What to use for floor insulation. How to make water waterproofing in a private house

Decor elements 25.06.2019
Decor elements

Wooden house and floors have three main enemies, it is fire, water and pests. From the fire and pests, the tree can be protected by special impregnations, but to save from direct contact with water and its pairs is not a lung task. In wooden houses there are always places such as a kitchen, a bathroom and a toilet where without water can not do. Also, the influence of dampness is subject to flooring of the first floor, which are in direct contact with the underground. Solve these problems allows waterproofing of a wooden floor.

Waterproofing features and materials used

In a wooden house, first of all should be protected by the floor and other structures from the tree. Water in the house falls in two ways: outside - groundwater, evaporation and condensation of moisture from the soil in the subfield, and from the inside - as a result of daily use for household needs and / or leaks from water supply systems or sewage.

Water floor waterproofing in a private house has its own characteristics. The first feature is that starting to equip water protection from the moment of laying the structure.

The outer waterproofing of the foundation will protect concrete, and will prevent water from entering the base from the outside of the house. The penetration of groundwater and moisture through the soil inside the sample can be avoided with the insulation of the soil using sandy bellows and the rubble layer. After tamping, on top of them in several layers (with an occurrence of 20-30 cm on the walls of the base), the rubberoid, sinking the joints of the hot bitumen. Each subsequent floor layer is laid across the previous one.

The second feature of the waterproofing is accommodation in most projects in the bathroom, bathroom, shower and kitchen on the first floor, which requires floor protection not only from the ground (space under the floor), but also from the inside of the room.

The choice of waterproofing technology and the corresponding materials is also determined by the type of base to which the floor is placed or already laid. Enchanted in wooden houses floors mounted on lags with fixing on a ribbon or column foundation, as an option - concrete base. Thus, water protection objects are wooden lagowslaid on them floor boards and concrete base under the floor.

Waterproofing technology

Existing hydroelectory technologies allow for protection of wooden structures from moisture impact, save their properties and performance features, extend the service life. The two most common technologies are inlet and coating, received their names accordingly an associative series with a method for applying a protective coating.

The use of each of the technologies has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. The only thing that unites them is good waterproofing of a wooden floor, which makes the operation of such premises as a bath and shower, safe.

Fooling materials

In accordance with the main components that are part of the materials, the compositions on the basis of acrylic and latex, mastic on a bitumen basis, two-component dry mixtures are distinguished.

Mastics on a bitumen basis appeared on the market for a long time, and their diversity (despite the fact that the basis of each of them includes bitumen) is ensured by the fact that manufacturers are constantly improving these products by adding new components that improve the quality and durability of the coating.

Famous I. successful solutions Mastics:

  • Koucho-bituminous. Refers to one-component. Elastic material. Not afraid of temperature differences. Method of application - roller or brush. Provides good level protection against moisture when applied, both on cement and on the wooden floor. Disadvantage - nasty smell. Recommendations for use: work only in well-ventilated premises.
  • Bituminous polymer. A durable and elastic coating provides good clutch with the treated surface. Surface preparation is not required. Drying time for more than 8 hours.
  • Liquid rubber. Emulsion on a water-polymer basis. Refers to two-component materials. Drying time - immediately after applying. The method of applying is spraying. Forms a solid, solid coating. Material maintainable.

The disadvantages of mastic on a bitumen basis include:

  • little service life - up to 5 years;
  • instability to temperature differences - cracks appear;
  • strong smell.

Mastics based on acrylic and latex materials - decent alternative Bitumen masts, and a large assortment These materials on the market makes it possible to choose the most suitable one.

  • Acrylic. Available in the form of a paste of several colors. Refers to one-component. When applied to concrete, wood, fane and other materials forms a waterproof membrane.
  • Latex-acrylic. The composition based on latex and plasticized polymers. The material is elastic. Optimized for indoor use with high humidity. It can be used in places of probable water leaks.
  • Coucho-latex mastic It has black. Well absorbed into the treated surface. Recommendations for use - applied to several layers, works in contact with tiled glue.
  • Latex is a fluid without smell. Method of application - brush, roller. It is allowed to apply in a power method with subsequent alignment with spiked rollers. Applied in one layer.

Fooling technology

Simplicity of coating, availability of materials, their high elasticity and adhesion to any surfaces, as well as an acceptable cost, make the use of this technology very popular and justified.

The premises of the kitchen, bathroom and shower are always distinguished by high levels of humidity and the risk of water from entering the floor. That is why moisture insulation must be made as high quality as possible.

Waterproofing floor in the bathroom in a wooden house good example The right target use of coating waterproofing. According to the technology of the device waterproofing coating It should be started with surface preparation. After careful cleaning from dust, dirt, residues paint and varnish coatings Soil is applied. A roller is used for work. In order for the surface processing in the area of \u200b\u200bthe adjoits, angles, pipe outputs in the walls and the floor was high-quality, use the brush. The second layer of soil is applied after complete drying of the first.

The applying of mastic is beginning with the processing of places of the most likely flow of water - the lathes of the floor and the walls, the conclusions of the pipes, plums. After that, all joints are closed with a sealing ribbon. Overnight and air bubbles are unacceptable under the ribbon. If the ribbon width is not enough to overlap the adjoining, the docking of the tape is allowed with the overlap of at least 5 cm and the coating of the mastic. The sign of high quality works is considered to be sealing including angles of walls to a height of up to 20 cm from the floor. After gluing the tape, another layer of mastic is applied.

