Repair of plasterboard walls. Plasterton repair: Using GLK on various surfaces

Gardening 29.08.2019

Plasterboard is one of the materials that differ in its environmental friendliness. The material is inherently unique. After all, with it, you can embody any ideas, even the most unreal, with your own hands, and still perform light and high-quality repair - drywall simply indispensable.

Plasterboard used for the manufacture of structures of various ceiling and wall decorative elements, To build partitions, creating a multi-tier ceiling and device unique backlight of apartments and houses.

It is also suitable for the manufacture of arches, boxes, partitions, furniture used as decorative elements of apartments. The use of drywall, if necessary, quick and stylish repair Apartments - perfect option.

Its installation and operation do not require special efforts and maintenance. This material has the properties of fire resistance, non-toxic, in contrast to various plastic analogues. Repair your apartment with your own hands using drywall will please you with your speed and simple installation.

As for the advantages of plasterboard, then it can be attributed to its ability to maintain a normal microclimate of the apartment. Since its structure is porous, it easily absorbs excess moisture, and during dry air it distinguishes the accumulated fluid back. In the room decorated with plasterboard, it is easier to breathe, which is undoubtedly a favorable way reflected on human health.

Of course, if you have never come across drywall earlier, it will be difficult for you to repair the apartment of GLK with your own hands. But it is corrected. Since nothing complicated in the technology of working with plasterboard is not. After reading several useful articles on installation methods different designs From drywall, you will easily master this option to repair apartments.

Repair of plasterboard. Necessary materials and tools

In order to repair the apartment with the help of drywall do it yourself, you need to pose the presence of the following essential materials and tools. These include:

  • plasterboard sheets;
  • metal profile (for the manufacture of frame);
  • screwdriver;
  • screwdriver and hammer;
  • construction level (preferably laser version);
  • coloring cord;
  • angle (90 degrees);
  • special knife for drywall;
  • hacksaw;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • cross-shaped connector for profile, so-called crabs;
  • staples intended for fixing the profile based on the wall or ceiling;
  • mineral wool for heat and sound insulation device;
  • pencil;
  • brush and roller;
  • putty knife;
  • dowels and selflessness;
  • primer;
  • reinforcing tape;
  • putty (for seaming seams);
  • depending on the subsequent decoration of apartments, or paint, or wallpaper, or tile.

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Calculation of the necessary materials for carrying

Mounting GLC is more convenient than all using a special device - lift. By weight, plasterboard is quite light, but its size is not very convenient to work alone. The width of the drywall is equal to 1.2 m, but the length can be both 2.5 m and 3 m.

The lift will be indispensable if you alone perform the ceiling lifting, and it will not be superfluous to cover the walls.

In order not to spend extra construction Materials, it is necessary to calculate necessary number Plasterboard, profile and other necessary materials. It will be easy to do if the surface area is known to be lined with plasterboard. If not, you need to make measurements.

Concerning need quantity Sheets of plasterboard, then everything is quite simple. Calculate the area of \u200b\u200bone plasterboard sheet. For this, the width of the sheet is multiplied by its length. Similarly, calculate the surface area to be trimmed. And then the obtained value of the surface area is divided into a plasterboard area - the amount of required sheets is obtained.

With the height of the walls, more than 2.5 m should be purchased GLC with a length of 3 m.

This will help you reduce the number of horizontal seams. A smaller number of seams increases the strength of the design of drywall. Purchase drywall is better with a small margin, about 15% more than the calculated value.

Another advice! For ceilings it is better to use drywall (ceiling) with a thickness of 9.5 mm, although the use of a wall (thickness - 12.5 mm) is also not excluded. For the manufacture of niches intended for a small load, you can use ceiling plasterboard, for the arches - wall, ceiling or special arched (thickness of which is 6.5 mm).

The length of the profile placed around the perimeter will correspond to the length of the wall perimeter. In order to perform a plasterboard partition, used special view The profile, its width can be 5 or 7.5, or 10 cm. Such a profile is mounted in 60 cm increments.

Go to the calculation of the number of brackets. Using brackets, the profile is fixed in the same plane with another profile. The brackets are mounted to the ceiling or wall using dowels or screws at a distance of not less than 50 cm. The bracket is fixed to the profile with self-assembly for metal (9.5 mm).

