Family horoscope Libra for the year woman. happy day kaleidoscope

The buildings 24.09.2019
The buildings

For Libra, the year will not start very well: there will be troubles both at work and at home. Try not to panic, but solve emerging problems one by one and effective way. The horoscope for the zodiac sign Libra promises an improvement in the situation only by the end of the year, but throughout the entire period, not only unpleasant events await you, but also a lot of pleasures and surprises.

Horoscope for Libra for 2017

The stars are not advising you to take action this year. This time is given to you to rethink and analyze your life. In the previous year, you managed to do and achieve a lot, and now you need to consolidate your success and keep it so that you have solid ground under your feet. After all, you have big plans for the future. And for Libra, it gives you time to prepare for the coming changes.

In terms of finances, the year promises to be successful: bonuses and salary increases await you, provided that you try for this, of course. But in matters of love, you need to be more careful: you are unlikely to be able to find someone new, so try to keep the one who is next to you. This person has already experienced enough next to you, appreciate his support.

They will turn to you for help and advice - do not refuse, because someday you will need help. However, if you are attentive to the environment, you yourself will notice who really needs your friendly shoulder.

Autumn is a very traumatic period for you: follow the rules traffic, safety precautions and all the warnings you know. Otherwise, you risk becoming a victim of an accident or serious injury. In autumn, you should also be especially careful about what and to whom you say: the conflicts that began during this period will be protracted.

Horoscope Libra: for men

The Year of the Rooster is, of course, the year of your career success. You will practically fly up the stairs. But this requires not just sitting in your seat, but doing your job diligently and very carefully. And then your labors will be rewarded according to merit. Offer new bold ideas and solutions, “shine” in every possible way in front of the authorities, so that when it comes to promotion, they already have a candidate ready - yours.

In matters of love, beware of harsh words and expressions. A word dropped in a quarrel can put an end to long-term relationships. If you are married, try to give your spouse enough time. In case of absence, you do not have a permanent partner, think about the reason. In any case, you should not go headlong into work, forgetting about your personal life. Even if in that field you expect much greater success.

Spend your summer vacation with benefit: no beaches and sleepy sanatoriums, only active rest! Go on a bus tour, on excursions, to museums, learn traditions, language, communicate with locals, join the culture. So you will be enriched spiritually and will be able to captivate your colleagues with new interesting stories. In general, the horoscope for men is quite favorable, but a lot depends on how you can control your emotions. It's no secret that Libra is one of the signs that easily and quickly gives in to other people's influence, do not become a weapon in the wrong hands.

Horoscope Libra: for women

For women, the Fire Rooster promises household chores. You will be completely absorbed in resolving issues related to your relatives, children and parents. In the first place, of course, will be your spouse. Relations with him may become aggravated at the beginning of the year. This situation will last until spring, when you can take a breath, stop and think about what to do next.

At work, the horoscope advises you to be as quiet as possible. Do not get involved in feuds between colleagues, and do not take sides. But it is not worth notifying the authorities about the division into camps. This will ruin your reputation and nerves. Why do you need this? But still, try to be aware of behind-the-scenes intrigues so as not to inadvertently become their center or “scapegoat”.

Take care of your children's leisure: start a joint hobby or captivate them with some new unusual activity. Otherwise, in the fall you will not end up with problems with their behavior. Also, the horoscope for women calls this year favorable for having a baby. And if you already have, then you can safely plan a second pregnancy - your spouse will support you.

Financial horoscope for Libra for 2017

In the year of the Rooster, all signs are subject to rash spending and therefore often lose their savings. You will be able to avoid big expenses. But keeping a journal of expenses and profits does not hurt. Try to keep small amounts of salary and other types of earnings for an unforeseen event.

The stars do not recommend starting a new business in 2017. Instead, you can pay more attention to its planning and design. The more risks you take into account, the more likely it is that your project will be of interest to a large investor. So don't be afraid to dream.

Your career will skyrocket this year. At least that's what the horoscope for 2017 says. Just remember that not everything can be obtained at once. Your work will be appreciated only in the fall, but then you can get a promotion, an increase in salary and a boss's chair. In any case, do not relax throughout the year, because when the time comes for the harvest, it will depend not only on the seeds sown, but also on the effort you put into cultivating them.

