Open ports on IP. How to check if the port is open on a remote computer or server

Gardening 20.10.2019

Why is it important to know which ports are open on the computer? Why the ordinary user climb into these deburs? The fact is that there is absolutely any program that uses the network (the same browser) to perform its functions reserves a specific port in the system through which it exchanges data. If two applications use the same number, conflict occurs. The application in this case simply cannot work correctly. In addition, the open port check can help identify suspicious connections. Their detection indicates the presence of potentially dangerous programs on the computer.

Checking the open port by regular Windows tools

There is a specialized software that allows you to scan open ports on PC. However, the Windows operating system (as, however, and others) already have built-in tools for solving this task. An elementary check of open ports on a computer can be performed using the command line utilities. The sequence of operations is as follows:

  1. You need to click the "Start" button.
  2. Next, you should stop the selection at the menu item "Run".
  3. In the appeared string, enter "CMD".
  4. A command line window will appear, where you will need to enter special instructions.

Running CMD, the user is already halfway to success. It remains only to run the command that the open port of the computer is performed. You can also go to the menu item "All Programs" \u003e\u003e "Standard". There is also a command line launch label.

Any system process receives a unique identifier - ID. It is needed to form numerous connections between applications. Id can be used to determine busy ports with individual programs and services.

In the command line, dial: "Netstat -aon | more. " Using the instruction, the open port check will be activated. The operation is performed in a few seconds. In a page convenient for perception, a list of open ports will be displayed.

What condition is the port?

You need to pay attention to the "Status" column. Here are three options:

  • Listening (the port is open, listening to the connection);
  • Established (the connection of two nodes is actively directly now, data exchange);
  • Time_Wait (standby).

How to understand what application does the port use?

Suppose the user needs to find out exactly which program is listening to port 3260. To do this, see the PID (process ID) of the process. There, for example, it will be 4060. Next, you need to call the system "Task Manager". The procedure is performed simultaneously pressing the Del + Alt + Ctrl keys. By default, in the Task Manager, the PID column may not be displayed. Its output is configured through the menu item "View" \u003e\u003e "Select columns". It should be an active tab "Processes". The procedure is performed elementary. You need to put a daws in front of the Process Identifier (PID) item. As a result, a column with the desired numbers will appear.

The user needs to search for the number 4060 in the PID column. The number corresponds to the name of the StarWindService.exe process. And it is running from the SYSTEM user. This means that a person deals with a system process that does not bear any threat to safety. Do not take any measures for its blocking.

Third-party programs for scanning ports

There are dozens of third-party programs with which the open port will be checked on the computer. In this case, you can analyze not only your own system, but also other nodes. The most famous application of such a plan is NMAP. Initially, the program was developed for UNIX systems. However, today you can download the version for Windows for free.

NMAP is a powerful software. This tool is easily checked by open ports for IP of a large number of objects. The application is distinguished by a wide range of features. So, you can not only find out the state of the ports on the remote computer, but also to determine the operating system of the host. Today, this program enters the mandatory package of tools of a qualified system administrator. Specialists in network security are actively exploited.

From the translator. Hello, today I want to publish the translation of the article with a list of services that will help you find open ports on servers. I hope that the article will be useful.

If you post your web applications on the server administered or Shared hosting, then you have nothing to worry about. However, for a virtual or allocated server, you must provide all the features for the security of your server.
Have unnecessary ports open - a bad idea from which an attacker can benefit with a variety of ways.

Below are free online services that will help find out whether the ports are open to you can check and block them if they are not used.

Note: If you run the port scanner for the DNS of your site, and it is behind a proxy such as Cloudflare or Sucuri, it may not give accurate information. Use this IP server address.

Port Scanner from MX Toolbox

MX Toolbox is trying to check the 15 most frequently used ports with timeout in 3 seconds and issues results which of them are open, and which are not.

Online scanner ports

This tool is a personal Javier Yanez project that allows you to clean the ports for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses for free.

Port Scanner from T1 Shopper

Scans one or range of ports listened by the server with the specified IP. It is convenient if you just want to scan selected ports.

Port Scanner from Hacker Target

Performs a quick scan of six most common ports (FTP, SSH, SMTP, HTTP, HTTPS, RDP) NMAP port scanner.

Port Scanner from DNS Tools

Quickly scans some common ports, such as FTP, SMTP, DNS, Finger, POP3, SFTP, RPC, IRC, IMAP, VNC, etc.

