Sports and entertainment game of stations in the summer camp. Scenario thematic route game "What is new year

Reservoirs 29.09.2019

Scenario game for schoolchildren 4-6 class "Treasters"

Description Material: I offer you a scenario of a fascinating station for stations for children 4-6 classes "treasures". This event is aimed at training children's orientation children, the development of attention, memory, physical and intellectual qualities.

Leading. Dear Guys! You are all probably like adventure?
YES! Today, we suggest you to go to the search of the treas.
Who knows how people are called who are going to search for treasure?
Children. Treasurgerators.
Leading. Right. Now each of you will become a treastery, but alone find treasure difficult, so we will go to the adventures of the teams. Now you should divide the command to choose a captain, and get tasks on our gearbox.
What does it mean? That's right - the starting point (near the dance floor). The checkpoint is at the exit from the dance floor. Well, now we need to be divided into three teams, our teachers will help you with it.
Decision of children for teams:
3 teams: Casting, mischievous, fidgets.
Leading. Now you go to stations. There are only seven of them: "Poppants' difficulties", "Mountain Ridges", "Mountain Ridges", "Crossing", "Baron Münhghausen", "on the privala", "corridor of obstacles". Each station is located on a specific area, on which there is a signboard with the name of the station. Now the teams will receive route sheets, and the captains will lead their treasures on them. At each station you are waiting for tests. The better you will handle them, the faster you get the signature of the responsible station and the more chances you have to take possession of the treasure of the winners.
Who are you captains? Please approach me and get a route list by which your entire command should pass in a strict sequence, as the numbering in the route sheet.
After passing the stations, you need to return to the checkpoint and get a further route list to search for the treasure itself.
In a good way, expensive participants!
The master gives the route sheets to the captains, the launch of the slamming of balloons, children are sent at stations.

Station description:

Station "Poppants' difficulties"
This station is sports. Here you have to ship through the "swamp". For this, two planks are used. You can only step on them, moving these skimming ahead, you need to go through a certain distance.
Station "Mountain Ridges"
Overcome the "Mountain Ridges" is not easy. To do this, you will have to go through the rope stretched along the ground.
Station "Do not yawa, answer questions"
Treasurgerators are awaiting success if they are awesome and have a sense of humor. It is proposed to answer comic questions:
- List five days in a row, not mentioning numbers and names of the days of the week.
- What can be seen with closed eyes?
- Can the ostrich call himself a bird?
- Is it possible to bring water in solo?
- What question no one will answer truthfully "yes"?
- What is the five-letter word five "o"?
Station "Cross"
Before you river, and you need to cross the other coast. And the ferry (hoop) is on the beach. The captain of the team should climb (running) to cross onto the shore and deliver the ferry team (puts on the hoop on the belt and run back to the team), captures the next player, with the hoop on the belt they quickly move on the opposite side of the site - to another "shore". The captain remains on this shore, and the participant, without removing the hoop, quickly returns back and repeats the task with the next participant of the team, etc.
Station "Baron Münhghausen"
The core serves a balloon. Each treastener must "settle" the kernel, hold it between the knees and hold his hands. In this position, it is necessary to overcome the path to the specified place and back and transfer the kernel to the next participant. If the ball is bursting (the "core explodes"), the participant with another ball begins the path first.
Station "On Prival"
For team members, song phonograms are included, the names of which children should correctly call.
Station "Corridor Obstacles"
Participants must overcome the entire team of obstacles: the captain is fading the volleyball ball and takes place with the whole team between the kegles delivered by the snake.
After the commands are returned to the checkpoint, they are driven by cards that will lead to the participants to the table "Clay". The treasure itself will be awarded on a dance floor. Each team consolidates a teacher who will follow the correctness of the tasks.
Route map (1)
1. From the starting tree to pass 27 steps to the larch, which is located on the left of the entrance to the dance floor, full of foot.
2. Rotate left. With the cries "Hurray!" Running from larch to bear statue.
3. Rotate to the right and take 11 steps, taking each other for the ears, right to the branched tree.
4. Near the branched tree you will find a sign with the inscription "Clay".
5. If you found a tablet with the inscription "Clay", go to the dance site for receiving the prize.

