What to open in a crisis. Auto for the thrifty

Encyclopedia of Plants 12.10.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Own business is not only a status, it is a freedom of choice and an opportunity to bring significant benefits. This is the stability that employees do not have. These are numerous preferences that help to cope with difficulties in the early stages of activity.

Since March 2015, the Government has adopted, according to which individual entrepreneurs Those who open their own business for the first time are exempt from taxes for 2 years. V this document we are talking about manufacturing enterprises, processing of agricultural raw materials and food production, as well as those who intend to work in the field of innovation and IT. In April, absolutely all regions introduced this law, and it is already in effect.

The nuances of starting a business in a crisis

The crisis for the Russian economy is more familiar than frightening. It was hard to work after the collapse of the USSR due to rampant crime, in the late 90s - due to the arbitrariness of the authorities, the early 2000s were marked by raising taxes, and in last years Russia was covered by a wave of world crises.

Despite the difficulties, small business lives and develops, constantly increasing the share of revenue in GDP. If in 2011 it was 22%, then in 2014, according to Rosstat, it was already 22.6%. In terms of the number of people, these are several million new small and micro enterprises, which provide almost 17 million jobs.

Of course, starting your own business during a crisis is fraught with great risks. But these risks can be avoided if you have a clear understanding of what today's market wants from business.

And the market is saturated trading companies, there are so many of them that each new wave decadence washes them from their homes by the thousands. More than half of small enterprises are trade: shops, boutiques, wholesale companies. They experience everything Negative consequences, while profitability drops catastrophically. This does not mean that life is worse during a crisis, but that the economy is demanding, and the government is turning towards manufacturing workers and the service sector.

What not to do at a time like this

In the context of the current crisis, extremely it is undesirable to open a company or individual entrepreneurs who will be engaged exclusively in trade. The time for quick money is gone, so it’s worth investing in more promising areas, which will be discussed later.

The crisis throws weak players out of the market, but consumer demand remains. Entrepreneurs who fill the vacated niches must use more efficient production models and management methods in order to be competitive.

Fear of competition is the first obstacle for a young person with good ideas.

Fear arises from the fact that in our lives we rarely compete and simply do not know how to do it. Overcoming this fear is a psychological moment, trainings, books, and exercises can help here, and it is not difficult at all.

Most entrepreneurs are essentially artisans. They know their business and know how to sell their products, but they are sorely lacking in competent management skills. Every person has a ceiling of possibilities. If you work alone, it is reached very quickly, and further movement becomes impossible. Only the ability to organize work, knowledge of modern management methods contributes to constant growth.

Knowing how to prioritize is another important skill, without which it will be difficult to invest money wisely. At the start, you do not need to spend money on external attributes: offices, furniture, expensive cars on credit. These things do not win over customers, but they take out of circulation funds that are more reasonable to spend on advertising, hiring specialists or purchasing equipment.

As already mentioned, the time of easy money is irrevocably gone, although the mentality still makes you dream of fairy tales and look for instant earnings. Many craftsmen profit from this, and novice entrepreneurs who want money but do not know where to get it become their victims. The success stories of such giants as R. Kiyosaki and T. Edison are, of course, instructive, but they have nothing to do with Russian reality.

You need to study, and a lot and diligently, acquiring management skills, developing knowledge about production technologies and adopting the experience of more successful competitors. Knowledge is power, and today this thesis is more relevant than ever.

What areas are not affected by the crisis

The crisis has had the greatest impact on wholesale trade, that is, through intermediaries. In an effort to cut costs, manufacturers are looking for the shortest route to consumers, and inefficient links simply fall out of this chain. The same thing happened with the sellers of so-called excesses: expensive boutiques, design studios, and floristic studios are closing down. People are not yet ready to spend money on it.

Whatever the conditions in the economy, there are areas that are not subject to significant fluctuations:

  • Producers and sellers of food products.
  • Manufacturers of building and finishing materials.
  • Metalworking enterprises.
  • Manufacturers of industrial goods.
  • any work - from accounting to cleaning the premises.
  • Medical services.
  • Domestic services: hairdressers, dry cleaners, laundries.
  • Fitness and cosmetology industry.
  • Car repair and maintenance.
  • Construction contract.
  • Web workshops, advertising agencies, software development.

Obviously, in any of these niches, a young entrepreneur will be able to realize himself. Of course, there is competition, but the market is hungry today, so you can find your place. The main condition is to replenish the baggage of knowledge and strive for development.

All of the above areas can be divided into two groups:

  • enterprises operating to meet the needs of the population;
  • firms whose clients are other businesses.

Guided by this division, the aspiring entrepreneur must study the needs of his target group and their desires. Small business itself creates infrastructure around itself. Understanding the general trend helps to anticipate the desires of potential customers.

Options for successful ideas for implementation

Successful business ideas are born in the minds of those who closely follow the situation on the market and want to contribute to the development of production. Based on current trends, we can sketch a few promising directions in which a young entrepreneur can move:

  • Food production under the conditions of import substitution. Sanctions have increased the cost of equipment and complicated the lending process, but have become a boon for agricultural producers. The lack of high-quality butter, cottage cheese, cheese and meat on the shelves is an empty market niche that aspiring entrepreneurs can fill, even if they have only one production line. Moreover, organic and homemade products are in vogue: cheeses, smoked meats, milk and sour cream.
    Equipment costs in this case start from the figure of 400 thousand rubles, the purchase of raw materials is possible in small batches, and at first 2-3 people can work. Certification will be required, which will cost 30-40 thousand rubles, if you deal with it yourself.
  • Our country has enough raw materials for production of deep-frozen products, semi-finished products and canned food. The counter-sanctions freed the market from Baltic fish and Polish vegetables and opened the way for young entrepreneurs. By analogy with the previous method of earning, it does not require large investments.
  • Construction contract and renovation of premises. Despite the fact that very few people buy housing, and the real estate market has risen, apartment renovations and private construction projects do not subside. Having organized your own construction team, you can start looking for work. Clients will recommend diligent craftsmen to each other, and over time, a package of recommendations will be typed, prices will increase, and a constant high income will appear.
  • Production of building and finishing materials, fasteners, hardware. In small volumes, dry mixes, foam blocks, silicate bricks can be produced. Nails can be cut in the basement and shipped to hardware stores throughout the area, the production of self-tapping screws does not require expensive equipment, and demand for them does not fall. Fortunately, today there are many small construction and hardware stores who are happy to buy such a product in small volumes.
  • Always in demand hairdressers, cosmetologists and masseurs. A woman will stop visiting salons only in one case: if there are no salons at all. Fitness centers in residential areas, designed for a female audience, will not be left without clients. You have to work more, stress becomes stronger, and sports relieve nervous tension. The popularization of a healthy lifestyle in recent years has borne fruit, now it is fashionable and prestigious to go to training.
  • Consulting and outsourcing- these are business-to-business services, so it is important to be able to anticipate the client's desires, strive to solve his problems. Consulting does not require significant investments in the early stages, it is important to take care of the professionalism of the team and massive advertising, since the competition is quite high.
  • Maintenance of Internet projects demanded like never before. Retail trade in industrial goods migrated from pavilions to the network. Online store sites need competent support, which means that the market needs web studios, smart programmers, designers, advertising specialists and copywriters.

