Monitoring the actions of remote employees using StaffCop. Personnel Monitoring in a Corporate Environment: Mipko Software Solutions

Landscaping and planning 26.09.2019
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The problem of personnel control is the problem that is often addressed to training centers. Managers often do not understand what, whom, when and how to control in order for the effect of control to be proper, but employees did not feel under the constant sight of management.

Each business leader has his own view on the problem of personnel control. Most managers are aware of the fact that it is necessary to monitor employees and business processes, but approaches to monitoring vary greatly. Some are convinced that it is necessary to ask only the result, others prefer to track all the stages of completing tasks, and still others perceive control as spying on employees and catching violators of discipline.

In our opinion, the last of these approaches is the most unsuccessful of all. Surveillance demotivates employees and in no way helps to achieve results. As for the issue of choosing between outcome control and process control, the most right decision will combine these two approaches, since individually they are less effective than in combination.

Why control staff?

The need and importance of control is most often denied, of course, by subordinates. Their motives are clear: supervision restricts freedom and does not allow to engage in personal affairs in the workplace. However, it is strange to hear when managers express the opinion about the uselessness of control. After all, control is one of the main functions of a manager.

Control is necessary wherever tasks are set, and among subordinates there are not only highly motivated, initiative and talented employees, but also those who simply need to be controlled. Control is also needed during the growth stages of an organization. The more complex the hierarchical structure of the company, the greater the risk that processes at lower levels do not work as intended at the top.

What to control in the work of employees?

Monitoring the result is certainly necessary: ​​tracking the final indicators is the basis of the basics. However, only the control of the process (the course of movement towards the result) allows you to identify deviations and take action in time. Is it possible to separate these two processes and focus on only one?

If the result is achieved and the plan is fulfilled, then the leader often does not care how exactly the subordinates came to him. At best, he will offer to review "best practices" at the company's training seminar. However, if the result is not what we expected, there is a need to "get to the bottom" of the causes of the situation. And just in this case, it would be more correct to track the progress of the task, rather than dig out the truth later.

The reasons for the lack of a proper result can be completely different: the employee lacks knowledge and skills (training is required), the staff is overloaded (distribute tasks more evenly), lack of motivation among employees (find out the reasons, take measures), coordination of work is not established in the unit, it is wrong for the team set tasks or overestimated planned indicators (sort out the problem with the manager), etc. Again, to determine the true cause, it is necessary to follow the process of work. Ideally, even at the stage of moving towards the goal (result), the manager will be able to detect the problem and eliminate it without waiting for a failure in the task.

Who and how to control?

So, we found out that for effective management The organization needs to track not only the result, but also the process. However, the effectiveness of control will depend on who exactly we want to control.

Process control is much more important than result control if we control workers who spend most of their time at the computer and perform standard operations. For example, accounting staff, tellers, call center operators, analysts, etc. Why? Because the result for these employees is strict observance regulations and performance of duties.

Result control comes to the fore (but does not cancel process control) if we monitor employees who spend most of their working time on tasks that are difficult to regulate. There is no special creative component here, but employees can choose the options for achieving the result themselves. Therefore, their results may be different.

It is especially important to supervise young professionals. Leaving them the opportunity to choose their own options for achieving the goal, you must be aware that they will learn from their mistakes at your expense.

There is a category of workers who are representatives of creative professions: some managers, programmers, employees of scientific departments, designers, writers, etc. How to control this category? This question always causes heated discussions and does not have a clear answer. control the process in this case can be harmful (depending on the personal perception of control by the employee), and control of the result is not as simple as it seems.

Personnel control errors

Almost any good undertaking or action, if not approached correctly, can lead to negative consequences. Control is no exception. There are several controls that can be called classic due to their prevalence:

1) Control without understanding the essence of the controlled process. Agree, it is difficult to control the process that you do not understand. For example, a non-engineering manager will not be able to control technological process on one's own. In this case, it is better to delegate control to a specialist in this field.