Route map (2)
1. From the starting tree, holding hands, skip with the palm steps along 4-thick cocks, located along the fencing of the playground.
2. Turn left and go through the 16 steps along the hedge of the attraction "Varosor". (Step strictly on the trajectory of the hedge)
3. Then make 40 steps in a straight line, every 10 steps you need to stop and scroll through the team "We are looking for a treasure! Hooray!".
4. After 40 steps, you must be at the branched tree. Look for a sign with the inscription "Treasure!".
5. If you found a sign with the inscription "Clay!", Go to the dancest site for receiving the prize.

Route map(3)
1. From the starting tree to pass 30 steps goose step to a deer statue
2. Rotate to the right and pass 10 steps, keeping behind the ears with the song "having fun together" to the fencing of the ferris wheel.
3. Rotate left, holding hands to run on one leg to the Christmas tree.
4. Bypassing a tree around with a song "Little Christmas tree is cold in winter."
5. Run to the first flower beds of the museum, to look for a sign with the inscription "Treasure!"

After finding the plate, all commands are returned to the dance floor to receive the treasure.
Host: So, now we ask the team number ___, she was the first to go through all the stations and went to the store. Under the applause we invite it to the scene.
Team No. ____ invited to the scene.
Team No. ____ is invited to the stage for receiving your treasure.

Leading: We congratulate the participants with the skillful, rapid, well-coordinated passage of all stations. Let's smile again to each other and reward applause! Well done. Thank you all and to new meetings!

The advantage of the game-travel is that it can be adapted to any content (various areas of knowledge, school subjects, direction of education, activities, components of social experience, etc.), as well as successfully used in the interaction of a teacher with any age group of students (whether it is students of primary school, teenagers, high school students, students, etc.).

The technology of the travel game is based on the technology of collective creative activity according to I.P. Ivanov.

General characteristic of the game and travel.The journey game is an entertaining cognitive quiz tournament, consisting of a number of stages of 9sts), for which participants of the game in a certain sequence travel. At each stage (stations), the instructor's judge offers the participants of the game a set of questions, tasks in accordance with the game of the game and evaluate their implementation.

Most often, travel games are thematic, i.e. The content of tasks, questions of all stages (stations) is determined by a single theme problem (for example, environmental protection, culture of behavior, theater, fairy tales, etc.).

Travel targets.Travel games are primarily aimed at the development of worldview, cognitive interests and needs, value orientations, the emotional sphere of participants in the pedagogical process. They contribute to the systematization of knowledge, sensecology, mentalness, communications of children and teachers.

Travel participants.The game involves teams (crews) with a number of 5-10 people who are created on the basis of the same class (detachment of a country recreation camp). The journey game can be carried out both in a separate class (detachment) and in the group (parallels or between parallel) classes (detachments).

The procedure for implementing the technology of the game and travel.The implementation of the technology includes the following steps.

First stage. Preparation of the game.When preparing the game, its organizers need:

Route travel travel route (if the game is held at school, the route is laid on recreations and audiences of the school building; if the game is carried out in nature, the length of the route is 1.5 - 2 km; it is desirable that the route is ringing);

Divide the route to a number (5-7) of the steps (stations);

Make a content (complex of issues, creative tasks) of each stage of the game;

Define instructors for each stage of the game;

Determine Places of Standard Instructors on the game route;

Develop the criteria for assessing the assignments by participants of the tasks;

Prepare for each team (crew) of the participants of the game lists, which indicate the names of the stages (stations) and the procedure for their passage, instructors' judges at stages and evaluation;

Code in the form of drawings the assessment that will exhibit instructors in the route list, for example: "Excellent" - Sun, "Good" - a daisy flower, "Satisfactory" - Christmas tree. Tuchka, boat;

To issue banners, posters with the names of the stages (stations) of the game - Travel games (they should be large, bright, catchy, easily readable) and arrows indicating the direction of the route;

Prepare awards and prizes for the winners of the game.

Second phase. Holding a game.The game starts the journey from the general collection line, on which:

The participants of the game resemble its conditions;

Introduce the game of the game;

Call the steps (stations) of the game;

Present instructors (immediately after submission, they are sent to the parking lots on the game route);

Handed route sheets (evaluation figures not disclosed, preserving in secret);

Inform about the presentation of the winners of the prizes.

The overall collection will decorate, make the elements of theatrical more attractive for children. For example, when holding a game-travel "On the Berende Trop", its participants can welcome the king of Berendia - the Lord of the Forest with his retinue.