Financial horoscope for men for 2017

For men, the year promises to be profitable and very successful. You will shine at meetings, surprising partners with your eloquence and ability to convince. But when making deals, focus only on bare facts and figures - no intuition or recommendations from friends. Otherwise, you risk burning out.

The key to your success will be precisely in the ability to analyze the situation and draw the right conclusion. You will have a lot of envious people, so try not to give them an extra reason for gloating. You should also be wary of deception and setup from a longtime partner. Take a look at your surroundings.

At work, you will have a slightly strained relationship with colleagues due to your desire to prove yourself to management. What to do in this case? Do not turn off the intended path, but boast less of your successes. Have your plan written down in your diary, not hanging over your desk like a poster.

When it comes to money, remember that spending money on entertainment can't hurt. You may not be able to afford to buy a new car this year, but a couple of tickets to a big match of your favorite team is enough.

Financial horoscope for women

In terms of finances, women should not worry too much. You are not in for big spending or losses this year, as you will not succumb to the influence of the Rooster and will not make impulsive purchases. But a little saving won't hurt either, because in the summer you will want to freshen up your wardrobe and yourself at the same time.

Feel free to spend money on all sorts of procedures: massages, spas, mud baths and wraps - all this will get rid of nervous tension who will be at work almost all year. Buy a few fashion accessories, a bag or new shoes, but it is better to refrain from purchasing expensive jewelry. The risk of losing the jewel is great.

At work, you should maintain neutrality and perform your job duties with particular care. While your colleagues will discuss and condemn the authorities, try to stay away and mind your own business. This will be appreciated by management. But do not expect too fast results - not until autumn at least.

Love horoscope for Libra for 2017

This year is not suitable for risky adventures and intrigues, focus on long-established connections. According to the horoscope for 2017 for the zodiac sign Libra, you should be careful not only in choosing people, but also words. A random word and a careless reproach can cause a serious scandal.

Married stars are strongly advised to devote more time to their spouse, bring romance into relationships, get out somewhere together to be just the two of them, otherwise the marriage will crack. In general, 2017 is the year of tense relationships between Libra and their loved ones, so you need to try very hard not to aggravate the situation.

But single people need to think about the reason for their loneliness and try to change their way of life and thinking. Perhaps you are looking in the wrong direction or simply do not notice the happiness that is already around you.

  • Love horoscope for men advises to focus on your partner and her desires. Of course, you don't have to turn into Jin, but it doesn't hurt to try to please her. Make her a pleasant surprise or a gift, spend the holidays together or go for a long walk. Your efforts will be noticed and appreciated, do not even hesitate. In the past, your relationship has already cracked, so now you need not to make amends, but to win your chosen one again. Once you have already succeeded, so the path to her heart is familiar to you - just do not stop.

If you don’t have a permanent couple or you are only connected by sex, think about whether you need such a relationship, perhaps they have become a burden for you for a long time and it’s time to think about something more permanent? The stars prophesy a return from the past: some of your passion may return to your life. Perhaps this is your second chance at happiness with her.

  • Love horoscope for women prophesies a successful and strong marriage, if they try hard enough for this. Your man will often be offended by you if, instead of spending time with him, you run away to meet with your girlfriends. Remember that even though he is a representative of the strong half of humanity, the initiative must come from you. At least for a while. Otherwise, he will feel abandoned. Give him the opportunity to prove himself: call to the cinema and visit, and he will run to you with gifts and flowers, and gratitude in his eyes.

Unmarried Libra women are advised by stars to try their luck abroad. Perhaps your betrothed is waiting for you at a resort or in the subway of some other city. Show some initiative: meet online, contact an agency, go on vacation abroad. But be careful, being too gullible can make you easy prey for scammers.

Children's horoscope for Libra for 2017

Little Libra will approach everything very thoroughly, trying to understand the essence of things, so expect a flurry of questions and thoughts on a free topic. Your child will write scientific work and nothing less.