2) Incident-limited control. Do you control only the mistakes of the employee and point them out to him as soon as possible? Not a single normal person can stand it if you only “spoke” him. Control should be systemic, but should not be too tight. Do not twitch the employee between checkpoints and do not forget to mark interesting and non-standard solutions in his work.

3) Hidden control, turning into explicit when violations are detected. If you install the control system discreetly, then you should not “jump out from behind the bushes” at the first miss and shout “Aha !!! Gotcha!" Having learned about covert surveillance, employees will be demotivated, if not forever, then for a very long time. Whole beneficial effect from an educational measure to the guilty will be incomparably less than the discontent of the entire team and resentment at the "bad" leader.

Controlling workers covertly is only useful if you want to improve processes and positively influence the motivation of lagging employees. In any other case, this kind of control, especially if at some point you give yourself away, is ineffective.

4) formal control. If you only threaten to “be aware, I will check everything”, but do not take further action, do not expect a return from such “control”. Without specific requirements and cases, it does not work.

November 29, 2011 at 03:10 pm

How legitimate are employee tracking programs?

  • AtomPark Software Blog

“At work, you need to do work things” - this phrase has set the teeth on edge for everyone who has worked at least a little significant amount time as an employee. But those of the employees who have climbed the career ladder feel how the attitude towards such attitudes changes when you yourself become a leader. Especially when it comes to protecting trade secrets or simply monitoring the performance of the department.

A couple of months ago, we published an overview of our employee monitoring program in the workplace on our blog. StaffCop Standard"", and after its publication we received a large number of reviews, including questions about how this is regulated by the laws of Russia. Naturally, we could not leave this topic without attention. Under the cut, we will tell you about the legal regulation of employee control in the workplace - we are sure that this material will be useful for both employers and employees who want to protect their rights. Read!

In one form or another, control over the work of employees has always been carried out by employers: earlier it was necessary to keep paper records for this, or to allocate a separate employee to supervise the work of everyone else, now, when most of the main working tool is a computer, they use special programs control. But how legal is it?

Legal field

The law does not separate into separate groups the relations that arise between an employee and an employer with or without the use of computer technology. It is impossible to develop a new amendment every time a new computer program appears. Yes, it's useless. Legal relations, their subjects, essence and result do not change with the modification of the instruments of production. Whatever programs are used, we are dealing with the same labor relations in which the employee is required to perform work in work time and the employer pays for it.

Art. 21 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation obliges an employee to perform work with high quality:

“The employee is obliged: to conscientiously fulfill his labor obligations assigned to him by the employment contract; observe the rules of the internal labor schedule ... ".

Art. 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation gives the employer the right to control it. In addition, Art. 189 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation defines the rules of internal labor regulations.

The use of employee monitoring programs does not contravene these regulations. Moreover, an additional guarantee of mutual understanding for the parties may be the conclusion of an agreement, which will indicate the need to use such programs. In this case, there will be no intention on the part of the employer to violate the rights of the employee.

There is an internal work schedule, the employee is familiar with it. Notified about the use of control programs. This means that constitutional rights are not violated (Articles 23, 24 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). The lack of intent of the employer knocks the ground out from under the feet of the supporters of holding the boss accountable under Art. 13.11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation “Violation of the procedure established by law for the collection, storage, use or dissemination of information about citizens (personal data)”, art. 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Violation of privacy" and Art. 138 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Violation of the secrecy of correspondence, telephone conversations, postal, telegraphic or other communications.

Important Points

Firstly, it is necessary to distinguish between personal information and official information; at the workplace, a person is obliged to process and work with official information that the employer has the right to control. At the workplace, the employee is obliged to use the PC as a working tool and process official information.

When an employee comes to work, he does not have his own time, he sold this time to the employer, so it turns out that a person who spends working time for personal needs has a priori violated labor contract not to mention the moral and ethical side. Of course, we can say that these are all trifles and a couple of messages in a contact do not mean anything, but if you transfer all this to the framework of a secret factory or other strategic facility, it turns out that these are no longer jokes. For commercial structures there is also a variety of information that is better not to disclose. Of course, it will not allow foreign invaders to enslave us, but it may well endanger the existence of one particular enterprise.

