Compatibility of indoor plants among themselves. Landing cherries near the apple tree, pear, plum

Reservoirs 23.06.2020

In many gardens, fruit trees are grown in different types. Place the fruit trees, without taking into account their compatibility with each other, it means to significantly reduce the yield of all types of trees.

The number of fruits is reduced for several reasons:

  1. Two types of trees are used to form the fruits of the same chemical compounds.
  2. The root system of fruit trees is located in one plane with each other.
  3. When planting trees, the required distance was not respected.

Consider the principles of compatibility of trees.

Compatibility of pears and apple

Apple tree - universal fruit tree. Next to her, all other plants grow well, including a nut that does not "get along" anyone with one type of trees. The fruction of the apple tree, in turn, is well affected by a pear. Its root system highlights unique chemicals necessary for forming apples.

Next to the pear, the cherry and sweet cherry grows well, and the pear itself suffers from such a neighborhood, because the roots of these trees are woven into the root system of pears and inhibit the tree.

If the pear does not bring the fruit for a long time, and you plan to irrigate it, put the young seedlings of Cherry. They will develop well, and the root system of pear will gradually dry. A tree with an oppressed root system will be easier to remove. If you are planning to increase the fruction of pears - set near the apple tree.

Cherry and Cherry Compatibility

The growth of cherries and sweet cherries, as well as plums will significantly accelerate if they land these trees next to each other. Almost all of the bone are well leaving near grapes. Exception - peach. Its root system is located on the same level with the root system of grapes, so the roots are flying away with each other.

It grows well next to other bone trees, but Apricot - does not tolerate such a neighborhood. This fruit tree is better planted next to the apple tree.

Distance between trees

In order for fruit trees to come into fruiting earlier and brought large crops, observe the distance between them. The distance is calculated using the formula "s a + s b \u003d s", where "s a" is the height of the first tree, "S B" - the height of the second tree, "S" - the distance between them.

Bated berry shrubs or vegetables next to the trees, as these cultures can become distributors of many fungal and viral diseases. Plants such as potatoes are pulling too many nutrients from the soil.

Compatibility of indoor plants.

As for the compatibility of different types of indoor plants, there is no standard rules - it is desirable only not to put a number of different types of blooming vases, because they can interchangely, which will lead to the appearance of fringe flowers. Although perhaps someone may even like it.
Although there are several cases of the influence of one plant to another.
For example, not all plants are transferred geranium . Nearby you can put those plants that are similar in caring, require the same humidity and lighting.
Violets Delicious, being in the same room with lily of the valley - it should be remembered about it.
Hibiscus Lifely affects weak plants.
Rose room Compatible with almost all other indoor and fresh cut plants. The main condition is that it does not shade it and she herself did not prevent access to other plants.
And it is also worth considering that the fruits that are in close proximity are pernicably affected by some plants.
Also on all plants negatively affects the tobacco smoke. Remember this.

Power engineering plants

Plants with strongest energy - Ordinary bamboo, chlorophyteum Crested, ivy, butterfly orchid, lemon (orange), drazena, nephrolepp, potted rose.
Heavy Energy Plants - Echmea, cacti, Puancettia, Neorelegia, Sansevier Three-Rhinestone, Yucca.
Plants with soft, timid energy - Uzambarskaya violet, mini-cyclamen, adiantum, Camellia, Wood Creek, Gardenia Jasmine, Mirt Ordinary.
With the help of colors you can achieve and enhance air humidity. Flowers that need a lot of moisture, usually return it through the leaves. These are violets, cyclamen, fern.

Classification of indoor plants

First of all, so that the bedroom plants grow well, you need to observe the three main conditions of growth - light, watering and feeding. It is necessary to consider what light to give windows, and respectively pick up plants.

Indoor plants can be divided into three groups: light-minded, shadowish and plants of moderate lighting.

To the first group (light-minded) include cacti, eucalyptus, coles.
To the second group(Shadisy) - ferns, coniferous aspidistra, male, ivy, indoor grapes (cissos).
To the third group (Moderate Lighting Plants) Most indoor plants can be attributed. For example, citrus, begonias, hydrangeas, primroses, tradesansans and others.