Most of the questions will be asked by very preschool children, so be patient and answer all questions, even the most stupid ones. Don't dismiss your baby with a reference to an encyclopedia or the Internet, it will be much more useful to communicate with him personally: this will strengthen your bond and allow the child to take root in the opinion that parents know everything. Your authority will grow!

Middle-aged children will play very adult and therefore headstrong. For every word you say, they will have two, for every two you say, ten. What to do? Threaten to treat them like children. With a visual demonstration, of course. Nashkodil? Send it to the corner. there will be no limit to the surprise of the child, but a provocation will also follow this. Resist the trickster's entreaties: make a pact that, subject to normal behavior on the part of the child, you promise to respect his opinion and treat him accordingly.

Teenagers will also be especially curious. Only in their case will this manifest itself in a desire to try something that has long been forbidden: to go away from home, smoke, or climb into the basement of an abandoned building. But they will also suddenly show a strong desire for justice, be prepared to listen to stories about how your child stood up for a girl or a cat.

Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac, ruling from September 23 to October 22. People born under it are distinguished by modesty, friendliness and inimitable charm. They rarely take offense over trifles and are not able to hurt loved ones, because thanks to their well-developed intuition, they easily predict the whims of others.

But the nature of Libra is quite contradictory. Indeed, with external cheerfulness, at certain moments they can turn into real tyrants. However, even dark side their character is no less attractive than the bright one.

This sign of the zodiac is characterized by inconstancy. Activity in such people can be abruptly replaced by complete apathy. It is difficult for them to make informed decisions, because because of their changeable nature, they often fall under third-party influence.

Libra men are not stingy with advice and money. The support of others is important to them, but due to the fact that they are often focused on the mistakes of others, they can seem complacent and callous. If we talk about women, then with all the charm, there are masculine features in their character. But the beautiful representatives of Libra rarely demonstrate their harsh temper. They do not show superiority over others, so they are friendly and nice in communication.

Most prominent representatives Libra are Giuseppe Verdi, Oscar Wilde, Sergei Yesenin, Miguel de Cervantes, Margaret Thatcher, Sarah Bernhardt, Marina Tsvetaeva, etc. What will be the 2017 horoscope for Libra women and Libra?

Libra in the Year of the Red Rooster

For Libra, this year will be a period when it is necessary not only to plan for future affairs, but also to devote time to summing up past achievements. Analytical abilities will reach incredible limits, and intuition will help to successfully solve the accumulated problems. In these 365 days key concept for Libra, concentration should become. Never let anything take its course. But at the same time, planning a new life stage at the beginning of the year is still not worth it. Not only will this not bring you the desired success, but it will also harm your previous achievements.

Be prepared for the fact that "ghosts of the past" can burst into a measured life. But this should not be a reason for you to worry, because Libra will be able to dot the “and” and get rid of “unnecessary” problems, deeds and people.

Also, according to the horoscope, 2017 will bring Libra a lot of new acquaintances. Some meetings can even turn out to be fateful. On your way with high proportion chances are there will be people with whom you will be able to carry relationships through your whole life. But let into your life only those whose sincere intentions do not cause you to doubt.

Seasonal forecast

In winter, you should take time to think about life, as the horoscope for 2017 insists on for Libra men and Libra women. This will achieve harmony with the outside world.

In spring and summer, do not refuse to help relatives, friends, and even strangers who need you. But at the same time, be careful and do not impose your opinion on others. Also at this time, the signs of fate will be waiting for you at every step, do not lose sight of them. Keep a dream book at hand and learn to correctly interpret what is happening.

Autumn for Libra will be a traumatic period in which you need to be extremely careful. If possible, avoid long trips and flights. Passion for extreme sports is also fraught with danger for this zodiac sign.

At the end of the year, take some time to plan to prioritize events for the coming period.

Forecast for Libra men

The stars will be favorable to the strong half of humanity. Libra men will be able to achieve success in the professional field, to be on a new step in the career ladder. There is also a high chance of an increase in salary, which will allow you to change the car or living space.

Love and relationships

The year for Libra men in the love field will not be the most successful. Relations with the opposite sex will be difficult and strained.

