Heat the floors in the country without removing the old floor - how to insulate the floors in a private house with their own hands, without removing the old floor. How to insulate the floors in the country do not remove the old floor - thermal insulation of structures

The buildings 23.06.2020
The buildings

Many of us have a country area where you can spend time surrounded by family, friends and close relatives. But whatever the size of the country area, the comfort of stay is important. Some owners remain living here for the period of summer, others are "prescribed" on an ongoing basis. And in order to inside the house it is also convenient, you should think about the insulation of the floor in the country. In addition, where, as not here most often, this coating is quite cold.

In addition, due to frosts, no cold may begin, the mold appears accompanied by an unpleasant smell. And over time, the walls of the house will begin to collapse.

Need for floor insulation

With the onset of autumn, cold come to us, first appearing only at night, but then frosts are clearly manifested. And with the arrival of winter, the whole house is surrounded by a snow-white vest. In the spring there comes the time of the streams, which become almost entire rivers.

All this imposes its negative imprint on the walls, the floor, the housing ceiling, and also contributes to the change in the internal climate. Thanks to the insulation of the floor, you can not only maintain the optimal temperature level. This will avoid the appearance of unwanted fungi, which cause various diseases, and condensate. As a result, the house is preserved for a long time safe and preservation. In some cases, you can even do without planned repairs.

Independent work

To perform heat insulation of the floor at home, all the work can be entrusted with a qualified brigade, which will require certain investments. However, if desired, everything is easy to do it yourself, for which it is enough to adhere to the instructions. The technology itself implies the following:

  • Cleaning the surface, and if necessary - it should be launched.
  • Processing with protective facilities, including the use of mastic.
  • Stacking a layer of heat-insulating material and its fastening, if this will also be necessary.

At the final stage, the formation of the floor itself, that is, laying a sheet of plywood, chipboard plate or boards. Only these materials need to be preprocessing with antiseptic and moisture proof. And only after that, on the finishing surface, the carpet can be treated or put the linoleum. So you can create a more comfortable atmosphere in the house.

In order to reduce cash costs, as well as labor costs, warming in one or two adjacent premises. At the same time, no matter how much it costs, the heat insulation of the floor of the whole house contributes to creating a more comfortable climate. At the same time, the work is desirable to schedule in the summer, which will be wrapped with a significant benefit. What are the floor insulation schemes exist?

Floor insulation schemes

The thickness of the laying of the heat-insulating material depends on the region where the cottage is located:

  • The middle bar is at least 12 cm.
  • North - 20 cm, no less.

In relation to inter-storey overlaps, in order to avoid heat leakage, it is necessary to additionally put the heat insulation layer of about 8 cm. With wooden floors, it is much easier to work with wooden floors, since the design of the floor is presented by beams and the lag system. This allows you to fill the space between the carrier elements of the foam, clamzite, mineral wool.

The essence of the work comes down to the next. Between the lags, a kind of "boxes" are formed, where, in fact, the selected insulation is stacked. In such a work there is nothing complicated, the main thing is to show perseverance, and then it can be performed without resorting to the help of specialists. It is enough to enlist the support of familiar or loved ones. In this case, everything will go smoothly and quickly.

Well, you should also choose the appropriate floor insulation technology on the old dacha and strictly stick to it.

Heat insulation in case of low underground

This technology is the most time-consuming, since it implies a dismantling of the old flooring. It is due to the limited sizes of the underground space, which does not allow to consolidate the thermal insulation material to the lags from the bottom.

Directly the steps themselves are as follows:

  • Gently dismantled plinth with floorboards. In the course of the case, each element of the "mosaic" is worth signing, so that you do not wash everything during reverse assembly.
  • Inspect all lags for integrity. If necessary, all problem areas should be cut off and instead of damaged items to install whole bruises of equivalent sizes. Extension is made using boards that are attached on the left and right side of the lag. As fasteners, apply galvanized screws (for obvious reasons).
  • The lower edge of each lady is attached to the cranial bar and the same with both sides. This will be a support for the rough floor.
  • In accordance with the prepared lumber, which will go to the formation of draft flooring. In this case, the length of each segment of the board must be 10-20 mm shorter step in the installation of the lag. Thanks to this, the flooring details will be laid free, but this will not interfere with the subsequent warming of the draft floor.
  • Now the formation of rough floors is the laying of harvested boards.