Many users of computers have an unimpeded Internet connection that opens an incredible horizon of opportunities in terms of training, as well as a flight of fantasy. But the users do not always have enough of what was provided by the systemic initially, some of them are trying to connect additional programs to connect additional programs using an Internet connection. This article describes in detail how to check with the help of a 2IP port.

Basic concepts

Each person, phenomena, substance, etc. There is a certain name that says that it is called. The same with computers. The computer connected to the Internet system has its own special room that tells detailed information about its owner. The name of this number is an IP address, but that's not all. Modern computer systems use special ports that are available from each operating system. They, in turn, are directly tied to the IP address, it ensures the uniqueness of each user.

The ports themselves are used by programs to connect to servers, and sometimes to other programs. With all the famous HTTPS uses precisely thanks to him, we get access to the Internet. In total there are 65536 different ports, some of them are actively used by the system, while others remain closed. Below in the article will be discussed how to implement the port using a 2IP.

Port checking

This service has established itself as a fairly reliable and verified. It exists for 12 years. It has many advantages that put it in leaders when you need to define your IP address, watch the port, etc. The article will consider how the port check is available on the site

  1. Turn on your browser that you most often use. After entering the address, it is recommended to add a site to favorites to not lose it.
  2. Go to the official website of 2IP. The port must be checked there.
  3. On the main page you will see the input box and the "Check" button. Enter the desired port, after which I will carry out a 2IP port check. After a couple of seconds there will be an inscription about whether the port you are interested in is open.

If you could not personally configure ports, then there will be a link to a VPN service that provides its services at a bargain price. VPN is a secure connection in which the company server is an intermediary between you and the Internet. This method helps to open almost any port that is needed.

Other service features

The service specializes in testing your Internet connection, namely: download speeds / departure, communication quality, etc. When using this site, you should not worry about your own security, because the data that gives this service is publicly available. Below there is a list of its most popular tools:

  • Testing the speed of the Internet connection. Determine the speed of downloading and sending information from the server to you.
  • Check anonymity. Your provider is tested for the availability of programs that the data is stealing, etc.
  • A very useful feature if you doubt the security of the file, and the antivirus is not installed.
  • Awareness of your IP address, as well as its history (when it changed to another, etc.).
  • Check on the 2IP port you want to open or close.

Not all functions are described above, because there are quite a lot of them, therefore this service is an indispensable tool for a novice web designer, a programmer and a regular user who is interested in its own safety.


The article presents an answer to the question of how to look at 2IP ports. It must be remembered that the unlocked ports are a very serious gap in the computer through which attackers can steal your personal data.

Guys, hello again! At the end of the topic of network settings, let's consider another interesting question that sounds as follows - as check out the port on a computer program?

If you remember, last time we did it with help, and now we will try to use software. By the way, I used to do this before, and therefore the necessary application was also not immediately found. But still found. ; — )

Well, go through this link to the official website of the program Advanced Port Scanner And install it on your computer. This process is rather simple, should not cause any difficulties.

After that, we launch it and press the "Scan" button at the top. A corporate multi-threaded search will start, which must detect all local network devices. Well, let's see if it is.

Indeed, the application has discovered all active homemade devices :, Tablet and computer itself, of course. On the right side you can see which services use specific open ports.

If you select the desired device and click on the right mouse button, the menu will appear with useful additional features.

What else can I say? I think that the question of how to check whether the port is open on the computer program Advanced Port Scanner is fully uncovered. But my soul remained some questions. So to speak, misunderstood came out.

The fact is that in the last article (the link was higher) I made scanning open ports using the command line. So they were there a huge set. Here the app has only about 4- 5 pieces. Well, how so, comrades, what's the catch here?

If you know what could be the case, please write about it in the comments. There you can ask all the questions that have arisen. And on this all while to new meetings. And now it remains only to watch the next interesting video.

The port (listening, for connections) is used to ensure a connection between multiple programs. Some ports are occupied by system services, so they cannot be used by other services.

The port 80 is designed for the HTTP protocol for connecting to the Internet, and the POP3 mail protocol uses port 110. If 80 is closed, respectively, it is impossible to transmit data over the network. Consequently, sending and receiving mail is prohibited with a closed port 100.

For system programs, ports are assigned to numbers from 0 to 1023. Custom programs are used to connect numbers from 1024 to 49151. Ports from 49152 to 65535 are called dynamic, used for temporary connections client - server.