The conclusion suggests itself: the secret of success in a crisis is professionalism, efficiency and the desire for new knowledge.

The question of how to make money in a crisis must have overcome every person. However, many are still trying to find the answer, since the financial turning point has been reigning for many years. The catastrophic lack of money does not please anyone. And in principle, there are several methods by which you can improve your position. But first things first.

Organization of own business

How to make money in a crisis? You need to start your own business. Of course, this method is perceived by many as skeptical as possible. What kind of business is there if you can barely make ends meet! But this idea should not be immediately dismissed.

In a crisis, a whole flurry of problems falls upon all people. And this is the most good time to help them deal with them. A person only needs to think about the opportunity to solve what kind of human problems he has.

And for this you need to turn to your own resources and abilities. Preferably those that are able to contribute to the satisfaction of human needs, which are and will always be. A doctor can organize an IP and offer private services, setting to attract clients initially low prices. For a craftsman with skillful hands, it would be a good idea to take on a large project (build a house, for example). Teachers can get carried away with tutoring. There are a lot of possibilities and options, the main thing here is the approach.

Need to decide

When talking about how to make money in a crisis, it is also necessary to mention several good reasons that can convince a person that organizing a business in such a difficult time is a good idea.

First, the perfect moment with good circumstances can wait forever. The sooner the case is started, the better. You will be able to quickly change your life and begin to fulfill your dreams.

Secondly, during a crisis they pay negligibly little, but at the same time they have to work an order of magnitude harder, because the problems are only increasing. What is not a reason to leave a useless job and use the time more usefully by investing it in yourself?

Thirdly, the crisis really loves the brave. It is in these times that decisiveness and a non-standard approach win. In addition, financial collapse is a consequence of changes that need to be caught. It can be something new, a whirlwind of fresh activity, getting under which you can soar to the skies. And by the way, at such moments there is always a chance to be the first entrepreneur in a particular area. And these are just a few good reasons to start a business, and you can count a few dozen more of them.

Option for common people

It is also worth noting attention, talking about how to make money in a crisis. Again, one must turn to human needs. What does every person need? Food. Prices for it are rising, and people are desperately trying to save. Great time to start growing vegetable crops. This requires a plot, a little financial investment and diligence. Some people then move to a new level - they start making pickles and canned food.

By opening a mini-bakery, you can also earn. Bakery goods have always been in demand among people, so there will be no problems with its implementation. And the idea itself is one of the most promising in small business. A little investment is also required. The most important thing is the ability to cook.

The most profitable (but also costly) business is to open a small grocery store. You will need to issue permits, rent a room in a passable place and reliable suppliers.


This is another human need. And talking about how to make money in a crisis, it is also worth contacting.

During a crisis, tuition prices rise. Because of this, many refuse to enroll in a university. This unfortunate phenomenon provoked an increase in demand for short-term training courses. Every person with a higher education can apply for an IP and become a private teacher. A certificate of registration is needed here only in order to show it to a potential client. They must make sure that they really receive valuable knowledge from an educated person.

You can become a private instructor, teacher of choreography, vocals or playing the musical instrument. Naturally, with the appropriate education and skills. And you can organize a children's educational circle. This is what you can earn in a crisis. The vast majority of parents, regardless of the financial situation in the country, want their children to be literate and comprehensively developed.

Responsible approach

If a person thinks about how to make money in a crisis on his own business, he needs to think through everything in detail. When there is a financial collapse in the country, a business can become profitable only if all indicators are calculated at the planning stage.

The first thing to do is to analyze in detail and deeply the current situation on the market.

Then - try to predict the development of the area in which you want to declare yourself as an entrepreneur.

After that, you need to assess any likely risks and try to think about ways to minimize them. Thanks to this approach, it will be possible to add confidence to yourself. In addition, a plan will already be prepared to prevent the consequences of difficult circumstances.

Be sure to consider all kinds of business development options, as well as how much investment they will require.

The last stage is the most enjoyable. It calculates the potential payback and profit. It is important to be objective and focus on indicators of the minimum likely income, and not the maximum. It’s better to get satisfaction from more impressive results later than to be upset because of a “shortage”.

While the dollar is having a great time on a crazy roller coaster, our country is stuck in a state of weightlessness. The next crisis gave us a powerful slap in the face, against the backdrop of a general rise in prices, we, as best we can, try to save money and not plan new business projects. But for some people hardest hit by the crisis, who have lost their jobs or their homes, the only way to make money is to start their own business. Opening a business during a crisis seems like a pretty risky business, but even here you can minimize the risk and develop a competent plan based on a potentially winning idea. Let's talk about what kind of business, in this difficult time, can be profitable and what kind of business is better to start in a crisis.

Business in crisis: where to start?

First of all - don't panic! Business can be opened in any conditions. All you need is start-up capital and business ideas in times of crisis. You can also find many options that do not require a large start-up capital. All that is required of you is only a goal, a desire to achieve it, and experience, skills and knowledge in the business you are going to do.

In fact, there are several time-tested business ideas that work quite well in a stagnating economy. These ideas will allow you to start a business and carry out your business activities, even when all the circumstances indicate that the volumes of all markets are only falling.