Small but need to retreat

Now it is worth paying attention to an important point. All further actions will depend on how much the rock is saturated with moisture. Black flooring and lags need to be covered by a layer of vaporizolation. Thanks to this barrier, the thermal insulation material will be reliably protected from the effect of steam, which rises from the surface of the Earth. However, this does not interfere with the conclusion of condensate from the head of the insulation.

If the house is erected on a plot with high groundwater is not suitable. Instead, it is necessary to organize waterproofing with the help of rubberoid or parchment.

Continued instructions

The above section is necessary because the cottage is located on different sections. Someone was lucky to be on land, others are forced to be content with "wet" places. Further front work on the insulation of sex in the country of their own hands:

  • The insulating layer is sprinkled with a solid cloth, while entering the walls by 10-15 cm. It turns out a kind of pallet. If it is a roll material, then it is stacked by the brass, connecting the strips among themselves through Scotch. To make it convenient to carry out further work, the insulating coating can be consolidated in some places to fix the staplers to lags and walls.
  • Educated between lags "boxes" is now filled with selected heat-insulating material, and a ventilation gap should remain between its surface and edge of the lag (about 2 cm). If this is not possible, it is necessary to form a counterclaim. For this, the rail is nailed with a step of 40 cm on the lags "in the cross" of their direction.
  • Now it is necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing (pergamine or diffuse membrane) in order to protect against moisture striving down. At the same time, if a controlled tank was built, the insulating layer should be located under it.
  • At the final step, it remains to fasten the flooring according to the marks. After that, the plinth is put back and on its edge is cut off excess insulation.

The question of the choice of insulation is needed to decide on the construction stage. But the insulation of floors at the cottage in the finished house can also be performed using the instructions given.

High cellar floor insulation

Here work is carried out almost the same way as the diagram above, but with the difference that it does not need to dismantle the flooring.

And in this case, the algorithm is directly opposite:

  • Using a stapler to the beams, the waterproofing layer on the side of the home cellar is attached. It is also pre-checking all the wooden floor elements for integrity. If necessary, repair beams.
  • The bottom of the beams are attached supporting bars or thin rails. If dampness is in the basement, then instead you need to use a galvanized profile. These elements have to keep the entire layer of thermal insulation material.
  • With this scheme, it is not used, so mineral wool is selected. It is cut into pieces, and their width should be 20-30 mm more than a step between the lag. In this case, in the "pocket" the insulation will be close to its walls and will be recorded for a while. Here you already need an assistant: one will hold stiff material, another mounted support rails.
  • In addition to the insulation of the floor in a wooden house, an insulating membrane is mounted below the stapler.
  • On the beams pinned boards for the formation of draft floor. Moreover, the boards should be laid in the transverse direction for the lag.

To protect the insulation from the encroachment of rodents, you can fix the metal grid with small cells on top of the waterproofing layer.

Double protection

With such a floor insulation scheme, the height before the ceiling will be reduced in the region of 12-20 cm. It is worth considering, and if the conditions allow you to move to the work. The algorithm here is:

  • Disassemble the plinth, and then inspect the flooring, and if necessary, repair. All slots are filled with mounting foam, a mixture of sawdust and joinery glue. Also suitable combination of texture and moistened paper.
  • Put the lags, the step between them should be from 60 to 70 cm, but not more than 90 cm.
  • Before starting the insulation of the floor in the country, it is necessary to check the height of the lag with a building level. Upon exceeding to remove excess the plane, in case there is a disadvantage, compensate for the rubberoid plaid lining.
  • The waterproofing layer or vaporizolation is fitted with a solid cloth.
  • "Boxes" between lags are filled with the selected heat insulating material. It should not be forgotten about the ventilation gap.
  • Cover still one insulating layer.
  • To lay the boards, Faneru, GVVV or any other similar material for the formation of the first floor.
  • At the final stage, the flooring is spilled and put on the place of the plinth.

If the foundation of the house holds on piles (including burbilic and screw modifications), regardless of the technological scheme of the floor insulation, it is necessary to protect with a windproof barrier. It is located outside.