Second important point- transparency of their use. The employee will work more efficiently knowing exactly which features of the control program are activated, what information can be collected, etc. The mere understanding of this will be the motivation for using working time for work purposes.

The third factor is self-motivation. Many freelancers use programs to control their working hours - not for prying eyes, of course. It is better not to use the computer on which the control program is installed for recreation - there is a telephone, the opportunity to go out to smoke / drink coffee, and communicate with colleagues. In terms of stress relief, this is much more useful.

And, finally, the leader must understand his responsibility: he must manage the enterprise, and not hunt down his subordinates. The manager must be aware that the misuse of personal information that may get to him in the process of collecting official information can be prosecuted by law and this is at least not ethical. It is illegal to knowingly secretly collect an employee's personal information.

V developed countries with a rich history of protecting rights and freedoms, there has long been a formula according to which the percentage of public is inversely proportional to the percentage of private. We are talking about how a freelancer can work without leaving home in any form - a minimum of publicity, a maximum of personal space. While an employee of an elite corporation is forced to leave almost everything private outside the door of the working office and be a 100% public person 8 hours a day.

Another aspect

The employer should explain to employees that the implementation of monitoring systems is aimed at improving the efficiency of the work of the staff and its optimization, which is very often useful for the employees themselves. In our opinion, this is much more humane than the situation during the recent crisis, when everyone was fired indiscriminately, and the father of the family with a mortgage and small children could be unemployed. Monitoring and control tools allow you to see really working people, and not skillfully pretending, this is a much more objective evaluation factor than making decisions on dismissal based on the personal attitude of the manager towards employees.


The employee must understand that when he comes to work, he will be obliged to focus on its implementation. At the same time, he clearly knows the forms and methods of control and surprises are not expected for him. In addition, liability for obvious violations of rights is clearly provided for by the current legislation. Ultimately, this is a matter of personal choice of a person: the type of activity, the format of work, the company, after all.

The employer must be aware of the responsibility for the deliberate secret collection of information (without the knowledge of the employee) and be able to explain the need to use control in this form.

Thus, with a legally competent approach, there is no problem in using such programs. You just need to be able to find the right solutions and fix them in mutually beneficial agreements. The employee and the employer must not be different sides barricades, but understand that they are doing a common thing and respect each other's rights and responsibilities, clearly fulfilling mutual obligations.

P.S. We will be glad to hear questions related to the company's products in the comments. AtomPark Software: email and SMS service

Organizations where employees work mental labor and spend almost all their time at the computer, it is difficult to control their work. After all, work He performs dozens of micro-operations: email, calls, search for the necessary information.

Why control employees?

The main reasons for control are:

1. Proper performance of work duties by employees.

Without controlling the execution of tasks, letting them take their course, the leader risks the future own business. Lack of control means burnt-out tasks, overwhelmed projects, poor quality, completed “on hastily” assignments and other unpleasant consequences.

2. Information security of the company.

"Who owns the information, owns the world."

The world famous phrase belongs to the brothers Nathan and James Rothschild. They knew the value of information back in the 19th century. It was precisely the timely delivered news that helped them pull off one of the most risky and largest scams in the history of the banking business. In just one day they made £200m. With the help of… pigeons.

Nathan Rothschild bred carrier pigeons and used them to obtain important information from the continent. Pigeons were tied to the paws of cipher texts, and they took away the latest financial news to the brothers.

In 1815, all the stock exchanges in Europe waited with bated breath for news from the Battle of Waterloo. Rothschild agents watched the battle from "on opposite sides of the barricades." As soon as James learned that England had won, he immediately informed his brother of what had happened with the help of doves. Nathan found out about the victory of England 24 hours earlier than war ministry. In the morning he came to the stock exchange very gloomy. The financiers knew that thanks to the pigeons, Rothschild was always up to date with the latest developments. Seeing his gloomy face, they decided that England had lost the battle, and in a panic they began to sell shares of English banks. And Rothschild's agents bought these shares on the cheap.