Check the presence of wiring. If the hole is near electrical outlet or telephone line, then do not forget to check the lack of wires from the inside at work. Surchase with your hands a plot behind the hole or look inside, leaving the flashlight.

  • If you find the wire, consider its location and plan work in such a way as not to touch it in the process of sealing the hole.

Cut the rectangle. Use a ruler and level to measure and draw a rectangle around the opening perimeter, then with construction knife Or drywall saws need to cut the circled part. So you can gently close the hole with a piece of drywall accurate size, not a walker of the wrong shape.

Add lining sheets. The lining sheets are cut by 10 cm longer than the height of the opening. Position the first lining sheet vertically along the left edge of the opening. Hold it one hand in place, and the second screw the two screws through untouched drywall at once below the hole, as well as two screws over the hole with a screwdriver. In the same way, install the second lining sheet along the right edge of the opening.

  • For repair of plasterboard, lining sheets of pine or other wood soft rocks are well suited, since self-screws are easily screwed into them.
  • Hold the sheets in such a way that when passing through the tie lips, the screws did not damage your hand.
  • Install the plasterboard lat. Measure the thickness cabarton thickness and purchase a piece of sufficient size to close the hole. Then you should cut it in size using a saw for drywall so that it is exactly walking into the hole. Place the piping into the hole and screw it with the screws to the lined sheets with each of the parties, having a screw at a distance of 15 cm apart.

    • In most construction and housekeeping stores Sold slices of plasterboard various shapes and sizes. Looking among them a piece of suitable size so as not to buy a whole sheet of plasterboard.
  • Sealing joints. Using the spatula, apply putty on the joints and the seams where the wavy and the rest of the wall are converged. Quickly apply paper tape on the joints and spatula to the ribbon on the place, not leaving bubbles and other irregularities. On top of it, apply a second layer of putty and let it dry.

  • Grinding the site and an additional layer. After drying out the first first layers, it is necessary to smooth out the edges, polishing their fine-grained emery paper. Then apply an additional layer of putty to fill all the remaining dents or irregularities. After drying, continue to grind and add putty until the surface becomes uniform and smooth.

    • There should be no less than a day between grinding. The putty must dry completely, otherwise, instead of a smooth surface, new dents and irregularities can turn out.
  • To date, one of the most popular finishing technologies is the repair of apartments by plasterboard: with their own hands and in the presence of skills to work with this material you can as soon as possible radically change appearance premises.

    The spectrum of the use of GCC for the repair of apartments is very wide. With it, you can align the walls, make a ceiling, equip door and window slopes and much more. At the same time, the low value of the material and the simplicity of its processing make gyroxis very popular. In our article, we will tell about how to make repairs with plasterboard, as well as on the technologies for restoring damaged designs from GLC.

    The use of drywall in repair work

    Alignment of walls by gyrokom

    When they mention the repair of the apartment with plasterboard, most often meaning the alignment of the walls with the help of plates from the sheets of GLK. This technology has gained its popularity due to the fact that the use of hypothes allows you to quickly and efficiently hide almost any irregularities of the wall fence.

    In this case, the result of the work becomes a smooth and smooth surface, ideal for any finishing finish.

    How is the alignment of the walls of the walls by gypsum?

    The technology is quite simple:

    • Initially, the wall must be cleaned of old wallpaper or wall panelsAlso - dismantle all the shelves, brackets, sockets, switches IT.D.
    • After that, the surface of the wall is treated with antifungal composition - it will protect the space under plasterboard trim from the spread of mold.
    • The next stage is the markup of the wall under the crate. Using the level on the wall, we apply vertical lines for which I will mount racks.
      On the floor and on the ceiling, we carry out horizontal lines that determine the distance from the wall to the trim.
    • Then the markup is starting to mount the crate for drywall. Initially, around the perimeter of the room is secure the starting profile, and then we install on the brackets vertical stands (See video attached to the articles of this section of the site).
      Connecting rack profiles with starting, we securely fix the crate and give it the necessary stiffness.

    When the doom is ready, you can start it with its trim.

    Our improvised repair school strongly recommends establishing plasterboard sheets vertically.
    This is due to the fact that the main load accounts precisely on horizontal seams between the GLC sheets, which means it is necessary to place the material so that these seams are as small as possible.