Heat insulation between floors in the country

It is necessary to insulate the floor between the floors only in cases where the temperature of the room relative to the overlap is significantly different. At the same time, such a procedure can be performed for the floor-floor ceiling with an attic floor. The selection of insulation also depends on the method of its installation: lags or overlapping.

The sequence of work is approximately the same:

  • Between lags or by plates, layer
  • The insulation is made, and it is necessary to ensure that there is no cracks between its segments. Sometimes overlapping seams.
  • Over the waterproofing layer falls.
  • Formation of finishing gender.

If the house has a attic, which is used mainly as a storage room (not dwelling), then over the insulation, it is necessary to put the windproof design.

Selection of insulation

When choosing a material for insulation, the floor is necessary, first of all, pay attention to important characteristics:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • low weight;
  • durability;
  • resistance to humidity;
  • ease of material processing.

Budgetary insulation of sex at the cottage is sawdust, earth, moss, but now they are already outdated, and more modern and efficient options began to use the floor. In addition, sawdust, although they are very cheap and much easier to lay them, possess significant disadvantages. Over time, they start grew. Do not forget that this is a combustible material.

It should also be borne in mind that by choosing mineral wool as a heater, the thickness of the stolen material needs to be made at least 100 mm. With respect to porous analogs of the norm slightly more - from 100 to 120 mm.

In accordance with the regulatory documents, this variety of material includes:

  • glass gaming;
  • slag;
  • stone wool.

The size of the fibers are very small: the thickness of only 5-15 microns, and the length is no more than 50 mm. Due to such structure, the material is quite strong and elastic. It is necessary to work with it with marginal caution, since ignoring safety rules is fraught with different complications. Inhaling glass dust, you can cause serious damage to the light, and when thin threads break, they can get into the skin or eyes, which also does not promise anything good. But, despite this, many country real estate owners in sex warming issues still prefer this material.

Slagovat is characterized as a material with residual acidity. Such quality negatively affects metal surfaces in rooms with high humidity. The material is able to absorb moisture well, but at the same time rather fragile. Warming them plastic and metal structures are not recommended.

Unlike slag, the stone material is not spiny and therefore working with it is safer. The most common look is basalt wool, which has the highest characteristics. And this is in the absence of mineral and binding components. The material can be formed into rolls or sheets, as well as fill in mats. If you heat it up to the temperature above the permissible limits, it does not burn, but melts.

The weighty advantages of mineral wool include:

  • High degree of sound insulation.
  • Availability.
  • Durability.
  • The maximum effect in combination with good waterproofing.

It is widely used both when erecting new buildings and during repair work. But this is not the only material that can be used for floor insulation in a wooden house below.


The material is a small granules (about 50 mm), a brown shade. In total, there are three varieties depending on the dimensions: granules, small gravel, sand.

Among its positive qualities, it is worth noting the ecological purity, noise and sound insulation properties. To achieve the necessary effect, the material should be layered with a layer of 50 cm. Pulling it with concrete or cement is extremely recommended. Ceramzite can be used to warm both wooden floors and concrete coating.


This material has high thermal insulation properties, due to which he received widespread in the construction industry. In fact, this is a kind of expanded polystyrene, or rather its extruded option. In its production, the extrusion method is used (foaming, followed by indulging in a special form).

For insulation of sex at the dacha, the penplex is suitable perfect, and that is why. Ultimately, granulated material with cells is obtained (emptiness is filled with gas in them). With a low weight, the penplex does not pass moisture and retains warmly. Typically produced by sheets of 600 mm wide, and the length can be 1200 mm or 2400 mm.

As for its other positive qualities, such advantages can be distinguished:

  • Resistance to the effects of mold and fungus.
  • Durability.
  • Ease of installation (even do not need experience).
  • Resistance to deformation.
  • The ability to withstand temperature differences.

However, there are disadvantages. For example, ultraviolet rays have a destructive effect on the material. For this reason, finishing is needed over insulation, and it is made immediately.

In addition, this is a combustible material, during combustion, it highlights not only caustic smoke, but also toxins (blue acid, hydrogen bromide, phosgene). It is worth considering when choosing this material for the insulation of the floor in the country.