The next step is to install membranes at the outlet points of the water pipe and sewer plums. After this operation, the mastic is applied to the main surface of the floor. Application is recommended in several layers with sufficient to dry out each layer interval (the drying time is indicated on the material packaging). Before further work on the finishing, it should not be earlier than in a day.

Harvest materials

Hide the boarded floor with rolled and sheet waterproofing materials. A more efficient protection technology than the coating, although more complex in implementation. The form of release of materials (rolls and sheets) makes them use especially relevant in the premises with large squarewhere it is easy to provide a smooth surface, therefore, and tight fit. Nevertheless, if it is decided to equip a shower in a wooden house, and the floorproofing of the floor causes disagreements in the matter of choice of material, it is worth a preference to inlet technologies, because even a small room can be protected by these materials. High requirements for the preparation of the surface and carefulness of work is not too large fee For the advantages that give the use of these elastic, durable, resistant temperature differences of materials.

Inland waterproofers are produced in the form of rolls (rubberoid, technoNIKOL, METALOZOL, FOLGOZOL); in the form of panels or sheets (based on polymers and bitumen); Membrane type - sheets with convex rounded spikes.

In accordance with the method of fastening to the insulated surface roll insulation Produced:

  • with adhesive composition applied to one or two sides;
  • intended for hot salary;
  • for flooring using mastic or special glue.

Not so long ago, leadership among rolled materials kept the ruberoid, which was suppressed by more modern competitors. Its less durable analogue - Parchment, also does not withstand competition and comes out of use.

Modern inlet materials used for waterproofing wooden floor in the bathroom, in shower and other rooms with high humidity:

  • Film waterproofing - the simplest protection against moisture. Produced in the form of a polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride film in rolls, with or without reinforcement, of different density. The material is a film that can have different thickness and density. The intended purpose is an insulating layer under cement screed.
  • Isoplast - plastic, reliable and durable polyester-based material with impregnation from bitumen with various polymer additives. Release form - rolls.
  • TechnoNIKOL -Samochetic bitumen-polymer insulating coating with an effective protective layer on the front side. Allows stacking ceramic tile on cement glue. Can be laid on combustible grounds. Service life - at least 45 years.
  • Hydrokhotloizol - Bituminous waterproofing material based on fiberglass with polymer protective film. High biological resistance, durability. Hydrosotecolization treatment ensures that neither fungus nor mold on the wooden floor will never appear.
  • PVC membrane - elastic sheets of polyvinyl chloride. Fastening method - hot air jet welding. Advantages - forms a hermetic coating, resistant to wet aggressive media.

The main advantages and advantages of using rolled and sheet materials:

  • form a thin layer;
  • have high strength on the gap;
  • not subject to shrinkage;
  • not sensitive to vibration;
  • durable.

Equal technology

If the waterproofing of the wooden floor in the bathroom is performed using the inlet technology, it is required to pre-prepare the floor. To do this, align the surface, remove irregularities and protrusions, then close the cracks and cracks. If it failed to cope with ordinary tools, you can use self-leveling gender mixtures. After alignment, the floor must be well dry, clean from dirt, dust and garbage. A soil is applied to the surface thus prepared, the dying period of which can be found on its packaging. Preparatory stage Completed.

The next step depends on which material is selected for work - self-adhesive, intended for hot or cold gluing, or for laying on mastic.

Laying on mastic

The floor is applied with a layer (about 1.5-2 mm) suitable for the selected material of the mastic (usually on a bitumen-polymer or rubber-based basis). In places of adjoining, to a level of 15-20 cm from the floor, the mastic is also applied to the walls.

Before laying a layer of mastic heated. To do this, use a burner or a construction hairdryer. The first canvas is glued with such a calculation so that it is enough for the bend on the wall. But first of all, they are always glued to the floor, and only then to the wall. All subsequent canvases are stacked with a mandatory interruption of the joint with preheated mastic. For better gluing, the surface of each canvase and joints is rolled by a rubber roller.

In cases where multilayer isolation requires, the surface of the already glued layer is again applied to mastic, heated it, and laid each subsequent layer perpendicular to the previous one.

It is very important to carefully handle the adjunctions around the plots and conclusions of water pipes. For them should be prepared special rubber sealswhich are installed on silicone or polyurethane sealants, through the holes cut into the waterproofing sheet. If there was no bias in the direction of the floor for water, it should be created before starting work on isolation.

Laying self-adhesive material

Such a coating is best suited for the waterproofing of the draft floor in a wooden house, since the flooring can be done without using open fire. The scheme of action on the installation of the coating is the same. The difference consists only that covering the floor or the surface of the previous layer of mastic is not required - the bitumen layer is already on the material. It is enough to heat it enough to melt the protective film, lay the cloth behind the web to the floor (with a 18-15 cm overlap on the joints), and thoroughly roll a rubber roller.

Heating must be performed very carefully, to avoid damage to the material (overheating leads to a drying and loss of protective properties).