    • Indoor plasterboard plates Breeping to the crate with the help of self-tapping screws.
    • So that when attaching the self-tapping screws, the cardboard was not broken, you can use a special nozzle on the bit of the screwdriver (in the photo).
      She acts as a limiter and does not give a self-sufficiency to deepen in the stove.

    The final stage of the repair of walls with the use of plates of hypinet - leveling under the decoration. Seams between sheets of drywall are weakening with a polymer reinforcing mesh, after which we process the seams and the entire surface of the wall with putty.

    Suspended ceilings from GLC

    In addition to alignment of walls from drywall can be made suspended ceiling. Such a ceiling is a design, from the sheets of GLC, fixed on metallic frame For drywall.

    Suspended Making Instructions plasterboard ceiling With their own hands, quite simple:

    • We start work with the placement of the room. At first, around the perimeter of the whole room, retreating 100-150 mm from the ceiling, we carry out the baseline using the level.
    • Then on Sam ceiling overlap We apply a markup in a pitch of 600 mm - on it we will mount the main ceiling profiles.
    • After marking, proceed to the build of the frame. Basic line Breppy starter ceiling profile For drywall, watching all panels are placed on the same level.
    • Then to the ceiling on the applied markup fix the suspensions made of metal P-shaped plates.
    • Bending the edges of the suspension by the book, fix the basic profiles on them, thereby forming the plane of our ceiling. The edges of the main profiles we bring in the groove of the starting and fix with the self-tapping screw or special ticks for galvanized metal.
    • The prepared frame of the ceiling is wearing drywall and align the putty on the same technology as the walls.

    Ducks from drywall

    Another use of plasterboard, which can be found in the apartment during repairs is finishing window slopes.

    Restoration of slopes may be required as during overhauland after replacing old wooden windows on metal plastic.
    In this case, inexpensive and easy to process plasterboard almost indispensable!

    Window slopes from GLC are done like this:

    • We simular window opening with installed window. According to the obtained dimensions cut out necessary panels From GLC.
    • On the frame of the window with the help of glue "Liquid nails" or self-tapping screws, lock the starting F-shaped profile. This profile is designed for plastic panelsBut for the hypin, it is great.
    • Profile groove fill in acrylic sealant.
    • To the wall we apply insulation based on mineral Wat. The size of the insulation is selected with such a calculation so that it occupies the entire space between the wall and the slope.
    • On the profile panel we apply glue for GLC, after which one edge of the panel insert into the groove of the starting profile. We press the plasterboard to the window to the window, while aligning it at the same time.
    • After installing all parts of the slope, we proceed the joints with putty and stain in the interior paint.

    For slopes it is better to use moisture-resistant plasterboardSince it is more resistant to wetting, as well as to the formation of mold.

    Restoration of plasterboard surfaces

    The popularity of drywall as finishing material It leads to the fact that in our homes and apartments there are more constructions from GLC. And these designs, along with all other, periodically require repair - especially since the gyroxes are not distinguished by high strength.

    Below we will tell how to repair drywall at the most common damage:

    • If a small (up to 25-30 mm in diameter) is broken in the drywall wall (up to 25-30 mm in diameter), then it can be simply smeared with putty.
      To do this, first remove all damaged areas of GLC, after which the hole fill the hole with a putty onto a wide spatula on plaster-based. After drying, putty and grinding on damaged place You can apply paint.
    • If the hole has significant dimensions, then the repair of the plasterboard wall is carried out with the replacement of the fragment. For this, the damaged area is cutting out, and in its place we glue a piece of hypinous form. Further, as in the first case, a putty and stripping of the surface is performed.
    • When entering holes in size more than 10 cm before inserting a new fragment from the wrong side of the Glk, you can attach several plywood strips by self-strokes.
      These strips will play the role of an improvised crate and will not give damage to expand during trim deformations.

    You can also fight with them in several ways:

    • If the crack arose on inner corner, At first, the fine layer of putty on the angle itself is applied, after which we impose a sulfyan tape. Using the spatula for sealing the corners, press the sickle into the putty, removing the excess material. After 24 hours, the processed area can be putty and painted.
    • The crack at the junction is also climbing with a putty mixture. To do this, first remove the damaged reinforcing tape, then we apply gypsum composition, after which we swing the butt tape again.