In this article we will tell about how to insulate the floor in the country available to the means and do it yourself. The topic of the article is of essential interest, since over 30% of the heat loss in the country house account for precisely on the floor. Meanwhile, to increase the energy efficiency of the construction site by means of insulation of the floor is not so difficult and you will certainly cope with this task yourself.

IMPORTANT: If the power supply is unstable, then for the operation of the power tool during the repair, the generator diesel is leased for the cottage.

Features of heat insulation floors in country houses

The insulation of floors in the country depends on the type and floor covering. Therefore, before proceeding with heat-insulating work, it is necessary to determine the type of floor and conduct an analysis of its condition.

It is advisable to carry out insulation of sex at the dacha for the following reasons:

  • minimization heat loss;
  • elimination of drafts;
  • preventing dampness and mold on the substrate flooring;
  • increase the operational resource of the draft floor.

So, there are reasons for carrying out thermal insulation works, it's time to consider how these works are performed.

Warming of female structures

The question is how to insulate the wooden floor in the country, relevant for most owners of old country houses.

The need for thermal insulation is caused:

  • the presence of emptiness between the boardwallet and soil;
  • the presence of slots between the boards.

Important: In most cases, rodents are born in most cases.
This is another reason to fill this space with a dense heat insulating material.

In the photo - claying frustration

In the case of a boardwalk, the optimal solution will be the insulation of the floor in the country of clay.

We do this as follows:

  • We liberate the room from furniture and other elements of the entourage.
  • We dismantle the plinth.
  • With the help of the nail and the chisels dismantle the boards.

Each dismantled board mark in accordance with its initial location. In addition, we mark its direction on the board.

If this is not done, the ranks from the boards at the end of work will be lying unevenly.

  • Raising the boards, align the soil and thoroughly seal in the intervals between the lags. For these purposes, you can apply a manual tamper, which can be made independently.

Tip: Aligning soil, it is advisable to carefully examine its surface for the presence of anthills and holes rodents.
If there are such, they need to be destroyed - rodent holes County crafts are poured with cement mortar with add-made glass.
With an anthill, under the floor, everything is somewhat more complicated, and therefore it is better to take advantage of special means designed to eliminate insects.

  • On top of the rammed soil, we laid waterproofing, for example, a polyethylene film.
  • Out of the waterproofing layer, clamzite falls asleep. In order for the backfilling to lay more thank, it is better to use a fine fraction clamzite.
  • Ceramzite, bothering between lags, trambam until its surface comes with the surface of the lag.
  • Next, the boards are stacked at the same place in accordance with the initial numbering. So that the surface of the laid floor is subsequently not deformed, the boards are not fixed with nails, but screws.
  • The slots formed between the boards can be legally, if the boarding coating is used as a rough floor. If the boarding coating is the finish, formed after the bulkboard of the boats, the cracks are putty, after which everything coverages is quicking.

Warming of concrete floors

Today, country houses from the container block are used everywhere. Floors in such structures are heat insulated from the factory. It is much more difficult for the situation with modern giving, where a concrete screed is applied as a draft floor.

In this case, it all depends on what the finish coating will be performed.

For example, if a laminate or parquet board is used as a coating, special substrates can be used for thermal insulation (cork, polyethylene foam or polystyrene foam).

  • Cork substrate - It is a draft coating produced from crumbling bark of oak compressed with the addition of adhesive composition.

In the photo - a cork substrate

Such coatings, depending on the thickness and type of the binder component, can be completely natural or mixed using bitumen or rubberized.

These substrates are good with a low degree of thermal conductivity and excellent sounding qualities. But, most importantly, the cork substrate absorbs a slight relief of the concrete screed.

However, there are disadvantages. The cork substrate is afraid of moisture, which is solved by pre-covers on the tie of the polyethylene film. Perhaps the most important disadvantage is a high price.

  • Polyeneetylene, as a thermal insulation substrate, is characterized by resistant to excessive humidity, excellent thermal conductivity and simplicity of installation. In addition, the price of this material is an order of magnitude lower than the cost of analogs.
    The lack of material is a short time, since this coating quickly loses the form during mechanical loads.