Each plant is predisposed to certain conditions. For example, some of the room plants prefer to constantly be in the sun, others like shadow. Good growth and development of the plant, and the preservation of medicinal properties in it depend primarily from painstaking regular care. The amateur flower should take care of his plants in order to receive from them from them not only in aesthetic, but also practically - in order for medicinal plants to retain their healing properties, and of them could be prepared for medicines from many diseases.
For example, Pelargonium is a light-affairs culture and therefore it requires a solar location. The pot with a plant should be located on the windows of the emerging, on the sunny side. In winter, the plant is better to keep on cold light windows at air temperature plus 3-10 degrees. For the same reason, the plant needs to be isolate from the effects of hot air of central heating batteries.
Regardless of the time of the year, Pelargoniums need regular irrigation. It should be done when the land in pots will be completely dry to the touch. Water is required so much so that she, passing through the whole earthy com, went through the drainage hole in the tray, from where it is then removed.
Geranium (Pelargonium) is a very unpretentious plant, but during flowering period the plant should be regularly picked up with mineral and organic fertilizers. Pelargoniums are multiplied in March. The cuttings are cut in length 7-12cm. The lower ends of the cuttings are purified from 5 cm leaves and are imported within 4 hours. To rouded the plant is better in moderately wet sand, although for these purposes you can use a glass with water in which the cuttings are placed. Water in the glass is used boiled, changing it once a week. The cuttings should be kept in a warm, illuminated place, but not in the open sun. Usually after 4-5 weeks, the roots are formed with a length of 4-5 cm, at that time the cuttings can be planted in pots. The soil mixture is prepared from the turf, sand and peat in the 2: 1 ratio of 2: 1 and after a few days the seedlings are exposed to a sunny place. For landing it is recommended to take pots with a diameter of no more than 8cm, otherwise the plants begin to form a lot of shoots and do not bloom.
Pelargoniums who were overwhelmed in the house, with the onset of spring, you can plant in open ground. It is recommended to make this procedure, after the danger of frosts passes, and the air warms up to 15 degrees. After 1-2 weeks after landing on Pelargonium, the first inflorescences appear. If you care for the plant, it will bloom to the most frosts. If there is no possibility to transplant the pelargonium into the ground, it can be placed in floor vases. With the onset of frosts, the plant is re-entering the house. The plant is digging out of the ground, cut the roots and placed in a pot. The tops of the shoots in the plant cut off.
But the care for the niphelistic plant Calanechoe has its own distinctive features. Calanchoe is a light-loving plant, it needs to be put on a bright place, but in the summer it is necessary to protect it from the midday of the sun by the solar.
Little Kalanchoe Kalanchoe Babies plant a few pieces in pots with loose soil, mixed with sand. In the spring, the grown plants transplant in a big pot. Watering as the soil drying, following the earth so that the land is not wet, otherwise juicy fleshy plants can be faced at the base. Large plants Calanechoe watered abundantly, especially in summer heat. In the summer of plants, it is necessary to feed once every two weeks with full mineral fertilizer (1 gram per 1 liter of water).
If Kalanchoe becomes too high and ugly, it can be cut off the upper part of the escape with 3-5 leaves and root it. It is best to make it in spring.
Calanchoe Pirish kids does not forms. It is breeding a sheet to be put in a water saucer. After some time, small rapts with roots will appear along the edges of the sheet.
To create optimal conditions for ficus, it should be remembered that this plant prefers a bright, but not a sunny place. In summer, the ficus is desirable to be taken to the balcony, and in the winter to create a cool temperature (but not lower than 15 degrees), since the plant is at rest. From April to September, the plant needs abundant irrigation. During this period, the growth and development of ficuses occurs. But it is impossible to pour plants, otherwise the roots can be contrary. The feeder should be made twice a month. In addition, the leaves of the ficus should be regularly wiped with a damp cloth or a sponge to remove dust-accumulated on their surface.
And in therapeutic, and in decorative purposes in room conditions you can grow citrus. Mandarin, Orange, Lemon, Grapefruit, grow well on the northwestern windows. Cookware for plants is suitable any, prerequisite - in the pot there must be a hole for water drain. The optimal temperature for this type of plants is 18-25 degrees of heat. In the summer, the duration of the day is artificially extended to 14-16 hours.
If you have citrus sides on the windowsill, then in the winter period of time under the pot you need to put a wooden stand. This will help protect the plant from hypothermia. All citrus twice a month wash under the shower. Cold souls helps to get rid of dust and insect pests. Pereplain plant is better in spring. The signal for the transplant can be served from the root drainage hole.

