What year rat is an eastern calendar. Rats by year of birth in the eastern horoscope

Garden technique 24.09.2019
Garden technique

Year of animal by eastern calendar: Rat (mouse) (year of birth - 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020).

01/28/1960 - 14.02.1961 (element of the year - metal, white color)
02/15/1972 - 02.02.1973 (element of the year - water, color black)
02.02.1984 - 19.02.1985 (element of the year - tree, color blue)
02/19/1996 - 02/06/1997 (element of the year - fire, color red)
02/07/2008 - 25.01.2009 (element of the year - Earth, color yellow)
25.01.2020 - 11.02.2021 (element of the year - metal, white color)

Characteristic of the year of the rat.

Rat. Mouse - The first sign of the Eastern calendar.
The rat is born under the sign of charm and aggressiveness. If, at first glance, it will seem calm, balanced and cheerful, do not believe in your impression. Under the seeming ease, constant excitement lies. Try to talk with her longer, and you will open nervousness and anxiety. It can be said that rat - a typical choleric. Rat is a scandalist and a gossip. Loves to sit in a warm company and blame. Probably, therefore she has more acquaintances than real friends. She never trusts anyone and does not like anyone to share their experiences and problems. The rat seeks to extract benefits and profit from everything. She is a gambling player and gourmet, never wants to limit himself and at the same time constantly worrying for his future. Yes, it is very actively living with the present, but thinks about how to secure old age. The woman - the rat is generally distinguished by a pronounced passion for the accumulation, and often absolutely unnecessary. True, she accumulates things rather than money. She just spends money - it can often be seen on some sale.
The rat is very well developed imagination. It can be a talented creator, but more often becomes a sharp critic. Some rats are the quality pushing on the path of dangerous destruction - they are all destroyed in order to deliver themselves pleasure and criticize. The rat is petok, but honest. She goes to the end in all endeavors, even if they are doomed to failure. Successful rats only in the event that she manages to suppress his eternal discontent.
Any rat prefers to live cunning, not difficulty. It reaches a lot in life for and the score of others - those who work for it in the sweat of the person. True, Lena can turn it into the "Stationery Rat", and then she himself will have to go on anyone. Rat can succeed in business, politics, art. In general, it is much more willingly performs the work of the mental, rather than physical.
Rat - Gourmet, drunkard, gambling player. In a word, she does not limit himself. If it gives loose, then not disinterestedly. But at the same time, she is not alien to sentimentality - she is capable of generous to
The second part of the life of the rat will be violent and fraught with trouble. For example, she can lose all its condition, missed in an unsuccessful case. Still, old age will be calm as much as you can wish. In general, it all depends on when the rat was born - in summer or in winter. If in the summer, then she will have to search for food. And let him draw attention to traps placed on her ways - they are sufficiently dangerous.

Rat and zodiac sign.

Aries: rapid rat, aggressiveness.
Taurus: Charming rat.
Gemini: rat from rats, it will avoid all sorts of traps.
Cancer: Dreamy rat, its entertainment can cost her expensive.
Lion: A strange rat, will be in contradiction itself.
Virgo: Laboratory rat, will find a way out in a labyrinth of life.
Scales: reconciling rat, its aggressiveness is very softened.
Scorpio: the rat is stiven, everything will destroy on its path.
Sagittarius: Energetic rat, she will be able to make even savings.
Capricorn: hard-time, strict rat.
Aquarius: intellectual rat, mighty talent writer.
Fish: rat with imagination; Can do everything but rather nonsense.

The man born in the year of the rat intends to achieve success at all costs, and his innate charm helps him. When you meet you, you can be simply fascinated: he should not conquer you with its sociability, energetic and bribing friendliness.

Years of birth: 1900,1960, 2020.

This is a very honest, ambitious and stubborn rat, with a harsh, uncompromising character. It is able to instantly analyze the situation and predict its development. In addition, the metal rat is endowed with a rapid account, people born in the year of the metal rat, often become excellent financiers, players and economists. The negative side of the metal rat is rigidity, lack of flexibility. This leads to the fact that it should be adapted once again adopted decision And unable to compromise, even when it becomes necessary.

Year of metal rat.

Water rat

Years of birth: 1912,1972,2032.