If you already have a lover, make every effort to make the relationship more trusting. Women always notice the efforts of their man, so show yourself as a reliable and attentive partner. The other half will appreciate it. Plan a trip together for the spring. The horoscope predicts that such a pastime will leave behind many pleasant memories.


Libra men will be pleasantly surprised by the increase in income. But for this you have to work hard and not give up part-time jobs. If we talk about spending, then they should be moderate. The Fire Rooster will not react well to large expenses.

In general, the working environment in the coming year will not be easy. But you will cope with the tension if you stay away from the intrigues and scandals that your colleagues will try to drag you into. If at some point you feel that you are tired of the work process, feel free to take one or two days off. This time will be enough to rest and rethink the path of life.

What else can Libra men expect?

Men are advised to give Special attention doing sports. Sign up for a pool. Regular swimming lessons will positively affect your figure and spine health. Also, try to use transport as little as possible, walk.

Do not abuse alcohol, because in the year of the Fire Rooster this can turn into dangerous consequences for you.

Horoscope for 2017 for women

For women born under this zodiac sign, the year of the Red Fire Rooster will be the best period to experience the joys of motherhood. And even if you already have children, feel free to plan replenishment.

love horoscope

Libra women in 2017 should not leave a man alone, devoting leisure time to meeting friends or shopping. It is also important to watch your words, because harshness in statements and irascibility in the coming year can play a cruel joke on relationships. Do not forget to spend enough time with your family, take care of the upbringing and development of children, plan interesting and diverse weekends.

The fair sex, who does not yet have a lover, needs to decide on a trip to distant lands. Most likely, your man is waiting for you on the other side of the world. You can make interesting acquaintances through special agencies or simply go on a journey towards adventure on your own. After all, even despite the fact that adventures will not best solution, should not be idle either.


If you believe the horoscopes, then Libra's income this year will significantly exceed expenses. The basis of financial independence will be diligence and initiative in solving work tasks. But do not keep yourself in overly strict limits, reasonable spending will not affect your well-being in any way. In the year of the Fire Rooster, it is best for Libra women to spend money on beauty and relaxation treatments.

In the professional sphere, women born under Libra should also stay away. conflict situations. Don't get into arguments, just do your thing. official duties. While colleagues will be carried away by squabbles, you will have time to demonstrate to your superiors your pragmatism and hard work. This is always appreciated, often in monetary terms.

  • Horoscopes advise representatives of this zodiac sign to pay special attention to their health during this period. pay attention to various means traditional medicine, but do not plunge headlong into unconventional treatment. There is no place for healing exotics now, just keep your body in good shape with herbal tea and herbal infusions
  • Also, don't forget about sports. The optimal solution yoga becomes. By devoting time to meditation and asanas, you will not only tighten your muscles, but also find inner harmony.
  • If we talk about nutrition, do not experiment with the exotic. This may not have the best effect on your health. Make a choice in favor fractional nutrition and traditional dishes.

Dates of birth of Libra: 24.09 - 23.10

Ruler planet of Libra: Venus.

Element Libra: Air.

Libra Symbols: scales, book.

Happy days of Libra: Friday Saturday.

Libra bad days: Tuesday, Sunday.

Libra Metal: bronze, copper, manganese.

Gem of Libra: opal.

Libra Plant: ash.

Libra Numerology: number 3.

Libra's most inspiring color: dark purple.

Opposite sign of Libra: Aries

For Libra, 2017 will be a year when you have to draw conclusions from the past, review and analyze current affairs and plan for the future. It is in the year of the Fiery Rooster that the representatives of the sign will have the opportunity to solve many issues and problems that have been haunting for a long time. At the beginning of the year, Libra will actively and quite successfully show the ability to analyze what is happening around, synthesize and put everything in its place. A lot of time will have to be spent on analyzing previous mistakes, which will certainly remind you of themselves in the coming year and require an immediate solution.

Libra will need to make a lot of effort and time in order to overcome troubles and hardships. Moreover, energy will have to be spent not only physical, but also mental. Representatives of the sign should not have high hopes for 2017, it will not bring unexpected pleasant surprises and will not be rich in positive events. But at the same time, the period is perfect for understanding yourself.