If you decide to go to flower growing, be prepared for what you have to spend some time to study the peculiarities of growing and care for flowers, each of which requires its approach. To begin with, we advise you to start only one type of colors and explore it as it should.
Do not hope for your memory: when the number of colors in your collection will be quite significant, it will be quite difficult to remember the peculiarities of the care of each of them. Try to make a small notebook, where you will indicate everything for each plant.
Try to highlight for plants a permanent place where they will calmly grow and delight you with their appearance. A constant transfer of colors from one place to another will affect their health far from the best.

Ecology of knowledge: unfortunately, little to take into account alone the aesthetic component in the selection of compositions. The complexity lies in the fact that not all plants are good with each other.

When drawing up a plant disembarkation plan on the site it is necessary to take into account many factors. Unfortunately, it is not enough to consider alone the aesthetic component in the selection of compositions. The complexity lies in the fact that not all plants are good with each other.

With incorrect landing on the site, Shakespeare's passions may occur - one plant will coal another, some species displacing only like themselves, and others will be fruitful for some reason.

This topic is very extensive and will be replenished, but as long as we list individual examples of the undesirable neighborhood of rocks and varieties.

Birch has a powerful root system that consumes a lot of water, and therefore expects other plants located next to it. It is better not to perplex it with other shrubs and plants.

Similar properties have spruce and maple, so that there are better non-volatile plants next to this trio, which is undemanding to a large amount of moisture.

The reverse side - these trees are well planted on the soil, which requires drying.

A spruce is very strong enough soil, so it is better to plant acid soil lovers next to her. For example, hydrangea, begonias, calves, ferns, etc.

Spruce can not be squeezed near the beds, berry shrubs and fruit trees. But the middle indoor soil prefers cherry, gooseberry, apple tree. The disembarkation is contraindicated next to lilac, roses, peonies.

Oak, Lipa and Maple are well neighboring with a pear and apple tree. Apple tree should not land close to young pines, she burns them. The apple tree and pear are badly bargaining next to Lilac, Barbaris, Kalina, Chubuschnik and Roses, but are well friends with raspberries, cherries, plum and cherries, especially since their fruits will accelerate the ripening of fruits of other plants.

Walnut Manchurian oppresses apple trees, Irga, Pear, Rowan, Tiss.

Barbaris refers to monoponymic and actively shuffling other plants. But weeds next to him do not get along. To the same group include Acacia White, horse chestnut, Kalina, Rosa, Fir, Lilac, Rosehip. Skeleton Acacia is well compatible with horse chestnut.

The ash inhibits the growth of trees and bushes, it is bad grows next to the oak.

Cause soil fatigue decaying chestnut leaves, nut, pine needles and ate. This is due to the fact that the leaves of these plants contain phenolic compounds, which in the decay process begin to be released.

Shrubs are the topic for a separate, more in-depth conversation, since they are sent correctly, so as not to interfere with each other, the whole science. Sunny areas will give all plants giving blooming fruits. Red currants should not be seen next to Malina, black currant - next to the cherry. Lilac and rose should not land close to apple tree and pear. But the cherry, plum, Malina will become great neighbors to each other.

Some plants have very high allelopathic activity (inhibition of themselves like this), so do not form single plantations. These include ash, sucker, oak, beech, many conifers. Such plants create protective zones around them. They have the oppression of their own teenager due to the accumulation of toxic substances, as a result of which the species displaces himself.