Water rat is doubly rat. All bright rat quality has it strengthened by the coincidence of its own elements with the elements of the year. The water rat is extremely endowed with the gift of conviction and is able to "destroy" the most difficult situation. Almost all water rats are sociable and, more than other rats, love to be the focus of others. They are insightful, smart, extremely artistic and possess the mass of talents. Born natives of water rat can be gifted leaders, talented musicians, writers and simply energetic cheerful people. The danger lies in the fact that due to sensitivity and nervousness, it may not cope with the affairs, which takes upon itself due to its firmness and curiosity.

Wooden rat

Years of birth: 1924,1984,2044.

The wooden rat is benevolent, friendly and skillfully uses the weaknesses of others. People born in a year wooden rat, smart, but cynical and not too burdened with conscience. But it's hard to be angry with them - they are very charming, they are tolerant of stranger, and to their own - with humor and self-irony. The tree is the creative element and its effect enhances the artistry inherent in watermarks - (the tsids of wooden rats are a lot of successful creative personalities.

Years of birth: 1936,1996,2056.

The fiery rat is very energetic, passionate and enthusiastic. She with enthusiasm takes for any business and easily involved in risky enterprises. She quickly picks up new ideas, which often leads to success. In addition, the fiery rat is endowed with determination, dynamism and good reaction. The fiery rat is striving for leadership, but often it turns out to be unlikely. She lacks sequences: often very active and enthusiastic at the beginning, it quickly cools and does not bring started to the end.

Year of fiery rat

Earth rat

Years of birth: 1888,1948, 2008.

Land in combination with water somewhat weakens water quality rats: artistry, sensuality, gift of conviction, but also tensions, nervousness, excessive sensitivity. The earth rat is very pruded, balanced and confident. It almost always achieves its goals, but for this hard and persistently worries, not risking and avoiding the adventure. Unlike other rats, an earthwood rat tolerates stresses relatively well - they are unable to knock it down from the planned path. But such equilibrium contradicts congenital rats, and earthwood rats are often too slow for rats oriented in complex situation And, thus, they miss the initiative.

Offered for reading.

Rat in life is cheerful and absolutely happy mansurrounding her people respect her and appreciate friendship with her, and she with amazing ease with them. Close people are cozy and good next to this person. She is Mudra, they often turn to her advice for advice, because people tend to believe the rat, telling her about their troubles, revealing their secrets.

This man with his inexhaustible source of ideas, in achieving his goal is ready to work much and hard. It is a pity that sometimes she lacks strength and self-confidence to make these ideas in life. If in the youth of the rat gained a sense of confidence and their own dignity, then she can live their lives easily.

Born under this sign are very observational and love to memorize all the events that occur around it, or with its participation. This year was born many worldwide famous writers and journalists. Rats in the liking work that provides for communication, it is more collective worker than an individual. If this person learn to avoid the problems of unnecessary problems, then the young generation will be able to teach the cat's old age.

Rat can be a narcissistic egoist, such a person loves to be the center of attention, but in the opposite environment of the office frames can become ordinary pedant. For any opportunity to improve your financial situation She grabs quickly and tenaciously. These people are reasonably applied to earned funds, they love money, they may even go for meanness for them.website

She likes to take care of his partner and children, she is generous with them, as is tolerant to her parents. But the rat is always not off. Since it cannot be called generous, rather, on the contrary, she will never refuse invitations to a free dinner, will not refuse darm tickets to the movies, even if it is not going to go there.

On it life path She will have a complete doubt of the people with whom she will create a joint business, but rats on the contrary, should be held from such people away.

Next year rat 2020!

Rat characteristic

Chinese sign name: Shu

Sign chinese zodiac: First

Time: 23:00 - 1:00

Western Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

Element: Water

Positive features in the rat:

These people are charming and friendly, they are favorable, flexible in communication and just smart, energetic and observed, they have a living imagination, they have a sense of tact.

Negative features at the rat:

Excessively calculating and greedy people, their egoists and excessive ambitions are combined with impulsiveness and children's naivety, love to manipulate people.

Find out what year rats you were born, your relatives, friends, who from this animal ruled the year, and who will manage in the future ...

These are charming and partly confident people, they are given from nature such quality, how to quickly notice new opportunities. Sometimes they have too hastily change their point of view, which looks in the eyes of others like the inconstancy of the rat and its desire to adapt to the situation.

