Find a good girl in contact. How to meet a girl on VKontakte

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Write to the girl you like in contact much easier than admitting sympathy in the eyes. Of course, this does not apply to confident people, but what about shy guys who, seeing a girl, begin to blush and stutter.

First, watch this video. Second: you can write to a girl who likes a message in a contact, as you will have time to correctly express your thoughts and express your feelings.

What to write to a girl who likes her to answer?

Gone are the days when boys sent letters to girls in paper envelopes. Now we have social networks and email boxes. You no longer need to find out from your friends where the object of your love lives, you go to Odnoklassniki or Vkontakte, fill in your first and last name, and here it is - the page of your beloved. But at first glance, everything is so simple, but in practice it often happens that the girl does not respond to messages in VKontakte, or answers in monosyllables like “How are you?” “Good” ... and further communication does not work. So how to get to know a girl on VKontakte so that she communicates with you with interest, and then goes on a date?

The very first rule that many guys forget when they are tormented by the question “what to write to a girl on VKontakte so that she likes it, what should be the message so that she likes me ...” This is that in addition to the message itself, you should also have a cool page - what to write about yourself in Contact, and how to compose it is described in detail here.

But these 2 things, if you certainly want a girl to like you and get an answer to your letter, are interconnected: your cool page in VK and an interesting first message that will interest the girl.
To begin with, you need to think carefully. Ask yourself questions: “Why do you want to meet this girl?”, “How do you feel about her?”, “Do you want to have a serious relationship with her?” The text of your message will depend on your answers and what you can write to the girl when you meet, and what is better to refrain from (at least in the first messages).

1. Simple clear sentences without subtext.
A message like “I need to know where you are located” will obviously be superfluous. Sometimes guys want to appear smarter than they really are. This is an error because ease of communication this is the key to success. Write in a language everyone understands, avoiding jargon or specific words. But there is another extreme - do not write too politely, and even more so when addressing a girl as you. The simplest advice is to write the way you write to your just good friend (removing obscenities and slang words and expressions)

2. Literacy.
Girls are also illiterate, but as they say, you can’t see for yourself, but for others, even very much. If you have mistakes in every word, it will play against you. Do not use incomprehensible abbreviations "I am a student at the university" and slang words "let's fall for a cool party." Of course, there is a type of girls who communicate like this, but they are no more than 15-18 years old. An adult girl will not appreciate this type of communication.

3. Emoticons.
To begin with, you don’t need to reinforce your words with cool emoticons in the very first sentence, by doing this you will show your super interest (a bunch of roses and flowers) or insecurity (a wink, an embarrassed smile - instead of male words). But even this case needs to be approached with imagination. Then, depending on how your communication in contact goes, yes, of course, you can and even need to use them to create a cheerful and positive mood that will definitely cause a smile and cheer you up.

To make it more clear to you - 1 smiley for a cheerful mood can be used to show that you are not a loaded abstruse type, but a cheerful ordinary simple (but at the same time interesting and cute) guy. But 5-10 emoticons, especially if there are few words in the first message to the girl you like, 100% do not need to be used.

4. Interesting text.
You need to write a text that will interest the girl.
To the letter "Hi. How are you? My name is Sasha, I really like you, let's meet, ”you will not wait for a response from a girl in most cases ...

In general, I advise you to write anything in the girl’s first message, but not this phrase “Hello, how are you?”, Dozens if not hundreds of guys write this phrase to more or less pretty girls on VKontakte, you can believe me, and it will most likely only cause irritation in them , and you will at best get the standard response "Hi, it's okay ..."

Just like in ordinary life: there are 2 types of approach: quick and contextual (when you start a conversation for any reason and look for interesting clues in the profile and photos of a girl on a site in contact or classmates).
The first option (possible, but not recommended): “Hi Rita. I have liked you very much for a long time, but I still do not dare to approach you, because your beauty leaves me speechless. Therefore, I decided to write you this letter, which will allow me to express my feelings for you ... "will make the girl think ... But this can only work with a girl you already know, and you know that she pays attention to you ...

