Creative business ideas. Business ideas with minimal investments

Engineering systems 12.10.2019
Engineering systems

Hello, dear friends! You are welcomed by entrepreneurs and authors of the business journal Alexander Berezhnov and Vitaly Gypsies.

We are often asked - what business to do with minimal investments, asked to advise the working business idea.

Having studied the article, you will learn:

  • how to choose a business idea for their situation;
  • why today most good ideas stopped working;
  • what idea for business we chose and why;

Arrange more comfortable, we begin.


  1. What ideas for business with minimal investments work in 2017
  2. Why many business ideas fail still at the start
  3. How to choose a business idea - tips beginners
  4. Business ideas with minimal investments - Top 15 best business ideas
      • Business idea 4. Organization of the service "Husband for an hour"
      • Business idea 5. Cargo transportation
  5. Business ideas for a small town
    • Business idea 9. Tutoring
  6. Business ideas at home
    • Business idea 15. Homemade studio - tailoring and repair of clothes
  7. A real example of a successful business idea to create an income site (our experience)
  8. 3 legendary business ideas that have changed the world
  9. Conclusion

1. What ideas for business with minimal investments work in 2017

Business idea - the basis of any profitable business. There are commercial ideas that have brought millions of profits to their creators and continue to work on them so far. These people began their business from scratch, having only a huge desire to achieve success. On how to start your business from scratch, we told in detail in one of the popular articles of our site.

Business ideas for beginner entrepreneurs do not have to be brilliant insights (although this option is also suitable): it is enough to use already ready-made solutions and just start working according to a specific scheme.

In this article we offer business ideas with minimal investments for residents of the metropolis, a small town, villages.

Below you will find projects for women, men, students and pensioners.

Some ideas for entrepreneurship involve work at home, others - require their own production or at least a car.

Even in 2017, when part of the businessmen ceases commercial activity due to a sharp decline in demand, there are niches that, with a competent approach, can bring good income.

Niche for business, topical in 2017:

  • getting an income over the Internet. (Read our article on the Internet at home without investments);
  • providing various services to the population;
  • training and counseling;
  • resale of goods through electronic ads;
  • production of handmade products under the order.

All ideas for the business described in the article are different, but unites them one: the lack of large investments at the initial stage.

The amounts that will be spent to open the case vary in the range from 100 to 15,000 rubles (5 $ -300 $).

Agree, such means can find almost everyone.

At first, the idea of \u200b\u200bopening your own business with minimal investments (either without without it) seems unreal. In order not to doubt, just read our article how to open a business without investments.

However, there are a lot of examples when people managed to achieve stable material well-being literally from scratch. These people just incarnate their original and cost-effective ideas.

2. Why many business ideas fail still at the start

The main causes of failures in the newly created business have, as a rule, organizational nature.

In other words, you must have a business plan (we already told in detail how to make a business plan) - step by step guide to action. No matter how small the initial capital, it should be spent strictly for its intended purpose. If the money ends at the start, it means that a strategic error has been made.

The most common causes of the failures of novice entrepreneurs:

  1. No orientation to the client. You need to interest your potential clint. Starting the case, even very original and new, think about how to convey its exclusivity to other people.
  2. Errors in cash flow management. Financial illiteracy, credit abuse and inability to properly distribute available resources ruined the lion's share of young projects.
  3. Lack of purpose. If your business idea does not have a clear goal, it either will not work at all, either stalls in the process of its incarnation into life. Decide what level of income you want to achieve, and what you will do with the initial profits. The best option is to run them into business.
  4. Lack of competent leadership. If more than 1 person is engaged in the business, one who makes decisions must be.
  5. Procrastination - postponement of important stages for the business. Act immediately and start with the main thing!
  6. Excessive caution. Unjustified risk will also not be beneficial, but fear is even more loss for the development of a profitable enterprise. If you constantly wait for the perfect moment to embody your idea, you can spend on such expectations for years. As one humorous and at the same time life phrase: "If you look at the girl for a long time, you can see how it gets married." This refers to those who are slow and misses because of this a good opportunity.
  7. Lack of perseverance. Some beginner entrepreneurs the first failure immediately knocks out of the rut. Such people say "not worked" and depart aside. This is an incorrect strategy. To make sure the viability of the idea, it is necessary to test it several times - the more, the better. But it is necessary to do it with the mind, constantly modifying and adjusting the selected direction. Repeat, precisely correcting, and not just making the same thing in the same way.

If a person repeats the same actions many times, expecting a different result, it can be called insane.

Albert Einstein

And you should not wait for an instant return even from yourself, in your opinion, a brilliant business plan. Remember that only the most patient and persistent are achieved.

The main criterion when choosing an idea for a business is a personal interest in any direction. Ideally make money needed on what you love and what do you really understand.

In our opinion, a 100% successful business idea in 2017 should meet the following criteria:

  1. Based on your favorite business. Another great Steve Jobs said that it was impossible to achieve big results, dealing with an unloved business. Since you quickly throw it away if difficult times come, and they will come.
  2. The idea should be a demanded by the market. You can very love to embroider a cross or study the tongue of the tribe "Tumba-Yumba", but hardly these classes will be able to bring you a big income. If even people are fond of these directions, then the amount of money in these market niches is very small. Even without deep analysis, this can be understood. In other words, with the same labor costs and talents, it will be much easier for you to earn, selling real estate, building materials or cars than hamsters, thimble or decorative fluffs.
  3. Contain unique advantages. If you choose a niche or a business idea for the future project and do not know what exactly you will stand out against the background of competitors, then such an idea is unlikely to bring a good money result. Be sure to think about your competitive advantages. They can be price, for example, if you were able to reduce costs, finding a very profitable supplier. Your unique advantages can also be strategic, for example, if you endowed your product (service) with unique consumer qualities.
  4. Business idea must comply with legislative and moral and ethical standards. You can earn more and much, but it is worth thinking whether this earnings will be honest. This is a fundamentally important condition when choosing a direction in business. If you do not want to wake up at night from the parishes of police into the house or hear in your address non-extended words from customers, only by honest ways of earnings. Do not spoil your karma and sleep quietly at night. Although there are definitely people who do not bother anything. But this is their choice and everyone will urge his affairs.

Essential assistance can have a obtained education or the availability of experience in one or another sphere. For example, Plumbing can open an online store of sanitary goods.

If you like communication with new people, deal with the organizational business. Conversely, if you feel discomfort from communication with people and better feel alone, deal with business at home - say, tailoring and repair of clothing or technical translations.