Let's talk about a few ideas to think about over a cup of morning coffee.

Business at home during the crisis

You have hundreds of options for making money at home. Just connect your creativity and mind, think! Let's say you can go into production. So! It's production! It's easy to start at home.

For example, you can make:

  • toys, and then sell on the market;
  • Jam, pickles, marmalade, jams;
  • Bake cakes, pastries and trendy cupcakes today (a very good idea!);
  • Candy stand;
  • Fruit bouquets and the like.

Of course, manufacturing is not the only area. There are thousands of options. Here are the most interesting and extraordinary of them:

  • Create your blog and earn on advertising;
  • Create a website and get paid for advertising again;
  • Upload videos to YouTube and receive advertising revenue;
  • Open your own courses in business, accounting, psychology, meditation, study in English and so on - start teaching people on Skype what you are an expert in.

Just sit down now and think about what you can do best and what you can earn from.

  • You can provide various services to the population, such as “Husband for an hour”, equipment repair services, and the like;
  • Cleaning apartments;
  • Caring for retirees
  • Open your own hostel, because during the crisis people will save on hotels.
  • Rent apartments, a room in an apartment, and the like

In cities, to begin with, we analyze the market, discard all the pros and cons, weigh, calculate and proceed to the implementation of any business ideas. If the city is small, keep in mind that not all goods and services are in demand. Before starting the activity, analyze the market yourself, or contact a marketer who will analyze the market, supply and demand. Then you will understand what kind of business you can start in a crisis in the city.

You can’t even imagine what opportunities the village provides for developing your own business. Yes, and there is nothing complicated here. According to statistics, 50% of the inhabitants of the metropolis want to move out of town, buy a plot in order to earn money from crops and animal husbandry.

There are a lot of options for what business to do in a crisis in the village, for example:

  • Grow greens for sale;
  • Grow raspberries, strawberries, tomatoes, potatoes;
  • Grow oyster mushrooms in the basement;
  • Grow champignons;
  • Breeding broilers;
  • Raise pigs;
  • Raise rabbits;
  • You can make honey.

And this list goes on ad infinitum. It will seem strange, but in fact, business ideas in a crisis in the village simply do not end!

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before 300 000 from 19.9% ​​per annum from 18 to 70 years old
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before 1 300 000 from 11.99% per annum from 23 years old
before 3 000 000 from 9.99% per annum from 21 to 70 years old
before 3 000 000 from 11.5% per annum from 21 to 70 years old

It should also be mentioned that rural tourism is relevant in times of crisis. And all because people today do not want to spend big money on holidays in Egypt or Turkey, but prefer inexpensive ecological tours. Residents of megacities who just dream of getting away from people and noisy life during their vacation dream of such a vacation for the whole working year.

Women can earn on their hobbies and hobbies. That's the whole point. Let's look at the ratings of the most popular business area - a hobby:

  • In the first place - design services. You can start sewing clothes, make jewelry, toys, embroider, and much more.
  • Freelancing is in second place. Now it is fashionable, popular and modern. Anyone can find freelance work. Are you good at writing essays, taking pictures, programming? Another woman can start trading online. And it's not just about the distribution of Oriflame and Avon products.
  • The third place is cooking, which we have already talked about. These are pastries, marmalade, jams.

The Internet is the best answer to the question “what kind of business to do in a crisis?”. The Internet is a great opportunity for earning. You can promote services, products, promote other people's sites, groups in in social networks, portals, forums.

And now let's look at other most promising, in our opinion, business areas during the crisis, grouping them by industry:

Mass products

In hard times, people stop thinking about iPads and other fancy gadgets. A person begins to worry only about how to fill his stomach and how to feed his family. Moreover, buyers try to make bulk purchases, because it is cheaper this way and there is enough food for more than long term. If you want to organize your business in difficult conditions, then pay attention to the sale of products that are in the greatest demand. Sell ​​in packs, carts, big boxes. Simply put, focus on wholesale by putting a slogan like "Get in bulk, you'll last longer!"

Accounting services

Business owners who have stayed afloat begin to pay attention to their financial affairs during difficult times. Strange as it may seem, but it is the firms that provide accounting services at economically unfavorable times that feel quite free. Entrepreneurs hire experienced accountants to help them make responsible financial decisions that will help the firm stay afloat.

In 2009, a study was conducted that showed that during the crisis, 80% of small business owners felt more confident knowing that they were accompanied by experienced accountants who would help solve any problems they might encounter.

Any business that saves small business money

In fact, any business that saves an enterprise money is a good idea, be it selling printers at a discount, cheap office furniture, internet marketing or other cost cutting items for companies. The main thing is to stay in the game and solve people's problems, which take on completely different dimensions during a crisis.

food industry

Following the logic from the first point, people also need to eat. The crisis will not affect your business if it is food production. And as you already understood, tough times call for tough measures: try changing your profile and invest in starting your own bakery. This business can bring in $2,000 or more per month. The most important thing in business is to choose the right niche, to establish optimal price which will be available to everyone potential buyer. And, of course, you need to decide in which area of ​​the food business you will try your hand, you will start making in your kitchen.

Car repair

Now most people cannot afford to buy a new, more expensive car, so they have to repair what they have and carry out inspections from time to time. This approach is very beneficial to the owners and workers of auto repair shops, especially at this time of the year.

jewelry business

Strange as it may seem, but the jewelry business is flourishing in this difficult time. People, fearing to lose their savings and trying to make a profitable investment, buy jewelry. This, in their opinion, is a more profitable alternative to bank deposits, which were withdrawn urgently. According to experts, the biggest beneficiaries of this increased demand will not be consumers, who hope that they will save their savings from depreciation in the future, but jewelry store owners, who are already multiplying their fortunes.

Security business

Manufacturers and sellers of safes, as well as various security systems, are also successful, despite the crisis. Again, the fear of losing the accumulated, there is a need to store your money somewhere. As a rule, people do not take their savings outside their homes. Here arises considerable interest in security systems and safes.

But before you start your business in a crisis, try, nevertheless, to answer the question: “What do people want in a crisis?” And “What will they give their last money for?”. If you know the answers, you can safely start implementing your business ideas.

