recipe for homemade suluguni. To taste, the finished cheese resembles tender cheese. You can also make it with cilantro, dill, paprika, olives, sun-dried tomatoes, walnuts - whatever additions you like. After cooking, strain the cheese through a fine sieve (or gauze folded in 2-3 layers), put it in a bowl and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Recipe 4.

You will need (for 1 kg of the finished product): 1 dessert spoon of natural wine vinegar, 10 liters of milk + 200 ml of milk for sourdough, 1 g of pepsin for sourdough (you can buy it on the market or in a pharmacy).

For the sourdough starter, in a separate bowl, combine 200 ml of milk at room temperature with wine vinegar. Dilute the pepsin in the resulting mixture. Strain 10 liters of milk through a fine sieve (or gauze), heat to a temperature of 30 degrees in a cauldron (or aluminum pan), pour in the leaven and let stand for half an hour in a warm place. Then put the dishes with milk on a slow fire. Collect the mass that folds with clean hands against the walls of the pan. The cheese curdles in about 5 minutes. If you take the lumps out of the pan, put them on a prepared colander with gauze and squeeze out the whey, you get a young homemade cheese; it's already ready to use. And for the classic suluguni, it must be left to ferment in unsalted whey in a warm place for a couple of hours. To check if the cheese is done, cut off a thin piece and dip in hot water for 1-2 minutes. If the cheese is slightly stretched, you can proceed to its further processing. The main thing is that it does not break. Divide the prepared cheese into strips about 2 cm thick and dip into hot water (about 85º). Melt it over low heat, stirring with a wooden spatula in one direction. When the mass has completely melted, remove it from the pan, glue it into a lump, giving the cheese the shape of a head. The classic suluguni is ready!

Recipe 5.

You will need: 200 ml of heavy cream, 800 ml of 20% fat sour cream, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice.

Cream (you can take full-fat milk instead) mix well with sour cream and heat to 75º over low heat with continuous stirring (but do not overheat, in no case let the mass boil!). Pour the lemon juice into the hot cream and stir until the liquid curdles. After that, immediately turn off the heat and let the cheese mass cool. Moisten gauze folded in several layers in water, put in a colander, transfer the cheese mass and leave for at least an hour - the excess liquid should drain completely. After that, the cheese can be pressed, and the better it is pressed, the denser, more beautiful and tastier it will turn out. Store homemade mascarpone in the refrigerator.

Recipe 6.

You will need: 5-6 liters of goat's milk, 2 eggs, 1 tablespoon of soda, 100 g of butter, salt and spices to taste.

To prepare cottage cheese from goat's milk, pour it into a large container, preferably glass, and put 1 tablespoon of kefir, sour cream or a crust of black bread there. Milk will turn sour in a couple of days. When this happens, heat it in a water bath right in the jar. There is one secret: the slower the sour milk is heated, the softer and more tender the cottage cheese will turn out. When the whey separates, fold the cottage cheese into a colander lined with gauze folded in 4 layers. After the liquid has drained, tie the corners of the gauze and hang the "pouch" over a container. Leave overnight. The next morning, melt the butter in a saucepan, beat in the eggs, salt, add soda and spices. Combine all the ingredients well, add cottage cheese, put the pan in a water bath and heat over very low heat with continuous stirring. The cheese is ready when the curd starts to melt and becomes viscous. For complete readiness, while the cheese is liquid, pour it into a mold greased with sunflower oil and put it in the refrigerator.

Recipe 7.

You will need: 1 teaspoon of soda, 400 g of homemade cottage cheese, 1 egg, 50 g of butter, salt and spices to taste.

Cottage cheese to make it more tender, pass through a meat grinder or grind through a sieve. Then add butter, egg, salt and soda. Put the cauldron with this mixture on a quiet fire and knead with a spoon until smooth. Optionally, add spices - garlic, basil, dill, parsley, and if you want the processed cheese to acquire a beautiful yellowish tint, add turmeric. Stir the curd mixture continuously - until it melts (bubbles should appear). The main thing is not to overexpose it on fire, otherwise you will get not melted cheese in consistency, but something similar to cheese. Pour the resulting mass into a bowl, and when it cools down, the melted cheese is ready. Garnish with fresh herbs when serving.