If you use the services of qualified craftsmen to perform work, it is not possible, it is possible to make waterproofing the wooden floor and on their own. In this case, it is recommended to use self-adhesive canvas for the "cold" flooring. On them, the adhesive layer is applied in the manufacture, protected by film. To lay such a coating, it is enough to remove the protective film and glue the cloth to the floor. The laying leads the mustache, tightly pressing sheets to the floor surface and rolling the joints and everything canvas with a roller. Before using self-adhesive materials, the draft floor is required to be treated with primer to increase adhesion.

Additional impregnations for wood

Continuous improvement construction technologies Largely due to significant progress in the natural sciences. The development and synthesis of new materials and technologies gives new ideas for their use in construction and vice versa, construction problems often find their solution at the joints of various sciences.

Many people in life use the Word Warm Waterproofing, but not everyone knows what it means. In fact, there is nothing complicated here, waterproofing is an independent work process aimed at protecting surfaces from the negative impact of moisture external environment. Without this work, wooden floors, walls and other elements of the house design for a long time will not stretch and start rotting. Moisture carries a negative impact not only on the tree, but also on concrete. Therefore, these protective measures are simply necessary, of course, if you do not want your own home to have short term operation. And for houses that are built in the harsh climatic conditionswhere increased humidity is constantly operating, the waterproofing process is required. In this article we will talk about protecting outdoor structures.

Classification of floor waterproofing methods

There are several ways to water waterproofing. Each of them is selected depending on the specific conditions in which this procedure is carried out.

  • painting;
  • calane;
  • cast;
  • falling;
  • plaster;
  • impregnating.

On the names themselves, it is difficult to understand something, so we consider the listed methods of waterproofing in more detail.

Painting waterproofing

Perhaps this is the most affordable method of protection against moisture. Its essence is to process surfaces on a bituminous or polymer basis in several layers. Consumable materials can be bought in any construction store for quite affordable money. Bitumen inherent alone negative traitThe fact is that this material loses its elasticity over time and becomes fragile. This strongly contributes negative temperature indicators. Often, as a result of such interaction on the coating, cracks and chips appear. The average battery life of the bituminous shell on the surface is five to six years, so each four years it is desirable to update it. For polymer mastic this negative characteristic more not inherent.

To carry out paint waterproofing come as follows. First, the surface is prepared, corrosive areas, oil spots, droplets, are purified, that is, everything that can affect the quality of the clutch. After that, the surface is treated primer composition on a bitumen basis. If the surface is unnecessarily porous, the primer is applied in two layers. When it is completely dry, and this is only a few hours, switch to staining with a roller or a wide brush. In most cases, this method of waterproofing use for wooden floors. It is necessary that certain conditions of application be observed:

  • the allowable hydrostatic pressure is no more than two meters;
  • the underground space is formed on the basis of pebble and sandy soils.

Technology of waterproofing

Performing a coating waterproofing, the composition is covered not only the floor surface, but also make a certain launch on the walls 20-30 cm. Question Dogity bitumen materials caused the renewal of research in this area and the emergence of new developments. For example, bitumen-rubber, bitumen-polymer and synthetic masts on the polymer base appeared relatively recently in the materials market, which according to characteristics significantly exceed their predecessor.

Lata waterproofing

If you are guided by the opinions of specialists, but this method of protection is the honorary title of the most reliable. During its execution, the floor is covered with a solid layer of waterproof mastic and solutions. In general, only two modifications of this method distinguish:

  • cold;
  • hot.

In the latter case, clean asphalt and asphalt on the polymer base of waterproofing is used for processing. If preference was given to this method, it is necessary to prepare a rigid monolithic base. For this condition is the most suitable concrete floor. At the prepared bridgehead, about 5 centimeters for mastic and about 15 centimeters for a solution are distinguished. In general, there are about 20 centimeters of waterproofing composition. After hardening, make fill with cement-sand tie.

To implement a cast hot method, you must pass several steps of work:

  • cleaning concrete from dust, dirt, oil spots;
  • sealing cracks, chips and other defects with a putty or cement mortar;
  • drying surface by heating air, infrared air and gas heating;
  • preparation of bitumen before the acquisition of liquid consistency;
  • priming the base;
  • installation of fender structures around the room circle with a height of 30-40 cm;
  • the mastic solution is adjusted to a temperature of 140 degrees Celsius;
  • heated mastic is applied to the place of insulation;
  • conduct the final leveling with special scrapers.

Waterproofing by polymeric materials

After the end of all stages, a monolithic waterproof ball is formed. Sometimes, if the layer of fill is obtained very thick, it is additionally reinforced with a fiberglass or metal mesh, just as they do when pouring a screed. Recently, various foam inclusions are used for reinforcement.

Waterproof waterproofing

The essence of the implementation of this method lies in layer-by-layer gluing waterproofing materials on the basis of high temperature. These can be bitumen, leaf, bitumen polymer and other materials. Before direct operations, the base is necessarily treated with waterproofing materials. The type of selected material depends on the temperature conditions. For example, polymer and bitumen representatives softened with 45-55 degrees. When using this method, waterproofing should be prevented by the formation of landslides using reinforced concrete, concrete and brick structures. If you build such structures, it is not possible or not possible, it is better to refuse to arrange such waterproofing.

Equal waterproofing is carried out in several stages:

  • the surface is purified from unnecessary objects, garbage and dust;
  • in need of drying;
  • apply a layer of mastic of a thickness of one and a half years;
  • prepare the rolled material and begin to roll it with successive heating of the applied mastic;
  • thus, the material is filled with the material to the formation of a multilayer coating;
  • rolls shots put off.