The positive side of the alleloopathic trees is most of them have an antimicrobial (phytoncidal) effect, which purifies, healing air and ensures the immunity of plants to mushroom infections.

All of the above, however, does not work in 100% of cases, since largely the compatibility of plants depends on external factors - on the composition of the soil, the degree of illumination, the age of trees, as well as the allelopathic relationship. If all this takes into account when selecting the compositions of plantations, all plants will feel good and create a healthy and well-kept type of site. Published

It is necessary to take into account compatibility, planting fruit and decorative trees on the site. Good wishes can turn into a catastrophe if you break the neighborhood.

On each summer garden, apple and cherries grow, but is it possible to plant the cherry next to the apple tree? Will it affect her yield and if so, how? With what other cultures can you plant it, so that the place is on the site to save and collect berries, fruits?

The benefits of a successful neighborhood

Compatibility of trees and bushes directly affects not only the number of future harvest, but also on the development of the garden.

The neighborhood of some contributes to better growth, relieves from diseases and pests, and the proximity of others has a completely opposite effect - growth slows down, trees begin to root and may die.

General landing rules:

  1. Apple trees are getting along with almost all fruit, but you need to observe remoteness.
  2. Walnuts are better not to plant where other crops are planned. Its leaves are poisonous and just poison the soil and everything around.
  3. With her fir, not a single fruit culture also gets around.
  4. In the garden it is impossible to plant oaks, birch, linden or poplar. The big root system requires a lot of nutrients, and the abdomen of kroon shades.

Cherry is not the most friendly plant. Read more, with what cultures and why it is possible or cannot be planted this tree, it will be written on.

Bad neighbors for cherry

Plants next to which the cherry should not land:

  • polenic: eggplants, tomatoes, tobacco;
  • tobacco;
  • malina;
  • sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn;
  • gooseberry;
  • apple tree.

Apple tree - bad neighbor for cherry


Pepper, tomatoes and other parires are the focus of the verticile coil. This disease amazes wood and the core of the tree, as a result of which it dies.

Raspberry, gooseberry

Raspberries and gooseberries have a surface root system. The bushes take the nutrients from the upper layers of the soil, thereby braking the development of the tree.

Sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn has a developed and strong root system. It inhibits neighboring plants, not giving them to form their roots.

Apple tree compatibility

Apple tree - seed culture. It has a strong root and a big crown. For smaller cherries such a neighborhood is detrimental. When forming the garden, the optimal remoteness of these crops takes into account. The average apple tree can be placed at 8-10 m from the cherries, and the larger - at 12-14 m. The size of the crown corresponds to the magnitude of the root system - it serves as a tip when choosing a landing site.

The apple tree is excellent where there was a cherry garden earlier, and bad on the place of seed. This is the only exclusion from the rule of the joint landing of these 2 cultures. The best neighbor of the apple tree is cedar.

Good neighbors for cherry

Cherry - culture with a developed surface root system. Refers to the bone family. The best neighbors for cherry are:

  • cherries, cherries;
  • plums and allycha;
  • elder;
  • honeysuckle;
  • grapes.

Grapes - good neighbor for cherry

Sweet cherry

Cherry and cherry trees are pollinators for each other. When they are landing, the dimensions of the adult tree take into account. Crowns should not overlap each other.

The optimal distance between the trees is 7-8 m, but not more than 15 m. If the trees are low, then the distance can be reduced to 6 meters.

Drug tree

Plums and cherries not only belong to the bone, but are the defenders of each other from diseases. These cultures have good compatibility, they can be planted quite closely, the only condition - the crowns should not come into contact.

Plum belongs to the trees, next to what you can land the cherry, but it does not tolerate the neighborhood of cherries and can die next to her. If the site is planned to land in a row of cherries, plums and cherries, then the distance between them should be at least 5 m.


Buzin is growing well near the Cherry Garden or right under the trees. He is a defender from Tly.