Libra has enough strength and wisdom to put everything in its place, sort through everything that bothered them. If you manage to take the time to think about life, then the stars will give the representatives of the sign a gift in the form of harmony and tranquility.

In 2017, Libra's intuition will sharpen, they will sharply perceive all the processes taking place around them, and if they listen to their inner instinct, they will be able to make the right decisions. Intuition will not only provide serious help in solving personal problems, but will also allow you to give advice to people around you.

Particular attention should be paid to some of the signs that fate will send to Libra. Representatives of the sign should be attentive to dreams, signs, especially if they are those that the representatives of the sign are accustomed to believing in and which always “work”. Often, what is happening around will have some special meaning, attentiveness will allow you to discern the "double bottom" in symbolic signs.

The optimal strategy of behavior in 2017 for Libra will be the gradual accumulation of strength. As astrologers say, the upcoming year of the rooster will be fundamental for the representatives of this house of the horoscope, it will determine the future for years to come. Therefore, it is worth being more attentive to events, not exchanging for trifles, in an attempt to conquer new heights.

Work for Libra in 2017

In the professional sphere in 2017 there will be an ambiguous situation. it is worth preparing for the fact that colleagues will weave networks of intrigue, and will try to involve representatives of the sign in this matter. It is quite possible that you will have to enter into a conflict that will even unsettle Libra for a while. In such situations, it would be most reasonable to distance oneself from brewing disputes, try not to go for provocations. The less Libra knows about unnecessary and thankless deeds, the more likely it is that troubles will bypass them. You can also resist such situations by completely immersing yourself in work, especially since the bosses will appreciate the diligence and diligence.

In 2017, Libra should exercise maximum caution in the professional field, acting energetically and efficiently, the planets promise to reward representatives of the sign with such qualities. Miracles of perseverance Libra will be able to manifest especially clearly in the second half of the year, thanks to which they will be able to achieve good results. The career will develop successfully, the leadership will favorably appreciate the desire of Libra to reach new horizons in work.

The decisions of Libra in 2017 in business will be distinguished by prudent balance and thoughtfulness. This will allow the representatives of the sign to slowly but stubbornly go towards their goals, without making annoying miscalculations and mistakes. Efforts will not be in vain, and by the end of the year, many Libras will have to "survive" the euphoria of a career take-off that will bring them to a high position.

Financial horoscope for 2017 for Libra

In 2017, Libra will not have any special problems with money, Fiery will provide the representatives of the sign, albeit a small, but constant income. Cash expenses for those born under the sign of Libra will not be too active, but at the same time, saving any significant amount will not work either. It is better for Libra not to plan anything global for this year, it will not be possible to fulfill the plan yet.

The stars say that many representatives of the sign in 2017 will have a desire to have fun and relax by spending a certain amount of money on this. If such desires arise, then you should not limit yourself, Libra will need rest. The funds that will be spent on rest will return a hundredfold, relaxation and a pleasant time will have the most beneficial effect on Libra's well-being, restore their efficiency, energy and vigor. And all these factors will have a direct impact on obtaining worthy financial benefits.

A well-thought-out quality vacation that Libra can afford in 2017 will cheer you up and give you strength, charging you with positive and energy for a long time. The stars are not advised to neglect outdoor activities and moderate entertainment. The satisfaction received will allow the representatives of the sign to catch luck by the tail, financial affairs will go up. Even if a significant addition to the budget is not expected at the main job, it is likely that Libra will be able to earn good money elsewhere. For many, this will turn out to be a great one-time job or additional income that will bring a good income.

In order to achieve success and prosperity in financial affairs, the stars advise Libra in 2017 to show diligence and perseverance, setting a specific goal.

Love horoscope for 2017 for Libra

Love in 2017 will try to exceed everything, so you should show at least a little resistance. In their personal lives, stars recommend achieving complete solidity and stability. It is necessary to make efforts to strengthen everything that is, not to rush headlong into new adventures and unknown adventures. This applies equally to the representatives of the sign, who have already known the feeling of love, and to those who are still in search.