Sometimes for opening a business helps the presence of a hobby. For example, people involved in aquarium fish can make their passion for the source of income - to start brewing fish (algae, plankton) for sale.

Newcomers we can give a few more specific advice:

  • you should not take a large loan in the bank to start a business, especially if you do not have other sources of constant income (it is better to take away from relatives if your funds are categorically not) and if you clearly decide that you need funds to open your case, then be sure Examine our article "Where to take money";
  • start with small: put concrete tasks in front of you and follow them sequentially;
  • if your business is not related to the Internet, but is focused on local territory, think about whether the income level is sufficient for potential consumers so that your business has earned (in other words, it is unlikely to open an elite clothing store in the village with a population of 5,000).

And most importantly - do not be mistaken if the project has not worked: it did not work now, it will definitely work out with the next attempt. Entrepreneurial experience is much more important than the availability of starting capital.

4. Ideas for business with minimal investments - Top 15 best business ideas

And now specific ideas for those who want to start working on themselves and make a profit today. Immediately let's say that you also need to use ready-made projects and ideas. Each option must be thought out and compared with specific realities.

If you have little experience in business or you are just going to open your business, take advantage of our selection of business ideas for beginners.

Business idea 1. Resale things on Avito

Avito is the most popular site in Russia free ads. There are thousands of purchase and sale transactions every day: some people buy the goods they need, others - successfully this product is implemented.

Where big money is spinning, you need intermediaries. It is not necessary to sell your own things at all: you can search for buyers and selling them someone else, while getting good interest for your services.

Why is it relevant? Many people want to sell an unnecessary thing to them, but do not know how to do it, or do not have enough time. In addition, there are sites where you can buy goods cheap wholesale, and then realize them in retail at a profitable price for you.

If you want to deal with the receipt of arrived at Avito thoroughly and even build on this business, check out our article "How to make money on Avito."

In essence, most shops are engaged in intermediary. In this case, you will not need to pay money for the rent of warehouse or commercial premises: all your activity will occur in the Internet space.

There will still have to be engaged in the organization of delivery of goods to the client - but for this already existed Schemes: you can use mail or delivery service. If things are to go uphill, you can think about creating your own online store.

Business Idea 2. Organization of the Agency of Holidays

Organize your agency for holidays and events is one of the easiest ways to open your own business. Birthdays, corporate parties and weddings People celebrate and will always celebrate, despite crises and other cataclysms.

Your task is to help them organize a holiday. You can specialize solely on children's holidays: a children's audience is less dissolving, and the child is easier to cheer than an adult.

The agency of the holidays sells services that can not touch their hands, so professionalism is the main criterion. First you need to spend at a high level of 5-10 events, after which you will definitely notice and will recommend your friends. The existence of advertising on the Internet and the media does not hurt, but also the advantages of the oral "sarafined radio" should not be neglected. Satisfied customers will recommend you to each other.

Business idea 3. Advertising agency as a business for beginners

A small advertising agency may consist of 2-3 people and does not require large investments at the initial stage. All you need are creative ideas for advertising and possession at a decent level of computer design.

Our good signommy - Eugene Korosko opened his advertising agency from scratch and now successfully develops it. Zhenya left work when the income from his small advertising business exceeded the level of his salary.

To begin with, the office of the advertising agency can be organized at home: no matter where you are taking and implement applications from customers. All the initial capital that you can fully invest in advertising your advertising agency (no matter how paradoxically sounded): the first normal orders will refund the money spent with interest.

On the production facilities, it is better not to save - a computer, scanner, printer - the whole technique should be the most modern. It is not necessary to create a full-fledged state: now full of free artists (freelancers), which will make the design of an advertising layout or create a corporate style for minimal payment. At the final stage, the main thing is to search for orders.

Again, if we competently use the worldwide network, there will be no shortage of clientele.

Experts in this issue believe that the most profitable industry of advertising - Creative: the creation of original ideas, slogans, logos, layouts and banners. Prices for our services you can appoint themselves. The main indicator of success is a stable growth in the value of the info-product you create and the number of its sales for the period, for example for a month.

Business idea 4. Organization of the service "Husband for an hour"

The service "Husband for an hour" is especially in demand in medium and large cities, where there is a large number of people busy "on the ears" and even men, not to mention women will be relevant to take advantage of the services of private masters "for all hands."

No initial investments are only advertising. The main condition is professionalism. Can you quickly install a switch, repair the crane, make the repair of household appliances, wiring and plumbing? Then it is your business.

It is better, of course, to have your own car to come on a challenge as soon as possible.

If you are a good organizer, you can not engage in the performance of repair and domestic work directly, but to coordinate them. It is necessary to organize a network from employees (narrow specialists in one area or another) and distribute challenges between them, given the specifics of work and territorial criterion.

Specialists of such a service can be both universals and specialists in a specific area: electrician, plumbing, finishing works.

We have one friend his name is Evgeny opened such a service in the city of Stavropol, first worked himself, then began to hire people. He is now in demand and sustainable business.

Business idea 5. Cargo transportation

The organization of freight is a promising direction, since the need for such services is constantly growing. This is due, including with the development of online trading. Good purchased goods need to be delivered, and it is better as soon as possible.

To begin with, you can open a small transportation agency in your hometown. You will not even need to have your own car park for the transportation itself. It is enough to find customers to your services and agree with car owners about the price of the transport itself.

Thus, you organize your dispatching service, which as an intermediary earns a resale of consumer applications (a person or company that wants to translate the goods) to the Contractor (motor vehicle owner).

We know the guy, his name is Denis, who first worked as a hired driver on Gazelle, and then bought his Gazelle and began to make money on it. Now, after 4 years, he has almost 20 cars, which he gradually took on credit and put on them the same hired drivers.

How does the Denis scheme work on freight transport in numbers

We will analyze on the example of one car, which was taken on credit.

Payment on a loan per month 15 000 rubles + 25,000 rubles salary driver + fuel and lubricants and depreciation of 12,000 rubles.

Total: costs from one car: 62 000 rubles per month.

Revenue from one car at the cost of an hour of 400 rubles, per day at a 10-hour working day and the average car load of 7 hours a day 25 days a week is 400 * 7 * 25 \u003d 70,000 rubles.

It turns out that the profit is equal: revenue of 70,000 rubles minus costs 62 000 rubles \u003d 8,000 rubles.

* All calculations here are taken as approximate and may not reflect all the completeness of the picture relative to the specifics of this business.

Repeat, this final digit on profits is obtained in case the car you took on credit.

Profit will either minimal or virtually zero. After the car loan is paid and it will go into your full-fledged property, profitability (profit) with this transport unit will grow significantly.