With all the ability of this person, it is clearly and clearly expressing his thoughts, they need to remember that sometimes they are, rude and tactless to the interlocutor, as unrestrained. Gossip and intrigue - the right satellites of rat life.

A woman who was born under this sign is talented and business, with a living mind. Rat Woman is very sociable, she will invite her like a man without a special "rich" and will quickly put him in bed.

It is important for her to look good, she gladly makes purchases, they have a special pleasure to have wholesale purchases, because it saves what it satisfies his leaning nature. She will love not only her family and housing, but also all close relatives, for everyone she will have time, all will pay attention to everything.

Horoscope compatibility signs of the zodiac

Years rats, mice:

1900,1912,1924,1936,1948,1960,1972,1984,1996, 2008, 2020

Year of rat. Begins the twelve-year cycle.

Rat - Sign of charm and aggressiveness. It has charming, sociable and careless character.

Its dangerous charm of the rat is allowed and abuses them without retaining. At the same time, it always clearly realizes how long it is possible to exploit some of the work, draw income from a phenomenon or to use the favor of man.

It often surrounds interesting people. As a rule, this is the personalities that she really considers authoritative and want to see next. But the rat sympathies are not always constant: sometimes she treats people, as with toys, attracting and removing without ceremonies, especially if it has strength and power.

Caverny, elegant and generous, rat, nevertheless, nervous and restless, but skillfully hides it under the taller's cheerfulness.

At first glance, it seems calm, balanced and careless. But behind this is a constant anxiety.

It is enough to talk with her longer to open her nervousness. Choleric temperament is the most ray of all four temperaments.

It is believed that such people overwhelm energy. In fact, it is not. Such a choler, like rat, is very little, and it leads to themselves to try the body, somehow revive it. It is not possible that the outbreaks of activity have themselves from the deepest depression.

Rat is a good speaker and a magnificent critic. Sometimes, however, criticism is unconstructive. Many rats love to suck.

The rat succeeds in any field of activity that requires frequent contacts with people. She is serious, pragmatic, has a rational mind, but at the same time sensitive and romantic. The rat requires the fulfillment of promises, does not like frivolous, changeable and unreliable people. She plans everything in advance, and breakdown plans knock her out of the gauge.

An essential disadvantage of representatives of this sign is the inability to maintain composure. They are too easy to fall into anger.

Love is a weak place of the rat. Here she is trapped, in captivity of the heart, over which its steel will does not have power. If the rat is experiencing a sense of dissatisfaction about anything unfulfilled, failed, she feels not just deceived, but deeply disappointed, and this leads to depression.

Involved in some secret, illegal or hidden deal, rat, being very clever animal, enjoys its advantages in any situation. As for the relationship with others, it behaves curly and secretly.

Rat never trusts anyone and keeps her care for himself.

It is always ready to chat, in connection with which it is very popular in society, but rarely supports friendly relations with anyone.

The first half of her life is usually well enough, but in its second part of the rat risks to lose everything because of the reckless step.

Rats are stubborn, chitrum, but usually do not differ courage. They sometimes fluctuate before accepting important decision. The absence of courage they compensate for persistence and patience, but, driven by life or circumstances, rats are capable of desperate actions.

The rat feels good in periods of stability, but it is difficult to find its place in times of change. However, its skills are especially valuable at the moments of the crisis, since the rat is extremely developed a sense of self-preservation.

Rats are not indifferent to public opinion. They are worried about what they say and think about them around them.

Only reaching large heights in their business, they spit on public opinion, because they believe that everything will not be all the same.

The material side of life is of great importance for her, as the rat is not used to self-deny. The rat is so strive for wealth, which is often stinginess and tackle becoming the main features of her character. Generies these people are only with those who love, be it relative, a friend or a close man.

Rats are driemented, love to save money. The rat is constantly worried about his future and, although he lives the real, always dreams of saving to secure old age. They can only forget about economy, only with passion or great feeling. The need to leave something from time to time causes it unbearable suffering.

Rats are distinguished strong attachment To children. It is difficult to worry cooling in relations with children, but children, as a rule, love them very much, because rats give all their love.

A combination of genuine interest in people with the ability to dive into the depths of their own consciousness makes people of this sign gifted in everything that is connected with the understanding of a person is psychology, medicine, literature.

The reserve of safety is large. Sometimes he masters the longing and despondency, but it stubbornly overcomes all the difficulties and tests.

