Client service. How to improve customer service

Engineering systems 12.10.2019
Engineering systems

Reading flyers, participating in webinars, discussing industry issues with anyone, you are convinced that the quality of customer service is constantly in the focus of companies fighting for their reputation, profits and market position. With such attention to the problem, we should get improvements, right? Then why are there so many examples when dissatisfied customers go to competitors because of their own negative experience and insufficient attention to their true needs?

Below is a list of 10 ways to improve customer service, combined into a program that we will call "Voice of the Customer" (Voice of the Customer - VoC). The benefits it provides are shown.

1. Monitor strategy compliance. In each budget cycle, the contact center must be guaranteed to receive support for major strategic initiatives. Give your time to the VoC program again and it will not disappoint your expectations of better service. You should not just say: "Everything was great last year, we will not change anything this year."

2. Be clear about what you want to evaluate. Pay attention to more than just customer reviews. Pay your attention to the inside of the company: to the operators, the actual contact center, the level of the company. Ask yourself what information should really be in the forefront - improving customer service or managing a company. What will help the contact center, do operators need training or have they already reached their ceiling?

3. Interested in specific things. Ask your clients specific questions to get as much information from them as possible. This will allow you to come to an understanding that changes are needed.

4. Conduct customer surveys, it does not require much effort. Take a fresh look at the ways of submitting the questionnaire, its content. Can you shorten the questionnaire to 5-7 questions? Will your questionnaire result in truthful customer responses? Will she do any harm?

5. Switch to action. Immediately draw conclusions from the received questionnaires and translate the wishes of customers into reality.

6. Conduct Root Cause Analysis. If the form shows hidden flaws need to find the cause of the failure. For example, if customers complain that they cannot connect with the right employee for a long time, the reason may be an insufficient number of operators, incorrect call routing, insufficient preparation of operators, or something else. Often suddenly something in the foreground gets out of control. If you don't get to the root of the failure, you will get more complaints. Look at the problem from all sides, but get to the bottom of the cause of the failure.

7. Combine VoC with quality management and operator training. V best contact centers go in the same direction and strategic planning, and audit, and training. VoC should be part of this continuum and account for course changes and corrections.

8. Improve continuously. If customer satisfaction is declining, take action to improve it. Do not reassure yourself that everything is fine and do not neglect VoC, even if the level of satisfaction is high. Always strive to improve it!

10. Share your results. Your profile can be downloaded various topics contact center, bring the results of the survey to those departments of your organization to which they are relevant. Keep them updated on your findings, those above and below you in the organization. Sharing the results allows the contact center to achieve a high quality of customer service and keep the focus on customer interaction at all times.

Do you really care about your clients? Has your VoC program been enriched with ten well-fitting components? Now is the time to act. Respond to failures now before you lose your customers and your business loses credibility.

Reading Materials:

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Every store owner can attest that shoppers are becoming more and more demanding. They are used to good quality service and are not willing to pay for anything else. The boundless loyalty of the Russian client is a thing of the past.

Today, few people focus only on the price level, not paying attention to improving customer service product quality and freshness. Moreover, we are ready to pay a obviously higher price if they were just kind to us in this place.

The importance of service is especially evident in areas where the list of goods of dozens of stores is absolutely no different. Only the quality of service allows you to win this war for the buyer.

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Implementing the Ten Service Secrets can dramatically increase your bottom line by expanding your customer base, increasing your average check, and increasing your repeat purchases.

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The #1 secret to better customer service. Change the picture of the world

Improving the quality of customer service begins with changing your worldview, your idea of ​​service.

The concept of quality of service should be expanded as much as possible. This is not only a dialogue with the seller at the checkout, at the scales. The client is served at all the so-called points of contact with your store: when looking for it, parking nearby, looking for the right products, carrying them home, etc. Make sure that the client is comfortable throughout the interaction with you. Each next step in the purchase should be obvious, easy to implement.

Implementation. Go to Sberbank, take a closer look at how employees work in the hall, feel the changes. Remember what your nearest savings bank was like three years ago. Call their customer support line. Do you believe in such changes? Imagine how much effort it took for such a giant to change so radically. It will be much easier to do this in your store!

Secret to Better Customer Service #2. Know your stats

The store owner must be aware of the following.