The game route of the team (crews) over the time interval is 5 minutes (it is not worth lengthening the gap, otherwise the game is delayed, dynamism is lost).

At each stage (stations) the team is not more than 5 minutes, 2-3 minutes is spent on the transition from the stage to the step. In compliance with the time frame of the game, the instructors' judges are strictly followed.

At each stage, the instructors suggests all teams a system of issues, creative tasks, assess their implementation in accordance with the criteria and expose the encoded score to the route list.

At the last stage, the instructor's judge leaves the route sheets (this is necessary for timely, promptly summarizing the game-traveling).

Third stage. Summarizing.The analysis of the game is carried out by each participant, the state of development is recorded (emotions. Feelings, consciousness, etc.), as well as the reasons for this condition are determined.

The instructors' judges for each route sheet count the amount of the scores scored by the command. The winners of the game-travel - teams that took 1, 2, 3rd places are determined.

The final results of the game are announced, the final results of the game are announced, winners are called prizes.

You can prepare a photo client on the basis of the game, telling about its holding, winners.

Among the criteria for execution by participants of the game the instructors offered by the instructors of tasks may be the following:

    fullness and depth of knowledge;


    sophistication, cutter;

    system of knowledge;

    the ability to use knowledge in practice;

    adequacy of consciousness and behavior;

    development of imagination, observation;

    creativity in activities;

    the ability to organize communication between team members (crew);

    interaction of all team members (crew);

    the activity of all team members;

    motivation of participation in the game, fulfill the tasks of team members;

    manifestation of emotions, feelings;

    the desire for analysis, generalization and other mental operations;

    self-assessment of their activities.

On the eve of the holiday, all moms received an invitation to an informal parent meeting.

Dear _________________________.

We invite you to the informal parental meeting dedicated to the Day of Mother.

Relax from it for a while, come to our school, in our class.

We will be glad to see everyone today, and there is a surprich for you.

Class teacher, students 5 "a" class.

At the entrance of the moms, children meet, give gifts, prepared for the holiday with their own hands, and accompany into the hall.

The introductory word of the class teacher:

Dear our moms, we offer to relax,
And in the game that we came up with, reduce shine.
We are with the guys now will spend it for you,
Do not confuse, do not lose, go on the route!
Perform all settings, earn acknowledgment!

I ask you to get the route sheets, according to which you must pass the route today, shine with your knowledge and skills, get the maximum number of points. When the call is silent, you can go to the first station, children will meet there and will explain what needs to be done. After the next call, the children will put the scores in the route list earned by you, and you go to the next station according to your route.

Moms go on the road. At the stations that are located in various school offices, they meet children. Under their manual, mom must perform tasks.

Station "Best Nanny".

The word leading.

Better nyanki mom no, everyone knows
It is very interesting for this.
You have to warm the child to our polar station,
If something has been forgotten, you will have to remember.

At this station, dolls of large sizes, pelleins, diapers, caps are cooked. Moms should gently block the "baby", and then lay it. At the same time, they must necessarily accompany their actions by the story. The assessment is exhibited for the quality of the "works".

Station "Mom - Hacker".

The word leading.

Computer us like you a saucepan, but to keep up with life,
We must also understand this miracle.
The task is quite simple, sit down, decompose solitaire "Spider",
Then we proudly declare: computer - he and mother friend!

This station is located in the computer class, if there is an opportunity and computer science teacher will meet. Opened solitaire "Spider". Mama is invited to decompose solitaire from maps of one suit. If moms do not have ideas about how this is done, the children explain the rules. 10 points, if solitaire is laid out completely, 5 points - if not to the end.

Station "Best Mistress".

The word leading.

Mom, like Cinderella in anyone, worries in the evening, in the morning and day,
Cleans and washes, and removes, and after working rest does not know!
To become a real Cinderella, it is necessary to disassemble the barbecue.
I don't lose time in vain, here's a crunch, disassemble!

Various cereals or seeds are prepared at this station for mothers. Participants should decompose different types of different vases. The assessment is exhibited for the quality and number of disassembled seeds or cereals.

Station "Most Sports".

The word leading.

To keep up everywhere, the form must be supported,
We call on our moms: sport will help you!
Need to slip now you just ten times,
Yes Add to cart Ball to throw - here is the task for you!