Today, the value of information is only increasing. For example, experts from the Ponemon Institute argue that in order for 6 out of 10 firms to go bankrupt, only 20% of their confidential information should be leaked. And since companies are often the victims of misconduct of their employees, it is not surprising that the control of information security is so important for their leaders.

3. Be aware.

Monitoring employees allows you to find out in time about problems in the performance of certain tasks. Forewarned is forearmed.

How to control employees in the workplace?

To control the work of employees on computers, it is better to choose software controls.

They can be divided into 2 types:

  1. Leading control over the performance of official duties by an employee.
  2. Focused on ensuring information security.

It is impossible to choose one option, because for effective work companies need both. Therefore, combined solutions are increasingly appearing on the market.

Why Yaware.TimeTracker?

Yaware.TimeTracker is a time tracking system that:

  1. Fixes the beginning and end of the working day of the staff. This happens automatically with the computer turned on and off.
  2. Determines the activity of employees in the workplace.
  3. Monitors the work of all departments of the company, even remote employees.
  4. Makes a list of programs, applications, sites used during the day.
  5. Determines the productivity of the programs used.
  6. Generates results in a form convenient for analysis.
  7. Allows .

Using the system does not require additional costs:

  • no need to hire technical specialists - any user can install Yaware.TimeTracker;
  • no need to buy optional equipment, enough simple connection with the Internet;
  • updates are automatic and free.

You don't need any special knowledge to use the service. The reports are simple and clearly demonstrate all the statistics of employees' working time.

Pitfalls of controlling employees in the workplace

When organizing the control of the work of employees, it is very important not to overdo it. Do not forget that by tightening the screws too hard, you can lose the loyalty of your staff and the atmosphere of trust.

Even before implementing a time tracking system, try to smooth out sharp corners and by employees. Explain to them why time tracking is needed and what it can bring to each of you.

Make the control "dosed". Do not constantly focus the attention of employees on the fact that they are being watched. This can have a very bad impact on the productivity of even those departments of the company where creativity and a sense of inner freedom are not needed for high-quality work.

Ideally, employees should simply understand that in case of incomprehensible situations, management can easily obtain reliable information about their work.

Now you know how to organize the control of employees in the workplace and what problems may arise in this case. This will help you make it as efficient as possible.


This product is rather created to help the system administrator, there are no loggers in it, only the ability to connect and watch what is happening on the client or manage the client. This product is rather used by system administrators - helpdesk, to help employees. This product is now being superseded by programs like AMMYY and TeamViewer;


Similar to Radmin, maybe less high quality, but with one useful extra. feature the ability to write video from user screens.

Workview, Lanagent, Mipko, StaffCop

Actually, everything is standard here:

· Taking Screenshots

· Monitoring running processes

· Monitoring open websites

· Interception of ICQ and MSN Messenger messages

· USB device monitoring

· Recording start and end times

· Report Wizard - User Activity Analysis

· Remote installation and removal of agents

· Agent invisible mode

It is worth highlighting two products separately MIPKO Terminal Monitor and LanAgent Terminal

these two products can monitor users working terminally on the server, which is quite convenient due to the proliferation of such servers.

How legit are tracking programs?

“At work, you need to do work things” - this phrase has set the teeth on edge for everyone who has worked at least a significant amount of time as an employee. But those of the employees who have climbed the career ladder feel how the attitude towards such attitudes changes when you yourself become a leader. Especially when it comes to protecting trade secrets or simply monitoring the performance of the department.

In one form or another, control over the work of employees has always been carried out by employers: earlier it was necessary to keep paper records for this, or to allocate a separate employee to supervise the work of everyone else, now, when most of the main working tool is a computer, special control programs are used. But how legal is it?