The Year of the Fiery will be a good period in order to strengthen relations with your soulmate. Libra will need to make an effort and show himself as a reliable partner who is always ready to help, justify the trust. Efforts will certainly be noted and all efforts will not be in vain, having received a worthy reward. In 2017, vacation trips with your soulmate will be useful.

Circumstances will favor a joint recreational trip, guarantee many pleasant moments. Paying maximum attention to his partner, Libra should not forget about himself and his desires. They may well afford to make a pleasant surprise for themselves in the form of purchases or extraordinary situations.

The love horoscope advises Libra in 2017 to be careful with the feelings of others. This warning is especially relevant in the first half of the year, when the representatives of the sign will be very playful. It is likely that during this period, Libra, not in the mood for a serious relationship, will break more than one heart. In the second half of the year, there is a possibility that the representatives of the sign will fall into the other extreme, they will take their relationship with their soulmate too seriously. They may even dare to seal the relationship with a passport stamp. However, the stars say that 2017 will not be the best period to tie the knot. If the wedding theme remains relevant, then the wards of Venus can implement it at the beginning of next year.

It has become habitual that New Year on Eastern calendar comes later. And 2017 the Year of the Fire Rooster begins on January 28th. The rooster is a bright, proud and artistic bird, so this period cannot be called boring. Let's see what the Rooster brings to the balanced and friendly Libra.

General horoscope
The ruler of Libra is the planet of love and beauty Venus. In the element of Air, she endows her wards with an even temper, serenity, the talent to compromise and negotiate with the enemy, turning him into a friend. It is these qualities that are fully characteristic of the representatives of the sign of Libra, of course, if Venus in the horoscope is strong and not damaged.

In 2017, a very interesting and rather rare picture is observed in the Libra horoscope. The first 8 months of the year in the sign of Libra will be the great benefactor Jupiter - a symbol of luck, good luck, development and growth. At this time, Libra will be lucky: the Rooster will fulfill their personal cherished desires, glorify someone, reward someone. You will feel a surge of strength and optimism, faith in yourself and your star.
The period up to and including September is best used for learning, solving various everyday issues and plans - you will succeed in everything, and personal efforts and labors will bring excellent results that you can use for many more years.
Jupiter will move into Scorpio on October 18, promising continued success, this time in financial matters. The rest of the year is good for revealing your talents and developing your abilities.

During periods of strong Venus, the stars promise a particularly successful horoscope for 2017: Libra may well feel like the minions of fate. January will be one of the brightest periods of good luck and prosperity: Venus in exaltation - the strongest position - also forms a reception ( mutual exchange signs) with the great benefactor Jupiter. These two planets accentuate the first and sixth houses of Libra and this aspect promises a holiday even on weekdays, symbolizes well-being in everyday affairs. At this time, Libra can change their image - the result will be brilliant.
Another chance like this will hit you in April, however, moving retrograde, Venus will now bring delays, misunderstandings and obstacles. However, the aspect will retain some of its strength, and, in spite of everything, this time will be favorable.

Work, career and money
The business sphere of Libra is in charge of Jupiter, which brings good luck and prosperity. A great benefactor in 2017 will be in the first house for 8 months, and this gives a special chance for promotion. The scales will be at the right time in the right place, and winning is not excluded.

Creative representatives of the sign will be able to turn their hobby into a source of income and recognition. Properly conducting their affairs, Libra in the year of the Fire Rooster can reach great heights in public and professional activity, to become famous, famous or to receive recognition of their merits.

In mid-October, Jupiter will move into the second house of Libra, blessing its wards with profit and financial luck. The stars portend a rather successful horoscope for 2017: Libra will receive a worthy reward for their labors.

love horoscope
Conducive to communication and so charming, Libra is not particularly prone to romance, because their love sphere is in charge of the harsh Saturn. The horoscope says that Libra can do correct calculation in love, without sacrificing their comforts and principles, and as a result, as a rule, they get happy personal relationships.

In the year of the Fire Rooster, Saturn will occupy the third house of Libra, heralding many new acquaintances. During Saturn retrograde, from April to August, pleasant changes in personal life are unlikely. You can meet your old love, but don't try to fix a broken cup - it's useless. From September, Saturn will return to direct movement, and your personal life will receive a new impetus.