Because each girl needs a little individual approach. Such a letter is suitable for a romantic lady who loves bold men - and you know that she likes you. But for an active woman who never sits still, it is better to offer an exciting pastime. After reading her profile and looking at the photos, you can understand what type the object of your sympathy belongs to.

Also, in no case should you write this message to an unfamiliar girl.

Therefore, it’s better to start dating a girl on the Internet with the second option “Hi, your photos are cool - you are so smiling and positive everywhere, my mood immediately rose. And you ride (walk) on a bike much more often (rollerblading, hiking, going to the movies, with friends), etc.”

Another important point - the first message to a girl on the Internet should not be short - once it should encourage her to also answer you with a more or less long version. Here is a message with the words “Hello, good ...” It is difficult to answer. And usually girls also write phrases of several words, where they like to relax, where they have been. And the more details in the response message of the girl, the easier it is for you to continue further interesting conversation and correspondence with her.

a simple example of what you can write to a girl in the first message

If You Want To Learn More Information About Dating In Contact, Which Is Guaranteed To Help You Quickly Meet Girls On This Social Network...

Everything will be shown there on the examples of my personal profile and the page in Contact ...

How to communicate with a girl on VKontakte further

5. Action
If the girl answered your letter, then you can exchange a few more messages and be sure to make the girl very interested in yourself. Your subsequent messages in VK should be as non-standard and also interesting, like the first message. Only in them you will not only be interested in the life of a girl, but also show what an interesting life and hobbies you have, and after that you must definitely offer to meet.

if there was an interesting communication in the previous days - offer the girl to meet later

Since then a very long even interesting correspondence can come to naught. Catching her interest in some kind of pastime, be sure to invite her to go to the museum together, to the skating rink, to a concert, to drink delicious green tea in a cafe ...

If there is a relaxed and interesting communication, in further messages it is already possible and even necessary to use emoticons, as if showing that you are constantly cheerful and positive.

In order to make the girl even more interested and like her on VKontakte, make a lot of interesting photo albums from different places on your page, write purposeful and positive statuses on the wall, add various videos, change your profile picture, putting the best new photos on it. It will also not be bad if you have comments and likes from other beautiful girls on your page ...

I can offer very modest romantics one more option: write a letter and send it by mail along with a cute postcard - a woman can also appreciate this romantic act ...

But in any case - if you do it in real life, it will make an impression much stronger. Because few people like shy and weak men!

All the Other Secrets of Dating in Contact in this 20-minute video, which I recorded recently ...

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Dating in the virtual world has a special specificity, pluses and minuses. The main advantage of dating on the Internet is that people evaluate the interlocutor by his intellectual, spiritual qualities, instead of appearance.

Common interests, thoughts and the same look in matters are capable of much stronger than the charm of appearance to connect 2 strangers.

The main disadvantage of such an acquaintance- the anonymity of people, provoking cruel experiments.
More often these situations occur on virtual dating sites such as chats, social networks.


  1. An important advantage of dating in social networks is the expansion of the circle of new acquaintances. Growing up it becomes much more difficult to get acquainted, but the Internet helps to get acquainted with several versatile personalities at the same time and spend your personal time with interest.
  2. We do not see or hear the interlocutor; we can draw conclusions from his profile. For example, not competently filling out a personal questionnaire is an indicator that shows how educated a person is.
  3. When texting on social media, many are usually much sincere. They are not afraid to answer questions honestly.
  4. There are many excellent specialists on the Internet with whom you can consult on the topic of forecasting exchange rates, or loans.


  1. Online dating can be deceiving. As a result of the meeting after communication on the Internet, it turns out that they represented one thing, but received a completely different one.
  2. Married men who already have children often communicate on social networks. In the real world, compared to the Internet, it is much more difficult for a married man to find a woman for communication or a lover.
  3. There are times when a person gets acquainted on the Internet just “for fun”. For example, a man pretends to be another person, exposing another photo, inventing a profession, hobby and pedigree for himself.
  4. Another significant drawback is the lack of important information about a person, and there is only general data (weight, height, hobbies). And when there is not even a personal photograph, it generally becomes incomprehensible the purpose of such an acquaintance.
  5. There are many cases when, having met a young man, a girl has a feeling of disappointment, because on the network he was polite and intelligent, but in ordinary life he turned out to be a rare boor and a completely optional person.
  6. Without registering an acquaintance in contact and on any other sites, it is impossible to start in any way.

