How to play minecraft on LAN. How to play online in Minecraft

landscaping 15.10.2019

When you are just starting to play Minecraft, you hardly even think about the fact that there is a multiplayer mode. You simply do not need it, since you will obviously have enough single player for a long time - the game is so exciting, diverse and exciting that it will take many days before you get tired of playing alone. However, in most cases, this day still comes - what to do in this case? Then gamers think about whether there is a multiplayer in this project. And the answer to this question is affirmative. Yes, you can play with other amateurs. And you can do this even if you do not have the Internet. In this article, you will learn how to play Minecraft by local network, because the Internet connection for many gamers may not be fast enough or stable enough to support a full-fledged game on the server. But the local network is always stable and operates at the highest speeds.

Types of multiplayer

Before analyzing how to play Minecraft on a local network, you need to understand what modes there are. Perhaps you won’t like any of this, and you will refuse this idea. Although this is unlikely, because for the most part the modes repeat the single player. There are four of them, and one of the most common is the creative mode. Here you get an unlimited supply of materials and create real works of art from various blocks.

Another extremely popular mode is survival, which is standard. Here you find yourself in the middle of a randomly generated world without any devices or resources at all, and you need to get hold of the necessary items, materials from scratch, build a house and prepare for survival in harsh conditions. Hardcore mode is very similar to survival, only it has a significantly increased level of difficulty. Well, adventure mode is themed game, in which you can even be placed in front of certain tasks, unlike other modes. Which option to choose is up to you. And now it's time to learn how to play Minecraft on a local network.

Creation of the world

First of all, you need to determine what will act as the host. This is very important point, since all server information, all data will be stored on the host computer, and it will also be the one that will be the most loaded. Therefore, the role of the host should be played by the gamer who has the most powerful computer. Given the fact that you will play on a local network, respectively, the connection speed will be the same for all of you, the computer configuration plays a key role here. However, this is only the first step that you have to take in order to figure out how to play Minecraft on a local network.

When the host is determined, the task of creating a new world is assigned to his shoulders, in which the game will take place. Some gamers are already at this stage interested in whether everyone can get this opportunity and how to play Minecraft online. Through the Internet and the local network, you can play absolutely anyone who has at least some kind of connection with other players. Only here the processes of creating and connecting are slightly different in the case of the worldwide and local networks.

Opening the world and setting up the server

If you are trying to figure out how to play Minecraft on a local network, then this item will be the most important for you. Once you create new world, you need to go to the menu and select the item Open to LAN, which means "Open for local network". Thus, your server will become available to those who are connected to the same local network with you. Following this, you will need to make the game settings, enter console commands, and most importantly - choose a specific mode that you agree with other players. When you're done with that, the server will be ready to host guests. If you are asked how you manage to bad internet or his absence to play with friends, you can safely answer: "And we play Minecraft with a friend over the network." If this person also belongs to your local network, you can call him to your company.

Server connection

So you have game world, which is open for joining from LAN addresses. But how to make a connection, because so far only the administrator lives on the server? In older versions of the game, the host needs to copy the server address that will appear after the opening of the world, and then send it to those who will participate in the game. When they enter the game, they insert into desired field this address and connect. However, in new versions, the process has been greatly simplified - when a player enters Minecraft and wants to play on a local network, he is immediately offered a list of servers available on its open spaces.

Connect Features

There is one unpleasant fact, which, unfortunately, cannot be corrected. If you do not have an internet connection, you will not be able to use automatic server discovery, even if you have a new version"Minecraft". You will have to enter the server address manually.

How to play minecraft online with a friend

Hi all! Today we will discuss one very interesting question for many people. How to play minecraft online with a friend. The fact is that not everyone knows the answer to this question and many go to minecraft portals in search of the necessary information, but in most cases they never find the answer. We will try to tell you in more detail how to make the whole process quickly, and most importantly, that it would work. And so let's get started.

How to play Minecraft with a friend using Hamachi

First we need download hamachi PC players who will play with you. Also, do not forget that the versions of minecraft must match. You can download minecraft
Hamachi will give us the opportunity to create a VS (Virtual Server) on which you will play. The person in charge of the process must do the following:
Create a new room in Hamachi.
- the IP-server field is not filled.
- now you can start the server.
- everyone who will play with you sends the IP address received in Hamachi.
For the rest (your friends) you need to do:
- connect via hamachi to the room you created.
- by the IP that you gave, will connect in the game.

How to play Minecraft with a friend online without hamachi

This method is the easiest, as it does not require programs and hacking in Windows. Simply put play minecraft with a friend without hamachi.
- you need to open the game minecraft.
- you need to create a new world and click "open for the network" in the menu.
- making all the settings that you did when you created a new world.
- now press " open the world to the web" and not our full IP address will appear in the chat.
- now all you need is to find out your ip on and substitute the port (numbers after ":" that were written to us in the chat).
The address that we need to give to a friend should look like this (this is an example)
Here's how and nothing complicated. But we will continue, because there is still 1 way how to play minecraft online with a friend.

How to play Minecraft with a friend on a server

Everything is simple here. Go to google type minecraft servers and find monitoring. In monitoring, of course, you will find a lot of servers, but the choice is yours what direction it will be. When you find a server, simply copy the IP and give it to a friend, connect and enjoy the game.

