How a male dragon behaves when he falls in love. General and love horoscope: Dragon-man

Engineering systems 24.09.2019
Engineering systems

According to Chinese horoscope, Dragon men in most cases love themselves more than anyone else in the world. Quite contradictory by nature, on the one hand, they can be distinguished by loyalty, courage, caring and enterprise, and on the other hand, they can have pronounced selfish character traits, as a result of which they put the needs and feelings of ladies in last place.

Possessing a fiery temperament, the Dragon man spends the greatest part of his own energy on love affairs. Due to the natural ability to seduce, the representative of this sign usually knows with whom and what tactics should be chosen in order to conquer the girl, even if she is a true touchy. If the "fortress" does not give up for a long time, he gets carried away even more and is not ready to retreat until it "surrenders".

Thanks to optimism, sincerity and increased attractiveness, most Dragon men do not know failures in love. In a relationship, they are irresistible, fiery and indomitable in the manifestation of feelings.

Alien to excessive sentimentality, Dragon men usually do not strive for a permanent and lasting union that lasts for years. All-consuming love for them is a rarity. Fascinated by the very procedure of conquest, they are not averse to showing off "trophies" among friends and work colleagues, thereby raising their authority in their eyes. Appreciating temporary romances for their low trouble, they do their best to avoid concluding a marriage union.

Dragon men are distinguished by charisma, and often the people around them are simply unable to resist their charm. Fickle in love, they are able to break many women's hearts, because any lady who begins to communicate with such boyfriends hopes that their sympathy has a long-term perspective. When the brief knowledge of her soul and body by the Dragon man ends in a break, she simply cannot contain her disappointment. The ex-lover at this time is usually already attracted to the new “victim”.
Often condemned by society for such windiness, he himself does not feel guilty, because he likes this way of life. Attempts to somehow influence him by parents or friends are in most cases in vain. It’s just that freedom for Dragon men is the greatest treasure, which they don’t allow anyone to encroach on.

In the personal sphere, such men, as a rule, are passionate, sensual, usually they are not averse to experimenting in bed. At the same time, neither love nor passion can blind them. By life path they tend to go with their mind rather than their heart.

The loneliness of male Dragons is not scary, they usually cope well with it. As a rule, they are extremely reluctant to part with freedom and a single life, and ringing them is not an easy task.

Born under this sign, people for the most part acquire the ability to love “soberly”, they are not particularly jealous and do not make prohibitive demands on their wife. Being in love, Dragon men are completely inclined to idealize their beloved, not to notice her shortcomings. But when the passion subsides, they notice its imperfections, weaknesses and other “misses”, as a result of which they may feel hurt and go in search of solace from the next “ideal person”,
which, of course, will soon turn out to be just as mere mortal for him.

In a love relationship, the Dragon man is able to fully subjugate his partner - this is his strong and weak side simultaneously. Breaking the heart of a beloved, such a person may not realize how much it hurts a loved one. Easily establishing emotional contact with a woman, he can hardly calm down in adulthood, finding happiness in a permanent relationship.

Dragon men are not inclined to make scenes with the misdeeds of their faithful. Like representatives of other signs, they can be left for the sake of others. Usually they endure their humiliated position quite steadfastly, do not stoop to revenge and quickly forget about their lost love.

The dragon is an outstanding sign. This is an intellectual, smart and open. It can be imagined as a three-hundred-year-old monster with a gray mustache, wrapping itself around a pagoda and watching the raindrops and making small talk about the goals of life and how delicious armored warriors are. It's fun, but it's true. He is not petty and does not slander over trifles. He is always self-sufficient and tries to find freedom from his parental home as soon as possible. The dragon is a favorite in any environment. He will amaze you with the breadth of his knowledge, charm and skillful psychoanalysis.

The dragon is by nature resistant: if he cuts off one escape route, he will find two already; also in terms of aspirations - one did not work, he will occupy himself with a pair at once in order to win something for sure. The honest and sincere Dragon, when communicating, will immediately pay attention to the fact that they are indecisive or hesitate a lot for no reason. Despite the fact that he is strong and outstanding as a person, he is an exemplary homebody, romantic and dreamer. Therefore, there is a breed of domestic Dragons - seduced by the connivance of their wives, who chained them and only courted them, instead of giving them the opportunity to show their natural napalm ... that is, the fuse - to take something and do it. He was born to achieve goals, he can not be kept on a leash! In an effort to achieve a lot, he also sets the pace for himself and his couple - to be always on top, active and true to his principles. The dragon is a real find for a woman who wants to achieve a lot from life and not change her goals and principles. The dragon will always share them and will be glad to participate. Therefore, the Dragon is a legendary desired prey for every woman. To win him, you need to use cunning - not in order to drop him to the ground and quickly tie him up, but you just need to grab the mane and pick up his rhythm - it will be convenient for both. His vulnerabilities are anxiety over trifles and intolerance. Use both!