  • A satisfied customer will bring 9 people.
  • Dissatisfied will take away 18 people.
  • O good product the buyer will tell five friends.
  • About a bad product - ten friends.
  • A thousandth blogger will spread information about you throughout the entire subscription list (1,000 or more potential customers). Add to that the following reposts. Among your clients there may be consultants, trainers, information businessmen with subscription lists of up to 150 thousand people or more, who will use you in examples.
  • Attracting one new customer is 5 (!) times more expensive than providing quality service to a loyal customer (according to John Shoal).
  • Research conducted by the site showed that 68% of customers who change suppliers do so because of rude treatment.

Knowing how much each new client costs, how much profit it will bring to you, it is much easier to think about improving the quality of service for these clients. By collecting statistics, you can understand where the business is not working as it should.

  • If there are few potential customers, then they simply cannot find you or it is inconvenient for them to look for you. Change the advertisement, make the directions as clear as possible.
  • If there are many potential customers, but few purchases, the problem is in the layout of goods, prices, and staff. It is inconvenient/unpleasant for people to buy.

By thinking like this, by correcting mistakes, you can take your business and customer service to a whole new level.

Implementation. Calculate the conversion of your store. This is done as follows: a visitor counter is installed (it costs from 4,500 rubles, there are stand-alone options). You will know how many potential customers you had. Number of purchases average check you already know.

Now you can build a sales funnel. Count how many people pass by your store and how many come in. The ratio of these numbers indicates the quality of advertising, the attractiveness of the facade and shop windows, the convenience of the entrance. The ratio of the number of buyers to the number of visitors will show the convenience of shopping in the store, the quality of the display of goods, the length of the queue at the checkout, etc. Based on these data, further development can be planned.

  • How to increase the number of store customers at different stages of service

Secret to Better Customer Service #3. Implement positive communication

Few people like gloomy salesmen. Introduce special rules to keep your store upbeat. People are unconsciously drawn to energetically charged, successful people. This should especially apply to the so-called front line - sellers, consultants.

Compliance with the rules of etiquette, courtesy and politeness also work wonderfully in favor of oneself.

Implementation. Set an example. Radiate energy when you come to work. Smile and compliment employees. Genuinely take an interest in people. Encourage salespeople to read Dale Carnegie's books and test staff on the knowledge of simple and effective techniques described by a psychologist.

Secret to Better Customer Service #4. Get Feedback

You need to create a special unit, appoint an employee or transfer it to someone additional functions. The name may vary: customer service department, customer relations department, customer relations department, etc. The main functions of this department are as follows:

  • processing of claims, wishes, customer requests;
  • preparation of analytical reports;
  • training of personnel involved in customer service and improvement of its quality level;
  • external contacts with consumers through promotions and special events.

The goal of the department is to motivate clients to contact the company, to receive feedback from each client in any form. No one but the clients themselves can more precisely point out what we are doing wrong and advise on the best way to solve the problem.

People involved in working with visitors to the store must clearly understand two things.

1. The information they receive will allow the company to make a breakthrough. Few of the competitors are collecting reviews, so almost everyone is mistaken about what the client really wants, why he left.

2. Returned customers whose dissatisfaction has been removed stay with you for a long time. They are proud that they were able to defeat the system, and grateful that you gave them the opportunity. They will stay with you forever. Unless you ward them off with some stupidity.

I want to separately note: a department or a person involved in the elimination of claims from customers is not a punishment, not a super stressful job. This is the only way to find out what really matters and what your customers need. And on the basis of this, become better.

Implementation. Set aside a budget for generating feedback. Invite customers to leave a review of your work in exchange for something inexpensive but valuable that will play into the benefit of improving the quality of service. And remember: your store needs positive reviews, and you - negative. Only by collecting negative opinions can you truly improve the service.

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Secret to Better Customer Service #5. Be polite and listen to customers

It's so easy to greet customers, say "thank you" and "please".

And how does calling by name affect a person! Just try to thank him by calling him by name when you return his credit card or check documents. I assure you, his attitude towards your store will warm up by tens of degrees.

Everyone wants to be listened to and helped to solve a problem. If you show interest in the buyer, ask him (when appropriate) how things are at home, how the children are, how the health of his dog is, he will be grateful and will definitely return to you for a new portion of positive emotions.

Implementation: introduce rules for communicating with customers and standards for the level of their service.