Legal field

The law does not separate into separate groups the relations that arise between an employee and an employer with or without the use of computer technology. It is impossible to develop a new amendment every time a new computer program appears. Yes, it's useless. Legal relations, their subjects, essence and result do not change with the modification of the instruments of production. Whatever programs are used, we are dealing with the same labor relations in which the employee is obliged to perform work during working hours, and the employer is obliged to pay for it.

Art. 21 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation obliges an employee to perform work with high quality:

“the employee is obliged: to conscientiously fulfill his labor duties assigned to him by the employment contract; observe the rules of the internal labor schedule ... ".

Art. 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation gives the employer the right to control it. In addition, Art. 189 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation defines the rules of internal labor regulations.

The use of employee monitoring programs does not contravene these regulations. Moreover, an additional guarantee of mutual understanding for the parties may be the conclusion of an agreement, which will indicate the need to use such programs. In this case, there will be no intention on the part of the employer to violate the rights of the employee.

There is an internal labor schedule, the employee is familiar with it. Notified about the use of control programs. This means that constitutional rights are not violated (Articles 23, 24 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). The lack of intent of the employer knocks the ground out from under the feet of the supporters of holding the boss accountable under Art. 13.11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation “Violation of the procedure established by law for the collection, storage, use or dissemination of information about citizens (personal data)”, art. 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Violation of privacy" and Art. 138 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Violation of the secrecy of correspondence, telephone conversations, postal, telegraphic or other messages."

Important Points

Firstly, it is necessary to distinguish between personal information and official information; at the workplace, a person is obliged to process and work with official information that the employer has the right to control. At the workplace, the employee is obliged to use the PC as a working tool and process official information.

When an employee comes to work, he does not have his time, he sold this time to the employer, so it turns out that a person who spends working time for personal needs has a priori violated the employment contract, not to mention the moral and ethical side. Of course, we can say that these are all trifles and a couple of messages in a contact do not mean anything, but if you transfer all this to the framework of a secret factory or other strategic facility, it turns out that these are no longer jokes. For commercial structures, there is also various kinds of information that is better not to disclose. Of course, it will not allow foreign invaders to enslave us, but it may well endanger the existence of one particular enterprise.

The second important point is the transparency of their use. The employee will work more efficiently knowing exactly which features of the control program are activated, what information can be collected, etc. The mere understanding of this will be the motivation for using working time for work purposes.

The third factor is self-motivation. Many freelancers use programs to control their working hours - not for prying eyes, of course. It is better not to use the computer on which the control program is installed for recreation - there is a telephone, the opportunity to go out to smoke / drink coffee, and communicate with colleagues. In terms of stress relief, this is much more useful.

And, finally, the leader must understand his responsibility: he must manage the enterprise, and not hunt down his subordinates. The manager must be aware that the misuse of personal information that may get to him in the process of collecting official information can be prosecuted by law and this is at least not ethical. It is illegal to knowingly secretly collect an employee's personal information.

In developed countries with a rich history of protecting rights and freedoms, there has long been a formula according to which the percentage of public is inversely proportional to the percentage of private. We are talking about how a freelancer can work without leaving home in any form - a minimum of publicity, a maximum of personal space. While an employee of an elite corporation is forced to leave almost everything private outside the door of the working office and be a 100% public person 8 hours a day.

Another aspect

The employer should explain to employees that the implementation of monitoring systems is aimed at improving the efficiency of the work of the staff and its optimization, which is very often useful for the employees themselves. In our opinion, this is much more humane than the situation during the recent crisis, when everyone was fired indiscriminately, and the father of the family with a mortgage and small children could be unemployed. Monitoring and control tools allow you to see really working people, and not skillfully pretending, this is a much more objective evaluation factor than making decisions on dismissal based on the personal attitude of the manager towards employees.


The employee must understand that when he comes to work, he will be obliged to focus on its implementation. At the same time, he clearly knows the forms and methods of control and surprises are not expected for him. In addition, liability for obvious violations of rights is clearly provided for by the current legislation. Ultimately, this is a matter of personal choice of a person: the type of activity, the format of work, the company, after all.