If in Russia mice and rats have bad fame, then in the east, everything is different. Rat is a companion of God happiness, and the absence of her in the house or in the yard foreshadows misfortune.

Rat - man. Characteristic

Source of managed love and uncontrollable will, open sign. Highly performs the work of mental, rather than physical. Loves and knows how to save money, but sometimes it can spend them at one moment. Himself does not limit anything and, if it happens to give someone a loan, does it disinterestedly.

Rats tolerate unpretentious walls and generally any restrictions on freedom.

The love of an open sign can lead to a variety of hobbies, and yet it is she leads this sign to marriage.

People sign a rat inherent mystical thinking. As people who feel out of time, they hardly distinguish the sequence in the event chain. It is important for all this to know everyone who deals with rats. Thinking rats is inclined to absurd, it is normal for them.

The unique capacitance of the rat of the rat is connected with mystical thinking. People of this sign are able to keep in consciousness a huge array of undischated information. The rat has the ability to put the incomparable and put together insection.

Rats can be lazy and hardworking, but they do not remain without money, since they are economical and attached. Always find a way to have free funds, additional earnings, dig for a black day. Hardwild Rats Life rewards material well-being.

Woman rat. Characteristic

They are characterized by rationalistic thinking, which gives the feeling of power.

Women-rat - realistic, they pray to the God of everyday wisdom, to which the male-rat men are so conserved. Realism is knowledge of human psycho-logic, a sharp observation view, skillful participation in intrigues, the ability to collect and distribute information, love for money - in a word, all that is usually attributed to the female genus. On the other hand, their realism is a flawless feeling of beautiful, exquisite taste, stylistic perfection.

Peace, inner harmony and equilibrium, contemplation, self-examination provide a rat for its illustrious beauty. Open temper and beating sexuality makes it an object of universal admissions. This is the ideal of the bride. The rat loves to be beautiful, loves to like, be the center of attention.

In family life prefers material well-being and lack of hard control. The female rat is distinguished by a pronounced tendency to the scopeidism. Therefore, it can often be found on the sale, where it is diligently bumps everything.

Rat varieties

Metal rat (1900,1960, 2020)

Water rat (1912,1972, 2032)

Wooden rat (1929,1984, 2044)

Fire rat (1936, 1996, 2056)

Earthwood rat (1948, 2008, 2068)

Born in the year rat

William Shakespeare, Peter I, Jules Bern, Pierre Boualershe, Jack London, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Leo Tolstoy, August Bebel, Nikolai Chernyshevsky, Ludwig Feyerbach, Dmitry Pisarev, Nikolay Burdenko, Mikhail Isakovsky, Ivan Yakubovsky, Andrei Tupolev, Mikhail Glinka , Emil Zola, Marietta Shaginyan, Kim Il Saint, Janos Cadar, Dinmuhamed Kunaev, Nikolai Bukharin, Maurice Torez, Maxim Litvinov, Heinrich Gimmler, Martin Borman, Vladimir Dolgikh, Gainz Guderian.

Years of Birth of a Man on the Sign of Rat - 1900, 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

People born in the year rats are vital, purposeful, cunning, smart and practical. Negative qualities - greed and nervousness.

General rating of the year of the year

The Chinese consider the year of the rats one of the most attractive signs of the zodiac. For them, rat is the personification of wealth and good luck. And besides this, she also brings happiness to those who are next to her.

Almost for all rats are characterized by such character traits as: mind, turnout, a tendency to opportunism, the ability to convince.

Rats are passionate, active, energetic, prudent, helpful, sociable, sentimental, are honest and proud. But may well be incorrect, siest, vain, pie, suspicious.

Born under this sign, possess a pleasant appearance, attractive, purposeful, hardworking, seek to acquire wealth. Burners, love to save money. They can only forget about leaning if they are passionately or a big feeling. Generosity is shown only in relation to those who love. Neat before pedantype. Largely illogical. Ambitious. As a rule, succeed and achieve their own. Do not save external composure, easily fall into anger. Usually honest and open, but many of them are not averse to sucking.