Opportunities for growth in this area are not limited.

2) business ideas for a small town

Business ideas for a small town have their own specifics. You can make money in small towns on the easiest and most sought-after things. And what to do if the population of your city is from 10,000 to 100,000 people? The answer is below.

Business idea 6. Breeding and sale of animals

If you are the owner of a private house and love the animal world, you can enjoy the breeding of animals for sale. First, of course, it is necessary to decide which animals you will breed - guinea pigs, dogs, cats, tritons, hamsters. The main criterion is the availability of the market for implementation. By the way, thoroughbred dogs and cats with a good pedigree are tens of thousand rubles.

The organization of a home nursery as a business is a good idea for starting in a small town or even a village (village).

If you look wider and get relevant knowledge (education) and documents, you will be able to grow into a veterinary clinic and at least discover the store selling feed and related pets for pets.

You can also breed rabbits. They are quite quickly multiplied and sold well.

Depending on the size and breed, the price of a live rabbit ranges from 800 rubles ($ 15) to 4500 rubles ($ 65).

If in your city everyone loves dogs of the boxing breed, make a business exactly on them. Of course, the case requires a preliminary study of all the nuances. It is advisable to talk to the veterinarian about the most common problems in the breeding of animals of one or another breed.

Business idea 7. Repair of shoes and manufacture of keys

In many cities, including in small, there are points for the repair of shoes. If you are not embarrassed to work with your hands and engage in adhesive Cauch, stuffing the heels and the replacement of lightning on women's boots, then you can organize such a point in our village. All you need for this is a room from 5 square meters, a pair of racks, a tool and ability to deal with this type of activity.

Also, do not forget to officially register as an individual entrepreneur not to have problems with the authorities. To become an individual entrepreneur simply, to do this, learn our article "How to open an IP".

Business for the repair of shoes and the manufacture of keys is often combined in one point due to the similarity of working conditions.

And if in the country a crisis, then you are only on your hand. In such conditions, people are less spent on new shoes and prefer to repair the old, if there is such an opportunity. If you know how and love to work with your hands and want to be myself the boss - this business is for you.

Business idea 8. Private cosmetologist (hairdresser, makeup artist)

To provide composer service, hairdresser, skin care specialist, nails and body, it is not necessary to rent a room and open a SPA-salon with expensive equipment and a lot of employee.

You can cut people and make makeup at home - the main thing is that you can be able to qualitatively provide these services. Many women prefer to use the services of a home (almost personal) hairdresser - while cooperation sometimes lasts for years.

After working as a client base, you can have constant earnings without exaggeration throughout life. After all, this service is required with a certain frequency to your customers.

Working at home Private Beauty Master You can provide the following services:

  • haircut and hair coloring;
  • manicure;
  • pedicure;
  • wedding hairstyle and makeup;
  • sale of related goods (shampoos, gels, varnishes).

Working a private master, you will be able to become a full-fledged stylist in the future or open your beauty studio.

Business idea 9. Tutoring

Good tutors for many students and schoolchildren on gold weight. This business for the provision of private educational services is suitable for specialists in any field.

The services of such a plan in the season are especially in demand before entering universities.

How do customers know about you? You can make advertising in a local newspaper, on television, via the Internet. And best of all customers find, communicating directly with students or students. For example, most teachers in schools work with tutors before graduating from school (graduation) or vice versa, before entering an educational institution in the preparation of entrance exams.

A good tutor in an hour earns good money: while you can work at home or remotely via Skype. In this case, your client market is not limited. About earnings using Skype We will tell you more in the article below.

Private lessons - not necessarily learning to science. You can learn people to play guitar, embroider with a cross and weave bracelets from beads. If you know how to do something very good, why not teach it others for the relevant remuneration?

Business idea 10. Dining opening

This business idea is relevant not only in 2017, but also at all times.

In small towns, as a rule, there are interruptions with catering establishments. The opening of the dining room, where they feed tasty and homely, will help to solve this issue with the benefit for the owner and for customers. It is not necessary to open at once a large dining room for 50-100 seats: to begin with 5 cozy tables.

The main thing is to keep the brand and prepare truly tasty. This activity is drawn up as individual entrepreneurship - the only initial costs: rental of premises, purchase of products. Analysts believe that this market segment in small cities is very profitable, especially if you have reliable staff and thoughtful sierais.

In anyone even a small town, there will be such people who want to eat a full-fledged lunch for reasonable money with the first and second, rather than running shopping hoping to quickly "intercept" something edible.

Such a business idea will be in demand both in the large and small town, where the well-known catering networks are practically not presented, and this will reduce the competition for you.

3) business ideas at home

In this section, we have prepared ideas for those who wish to work not without leaving the house. Now the idea of \u200b\u200bhome business, including earnings on the Internet, are gaining popularity every day.

Business idea 11. Production of crafts at home (Hand-Made)

If you know how to make dolls, funny animals, wood products that like children and not only - organize hand-made business at home and implement your products through the same Avito or specialized site. Hundreds of people are already engaged in this and receive profits.

Once we took an interview with a girl who thus earns and lives with us in the city of Stavropol. And it all started like a hobby. To learn more about how to turn your creative talents in real money, read "How to earn on needlework" - an interview with Anna Bellan, the founder of the creative studio "Suzorami".

Exclusive is always appreciated and if you really come to the creation of crafts at home, you can earn several thousand dollars and in parallel for money to train other people with this craft.

Business idea 12. Opening of a home web studio

The newest Internet technologies will bring stable profits if they use them right. Do you have experience in creating websites, online applications or do you know how to competently promote network resources in search engines? If so, then you should create your own web studio.

The needs of the population in creating their own Internet sites is constantly growing - why not take advantage of this demand? Opening your own web studio, you will work exclusively on yourself and, moreover, engage in your favorite thing.

We ourselves were engaged in creating sites about 3 years and wrote a detailed article on how to make money on creating websites under the order.

Starting this business at home, with time you can expand the company and become the leader of its own IT company, and the creation of sites, online stores and selling pages to entrust freelancers or staff members.

Business idea 13. Training and consulting on Skype

The Internet destroyed the boundaries between states and distances between cities. Now you can train others without leaving home. Skype and other ways of Internet communications allow you to give lessons and advice regardless of location.

Using Skype, you can implement the following types of commercial activities:

  • teach all those who want foreign languages \u200b\u200b(if you, of course, a specialist);
  • give legal advice;
  • advise customers as a psychologist or psychotherapist;
  • teach people to entrepreneurship;
  • guess make up horoscopes.