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In a crisis situation, people switch to economy mode, reducing their expenses. Before deciding which business to open during a crisis, you need to understand what changes have taken place in the economy. It is with these in mind that you need to look for options.

From this article you will learn:

  1. Factors to consider when opening a business in a crisis
  2. 8 reasons why you should start a business in 2017-2018
  3. 9 real business ideas
  4. Actual business in the Internet
  5. Business management in crisis

5 factors to consider when opening a business in a crisis

  1. The real incomes of the population are falling, people primarily seek to satisfy basic needs (food, housing, clothing).
  2. Demand for inexpensive entertainment and liquor is increasing.
  3. Reductions are becoming frequent, and people are looking for work, the labor market is growing.
  4. The expenses of the population are reduced, people are more likely to think about tomorrow. This period is favorable for scammers, the implementation of quick enrichment schemes (which you should not do).
  5. People make fewer purchases and more often give broken equipment for repair.

8 reasons why you need to open a business in a crisis in 2017-2018

  1. Lack of a good alternative

If no one guarantees you stability at work, and the salary leaves much to be desired, then why don't you go into business and not depend on anyone? You will spend your time and energy on the implementation of promising ideas. If you have talent and have always dreamed of having own business so you should start right now.

  1. More highly qualified professionals

In good times it is difficult to find experienced professionals. As a rule, such people are already employed. But during the economic crisis, the state is often “cleaned up”, and even highly qualified specialists can get laid off. Think, perhaps among your acquaintances there are those who can help you in starting a business.

  1. Inexpensive business support

Consider empty rental options office space located near you. Try to negotiate with their owners.

Another a good option, almost cost-free - use for negotiating or advertising social networks.

  1. Vulnerability of competing firms

They started their activity a long time ago, so their costs are higher, their obligations are long-term, and advertising contracts are signed for several years. In addition, they pay a lot of rent. All this is the reason for high prices, which are almost impossible to reduce. These problems do not threaten you, and you will be able to devote more time to finding and attracting new customers.

  1. Technology Development

If you open a business at the beginning of a crisis, then there will be more chances for success. The implementation of an idea similar to yours can be taken up by another businessman. Go ahead, and while others hesitate, you will already be making a profit.

  1. There are no fewer buyers

You, as a business start-up, have more control over your customer base. Most likely, you are not threatened with the loss of all customers at the same time, even if, due to the crisis and falling incomes, they will not be able to purchase goods from you.

  1. Emergence of new business opportunities

While other firms cannot reach the desired sales volumes of their products, resourceful businessmen sell their leftovers from warehouses. For example, many people retirement age have various problems with health, so even in a crisis they will need medicines and medical services.

  1. Even in a crisis, investors are attracted by promising business ideas, and they are ready to sponsor them

Everyone knows this: buy in a difficult period, implement after overcoming it. Some investors follow this rule, so be prepared to provide them with your business plan.

If you are opening a business during an economic crisis, then you will have to learn how to cash flows. This skill is also necessary outside the crisis. If you do not know how to handle money, you can quickly go bankrupt.

Therefore, the less initial investment a business requires, the easier it is for it to survive. Fortunately, nowadays starting a business does not require large investments.

The best day to start your own business is today. Get started now, don't procrastinate. If you put it off once, you'll put it off again. And you probably never will.

Do you see yourself as a businessman? Then don't waste your time working with low pay and no prospects. By working for yourself, you can not depend on anyone, secure decent medical care and a pension in the future.

What needs to be done so that business in Russia does not go bankrupt during the crisis

A business during a crisis will be profitable if you correctly calculate all the indicators at the stage of developing a business plan.

To make it, you need to know a lot. Be sure to develop it:

  • deeply and in detail analyze the current market situation, make a forecast for the development of your industry;
  • assess existing risks, find ways to minimize them. In this case, you will be more confident in yourself and in case of difficulties you will be able to use the existing developments to overcome them;
  • develop potential development paths, calculate the required amount of costs for each of them.

Money that would allow you to start developing your business in normal conditions market, in a crisis can become a serious start-up capital. But remember, you need to correctly calculate the potential income and payback of the project. If it turns out to be unprofitable, it is better to immediately declare bankruptcy in order to avoid unnecessary expenses.

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Tips from cool entrepreneurs on how to start a business in a crisis

Grigory Beglaryan, analyst, editor-in-chief of the Business&Financial weekly newspaper

Grigory Beglaryan believes that business in the virtual economy has great prospects. This is online trading, delivery of goods, logistics services. The disadvantage of this business is that it is in rubles. The sword of Damocles in the form of devaluation constantly hangs over businessmen.

The stable exchange rate of the ruble should serve as the basis for business, otherwise another jump may lead to a lack of orders. Developing projects in the long term is hampered by the lack of clear rules and tax planning horizons. For business in the virtual space, this is still possible.

According to Oleg Yuryevich, start-ups in medicine can count on success in the near future: the production and sale of medicines and dietary supplements, the pharmacy business, the construction of clinics and hospitals.

In the absence of sufficient initial capital you can develop applications for gadgets that allow you to consult clients online. Here is where to roam.

Life expectancy has increased, aging is more active, so the body needs special care. Here, Russia's lag behind world developments is about 15-20 years. This opens up opportunities for copypaste.

The ideal option is to invest in science and medical developments, but this requires huge sums. In addition, the payback period of such investments is huge. In our country, we are not used to doing this.

Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba

Ma believes that online sales in Russia are at the very beginning of their development, he advises not to wait until state corporations begin to engage in e-commerce.

In addition, he says that Russian small business is underdeveloped:

“Moscow is a very large, beautiful city that has changed in recent years. But I think that Moscow and all of Russia lack small businesses. Do not expect that all problems will be solved by oil and gas. We need more private rather than public companies.”

Ma's assumptions about the consequences of technological development are as follows: in the future, there will be no need for people to perform unnecessary operations, but there will be no reduction in the number of jobs.

On the contrary, the labor market will grow. The head of Alibaba is sure that man will always have an advantage over machines, because he has a heart, faith and religion.

David Yakobashvili, one of the founders of Wimm-Bill-Dann

The businessman believes that in the current circumstances, one should concentrate on a business that can bring pleasure, peace and tranquility. He is sure that you need to invest money only in the business that will burn you, which will bring only positive emotions.