This station is located in the gym, if there is such an opportunity, and the physical culture teacher will meet. Mom is invited to slip on the rope as long as possible, throw a basketball ball to the basket (the number of hits from 10 attempts is taken into account), and twist the hoop as long as possible. Points are charged for the number of jumps performed, hitting and turning the hoop.

Station "The most creative".

The word leading.

So that in the children of their creativity as it takes to develop,
It is necessary for you more often something, yes to create!
Create now you mosaic for us!
Here you have puzzles, start, think, do not push!

At this station for mothers, puzzle sets, which they need to be folded. Points are charged for the number of correctly laid out puzzles.

Station "Most Music".

The word leading.

Unique thing - Mom Musical,
Music knows all the children understands.
We can night, we can just listen to music together
Who all songs guest, he wins!

At this station, Mom expects DJ, which includes song melodies for them. Moms should guess the name of the song or line from it. The assessment is set for the number of guessed melodies.

Station "Best Former Pupil".

The word leading.

So that your child in school can dwell
You have to do with the lessons to help.
We will check who of you will perform a lesson now,
Mathematics and Russian - and, perhaps, enough with you.

Here, moms are offered a small dictation that allows you to check literacy and several plas. Points are charged for the number of correctly selected words in dictation and for the number of guessed reins. Dictation and rebuses in appendix 1.

Station "Decipher".

The word leading.

Very often it happens, children something, yes hide,
After all, they have their own secrets! And you need all the answers.
Well, learn to understand that our secrets are disclosed.
We offer to start this rebus to solve.

At this station, mothers are invited to decipher the greeting, which saw the assistant Captain of Lunned on the flags of the opposite schooner. If it is decrypted correctly, then 10 points. If not to the end, then 5 points for participation. Encryption B. appendix 2.

After passing all the stations, mom and children gather in the hall.

Class teacher.

You walked decently here is a very difficult route,
Relax, and the guys are now the results will be summed up.
Everyone tried, as they could, with half anyh, did not touch
All worthy of you awards, waiting for the decisions of the guys.

While the children summarize, the class teacher invites parents to tea drinking, during which problems can be discussed, express wishes, talk to souls. After summarizing, all mothers are given certificates for active participation in the game.

Summer Camp Material


Games for stations (stationery) are organized as follows. Put several points (stations) on the camp. At each stage there is a person who will give tasks and mark the results in the track sheet. Multiple teams are formed. Each team has its own route, its own sequence of following (this is for the queue not accumulated) for example, on 1 station-circus - it is necessary to pass the type of log. Condition - all team members should pass. On 2 stations - guessing, - the sun together must solve a dozen mysteries. On 3 stations - Drawing - some kind of collective drawing. And so on ... each team in the track sheet marked the results. Summing up - at the end. Usually at the last stage, all commands are collected at one point. In one place.


  1. For this event, you must come up with contests-stages that can be spent on the street, attracting as many people as possible (detachment.
  2. The number of competitions should be equal to the number of detachments plus one (no less). All stages are crushed around the camp, and some and behind it (within reach). At each stage there is one leader, clearly knowing the rules of this contest.
  3. For all detachments, a route leaf is prepared (beautifully decorated).
  4. It shows the steps of the path, the start and the sequence of passage. For each detachment, the start shifts one step to, if possible, avoid the accumulation of several detachments in one place.

Holding games:

  1. All detachments are collected to the appointed time. Prehistory told children.
  2. After transferring the cards of the detachment commanders and after the start announcement, everyone is started into the path. Children run no alone, but all the detachment plus one counselor (this is necessary, because some items are behind the territory of the camp). At each stage, the guys await the lead-counseably, which holds the competition, monitors the correctness of the task and evaluates the result. Evaluation (on a 5-point scale) is placed directly to the route list. Or for each won competition you can give out something real, for example, an integral part of the potion or card, or a key.
  3. The meaning of the competition is simple - what a detachment will continue the route and gains more points, he won.
  4. For "heating atmosphere" during the game it would be nice to comment on the speakerphone.
  5. After the game, the results are summed up, and at the nearest general-year event (if possible on the same day), the winner squad is announced and awarded.
  6. This event is carried out on the elementary and universal scheme: who is faster and better will be the best stages. Depending on the place, time of year, weather, any holidays this game can be carried out in completely different versions, changing the name and prehistory. For example:
  7. Search for Santa Claus (Christmas trees, gifts, snowmen, etc.) (winter), a journey to Pushkin's fairy tales, etc. The game can be used as an integral part of the thematic day (the day of Neptune, Indians, fairy tales, the same Pushkin, etc.) And to come up with contests - there is a full scope for fantasy. The main thing is that the tasks are fulfilled for children.