  • Polystyrene foam, as a substrate, is a two-layer coating. The top layer foamed is polystyrene foam, and the bottom layer is a foil.
    Such a coating is distinguished by the average cost in combination with high thermal insulation qualities. Levelly warm are single-layer modifications made from extruded polystyrene foam.

Warming tie under loaf linoleum

The country house is associated with urban residents with a construction designed for recreation and pastime at the city in the summer. On the issue and feasibility of the insulation of sex at the cottage, almost every owner of the country's construction in cool and rainy weather was conceived. Consider how this can be done, and what materials it is best to use.

The validity of the work

Some horticulture lovers work on their summer cottage not only in summer, but also in the fall. And the beginning of work they usually have to early spring. However, the country house is usually not insulated, which can deliver discomfort in cool weather.

In the absence of insulation of the house, the premises are problematic and not suiced, especially if many communications are absent in the country house. Attempts of heating of cottages ends with the fact that the heat from the heating devices goes through the floor and the ceiling.

You can make work on the insulation of the floor in the country with your own hands. To reduce the costs of purchasing materials, as well as in order to reduce labor costs, you can insulate only one or two rooms. However, the insulation of the entire premises will be much more comfortable for the pastime in the spring and autumn.

Planning warming activities, it is necessary to appoint work for the summer period, this will increase their quality.

Selection of materials

The most inexpensive insulation materials are sawdust, earth and moss. But such materials refer to the category of obsolete, they have their own characteristics and disadvantages. Consider the main materials that can be used as insulation:

  • Sawdust. The most rare material, is distinguished by the cheap, simplicity of laying and low weight. The disadvantages of the composition are the formation of rotation processes, as well as combustibility;
  • Ceramzit. It has a similar insulation principle similar to sawdresses. It is resistant to burning and occurrence of rotting processes. The disadvantage is the considerable weight of the material;
  • Penoplex or extruded polystyrene foam. This slab insulation is resistant to fire, practical, has a small weight, simplicity of laying. It is not afraid of moisture, insects and rodents. Penoplex often insulate the foundation of the house and facade. An additional advantage is the fact that when insulation, the penplex is not formed condensate;
  • Styrofoam. Severally similar to the penplex, but these two material have different characteristics. It burns well, the attacks of rodents are afraid, but the most popular at the expense of its attractive value. Since rodents are frequent guests in the garden house, you should use a special shallow mesh to protect thermal insulation from mice;
  • Polyurethan. Also has many advantages. Very practical and durable material;
  • Mineral wool. Refers to practical materials for insulation not only floors, but also the facade in the country house. This material is used for many years in construction work as high-quality and affordable.

For your information. If mineral wool is chosen as a heater, it is necessary to lay it with a thickness of 10 mm. For porous materials, the thickness should be 10-12 cm.

Also, when using rolled insulation, it is necessary to remember the obligation to close their moisture-resistant material on both sides.

An excellent option can be simultaneous insulation of floors with their own hands with the help of organic and mineral insulation. They should be laid according to the principle of puff cake. It is necessary to dry the material before stacking, this will avoid posting.

Sequence of work

If one floor is in a country summer house, there is enough insulation of the floor of the first floor and the attic. When it comes to the dacha of two floors, the task is somewhat more complicated.

The process of insulation of floors in the country is largely determined by their design. In most cases, the design consists of one row of boards on the lags. Outdoor coating are filling over the boards. As a result, even at high temperatures on the street from the ground in the house enters the cold.

When the basis of the house is a ribbon foundation, the construction of the base implies the presence of blood. They are necessary for ventilation. In winter, it is recommended to close these holes with insulation, opening in the summer.

The process of insulation of floors will be as follows:

  • It is necessary to dismantle the old flooring and the top layer of the boards. Warming materials are laid into space between lags. Warming the floor with your own hands, you can not forget about laying a vapor barrier film on top and bottom from the insulation. It can be fixed by a stapler, it should cover the entire surface of the floor;
  • Close the design with draft floors. It may be plywood or chipboard. As a council, professionals recommend replacing nails with self-draws, they are distinguished by greater practicality and durability;
  • Complete operations of laying outdoor coverage.

Now in the country cottage house heat, cozy and comfortable. And the video material presented below will allow you to familiarize yourself with the process of work visually.