The possibility of training at a distance is beneficial to the teacher and the student - no one wants to spend time and finance for movement. Any skills and knowledge are now in step accessibility - 20 years ago you could only dream about such opportunities.

Now a very popular area has been working on the Internet, including with Skype. If you have the competences that you can sell remotely, you can travel and work simultaneously. And such a lifestyle is a dream of millions of people around the world.

Business idea 14. Creating an income site on the Internet

This is one of the most profitable and promising business ideas of 2017, the relevance of which will only increase in the coming years. The presence of your own website is an excellent opportunity to obtain constant income in automatic mode. To understand how it works, read our article "How to Create Passive Income."

If your network resource is popular and moved well in search engines, then simply placing contextual advertising and banners on it, you can have a stable and very considerable profit.

We have already written above that our website is is a vivid example of such an income site.

If you are truly passionate about the information technologies, the creation of your site (blog) can be for you as an additional source of income and main.

Your visited site will simultaneously solve several tasks for you:

  • form your personal brand and expert status in any niche;
  • bring your profits on a regular basis as a store, cafe or other offline business;
  • motivate you for learning, development and knowledge of the new;
  • develop talents in different fields: copywriting, management, marketing, negotiating (when working with advertisers).

If you are interested in the topic of creating a site to earn money on it, leave comments on the article with your questions.

Business idea 15. Homemade studio - tailoring and repair of clothes

Sewing and repairing clothes at home, like repair of shoes, during the crisis can become your home business.

If it is not possible to purchase an expensive thing in the boutique, why not alter or not to repair used clothes for the lower price? For a homemade studio, you do not need to pay rent: you only need to run advertising your company.

We have a friend who works at home and engaged in sewing dresses including wedding and earns more medium salary in our city.

To open a homemade atelier, you will need only your skills, the presence of a sewing machine and the desire to work.

On this, our list of popular ideas for business is completed. We will be happy if you choose to appropriate and build your successful business based on it.

5. Real example of a successful business idea (our experience)

We will not walk far, the original and successful business idea is our website hetic, where you are now.

We created it from scratch: from the idea and name before profit in automatic mode.

Now we will not go into details and give only some numbers.

Characteristics of the business journal for January 2017:

How this business idea was born, how many profit brings the project (startup), on which types of advertising it earns, you can learn from our article about earnings on advertising on the Internet.

6. 3 Legendary Business Ideas Changed Peace

The following 3 business projects are most effectively and clearly shown, as the original idea can work, which seemed to lay on the surface:

  1. The creation of the American entrepreneur Jeffrey Bezness of the Virtual Online Store Amazon, in the image and similarity of which now hundreds of other network stores have changed the idea of \u200b\u200bsales via the Internet. Like many now successful companies, Amazon was located in the garage. His founder attracted the creation of a project of talented programmers from Silicon Valley and thanks to its entrepreneurial talent and orientation on the needs of the client became one of their greatest businessmen in the entire history. If you are considering the opening of the store on the Internet as a business idea, then you will study our article "How to open your online store" is a step-by-step instruction from the practitioners of your business.
  2. The company for the production of electronic games "Atari". The creation of the first electronic game and the company for the production of video games "Atari" Nolan Bushneel in 1972 marked the beginning of this mass industry. Now the electronic games flood the world. Warcraft, Counter-Strike, Quake, Heroes, Starcraft, World of Tanks and many other popular computer games are required by their origin that now distinguished times when personal computers were only a big dream of humanity.
  3. Creating diapers. In the middle of the 20th century, Viktor Mills - Procter & Gamble employee invented now known worldwide products of public consumption disposable diaper, thereby producing a real revolution in the market of consumer goods. Now this item seems so ordinary millions of families. But in the distant 60s of the last century, it was something like a person's flight into space. Now thanks to the famous brand Pampers, all diapers began to call "diapers", although this is the name of the brand, and not the goods itself.

In fact, the legendary business ideas that changed the world is much more than three. Hundreds and even thousands of people involved their talent, intelligence and imagination to make the world as we know.

Analyze your abilities and talents, find what you like to do. Maybe the next person who will change the world is exactly you!

7. Conclusion

Dear friend, we told you about the most popular and proven business ideas. Perhaps you have your own original project that will allow you to make money even more productive and in a simple way than those described in the article.

Finally, be sure to look at the video from the channel "Moscow 24" on what business ideas and how many enterprising people are earned today:

Successes to you in business and profitable startups!

And what business ideas seem attractive to you and why? Leave your opinions and share your experience in the comments.

Your own business is a direct road to financial freedom. Nowadays, any purposeful person can engage in entrepreneurial activities and achieve great success. The most important thing is to find new ideas for the 2019 business, the newest ideas that will work in modern conditions.

Business with China

Chinese products confidently conquers the domestic market so if you are looking for new niches for the 2019 business, try to address the resale of goods from China. This is a rather promising activity that guarantees novice entrepreneurs a decent stable income.

Has many advantages:

  • Fast profits;
  • High markup;
  • A wide range of;
  • Good quality;
  • Low prices;
  • Established delivery;
  • Development prospects.


  • Huge competition;
  • Risk of acquiring poor quality goods;
  • Long delivery time;
  • Customs duties when ordering a large batch of goods.

If you are interested in new business ideas 2019 with minimal investments, you can work according to the dropship circuit. But in this case, you need to create your own website where you can upload photos of goods with its detailed description. Newcomers buy products with small wholesale batches by 10-20 thousand rubles. At the expense of good surcharges, you can get a good profit and spend it on larger procurement. If you order a big batch of goods, Chinese vendors can make a good discount, so you should not stay on dropshipping for a long time.

Resale products from China is difficult to call a new business in Russia 2019. Many entrepreneurs have long supplied large parties of Chinese products to our country and earn decent money, so you can safely move in this direction.

Dry washing

Another new business idea 2019 from Europe - dry car wash. This service is beneficial not only for entrepreneurs, but also for consumers. Her main dignity is environmental friendliness, security and, of course, mobility. A person can wash his car anywhere in the courtyard of the house, near the office or in the parking lot of the entertainment complex.

- This is a fairly profitable occupation, which has its advantages:

  • Low threshold of entry;
  • No need to rent a room or buy special equipment;
  • There is no need to issue permits;
  • No additional costs of paying bills for water and electricity;
  • Mobility;
  • Development prospects;
  • Service speed;
  • Ecology.