December will be especially successful in love - this is facilitated by the conjunction of Venus with Saturn. January is good for all spheres of Libra's life, including romantic ones.
Relationships and family
Libra's relationships with husband, wife, children and relatives are ruled by active Mars and pragmatic Saturn. Libra easily manipulates their chosen one or loved one: Mars gives them strength, and Saturn contributes to a sober calculation. However, blessed Venus in 2017 will not allow you to use your gift for evil.
The horoscope for 2017 promises Libra a fairly calm period thanks to good location Saturn: in the third house, he gives a lot of common sense and enough strength to regulate and improve relationships in the family.
Mars in a strong position will give newness and freshness to long-term relationships, and young lovers will give confidence in the feelings of the chosen one. My special power Mars will manifest during the ruling periods in February and December: these months are perfect for declarations of love, marriage proposals or a romantic trip.
Under the auspices of the Fire Rooster, you will establish mutual understanding with your children and grandchildren, and some will have a family this year due to the successful location of the children's dispositor.
In general, the Fire Rooster will favor Libra not only in work, but also in personal and family life.

The well-being of Libra is under the control of the same blessed Jupiter. At first glance, this is wonderful, because the Great Benefactor endows his wards with physical strength, good mood and powerful protection.
Indeed, Libra's immunity is quite high, but they are often let down by laziness and love for sweets. Representatives of this sign are in no hurry, do not like excessive activity, and therefore neglect the movement and sports activities.
The weak point of Libra can be hormonal levels and overweight: watch your diet and daily routine.

So the year 2018 has come - the year of the Dog, a kind, benevolent animal that guarantees us prosperity, tranquility, the absence of global upheavals and serious problems. In general, the horoscope for 2018 according to the signs of the zodiac, unlike the past, 2017, is very successful, but let's see what the forecast for 2018 is for Libra.

As promises general horoscope for 2018, Libra will be able not only to reach unprecedented heights, but also to avoid numerous problems, arrange personal life, and establish relationships with others. The dog will bite on the heels of only lazy representatives of the sign, who, instead of acting, will prefer to lie on their sides on the couch, because this year should be a new round in development for all Libra.

The stars are favorable to this sign, but you should not abuse it. The horoscope for the 18th year from Tamara Globa predicts: envious people will try to take away what belongs to Libra, so they should be on the lookout. Also, they will have to defend their point of view more than once in front of colleagues or friends, repel the attacks of those who want to gossip behind their backs.

Inner wisdom and self-control will help Libra avoid serious troubles, but Libra will not be able to survive 2018 without a little spring depression. Almost all representatives of the sign of Libra will need to learn to concentrate on themselves, their desires, otherwise it will not be possible to avoid the influence of not quite decent people from their inner circle.

From the point of view of the location of the stars, Mercury will play a special role in the fate of the representatives of the sign of Libra, which will awaken in them the desire to take risks and dodge. The main thing is to comply golden mean: do not miss what goes straight into your hands, and do not go beyond reasonable limits.

A special position of the Lunar nodes will give the first half of the year a creative, even impulsive start, but in the second half of Libra there will be some decline, especially in the mental plane. Insight will give way to recklessness, so some Libras can spend 2018 in anticipation of a miracle, which, unfortunately, is not destined to happen.

Libra in 2018 will become real "achievers": despite the insidious obstacles of Mars, as well as the not very positive influence of Saturn, they will be able to overcome any difficulties and obstacles on life path. The Libra horoscope will be strongly influenced by the Sun, so you should beware of adventurers, as well as frivolous individuals who can get you into trouble.

June should become a turning point in the fate of representatives of the sign of Libra - it is during this period that it is possible to find family happiness or make new profitable acquaintances. In general, 2018 will be generous with friends who can help in a difficult situation from the bottom of their hearts.

What does the year promise to men?