At the moment, the following games are known for stations that are fundamentally different from each other.:

  1. Around Move The team comes with a route list on a strictly defined route. The locations of the stations are known in advance. The team must pass all the stations for a certain time (equal to all). Varieties: information, rope.
  2. Agen. The team does not know the route in advance. During the game, the team determines the sequence of visiting stations on their own. The command can take place for the allotted time a certain number of stations. The command in case of non-fulfillment of the task may pass it again in order of priority. Varieties: deterministic, individual.
  3. Race for survival. The team gets a leading sheet from the stations list. For the allotted time you need to go as many stations as possible. If the task at the station is not completed from the first time, then the route leaf is rushing. The team starts the game from the beginning. Varieties: Team, individual.
  4. Be ready. There is a gaming scoreboard on which the locations and the name of the gaming stations are painted. Commands pass stations in the presence of a tear-off coupon with a game board as a queue. The game is carried out either before the first team fulfilled all the tasks or the last command.
  5. Strategy. On the game board marked location, name and time stations. The team produces a route and declares it. If such a route is already declared, the command defines a new route. Some gaming stations can be held immediately for several commands. We offer a description of this form - teams earlier get acquainted with all contests and their rules that will work in playing time. There are unchangeable points on the playing board: the location of the competition, the name, the time of passage, the cost of winning the competition, the number of participating teams in this competition and the number of people representing the team in the competition. Before going to the start, the teams are invited to fill in the Count of Competition at a time. The number of time intervals is limited and depends on the time of execution of the competition and the number of teams of participants. The start time of each competition is painted. Teams are built up and in turn, consulting, it remains only to put their applications for participation at a certain period of time. Next, the team exactly consistent and decides who from the team participants and what time will the contests be held. Each participant of the team has the right to pass a few contests. The team defeats the most points.
  6. Handicap (Race behind the leader). Commands start on a specific route. The start command is carried out after a certain time. The team is defeated with the best clean time. Miscellaneous number of team members can take part in gaming stations.
  7. Extrem.. The team is divided into intellectuals and athletes. Intellectuals perform the task and the presenter informs athletes the name and location of the next game station. Sports and intelligent stations alternate. If athletes or intellectuals do not cope with the task, then they must perform a free-point job. The team is defeated with the smallest net times.
  8. Labyrinth. The team comes with a route list on a specific route. In case of non-fulfillment of the task on the playing station, the command is proposed to perform a free reference. Varieties: on the disposal of players.
  9. Carousel. Teams - participants share equally. A confrontation is arranged between them (the pairs of teams are known in advance). The team defeats the greatest number of victories. If the commands are an odd quantity, then a leading contest with one command.
  10. The festival. Teams during the game find sparring - command and together do a competitive task. As an additional rule of the game, you can put a condition that, when passing the next competitive task, the sparring teams formed a new pair.
  11. Bureaucrat. The team is divided in half. One half provides a playing station, and the second half must pass a certain number of stations. Varieties: Traveling around the world, registration of any right. Recommendation: Competitive tasks at stations must be performed at the final time.
  12. Relay race The command is invited to undergo a certain number of stages on a specific route. The team defeats the faster all the proposed tasks.
  13. Olympiad Among the commands there is a draw. Teams who have fallen into one pair compete with each other. The team is defeated with the smallest of lesions.
  14. Rotation The command is divided into several parts and performs tasks. The essence of the task of one part of the team is reduced to the preparatory work for another part. Example. - Write a script - make a production - to make a rating and ...
  15. Express The team is at a fixed place. The slider delivers a specific task that needs to be performed for a strictly allotted time. Then the runner relates the task performed and gets new.
  16. Emploinant The command leader explains the rules for performing the task. Then he transmits the rules to all other team members. Command participants perform tasks (all tasks in different places). According to the results of the task, the leader receives a new portion of information.
  17. School of Joy Commands are invited to train several gaming stations, on which they are invited to obtain certain knowledge or fulfill certain contests. And for the allotted time, participants can visit 2-3 class schools.
  18. Quest Some belong to the station games, but most likely, they have long been standing out in an independent group (players have to find some thing that they can only replace from another character. Accordingly, it is necessary to unravel the chain - a bobby bring bone, get for the bone The sausage, attribute the sausus of the kitten, to get the grains and attribute it to the church ... well, so, exaggeted).