What to think about before texting a girl

The concept of online dating is simple.

If the girl ignores your first message, you can write the second, after the third. No need to write more than six messages, it's pointless.

If the girl does not respond to your first message, then the essence of the second will be able to evoke emotions in her. A lot of guys make a stupid mistake all the time: they give up after the first message.

Or when a girl doesn't reply to your messages and you start writing about how divine she is.

You should not ask the girl her name several times, imagine that she has already introduced herself and continue on.

Be prepared for the fact that they may not show initiative in communicating on the Internet. You must take matters into your own hands.

Ask her non-intrusive questions, talk on interesting topics. Start talking about your hobbies and dreams.

Be prepared for the fact that girls can ignore, this is normal.

What topic to start talking about

No need to put the interlocutor on a pedestal! One compliment is enough for the entire correspondence.

No need to beg for her phone number, it is better to smoothly bypass all her resistance and she will leave it to you on her own.

You do not need to tell her that you are ready to marry or live with her lovingly until the end of your days.

Messages come to the girls all the time!

It's better to be the most original. Then the question arises, how to get to know a girl in VKontakte in an original way?

Topics for conversation with a girl

Of course, you can talk with your interlocutor about whatever you want, but here are a few recommended topics.

  1. Hobbies
  2. Travel, walks
  3. Holidays
  4. Pets
  5. Cloth
  6. Friends
  7. Relations
  8. Favorite places.

The girl likes, but ignores all messages

Ignoring is the most terrible thing in the communication of young people.

When your interlocutor stops responding in contact, you begin to get very worried.

The first reason for neglect

For example, a guy memorized one original phrase that he says at the beginning of communication, and then becomes himself again.

There are identified mistakes that guys often make when communicating in contact with a girl:

  • Trying to keep the conversation going even when the girl stops talking
  • They give her compliments she doesn't deserve.
  • Leave "unnecessary" comments on her personal photos.
  • Pay close attention to her words.

The second reason is that she will not like you initially.

She read the message from you and managed to draw conclusions for herself that she does not want to communicate with you.

This is not at all surprising, because many guys are completely confident in their thoughts.

They are sure that they know perfectly well what to write to a girl, but during practice they get disappointed.

Reason three - the girl believes that she is the best

She thinks that you are not worthy of her response to the message.

To get acquainted with a beautiful girl, you need to be able to correspond correctly.

No need to blame anyone, accept the situation as it is.

And if you still want to continue to communicate with this girl in contact, then learn to find an approach and competently conduct correspondence.
Do not pretend and do not shout “I want to meet a girl in Contact”, she must understand that she is the only one you have written to.

How to seduce a girl in contact

Try to find out her mobile phone number as soon as possible, for this be more original.

You're late for somewhere and then you'll call back.

In a few hours, you can safely dial her number and chat for seven to eight minutes.

Try to invite her on a date, in case of refusal, look for another interlocutor.

In 90% of cases, the girls call back and agree to a meeting.

How not to meet

You should not show bad manners, aggressiveness and superiority over her.

Show her that she was able to interest you and offer to go on a date in your free time.

A few tips when meeting in VK.

  1. Don't be intrusive.
  2. Don't show aggression.
  3. Behave decently and intelligently.
  4. And most importantly - do not rush things. Everything has its time!

This once iron rule is broken. Today, thousands of people find their happiness online. How to get acquainted in VK, for example, is a whole science in our time. Social networks, of course, are fraught with many nuances, but they still need to be thanked for their existence: they greatly increased the chances of those who find it difficult to find a soul mate to arrange their personal lives.

Two different in style and, perhaps, the most popular networks are VKontakte and Facebook. We will consider them as a dating tool. So, how do dating happen on VKontakte and Facebook.

Despite the noticeable difference in the audience, the approach to finding and building relationships is the same.