Open profitable business from scratch in a crisis is difficult, because the refinancing rate leaves much to be desired. Therefore, the recommendation of the ex-minister is now relevant. economic development Alexey Ulyukaev - "It's time to take care of the family and spiritual development."

What business is relevant in a crisis

Consider what kind of business is now relevant in a crisis.

Loan online

Traditional banking organizations have high interest rates on loans, and there is no transparency in pricing. In addition, they prefer to cooperate only with large borrowers.

Some of these problems can be solved by implementing the peer-to-peer lending model. Lending Club is the leader in this niche. Its successful IPO took place in December, and now its capitalization is more than $9 billion.

Lending Club allows ordinary people to act as lenders. The platform’s source of income is commission fees for organizing transactions. That is, there are no credit risks for it.

Let's describe the process: after the borrower fills out the form on the site, in which he indicates personal data and the required amount, Lending Club assesses how solvent he is and assigns him a credit rating. The loan rate (from 6%) depends on this rating. The loan can be taken for 3 or 5 years.

Lenders review applications and make a choice in favor of a particular borrower. At the same time, they determine the amount of the loan that they are ready to provide. In this regard, the borrower can receive the required amount from several people.

Since the site was created, more than $6 billion has been issued to borrowers through it. In 2016, Lending Club generated more than $150 million in revenue. There are also Russian analogues companies, their models are slightly different: Vdolg.ru, Credberry, Loanberry, Fingooroo.

Sale of old phones

The average life of a phone is 18 months. For many, a broken or outdated phone becomes junk, while for some it is a valuable item. Sprint collects used phones and sells them. The buyers are residents of India and Africa, telephone manufacturers.

In addition, Sprint has its own store. The cost to restore a phone to its original state is less than to produce a new one. In most cases, only the case and battery need to be replaced.

A client brings an unwanted gadget to the Sprint office. After evaluating the condition of the phone and calculating its cost for the partner company, the employee of the company pays the owner a certain part of this amount.

Seat at the dining table

During a crisis, going to a restaurant becomes more rare: there you have to overpay for a lot. Arrogant waiters, terrible music, strangers around, artsy and heartless food... All this is very uncomfortable and expensive.

The purpose of the SupperKing app is to do to restaurants what Airbnb did to hotels. Thanks to SupperKing, hospitable hostesses with good culinary skills got the opportunity to earn money.

Using the application, you can send dinner invitations to other users, turning the apartment into a home restaurant. Guests come, get acquainted with the owners, and after dinner evaluate the visited mini-restaurant.

If you are not ripe for inviting strangers into your home, you can cook takeaway meals. This good way capitalize on your talents.

Dinner for the week

Do you want to start a business? Making money in a crisis will help create a subscription service. These services are popular because they make cost planning possible. It's good when you know for sure: your expenses on books will amount to 150 rubles this month. The same goes for other expenses.

For example, services for "shopaholics in the eyeballs" have been developed. Every month they send a certain number of things to a person, taking into account his stylistic preferences. It is allowed to return items that did not fit as a result of trying on.

It is also possible to plan food expenses. For this purpose, the service "Tastes better at home" has been developed. You pay 2,700 rubles, and they deliver a set of groceries and a list of recipes for cooking dinners for two for seven days. At the same time, the number of products is accurately calculated, so you don’t have to worry that they will remain and disappear.

Such services allow you to stop shopping during a crisis and prevent impulsive purchases.

pay for laughter

An anti-crisis offer for the entertainment industry - pay only for what you really like.

This year, a system was installed in one of the theaters in Barcelona to record how many times a person laughed during a comedy. The cost of viewing for each Roblox viewer is determined at the rate of 24 cents per laugh, up to a maximum of $24. That is, over 24 dollars you can laugh for free.

How does the system work? In the back of each chair there is a screen that reacts to the change in the facial expression of the viewer in front of him. It also recognizes smiles and laughter-like sounds. True, a system has not yet been developed to assess the quality of tragedies.

Salary for gamers

Exists computer game Roblox, by playing which gamers (usually children under 15) can earn money. In fact, Roblox is a platform with which you can create games. You get the tools and build a game based on them.

Her style is the same Minecraft game. An advertisement is shown above the game, Roblox pays a certain part of the profit from it to the player.

The history of Roblox has eight years, but only in 2013 its business model was changed. The opportunity to make money attracted new gamers, and they attracted new advertisers. The circle is closed. The total amount of annual payments to players amounted to 600 thousand dollars.

9 real business ideas in a crisis

Import substitution business

The key to creating a business during the economic crisis is import substitution. This is also what the government is trying to do. It is possible to receive a grant or attract an outside investor by organizing a business in Russia.

It may seem unusual to some, but you can not only import goods from other countries, but also export your products, for example, to China. The price of many food products there is quite high, so with proper organization of supplies, you can become a successful businessman.

In addition, during a crisis, the cost of imported food increases as the exchange rate changes. This leads to an increase in demand for goods. domestic production, the price of which is stable and acceptable. This becomes the basis for organizing a business for the production of various products.

It can also be agricultural products (honey, nuts, meat, dairy products, cheeses, etc.), textiles, canned food (fish, vegetables, meat), fresh vegetables and fruits, etc.


The essence of the project is as follows: you create an outsourcing company that provides various services to third-party companies for a fee. There are many options for specialization - accounting, legal services for enterprises, solving financial issues, IT technologies. You can also set up an external call center to handle orders.

Now the outsourcing services market is being formed, so the relevance of projects in this area is high. During an economic downturn, many companies go through layoffs. It turns out to be much more profitable to outsource the solution of various issues.

You will have to spend the initial capital on paying for the rent of office space, its design, marketing activities, and maintaining life during the first time of work. To work with clients, you will need to conclude a special contract with them.

The calculation of the cost of services should be carried out depending on the specific situation and tasks. The work must be done with high quality and in full. This will contribute to the formation of a permanent customer base and increase the level of profitability.

Pharmacy business

This type of business is very profitable during the crisis, although the market is oversaturated with pharmacies. In our city for the last two years there has been an increase in the number of outlets of well-known pharmacy chains. This can be explained by an increase in the incidence due to stressful situations, the cause of which may be dismissal, lower income, fear of being laid off.