Examples of games for stations

Playing at the Station "Summer Rights"

Time to stay at the station 5 minutes !!!
Learn careful and kind relation to each other.

Deliver joy to children from participating in the game.

A task:

Promote the development of creative abilities, cohesion of the team.

Time: 1 hour.


Paper, knobs, pencils, natural material, box, telephone, sports equipment.
Plan for

Each detachment receives a route list in which the travel plan is indicated. Arriving at the station the detachment must be tasked. For the completed task, the detachment receives points in the route list. At the end of the game, the jury summarize and determine the winner.

Types of stations

    Station "Crocodilovo"
    2. Station "Skatcher"

    3. Station "Zagakno"

    4. Station "Where, Whose House?"

    5. Station "Hike Fees"

    6. Mysterious box

7. "Health

(one word is one score)

8. Quiz by traffic rules

10. "Kidalovo".

11. "Pakhuya Azbuka".

12. "Account" -cinny.

13. "Fair".

14. "Sports" (pomegranates and shooting)

15 "Snovecino"

Stroke Game

Having received the tasks, children run up at stations

    Station "Crocodilovo"

The name is due to the fact that the explanatory rules usually commemorate the first word "crocodile", then his children should show the crocodile with the help of poses, gestures, facial expressions. The task of children is to pull out a card with a task that they are with the help of gestures, mimicians, should show another team. It is impossible to say. The team should guess by asking questions. Showing, nodding answers "yes" or "no".
Crocodile, horse, chicken, camel, dog, bird.

2. Station "Skatcher"

The commands are given a word consisting of at least 7-8 letters. Their task, using these letters, make new words.
For example: dining room (flip, table, will, lotto, etc.)

Kazakhstan -

Microwave -


Grocery -

3. Station "Zagakno"

Guess as many mysteries as possible. One mystery - one score

4. Station "Where, Whose House?"

The asphalt draws circles with inscriptions: lake, swamp, forest, meadow. Lead calls animals and plants. Children should stand in that circle that is the house of the founded inhabitant.
Animals and plants: Bear, Duck, Chamomile, Heron, Crucian, Butterfly, Birch, Hamster, Pike, Woodpecker, Waterwear, Amanita.

5. Station "Hike Fees"

Leading. From the proposed things you need to select those that are needed in the campaign, and explain why they are necessary.
Set of things: sleeping bag, matches, plate, spoon, mug, bandage, wool, knife, comb, soap, rainboard, map, clock, flashlight, toy, hairdryer, decoration, scissors, computer disk.

6. Mysterious box
Competition guessing objects. The presenter puts into a box some subject so that no one has seen. Each team sets the question to which you can answer "yes" or "no". The team wins, which after 12 questions call the subject. (An example of an object that can be put in the box: Phone.)

7. "Health

For each letter of this word, pick up the words that are related to health and healthy lifestyle(one word is one score)

8. Quiz by traffic rules

    How on the roadway of the streets and roads marked a pedestrian crossing?

    What traffic lights do you know what they are denoted?

    Where and how should pedestrians walk down the street?

    In what places the pedestrians are allowed to move the street?

    How to move the street when leaving the tram, bus?

    How to properly move the street, road?

    How many signals have a pedestrian traffic light, what are they denoted?

    Who should know road signs?

    What can happen if moving the street in a not put place?

    What are the pedestrian walkways?

9. Music contest "Gadyaka".

1.What music. Children guess the song.

2. With the help of musical instruments (tambourine, maraakas, castonet), children face rhythm songs: "And I am in a meadow ...", "there was a birch in the field."

10. "Kidalovo".

Circles are drawn on the asphalt, you need to get into it with a mild ball.

    "Odoring alphabet."

With closed eyes determine the subject by smell

    "Account" -cinny.