1. Prepare your page. Let it not be sterile, but also not capable of causing fear or doubt. Be sure to have a photo, otherwise the credibility of you at the very beginning will be undermined. When designing a page, follow the measure: you should not prescribe everything thoroughly, clogging the "air" with hundreds of photos and all the books that you love. However, little information is also not very good. And most importantly, when forming a page, be honest with yourself, do not sculpt an ideal image, as a result, this may come back to haunt you later.

2. The “first like” rule works with both girls and guys. We chose the one who interested you, read his posts or reposts, looked at the photo - and go ahead, put that very cherished like. It is also important to observe the measure: do not like a photo buried deep on the page of the object of your choice, as such a thorough interest can frighten. Choose a picture not the first one that comes across, but at least the third or fourth - it will be quite normal.

3. Liked? Wait a day. There is no reaction (which may well be - your object should not instantly respond to everything in a row) - leave your comment under one of the posts or pictures. It is better to integrate into the current discussion or discussion under something fresh, the same post, for example. It is quite possible that the correspondence will start in this way.

4. Be kind and yet discreet. No, you do not need to be completely cold, but the distance should be slightly, but felt. Be careful, even if you are eager to fight and are ready to run on a date right now. Communicate, get to know the person - unless, of course, he shows interest in regular communication, if you are also interesting to him. Likes your posts or photos, knocks on friends - this is a small, but success. Social networks, minus a number of subtleties and potential difficulties, are definitely a good opportunity to get to know each other in concentrated communication, in correspondence. Take advantage of this opportunity.

5. There is another option for how to get acquainted on VKontakte, and it applies primarily to this social network. If you didn’t find someone specifically who you like, or you found, but this object of yours is actively “grazing” in some kind of public, enter into active correspondence and discussion there. Not with him, but in general - within the framework of posts. So you, lit up, can arouse interest in yourself and attract someone or interest that very one - your potential hero.

And a couple more nuances. Keep track of how often your object visits the networks, and take this into account. Because if he is rarely there, then you should not expect a quick response to your same first like. But if, by starting to communicate with you, he increases the frequency of being online, you can record this in your asset. Also keep in mind from the very beginning that distances, of course, only increase feelings, but also create serious problems. Therefore, if you live in Moscow, and your person of interest is on the other side of the country, think carefully about what this is fraught with. Of course, you should not immediately refuse to communicate, but this factor must be taken into account. So that later it would not be “excruciatingly painful” from the inability to just leave the house and go on that very long-awaited date ...

Do you want to know how to get to know a girl "VKontakte" without disappointment, how to draw her attention to yourself and your page, what to write about in the first message of an attractive counterpart so that it does not go unanswered? So, you will definitely find time and read this article to the end.

Dating in social networks has become an integral part of our lives today. This is a wonderful and very convenient way to find a friend or even your soul mate. But with all the simplicity of virtual communication, many young people face certain difficulties when trying to establish a dialogue with the girl they like.

Of course, this is not detailed instructions with a stamp in the warranty card, similar to those that are issued when buying household electrical appliances. Much will depend only on you. However, the following basic principles and rules will allow you to easily achieve your goal.

We are looking for a girl, or Where to start the search for "VKontakte"

Let's start from what you already know well about using the "Search" field in social networks. Now we need to figure out how to find a girl "VKontakte" who will please you and in whom you can evoke mutual feelings. Here are a few simple suggestions.

  • First, decide what you need this acquaintance for, what it will become for you: an easy hobby, sincere love or friendship. It is also important to understand what type of girls attracts you the most: romantic natures, thoughtful intellectuals or bright party girls. Indeed, in each specific case, you will need to apply a certain strategy (but we will tell you a little later about how to get to know VKontakte with a girl, depending on her type of character).
  • The next step is search. Set the necessary parameters (age, city), open the pages and start studying information that will tell you who to choose and what to talk about with the VKontakte girl.
  • One of the best and almost win-win options is to search in interest groups. After all, starting a conversation with a person with whom you have common hobbies is always much easier.

Caution, fake, or Who is on the other side of the monitor screen?

5 signs of a fake page:

  • The presence of superficial, often illogical information in the "About Me" section. Missing data in the "Interests" block.
  • Overabundance of advertising on the wall and on the personal page.
  • A small number of friends and photos.
  • Photos that do not match the specified age or personal photos that show similar but different girls.
  • Photo images of an erotic nature with a call to go to another site for further acquaintance.