Secret to Better Customer Service #6. Reach out to the customer more often

Be flexible. Many issues will be resolved much easier if you approach them outside the box. Don't argue hoarsely over a ruble - in the long run, a satisfied customer will bring you thousands.

V difficult situations help with stress resistance. Nothing helps solve a problem like a clear mind and calm speech when the situation is heated to the limit.

Implementation. Allow line employees to resolve disputes in favor of the buyer within, for example, 200 rubles.

  • Examples of corporate standards and tips for developing them

Secret to Better Customer Service #7. Take the initiative

If you realize that delivery times are being missed, don't wait for the phone to ring. Call the supplier yourself, as soon as you know about the problem, offer two or three options for solving it. And you will be appreciated as a professional, and your company - as a company that truly cares about customers and partners.

Implementation. Try to be proactive in difficult situations when things don't go the way you planned - that's what everyone who creates high level client service.

Secret to Better Customer Service #8. Be professional

You must know everything specifications, properties of the products you trade. Study the entire product line of the company, because it is the knowledge of the product that makes you a professional. Only professionals can effectively solve the client's problem by demonstrating the quality of service.

Implementation. Conduct testing among sellers - on knowledge of goods, their history, legends associated with them.

Secret to Better Customer Service #9. Keep your word

There are not enough heroes in business today. People who keep their word - the word of a gentleman, the word of an officer. If you keep your promises - all without exception: oral and written, small and global - you will be equal, you will be trusted. Isn't this the key to success in business and a sure way to improve the quality of customer service?

Implementation. You can start from the smallest. For example, at the request of customers, start opening 10 minutes earlier and closing 10 minutes later than the time indicated on your sign. This will not only show that you keep your word, but will also greatly endear you.

  • Communication between the seller and the client: 6 rules of trade etiquette

Secret to Better Customer Service #10. Do not stop

Implementing good service is like growing a garden. At first, this is very hard work, the results of which are hardly noticeable: it is necessary to clear the territory, level the soil, fertilize it, plant trees. Then comes the stage when the first fruits appear, they can be eaten, and they please everyone. But in order for the trees to produce crops regularly, they need to be looked after, trimmed, and watered. So in the service: first you need to make great efforts to establish the system. Then the first results will appear. The ultimate goal is to achieve a permanent effect. Create a system that would function properly, and employees knew exactly the direction of development.

Implementation. Create a service implementation plan. Don't start all over the place at once. Start with the first secret that I talked about in the article. Then move on to the next. This will gradually improve the entire store. And then start again. And set yourself a reminder to read this article in a month.

These seemingly simple rules together give excellent result. Perhaps, main secret lies in the fact that they need to be applied systematically, regularly, without indulging yourself and not postponing for tomorrow. Our whole life is made up of little things. And the right service is just a set of subtle nuances that create a high level of communication with your company for customers.

Expert opinion

Alexey Zvir,

director of ZEVS LLC, Uryupinsk, Volgograd region

The competition of grocery stores in my city is quite high. There are chains and small pavilions. Need to stand out.

There are many motorists among the customers, which means that it will be convenient for them to shop in the store, next to which there are no problems to park. Therefore, our company rented land from the municipality next to the store and organized a parking space for cars.

I make a number of requirements to the employees of the trading floor. For example, the seller cannot go to the buyers if he is poorly versed in the product. This is written in the standards. We train newcomers, regularly check those who have been working for a long time. Without tension, they are obliged to remember the manufacturer, to characterize taste qualities products, know the shelf life. And don't look at the price tags as a clue. At the place of settlement, cashiers must not only punch the goods, but also put them in bags.

To keep abreast of customer sentiment and maintain a high level of customer service, we regularly conduct surveys and questionnaires. So, in August, they prepared questionnaires and put the girls near the entrance. It turned out, for example, that in our trading floors good service and interesting products. I always take care of this personally - I bring an exclusive that is not in the networks. In particular, I buy Swiss chocolate from METRO Cash & Carry. Taking into account the answers, I correct the work of the enterprise; The next survey will take place in November.

Another attractive fact for buyers is the round-the-clock work schedule of the store. Don't rush - our doors are always open!