Waterproofing Ruberoid

If you use this method of waterproofing to protect the basement, you will have to work hard. But on the other hand, it is worth it, rolled materials will become reliable defenders over the maximum time. The coating formed from several layers forms a solid waterproof barrier. Experts are recommended to carry out inland waterproofing at the construction stage, and not in their active operation.

Flew waterproofing

The main role in the implementation of this process is the bulk waterproofing materials that fill the risky areas and surface surfaces of the house. From the point of view of the outlined structure, flowing waterproofing corresponds to cast. At the same time, less water resistance is characterized for it and much thicker layer.

Impact waterproofing

In this case, to protect the surface from excess moisture, it is treated with special astringent compositions of organic nature based on polymer varnish or bitumen. Usually this waterproofing is used for building structures with a porous structure. If we talk about the floors, then the impregnation is treated with those surfaces that
subjected to intense mechanical influence. It is clear that this is possible rather in industrial buildings than in residential buildings.

Plaster waterproofing

This type Waterproofing is to apply to the surface of one or more layers of cement mortar with the inclusions of various kinds of plasticizers and additives. Exposure to vibration, deformation, stiffness of the entire building structure This factors that determine the degree of protection against humidity. In this method, two main advantages can be distinguished: the ease of performance and wide demand in different spheres.

To implement plaster waterproofing, you need to go through the following stages of work:

  • the surface is purified from garbage and dust, oily spots;
  • prepare cement-sandy solution in the proportion of components 1 to 2 and apply it to the prepared base;
  • when the screed is dry, carried out direct waterproofing. Surface treated three or four times plastering makeup. The interval between alternate application should be about 15 minutes;
  • throughout the first day after applying waterproofing every three hours, water sprayed on it so as not to give to emerge premature cracks. Then, for two weeks, after 2-3 days, moisturizing several times.

Plaster waterproofing floor

The waterproofing layer takes full strength in two days. During this time, it is advisable to prevent any mechanical influence with it.

Waterproofing floor in a wooden house

The process of waterproofing and wood are mutually comparable things that should "walk" nearby, especially if they take part in building processes. The tree is strongly influenced by the factors of the external environment that cause rotting, deformation and other troubles. From the point of view of logic, for wooden house Wooden floors are better suitable. If instead of a tree, give preference to concrete coating, then it will certainly be quickly collapsed through the absence of monolithic and instability of the entire design.

In a properly executed wooden field in the house, several separate layers are distinguished: rough floors, hydro and thermal insulation ball, clean floor, finishing decoration array. Now, many are included in this "pie" the so-called heating layer formed from a warm floor system. It is placed in the gap between the piston and the draft floor. The warm floor is not only additional comfort and comfort for the inhabitants of the house, but also an active participant in heat supply in the house.

Choosing materials for waterproofing floor in a wooden house you need to be particularly attentive because this procedure is a very important task. The characteristics of the material is the most important selection criterion, they must satisfy the following requirements:

  • have a small weight in order not to create an additional load on overlapping or foundation;
  • have high moisture resistance (the constant influence of moisture will result in mold, fungus and subsequent rotting);
  • do not cause allergies;
  • do not burn;
  • to be installed.

All the above qualifications can boast PVC membranes, isoplast, rubberoid, plastic film. The selected material is filling on the draft floor. In those places where there is an intersection with other house structures, the walls are most often the walls, it is like a height of about 30 centimeters. Today's building materials market offers many materials to protect the surfaces from moisture. Therefore, there should not be problems with the choice, any financial capabilities and the consumer conditions will be satisfied. If you break the waterproofing technology, it is possible that such negligence will lead to the need to repeat all work.

If you decide to implement overhaul Apartments, it is necessary to start it from the arrangement of floors. If you need to lay new flooring, Before that, it is necessary to make a screed. However, this work should be prepared. That is, waterproofing should be carried out in front of the tie of the floor in the apartment. How and what to do, you will learn later.

What is the procedure for?

The presented process must be done necessarily. Such protection will provide prolonged and efficient use of premises. That is, if you have problems with plumbing or crane and water is spoiled directly to the floors, you will have the opportunity to avoid conflicts with the neighbors you will be flooded. Without insulation, the liquid will survive even through the most durable layer of concrete.

Note that waterproofing in front of the center of the floor in the apartment should be carried out in all rooms, and not only in the kitchen and in the bathroom. The fact is that in a concrete solution that you will align the surface, also contains a large number of moisture. If the liquid will evaporate gradually, which provides hydraulic protection, the screed will be stronger and high-quality.

Thanks to this procedure, you will have the opportunity to protect the room from the excess moisture, the spread of fungus and mold.

Features of the coating

Waterproofing in front of the tie of the floor in the apartment has certain nuances:

  1. If your dwelling is located on the first floor and there is no basement under it, then protection needs to be made as high quality. The fact is that the primer moisture contributes to the rapid destruction of concrete.
  2. Before carrying out insulation, the surface of the floor can be aligned using a special mixture.
  3. If there is a redevelopment of the room, which can be carried out with the demolition of partitions or walls, then only after it is placed the protector layer.
  4. It is best to make complete water waterproofing. Partial will not give the necessary effect, and water will still find where to leak.
  5. If there is a high level of humidity in the room, it is necessary to protect not only the floor, but also the walls.