Recipe 8.

You will need: 2 liters of kefir, 50 g of butter, 1 egg, 0.5 teaspoon of soda, 1 teaspoon of salt, 0.5 coffee spoon of paprika.

Build a water bath: put a cauldron with a small amount of water on the fire, and put a smaller pot or bowl of kefir on top, so that it does not touch the water. Keep the kefir in the steam bath until it turns into curd: when the whey separates, the kefir will begin to thicken. The main thing is not to overdo it, make sure that it does not boil. As soon as the kefir becomes dense, discard it on a colander lined with three-layer gauze, squeeze out the excess liquid and leave it in the “bag” for at least a quarter of an hour so that it is completely glass. After that, transfer the cottage cheese to the bowl in which the kefir was “steamed”, add salt, soda, paprika, butter and an egg. Mix everything well with a fork and put it back in a water bath. The melting process will start in about 3 minutes; once this happens, start stirring the mixture with a wooden spatula. Stir continuously until a yellowish mass without lumps is obtained; this will take about 10-15 minutes. Lubricate the cheese mold (it is better to take a bamboo bowl or a plastic container), grease it with butter in advance, put the finished cheese mass in it in a dense layer and refrigerate for 1-2 hours. If desired, you can add your favorite spices, nuts, fragrant herbs to the cheese.

As you can see, making cheese at home is very simple. The main thing is that all products are fresh and of high quality. Good luck with this exciting endeavor! And delicious homemade cheese!

Many young hostesses (as well as experienced hostesses), who are just beginning to learn the secrets of cooking, are in constant search of various culinary ideas, secrets and techniques for preparing a particular dish. As a result of this, it has become popular today to prepare various products, often purchased from the market or in a store, at home. Since homemade food is more useful and does not raise doubts among its consumers. That is why, in this article we will talk about how to make cheese at home from milk, so that the result is not only tasty, but also very healthy for the body.

Each cheese recipe from milk at home has its own subtleties and cooking features. Somewhere, sour-milk products, vinegar, citric acid or lemon juice are used as a clotting agent, while for someone, rennet and pepsin are the priority for this.

Also, the type of milk plays an important role, because traditionally in mountainous areas cheese made from goat and sheep milk was considered the most delicious, in the steppe regions tribute was paid to horse milk. However, at all times, homemade cheese made from whole cow's milk remained out of competition - a product that is undoubtedly healthy and very nutritious. If you get acquainted with the technology of preparing a healthy fermented milk product, it will not be so difficult to cook cheese at home from milk.

There are at least 100 recipes for making homemade cheese, each of which has its own characteristics.

Therefore, you can independently cook not only traditional hard cheese, but also the following types:

  • fused
  • cream cheese
  • suluguni
  • Adyghe
  • mascarpone
  • paneer
  • cheese
  • brunost

Some of the above dairy snacks can be used as a base for sweet desserts, pastries, creams and fillings. In addition, nuts, dried herbs, oriental spices, pickled or fried mushrooms, and even bacon pieces can be included in the homemade product.

How to make cheese at home

Homemade feta cheese

Feta cheese is a good option to try your hand at cheese making. It turns out to be quite recognizable and fits perfectly into a Greek salad or other snacks, and at the same time it is quite simple to manufacture. Connoisseurs, of course, will object - real feta cheese can only be produced in Greece. That's true, but our cheese will turn out much better than many of what is sold outside of this sunny country, and most importantly - it is made in your kitchen.


  • 1 l. milk
  • 1 st. l. yogurt
  • 1.5−2 tab. pepsin acid (or rennet)


Pour the milk into a saucepan and, stirring occasionally, bring it to a temperature of 31 degrees. Stir 1 cup of milk with yogurt properly, pour it into a saucepan, stir again, cover and leave at room temperature. Powder acidin-pepsin and pour ½ tbsp. cold water.