All these ways will help you a lot to play with your best friend to the minecraft server, moreover play minecraft online with a friend without hamachi and without torrent will become a reality.
There are many more ways that you will find on the Internet, but these methods are the most efficient. They are proven by thousands of players who also wanted to play with their friends and believe me, they were satisfied with these methods.

In the next article how to play minecraft online I will talk about the behavior on the server, so as not to get a mute or a ban, the concept of who griefers are and a lot of necessary information for the future minecrafter.

If you are looking for a minecraft server with a friend, we would like to invite you to visit our server, which is still in beta test.
Versions: 1.8-1.12.1

Not everyone knows how to play with a friend over the network, so I will explain to you ... There are two ways (there may be more, but I only know these), the first way is quite easy, the other is a little more difficult.

Let me start with something more complicated.

How to start playing with a friend on network #1:

1. Open Minecraft ---> Create a new game world, wait, then click on the Esc button and click "Open for web".

2. We put the same settings that you set when creating the world.

3. Click on the "Open the world for the network" button, and in the chat we have an incomplete IP of our local Minecraft network.

4. After that, we will need to find out our IP address of the computer, I will not bother and write such a request to "Yandex" - "My ip". We are immediately given our IP, so there should be no problems.

In the end, I ended up with something like this: . Give this (only your) IP to a friend, he adds it in multiplayer, connects, and you play together.

How to play with a friend on LAN #2:

1. We also open Minecraft ---> create a new world, open it for the network, with the settings that were specified earlier when creating the world.

2. Open another Minecraft, yes, you heard right, and go under a different nickname, open " Online game", and we see the local world that we opened for the network, rewrite the IP (which is indicated by the arrow, it's different for you), and give it to a friend. It couldn't be easier.

My IP has changed because it is dynamic... The local world was created in Minecraft v.1.5.2. So we figured out how to play with a friend in Minecraft!

You can also play with a friend in single player on the Survival Minecraft client.
You just have to register on the Survival Minecraft website and download the launcher.
Well, you can, along with everyone play on servers and find new friends or enemies :)

Have a nice game!

Minecraft is a world in which you can not only fight the aggressors provided by the game itself, but also join teams, fighting against other players. By playing Minecraft with a friend, you can achieve much more. Since you can mine resources together, use all the buildings together, organize military campaigns against other players, your success in the game can be doubled.

You can play Minecraft with your friends online.

How to play minecraft online with friends

To travel around the cubic world as a friendly company, you need to install Minecraft on the computers of each player, go online and find an interesting server. To get into a common game with friends, you just need to register the same when logging in.

Meet your friend, plan joint trips by chatting, when private territory, indicate the name of a friend in the owners section.

By the way, playing Minecraft will be even more fun if you communicate during the game by phone or, for example, through the Skype program.

Choice of free and paid servers with various cards and add-ons Minecraft on the Internet is huge. To find the right one, refer to the search engine, read the minecraft forums or visit the relevant groups on social networks.

How to play with a friend on a local network in Minecraft

There is another option that allows you to play Minecraft together with a friend. It will help a lot if at least one of the players does not have access to the Internet. For this, a local network is used. Unfortunately, if your computers are far apart, you will not be able to make such a connection. But if the distance problem is solved, you only need to insert a wire for a LAN connection into both computers. Usually it is included in the kit, or you can always purchase a cable of the desired length in a specialized store.

To play Minecraft with a friend over the network, you need to set up a connection. To do this, go to "Start> Control Panel> Network and Sharing Center". In the left part of the window that opens, find the "Change adapter settings> Local Area Connection" section, open the "Network" tab and in the properties section, uncheck the "Internet protocol 6 (TCP / IPv6)" line, and in the box next to

protocol 4(TCP/IPv4), on the contrary, check the box. Write the numbers as: In the Subnet Mask section, fill in the following: In the column "Main gateway" write: In the "DNS server" section, enter the numbers: Save the settings by filling in on the connected devices.

Install the Minecraft server on your computer and in the park, instead of the ip address filled with numbers, write server-ip =. Enter true in the online-mode= line.

In order to play Minecraft with friends over a local network, they must write when entering in the section where the server is indicated.

This article describes the process of playing online with a friend, via hamachi (via LAN), if you are interested in other information, for example, how to play Minecraft online on multiplayer servers, then read one of the relevant articles:

(in multiplayer, on the server)
(how to play, what to do)

So, the easiest way to play Minecraft with a friend is to use the Hamachi program. With this program, you will not have problems with opening ports, that is, you do not need any system administrator skills. The program is free, you can download it here -. Download and install it on both computers.

1st player

1. Run the Hamachi program on the first computer, turn it on:

2. Create a network. Enter any name, password, confirm password:

3. Enter Minecraft, start the game in single player mode. In the game, press the "Escape" keys on the keyboard - "Open for the network" - "Open the world for the network."

Remember the port that the game gave you via chat - "The local server is running on the port ...". We need to transfer this port to the second player, but first he must receive an IP address.

2nd player

4. Run the Hamachi program on the second computer, click "Network - Connect to existing network”, enter the network name and password that the first player created in step 2.

4. Copy the IPV4 address and paste it into a notepad, put a colon (:) after the address without a space and add the port number that the 1st player gave us after completing the 3rd paragraph, for example, you get the following address:

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