Types of insulation

Before waterproofing in front of the flooring in the apartment, you need to figure out what exactly is worth applying. There are types of materials:

1. Rolled. Most often in this case, running roofed or fiberglass is used.

2. Membrane. Most often, the material is polyethylene. It is distinguished by a low cost, but it cannot be called lasting, as it is quickly torn.

3. Liquid bitumen solution with additives. It has a fairly high cost, but is very easy to install. At the same time, after drying, it forms a very durable layer that does not transmit fluid.

4. Stucco. Such mixtures consist of cement and all sorts of additives. Naturally, such a substance will need to breed water and apply with a spatula.

In addition, the waterproofing of the floor in the apartment in front of the tie can be applied in such ways:

  • calculating;
  • spraying;
  • pouring;
  • hacking;
  • sticking.

Preparation for waterproofing

Now you should figure out what needs to be done before exercising such hydraulic protection. Preparatory work will include the following actions:

  1. Full cleaning of the room from garbage and dust. The room must be absolutely empty.
  2. Alignment of the surface with special repair mixes.
  3. Preparation of instruments and materials for work. For example, if you decide to use rolled barriers in the cold time, they need to be added to the premises for warming for a while. Only then you can get started.

Features of rolled protection

So, we will deal with more details in the implementation of the procedure. Waterproofing in front of the screed (materials that are used in work, you already know) should be produced in stages. If you decide to apply rolled materials, then the procedure for their laying has such features:

1. First you need to spread the floor coating. For maximum protection, it is better to use a couple of layers. Note that in the places of the combination of horizontal and vertical planes, the canvas should enter the wall another 15 cm from the floor.

2. Note that such protection should be continuous. If you have to use several pieces of material, it needs to be laid a mustache, and it should be 20-30 cm.

3. In the corners, the product must be accurately folded.

4. In order for such a protection to be effective, the joints between the layers of the material better wrap

How to make coating isolation?

If more serious protection is required, then it is better to apply mastic. In this case, the surface alignment stage can be safely skipped. Any special equipment or additional tools You will not need. Floor waterproofing in the apartment in front of the tie (process photo you can observe in the article), therefore, it involves the use of dry substances to prepare water. In addition, you can use ready-made liquid compositions.

Naturally, before starting work, the floor must be carefully cleaned and covered with a layer of primer. Next, the special ribbon should be punctured angles and joints, where the probability of leakage of moisture is highest. Next should be prepared solution.

It should be applied very carefully on the floor and the walls, in the case of the last - at a height of about 35 cm. To do this, either roller applies or brush. It is not necessary to rub a lot into the floor or smear the composition. After grappling the first layer, it must be moistened and apply the second. Moreover, they must be placed perpendicular to each other. It is enough to apply only three layers.

In case the floor in the apartment in front of the screed ("hydroizol", for example), will be successful, it is possible to pour it with prepared concrete.

How to make insulation at a wet tie?

As you can see, the waterproofing of the floor in the apartment in front of the tie with their own hands is quite simple. You only need to verify. Many readers are interested in how to make hydraulic protection when wet is very simple.

1. Clean the surface, and then apply a primer solution on it.

2. After drying it, it is necessary to detect and close all cracks and holes with a sandy-cement mixture.

3. Now you can proceed with the workshop, apply it to the floor. Observe the same layer thickness throughout the area. After drying it, apply at least 3 layers of mastic. For complete drying, such waterproofs will need at least 6 hours.

Note that this method can only be suitable for those rooms that are distinguished by a normal or reduced level of humidity.

Some nuances

Regardless of what exactly the material for work you choose, each process has its own subtleties to be considered:

  1. Each layer of mastic for a good clutch should be applied no later than after 3 hours.
  2. If you decide to apply rolled materials, you can choose products on a sticky basis. This will greatly simplify and speed up the installation process.
  3. Polyethylene or polypropylene barriers are most often used in the event that they will serve as a base for the wooden floor.
  4. Mastic is the most commonly used material, which allows not only to protect the room from moisture, but also partially align the surface treated surface.
  5. The peculiarity of liquid isolation is that it is converted to a thin but reliable protective film after drying. Its thickness should not exceed 3 mm. The presented material is applied with a brush, but this protection will have to be updated every 5 years.
  6. If you decide to choose a way of burning the composition to the floor, then you will have to purchase a gas burner. Naturally, this method is quite time-consuming and even fire hazardous.

As you saw, the waterproofing of the floor in front of the tie (materials also have already time to consider) is carried out quite quickly and simply. You can cope with this task and without attracting specialists.

Waterproofing floor in private house-building is a real necessity. If such an operation is not performed, over time, the foundation of the home and its entire design as a whole will experience the negative effect of soil waters.

Houses in private sectors and country cottages are erected on a variety of foundations - combined, tape, columnar. Such dwellings can stand right on Earth or have interposed rooms, have a variety of architecture. Regardless of the design of the residential building follows obligatory Work on the effective protection of its sex from moisture. In situations where such events are not produced, the quality and comfort of living in the house leaves much to be desired.

Wet floor

The absence of waterproofing of the floor base leads to a decrease in the period of operation of all without exception elements of the residential structure. In addition, the increased humidity causes the emergence of health problems in all the inhabitants of such a house. Water that is available in any soil rises to the surface, penetrates the base of the structure and gradually destroys it. Front negative exposure moisture is not able to resist the concrete or a tree or any other construction material.