After 1 hour, pour the water with acidin-pepsin into the pan, stir and leave overnight. During this time, the milk will curdle and the whey will separate from the curd mass. With a knife, carefully cut this mass on the surface of the whey into squares with a side of about 1 cm, stir several times with breaks of five minutes, and pour the contents of the pan into a colander lined with gauze folded in several layers. Leave for several hours so that all the liquid is glassed.

Knead into the curd mass ¼ tsp. salt, put the cheese into a mold (this can be done, for example, from a juice bag) and leave at room temperature for another 12-24 hours - the cheese will finally “grab” and the consistency will be like real feta. Prepare the brine: 200 ml. whey (you didn’t pour it out, right?) Stir with 1.5 tbsp. l. salt, cut the cheese into cubes, pour over the brine and put in the refrigerator. This, firstly, will “pull out” the liquid from the feta even more, and, secondly, will allow it to be stored almost forever - however, you will eat it earlier.

How to cook ricotta cheese

Next, we will cook Italian ricotta cheese - and after you master this simple procedure, you will no longer buy ricotta in the store. In addition to the obvious savings, homemade ricotta also has a much creamier texture and delicate taste. Use it for appetizers, pasta, lasagna, pastries and desserts. That being said, if you are making ricotta for dessert, you can reduce the amount of salt, increase the milk to cream ratio, and/or use heavier cream for better results.


For 4 servings

  • 1 l. pasteurized milk
  • 300 ml. cream 22%
  • juice of ½ lemon
  • ½ tsp salt

Cooking method:

Combine milk and cream in a saucepan, add salt and place over low heat, stirring occasionally. Bring the contents of the pot to a boil - the slower the better. In order to estimate the time remaining before boiling, it is convenient to use a thermometer. A meat thermometer is great for this purpose. When the milk and cream mixture finally boils, pour the lemon juice into the saucepan and stir well. After a minute or two, when the curdled milk separates from the whey, remove the pan from the heat and cover with a thick towel.

Let your future ricotta stand, ideally until completely cool. Fold a piece of cheesecloth in half and place in a colander. Carefully transfer the curd mass accumulated on top into a colander using a slotted spoon. Wait until the excess whey drains - this will take no more than an hour, otherwise the ricotta will be too dry - wrap the cheesecloth around the cheese and squeeze lightly. Transfer the ricotta to a bowl or other container and refrigerate for up to two days.

Homemade cheese Fromage blanc

You don't need rennet to make this homemade cheese, which is a great opportunity to get your hands dirty before you get into more serious homemade cheese making experiments.


2-4 servings

  • 1.5 l. milk
  • 200 ml. cream 22%
  • 300 ml. buttermilk
  • 1.5 st. l. lemon juice


Buttermilk is a by-product of churning butter. Order it from the aunts selling dairy products in the market, no one often needs it, so it is quite possible that they will give it to you for free. Combine milk and cream in a saucepan and place over low heat. In a small bowl, stir together the buttermilk and lemon juice, pour into the saucepan, and stir well. After that, bring the contents of the pan to a temperature of 80 degrees, without stirring if possible, remove from heat, cover, and leave on the stove for at least an hour.

When you remove the lid, you will see that the curd mass has formed a kind of crust of ice on the surface of the whey. With a sharp knife, cut it into small cubes and transfer them to a colander lined with a double layer of gauze. Bring the corners of the gauze together, tie and hang over a saucepan or sink to allow the whey to drain. Hanging time depends on what you want to get - if you want fromage blanc to keep its shape, leave it overnight, if you are going to use it for spreading bread, it will take a few hours less.

Transfer the finished cheese into molds, and, if desired, serve it for dessert, pouring it with heavy cream and jam.

A simple recipe for delicious homemade cheese


  • Milk - 3 liters
  • Lemon - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l.