Expert opinion

Denis Maksimov,

store manager "Lastochka", Orenburg

Much depends on the atmosphere that prevails in the team. Since the psychological climate in the store is good, conflict situations with buyers - a huge rarity. This can be judged by the half-empty book of complaints and the absence of calls from the administration of the enterprise, whose telephone numbers are posted on the trading floor.

And you know, buyers are also different. We are ready to meet halfway, but we also need to identify scammers. For example, we had a case where a person claimed that he did not receive change from a large bill. We looked at the recording of the surveillance camera, but this did not convince him - we had to call the private security with the panic button.

The sellers know the assortment well: they can advise wine, talk about sweets - who is the manufacturer, what kind of filling.

But the survey of buyers has not yet been conducted. The fact is that I personally observed how suppliers laid out questionnaires at the tables for bags. But without presentations and tastings, people did not react to them.

In Orenburg, there is a problem with the organization of parking: there is not enough space. We got out of the situation by making parking pockets for buyers who come by car.

I also have one more rule. The store is open from 8:00 to 23:00, and if a person entered one minute before closing, no one will ask him to leave the hall until he chooses and pays for the goods.

Company information

ZEVS LLC. Year of creation: 2008. Number of shops: 2. Area: 100 and 200 m 2 . Staff: 30 people. Turnover and profit: not disclosed.

Shop "Swallow". Year of establishment: 1996. Number of shops: 1. Area: 120 m 2 . Staff: 10 people. Turnover and profit: not disclosed.

Competition among service companies is intensifying, attracting new customers is becoming more expensive (according to a study by Hochman Consultants, in 10 years the cost of contact with an interested client has increased by more than 4 times). In order to not only attract new customers, but also retain your customers, you need to improve the quality of service and optimize the helpdesk system. Here are 5 simple and effective tips that even beginners can apply.

To improve the quality of service, many entrepreneurs begin by regulating the relevant business processes: they develop the procedure for registering requests, the algorithm for routing applications, the stages of their processing, escalation rules (handling non-standard situations), the powers and responsibilities of each employee. Then a helpdesk system is usually implemented: at this moment, entrepreneurs discover SLA, KPI, LTV and other abbreviations. All this is important, but it is more important not to forget about the goal - a happy client.

Relationships are more important than numbers in a report

Measuring the quality of service, the entrepreneur is faced with SLA (Service Level Agreement - literally "service level agreement"). This term came from ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library, a standard for organizing the work of companies - initially only in IT, and now in other areas), where the quality of service is reduced to measurable indicators and their acceptable values.

Almost always, the SLA includes “reaction time” (the standard response time of the customer service to a client request) or “solution time” (the standard time for repairing a breakdown or malfunction by the service department). If there is a small percentage of violations in the monthly report of the head of the service department on compliance with the SLA, the service is considered "quality".

Here lies serious mistake. You can successfully fit in with formally positive reports. But if customers are not satisfied with the quality of answers or indifference (“this problem is not on our side, everything works for us, contact the provider ...”, etc.), they are unlikely to be satisfied with the report - it contradicts their personal feelings.

For operational control, it is necessary to receive and analyze the subjective opinion of applicants - to conduct a survey about their satisfaction after each application (automatically, if the helpdesk system allows it, or by the call center). And in the long term, build strong relationships by delving into the real problems of the client - from those related to your services to all current ones in general. Moreover, any of these problems is your opportunity to make money on its solution.

Do not keep the client in the dark

If you're a frequent flyer, you've probably had to wait for a delayed flight. To languish without information about the departure is exhausting. Any uncertainty is frightening and unnerving - especially in a critical situation for you.

Therefore, it is important to provide the client with all the information about the progress of solving his problem, to be as open as possible. Upon receipt of the application, indicate the planned date of the decision. Notify about the next stage of the solution (it's good if the selected helpdesk system supports automatic notifications and provides access to the client portal).

The service department should not be a black box where client requests are sent and from where a ready answer arrives after some time. Your openness will show the client that each of his applications is important, and he will be able to plan his time, and not sit waiting for a decision.

Ignorance about the client's problem is your problem

If it is difficult for the client to report his problem to the service department, this is your flaw. No bureaucracy in interaction with the client - "applications on the form", "memos" or forms with a dozen fields. chats, messengers, simple shapes feedback on the site, e-mail, identification by phone number when calling the call center - the client's message should be received in any way convenient for him. Choose a helpdesk system that supports multi-channel interaction with the client.