Working on our page

Often, young people who are wondering how to get to know a girl "VKontakte" pay little attention to their page. And therein lies the big mistake. Your page can say a lot about you, forming the right image. How to properly prepare it?

  • Place an unretouched photo on your avatar with a well-placed light, in which you will be well recognizable. It is better if you have an open smile on your face (this always attracts attention). Do not immediately try to conquer a girl with your naked torso or demonstrate your success with women with the help of pictures taken at a corporate party.
  • Remove videos and photo albums with the fair sex (even if it's your sister or just a work colleague), they are unlikely to help you start a conversation with the VKontakte girl. Ladies, as a rule, react negatively to such selections, subconsciously perceiving other women as successful rivals.
  • Pay attention to the comments on the wall. There should be nothing "criminal" here. Posts with enthusiastic memories of the evening spent with you, containing obscene language or demonstrating your addiction to alcoholic beverages, will be clearly superfluous. Leave congratulations on the holidays, recommendations for books, TV series or travel, business questions.
  • Add descriptions of your favorite books and movies, photos from your travels, tell us about your hobbies.

First post

We have come to the key stage - the first message. Let's figure out what the first "VKontakte" should be? Your first post is the main lead. And she must be successful. To do this, you will have to become original, not like others, attentive and tactful.

Beautiful girls often hear compliments addressed to them. Therefore, the excitement about a cool photo, an amazing outfit or amazing eyes will leave her indifferent. At best, she will simply thank you with a banal “Thank you!”.

You can hear a lot of advice on how to get acquainted with a girl "VKontakte". Various examples are given. One of the best options is to ask an extraordinary question, pushing for a detailed answer, beautifully beating any part of the wardrobe and causing her a pleasant surprise. An excellent clue can be a pet or a photo taken on a trip.

In any case, before writing the first message, carefully study the photos of a beautiful stranger. They will definitely tell you how to start a dialogue with a Vkontakte girl.

Effective Approaches

  • Humor and provocation. The owners of a sense of humor are always attractive to girls, and a message dressed in a playful form, causing a desire to enter into an argument, almost never goes unnoticed.
  • When deciding what to talk about with a Vkontakte girl, use the contextual information provided in photo albums, videos, and a questionnaire. Perhaps you recently visited the same exhibition, read the same book, or share her musical preferences. Although the option to "cheat" has every right to exist. The only thing to consider: your message should not be boring and banal. Show a little imagination - and your efforts will not go unanswered.

Topics for messages. It works!

Briefly summing up all of the above, we can single out several topics that open up wide opportunities for starting a dialogue "In Contact" with a girl. All of them are quite simple and do not require supernatural knowledge from you.

  • Current events (events, concerts, parties, tourist trips).
  • Pets (for example, discussing her adorable "fluffy" or showing a photo of you with a touching kitten or puppy in your arms).
  • Sports (if it is one of her hobbies).
  • Music (for example, club music if there are photos from parties), books, films.

Lyceum or party girl

Before you finally decide what to write when meeting a VKontakte girl, pay close attention to her social status, character type and circle of hobbies.

Lyceum students are students of lyceums, schools, gymnasiums, students of elementary courses of colleges. It is quite easy for an average guy to get acquainted with such girls, since the circle of their interests is predictable and not very extensive. As a rule, we are talking about discos, gatherings with friends in a cafe, going to the cinema, country trips and picnics in the bosom of nature. To achieve success, it is enough to find out what is most interesting for her, start communication and support a given topic.

Party girls are lovers of spending time in nightclubs and discos. Nightlife is the main stimulus for them, a source of positive energy and a unifying interest. Their chosen ones are cheerful guys. Therefore, if you are counting on reciprocity, your first VKontakte message should sparkle with a positive attitude and incendiary humor.

Your chosen one is an intellectual

Does the girl you like study at a higher educational institution, regularly attend art exhibitions, is interested in painting, loves classical music, poetry, theater? Congratulations! You have chosen a real intellectual.