The employer must be aware of the responsibility for the deliberate secret collection of information (without the knowledge of the employee) and be able to explain the need to use control in this form.

Thus, with a legally competent approach, there is no problem in using such programs. You just need to be able to find the right solutions and fix them in mutually beneficial agreements. The employee and the employer should not be on opposite sides of the barricades, but understand that they are doing a common cause and respect the rights and responsibilities of each other, clearly fulfilling mutual obligations.

Vadim Zakharikov, general manager online service "Planado", compiled a list of ten services that will help control the work of employees - including remote ones.

In a difficult economic environment, businesses are forced to reduce costs and work to improve efficiency. Specialized ones can come to the rescue here, which help to improve the quality of work of employees.

Increasing the efficiency of office employees

The trend to create maximum comfortable conditions for employees in the office has its own side effects- sometimes excessive concern for the team on the part of managers leads to the fact that employees relax and become less effective. To deal with such phenomena, a number of specialized services are used.

« Boss Control»

At the entrance to most office space turnstiles have been installed for a long time, with the help of which it is possible to collect data on the attendance of employees - to enter the office, you need to attach a pass. The problem here is that setting up local control systems is not the easiest thing to do.

In turn, "Boss Control" is a service that consists of access control terminals and a data processing service. The terminal is hung on the wall, employees are marked at the entrance with its help, and then the system generates attendance reports. If an employee without good reason late, leaves work early or often goes on smoke breaks - this will immediately become known. As a result, employees spend more time at work.

pay punch

Biometric attendance and time tracking system for employees. By analogy with the previous tool, a special device is also installed in the office, to which employees put their finger or hand. Thus, the control of hours worked is carried out, which is especially convenient if it is necessary to calculate wages in hourly mode.

Employee attendance information is automatically transmitted to management and. Since the system is biometric, it will not work to deceive it, for example, by asking a colleague in the office to attach a card of an employee who is absent from him.


However, the mere fact of being in the office and at the workplace does not yet mean that the employee is working effectively. Nothing prevents him from “pretending to be” a flurry of activity, actually wasting time on non-work sites or entertainment applications. The losses from such an unproductive pastime can be very significant - according to various estimates, this causes a total loss to the country's economy in the hundreds of billions of rubles a year.

In order to find out what percentage of working time an employee spent on solving business problems, and how much he “procrastinated” on entertainment resources, the CrocoTime service helps. Based on the collected data, it calculates the productivity ratio of each employee, and also provides management with reports on which resources take up the most time from employees.

Another system to improve the efficiency of office employees. not only collects information about the programs and applications used, but also monitors compliance with the work schedule, and also records overtime.

Subsequently, reports are created that allow you to understand the structure of the working day of each individual employee - what tasks they spend the most time on, in what periods they work more or less. This data helps management optimize workflows so as not to overload workers, but also not allow them to relax too much.

Control of field workers

It is easier to control office employees, if only for the simple reason that they are in one place and, as a rule, a manager can communicate with them quite easily. Field work is another matter - for example, equipment installation, furniture assembly, cleaning or delivery.

Here, employees often have more freedom, which sometimes leads to problems - for example, poor-quality work or deceit ("hack" on the client bypassing the employer using the company's materials and tools).

To improve the efficiency of mobile workers, as well as better control them, special tools are used, which in the West are called field management.

Working on the go means freedom – and that’s what mobile workers often value. However, the absence of a boss who stands "over the soul" creates various temptations. From the banal deception of the employer - no one will interfere with doing the work, and taking the money in your pocket - to mistakes in completing the task due to skipping some unimportant, according to the master, steps.

Field management tools, including the Planado service, are designed to give business leaders the ability to control their employees and set a single standard for their work.