Be not a contractor, but a partner

The client may ask for any changes in the composition or format of your services. If they fall outside of your standards, you can either reject (lose a customer), accept (lose profit), or accept but with a price increase (keep profit by losing customer loyalty).

The correct answer is to figure out what caused the request. The client comes with his own - not always optimal - solution to the problem. You can offer a more suitable one - with the participation of related business processes of the client company, with requirements for other contractors, etc.

Become a partner and consultant for the client (as far as your knowledge and skills allow) and, whenever possible, go beyond what contractors usually do.

Don't Forget the Contract

Partnerships, trust, going beyond the formal framework - all this concerns the normal mode of operation. With long-term cooperation, do not forget to “lay straws” in case of conflict. A contract with clearly defined obligations and responsibilities is the last argument that can protect you from claims and compensation claims.

All and pluses of his work.

Change store hours. Sometimes it is impossible to purchase goods in the morning or evening hours. Make your work schedule 24/7. Especially if there are no stores with such a schedule near the store. If after a month you see that it has not brought in much revenue, make it so that the store opens early in the morning and closes late in the evening. Determine the best time to practice.

Regularly expand the assortment of the store. Then they will come to you not only to purchase goods, but also to find out if there is anything new. Open home delivery for a small fee.

Sell ​​only quality products. Regularly check the products received in the store. At the slightest discrepancy in quality, return the goods.

Visit stores with similar products in your area. Find out the benefits of their work. Offer customers more profitable terms, at least for a while.

Do redecorating in the area where customers are served. If necessary, arrange chairs or armchairs for comfort.

Regularly hold prize draws for your customers. Then people will come to you not only for goods, but also in the hope of winning. Make discount cards or store goods as gifts.


Dumping is not the best The best way attract a buyer. You can't keep forever low prices.

Useful advice

Before leaving, put a book of complaints and suggestions. Perhaps this will help you better understand the needs of the buyer.


  • Article about improving the quality of work of shops
  • how to improve work
  • Ways to improve the quality of products

Every leader is interested in effective and productive work their subordinates. To do this, it is important to know and be able to apply methods to improve the quality of their work. At the same time, it should be understood that different employees require their own motivational incentives, depending on their personal needs.


For many, the main factor of professional satisfaction is the recognition of their importance, the team. The motivation for this can be career advancement or the creation of external attributes of the employee's honor that distinguishes him from the rest.

A favorable psychological climate in the working environment, the absence of intrigues and conflicts largely depend on the leader’s ability to rally employees and stop destructive processes in the bud. As a result, they have the opportunity to focus exclusively on their work tasks, without being distracted by settling extraneous issues.

For individual employees the opportunity to choose a convenient work schedule can be of particular value. This is especially true for people with creativity focused on creative tasks. Such workers are most effective in free mode.

Those interested in personal and professional development love challenging tasks giving you the opportunity to learn something new. By entrusting an employee with a similar task, one can expect high results in short time.

In any team there are workers for whom a decent salary, a significant social package and comfortable conditions labor are the highest values ​​in . Here the emphasis is on incentives: regular promotion, bonuses, benefits and other opportunities.

Psychologists say that a person has an instinct for competition. Proper use of this phenomenon can bear fruit. However, the issue of creating internal competition between colleagues should be approached with extreme caution so as not to cause intrigue and envy. It is important to provide everyone with equal opportunities, to think over clear criteria for evaluating results, to make information about the results achieved “transparent”.

In the face of fierce competition and an excess of product offerings, it is the quality of service that comes to the fore. Impeccable service directly affects customer loyalty to your company. With the right organization good service can be yours competitive advantage.

You will need

  • - Corporate website;
  • - service standard;
  • - client database.


Develop and document a customer service standard. Many things that are elementary and obvious to you may not be so to the attendant who works for you. The standard should describe everything from appearance and typical greeting phrases to reactions to key and distance when speaking.

Arrange staff training. It is better to entrust such events to coaches. Choose trainings on sales techniques, dialogue. From time to time, you can work with staff and on your own. Simulate situations of communication with customers, let's. Especially this one.

Establish feedback with customers and try to observe them. Get feedback on service. Be interested in needs and wishes. Get a guestbook or on your corporate website.

Create the most detailed client database. It will help you not only analyze the target audience, but also improve the quality of service. Use for this personal information about clients, if you have access to it. For example, the base will help you congratulate them with the help of direct mail.