But this new idea of \u200b\u200bthe Small Business of 2019 has its drawbacks:

  • Dry sink cannot be performed in the cold season, because according to technology, special cleaning agents can only be used at a plus temperature. In winter, twenty-graduate frost is unlikely to want to work with a rag and spray. In principle, such a thing can be engaged in the garage, but then there can be no question of any mobility;
  • Badly wash the feels and the bottom of the car, which means that you will not be able to wash the car with a high quality, too contaminated;
  • High cost quality detergents.

It is most profitable to open a dry sink in the parking lot near the shopping or entertainment center. Here you can serve for a day about 20 customers. The cost of washing is about 250 rubles. This means that in one shift you can get 5 thousand rubles of revenues. At the same time, the cost of one wash is only 20 rubles. This new idea for the 2019 business can be realized almost from scratch. The cost of one bottle of detergent is approximately 500 rubles. In addition, you need to purchase several microfiber towels. You will spend 300 rubles for this. In total, you will need only 800 rubles for the start.

Decorative chrome of details

Amazed with their diversity. One of them would like to pay special attention. We are talking about decorative chromium details. This is applied to the surface of different items, a special coating. You can offer your services for decorating motorcycles, bicycles, auto parts, etc.. The technology of applying such a coating is quite simple, so it can easily master any person who has no special skills. The only problem that may occur during the work is to search the supplier of high-quality reagents.

It will not require major financial investments from you. In the presence of own premises, such as a garage, it will take 100 thousand rubles for the start. This money is needed to buy special equipment and reagents. You can get out literally after 2 months on complete payback.


  • High level of profitability - 85-90%;
  • Stable profit;
  • Small starting capital;
  • Free training at the expense of the state and the possibility of obtaining a gratuitous subsidy;
  • Exclusivity;
  • Restability.

Most often, chromium services are ordered by motorists, so this new business idea of \u200b\u200b2019 is better to implement on the basis of the auto service or workshop. Some car owners chrome even the body of their car, after which it turns into a real masterpiece.

Resale cars

In order to open your own business, it is not necessary to take the newest ideas for the 2019 business. You can go along the way, which has repeatedly passed other entrepreneurs, for example, to engage in resale cars. This business can be boldly called homemade, because it does not need to rent an office for work or make an individual entrepreneur. All you need to work is a computer with internet access and a mobile phone. Each sold car can make a profit of 10-20% of its total cost.

It is most profitable to deliver cars from abroad, but there are serious risks here. The biggest problem is the buyer's confidence, since he must contribute 100% prepayment. But over time you can solve it. The more successful transactions will hold a businessman, the more willing him will be trusted.

In order to acquire a used car of domestic production, it will take about 50 thousand rubles. You will spend 15 thousand rubles for its pre-sale preparation. Such a car can be sold for 80-85 thousand rubles and earn 15-20 thousand rubles on it. The more expensive the car, the more income you get. In general, a novice entrepreneur should have start-up capital in his hands at least 500 thousand rubles. But it is better that it was 1-2 million rubles. In this case, you can minimize all possible risks. - It is quite complicated, but at the same time a profitable occupation. Experts recommend paying special attention to him.


Handmade products are always much more expensive than serial products. But, unfortunately, not all talented people who know how to do something with their own hands, know that such a passion can become a constant source of income for them.

If you are looking for ideas for the 2019 business, the newest ideas from scratch can be realized with your own hands, practically without starting investments. This is the main advantage of this activity. Copyright and creative will allow you to attract to your creations great amount customers. Allows you to start with minimal investments. It can be started from 10-20 thousand rubles and a few years later to develop your business to a major high-profile enterprise.

Restoration of old furniture

This activity can not be attributed to the newest ideas of 2019, since many entrepreneurs are engaged in such a matter in our country. The main advantage of this business is the minimum starting attachments. But at the same time you should not count on too much profit. As a rule, such an idea is used as a basis for the development of a more large-scale project. In addition to repairing furniture, you can offer customers a drawing of sofas and chairs, as well as replacement of worn out accessories. Brings more solid income, but in order to deal with such a thing, you need to have special skills.

The main disadvantage of this activity is a high level of competition. To attract customers, offer them upholstery materials in different price categories and at first make good discounts.

You will spend about 10 thousand rubles for the purchase of the tool. Fabrics and accessories will cost another 50 thousand rubles. Full payback occurs approximately six months. Profitability of the business reaches 30%.

Production of inflatable trampoline

In the list of ideas for the 2019 business, the newest ideas are highlighted by their originality and simplicity. Especially when it comes to the production of inflatable trampolines. In order to open this case, there will be a special equipment. It will cost you about 300 thousand rubles. The cost of raw materials depends largely on its quality. Materials for the production of trampolines are best purchased in bulk from foreign manufacturers through their official dealers. In general, with expenses for rent and salaries, personnel can be met by 1 million rubles.

On January 11, the CES-2019 exhibition ended in Las Vegas, which submitted to the attention of entrepreneurs promising business ideas of the New Year. Among them are "smart" headphones, "talkative" combs, interactive umbrellas, sabwofers-bracelets, a touch laptop and other gadgets that can turn the world of small businesses in the next 2-3 years. New features are able to remotely connect to the smartphone, collect and transmit information. They track the tastes of their owner, his condition, give advice and recommendations.

The market of such devices will become even more interesting in 2019. While 70% of "dicks" for the Russian consumer is either too expensive or imperfect, but manufacturers are tirelessly engaged in testing and improving their products. If you buy a batch of goods in time that has not yet been presented in Russia, and competently promote it, it is not bad to earn it on foreign business ideas.

3D-sweets: production and sale

Soon no one will buy hamburgers and pastries if they are not made on a 3D printer. The novelty Blaries the minds and promises to become the main business trend in 2019. On such a technique, not only sweets are made - original figures of plastic, toys, souvenirs, accessories. But special interest is of particular interest in the representatives of small forms of business in Russia. Food 3D printers.

What can you "print" with their help?

  • exclusive candy;
  • sugar figures;
  • original baking;
  • bizarre pasta and spaghetti;
  • unusual cookies;
  • decorations for cakes.

The list is not limited. Who may be interested in similar products? If we are talking about a small business, then the main consumers of 3D sweets will be cafes, restaurants, confectionery, services for organizing festive events. Fantasy culinary having a 3D printer is truly not limited to and will allow you to create sweets in the form of an exact copy of the orchid flower, a locomotive, a DNA molecule or a self-portrait.

To the strengths of the business idea can be attributed to novelty, originality, inexpensive consumables. Yes, and the cost of the printer by pocket to ordinary small business representatives. The budget apparatus costs from $ 1,000, high-quality - $ 3,000, but these are so-called home options. For mass production, the industrial unit will be needed - its cost from $ 15,000. The price of bobbins with thread is about $ 50 per 1 kg.