Trivia is time-consuming and ubiquitous. While the Dragon is busy with almost universal scale affairs, you take on all the trifles, of which there will be a bunch. The dragon, seeing your contribution to the common cause, will imbue you with at least respect. There is no need to talk about love and feelings - this is not the case now, you are only preparing the ground for yourself. Next - his intolerance. He quickly, quickly picks up the pace, does something and immediately fizzles out. He needs a break at such a moment, and you will be just in time for the place and time. You need to relieve stress from him, take care in moderation and support - he will return to the battle later and will not forget to show you gratitude for your attention and care. Since the Dragon is energetic in heart and soul, his sexual activity will be incomparably lower than yours. So to surround him with physical love is also correct.

The warmth inside him will immediately spread throughout his body and he will feel as if under the influence of a drug and will want to repeat this more than once. But since there is decent selfishness in him, he may begin to demand, which cannot be agreed to. Staying away from his momentary desires you will cause in him a natural coldness that will cool the impulse and he will again be himself. And it is precisely in the midst of these two elements that you need to keep a balance. Only in this way can it be won and then kept.

The Dragon Man radiates a kind of invisible light of an "outside star", he is full of mystical romanticism. This makes him consistently attractive to women. Together with perseverance, a fairly calm character and the ability to set and achieve the most difficult goals, it looks very, very tempting. At first sight.

One has only to ask - what are these goals, what does the chosen one see life together, and in general - life as such, - immediately there will be reasons for reflection. The fact is that Dragons, like no other, can bet very far from real life goals and achieve them with an iron grip, "not sparing your belly." At the same time, the goal itself can completely exclude the presence of a family in its classic version. It can take all his time, which leaves us with only the functions of a convenient mechanism. Or, on the contrary, a loved one can perceive his woman as something unearthly, completely not caring about such trifles as life and plans for the future. Beloved is the Beautiful Princess for him. And princesses usually do not require borscht and family comfort. Yes, and instead of very real plans for promotion in a career, the Dragon can fight all his life for the opening of a museum in old house. Forgetting that it's time to earn money for your apartment.

Of course, this does not always happen - among the Dragons there may be quite realistic thinkers and very practical people. However, be sure to clarify the main points of his worldview before you go into a relationship with your head.

Frankly speaking, such a person feels much better in a spiritual or romantic union than in a union where people live according to the principle of "creating a family nest." If the main female qualities are thriftiness and practicality, then such an alliance is unlikely to last long. Least of all, the Dragon is interested in household trifles and life in general. The paternal qualities of male Dragons are wonderful, but even here there are pitfalls. He can teach his child a craving for the unknown, grow spirit and will in him, but he is unlikely to be able to explain how to change the gasket in the tap, for example.

Your Union with the Dragon Man

Dragon Man and Rat Woman: this is a good union in which a woman, thanks to her patience, will overlook some of the oddities of her companion and will be able to stimulate him to become more punchy and confident in society. Thanks to this, both will be able to achieve a good material level.

Dragon Man and Ox Woman: one of the least promising unions. The practicality and earthiness of the Ox woman will be completely uninteresting to her companion, and their characters will provoke an endless series of scandals.

Dragon Man and Tiger Woman: in the union there will be a lot of romance and a complete absence of boredom. But the comfort and peace you will only dream of. If partners can work on their unpredictable impulses, the union will be very stable.

Dragon Man and Rabbit Woman: wonderful and promising couple. A gentle and delicate lady will fully comply with the desires of her companion. So a peaceful and happy life, common habits and interests are guaranteed.

Dragon Man and Dragon Woman: not the best combination, despite the fact that the partners are in many ways similar to each other. Both are self-centered, each lacks admiration, recognition and respect. The active external activity of both partners can save the relationship.