Honeysuckle is a low shrub that grows in a half. It can be planted at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from the priority circle.

Grapes - friendly plant. It gets well, not only with cherry, but also with a pear, apple tree, plum.

Not compatible with cherry trees

There are plants for which cherry trees are not suitable. The joint landing adversely affects the yields of such cultures:

  • pears;
  • black currant;
  • peach;
  • apricot;
  • red rowan.

Next to the cherry in no case can be squeezed red rowan


Pear grows poorly with cherry. This is caused by the features of root systems and sizes of the crown. On the one hand, the lack of nutrients does not affect yields, and on the other hand, the Crane creates a shadow.

For pear, the best neighbors are rowan and other pears. This culture is capricious and immediately reacts to the lack of nutrient elements in the soil.

Black currant

Black currant is unpretentious, but it will be bad next to the cherry.

These cultures love different nutrition and require the use of different agricultural equipment. The lack of light and the sun on currant berries is negatively affecting. Bushes are not allowed lighting due to a large crown. The exceptions are the showingly grades, but they need to provide the right agriculture.


Peaches are becoming popular in garden sites. This plant is whimsically in choosing neighbors. With seeds, remoteness is at least 4-6 m.

With a cherry peach can't grow nearby. It is best to plant it at the opposite country. With joint growth of the trunk and branches from the side of the cherry. Later to this is added gaming. The other side of the tree will try to compensate for the damage and begins to be curved.


Apricot trees prefer to grow alone. For good yields, remoteness from other cultures of 5-6 m. With the cherry, this tree has a different care, so the close neighborhood is contraindicated.

Red Rowan is sick next to the cherry, because she does not have enough nutrition. It is manifested by the decent branches and frequent diseases of the tree.


Proper planning for planting garden crops on the site will provide not only beauty, but also increases yields. Various cultures are adjacent to the cherry, you need to correctly calculate the landing distance.

Neighboring trees in the garden are friends and antagonists. Allelopathy fruit trees. Compatibility of fruit trees.

Today's article will be especially useful for those who plan to bookmark the garden, as well as those who have oppressed plants in the garden with a weak increase and small yield.

Given the factors of the mutual neighborhood between the plants, it is possible to increase the harvest in your garden. And also, accidentally putting a row of plants that interfere with each other, you can get oppressed growth, weak fruiting and even death.

Article: Neighboring trees in the garden are friends and antagonists.

Gardeners amateur, especially beginners, plant plants on the site as they are pleased, without taking into account the compatibility of fruit trees. Some plants can oust others and vice versa - to be friends with each other, not interfering, but even protecting. At the same time, the consequences of non-observance of the cohabitation conditions may be sad.

The first thing to do before developing the site is to check it on the presence of geopathic zones. The whole territory of the surface of the Earth is pecked by geopathogenic zones. And if you get straight into the geopathogenic zone, then what would you have a sadly there - you will not get a crop. Video instructions are available in the training courses Valery Iron.

There are also natural indicators that suggest that it is better not to use for the cultivation of fruit trees this plot of land.

Natural land suitability indicators for gardening.

Indicators of land not suitable for gardening.

willow, Soyk and Olha.

Earth indicators favorable to create a garden.

Maple, Rowan, wild pear, rosehip, cereals, legumes. In this case, you can expect that this site will favorab the creation of a fruit garden.

The ideal compatibility of planting fruit trees - when each type of fruit trees are located on a plot of one group. Apple tree with apple trees, pears with pears and so on.

All plants allocate phytoncides - volatile substances. An example is mint. It is worth touching the leaf - the air is filled with a pleasant aroma. During the rain or wind, when the leaves hit each other, on the branches - the phytoncides are also distinguished - they are cleaned with water and fall into the soil. The roots of each plant also distinguish a huge amount of water-soluble substances and connections. Among them are biologically active simulators that provide huge influence on the neighbors.

Compatibility of fruit trees with close location in the garden.

If you are planning a mixed garden, or you have a small area, you need to take into account compatibility with other plants.