Bring milk to a boil in a large saucepan, add salt and sugar. Wash lemons, dry. Squeeze the juice from the lemons and pour it into the milk. Boil milk with lemon juice, one minute, stirring, preferably with a wooden spoon. Remove the pan from the heat and leave covered for 20 minutes. Get a mass with clots. Catch these clots with a slotted spoon and put them in a colander lined with gauze. Slightly press the cheese mass to remove excess liquid. Lightly salt our future cheese, add cumin, if using, and transfer to a ceramic or glass dish. Remove homemade cheese for a couple of hours in the refrigerator for maturation.

Hard spicy cheese


  • 1 kg cottage cheese
  • 1 liter of milk
  • 70-100 g butter
  • 5 g salt
  • 5 g drinking soda
  • 5 g turmeric
  • curry
  • pepper
  • asafoetida on the tip of a knife

Cooking method:

Bring milk to a boil, add cottage cheese to it, bring to a boil again, immediately remove from heat. Strain the mass through a colander lined with gauze folded in two layers, squeeze out. Fry the cottage cheese mass in melted butter for 1-2 minutes, while breaking up lumps. Bring the mass to a viscous consistency.

Continuing to stir, add soda, salt, seasonings. Then transfer the hot mass into a cheese mold and cool.

Adyghe buttermilk cheese


  • 3.5 liters of milk,
  • 1 liter buttermilk
  • salt.

Cooking method:

Bring the milk to a boil, pour in the buttermilk, stirring constantly. The milk will separate into curd and whey.

Strain the resulting mixture through a colander lined with gauze folded in two layers, leave for 2-3 hours to glass the liquid. Add some whey and salt. Put the cheese on a clean surface, form a ball, wrap with plastic wrap and put under a press weighing about 1 kg, put in the refrigerator for 1 day.

Buttermilk is the sour-tasting liquid that remains after churning butter from sour cream or cream. In terms of nutritional properties, whey is close to buttermilk, which is obtained during the curdling of milk. It is in it, and not in oil and cottage cheese, that most of the biologically active substances, including lecithin and choline, are concentrated. Buttermilk cheese promotes the formation of rapidly soluble cholesterol compounds in the body. They help strengthen the walls of blood vessels and make them more elastic.

Cooking Paneer cheese at home


  • 1 liter of milk
  • 150 ml kefir

Way cooking:

Bring milk to a boil, add kefir just before boiling, remove from heat, mix thoroughly and leave the mixture for 3 minutes. Line a colander with gauze in two layers and put the cottage cheese on it to glass the whey.

Tie gauze tightly and put the cottage cheese under a press weighing 2-3 kg for 30 minutes. Then remove the press and remove the finished cheese from the gauze.

As a homemade press for making homemade cheese, you can use a pot filled with water.

homemade cheese


  • 1 liter of milk
  • 2 tablespoons salt
  • 3 eggs
  • 200 g sour cream


Bring the milk to a boil. Without reducing the heat, add salt, beaten eggs and sour cream. Cook the mixture, stirring, for about 5 minutes. When the whey begins to separate, drain the mixture into a colander lined with cheesecloth. Hang the cheese for 3 hours, and then put it under the press for a few more hours.

Melted homemade cheese with parsley


  • 500 g cottage cheese
  • 120 ml milk
  • 40 g butter
  • 5 g drinking soda
  • 1 bunch parsley

Cooking method:

Add soda to cottage cheese, pour in milk and mix thoroughly. Heat the mass over low heat, stirring constantly. As soon as the cottage cheese begins to melt, add butter, salt, washed and chopped parsley. Heat until curd is completely melted. The density of the mass should resemble semolina. Pour hot mixture into molds and refrigerate.

Homemade goat's milk cheese

If you love creamy cream cheese, then this recipe is for you. Homemade cheese made from goat's milk will delight you with incredible taste and a melting sensation in your mouth. It is also recommended to add other components in the recipe.


  • goat milk - 1500 milliliters
  • fresh kefir - 1000 milliliters
  • one teaspoon of salt

Cooking technology:

Boil kefir in a deep saucepan. Remove curdled clots from the surface and put them in a sieve. The remaining whey is filtered into a separate bowl and left for a couple of days, adhering to room temperature.