The number of patients is increasing diabetes, cores. People often suffer from problems with the digestive tract. In this regard, they go to pharmacies more often.

Starting a pharmacy business requires a lot of capital investment. But it is not necessary to open a large store. At first it may be a pharmacy kiosk. You can also open a franchise outlet.

driving school

Another option is to open a driving school. This business is not afraid of crises and competitors. Even with modest earnings, young people go to law school.

In addition, if 15-20 years ago it was mostly men who wanted to get a driver's license, now about 50% of driving school students are girls and women. That is, in recent years the number of clients of driving schools has increased significantly.

Also, the legislation increased the minimum period of driving training, so the prices for the services of driving schools also increased. Now the cost of training is at least 50 thousand rubles (theory and practice). This is a decent amount.

If you recruit a group of 20 people, then the revenue will be 1 million rubles! And how many people want to get rights in your city? It's thousands of people.

Car and equipment repair

During an economic downturn, when the population is experiencing financial difficulties, many people cannot afford to buy new equipment and cars. But they can't refuse these things either.

Therefore, if an appliance or a car breaks down, people have to carry it in for repair, and not go to a home appliance store or a car dealership. Therefore, in this area you can open profitable business in a crisis.

To attract people, form a client base, you can use inexpensive methods - place ads on the Internet, social networks, newspapers.

A promising idea for future businessmen in the automotive industry: you buy a bankrupt car shop (of which there are many in a difficult economic situation) and open a car repair shop on its basis, spending Maintenance machines and selling spare parts at an affordable price.

Legal and collection agencies

Another business option in a crisis is debt collection services.

In a crisis, the reason for stopping payments on loans by many enterprises is not the lack of money, but their use of the situation. Therefore, the services of collectors and lawyers are in great demand during this period.

Sometimes collection agencies use "dirty" methods to achieve their goal, but this is not at all necessary. Such a business can be successful and profitable, even if you act within the law.

Commission shop

Commission goods were traded back in the Soviet Union, they are in demand even now, especially in the context of the economic downturn. Not everyone can buy new household appliances, clothes of famous brands.

By opening a thrift store, you make it possible to buy good things at a low price. This type of activity requires small investments. You do not have to search for suppliers, people will bring the goods themselves.

To open a commission, you will need to register as an individual entrepreneur and a competent business plan. After obtaining the necessary permits, all you need to do is find and rent a space and run an advertising campaign to attract as many customers as possible.

The assortment of a thrift store can be large. You can accept and sell clothes, baby clothes, strollers, household appliances, electronics. Have a good income and be useful to people - isn't that your dream?

Actual business in the crisis on the Internet

Mobile Application Development

If you are a competent programmer, then for you good business in a crisis - the creation of applications or games on the Android platform. Users install many applications on their smartphones and are interested in new ones. The success of the game will be ensured if it is exciting, and the graphics are bright.

Nowadays, most applications can be used by both adults and children. Updates are often released for many games, players can compete with each other. First, you can create a simple game of several levels.

Developers used to make money by selling paid versions of apps. Currently, many games on Google Play are free to play. For money you have to buy bonuses, weapons, game currency. Another source of income is in-app advertising.

It can take several weeks or even months to develop a game. You need to understand that you will not have income at this time.

The finished game needs to be uploaded to Google Play. You will need to buy a developer account, which costs at least $25. This is a one-time fee collected during the registration procedure.

There are also app stores where you can register for free. But sales in it will not go so actively, since most people prefer the Google Play service.

Online training courses

Profitable business with minimal costs in a crisis - registering your organization to provide educational services. Those who complete your courses will receive a corresponding certificate/diploma. It is very beneficial to organize training courses.

If a person wants to move up the career ladder or qualify for a higher salary, then he will be ready to pay well for training. Moreover, you do not need to obtain permits to conduct courses alone.

  • foreign language courses (mainly English);
  • programming training, web-design courses, it-technologies;
  • courses for students to prepare for exams.

You will have to invest in a good camcorder and microphone to record video. In addition, you will need a board for the presentation of materials. To host courses, you will need a personal website, which is not free.

The list of expenses includes resource support, payment for the mailing list service and online advertising. If you do not allocate funds to promote your courses, there will not be many customers.

Basically, courses cost 1500-3000 rubles. How much such a business will pay off depends on the amount of advertising costs and the usefulness of training materials.

Opening an online store

You can develop and sell goods, deliver them to customers using the services of a courier service or mail. Such projects are relevant, which is confirmed by the results of market research. The demand for online stores is high among middle-aged people. The market is growing every month, which indicates its prospects.

If you decide to organize an online platform for selling clothes for women or children, then be prepared for the following costs:

  • website development and maintenance;
  • for the salary of the administrator, courier;
  • to rent a warehouse;
  • for the purchase of goods.

The costs of renting the premises of a regular store are replaced by the costs of creating and maintaining an Internet resource, purchasing software, and an advertising campaign.

The profitability of knitwear and clothing stores averages 20-25%. If you buy things for more than 200 thousand rubles, then you can receive a profit of more than 40 thousand rubles every month. If you actively promote your store, carefully think over the assortment and plan expenses, then the payback of the project can be only 4-6 months.

Site layout

This area of ​​business in a crisis is very relevant. The cost of services of large IT companies is quite high, and small enterprises cannot afford them.

In addition to being expensive, the disadvantage of such information products is that they are unnecessarily functional for small businesses. If you make up business card sites for individual entrepreneurs, you can have a good income. The earnings of an IT freelancer can be 1500-2000 thousand dollars a month.


This business idea is to sell goods over the Internet as an intermediary between the manufacturer and the customers. Your income is a percentage of sales. Absolutely all costs are borne by the manufacturer, and you are responsible for promoting products.

First you need to choose the products you want to sell. It is better to opt for products that are well known to you. It can be clothes, souvenirs, handicrafts, etc.

It is most profitable to sell clothes and cosmetics on the Web. Some manufacturers of these products do not have their own retail stores, that is, the buyer can only purchase their products online.

The next stage in the implementation of a business idea is the search for suppliers of goods. You can also search the Web for the query "wholesale/wholesale sales + product name".