If in a private house in rooms on the walls there are black spots caused by fungus, this means that the protection against moisture of its foundation was made poorly or was not carried out at all. So that such problems do not occur, you should take care of the competent waterproofing of the floor. It is performed by different materials:

  • synthetic - mixtures of gasoline and special resin (primers), rubberoid, moisture protection membranes and films, moisture-proof plywood;
  • natural - resin, gravel, sand, crushed stone.

How to properly make floor protection in private housing, we will talk further.

On the first floors of private housekeepings, the floor base is placed directly on the soil. Water from it, as we noted, rises from the ground deep layers of capillaries and saturates moisture concrete and wooden materials. It is clear that they quickly come into disrepair. For this reason, the Floor Waterproofing Events should be started at the stage of the construction of a residential structure from laying a special pillow under the building.

Waterproofing on the soil

Works are carried out as follows:

  1. Take the soil at the bottom of the pit under the construction.
  2. Sweep on the rammer surface 8-15 cm of large (fraction size - 3-5 cm) rubble. Trambet and this layer.
  3. From above, fall asleep 8-15 cm river or inexpensive. Tamper.

All the actions described allow you to form in the pitting wide pockets in the pit. They are necessary to prevent the lift of moisture from the ground to the capillars to the elements of the structure. At the same time, it is very important to the most carefully tampering all the layers of the specified cake (it is often called a subfolder). The denser the sand and crushed stone, the harder the water to get to the building.

On problematic soils, it is possible to fill with large stones on the problematic soils. It is not allowed to use clamzite instead of rubble on wet soils. This popular now building material is capable of drawing into itself water and increase in size (swell). Ceramzite is used exclusively on dry land. Yes, and it is only as the foundation under the house, and not as a hydraulic center. We have to be considered required by us necessarily when the soil waters occur at the site above 2 m. Upon other conditions, it is desirable to equip it as an additional safety net.

After the arrangement of the subfolder in the house is made either concrete or wooden base. Their waterproofing is carried out by different methods. They are described below.

The problem of flooring from concrete is to the need for the construction of a monolithic type design on soils characterized by a certain level of mobility. It is possible to solve such a task by performing a special black screed. It is done after the arrangement of the previously illuminated sand and rubble cake described.

Massive waterproofing base

The rough screed is performed according to this technique:

  1. On the sand layer, the 200 micron polyethylene film is stacked. Its joints are sicking (very carefully and at the same time carefully, since the material is easy to rush) construction tape.
  2. Mix 4 pieces of river sand with part of cement and fine rubble, add water to standard consistency of the solution. Pour the film. You must obtain a layer of a black screed of about 6-7 cm. Note! For the screeds you are interested in, you can not use career sand, only river.
  3. After drying, the solution is laying out on it and recall the PVC membrane or rubberoid.
  4. Fill selected heat insulation materialAnd then you make a fingerboard.

The second technique requires a bit of time. The waterproofing of the floor according to this technology is carried out according to the following scheme. First on the sand layer, gravel poured (it is necessary to use the material very small in size). After that, we knead the liquid solution from sand and cement. Pour it with a gravel with a layer of 4-5 cm. Then from above stacked the rubberoid in two layers. It is allowed to use Toli, but only those of its species that do not have additional sprinkles on the surface.

Now you need to connect to a solid fabric Ruberoid. Make it easier with the gas burner. The waterproofing of the concrete floor base in the house of laying insulation and finishing tie.

To begin with, build the support columns under the lags. They can be made from concrete, which is poured in, or (which is easier and faster in time) from bricks. After installing the supports, handle them from all sides. refractory waterproofing, Top to put rubberoid. Such protection will be able to protect lags in areas where they are adjacent to the concoated concrete or brick columns.

Now proceed to the arrangement of roughing wooden base. It is a reasonable to do it from moisture-resistant plywood. The sheets of this material must be attached from the bottom side to lags using small nails either self-tapping screws. In the presence of free time, you can build a conventional black floor - boardwalk. For many indicators, it looks preferable to plywood base. But the costs (both money and forces) will be large for its arrangement.

Ruberoid for waterproofing

Woodwood waterproofing is made by this algorithm:

  1. On the board or paneur, lay the diffusion membrane or waterproof film (polyethylene). Separate waterproofing bands are laid on each other with a 12-15-centimeter adhesive, and then with the help of a scotch, glue all the joints.
  2. Mount the heat insulator.
  3. Install the draft base on the lags.
  4. Stelitate another layer of film. At the same time, launch its edges of centimeters by 20 on the walls.

Some masters advise to make additional measures to protect the wooden floor from moisture. For example, you can lay foamed polyethylene on the upper film. To least there is no special need if the draft floor was made from plywood. It itself is in a certain extent performed the function of the defender of a wooden floor base.

At the outdoor bases in the kitchen, the moisture is also affected from the soil, and from the inside of the room in which food is preparing and washing the dishes. In this regard, there is a real need to protect such floors on both sides. Their waterproofing in the kitchen depends on the type of finishing used. When laying in the kitchen of a massive or parquet board, they are enough to treat high-quality varnish with moisture-resistant effect.