Important information! While food 3D printers do not print overall models. The size of the figures is limited. But they can add traditional flavors and dyes for the food industry.

Coworking Center

The number of people who are looking for a convenient format to communicate outside the house are growing. Cafes, restaurants, entertainment centers, libraries for different reasons are not satisfied with the new generation. You have to take into account the increased army of freelancers who are far from always comfortable at home. In 2016-2017, the idea of \u200b\u200borganizing corecling centers was developed abroad - peculiar offices in which visitors come in free time for an hour, two or for a whole day. People pay no for food, and for a certain time stay in a cozy room, where they can be interested in spending time with friends, work on their project or just be alone.

For almost a month now, as 2016 has become another page of history. For some, it was a step of success, for others - defeats, others could decide on anything, and, remained, as they say, "with their own." Anyway, we are a team of blogging "your business" Congratulations to all your readers with the beginning of the New Year full for all hopes, we wish that the coming year was definitely better than the past, and the 2017 business ideas justified all your expectations for you.

Modern business requires emergency control over their business, energetic activity, the search for new ways of development, the introduction of innovative technologies. Only so you can stay "afloat" in this difficult time for the whole business. In today's review we will show you the new best business ideas of 2017, which in our opinion promise to go out in the top 10 in terms of profit and demand. Here included, as popular business ideas in Europe, America (read the top 9 business ideas from the USA), and projects suitable exclusively for our country.

What business is relevant in 2017?

In the process of rapid changes in the global trading market and complex economic relations between countries, it is quite difficult to confidently predict which business ideas will enter the leading position in the coming 2017. To do this, it will not even even have a thorough analysis of the target audience of the market segments, the knowledge of the investment opportunities of potential investors, and the preparation of an ideal marketing strategy - everything is now too unpredictable.

Formation of new trends in a wide variety of spheres of life, business, science, etc. Forces interested in the success of businessmen, always is aware of all market opportunities. But in any case, in the preparation of the forecast, most experts use data for the outgoing year. So we do and we.

Business ideas 2017 with minimal investments

First of all, we, as always, focus on the implementation of business ideas with minimal investments - today it is the most relevant theme in small and medium-sized businesses. In 2016, questions lost their relevance to how to take a bank loan or a private investor. But others became important, for example, everything related to investments:

  • where to put half a million rubles, one hundred thousand rubles, a million
  • and many other similar topics

But the financial opportunities for investment are not all of all, most novice entrepreneurs are looking for opportunities to open their business with minimal investments. And many of the 2017 business ideas are responsible for such criteria.


We so often stressed from the TVs, magazine pages, on the Internet sites about the dangers of smoking, that people finally believed in it! But to believe one thing, and abandon the bad habit is another. And therefore, electronic came to the change of ordinary cigarettes.

Omitting reasoning about the benefits or dangers of this classes, let's say that the VAPE-bars are exactly the names of the institutions in which the "like-minded people" can be found and calmly couples. " Vape-bars came to replace the hookah, which were banned after the introduction of a law prohibiting smoking in public places, and are absolutely legal from a legal point of view.

Sale of food in automotive traffic jams

The fact that in reality is automobile traffic jams in Russia, almost anyone who live in a densely populated city knows. Irritation already causes 1-15 minutes of standing in a street jam, and it happens that the waiting time is delayed on a much greater period.

Surely, many car owners with irritation dismissed from proposals of annoying granny or untidestly dressed adolescents, driving between cars and roofing to get under the wheels, and offering patties and other baking, hot tea and coffee - in winter, drinks and ice cream - in summer, etc. . It is quite another thing if the same assortment will be offered a young man (girl) in corporate clothing with a mini-fridge in hand. Actually, clothing and refrigerator and will be all the necessary expenses for the implementation of this business idea.

Trade in automotive traffic jams - the current business of 2017 is most suitable for the implementation of young people - high school students, students, or people temporarily left without work.

At first glance, a non-market business idea, according to the recognition of the street vendors themselves, up to 5-7 thousand rubles net income. The assortment of the products offered can be not only food products, but also all sorts of automotive accessories - cheap Chinese fans (especially running goods in summer heat), car heaters - winter, flash drives with audiobooks (if you kill time in traffic, so with benefit!), Chargers for phones, etc.

Products can be purchased on wholesale warehouses, enter into contracts with shops, sell your own goods (pies, pastries, etc.), attracting mother to your business, grandmother, sister, ordering on Aliexpress.

The only "gap" in the implementation of this business idea is its legal design. Legalize street trade in traffic jams in accordance with Russian legislation will not work. Therefore, you will have to work at your own risk. Although, the maximum that in practice makes merchants in traffic jams, police officers - threaten the punishment and drive off the road.

Sale and delivery of environmentally friendly products

A huge demand for environmentally friendly products lately can be compared unless with the sales of the necessary medicine during the epidemic period. Numerous television reports and print publications on violations in the production and sale of food are poured "oils into the fire".

Organization of delivery service

Of course everyone knows that everything new is well forgotten old. And because the current business of 2017 adopted the best projects of the year of the outgoing. So, for example, the organization of the delivery service "pokes" from our tops of the best ideas for business for 3 years, each time purchasing new features.

Delivery of food, building materials, medicines, etc. Due to the cooking deficit, the time is becoming more and in great demand. In 2017, the number of customers can grow sharply at the expense of offline and online stores, which, often without having their own deliveries, resort to the services of third-party organizations.

The undoubted plus implementation of this project in the absence of the need for solid initial capital. You can start a business, having an old car, engaged in delivery personally. Even advertising to your company can be carried out with minimal costs. Methods of inexpensive and efficient advertising can be found.

Given the main trouble of Russian urban roads (except for their state, of course!) - Corks, it will be completely useful to purchase a moped, scooter, or a bike for greater mobility. It will be advantageous to distinguish the company from competitors.

The most important thing is to remember that the responsible fulfillment of orders will allow for the shortest possible time to significantly expand its business, which is confirmed by a visual example:

Video about what delivery services are:

Opening EMS Fitness Studio

EMS Fitness Studios appeared relatively recently. Previously, most fitness clubs used old heavy and uncomfortable wired EMS (EMC) simulators who were skipped movements during training and delivered inconvenience.

In the summer of 2016, in Russia for the first time, wireless EMS simulators for training and fitness are appeared - such as wireless EMS costume I-Motion. Over the past six months, more than 150 fitness studios opened only in Moscow. Based on this, you can see a large trend of the popularity of this area of \u200b\u200bbusiness.