Pour the milk into a clean saucepan, send it to a hot surface and wait until it boils. Then add the serum. Boil the whole mixture on fire for about fifteen minutes. During cooking, clots form. After that, salt the composition as desired, filter and transfer to gauze. We try to squeeze it well, and hang it for thirty minutes. After that, you can already begin to form a ball of cheese. To do this, the cheese must be placed between a pair of plates and put a jar of liquid on top. This "design" should be left for a couple of hours. After that, we put the cheese in the refrigerator for eight hours.

Where to buy pepsin?

In principle, you can buy rennet via the Internet, cheese factories, or simply negotiate on the market - enthusiasts will certainly do this, but for 99% of everyone else there is a much more affordable way. Fortunately, in addition to cheese making, pepsin is used for medical purposes, for the treatment of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, dyspepsia, and so on. Well, if so, then our path lies in the pharmacy. In domestic pharmacies, there are two drugs that can be used in cheese making - abomin and acidin-pepsin. The second seems to be much more accessible - and therefore a little more about it.

Acidin-pepsin (other trade names - Acidolperersin, Acipepsol, Betacid, Pepsacid, Pepsa-min) contains 1 part of pepsin and 4 parts of acidin. During hydrolysis, acidin releases hydrochloric acid, which is absolutely harmless, because, firstly, it is already contained in gastric juice, and, secondly, it will be present in negligible amounts in the finished cheese. For 1 liter of milk, from which, depending on the recipe, about 200-300 g of finished cheese is obtained, 1-2 tablets of acidin-pepsin are used, which dissolve in water and are introduced into milk brought to a certain temperature. A package of acidin-pepsin costs about 50 rubles, it is sold without a prescription.

What seasonings are added to cheese

Seasonings favorably enrich the flavoring properties of the dairy product. The choice of herbs and spices is varied, so it is recommended to pay special attention to the following:

  • Ground pepper
  • Coriander
  • lovage
  • Melissa
  • Nutmeg
  • Parsley and dill greens

If self-preparation of a homemade dairy product is meant, it is not necessary to use all the spices for the cheese.

It is quite enough to dwell on greens, turmeric, nutmeg or chili, cardamom, coriander, anise.

  • It is advisable to use medium fat milk. After cooking, the cheese will turn out to be the right consistency and will not be very hard;
  • boil the mixture for cheese is in a container of thick walls, in this pan it will not burn;
  • while pouring kefir and eggs into milk, be sure to stir everything. For stirring, it is best to use a wooden spatula;
  • in addition to the cheese, you can add spices, herbs, olives or pieces of vegetables.
  • homemade cheese is made from natural milk and cottage cheese, so be very careful when buying these dairy products in stores, if the cottage cheese or milk is not natural, then your cheese will not ripen;
  • for making homemade cheese, by curdling milk, high-quality natural milk is best suited, but not ultra-pasteurized and sterilized purchased;
  • homemade cheese ripens better if the initial milk material is not less than half a kilogram;
  • the high fat content in cottage cheese gives the finished cheese a natural butteriness and special tenderness, which distinguishes homemade cheeses;

Making cheese at home is becoming more and more popular, and the reason for its development in recent times is the danger of buying cheese in the store, which included the notorious poor quality palm oil. And at first, perhaps, homemade cheese will be inferior in taste to branded ones, but practice will certainly improve its taste, and the usefulness and safety of this product, beloved by many, will undoubtedly remain higher. Take the time and effort, cook it yourself, your family will appreciate your work.

Olga Dekker

Hello, my dear readers!

5 rules of proper nutrition from Olga Dekker

I'll tell you the truth: I really love real cheese, not only for its taste, but also for the fact that it is very satisfying and healthy.

I often advise women to eat it. Especially for those who want to be slim, vigorous and stay young longer :)

True, I recently found out this ... Already, goosebumps are still running down my back ... :(

Are you aware that many cheese makers are crooks?

What do stores mostly sell harmful cheese fakes? Don't believe?..