You will have to forget about the strategy that is acceptable when dealing with lyceum girls and party girls. Tact, gallantry, politeness, romance and subtle humor should come to the fore. This approach will bring you good luck if, of course, your arsenal of books read is not limited to school textbooks and Harry Potter, and your interests include not only sports bars.

We continue communication

The first message is written, you received a detailed answer (we were able to interest her - this is the first small victory that must be developed). "VKontakte" further, how to continue acquaintance?

Choose any topic that is interesting for her, show that you can not only listen, but also hear. You will have a great chance to learn more about her, her character and preferences. Try to be yourself, do not embellish yourself, do not try to create an image of the owner of virtues that are not characteristic of you. Be sincere, because the lie will appear already at the first meeting in reality.

Moving on to a closer communication "VKontakte", take the next step - ask for a phone number and make an appointment. At the same time, offer several options for a place for a first date (park, cinema, cozy cafe), giving the girl the right to choose.

  • Away with obsession! Correspondence with an annoying opponent will repel any girl. Your dialogue should not turn into a routine procedure that will not awaken anything but irritation.
  • Be simple. Leave aside slang and slang words, do not write abstruse phrases, trying to appear smarter than you are.
  • Pay attention to literacy. Messages containing rude will only cause a smile.
  • Do not disappear for a long time and do not drag out the virtual acquaintance phase. wait for concrete action.
  • If the girl gives you her phone number, call her immediately. She is waiting for your call. Otherwise, your chance may be missed.


Obviously, there are no standard answers to the question of how to get to know a girl "VKontakte", in which everything will be sorted out and detailed descriptions of actions are given. And there is nothing surprising in this. Individuality has not yet been canceled.

So that dozens and hundreds of tips that you read do not turn out to be useless information, learn to be attentive, notice the little things and nuances that are insignificant at first glance, try to gain more self-confidence. After all, it is up to you to act!

The social network "Vkontakte" is a site that was conceived as a platform for communication between people who know each other. Many continue to use VK for these purposes, but not all. The site is developing, new features appear. And now it is quite easy to get acquainted with a girl in VK. This will be discussed in this article. Consider all questions regarding the search for a lady of the heart on this site.

Where do girls live in VK?

You can give a simple, but too general answer: everywhere. There are a huge number of pages of the fair sex in Vkontakte. Searching the site will help you choose interesting and suitable for dating. It's great that it's pretty customizable. You can filter out questionnaires:

  • by gender;
  • years of birth;
  • city ​​of residence;
  • marital status;
  • interests.

In fact, the search functionality is similar to what is available on all popular dating sites. The only thing to keep in mind is that resources like Mamba and Loveplanet are visited by women who are initially set up to search for a soul mate. Various representatives of the fair sex “sit” in VK, including married ones, who, with rare exceptions, have no desire to get acquainted with guys.

The most effective way to identify pages that are promising in terms of building relationships is to study the information in the profiles found by search.

You should pay attention to:

  • status;
  • marital status;
  • wall;
  • Photo and video.

In the status, it can be written in plain text that the girl is looking for a relationship. However, any competent psychologist, and not only, will say that ladies love riddles. Therefore, the status will need to be decrypted. The information that the girl is single is likely to be disguised as a beautiful quote.

With marital status, everything is simpler: you need to pay attention to the pages that say "single" or "actively searching." You can try to start a conversation with a lady who “everything is difficult”, but you will have to spend a lot of time and, most likely, you will not be able to achieve a result. Such a joint venture is put by girls who, as a rule, are in love with some young man, but things are not going well for them there.

On the wall, you can find records that indirectly indicate that the woman is lonely.

The photo will allow you to establish with whom the girl usually spends time. If a lady is usually in the company of her friends and there are no men in the images, you can safely begin to act.


Interesting girls can be found in girl groups. Communities can be divided into two types:

  • by interests: hobbies, goods, etc.;
  • psychological, with or without the prefix "pseudo": there are many different beautiful quotes and useful tips.

Naturally, you should not waste time on groups of mothers. Most of the participants are already there.

The most promising are communities with citations. You just need to select those posts that talk about loneliness or unsuccessful relationships, and see who likes and reposts.