People who lead a healthy lifestyle, worry about the beauty and health of their body, now pay attention primarily on EMS training. Classes with EMS Equipment is much more convenient and more efficient than ordinary exercises. The principle of EMC training is that you are engaged in a special I-Motion costume for only 20 minutes, which are equivalent to 4 hours of reinforced training with the gym.

Do you have a fitness studio in the city of EMS? Most likely, not yet, so hurry to open your own and become one of the first. In this business it is very important to choose the right EMC equipment. Pay attention to the Spanish EMS equipment, namely on the wireless EMS suit I-Motion - This is a sample of high-quality EMC equipment for such workouts. EMS Simulator I-Motion is certified in Russia, and it does not need a medical license to work with it. The official representative of the manufacturer in Russia offers full service, free training you or your personnel, help in opening a business.

As for the approximate income from such a direction of fitness studios, it is easy enough to calculate. The cost of one 20-minute EMS training varies from 500 rubles. up to 3500 rubles. (depending on the city, prices are different). On a day you can spend up to 25 EMC training, since sets of underwear are provided for each client, as well as a suit has an antibacterial coating and a long time is required for its service between the training of different people. Accordingly, potential income up to 75,000 rubles per day from one costume. It is also possible to conduct group training immediately for 10 customers at the same time. Thus, the potential for earning increases 10 times!

The sphere of children's hairdressers in the country is now under development. Nevertheless, its popularity is growing every year, and in the future, 2017, it promises to become one of the most promising areas of small businesses. Those readers who at least once visited the usual hairdresser with a child will immediately understand that this project is simply doomed to success.

Business on the Internet in 2017, as well as last year, as a magnet attracts those who want to start their business. The secret of such attractiveness is simple: first, the Internet businessman is the owner itself, secondly, despite the need to have special knowledge for a worthy earnings on the Internet, "poke the buttons" on the keyboard - this is not the machine for 12 hours a day to stand!

However, each of its own. And the same "worker" at the machine at all does not interfere with learning how to "poke the buttons" with the mind, master photosho p, to create sites, or something else. Although at the moment the most profitable earnings in the worldwide network is considered to create and sell learning courses.

Each of us is, if not a pro, and not even special, then at least well-owning any matter. Embroidery cross, breed indoor flowers, masterly playing guitar or thrombone, stand on hands, read the book upside down, but anything!

His skill himself may seem insignificant, but in reality the same skill is quite possible than thousands of people. What is important - ready to pay for this money. It's small - to choose the format of submission of the necessary information, create a video course, and start selling it.

Household repair services

This business idea requires special knowledge and skills. However, learning how many mobile applications developers (up to 200 thousand rubles per month, and this is not the limit!), It is possible to spend the year-another in parallel with the main work on studying.

If you think that it is impossible, think about the fact that you just laziness to build your own business in 2-3 years, to acquire some kind of knowledge, but not at all in terms of walking 30-40 years old on an implant job! Penetrated? Then you here! According to the link you will find a full description of the business idea of \u200b\u200bdeveloping mobile applications.

It's no secret that the economic crisis firstly "hit" at ordinary inhabitants. This shows not only the universal reduction in living standards, but also the increased popularity of pawnshops.

What is Lombard, you probably know everything. Technically implement such a business idea is not more difficult than, say, open a car service or tireage. The only weighty obstacle that may arise is - the moral and ethical side of the question that each determines independently.

Gastronomic brand of the settlement

Everyone knows what Tula Gingerbread, Vologda Butter, Leningrad Ice Cream, Smolensk Groat, Kiev Cutlet, Schepacky Makarona. Such "goodies", the names of which are "attached" to some kind of settlement you can list a lot.

However, we think that the essence of the idea has already become clear. Any locality in Russia, be it a major city or a small village is famous for its culinary product. And if not, it does not matter. This dish can be invented. It remains the most difficult - "promote" it in the food market. How to do - read in one of our following publications, which we will defencing this original business idea.

Popular business ideas 2017 in a private house have a very wide range of different directions. But the most popular, as always, remain those that require the most minimal investments. Such ideas include selling home billets - pickles, jarry, marinades, etc.

Sale of home billets as a great help to a pension is suitable for pensioners who have enough free time to care for the garden. The demand for such goods is quite stable. Well, if "does not give up" product taste, then we can assume that regular customers are provided!

Store with a fixed price

Cheap - it's not always bad. This truth is successful which year confirm the stores of the FIX Price network, less well-known "at the same time", "Clothing 3000", and some others. Despite the fact that the shelves of these stores (what the sulfur shower!) Are scored by the frank Chinese high-quality consumer quality, in these outlets are always full of visitors, and daily revenues in cities with a population from 20 to 50 thousand people "Skeces" for 50 thousand rubles.

The range of such shops is extremely wide - from food and clothing to automotive goods and plumbing tools. Suppliers wholesale vendors from China. According to FIX Price Employees, the average procurement price, goods sold in stores with a fixed price, in "Podnebyss" - 3.7-4.3 rubles.

Given the logistics costs, customs duties, VAT, and some other spending, the cost of this product in Russia rises to 5.9-6.6 rubles. On store racks, a fixed price is set, for example, 50 rubles. Profitability is just colossal!

The budget of the entire venture will not exceed the opening of a regular store with children's clothing, and the profits are many times more. By the way, the top American business ideas 2017 and business ideas from Europe 2017 also contains this project.

The idea of \u200b\u200bopening his own beauty salon considered, probably every woman wishing to start a business. There is no dispute - the business is very profitable, and pays off, with a competent business, literally for 10-12 months.

But the pace of life in modern society is becoming so great that many women simply do not have time for the fact that go somewhere to make a manicure, hairstyle, carry out rejuvenating procedures, etc. Judge for yourself: in the morning to work, in the evening - home, where you need to give the time of the family, relax, and ... everything. And the next day - everything is new.

Such a direction is a new word in the opening of gym in Russia, whereas in European countries and America EMS-fitness is already quite widely developed. For starters, let's decipher what the EMS abbreviation means. From English "Electric Mio Stimulation" is literally translated as "Electromability". The word "Mio" here is borrowed from the Greek language - "Muscles". That is, the effects of electrical impulses on the muscles of a person who stimulates them, creating a full-fledged exercise effect.

First of all, EMS fitness is focused on those people who have little time to visit the gym. Unlike 1.5-2 hours lessons in the gym, a special suit-simulator allows you to work out muscles for 20-25 minutes with the same exact effect! Forever-employed business people EMS-simulator will appreciate.