Dragon Man and Snake Woman: here the Dragon man gets a worthy companion, whom he will be proud of and admire. Her mind will, on the one hand, give her an understanding of her partner, and on the other, the ability to extinguish flashes of conflict moments. The union is quite happy.

Dragon Man and Horse Woman: the union is not the most favorable. A man will somewhat lack admiration from his lady, and it will be difficult for a woman to understand the impulses and aspirations of her beloved.

Dragon Man and Goat Woman: almost certainly a clever Goat will consider herself better, smarter and more charming than her partner. Sometimes quite deservedly criticizing him. Sooner or later, this will lead to a break in relations.

Dragon Man and Monkey Woman: this is a good union, but the Dragon can sometimes underestimate his companion. Her mind, humor and ability to find a way out of any situation will greatly help the Dragon in life, and the Monkey will be able to appreciate his best qualities.

Dragon Man and Rooster Woman: this couple does not like routine, both are dynamic and active, so they will have a great time with each other. The Rooster Woman should try to praise the Dragon more often, then the union will be very stable and happy.

Dragon Man and Dog Woman: Unfortunately, this is not the most harmonious combination of signs. The practical and earthly Dog will not understand the sudden impulses of the satellite, they will irritate her and can lead to mutual cooling of feelings.

Dragon Man and Pig Woman: nice couple. There will be tolerance and consistency in the sensual sphere. And the ability of a lady to sincerely love and adapt to the whims of her companion will certainly cause mutual feelings!

The material was prepared with the help of Sophia Bozhan, a specialist in astrology at

In a man born under the sign of the eastern horoscope Dragon, there is romanticism. Women feel this and will certainly show him signs of attention. And with whom will this sign of the eastern horoscope make the most successful couple, and with which of the signs for harmony in relationships will you have to fight the most? Consider the compatibility of the Dragon man with other signs of the eastern horoscope.

Characteristics of the Dragon Man

Before considering this guy in interaction with women of different signs of the eastern horoscope, let's take a closer look at his own characteristics. This guy is farsighted. He is one of those signs who almost always see the maximum goals in their lives. In general, it is very important to set goals for this man. He is not one of those characters who live in the here and now, the strategy for him is the main motivation in life.

Girls cannot but like this quality, because for them the feeling of reliability next to a man is very important. And it is thanks to his determination that such a guy can let his beloved survive him. But the fact is that with such a position, if the Dragon eastern horoscope a man, then he often leaves the family in its classical sense in the background.

He is unlikely to associate himself with a girl who will demand from him the classic manifestations of a husband and father. Rather, next to him will be a creative nature, which itself does not tend to be imbued with a routine, for which changes in life are of great importance.

The Dragon Man will love being a father:

  • he will teach him to choose the right life strategies, tell him which way suits his dreams;
  • often in a child he sees a friend to whom he can pass on experience;
  • sometimes an earthen dragon can shift unfulfilled dreams onto a child.

Interestingly, with such spiritual guidance, Father Dragon often cannot teach a child some practical skills, for example, change the gasket in a tap or glue wallpaper. In this regard, the wife will also have to put up with her husband's everyday disorganization.

Dragon Man and Ox Woman

In love, these signs will not be very comfortable together. Such a woman has pragmatism, imprisoned for material purposes, and these are mainly issues related to the arrangement of life. She will demand from a man that he be the master, perform all the relevant functions, and this is exactly what the Dragon does not want to do. Her character is simple, direct, the young lady will not hide her discontent about this, so quarrels here are almost inevitable.

Between these signs there is unlikely to be an interesting enriching communication, they have too different interests in life. Born under the sign of the Dragon will tell the Ox about high matters and achieving the most ambitious goals, and she will reproach him for not spending enough time with the children and her.

Dragon Man and Rat Woman

In love between these signs, harmony may well be present. You also need to pay attention to the signs of the zodiac. The advantage of such a partner for the Dragon is that she likes how he sees the world, how he describes it for her. The dragon or Ophiuchus sees admiration in her eyes and this inspires him. The Rat woman knows how to femininely lower him to the ground and direct him to fulfill the necessary family goals.

The bonus of this couple is that both look at life quite outside the box. They are united by daydreaming, bringing creativity into all spheres of life, they can create their own cozy world for two, and for the rest a metal fence will be built so that this world is not destroyed.

Dragon Man and Tiger Woman

Here for love will play crucial such common features character, such as: resourcefulness, activity, vigor, progressiveness. But at the same time, the characteristics of both are replete with conflicting character traits. This couple may often quarrel, but their conflicts can raise the sexual energy in a couple, which, in general, is also beneficial.