You can not play spy, but go straight to dating groups, where you can find free girls for dating very quickly and for free, without registration. The main problem is that it is desirable to choose those who live in the same locality as you.

But she decides:

  1. You can join communities that bring together people from the same city. An example of such groups: “Dating Samara”, “Looking for you. Vladivostok, etc. In large cities, communities are created to search for a soul mate, even by districts.
  2. If you have entered the federal community, you can use the search here. We click on the list of participants, then on the search icon and set the necessary parameters, up to the name and surname. Although the latter may be needed only in order to find a specific, already familiar girl in the group.

In dating communities, you can leave information about yourself. Probably some lady will dare and offer friendship first. But don't count on it too much. It is advisable to do everything yourself, to be active.


You can also meet in the framework of numerous online games. In some you need to like photos. In others - to perform simple actions, such as virtual rotation of the bottle. But this is not the most important thing in games. The main thing is communication. For example, many dating apps have a chat where you can start a dialogue with the girl you like. There is an option to go to the user's page.

Disadvantage: many perceive games as something frivolous. Not every lady is set up to get acquainted in them. For most, it's just entertainment, and nothing more.

Preparing to meet

Any responsible business requires activities that will help increase the chances of achieving a good result. In other words, you need to be prepared. Including, and to acquaintance in VK. How else?!

Let's say the page of an interesting girl is found. The desire to get to know her is great. But do not immediately try to drive up, write messages. First you need to make a psychological portrait of a person.

Let's see why this is so:

  1. It is necessary to determine how the lady is ready to meet.
  2. You need to understand whether it is worth making an acquaintance, in principle. Perhaps the girl has such “cockroaches” in her head that living together with her will be unbearable.
  3. You need to understand what she is interested in in order to correctly prepare a cool first phrase.

What to write

There is such a "teaching" as a pickup truck. The direction can be called a science for men to meet and seduce the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. Perhaps something familiar to you. It happens that girls are also involved in a pickup truck, but now it doesn’t matter.

The main thing is that pickup gurus are taught to get acquainted with the help of not banal phrases, such as: “Hello! How are you?”, but competently, using original templates. Mostly guys are looking for girls on the streets, but technology also works on the Internet.

The difference is this:

  • "in the fields" a man can only appreciate the appearance of a girl, and almost nothing can be said about her inner world. Therefore, one of a dozen standard, but proven templates is used. There is no doubt about their originality, because they are only in the arsenal of pick-up artists. Other guys tend to be corny;
  • in "Contact" there is an opportunity to get a lot of information about the "victim". Accordingly, you can build an "individual" phrase that will hit right on target.

However, approaches to the beginning of correspondence are different:

  1. “Semi-banal”, but effective, when the guy not only says hello, but also tells: who he is, where he found the girl and why he wrote to her. For example: "Hello! I am Andrey. Good guy. I found your page in "friends of friends". And I was just amazed by your beauty. Maybe we can talk?" The main thing is to show the girl that you are not just some unfamiliar young man who came from nowhere, but a positive-minded man who saw the lady and was stunned. Naturally, a compliment will never be superfluous.
  2. Joining interests. Let's say the girl is an anime girl. You can watch several cartoons and compare it with some beautiful heroine of the works of this direction. It will be unusual.
  3. humorous approach. Everyone loves good jokes. You can look at the pictures of the girl and comment on them in a funny way. For example, one guy saw an image on a lady’s page where she was lying in a snowdrift, and wrote: “Hi! You are like a gnome in this snow. The girl reacted positively, an acquaintance began. Of course, there is a risk that nothing will work out. Much depends on the woman's sense of humor. It is desirable that the joke was not offensive and vulgar.
  4. Questions. You can ask about what the lady has an "expert" level in. Moreover, the topic should be interesting to the young man. Otherwise, the woman will see and understand that the question is asked for the purpose of getting to know each other. Let's say a girl is interested in skydiving. Ask where you can sign up for classes. And at the same time ask her to take her to this place, show and tell everything. She probably won't be able to refuse. After all, everyone likes to feel like an expert.