Floor coatings lacquer

If the floor facing is made with a tile, you need to apply a special mastic based on polymer compounds and bitumen to a tonet of concrete. Do not forget before treating a concrete base with mastic to impregnate with its primer composition. Then the tiled glue will be securely to keep the tile. When covering the floor with linoleum, it is desirable to process the base of the coating or painting insulation. Self finishing material Place on glue.

Waterproofing concrete or wooden floor in private house-building, as you see yourself, is of great importance for the safety of all elements of residential buildings. Therefore, it must be performed competently and truly responsibly.

Wooden floor, especially in a private house, was and remains the most traditional. This is explained simply - from nature warm material with a beautiful texture pattern and various shades You can enter an interior decorated in any style. But for such a floor to serve for a long time, there will be little to just navigate the boards to lags, especially if it is arranged over the soil, and not on a prepared basis.

- This is one of the main stages of its arrangement, since the untreated tree absorbs moisture well and swells, and then hung, deforming. In addition, the moisture for most wood breeds is the beginning of a debate or rotting, followed by decomposition. Therefore, wooden parts should be well processed and securely covered from the possible penetration of high humidity from the soil.

There are several varieties waterproofing workthat Depend on the method of the wooden floor device. After reading the possible technologies, you can choose exactly the one that is maximum suitable for each specific case.

One of the most ancient and very effective tools Wood protection from moisture - its impregnation by those or other compositions.

To date, there are quite a few impregnations made on different chemical foundations. They are applied to wooden parts before the floors are satisfied. All impregnations are designed to protect the wood for a long period not only from the impact of humidity, but also from biological damage (microorganisms, insects, rodents, etc.) Moreover, such processing is needed not only for wooden elements Paul, but also for walls or overlaps.

There are complex impregnations, as well as aimed at a specific protection area:

Antiseptics that are designed to protect against penetration into insects and microorganisms;

Antipirens - these impregnations will save wooden coatings from fires;

Solutions aimed at saving wood from humidity;

Compositions combining simultaneously multiple protective functions.

The impregnation that protects against moisture deep penetrates into the structure of the wood and becomes a kind of waterproofing for each individual wooden element. It is easily applied, well absorbed and not washed away long term. Drying the composition passes within two or three hours, then, if desired? You can apply another layer. It can be considered a very important advantage of such waterproofing that the material does not lose its ability to "breathe". Such compositions impregnate not only wooden floor boards, but also the lags to which they fit.

Such solutions are especially necessary for premises with high humidity, such as bathroom, steam room or other bathrooms.

Floor waterproofing

Whatever dry is soil under suitable floor, waterproofing in any case should be carried out. It can be arranged with the use of different materials. But before under waterproofing, it is necessary to prepare the basis consisting of several layers.

  • The first and very important layer is a good rambling soil, which can be sealed manually or using special tamping technology.
  • The next step should be a sloping of sand, which in itself is good waterproofer. On dense soils, 10 cm of the sand layer is enough, but if the soil has purple structures, predisposed to the freezing, and therefore, the moisture is absorbed, the height of the subflowing increases to 20 cm.
  • Next, the ten-grantimeter layer of crushed stone of a large or medium fraction is added and also tamped. These layers are designed to prevent moisture penetration to higher layers if it is planned to make a screed, and close access to the beams of overlapping and lags. In addition, they strengthen the foundation and make floors more reliable.

If the groundwater is quite deep enough, not higher than two meters from the surface, then the rubbank can be replaced with a clay, which besides waterproofing will be the heat insulator.

These three layers are required when choosing any waterproofing and wood laying method. Subsequent works are carried out depending on which result is planned to be obtained in the end - the wooden floor will be laid at once, or a concrete coating will be laid first.

Wooden floor on pillars - supports

  • Inside the base, throughout the area, on which the wooden floor will be arranged, at a distance one - one and a half Meters are taken by pits in which a sand-gravel pillow is arranged and waterproofing from a polyethylene film for the entire depth with the output to the surface of the soil by 20-30 cm.
  • Next, the columns are laid out of the brick, which after drying the solution are treated with waterproofing mastic.
  • On the entire surface of the underground, the rubberoid sheets are stacked, which are hermetically sealed with bitumen mastic. Ruberoid lift the base of the base by 15-20 cm and also glued with bitumen. Corners close up carefully - better The material is not cut, but folded into the folds. Ruberoid must form at the bottom of the underground seability of hermetic capacity.
  • The columns are deceived by bitumen from above and laid on them pieces of rubberoid, preferably - in several layers.
  • On the columns are settled overlapping beams treated with penetrating waterproofing agent. They are fixed on supports with metal fasteners.
  • On the beams are mounted lags with a certain step. From the bottom for each lag attached the cranial bar, which will be the basis for the draft floor.
  • The draft floor is laid out of low-quality boards, but if the gaps are formed between them, it is better to close them diluted to medium glove men. This material is also good waterproofer. If in the cells of the draft floor it is planned to lay thermal insulation material, for example, mineral wool, then it will be completely safe from moisture.
  • Next, the rough floor is caught polyethylene film or rubberoid. The bands are configured necessarily a mustache, with no less than 100 - 150 mm overlap. Shakes are required sealize surfacing or special scotch.
  • The insulation is stacked (if this is provided for by the construction plan.). From above, the insulation spread the vapor insulation film and secure it to the lags.
  • Further, the wooden floor is placed on the lags, the boards for which are necessarily treated with complex compositions.
  • Thus, Paul Paul taught a triple front of protection against soil moisture - waterproofing of the surface of the earth, rough floor and a hydro-insulating membrane directly under the associated coating.