Rats are able to make a pleasant impression on people. At the first impression, they seem immediate and balanced. In addition, they always look well-groomed, amazing those surrounding with their exquisite manners and sophisticated taste. Each rat feeling the need to surround himself with love and attention, because without it she will not feel good, the self-esteem will fall and a sense of security will fall. But it is worth noting that behind visible fun, tranquility and equilibrium is hidden constant arousal and aggressiveness. It is enough to communicate with her longer to open its nervousness, anxiety and temperament of choleric. Rat is the creator of confusion and scandalist. Loves to stick and blame. With the first acquaintance, she bribes with their friendliness and energeticness. It takes care of the affairs of his numerous friends, but it should be remembered that in first place she will always put their own affairs and interests that are used to keep secret. For its external openness, the "second bottom" is hiding - large ambitions and agility of a born diplomat.

In all the affairs of the rat, gifts are not waiting for fate, and all surprises are wary. She is practiced and realist, used to keep everything under his control and, holding a business, is not going to retreat.

Despite the fact that the rat is an excellent manipulator, many would like to have it in friends. After all, she is very clever, a beautiful interlocutor, knows how to listen and give valuable advice And it is capable of helping not only in a word, but also a thing - if, of course, this does not contradict her interests.

Despite its sociability, rats rarely open their soul. But, if someone manages to call the location and confidence of the rat, then it will show itself as a helpful partner. No work will seem to her humiliating and no service unavailable, if this asks each other. But if you suddenly disappoint her, then be prepared for the fact that the rat will take revenge. She does not allow ridicule and dismissive attitude towards himself.

People born in the years of rats seek to benefit and benefit literally out of everything. They will never conclude an agreement, do not begin to cooperate until they make sure it is really profitable. Rat is afraid of uncertainty and therefore she needs confidence in tomorrow. The rat makes stocks to ensure itself in old age.

Bright and richly living today, rat always thinks about the future. This is reflected in the purposes that it puts in front of him, and those in the plans that it builds to achieve these goals. Often, concerns about tomorrow's day are poured into the desire of a rat to the accumulation, creating reserves for a black day and even to her reluctance to throw out old things - and suddenly you will ever come up?

When choosing a rat profession, it most often gives preference to the sphere where it is not necessary to work with hands, but head. It may turn out a wonderful journalist, writer, speaker, politician, head, artist, teacher, businessman.

The main desire is to have success without infringe upon the other. It is important for you to get up at the chapter, but it is as elegant as elegant and delicate. In rats congenital taste. They combine elegance with force. They love perfection, often dig into insignificant trifles. Having poured himself anything, they will achieve their own. Rats are peculinated, life force. Even in case of illness, they are successfully and challenged with it.

People born in the year rats do not tolerate loneliness, so they always strive for people, especially to close and friends. Like all the tricky creatures, she loves human society, willingly seek where the people are having fun. The crowd is her native element. She feels like a fish in the water. In this case, no one preferences. For her, everyone is equal - all "common acquaintances". Therefore, there are few friends of real or not at all. Rat considers all limited, inexped to her own mental Development. And at the same time, she understood perfectly that she lacks the erudition, and a fine culture. To compensate for the shortcomings, intriguing, quarrels neighbors, familiar with each other, gossip. In her lips, the virtues of others turn into vices. Many are guessing about the rats of the rat, but for a cheerful temper, everyone forgive her. If trouble happened to anyone, the trouble was dangerous, then the courage and the courage of the rats increase, and she with great dignity and satisfaction goes to help weak, weak, defenseless in their difficult situations.

Sociable rat (extrovert), all his charm puts to the service of public promotion, facing the noses of people, and "in good" raising them with each other. They are not difficult to win the location, but perhaps they are talking about them differently.

The closed rat (introvert) of the supercumber is critical, demanding, especially in the field of art. In the friendship of enterprises and subtle, but there are few contacts. Loves volleyball, and her hobby can become drawing, art fishery, including rodgery and straw weaving, the art of tiny animals and dolls, weaving.

The year of the rat corresponds to Western classical astrology.

Metal rat: 1900, 1960.

People born in the years of the metal rat are gifted by honesty, ambitions. They are very hardworking and are able to make long efforts to achieve their goals. Metallic rats are famous for the excellent sense of style, which is supported by love and ability to create comfort, as well as the ability to earn and taste to spend money. Metal rats are exclusively devoted close. This quality will be appreciated by their companion of the life, which he surrounds care and attention, thanks to which the metal rats are most often strong and happy marriage. Negative side - excessive hardness and principle. The metal is an inflexible element and forces a rat to solutions that carry a threat to suppressing creative thinking. These people need to develop federation and openness, make a compromise, especially since water helps to soften the rigidity of the metal.

