Full daily horoscope for Aquarius.

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Significant progress in business is likely, there will be an opportunity to complete important projects that you have been working on lately. Useful acquaintances are not excluded; there will be a chance to enlist the support of people who will soon help you climb the career ladder. The year is suitable for solving legal issues. Significant cash flows are possible. In financial matters, you can rely on intuition: it will not let you down. But in the sphere of personal relationships, unfortunately, many Aquarians make mistakes, because they take wishful thinking. Both ups and downs are expected. It is possible that you will stop communicating with someone who was dear to you.

Horoscope for 2019 Aquarius woman

From the very beginning, the year will bring great upheavals. In the first months, you will learn about the worst thing - betrayal or betrayal of a loved one. It will be very difficult for a woman to experience such a blow. So don't even think about forgiveness. This difficult situation will set the tone for some period of the year. This is where the support of your loved ones comes in handy. And now, by the middle of the year, Aquarius women will already be open to future feelings and relationships. The second half of the year advises ladies to plunge headlong into their hobby or go on vacation. This change of mood will help prepare for new acquaintances. The end of the year will be favorable, despite all the stresses and scandals. Finally, Aquarius women will find the strength to erase the past from life forever.

Horoscope for 2019 Aquarius man

For men, this year has prepared the main idea - to follow the lead of their dreams. This time will be especially favorable in order to realize your plans and become really happy. The year shows that the stronger sex will have to plunge headlong into worries and deeds. Despite a small blockage, you will more than receive support from others. For example, from relatives, from loved ones, from friends and colleagues. Relatives, in response to their help, will also ask for something in return from Aquarius. And the brave guys here will cope without problems. For Aquarius men, the year as a whole will be marked by good luck. Literally, success will follow the representatives of this sign on the heels. Of course, all undertakings will bear fruit. So we need to think about investments and large-scale projects.

Monthly horoscopes Aquarius zodiac sign

The day will not be easy. It can bring a lot of problems and worries, it is possible that some difficult tasks will appear that need to be solved. Don't give up ahead of time. Be persistent, try to understand the situation, and you will certainly find a way to change it for the better. Small cash receipts are possible, which will be very handy. Many Aquarians will make good purchases. You can receive guests, you…

Auspicious day for studying and broadening one's horizons. Thanks to the information received now, new horizons and opportunities will soon open before you. Tune in a decisive way, try to spend every minute with benefit; idle pastime is bad for mood. Dates and romantic walks go well, a loved one understands you perfectly. It will be possible to solve some family problems, establish relationships with ...

A suitable day for complex and important matters, solving serious issues. You manage to focus, not to lose sight of a single detail. Hardly anyone can distract you or prevent you from carrying out your plans. Minor disagreements, misunderstandings at work are likely, but everything will be settled quickly, and the relationship will not deteriorate. Changes for the better in personal life are not ruled out. Lovers can...

The day is going well, because you do not make mistakes, even in difficult and ambiguous circumstances you choose the right course of action. There may be disagreements at work, but you can defend your point of view if you rely on facts, keep your cool and do not allow yourself to be provoked. Business trips, short work trips will be successful. Family relationships will develop harmoniously if you ...

This day is suitable not so much for decisive action, but for thinking about the future and long-term planning. Think about who can help in the implementation of the plan, and how to interest the allies. You strive for independence, try to solve all important issues on your own; relatives do not always like it, so conflicts and disputes are possible. It is undesirable to take risks, especially when it comes to ...

It's not the easiest day. If you set high goals for yourself, want to achieve something important, be prepared to work hard and persevere. Many promise to help you, but you can only count on those closest to you. It is possible that old friends will remind you of themselves, and you will have a great time in their company. The day is perfect for creativity...

This day may not start easy, but it will bring a lot of pleasant events. In order to achieve great success, you will have to work hard, but you can save your strength and be content with modest achievements. Interesting offers and good news are likely. Communication with friends invariably pleases, even a short meeting will give a lot of positive emotions. Romantic surprises, unexpected gifts and signs of attention are possible that will make your ...

Unfortunate coincidences, minor but unfortunate losses are possible in the first half of the day. You try to avoid mistakes and pay so much attention to the little things that you completely forget about your main goal. Disagreements with allies, disputes over trifles, mutual insults are possible. Try to smooth out sharp corners and restore peace as soon as possible. The afternoon will be more enjoyable and interesting.…

The first half of the day is full of surprises. Pleasant news from afar is possible, business offers that you don’t want to refuse are not ruled out. You will be able to strengthen your professional position, find new allies and assistants, with whom you will soon take up a new business. The second half of the day passes more calmly. It is suitable in order to complete what was started earlier, to get answers ...