The implementation of such a business idea is not cheap. Not only will you have to organize a fitness club in his usual for an integration intelligence (you never know any of the visitors to work out in the usual format), plus to this still buy an EMS suit, the price of which begins (relevant for January 2017) from 230 thousand rubles. And this costume in the fitness studio is clearly not in a single copy. However, there is an option rental of such costumes or payment in leasing.

"Passion" with the economic sanctions introduced against Russia begin to serve, the boundaries of all states are reopened for our compatriots, but the real fall in revenues cause their eyes from the attractive foreign resorts into the Russian expanses.

Over the past 2 years, internal tourism in the country has increased by paragraph 35%! One can only submit any lift profits received owners of hotels, mini-hostels, hotels, and other such institutions. The question is how to open a hostel - a budget mini-hotel, became extremely relevant among entrepreneurs.

In terms of tourist attractiveness, you can choose almost any corner of our immense homeland - almost every location has its own attractions, various living conditions and just a good pastime. At this link, you can find a hostel's business plan -

Farm economy

No Huda without good - this proverb was very well confirmed by all the same economic sanctions against Russia, which raised the domestic agronomic market on a completely different level. Again became a relevant breeding of cattle breeding, breeding pigs,

Money for humans are a simple tool for its livelihoods. These postulates act as basic psychological training or psychoanalysis. But it should be noted that these theses were not invented by psychologists. They were taken from religion. It is in religion that money is not only evil, but also a rather special tool in which it is necessary to completely avoid worship and love. Of course, we could agree with this statement, but there is one thing. Money is not at all a panacea for humanity, but, unfortunately, it is quite difficult to live without their presence. What is necessary in this case to do, in the case when on the one hand, the money is not enough, but on the other, they are simply necessary. Unfortunately, there are few options. From our point of view, the most optimal option is to organize small businesses with small financial investments at home. Now let's try to consider the business ideas 2017, which can be started from scratch on your own.

Trade from home

Whatever to start doing your business, you need to know actual business ideas of 2017 with minimal investments in a small town. So, the simplest and rapid option to make money at home with small investments, is trade. Ideas for this business, a huge amount. For these purposes, the option of working with Internet sites, such as is -etsy, Amazon and Ebay. This option is very simple. It will not require large cash investments.

What can I sell? There are a lot of options here. You can trade with any rare goods, old coins, or to sell modern things, such as bags, belts, fishing gear, etc.

What are the benefits for novice businessmen with minimal financial investments?

  1. First, you do not need to have a big starting capital.
  2. Secondly, there is a huge field to search for various business ideas.

Assistant home

Today there are a variety of business ideas in a private house that will bring you a profit in 2017. Take into account the following business idea. The more finance a person earns, the smaller he has free time. But it is worth noting that everyday operations, such as dry-cleaners, shops, no one canceled. There are quite a lot of these cases. They take a lot of time. And if, for example, these obligations to try to shift on a personal assistant? It is these wishes of many people relating to the Middle Class that provide the opportunity to create a small business with small cash investments for those who want to receive additional income without separation from their work. The main advantages of this business are quite obvious. These include a great desire and sociability of a novice entrepreneur, as well as spending her own time to fulfill the work of another person.

Earnings on pets

Get the income will also help you business ideas 2017 with minimal investments which are not in Russia. The next such idea is the earnings on pets. It is worth describing this business idea. Desire and Fashion contain and care for pets are extremely. As a rule, all people can be divided into 2 categories.

The first includes those people who are breeding cats, dogs, parrots. In this case, everything is not better.

Or, by the will of fate, we become the owners of what turns our own life into unbearable or not comfortable. Or a great desire of our children, or fashion makes dogs or cats. But as a rule, all pets require care and attention to themselves. And then a great chance appears to make money on it. And if you go to this case correctly, you will be able to organize a wonderful business, putting at least money in it. Reply to the question - how can I make it easier to earn? Of course, a simpler version is a walk with dogs. But besides this, if others, let's say:

  • Care of aquarium.
  • Search for partners for viscous animals.
  • Visiting veterinarians and hairdressers.

Preparation of dishes. New business idea

Find a suitable business ideas of 2017, which can be organized at home quite simply. Take a closer to one no less interesting business idea. You have ever thought about how many people are resorting to cafes, canteens or quick meals. As a rule, only 25-30% of office workers are working their own lunch. And the rest of the people eat, where they will have, and what will have. Why not consider then this idea for business in 2017-18 with minimal cash investments. To be able to implement it, you will only need to print a small number of advertising leaflets and place them in the office premises close from your home and make it possible to calculate the cost of cooking. The demand for these services will be very large. Of course, if your dishes are very tasty.

Handmade things. Business idea that will not lose its relevance

Sell \u200b\u200binformation

Business without investments start simply. Look at another interesting business idea. Currently, the main product is not gold or silver, but information. No wonder there is the following statement - who is the owner of the information, he is the owner of the world. Sale of information in our time is a profitable business. This is a completely excellent business idea for organizing a personal case with minimal investments.

What, in this case, can you sell? If higher, in our article, we wrote about a personal trainer, then here we mean the sale of various training materials - trainings, video lessons. You can also earn, for example:

  • Selling hotel video courses.
  • Having created its own channel on YouTube, monetize personal traffic.

Realization of natural products

Modern fashion for keeping a healthy lifestyle at the moment has become above the concepts of ordinary hobbies. It turned to many people in the vital necessity, provided that the latter at least think about the future. These words are far from empty. It is worth a slightly face with today's agriculture and technologies of growing plants and animals, where one chemistry is used in a huge amount. It should also be remembered about the various taste qualities of normal and useful household products and goods purchased in stores. It is on this that you can earn great, becoming an intermediary between the city and a small LPH. In addition, those prices that are appointed intermediaries are very large. What can it be able to interfere with tasty and natural products in their area?

Texts, Comments and Likes

We continue to list other business ideas at home for 2017. Each business idea is to make a profit independently. And for example, drawing up and writing various texts and commenting on them is the most independent work with a minimum of financial investments. Of course, it is impossible to attribute this idea to a new direction. But it works well. The only thing you need to do is spend less time on social networks, and spend it on writing articles and studying personal content.

Men's home

In any house or apartment you can always find a lot of varied breakdowns that require time and attention. It is on repairing these things that can be well earned. And besides, such business ideas, like a husband for one hour, and were quite popular a few years ago at the expense of a small starting investment, but could not fully cover the existing market needs. Based on this, the provision of small repair services remains relevant today, and serves as a good source of profit.

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