Waterproofing Wooden floor on concrete base

If the wooden floor is arranged on a concrete tie, then first waterproofing There must be a reason for it. Under conditions, when the moisture begins to destroy the concrete from below, it will soon be short to its surface, and wooden floor elements.

The installation of concrete floor begins with the same two layers - sand and gravel, laid and rammed on the ground.

1. Waterproof Screed into one layer

  • The rubberoid sheets are stacked on the stubborn surface on the walls of the Toculation of Van - 150 mm. Sometimes, with highly humid soil, it makes sense to lay a runneroid and two layers, along and across the area of \u200b\u200bthe area.
  • Sheets of waterproofing material bonded between themselves bitumen mastic, heating it gas burner - It provides perfect tightness. With special care close corners.
  • In the surface of the waterproofing, the insulation is the insulation - clamzite, or the extruded high density expanded polystyrene is laid.
  • On top of the thermal insulating layer, the waterproofing material is rejected again - a dense polyethylene film can be used in its capacity in this case. It will be not only an additional line of protection against moisture below, but also will not allow the concrete solution to be absorbed into the insulation and spread through the slots.
  • The film also rises to the walls, and the damper tape is glued or a thin foam is laid, which will serve as a good compensator when expanding the concrete screed.
  • Next follows a reinforcement metal mesh with cells of 50 × 50 mm. The reinforcement belt should be set carefully, so as not to disturb the integrity. waterproofing film . The reinforcement will evenly distribute the mechanical load on the insulation layer and give the trin fucked rigidity of the floor.
  • On this construction, the beams that are fixed by concrete solution are installed on the entire design.
  • The readiness of the system of lighthouses is laid pure screed, recalling. It is left to full ripening, while, starting from the second day, every day is wedged with water, which gives concrete additional strength.

2. Waterproof screed poured in two stages

  • Polyethylene film with a thickness of at least 200 microns, which finds the height of the future tie to the height of the future screed to the rammed layers of sand and gravel. Between themselves glove with waterproof scotch, the corners are also sealed. It is very important that the waterproofing is a single space without damage.
  • The waterproofing is styled with a rough rough screed consisting of cement and gravel mixture. Its thickness should be from 40 to 70 mm. This layer is optional to ram up to the ideal, as it will be aligned with a finishing screed. Thus, the beacon system is not required - only a few reference marks for approximate alignment.
  • After pouring the concrete, it is necessary to put another layer of waterproofing from the rubberoid. The adolescents between his sheets are also closed hermetically.
  • Next, the insulation is a ceramzite layer, the thickness of which can be from 100 to 150 mm.
  • The reinforcement grid with cells of about 100 × 100 mm is stacked on the refined and maximum compacted clamzite.
  • The zero level of the future finishing screed is determined. Top of the reinforcement belt are exhibited lighthouses - guideswhich are fixed by concrete solution.
  • Then the screed is filled - this layer must be aligned perfectly. Throat will be during threefour weeks, depending on the thickness of the layer and features of the component composition concrete solution. For the strength of the coating, frozen the screed at first splashes daily by water.

For greater clarity - the structure of the general "cake" with thermo- and waterproofing of the floor

With any approach to the tie device - in one or two layers, according to its readiness, the surface must be additionally treated with impregnating, hardening and waterproofing compositions that are applied to the floor and walls to 20 cm. For this, penetrating, coating, plastering Or painting formulations that will create a sufficiently strong and reliable film on the surface, which does not allow to penetrate moisture into the room. More information about the possible methods of waterproofing is told in our site.

  • For this, the floors are placed, and lags are installed on markings, securely by fixing them to the concrete base.
  • Then, between the lags and around the perimeter, the insulation is laid along the walls, (polystyrene foam either mineral wool). Come, if the screed has received reliable insulation, the space between concrete and a wooden coating may not need additional thermal insulation - it all depends on the region and the design features of the house .
  • From above, the entire lattice is covered with vapor insulation material (polyethylene film), which is a stapler. Fixed on lags.
  • And finally, a coating of genital boards, pre-treated with moisture-repellent impregnation, is mounted. The floor can be additionally protected from water, covering it with varnish or wax.

Another remark. Sometimes wooden semi Plan the fill of the self-leveling composition, for example, for further laying of ceramic tiles. It is clear that without reliable waterproofing here, too, do not do:

Video: Device of a filling floor on a wooden base

A brief acquaintance with the waterproofing device for floors can lead to an erroneous opinion that it is completely easy to do. However, the device of an isolated screed or waterproofing on purely wooden floors is quite time-consuming processes that require a lot of time and strength. Be that as it may, without this element in the design of the floor can not do. Ignoring reliable waterproofing may pour out the fact that the work on the device will be done absolutely in vain, and in a few years it will have to replace not only wood coatingBut also a concrete screed, impregnating moisture. Even if the concrete base and keeps the strength and integrity, when moisture, the mold will begin to appear between it and the walls in the rooms in the rooms, the wet spots on the interior decoration, the unpleasant smell of dampness is inevitable.

The output is unambiguous - waterproofing is always a necessary step in the device of any type of floor, but it is generally difficult to overestimate its value.

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