Aquarius daily horoscope- a functional and easy-to-use application will greatly facilitate the life of all representatives of this zodiac constellation. This mobile application specifically for Aquarius was developed and published by the astrological portal Astroscope.RU. You can easily plan your every day, having at hand detailed forecasts for any period of interest to you.

Aquarius horoscope for today
The horoscope for every day will help the active and energetic representatives of the Aquarius zodiac sign to use their powers correctly. Aquarians are incredibly inventive and creative. It will not be difficult for you to determine in which direction to direct your creativity when you have a detailed horoscope for today before your eyes. This forecast is updated online, which means you do not have to waste your precious time looking for an up-to-date prediction.

Horoscope for tomorrow
The horoscope for tomorrow has no less functionality. This option will allow you to know in advance what events will bring the coming days. Aquarians are not accustomed to getting hung up on just one task. You will have enough time and internal strength for a huge number of such tasks, since every day you will receive automatically updated forecasts for tomorrow on your phone.

Horoscope for the week
A weekly horoscope will be especially useful for active Aquarius. A competent forecast for the next seven days will save you from many problems, including anxiety caused by potential surprises. They will no longer unsettle you, as you will learn about them in advance from the weekly updated astro forecast.

Horoscope for a month
The mobile application also contains a longer-term astrological forecast - a monthly horoscope for Aquarius. Representatives of your sign tend to take the initiative in everything, which sometimes leads to an incorrect distribution of your richest potential. With a monthly horoscope at hand, you can draw up a detailed plan of what and how you should do in the next four weeks. This kind of planning will help you achieve a greater result, spending a minimum of your strength and energy.

Horoscope 2019 for Aquarius
The horoscope for every day opens up many prospects for Aquarius. The mobile application also contains a forecast for representatives of your zodiac sign for 2019. Based on the recommendations of astrologers, it will not be difficult for you to determine which areas of your life in 2019 you should pay more attention to.

Compatibility by horoscope
Aquarians tend to idealize this world, as well as their relationships with others. The compatibility horoscope of Aquarius according to the zodiac sign will help you avoid personal dramas and worries. It will be enough for you to pick up your phone and open the application to find out how the relationship with this or that person is most likely to develop.

Widget, video horoscope, wallpapers
Subtly sensitive Aquarius will surely appreciate the video horoscope. You will see that a horoscope is something more than a dry textual forecast. Also, after downloading the daily horoscope for Aquarius to your mobile device, you have the opportunity to place a special widget of this application on the main screen of your phone or decorate the screen with a colorful screensaver. You will always have the image of Aquarius at hand. It's not just a wallpaper or a picture. This is your personal talisman, which, being constantly at your fingertips, is designed to protect your life from problems and anxieties.

Communication and personal recommendations
Communication is another important moment in the life of every Aquarius. Ask your questions, comment on the received forecasts, make new friends and arrange an exchange of experience with other representatives of your zodiac constellation. If a difficult question arises in life, you can always ask it to the users of the application, visitors to our portal and its astrologers by posting your comment directly in the application.

Changelog / What's New

Horoscope for every day Aquarius, horoscope for today, horoscope for tomorrow, horoscope for the week, horoscope for the month. Horoscope 2019 Aquarius. Video horoscope, wallpapers, characteristics of the sign of the Zodiac.

Aquarius is characterized by pronounced sensitivity and vulnerability. There are many people around them, but in their hearts they are alone. It is worth noting that Aquarians attract unbalanced people who are prone to inadequate actions. As for friendship, representatives of this sign prefer to choose friends forever.

Aquarians are very sociable, sometimes to the point of obsession. However, they are from that category of people who rarely change their minds, but succumb to persuasion. You should not abuse this quality: if Aquarius considers himself insulted or infringed, he will definitely take revenge, despite the risks of harming himself.

Aquarius is distinguished by curiosity and a desire to be interested in any areas of life. This, however, prevents them from focusing on one thing, and usually Aquarius seems to be lazy, although he is able to complete many small things in a day. The ability to learn new things makes many of Aquarians simply geniuses, but this is fraught with mental disorders, and therefore many of these people are mentally ill.

Aquarius men are romantic in nature, but at the same time with a firm eye on reality. They are capable of unpredictable actions, but try not to risk safety once again. They are inquisitive and tireless in exploring new horizons.

Aquarius women are attractive, they are not afraid to be bright and special, to look defiant. At the same time, they are endowed with intelligence, erudite, attentive, able to make decisions on their own, rejecting advice in every possible way. The Aquarius woman will always do what she needs, but will not want to be responsible for it.