The main thing is that every lover in a conflict should be able to convey his unfulfilled need, and a way to achieve it was found there. Then the conflicts in the family will be productive, and after them the feeling of closeness to the partner will increase, and not vice versa. Someone has to learn it first.

Dragon Man and Cat Woman

This is also a fairly harmonious union. Here partners have something to give each other spiritually, they can develop each other. There is a very harmonious combination in terms of feminine and masculine energy. He is brave, courageous and courageous. The host cat girl is in the security system. Such a girl opens feminine energy in front of him, gives maternal care, she is the one who will accept him in any form. For him, this is a trust that he cannot betray.

In this situation, you need to pay attention to the signs of the zodiac. But if the girl and the man of these signs of the eastern horoscope need to grow up in themselves precisely the feminine and masculine qualities, then the Dragon really should choose the Cat’s girlfriend as a couple, whoever, and she will discover a man in him.

Dragon Man and Dragon Woman

Usually the same signs of the horoscope are not very harmonious to be paired, but this is not the case. The Dragon woman and the Dragon man will be fine together. There is potentially a lot of love and passion here. This is the marriage of two leaders, bright personalities who are extremely ambitious in nature. But precisely because the second partner is the same, understanding of his nature will be born.

They will respect each other's independence and eccentricity. In this union, a second one is not needed, as a motivation for conquering new horizons. Motivation is enough in everyone. But for each of the couple it is extremely important to meet a partner who can understand his extraordinary inner world, and most importantly will not limit his freedom. There is a lot of support in the couple, which is extremely important for a successful male-female union.

Dragon Man and Snake Woman

If you believe the eastern horoscope, then this union is incredibly successful, it is considered one of the best. These signs have similar temperaments and outlooks on life, and what else is needed to build a strong family union. They admire each other and at the level of male-female manifestations. The Snake Girl idolizes him for his courage, authority, determination and ambition. She wants to bow before such a man, she is ready to show her weakness, sincerely trusts him.

For a fiery Dragon man, such female compliance is extremely important, it is important for him to win it, through this he, among other things, feels his power even more.

Dragon Man and Horse Woman

According to the eastern horoscope, it is believed that this union is full of mystery. This couple in life can go very far together, or they can end their journey in a completely unexpected place.

There can be many conflicts here. But, unfortunately, this is not the situation when sexual energy in bed only increases from conflicts. On the contrary, after skirmishes, a lot of energy is lost here, so partners especially need to learn how to quarrel properly. Both are very active and self-sufficient, they absolutely do not want to meet their partner halfway.

Dragon Man and Sheep Woman

The compatibility of these signs in love is not very high, there may be difficulties. The Dragon man is enterprising and extremely independent. Such qualities can be difficult for a Goat woman to experience. For her, a sense of security is very important, she has been searching for it all her life. The chosen one does just that, which knocks the ground out from under the young lady's feet, driving her into stress.

But the Goat girl is able to give the Dragon a sensual relationship, high level closeness, which will open up many new emotions in him. So, it makes sense for a couple to fight for happiness. You need to work on maintaining her safety in the relationship and his sensuality.

Dragon Man and Monkey Woman

According to the eastern horoscope, it turns out that this union is one of the most successful in principle. Compatibility is very high. Here the partners are both very extraordinary personalities. They can converge on common spiritual interests. It has magnetism, a mystery that it is extremely important for the chosen one to solve.

The Monkey woman boldly gives him power for everything that happens between them. The Dragon man is just waiting for such trust and is trying to justify it. Everyone aspires to new horizons and no one interferes with this for the other. In this union, partners have many compensatory qualities that they teach each other.

Dragon Man and Rooster Woman

A long and harmonious union in love is possible here, but the Rooster girl will have to reduce her love to show sharp claims to her partner. The air organization of the Dragon man will not tolerate this, it destroys him, the Dragon man does not like this.

In addition, in fact, she does not think so, in her soul she respects and loves him, but the characteristic of this sign does not make it possible to sincerely show her feelings. Under such conditions, the Dragon man may develop egocentrism, so characteristic of him, and then relationships in love will completely turn into a struggle for power, where someone will be oppressed.