The horoscope for 2018 for the Libra sign from Pavel Globa draws attention to several important points:

  • There will come a special moment for all Libras when they will have to give up their prejudices and take a step in a new direction. Do not be afraid, because this is the beginning of a new path to a much better future.
  • June is the month of stability. If you are thinking about whether to propose to your beloved, it's time to say these important words.
  • and - the months of fertility, so they will be rich in weddings and engagements. However, the position of the stars in the sky is such that the spouses will face serious tests of feelings even at the stage of preparation for this important event. Astrologers advise to beware of excessive manifestation of feelings, you should also not neglect the good advice of others.
  • October will not be too favorable to lovers, temporary breaks in relations or cooling between spouses are possible. But this situation will not last long - in early November the situation will change for the better.

As predicted love horoscope for 2018, Libra will finally be able to decide what they really want from life. This is especially true of singles, surrounded by many admirers: they will not only have to make the final choice, but also get married.

The fair sex, the stars are strongly advised not to start intrigues on the side and not to return to the partners with whom they had previously parted. Men, on the other hand, may not be afraid of intrigues from their companions, but it is still not worth abusing the trust of the faithful.

Finance and work

For 2018, the horoscope does not promise Libra too easy career advancement. They will have to face numerous difficulties and problems that can negatively affect their financial condition.

Mercury will constantly provoke Libra to participate in all sorts of dubious operations, the profits from which, unfortunately, they are not destined to see. Think twice about any decision and carefully weigh the options for investing money, do not succumb to the persuasion of dubious personalities and promises of fabulous profits. Credits and loans are also not for you this year, try to manage with your own funds.

As the star horoscope for the year says, Libra will be able to realize themselves as professionals, gain the respect of colleagues and superiors. The most dangerous and unfavorable period will come from March 14 to April 14, and all because the head will be occupied primarily with dreams of love, instead of the boss's instructions.

If you plan to change jobs, then it is best to do it at the end of April, summer will not be a very good season for this. Already in the fall, a salary increase or an appointment to a new position is possible, but only if Libra does a good job before that.

The forecast for 2018 draws Libra's special attention to September, that's when the most favorable period will come for the implementation of new projects. The winter will pass quite calmly, without shocks and financial difficulties, but all the same, large purchases will have to be postponed indefinitely.

In November, luck will decide to please Libra a little: they will be given back old debts or they will be lucky to win a small amount of money by chance. December won't leave a man's half of this in his wallet zodiac sign practically nothing, but you should not despair: every ruble spent will be returned to them a hundredfold.

Libra women should keep a close eye on expenses, but it’s not worth saving on buying a beautiful dress, because a lot will depend on appearance! This is especially true for ladies born in October, since loneliness will definitely not threaten them if they reasonably update their wardrobe.

Men under the influence of active Mars will also be drawn to excessive spending, buying alcohol and partying with friends, so the stars are strongly advised to spend extra money on loved ones, and not down the drain. It is better to plan a vacation for the summer, as the stars promise a business lull for June and July, but in August many business partners become more active, which can lead to good financial returns in September.


Libra for 2018 received from the stars very good gift- excellent health and well-being, which must be used wisely. This year, Libras have a lot to do for themselves - for example, go in for sports, go hiking with friends, finally learn how to ride a bike. The Yellow Dog loves calm and balanced people, so learn to control your emotions, be tolerant of others - and you are guaranteed a peaceful sleep throughout the year.

Despite the position of the planets, the entire beginning of 2018 Libra will be at risk, accidents and unsuccessful falls can lead to fractures and bruises. Be careful, wear comfortable shoes and look under your feet - then nothing threatens you.

Also, you should not often visit catering establishments: poisoning, indigestion and other stomach problems are possible. Try to eat right, as much as possible to exclude fried and fatty foods, as well as pastries from the diet.

As the horoscope warns, Libra for 2018 is subject to the influence of aggressive planets, so they should reduce the use of alcohol and tobacco, and if possible, abandon them altogether. Addictions can play a cruel joke, because instead of the desired relaxation, a bottle of alcohol can lead to a hospital bed.

The most favorable months for Libra will be June, July and October, but you should take care of yourself throughout November and December. The stars have prepared a special gift for ladies in an interesting position: childbirth will be easy and quick, and there will be no health problems for babies. Author: Natalia Ivanova

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