Sign element

Aquarius belongs to the element of air signs, which explains the breadth of his nature and the ability to participate simultaneously in many areas.

The air of Aquarius is all the layers of the atmosphere at once; people of this sign may be interested in something mundane and solid, as well as very high and airy.

Work and career

Every Aquarius has a dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur, but in reality they are more comfortable being employees: in this case, they achieve better results.

In general, for success in business, Aquarius lacks business acumen, willpower to overcome himself, and very thick skin that would protect their thin and vulnerable soul from the influence of the outside world. It is worth noting that representatives of this sign rarely take risks, and at the same time miss the good moments. So there is nothing surprising in the fact that rich people rarely come out of Aquarians.

But there are areas where Aquarius will feel like a fish in water: music, painting, singing. Also, they can succeed in areas that require contact with people - journalism, sociology, teaching, but they will never give 100%. It is important for them to take a break, to be alone with themselves, and therefore they often take long vacations.

Aquarians make excellent psychologists and smart therapists, thanks to their qualities with which they can feel people.

Psychological picture

Aquarius is an active sign, and this is more characteristic of their mental organization: they are easily excitable, they often lose their balance, they worry for a long time because of little things. It is in critical situations that his inner strength, the ability to protect himself and his loved ones, is manifested.

Aquarians love to be the center of attention, they immediately have friends and acquaintances, but in the soul of Aquarius he is still alone. His interest in others is educational in nature; discovering new things is much more interesting for him than doing something to change the situation.

The sensitive nature of Aquarius makes them very vulnerable and touchy, and they hold a grudge for a very long time, so every unflattering remark addressed to them may not cause the best feelings in them.

From the outside it may seem that the actions of Aquarius seem devoid of logic, but you should not blindly believe in this. Aquarius owns much more information than those who surround him, and sees what others do not even know about. Unfortunately, representatives of this sign rarely use their knowledge in practice, because. they prefer to think and reflect.
It is worth noting that Aquarians are prone to charity; they would rather do something for someone than for themselves.


Aquarians cannot boast of good health; having a weak supply of energy, these people are still willing to waste it, so at a very young age they learn what fatigue, insomnia, fatigue are. They need to take care of their nervous system.

Representatives of the sign are more likely to suffer from vision problems, as well as diseases of the circulatory system. Older people are often worried about acute pain in the legs, varicose veins, blockage of blood vessels.

In order to be lively, Aquarians need to worry as little as possible and take everything to heart, and of course, do not forget about playing sports. A certain frivolity does not allow them to seriously take care of their health, and therefore, if they find a hobby for themselves, they quickly forget about maintaining their health.

Aquarians do not attach importance to a healthy diet, and therefore have stomach problems. They try not to listen to doctors, and they try to put off going to the hospital for another year, even though they feel unwell.

Aquarius calendar

Choose a birthday and find out the detailed characteristics of Aquarius born on that day!

Aquarius daily horoscope- free horoscope app for the most talented zodiac sign. The horoscope contains a detailed description of Aquarius, a forecast for compatibility in love with other signs, and tips on how best to act in a given situation, depending on the astrological situation, a certain day, week, month or year. By installing the Aquarius horoscope app, you will enjoy seeing more happy moments in your life.

Compatibility Horoscope
The Aquarius zodiac sign appreciates love above all else, but, alas, your romanticism often stumbles upon a wall of cold indifference. How to avoid such dramas? Especially for you, dreamy and exalted Aquarius, we have prepared a love horoscope of signs compatibility. In the "Love" section, all options for the pairs of Aquarius man and Aquarius woman with other signs of the Zodiac of the opposite sex are presented. Just flip through your horoscope of love relationships, go to the desired combination, read, draw conclusions and enjoy happiness on the personal front.

Horoscope for 2018 Aquarius
In the horoscope app for Aquarius, each representative of this extraordinary and creative sign will find long-term forecasts of what awaits him during 2018. The horoscope for Aquarius 2018 section describes everything that can happen in the most important areas of your life in 2018 year of the Dog. Would you like to read this information? All you need is to download the Aquarius horoscope and install the application on your mobile device.

Horoscope for every day 2018 Aquarius
Aquarians are full of creative ideas, each of which has a right to exist. But, alas, sometimes circumstances slow down your stellar triumph. You will be aware of many surprises when you have your Aquarius daily horoscope for 2018 at your fingertips. You can find it in the app by going to the Today's Horoscope section. Turning the page of the horoscope, you will be taken to the horoscope for tomorrow. Here you will find information about what will happen in your destiny on the coming day.