Healing floor attic

If the cottage is planned for winter accommodation, it is necessary to take care of the luggage of the attic floor, since a significant amount of heat goes through the ceiling. These works can be made with your own hands, or use the services of qualified specialists.

Choosing materials for insulation of the attic floor, it is impossible not to take into account the features of the region of residence. The insulation itself should be harmless to the body and durable.

The process of insulation of the attic floor includes checking and rejection of all wooden elements and beams. Rotten and spoiled items should be processed and replaced. Next begins directly the process of insulation.

It is recommended to first be the vapor insulation material, on top of which to lay the insulation, closing it with the second layer of vaporizolation. Sheet materials require level alignment. Since irregularities can lead to the formation of cracks of sheets. When using polyurethane foam does not require a construction structure of several layers.

If the room is not used or used to store various things and items, then the arrangement of the attic floor can be completed. When the attic is planned as a room, the ceiling of the room should be insulated. On the video, you can visually see the insulation procedure of the attic method by applying a liquid insulation.

Warming in a two-story house

If it means the use of a country house in winter to relax, it is necessary to determine which territory of the house-cottage will be necessary. For a two-story house, it will be enough for work on the insulation of the first floor. Then the second tier can be blocked, which will allow you to save the heat only at the level of the first floor. Do it yourself to make it simple enough. You can use undergraduate materials. It can be plywood and a layer of insulation.

If the heat insulation is not laid on the wooden floor, the house, naturally, will quickly lose heat. But, besides this, the permanent temperature difference will cause condensate formation, which is inevitably accompanied by the appearance of fungus and mold. To avoid these negative phenomena, it is necessary to lay such a insulation that would fully respond to the conditions of the cottage. Most often, the floor on the cottages are insulated with mineral wool, perlit, foam and clay.

The method of insulation of dacha floors is largely determined by their design. Most often, the floor design includes the following elements:

  • lags;
  • stacked draft boards;
  • cutting.

If the design of the floor is similar to the above described above, the process of insulation should include the following steps:

  • dismantling of the existing flooring;
  • laying of waterproofing material;
  • laying insulation;
  • installation of floor covering.

Now alternately describes each insulation, which is suitable for the floor in the country.

Do you know that the balcony is able to dig heat from the apartment? And find out how to avoid it!


Keramzite is called porous granules having a round shape. The following factors should be attributed to its merits:

  • price availability;
  • resistance to chemicals, frost and rotting;
  • low weight;
  • durability.

Optimal to the insulation of the field is considered a layer of clamzite thickness of about 30 cm.

Mineral wool

This insulation is very popular. Among its main advantages are especially valued:

  • minvat are not scary neither temperature differences nor high temperatures;
  • it is easy to cut and also easy to lay.

With year-round accommodation at the cottage, the layer of laid minvati should have a thickness of about 20 cm. The layer thickness can be reduced to 4 cm if the cottages use only in summer.


Perlite is called sand-shaped thermal insulation material, strolled using special technology.

Perlite is scattered along a concrete base or make a chimney of a chisty.


This material is a reliable obstacle to cold and a great keeper of home heat. It is characterized by high durability and wear resistance, it is attractive to his cheapness.

However, making a choice in favor of this material, it is necessary to take care of the protection of foam from fire and rodents in advance.

Properties that are characterized by each insulation

Picking up the insulation for his home, should be proceeding from being answered by three next requirements:

  1. ensured the effective conservation of heat;
  2. was harmless;
  3. he was durable.

Based on the listed requirements, we estimate each of the heater listed above.

Ceramzit and perlite are completely harmless materials due to their natural origin. Mineral wool contains some rather harmful phenol formaldehyde compounds. From the point of view of thermal conductivity, the mineral wool has the best characteristics of the heat resistant, which is also characteristic of the foam. Moreover, the Minvat is not scary moisture.

An important disadvantage of mineral wool should include low vapor permeability, as a result of which it is necessary to consider the issues of steam insulation in advance. The same moment refers to the ceramisit. Ceramzite, as perlite, is attractive to its strength and durability. However, their heat resistant ability is somewhat lower.