Create the most pleasant atmosphere in your establishment. Remember that not only the product or service is important for the client, but also good mood. Friendly, comfortable furniture, pleasant music, drinks - all this will leave a positive impression on the visitor.


Try to avoid critical situations. A customer who is not satisfied with the service will definitely share negative impressions with others and create a bad reputation for you.

Useful advice

Try to turn even unpleasant situations to your advantage. For example, a bottle of wine as a gift as compensation for a spoiled dish will surely cheer up the client of your establishment.

We have noticed that many customers of our customer support system disable the features responsible for collecting and analyzing customer ratings.
In our opinion, along with this, they are deprived of an important tool for testing the hypotheses underlying their KPI system, in fact, tearing KPI from real life. And in this article, we want to go into more detail about that, as well as why grades − important element customer service process.

KPI system to improve the quality of customer service

We will not dwell on the importance of metrics for the support service as a whole (especially since we wrote several articles about the support service). They are necessary for understanding the situation inside and planning future work.
At the heart of an employee motivation system, serious business decisions or plans for the future, the values ​​​​of metrics often cannot be used in isolation. For example, you can’t force employees to thoughtlessly reduce the time it takes to resolve an application. In an effort to improve their performance, employees will respond with replies or redirect messages to others more quickly, instead of solving an issue that they are quite capable of on their own. Or they will offer a quick temporary solution instead of fixing the root cause, which takes more time. As a result, this can lead to a drop in the quality of solving problems, i.e. we will turn the achievement of some initial goal (improving the quality of service) into the pursuit of metrics divorced from reality (improving performance on paper). And there are many such examples.

An easy way to check if you have fallen into one of these "traps", i.e. are you really moving in the direction of improvement or are you just gaining virtual glasses- ask the clients themselves. Do they like the quality of your service? What are the problems from their point of view? How does the level of service from the customer's point of view change over time? How to change the service process in their opinion?
In addition to the correct choice of goals based on metrics, a customer survey allows you to identify weak points in processes or people involved in their execution. In the end, your employees can comply with all SLA requirements both with a smile on their face and with outright rudeness. Based only on internal research data, you will never know. Customers will seek help from your colleagues in the market, which in an era of high competition should not be allowed.


Customer service quality. How do I get application completion scores?

Collecting customer ratings requires some effort. But the costs of this are more than paid off by satisfied and loyal customers.
There are several ways to get ratings. The simplest is calls from the quality service or dedicated technical support staff after the completion of work on the application. In addition, modern customer support software systems or systems have tools that allow you to automate this function, for example, asking customers for opinions on e-mail or, for example, through . There are also third-party tools - online surveys, sending SMS messages with an offer in the response message to evaluate the service, etc. However, such products are more typical for the B2C market (we mention them here because they sometimes find their application in B2B).

What kind of granularity of assessments is needed within the framework of Customer Service?

For a company, detailing the assessment is certainly important. It best helps to identify "weak" places. But satisfied and neutral customers most likely simply will not respond to detailed surveys. Only a person who is truly dissatisfied with the quality of service is ready to spend 15-20 minutes to convey his opinion to management in all shades. Collecting only negative ratings is better than nothing, but still it does not give an objective picture.
Therefore, the best way is to create such conditions for the client (including with the help of the customer support system), so that he can evaluate the service in 1-2 clicks. So there is a chance to encourage comments even those from whose point of view the level of service is fully consistent with expectations.
Also, you should not confuse the client with the complexity of the assessment itself. There is no need to offer him to choose the most suitable one from 20 service description options in 1 click. Again, this is too labor intensive. Bad practice and a field for free comment - few people are ready to formulate their impression in writing. Sometimes even ratings from 1 to 5 are too many. Ask yourself: is it really so important for the development of the company whether the client chooses 4 or 5? Is this difference in points taken into account somewhere? Perhaps it's easier to leave 2 or 3 values: bad, neutral, good?

Without an “outside” assessment, you can get too carried away with putting things in order not in a real customer support department, but in its fictional model. Therefore, we recommend that you include this module in OkDesk and spend some resources on filling it with reviews from real customers.

Okdesk is a system for improving the quality of customer service and automating the customer service process. Mobile app, telegram bot and many important features

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