Dropshipping requires opening your own online store. This is another step in organizing a business. You can create groups / communities in social networks.

To attract customers will allow the publication of the offer of their services on each of your resources, on electronic trading floors. For example, there is a platform for selling goods on the Yandex.Market service. You can pay either a fixed amount per click on your product, or a certain percentage of the order amount.

Another site on the Web is Tiu.ru. You can place as many offers as you like on it for 2350 rubles per month.

Business management in crisis

During a crisis, a business can be considered profitable if it is not unprofitable. The task of an entrepreneur is to do everything not to go bankrupt. Success will be ensured if you approach the solution of problems carefully and calmly and avoid unnecessary expenses.

Be flexible in times of crisis

The existence of a business is impossible without its development. In a crisis situation, the implementation of many plans becomes impossible. But the company still needs to grow. Leadership will have to be flexible to adapt to changing conditions. Then it will be possible to talk about such a factor as liquidity.

The importance of liquidity in times of crisis

The relevance of the liquidity indicator in a crisis is high. Remember: during the economic downturn in 2008-2009, many construction projects were frozen due to insufficient funding for projects. A low level of liquidity is a big risk that affects the existence and functioning of a business during a crisis.

To maintain liquidity at the proper level, you need to constantly develop. Development may not be as active, but still new ideas, methods, technologies are needed.

Start experimenting

Despite the variety of types of business, as a system it is the same in different areas, regardless of scale, structure, products, technologies and markets. Many will take this advice with skepticism. What kind of experiments can there be if even the measured functioning of the business in the previous mode is under threat?

However, a crisis is a good time to implement fresh ideas. It is not necessary to radically change your activities, because there are many related industries.

The ability to "compress"

If the low purchasing power of the population due to the crisis is added to the low level of liquidity, then the enterprise is doomed. To reduce the risk, its leveling, the ability to "shrink" is necessary.

In a period of economic instability, long-term contracts should be avoided, and costs should be carefully considered. In addition, there is no need to hire new employees and index wages.

Tight control over business processes

During a crisis, you need to have everything under control like never before. We must not allow a decrease in sales, customer dissatisfaction, the use of inefficient promotion methods. Any mistake will be very costly, and you already have little money.

Therefore, strict control over each business process is necessary: ​​from the activities of sales managers (how they communicate with customers, whether they fulfill KPIs, etc.) to the work of auxiliary resources (production, store, website).

If you have any doubts that the sellers are completely dedicated to their work, you can hire a "mystery shopper". If the sales managers do not comply with the norm, their functions can be transferred to employees of an outsourcing company.

At present, in order for a business to develop successfully, it is necessary, including through the Internet and its own website. If you already have your own Internet resource, but you can’t call it cool, then we advise you to audit the site.

The crisis leads some people to poverty, while others do not change their financial situation, and still others become even richer during the economic downturn. Of course, few people wish to be assigned to the first category. The bulk of people strive to be in the third or at least in the second group.

Crisis Definition

From time to time it happens that the harmony of our life begins to collapse under the influence of irresistible external forces. At the same time, the course of events and the way of things familiar to everyone are changing. Established views on the surrounding reality are also subject to revision. All this points to the onset of a crisis.

During such a period, it seems to many of us that life has come to an end, and the familiar world is sure to collapse. This state of affairs can cause shock to the business.

This is facilitated by:

  • currency fluctuations;
  • losses from broken transactions;
  • new rules and laws for entrepreneurs, etc.

In such a situation, it seems to many that all the effort, time and money spent on creating their own business were wasted.

Making the Right Decision

In a crisis? Maybe give up and put up with everything? After all, it seems to many that the collapse has come, everything is already lost. However, don't be discouraged!

Consider the crisis as the next stage of business, which is sure to be followed by a powerful impetus in development. The recession of the economy should not become for you sometimes despair, but a motivation for making extraordinary decisions and active actions. If you do not find the answer to the question of how to make money in a crisis, then you need to learn proper management affairs, try to control all indicators and work processes, create a strong team of professionals and build a reliable management system. Only in this case, it will be possible to extract the maximum benefit from the misfortunes and troubles that have befallen your head.

What does the crisis lead to?

A recession in the economy of any state causes the following:

  • decrease in consumer demand;
  • tightening conditions for banks to issue loans;
  • savings on wages;
  • reduction in the number of employees and much more.

In this regard, sales in a crisis will certainly decline. Consumers are buying fewer products, which is hurting many small businesses. Surviving a crisis will require the use of non-standard methods, which we will discuss below.

Finding a new market niche

In a crisis, when there is a drop in consumer demand and fierce competition? One of the options for making the right decision can be finding a new market niche. Your business should become highly specialized, intended only for a small circle of consumers.

To determine the main areas of activity, it will be necessary to find in time the sphere of unsatisfied needs of people in the product or service they need.
How to make money during a crisis, taking advantage of this? Quite easy! First of all, it will be necessary to identify a special group of consumers who need products that are not available on the mass market. Most profitable business the one who will make the unique offer to the clients will be able to start. This will be the exit to a new niche. It should be borne in mind that to form unique business possible with the use unusual ways work with consumers.

Exists great amount options to start developing a new direction. At the same time, it is important to remember that in order to successfully conduct business, you cannot stop there. This is especially true during periods Working in a crisis requires a constant search for new market niches and ideas.

If you decide to start a new business...

Downturns in the economy at all times are a serious test for those who are representatives of medium or small businesses. The consequences of the crisis are different. The weakest during this period go bankrupt, and the strong survive. As for far-sighted businessmen, they create new, most effective ways to answer the question of how to make money in a crisis. These enterprising people waste no time developing strategic directions that help overcome the difficulties that have arisen with honor.

Many do not dare to open their own business in a difficult economic period, fearing failure and ruin. However, you need to start a business when you feel ready for it. At any time, this is not at all an easy task. There will always be something to interfere with. However, the good news is that you will become your own boss and master, and besides, you will stop working for "someone else's uncle."

Do not panic for those who planned to open their own franchise business. If we wait for the time when the crisis will subside, then the most promising niches will be occupied by other entrepreneurs. You risk being out of work.