Daily horoscopes are usually limited to a 2-3 day forecast. Our app allows Aquarians to look five days ahead, which will help them think ahead.

Aquarius weekly horoscope
The life of every Aquarius is a noisy carousel that does not stop for a minute. There will be much more bright, unforgettable minutes and hours in your life as soon as you get at your disposal a forecast for the upcoming seven-day period. You can find it in the Weekly Horoscope section. Looking through this astrological forecast, you will find a horoscope not for one, but for the next 3 weeks. We are sure you already have millions of ideas on how to manage such useful information.

Horoscope for a month
Eternal generators of fresh ideas, Aquarians are not accustomed to measuring their lives by a calendar. What for others is only a month, for you it is an impressive period during which you are able to achieve tremendous success. And to help you, tireless inventors, our monthly horoscope of Aquarius, with a forecast of what awaits you not only in the current, but also in the next 2 months. We do everything to make your life as comfortable as possible. We hope that you will appreciate the convenience of our application.

Video, colorful design and great mood
Aquarians have a subtle sense of beauty, which means you will surely appreciate the design of our horoscope app. There is no doubt that you will also like such a useful option as a video horoscope. All this guarantees you a great mood, an unprecedented spiritual flight and, as a result, even more victories in all areas of life.

If you, dear Aquarius, have any comments or suggestions, please write to us by e-mail: [email protected] Thanks to you, we will be able to make the app for Aquarius as functional and convenient as possible, and make horoscopes the best and most accurate.

We wish all Aquarians a happy 2018!


There would be no Aquarius in the world - humanity would still vegetate in the Stone Age. All the greatest discoveries on this planet have been made by people born under the sign of Aquarius (or with very strong Uranus in their personal horoscope). In you, the stars carefully combined seemingly mutually exclusive qualities: practicality and earthiness with progressive views and a flight of fancy. However, you do not like to be on earth for a long time, sooner or later you still rush to the sky, this is the influence of your element, Air. Starting to build something completely new, you tend to completely destroy what has already been built before you; Remember that this mindset is not for everyone. Alas, you will probably alienate someone with your radicalism. But get someone!


Oddly enough, your most vulnerable place is the nervous system. With all your outward composure, you experience emotions strong enough to give them an outlet, which you practically do not give. More often arrange for yourself a moral rest, do not bring to breakdowns. And Aquarius, as a rule, are real gourmets. Astrostar recommends: try, if possible, to limit the number of gastronomic experiments per unit of time. Your healthy foods and supplements: wheat, grapes, cabbage.


Very often, freedom in life is above all for you, which cannot but be superimposed on relationships in your personal life. This does not mean at all that you, Aquarius, are ready to change partners for the rest of your life, however, if you lack freedom in the union, you will most likely break it. You simply cannot exist within narrow limits. If your partner recognizes this, paradoxically, the relationship will only get stronger. But you, for your part, must understand that by your actions you sometimes cause real pain to people who love you. Remember that a strong family is, in fact, the main thing in the life of absolutely any person. Yes, yes, and this also applies to you, dear Aquarius!

Work and career

Creative realization is much more important for you than a career ladder and an entry in a work book. For the sake of freedom of expression, you are able to sacrifice almost all previous achievements, regalia and awards. A profession that requires perseverance and attentiveness is not suitable for you, but in any work you will not be equal.


Surprisingly, for all your independence, it is very important for you, Aquarius, to have supporters and followers. And in society, you are usually popular if you know how to restrain your impulses and dress ideas in forms that are more understandable to everyone, and this is your undoubted advantage. You are looking for people. First of all, originality. In Libra, Gemini and Aquarius, finding it is quite simple. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn think too small for you, it is not easy for you to find common ground with them. With fiery Aries, Sagittarius and Lions, you get a good business cooperation. But with Pisces, Cancers and Scorpios, Aquarius is frankly bored. They can't keep up with you, they just can't keep up with you!


Aquarius is almost always recognizable in a crowd. You are a bright personality, and this can be seen even in a simple coat or boots. Incredibly, but true, with your love for unusual outfits, you manage to fit perfectly into any society. Even with a strict dress code, you look unusual, while not going beyond it.


Your home is almost always a whole little adventure. Your extravagance is manifested with might and main in the interior. If not the world, then at least you are happy to build your house in accordance with your ideas about the ideal. And, of course, you do not miss a single technical novelty! With all this, you just need space, and in the literal sense of the word, if there is too much furniture in the house, you simply begin to suffocate there. Your house is always open for guests, Astrostar astrologers say boldly!

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