Ports are in the following states:

  • ready to accept packages;
  • the port is blocked by the firewall, the state cannot be determined;
  • blocked and not related to applications, it can be opened;
  • condition cannot be determined.

Method 1: Online Services

This is a very simple way to check if the port is opened on the computer used.

By default, it is proposed to select frequently used ports and check them. It:

  • 25565 for the game "Minecraft";
  • 8621 Usually used by the ACE Stream program for TV broadcasts;
  • 80 for HTTP protocol;
  • 7777;
  • 27016;
  • 8080 for connecting to the server.

How to check if the port is open on the computer? All you need to do is to choose and wait for the answer. In addition, you can:

  • check your IP;
  • get detailed information about the site;
  • find out the connection speed;
  • learn traffic attendance;
  • check the existence of email.

Method 2: Currports

Check if the port is open, you can use third-party CURRPORTS software.

It is intended for network monitoring, displays a list of all currently open ports on the local computer. As a result, such information is issued:

  • port number;
  • process name;
  • the full path of the process;
  • version;
  • file description;
  • time of creation;
  • the name of the user who created it.

In addition, with the help of the program, you can close unwanted TCP connections, complete the processes on the specified ports, copy information about ports to the file. Software is designed for Windows, starting from the XP version.

Method 3: Netstat

One of the rapid ways to check whether the port is open on a computer or server, from the command line using the NetStat utility.

Allows you to monitor incoming and outgoing network connections, view the routing table. Available for UNIX-like operating systems and Windows OS.

Using some parameters, you can filter out the output to the screen.

  1. The display of the routing table is carried out as NetStat -R (parameters -R or --ROute option add to the command name).
  2. The interface table output is carried out as NetStat -i or Netstat --Interfaces.
  3. To display network statistics you need to add -s.
  4. Detailed output is carried out using the -V parameter.
  5. To display the timer, the -T parameter is added;
  6. Continuous entry is set using -C.
  7. To display the address and port numbers in the numerical format, Netstat -N is served.
  8. Displays the connection via the protocol, and is set as "-p_name_name".

Method 4: Telnet

Another effective way to check whether the port is open - use Telnet.

As a rule, the utility is available in most systems. To check the availability of addresses used:

Telnet IP_adress

It is possible to enable debug mode and display detailed information while working. To do this, the -D parameter is added, the address and number of the port are set. For example:

Sudo Telnet -D Localhost 22

To check if the port on IP is open:

Telnet Address_IP number_Port

Testing the site, collect requests, see all the transmitted data by the command:

Telnet Address_Sight RU 80 Get /

Thus, the page, headlines that displays the browser.

Method 5: Tcping

How to check if the port is open on the computer? You can use the TCPING command. It is only available for Windows Servers. Before using the utility must be downloaded.

Conducting the port availability diagnostics is made in the form:

TCPING [-TDSVF46] [-I Interval] [-N Times] [-W Interval] [-b n] [-R Times] [- J Depth] [--Tee FileName] [-f] Destination

Designation of some options:

  • 4 - Using IPv4;
  • 6 - Using IPv6;
  • n - the number of pinges sent (default 4);
  • i - the interval between sending pinges (default 1);
  • w is the interval between the responses (by default 2);
  • d - display the date and time of the request;
  • f - Forced dispatch of at least 1 byte;
  • g - stop after a given number of unsuccessful pings;
  • v - print version and output;
  • --tee _filename_ - duplication of the result in a text file;
  • --Append - if used --tee, instead of overwriting the contents of the file, the new information is added to the existing one;
  • port - port number;
  • h - using HTTP mode;
  • u - Display the URL address on each line;
  • pOST - Use POST instead of get in HTTP mode;
  • head - Use Head instead of Get;
  • abbreviated HTTP Mode.

Method 6: nmap

How to check if the port is open on the router?

It is easy to do with the NMAP utility. You can set the employment of some IP address port like this:

NMAP -SP IP_P_PORT / number_port

Common team syntax:

NMAP [Scan Types] [Options] (Specifications)

Set the keys not necessarily - in this case, all open ports and programs that listen to them will be checked.

To find out the software used:


If you need to scan several sites, they are specified via space.

Scan the range of addresses like this:

Nmap -sp x-y

where X is the address from which the range begins, y - which ends.

The utility has a graphic shell of ZENAP. Besides the fact that it performs all the NMAP functions, can build a network card.

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