    Methods for repairing drywall at varying degrees of its damage

    Unfortunately, like any other materials, drywall has preferably disadvantages. One of the main drawbacks that can sometimes turn into a real problem is its relative fragility. In other words, plasterboard under certain circumstances is not difficult to damage. What if such a trouble happened? Nothing wrong! Plasterboard can be repaired.

    How to repair drywall with a small damage

    If there is a small damage, for example, deep scratch Or chip, then repairing plasterboard will be the easiest. To do this, it is necessary to remove part of the finish, which adjoins the damaged area, and then proceed to the case.

    Small damage to the plasterboard panels elementally lubricate with putty. And here there are two options. Can be used to repair the plasterboard plaster or gypsum mixtureAnd it is possible - a special putty, intended precisely for plasterboard. As for all other species of putty, they should not be used to repair drywall. The fact is that inappropriate material almost certainly cracks up after a few weeks later and the work will have to repeat again. To this not happen, one of the above materials should be chosen.

    Everything is simple. The solution simply misses the damaged place, trying to press it as best to provide ideal adhesion. By the way, if damage is groaning or for other reasons causes anxiety, it is pre-impregnated with st17.

    When everything is ready, you need to leave putty until it dry. Then the putty need to polish the emery. Do it carefully. The essence is to achieve smoothness and hide the traces of repair.

    How to repair drywall at medium damage

    Damage of plasterboard middle difficultyThis is a deep crack, a small break (puncture) or renovation. It is necessary to repair such damage otherwise than in the previous version, as it is important here, firstly, to level the damage, secondly, reinforce it to strengthen it.

    So, as in the previous case, it is necessary to choose a solution suitable for the occasion. First apply to damage a very small layer of solution. Next, the reinforcing material is glued on top of it, which will not allow the solution to crack in the future. As such a reinforcing material, an ordinary march is well shown, which masters advise to fold twice. If we talk about special materials, it is worth paying attention to the painting grid.

    On top of the reinforcing layer applied a repeated layer of putty, which with an effort is pressed into the surface in need of repair. Trying to perfectly align the solution in a slope with a plasterboard surface.

    Of course, the ideal to achieve here it will be impossible. However, after the solution is dry, it can be stabbed by the emery and after that the damaged place will be smooth and perfectly smooth.

    How to repair drywall with serious damage

    If the plasterboard panel is very sold or in any place appeared a big break, it makes no sense to put it. Instead of shtpocking, you need to make a patch.
    Patch, how it is not difficult to guess, cuts out from the same plasterboard. This is done as follows. Damage is completely cut from the plasterboard panel.
    It is cut with a smooth rectangle or square. After that, inside you screw wooden rails. They are needed in order to fasten the future poppip to them. Next, cut the patch from a piece of extra plasterboard and screw it to the rail. Everything is actually easier than it seems.

    After completing the repair, when the patch will stand still, it is closed with gauze or painting mesh, after which it is high-quality. Preferably spending repair work So that there are no traces from damage. That's quite possible. The main thing is to initially tune in to such a result.

    Plasterboard one of the most convenient and widely used materials in modern construction. With numerous advantages of the material, it is quite fragile and even observing all the rules of working with it, it may be so that a small repair will be required.

    Before starting repair of plasterboardIt is worth identifying and eliminating the causes of damage data.

    You can spoil the sheet during transportation, loading and unloading, or in case of non-compliance with the technical recommendations of work with this material. Each damage requires a certain sequence of actions. Subject to observance simple rulesThe surface for a long time will be smooth.

    Tools and materials required for repairing drywall:

    • Spatula 100 mm
    • Spatula 15 or 25 cm
    • Universal or special knife for drywall.
    • Material to which holes are embarrassed is a solution of the "Uniflot" plaster.
    • Plaster When working on plasterboard is applied with a thin layer.
    • You will also need a standard construction tape used when embedding the joints and repair of plasterboard.

    Consider instructions for each type of repair of plasterboard:

    Repair of the facial surface of drywall

    To begin with, clean the surface near the damaged part to determine the degree of damage and the volume of upcoming work.

    Before you start removing the old fastener, you need to fix the surface near the place of damage. Next, the knife is eliminated by damaged parts of the sheet, as well as plaster and (or) cardboard.

    The next step is to put the surface with a thin layer of solution. It is necessary that the putty is completely dried.

    Solving protrusions on the joints

    It is necessary to clean and align the protruding part. You should be neat, in order not to spoil the leaf or tape itself.