💘Compatibility of Zodiac Signs by year of birth💘

Compatibility by year of birth and zodiac sign. Compatibility of signs by years


Dragon Man and Dog Woman

It is quite difficult to imagine such a couple in reality. According to the eastern horoscope, they have very different temperaments and attitudes towards life.

Partners have different values ​​in life, as well as ways to achieve their goal. different level sensuality that affects sex. It will be much easier for them with other signs of the eastern horoscope.

Dragon Man and Pig Woman

Relationships here can be potentially stable and reliable. It is a safe haven where both can relax. They are able to open new spiritual horizons to each other.

However, this alliance is unlikely to last. Most likely, these signs will intersect for some time in a certain period of life.

The bedroom is that world, that scene where the Dragon feels like a true actor.

His violent excitement and extravagance are the components that are the basis of his sexual psychology.

Dragons are excellent yang lovers who quickly conquer their partners.

The dragon is looking for the woman of his dreams, who must meet the highest standards.

The Dragon is always striving for perfection, and since he is sexually programmed for short romances, it is difficult for him to maintain love relationship during long period.

In addition, a tendency to perfectionism (making high demands on a partner) prevents him from falling in love strongly. For this reason, his love affairs are like a snowball and consist of triumphs and falls.

His love relationships are also distinguished by the fact that they begin and end in an instant.

Fortunately, men with the Dragon sign quickly forget about their sorrows and easily restore their romantic fuse.

Such instability in heart affairs gives them especially many problems in their youth, but in adulthood (between 36 and 49 years) this passes. Mature age, which means the middle of life, is associated with such a primary element as metal.

If the monogamy of the Dragon can be called into question, then his sexual "factory" does not raise any doubts - here he is a long-distance runner. He has a huge potential for passion and vitality.

In addition, he is sentimental, persistent and can literally "knock a woman off her feet" with his violent onslaught.

When he is in love, his passion is like love. primitive man, which wins the heart of any woman. He likes to capture her imagination, to protect her, demonstrating this with high, but slightly theatrical, chivalrous deeds.

For a man with the sign of the Dragon, it is important to be strong and be able to control his romantic impulses.

He is not the type of person who likes to be coddled like a baby or not lived - he does not want to feel weak. In his understanding, the word "weak" is not synonymous with the word "gentleman."

He is able to stand up for his woman, take care of her so that she can rely on him in everything. So he affirms himself in life, shows his strength and significance for his partner.

The vain and selfish Dragon is sensitive to any compliments and even flattery. However, he does not tolerate competition with other men, and will not tolerate it under any circumstances, and in any form. If his pride is hurt, then his own dignity suffers.

In a situation where the Dragon feels powerless, he begins to spew fire, and then living with him is like living with a wild beast.

Despite the fact that a man with the sign of the Dragon thinks a lot about himself, he tries to be a good partner for any woman and a worthy life partner.

However, there is a price that his beloved pays for the fact that he admits her to "his lair." He believes that a woman should lay down her ambitions at his feet. Her ambition should never be higher than his own. He expects from his beloved that she will devote her life to him alone and selflessly give her body and her soul, put them on the altar of his glory and his success. She has to put up with a minor role in that play where he is the main character.

He is looking for a standard of beauty in a woman, he needs not just a beautiful, but a luxurious woman who will satisfy his insatiable need for admiration from others.

The woman of his dreams must be a delicate and fragile creature, an angel who lives in his living room, and a devil whom he bends to his will in the bedroom.

The trait that attracts him in female nature is the craving for beauty, and he wants everything that happens in the bedroom to be perfect and beautiful too (as in the picture).

The dragon is a showman in relationships with women. He takes the place of "director of erotica", and he sometimes has a desire to film sex scenes on video. Eye contact during sex is very important for a man with the sign of the Dragon, and therefore he loves the traditional position of "romantic lovers" when he is on top and he and his partner can look into each other's eyes.

A man with the sign of the Dragon wants his mistress to always obey him, obey him. However, at the same time he does not consider himself a tyrant. He just tries to capture all their romantic dates and lovemaking so that they remain in memory as beautiful postcards.

A rude, uncouth woman can damage his image and deal a death blow to his libido. If she deeply hurts him, then he will seek a comfortable relationship with another woman that will satisfy his vanity. A man with the sign of the Dragon may lose his potency for some time.

And although he knows how to be a good spouse and a good lover, he always remains a demanding partner who wants his woman to recognize him as a leader and follow him in everything, even in places where no man has gone before.

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