When choosing a heater, you should also know and remember that:

  • mineral wool with foam plastic belongs to sheet materials;
  • ceramzit with Perlit - to a falling.

So, we told you about the main heat insulating materials that can be successfully used in the country. The concrete insulation must be chosen independently, given the properties described above and its financial capabilities.

R. S.

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For most people, the cottage from temporary housing, which is used only in summer, becomes a real country house in which they come to her even in the whole in winter. But in order to be comfortable and warm in the country, even in frosty weather, you need to know how to make the insulation of the floor in the country, choose the most appropriate technology. It is only necessary to make the entire complex of work even before the arrival of the cold, so that there are much warmth in the country.

What to choose technology

Floor insulation can occur differently. When choosing the appropriate technology, you need to decide how work will be held:

On concrete;

On lags.

Lagat insulation can be done on the concrete and wood base of the floor. The explicit advantage of this technique is the ability to exclude the load on the heat insulation layer. Therefore, when this method is selected, the insulation of different types, mineral wool and bulk materials can be laid.

If the insulation is placed on a concrete base, it is experiencing heavy loads. This may cause the deformation of the insulating material. To prevent this, when insulation on concrete, you need to use materials with good density characteristics.

Attention! To decide how best to insulate the floor in the country, you can watch a video. It pretty clearly shows the sequence of the work process, used tools and materials. In this case, it will be much easier to understand the technology.

As a rule, at the cottage the floor is made of wood and very rarely poured with concrete. Therefore, in this case, it is better to make insulation on lags. In this case, the time of work is significantly increasing.

What to choose material

If the question is solved what material to make floor insulation in the country, the cost of the insulation is of great importance. The better quality and affordable insulating layer, the better for the owners. Also, much attention should be paid to how durable material, reliable, moisture-resistant, which has thermal conductivity, how quickly insulating work is happening with it. The quality of work depends on this, and the operation time of the insulation. There is a fairly large selection of insulation on the market. For giving buy:

Polystyrene foam extruded;

Polystyrene foam;


Basalt wool;


Technical cork;

Mineral wool.

Any of materials has its advantages. The choice of insulation depends on the individual qualitacy of the cottage and the effect to achieve. Selecting how to warm the floor, you can start work.

Warming in Lagam

To begin with, you need a dismantling of an old coating, in many houses it is made of boards. After removal, you need to evaluate the integrity of the draft floor. If it is normal, Lag laying is made. The distance between each bar can be selected to the meter.

Then, when the lags are fixed, the heat insulation is fastened to the space formed between them. As a rule, preference is given to fiberglass, polystyrene foam, ceramisitis, mineral wool mats.

Putting flexible mats need to be controlled to the surface that has a paper perforated layer, was from the bottom. Installation of hydrophobized mineral wool materials is done in such a way that the solid side is from above. In order to have no problems when laying, the solid side is painted in blue.

Attention! By placing thermal insulation, you need to take care of the waterproofing layer. He must be from two sides and be thick up to 250mkm.

Steamproofing is mounted on top of the lag. Then you can install the floor covering. You can install the same boards that dismantled at the initial stage.

If there is a second floor, then work occurs as well. However, in this case, in addition to the two layers of waterproofing, it is necessary to perform as many layers of vaporizolation.

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Warming of concrete floor

Concrete floor itself is very cold. If at the cottage it is he, then even the fireplace will not give the opportunity to make the cottage warm and cozy without a certain set of work. As a rule, in this case floors are installed, in the process of laying which the cement screed is made.

Usually, extruded polystyrene is chosen as insulation, it has a good density. Durability, moisture resistance and sufficient material strength makes it possible to provide sufficient level of thermal insulation. At the same time, the arrangement of a multilayer cake, which includes:

Base concrete;

Layer of polystyrene foam;

Finish coating.

Also, concrete floor can be insulated with clay. For this, even base is covered with rubberoid or pergamine and falling asleep with a layer of clay. The thickness of the layer is needed at least 15 cm, since otherwise you will not create the necessary level of thermal insulation. From above, the ceramzite is covered with two layers of the film. It is installed in such a way that there is a lamb to the walls. All connections are skilled with scotch. From above, as in the above embodiment, the device is made and the flooring is mounted.

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