Business ideas in a crisis should be well thought out. Of course, no one is immune from failure, but such a risk exists even in periods of stability. When choosing the direction of a new business that will be opened under a franchise, you will need to determine the sector in which a decline in sales is expected or there will be a demand for services that are not in demand during stable times.

One has only to carefully consider the first sector in order to understand which enterprises are not worth investing in. Their list during the crisis includes the construction and sale of gadgets, as well as expensive electronics, elite restaurants and much more. Survival in a crisis in these areas is possible only if there are powerful assets and there is no competition in the local market.

As for the second sector, it should attract Special attention budding entrepreneur. This is where you can earn a lot of money, despite the downturn in the economy. What are the crisis? These experts include:

  1. Outsourcing. This is a promising type of business, as many companies will seek to reduce their costs. To continue doing business successfully, they will have to outsource some non-core processes. There are quite interesting franchises that work with the offer of personnel outsourcing and outsourcing services.
  2. Consulting. This is work to forecast consumer demand for certain types of services, to increase the motivation of staff and to increase the efficiency of their work. This type activity feels great not only in times of a stable economy, but also in times of recession.
  3. Service. This is the most profitable business in a crisis. Promotion to repair various office and production equipment always occurs during periods of cash shortage.

These are the most relevant business ideas in a crisis. The most worthy ways to earn money can be found by conducting a thorough analysis of the local market.

How to work in a crisis for an already open enterprise?

With the onset of a recession in the economy, running a franchise business will have to be somewhat reconsidered. It will take the maximum concentration of all efforts to keep things afloat. This is especially true for the sector in which the most risky types of business are located.

Managing an enterprise in a crisis will require the adoption of some unpopular measures for the team. Among them are the following:

  • Staff reduction. To save your own business, some specialists will need to be replaced by outsourcers. This will cut costs by up to fifty percent.
  • Reduction of current expenses. Save the company's money will reduce the cost of purchasing new equipment, organizing corporate parties, as well as the purchase of office supplies.
  • Retention wages at the same level, despite the growth of the dollar and the euro.
  • Investing only in property that will generate income. These can be securities, real estate, equipment, etc.

Sales during periods of decline in purchasing power

How to make money in a crisis, when there is a drop in consumer demand? What business will be the most profitable under these conditions? To answer this question, you need to ask yourself first of all: “What am I ready to spend my money on today?”.

Most likely, high demand buyers will use inexpensive goods, without which it is impossible to do, for example, shoes and clothing. This is especially true for items of women's wardrobe. And this is not surprising. Every woman wants to be beautiful and elegant. That is why the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, let them not update, but certainly periodically replenish their wardrobe. During the crisis, sellers of fashionable, but at the same time inexpensive shoes and clothes are especially popular. This is the product that will answer the question: "How to make money in a crisis?".

Even during the economic downturn, children's shoes and clothing are in high demand. Kids are constantly growing, they just need to constantly change their wardrobe. Parents are unlikely to buy their child expensive models because they have to save on everything. But cheaper offers will be perceived by them with a bang.

If you have already decided how to make money in a crisis and have chosen to trade in shoes and clothes, then you will need to take into account some of the nuances. Fashion, elegance and sophistication must go hand in hand with an affordable price. For the cheapest and most inconspicuous models, demand may not appear at all.

Increasing profitability will be facilitated by the sale of inexpensive accessories along with clothing. It can be jewelry, belts, bags, ties, etc.

Providing services during economic downturns

How to make money during a crisis? Repairs are in high demand during this period. Everything in better times we would have thrown away to make room for the new, in times of crisis will continue to work. This applies to DVD players and furniture, televisions and washing machines, cars and coffee grinders, electric kettles, etc. During periods of economy, it is quite difficult to replace all this, and people begin to repair old things.

What kind of business can be opened in a crisis? What to do in order to earn money? An interesting option there will be a tire retreading workshop. Many car owners want to save on their purchase. They repair shoes for their car in workshops that use technology cold welding. Tires retreaded in this way are equal in quality to new ones. Such enterprises are quite common in the US, Europe and China. In Russia, this niche is not filled, despite the fact that this is a very profitable business in a crisis. What to do during a downturn in the economy? Start your own tire retreading business. The cost of this service is 20-25 percent of its cost. This allows you to get a fairly high profit.

A good income during periods of crisis brings the supply of auto cosmetics, auto parts and auto chemicals. This is due to the fact that car owners tend to keep their "iron horses" in good condition, as they cannot afford to purchase new models.

During times of economic hardship, brochures with tips on how to get money during a crisis will be in demand. Articles on this topic are especially popular in difficult times. You can not only earn money on this, but also help others to do it.

Network marketing

When a crisis hits, don't panic. Try to review all your talents and determine the directions for their use. For those who love live communication, it is recommended to try yourself in network marketing. During the crisis, this business has a particularly active development. Network companies, as a rule, offer goods of the highest demand.

These are medicines and cosmetics, household chemicals, etc. Such products are always necessary for people. I am glad that the organization of this business does not require initial investments and office space rental. You can do this business directly from home.

food business

This industry, as a rule, is not affected by the crisis. People need food even in times of economic downturn. In addition, fresh pastries, as well as wedding and holiday cakes, do not lose their popularity. Do not deny yourself the pleasure and sweet tooth. They will certainly buy chocolate to somehow decorate the gray everyday life.
The goal of organizing a business on products is to find a free niche and form a price for your product that would please a potential buyer.

home staging

The most vulnerable during the crisis is the real estate market. Finding a buyer for a house listed by realtors is not easy. And during this period, home staging experts are in high demand. This concept means pre-sale preparation of the house. The main task of such experts is to arrange furniture, interior and landscape design, as well as other housework, up to the removal of an unpleasant smell from its premises.

It is worth saying that this business is very resistant to the crisis. They can be dealt with by the entrepreneur who performs repair work and develops landscape and interior design.

Opening courses

Parents at all times considered it their immediate duty to give a child a good education. Despite the crisis, children continue to attend schools. For lagging behind, dads and moms will always find funds for additional classes with a teacher. The business of organizing courses for adults has a remarkable potential, where people can get a new profession that is most in demand on the labor market.

The conclusion from all of the above is clear. If you want to make money, there is always something to do. And crisis phenomena are unlikely to become an obstacle for an enterprising and courageous person.

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