By the way, about questions: they should always be asked at the very beginning of communication. If some affirmative phrase is written, the girl may not answer simply because there is nothing to say. At best, you will get a banal: "Thank you!". And already you have to break your head what to write next.

A few more writing tips:

  • you need to build phrases beautifully;
  • should be literate in writing;
  • it’s better to send answers faster so that you don’t think that you are slow-witted;
  • vulgarity, slang, and especially obscenities should be avoided.

If you follow the rules outlined above, everything should work out. But do not despair if the girl read the sent text, but for some reason does not want to communicate. There are a large number of free ladies in VK. It is necessary not to waste time and move on to getting to know another representative of the fair sex.

There will definitely be someone who wants to read your messages, will be happy with them, and will be able to appreciate your funny jokes or serious intentions.

It so happens that he found a girl, and she sunk into the soul. But there is no reciprocity. Don't start bombarding her with messages. The advice in this situation can be given as follows: pause, moderate your ardor. A little later, try to compose another message and send it to the lady. Who knows why she doesn't answer. Perhaps she likes you too, but she is shy to quickly reciprocate. Some ladies are very insidious and arrange checks on young people, trying to find out how persistent they are.

More about the first step

Is it always worth writing? Maybe it's enough to like the photo? We do not recommend limiting yourself to this. You need to write words on virtual paper and send them to the girl. The reason is simple: despite all the features of modern society, many ladies are not ready to write first. Of course, a cool option: like photos - messages rained down. But that usually doesn't happen. And that's probably a good thing. A real man must have the courage to easily get acquainted not only in VK, but also in the real world.

What if the girl wrote first? It is impossible to say that it is worth rejoicing in every case. Maybe it's just a fake. You need to carefully check the page. If everything is in order, you should step by step to communicate to the meeting.

Continuation of acquaintance

Why is a quick transition from VK to the real world important? The fact is that virtual communication, although it brings positive emotions, is not productive. If you do not make direct attempts to move the next meeting somewhere in a cafe, a club, on an embankment with a beautiful view, you can “talk” to each other online for a very long time.

But it won't lead to anything serious. Waste of time. In addition, the Internet distorts the images of people. Most of the time we do it ourselves. We present the figure of the interlocutor in dynamics, invent the timbre of the voice, endow it with some qualities. That's why we need to meet. Moreover, adults who are out of adolescence should not get involved in correspondence.

Note that a real acquaintance can disappoint or, conversely, pleasantly surprise. All for the same reasons as above. It happens that a guy is waiting for a meeting with a certain “Miss World”, but a completely average girl comes, and even her voice is unpleasant, and the figure is not the same as in the photo. Installation is no magic. Both men and women are strongly advised not to present themselves in VK better than they really are, so that later there will be no disappointments.

You can also go for a step-by-step translation of relations into real life:

  1. Correspondence.
  2. Communication by phone or Skype.
  3. Make an appointment somewhere near where the girl lives. This way she will feel safe. It is also desirable to offer a crowded place, to make a date not for the night. All this will be a sign that the man does not have evil intentions and insidious plans.

Of course, there are exceptions to these rules. For example, many start communicating with foreigners who live outside the Russian Federation. The most correct option in such a situation is to continue the correspondence and wait for the “distant” loved one to come to visit. You can periodically call up by phone and using programs with video communication.

But in such situations it is difficult not to doubt that the interlocutor is faithful. Maybe he's married or just a scammer. Such cases are described in various forums a huge number.

Summarizing all of the above, several main conclusions can be drawn. Firstly, a man who wants to find a mate in VK must be able to correctly look for those ladies who suit him. Screening is based on the analysis of information posted on personal pages.

Secondly, you should always write first. It is to write, and not to put likes and send emoticons. Moreover, the phrases should be as interesting and original as possible. Not like everyone else. This is necessary to stand out from the crowd of guys who write: “Hi! How are you?". Fortunately, online communication gives you time to think carefully about the text that you plan to send.

Thirdly, you should not delay the transition from VK to the real world. Relationships in real life are much more interesting than online. You need to use the Internet as a tool, and not live in it. Finally, you need to make it clear to the girl that you are not a maniac or a fraudster, be as open and positive as possible.

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