For example, checklists (checklists) help to do this - in mobile application employee contains information on the order, and also lists all the steps that need to be done to solve the problem in the best way. This eliminates unnecessary amateur performance when performing the same type of work (which, as a rule, is done by field employees), and increases its overall quality. In addition, in such conditions, beginners make fewer mistakes and are more quickly drawn into the workflow.

After solving the problem, the employee creates a photo report in the application, which shows that the work was done with high quality (assembled furniture, installed equipment, clean room after cleaning, etc.), and sends it to the office. Thus, the management can immediately see the shortcomings and point them out. In addition, the service is integrated with Yandex. Maps, which allows the employer to see the movement of employees in real time and optimize their routes taking into account traffic jams. This helps to complete more orders in a day.


The Mobiforce service also helps companies to control their mobile employees. The tool is designed to work with the "1C: Enterprise 8" system. With its help, managers can quickly distribute tasks between mobile employees, control their movements, track the status of task completion, and exchange instant messages with them.

In addition, the system collects data on the performance of work and generates employee performance reports that take into account more than 30 different metrics.


The Task24 service provides a kind of exchange of remote orders. With its help, mobile employees can enter the system and sort out orders that are more convenient for them to complete (however, they can also be assigned to a specific employee). After accepting the order, the master opens detailed information about the task. In the process of performing work, the employee notes his labor costs in the system.

As in the examples above, the system tracks the location of employees on a map. Based on the results of the work, the system generates reports that can be used, for example, for payroll. In addition, an API has been implemented that allows you to upload information to 1C and other systems, as well as integrate Task24 with the software of call center employees.

Control of remote employees

When working with remote employees (freelancers, personal assistants, and so on), the problem of control is one of the main ones. To increase the productivity of such interactions, company representatives can also use specialized software.


A simple service with an uncomplicated design. Helps to structure information when working with remote employees and freelancers. Communication between a manager or a customer and an executor takes place in a Jabber chat, where, using special commands, you can set tasks for an employee that will not disappear in the communication logs, but will be entered into the database.

So, you can always restore the entire sequence of tasks and subtasks. At the same time, the system will not allow the contractor to report on the completion of work if any of the subtasks have not been completed.

Plan follow-up

There are many systems for project management. With their help, managers can track the real performance of an employee, and not just collect information about the time spent in the office or the programs used during the day.


The Pyrus service allows you to solve the problem of missed deadlines, which can seriously harm a business - very often even important projects are completed after the established deadlines, which has various Negative consequences for business.

Pyrus allows you to identify employees who are not meeting deadlines. With the help of such software, managers can track tasks and debug business processes, as well as identify employees who do not have time to complete work on time.

Improving the efficiency of restaurant workers

The restaurant business has traditionally been plagued by employee abuse and inefficiency. Cases of poor service or banal theft occur all the time. Restaurateurs seek to overcome these problems through the introduction of special control tools.


There are a large number of staff control tools for restaurants. Historical such services were divided into cloud services, when all information is stored on remote server, and local, when all the necessary data is stored directly in the institution. Each type of system had its drawbacks - when using cloud services, if there are problems with the Internet connection, the work of the restaurant can stop, and in the case of local hosting, negligent employees can access the data, which opens the way for abuse.

Therefore, hybrid systems like Jowi began to appear. They combine both methods of working with data - the system can work locally even without the Internet, and when a connection appears, the data is uploaded to the cloud server.

Such tools help increase the speed of service by automating the process of taking an order and transferring it from the waiter to the chef. The scenario of use can be as follows: using a tablet with an installed application, the waiter takes an order, in the kitchen the chef immediately displays a list of dishes, and the hall manager can set the time for which he must have time to prepare the order. Then the waiter will also receive a notification on the tablet, and he will go to pick up the order (and will not constantly go to the kitchen to find out how things are with him).

In addition to the actual automation of work, control systems provide the ability to receive reports on all the important indicators of the restaurant - order data, product balances in the warehouse, etc. All this reduces the likelihood of fraud - employees cannot hide part of the proceeds or, for example, steal food from the kitchen and drinks from the bar.

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