Apple It is impossible to plant with acacia, horse chestnut, elder, black viburnum, jasmine, fir, a poplar, lilac, a rose, cherries, peach and nuts - walnut, Tatar and, especially, manchursky (the leaves fall to the ground, decompose and lie and lie). It is impossible to plant an ordinary juniper - it can bring Rust to the garden, which is almost can't get possible. It also reaches the gardens of neighbors (at a small summer cottage).

  • The destruction of the wormwood bitter leads to a decrease in the amount of fonds on the apple trees.
  • It is impossible to plant potatoes in an apple trees.

Apple tree feels well with Malina. Malina is a good nitrogen fixture and enriches the soil with oxygen. And very good when their branches touch each other. With this location, the raspberry will protect the apple tree from the paste, and the apple tree will protect Malina from gray rot.

Maple ashanellite can save an apple tree from frozen. Protection comes from phytoncides that distinguish the leaves. It is not necessary to keep big maple trees - you can coal them with an annual trimming, leaving no more than a meter in height. Leaves to mine to highlight more phytoncides.

Apple tree and honeysuckle are conditionally compatible. If you plant an alternation of apple trees-honeysuckle-apple trees-honeysuckle, it will be overload.

Pear.It can not be planted with the same trees as the apple tree. Especially with a beech, barberry and bone. The most harmful is the neighborhood of juniper, which develops rust.

A pleasant neighbors for pear will be oak, rowan and poplar, in particular - black poplar.

Cherry It can not get along with apricot, black currant, raspberry and apple trees (separate varieties). It is impossible to plant tomatoes, peppers and strawberries under the cherry. All grained cultures must be placed away from the cherry. They are distributors of the disease - a verticilla dry drying (Wilt). In this disease, the core and wood dies inside the plant (cherry blocked and faded).

Cherry is perfectly friendly with plum and sweet.

Barbaris can suppress the development of any tree or bush. Soot him away from fruit plantings. Some compatibility has barbaris with honeysuckle and drain. The only enemy is juniper due to the same rust.

Example. Pear when landing near Barbaris could not fully fruit 8 years. Blooming is plentiful, and the harvest is several frods. When removing Barbaris, fruiting recovered the next year. It was so abundant that a suicide harvest resembled.

Plum You can not sit near pears, raspberries, black currant and apple tree.

Important! It is impossible to make mixed landings of Western plum (the so-called Russian plum) and representatives of the Manchurian flora - Chinese and Amur, as well as their hybrids.

Black elderber will help break the plum from the Tly. Also a good neighbor for plum will be maple. It can be planted, but not to give to grow, making a constant short-circuit trimming. This will give an additional crop drain.

Apricots.This is a typical southern plant, so in our gardens do not know how to plant it and therefore are not very loved. Avoid planted near apple trees, pears, plums, peach, cherries, red rowan, cherries and especially nut. Does not tolerate landing near him raspberry and currant bushes, which are pests. Apricot individualist.

Peach.Does not tolerate apple tree and pear. The minimum distance between them should be at least 4 meters. From Cherry and Cherry Peach will begin to spare in the opposite direction. And the party that will be turned to the antagonists trees will be taken off. Numerous branches will gradually die in a year or two, all the tree will die. This tree is very hard to survive the winter.

Cherries and nuts are lovers of loneliness, but they also lead to the oppression of peach.

Present the location of the cultures on your site and draw schematically on paper. Then check the compatibility of adjacent plants using the data provided. To do this, you can download and print a sign that is located in the application.

Neighbors for grapes.

Excellent compatibility in grapes with a pear. The tree does not suffer from the fact that his grapes grows, and Liana, especially feeling good.

Grapes grows well with Chinese lemongrass and actinidia, which is convenient to use on the arbors. Grapes with beans, cross-salad, peas, radish, onion, radish, beet, cabbage color, grows well. From decorative - geranium, phlox, forget-me-not, asters.

Considering the compatibility of plants, you can grow the most damned garden - the best in your area.

The article is compiled based on the materials of Yuri Vasilyevich Brodsky.

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