I just watched this show and thought: how to be? What to do? At least become a cheese maker! ..

And what? Let's become! I have a great recipe for cottage cheese cheese at home. Even two recipes! Look at the photo. What a beauty, right?

One cheese will be a bit like Dutch, and the second will be tender, melted.

You will be surprised how easy it is to make delicious and healthy homemade cheese from cottage cheese...

I propose so. Let's listen to Cher's inspiring song - Believe first and then get right down to business! :)

The recipe for homemade cottage cheese cheese is so simple that you can make it at least every day!

Following my recipe with a photo, you will see that it is not difficult to cook cheese)

We will need:


Energy value per 100 gr - 161 kcal;

  • Proteins - 8.7 g;
  • Fat - 12.52 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 3.23 g;

In Russian stores below 17% fat cannot be found!!! And here it turns out only - 12%. Just like in Europe :)

Such a wonderful cheese is suitable not only for sandwiches, but also for pizza - because it melts perfectly in the oven. Well, and, of course, it is very good in salads - for example, in.

I am sure that hand-made cottage cheese cheese will become a favorite delicacy on your table :)

Shall we take a musical break?

Let's listen to the charming Bonnie Tyler - "Total Eclipse of the Heart", and then I will surprise you ...

Processed cheese can also be easily made at home. Does your beloved family deserve the very best products?

So make the most healthy and delicious processed cheese in the world!


  • Cottage cheese - 500 gr.
  • Milk - 0.5 l.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Butter - 50 gr.
  • Fructose - ½ spoon
  • Salt - 1 tsp. the spoon
  • Soda - ¼ spoon

Unlike the previous recipe, this time we will not bring the products to a boil. It is very important! Otherwise, the cheese will not be soft.


1. Mix milk and cottage cheese in a saucepan and put on fire - medium, so that the mixture warms up, but cannot boil. While stirring, wait until the milk protein separates from the whey.

2. Throw the cheese mass into a sieve or into a gauze bag - you need to get rid of excess liquid.

3. Add an egg, salt and fructose to the cottage cheese. Mix them thoroughly, or better, beat them with a mixer.

4. Then, in fact, we will begin to make melted cheese from cottage cheese. Melt the butter in a water bath or in a saucepan with a thick bottom, put the curd mass there and begin to interfere, preventing boiling.

5. After the mixture becomes viscous and homogeneous, put it in a mold and leave to cool. Soon the cheese will be eaten. Or you can put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours so that it acquires a better consistency.

With homemade melted cheese, pasta, cheese sauce and even a simple sandwich will become incredibly tender!

And what a tasty and healthy product is obtained on the basis of homemade processed cheese ... Mmmm ... Be sure to try it :)

Calorie content and BJU per 100 g:

  • Calorie content - 123 kcal;
  • Proteins - 9.11 g;
  • Fat - 8 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 3.76 g.

I think that such a low-calorie product is quite suitable for diet food :)

And especially the processed cheese is loved by children!

And if store-bought cheese is full of thickeners, preservatives and other hazards, then you will be completely calm about the quality of a product made by yourself. :)

Do not forbid your children to eat processed cheese - cook this delicacy for them yourself!

Cheese ... or not cheese? .. The whole bitter truth about fakes and deceit!

I think that it is not at all difficult to refuse many harmful store products in favor of similar homemade ones. Cheese is the same story.

Be sure to watch this show and write your opinion in the comments. I'm very interested, really.

For health, youth and beauty

Do not buy "fake cheese" in stores. Boil the cheese yourself a few times. You will feel the difference! Especially since it's really easy :)

Just practice more often and follow my advice:

1. If you do not want to eat eggs, you can try to do without them. The high quality of milk and cottage cheese is much more important.

2. The heavier the press, the harder the cheese will be; the longer the exposure time, the richer, sharper the taste.

3. Goat milk gives a delicate creamy taste.

4. You can add chopped mushrooms, paprika, cumin, dill, cilantro, nuts to the cheese mixture ...

5. The shelf life of such a product without preservatives, of course, is small - about a week. And it is better to store it not in a bag, but in paper or a cotton napkin.