Water rat: 1912, 1972.

People born in the years of water rat, doubly endowed with the ability of diplomatic belief and have an intuitive premonition of future events. They are smart and erudite. Negative side - hypersensitivity and excessive interest in freedom of choice of other people. These rats should be more sociable and periodically take the initiative on yourself.

In most cases, water rats are happy in marriage, if they connect their lives with a suitable person.

Wooden rat: 1924, 1984.

People born in a year wooden rat - artistic and love creativity, as the tree is the creative element. These people are also very self-confident and possess an analytical mindset. Most often, wooden rats are homemade people who have pleasant features of character, friendlyness, intelligence and practicality. They are endowed with a rich imagination, a good sense of humor and taiga for not far from traveling. Negative side - a tree can create too many options, complicating everything that is difficult to control. In the eyes of others, the wooden rat looks like an enterprising and initiative, but a little restless. It is this character trait that often prevents her to move in the desired direction. These rats need to develop self-control and try to bite off more than they are able to swallow.

Fire rat: 1936, 1996

People born in the years of the fiery rat, possess the determination, wisdom and inclination to innovations. They also possess irrepressible energeticness, a tendency to adventures, straightness in words and actions and unparalleled initiative. These qualities very quickly help them succeed. However, it happens that they are in the most responsible moment can put everything on samonek, to show unheard of frivolity and short-sightedness. Negative side - they sometimes become too passionate and enthusiastic, which can lead to the destruction of all that they have achieved. These rats should try to control their sharp language and direct their energy into a positive channel.

Earthy rat 1948, 2008

People born in the years of the earthwood rat possess practicality, prudence, self-discipline and the ability to work a lot. Their distinctive features are a strong sense of responsibility, good faith. Negative side - they can move too slowly, losing the initiative and slowing down the acceptance of responsible decisions. Also, the disadvantages include reluctance to give up to others, inconsistency and superfluous ambitiousness. These people need to use self-discipline to keep up with the schedule, providing more freedom to imagination.

Rat Year - Dignity and Disadvantages

Positive aspects of the rat

The Chinese are above all appreciated honesty. True, the rat always leads an honest game and advocates for justice - at the same time to pour the condition that the rules of the game determines the itself.

Rat - player and gourmet. She does not want to limit himself and at the same time constantly worrying for her future and, although intensively lives real, always dreams of saving to secure old age.

Rat is an excellent critic. She easily sees minor shortcomings and will gladly tell about them.

Rat can well arrange their lives, if it is able to suppress your eternal discontent and excessive taste to pleasure.

Negative Rat Personality Parties

Almost all the rats of the journal for all external, often for them scenery is more important than the internal structure, cannot resist the smart passing, lets, take the usual exceptional. In addition, they love to bring if necessary, and often without any occasion.

Career and Rat Sign Money

People born in the year rats are very easy to make a career. For them to make a career - I don't care what to breathe. True, the rat rat staircase is often hidden from prying eyes and resembles a LAZ or a black move. But, moving along its winding paths, the rat slowly, but correctly acquires non-squeezed orders and rewards, but the real effect of gray cardinal. That is why rat prestitution in the eyes of colleagues is usually very large, and influence comes far beyond the position of the position.

Attitude towards the money rather reasonable. She is driving, but can spend a round sum of pleasure or hobbies. But thanks to his acute mind and intuition, the rat usually acquires much more than loses. She can, and save money, and invest them in a profitable business. She is able to make a state, even playing on the stock exchange or engaged in other risky operations. Money for the rat is both the goal and the tool.

Rat life periods

Many rats have a happy childhood and carefree youth. Youth will take her with interest. Everything will be successful. But the second half of life can be quite violent. In the ripe age, the rat may lose much due to just an increasing step or unrequited love. And in love, the temperamental rat is ready for everything, even on self-sacrifice.

The third period in the life of the rat can flow differently. If a man is born in winter - then old age will be calm, and if in the summer, then the long searches of the means of existence are not excluded, attempts to avoid all sorts of traps placed on their vitality. Perhaps even entering prison or concentration camp, or an accident, premature death.

Rat stones: amethyst, pomegranate, diamond, malachite, jasper.

Plants: Orchid.

The best time of day: from 23 hours to 1 hour.

Time of year: Winter.

Colors: black, purple, white.

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