Determine "on the eye" the number of stones in the bank


From paper twist a funnel and blend a candle through it. You can blow only once (20 players)

    "Sports" (pomegranates and shooting)


The task of children is to collect proverbs as much as possible (giving one proverb. Assessed - got the following).
1. Visiting well, and at home is better

2. Tears, I will not help. E.

3. The word is not a sparrow, will fly away - you can't catch. B.

5. Study and learn century. J.

8. As it will appear, it will respond. T.

9. A pavement is more expensive than money. W.

11 Shears in the bag do not hide. BUT

12 My language is my enemy. C.

1. As a wolf does not feed, he still looks into the forest. T.

2. Does not need a saltwash of a golden cell, and a green branch needs him. E.

3. Forest and water - native brother and sister. B.

4. With whom we will do, from that and you'll get. I

5. Study and learn century. J.

6. Do not postpone for tomorrow what can be done today. D.
7. What is written in pen, do not cut down the ax. E.

8. Fisherman fisherman sees from afar. T.

9. A pavement is more expensive than money. W.

10 on clothes are met, the mind escape. D.

11 Shears in the bag do not hide. BUT

12 My language is my enemy. C.

13 wolves are afraid - not to go to the forest. BUT

Suslova G.N.

Cabinet Chemistry

1 Station "Zagakkno"

2 Mysterious box (yes-no)


Seitumerova A.M.

1 "Guess the melody"

2 Rhythmic

School territory

Scherban I.L.

"Military Sports"

(pomegranate throwing, shooting out ...)


Olefir A.N.

1 "Pakhull" - determine the subject by smell

2 quiz on traffic rules

Nurova I.L.

11 Cabinet

1 "Crocodile" (depiction of crocodile facial

2 "SCALE" (compile words) -systematized

Seyathersova T.B.

Gazebo school

1 "Health"

2 "Kidalovo"

Ceran A.A.

NCH \u200b\u200bSchool


Shushenacheva V.V.


1 "Firefighter" through a funnel to blew a candle

2 "Account" (stones)

Suslova G.N.

Here on stage speaking

Holidays pass in it,

In KVNY, play here,

Songs are different. (Assembly Hall)

Seitumerova A.M. - Favorite place of time on change in warm days. The kids love to hang on the iron crossbars, the older guys - pull up.

Scherban I.L. .

Will get the book all for us

Any story she will give us.

Where the book is each worth

She will show, will explain.

Of course, this is not a pharmacist,

And our school ... (librarian.)

Olefir A.N.

He in speech the mistake will instantly hear

He reads a lot and competently writes,

Dictation he would have written anything to "five."

What is he for the teacher, try to say?

What a Cabinet, Try Guess (Russian Language)

Nurova I.L. - The most favorite place of all students is not in the school building. Building wooden. After a grueling day, you can sit, relax.

Seyathersova T.B. - To get to this place, you need to climb the stairs with merry letters

Ceran A.A. - The most favorite place of all students, three letters of the GTO were written on the wall

Physical culture here with us!

In the lesson, a whole class.

Tumbled we, jumping

Class everyone in ... (gym)

Shushenacheva V.V. - In this office there are transformations, eruptions, miracles. One substance turns into another. They are headed by the magic queen.

_______________________ (detachment name)

1 Station "Zagakkno"

2 Mysterious box

1 "Guess the melody"

2 Rhythmic

"Military Sports"

1 "Pakhuska"

2 quiz on traffic rules

1 "Crocodile"

2 "Skatcher"

1 "Health"

2 "Kidalovo"


1 "Firefighter"

2 "Account"

Final statement

Name of detachment

Suslova G.N.

Seitumerova A.M.

Scherban I.L.

Olefir A.N.

Nurova I.L.

Seyathersova T.B.

Ceran A.A.

NCH \u200b\u200bSchool

Shushenacheva V.V.







Funny boys


Name of detachment

Obtained points







Funny boys


Being a guest is good, but being at home is better
Tears of sorrow will not help.
Word is not a sparrow, caress - you can't catch.
With whom we will do, from that and you will get.

Live and learn.
Do not postpone tomorrow what can be done today.
What is written in pen, do not cut down the ax.

As it will happen, it will respond.

A bargain is a bargain.

In the clothes they meet, the mind escape.

Murder will out.

My tongue is my enemy.

Wolves fear - not to walk into the forest.

T. E. B. I J. D. E. T. W. D. BUT C. BUT


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