Did you like these recipes?

Vivacity, health to you and your families!

5 weight loss myths Get free from celebrity nutritionist Olga Dekker

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Just watch a documentary video about fakes and cheating customers. Added it to the bottom of this page.

P.S. Eat like a gourmet and at the same time become slimmer, lighter and more mobile!

P. P. S. Proper cheeses are rich in vitamins, trace elements, amino acids.

But even the best of them cannot give everything so that we look great and feel great. But a competent experienced expert can! :)

You can get helpful tips and recipes for delicious, healthy meals for free. I look forward to visiting you on my Instagram page @olgadekker . Come, read, ask questions in the comments. I answer every day ;)

Cheese is a useful dairy product, without which the life of many of us is unthinkable. To date, there are several dozen types of cheeses. Most of them are prepared from cow's milk, while its fat content plays an important role. It is believed that the more fat milk was used for cooking, the more delicious the cheese will be. Of course, in such cheese the calorie content will be very high, and the same varieties that are prepared from low-fat or albeit less high-calorie ones do not have a very pleasant taste.

Cheese is not classified as a delicacy (with the exception of a few types), and yet the prices for it in the store bite a little. Today, however, you can cook delicious cheese at home. Of course, cooking real Dutch, most likely, will not work, but what you can cook at home will turn out to be no less tasty.

And here the question immediately arises: how to make homemade cheese. Believe me, there is nothing difficult in this. All you need is a little patience and a good recipe. By the way, our grandmothers always kept in their memory the recipe for homemade cheese, since it was not so easy to buy it several decades ago. But it turned out to be a very tasty and healthy product that the whole family loved to feast on.

It's time for you to learn how to cook homemade cheese. There are several ways to prepare it, some of which we will now consider.

homemade cheese recipeN1

Ingredients: 1 kg of fresh cottage cheese, 0.5 l of milk, 100 g of butter, 1 egg, 2 tsp of soda and 1 tsp of salt.

Preparation: Pour milk into a saucepan and put on fire so that it boils. Add cottage cheese to boiling milk, make a small fire and continue to cook, do not forget to stir constantly. Boil cottage cheese and milk until whey appears (i.e. when the milk turns into a yellowish liquid). We take a colander, cover it with gauze, folded in several layers. We shift the cottage cheese onto cheesecloth, tie the cheesecloth and hang it up so that all the whey flows out of the cheese. Save 3-4 tablespoons of whey, in which you will then extinguish the soda.

So, while our cottage cheese is draining, beat the egg in a bowl and add salt. Soda, which we extinguished with whey, is also added to our mixture. It may not be completely uniform.

We will melt our cheese in a water bath, so we take a large saucepan, pour water into it and set it to boil. Squeeze the cottage cheese lightly and mix with our mixture. Mix well with a spoon, and then beat with a blender. We shift the mixture into a saucepan and put it in a water bath. Soon the cheese will begin to melt. It will have to be mixed well several times so that the butter does not separate. After about 10 minutes, remove the cheese from the stove, transfer it to a deep bowl and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. So that it does not absorb other odors from the refrigerator, it should be covered with another plate or lid.

If this homemade cheese recipe seems complicated to you, you can use the following. Cheese made according to this recipe is very similar to Adyghe. It can be eaten with tea or coffee, or used to prepare other dishes.

homemade cheese recipeN2

Ingredients: 3 liters of milk, 100 g of vinegar, 100 g of salt, 100 g of sugar.

Preparation: Pour milk into a large saucepan and place over medium heat. When the milk boils, reduce the heat, add salt, sugar and vinegar. Raise the heat slightly and let the milk curdle. Put the cottage cheese in cheesecloth and hang to glass whey. When everything drains, put the cottage cheese, without taking it from the gauze, onto a plate, and press it on top with some heavy weight. Put in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. To diversify the cheese and give it a special taste, you can sprinkle it with sesame, pepper or something else on top.

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