    Then the putty is neatly smeared by 25 cm from the joint line in both directions.

    Repair of jacks of plasterboard

    From the surface that requires repair, is cleaned old layer. With the help of a spatula (100), a putty is applied around this site. Then the same spatula of a paper tape for the junction of plasterboard, impregnated PVA, is pressed into the solution. Next, align the repaired area. And we give time to dry.

    Internal angles, repair of cracks

    The spacing solution is applied on both walls of the corner. A special tape for junctions is driving in the middle and applied to the close-up area. Light pressed by pressing it into the angle.

    The movement of the spatula goes in the direction from top to bottom or right on the left. Excess ribbons are simply emitted. We press the paper strip into the solution, with a spatula (100), which is pressed with force to the tape so that the solution is a little left under it. The angle of inclination of the tool during the movement should be 45 *. The direction of movements from the center of the cracked to the edges. Next, align the repaired area. And we give time to dry.

    Repair of cracks on the outer corners

    The outer metal corner must be cleaned from putty, and the bar is strengthened with screws or brackets with a step of 150 mm. Next is applied with a layer of putty. The solution with a spatula (150) is aligned and leave to stick.

    Plasterboard repair after flooding

    Reliable facing works are a dense hermetic surface. Therefore, starting the repair of plasterboard, it is necessary to free themselves from water, which certainly remained between the wall and the firmware. In the ceiling or in the wall, as low as possible to the floor, the plasterboard is spinning with a seboard. A knife needs to make several holes in order to glass water residues. It is necessary to be extremely careful because the removal casing can collapse.

    Very carefully need to take the wires. All electrical communications are better disconnected in advance. All sound insulation I. heat insulation materials should be replaced.

    Repair of blooms at the joints

    Large bubbles are cut by a knife. Small need to be removed by thoring the entire tape entirely. The next step is the filling of emptiness with a special solution. Fragments of the tape creating a bubble are immersed in solution, for this operation you need a spatula 100 mm. The solution is aligned and leave to dry.

    Elimination of small damage

    From the tight sheet of cardboard, the stencil is cut, most often a square or triangular shape. The size of the shape must be taken a little big. The stencil is applied to the damaged part of the drywall and rub the pencil or marker. This section is cut with a knife.

    The next step is the manufacture of a patch: the stencil is superimposed on a piece of drywall at 5-6 cm more than a reverse side of the reverse side and will be burned. The pencil line (marker) is made incisive. Extra pieces are round. As a result, the facial side of the tape is 5-6 cm more than size Replanted hole.

    100 mm spatula is applied with a layer of putty across inner side Patchwork - traffic jams, as well as around the edges. The fragment is neatly inserted into the hole. The edges of the facial sheet are immersed in a solution that has previously applied to the opening contour. It is necessary to check and make sure that the patch lies exactly, it is necessary to dissolve the edges with a larger spatula.

    Elimination of large defects in plasterboard sheets

    A triangular or square stencil is cut out of a tight sheet, slightly exceeding the damaged part, requiring repair. The stencil is applied to plasterboard and will be burned with a pencil (felt-tip pen). The universal knife is cut off and the inner part is removed.

    The next step is a doom. Cuts a few stripes whose length is 150 mm more holes. The material for the crate must have sufficient density - can come in thick cardboard, but a thin plywood is suitable.

    These strips are superimposed on the reverse side of the drywall and are attached with several screws.

    By putting a patch in a pin with a leaf repaired, put the surface to be repaired. The reinforcing tape is superimposed on the joints, which is pressed into a putty solution with a small spatula. The finishing layer of putty is applied on top, while the wider spatula is used.

    Replacing fasteners of plasterboard sheets

    At a distance of 50 mm from a screw, requiring replacement to make a hole and screw the new one. Turning out the old screw, it is necessary to remove the peeling plaster and close each hole. Lose solution and leave to stick.


    To align plaster in all considered options, a wide spatula from 150 to 250 mm is used. The time required for the complete pouring of the plaster solution is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging.

    After complete drying with the help of the skins, clean the surface. Do not choose a coarse-grained eye of the skin, because, without having calculated the zeal, you can inadvertently spoil good sites facial layer of plasterboard.

    Either possible with a wet sponge just remove stains from the putty solution.

    Best at the end of work, apply the second (and sometimes the third) layer of putty.

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