Generator of electricity from water. Free electricity with your own hands - types, instructions and diagrams

Engineering systems 04.03.2020
Engineering systems

In order to get electricity, you need to find the potential difference and the conductor. By connecting everything into a single stream, you can provide yourself with a constant source of electricity.

However, in reality, taming the potential difference is not so easy.

Nature conducts electricity of enormous power through a liquid medium. These are lightning strikes that are known to occur in air saturated with moisture. However, these are just single discharges, not a constant flow of electricity.

Man took upon himself the function of natural power and organized the movement of electricity through wires. However, this is just a transfer of one type of energy to another. The extraction of electricity directly from the environment remains mainly at the level of scientific research, experiments from the category of entertaining physics and the creation of small installations of low power.

The easiest way to extract electricity is from solid and humid environments.

What can you try to do

Let's take a look at two of the simplest ways to get energy from the earth.

Galvanic couple principle

Our task is to find the difference in potential, and this is the easiest way to do it in the ground, since it consists of gases, water and minerals. Soil is a set of solid particles, between which there are air bubbles and water molecules.

The elementary unit of soil is a micelle. This is a clay-humus complex with a potential difference. These particles accumulate charges according to the same principle as the entire planet, therefore, electrochemical reactions constantly occur in the soil. And our task is to connect to this "network".

You can use two electrodes made of different metals (copper and galvanized iron), that is, the principle will be used, as in a conventional salt battery. In addition to the galvanic pair, we need an electrolyte (salt solution).

  • We immerse the electrodes in the ground about half a meter, at a distance of 25 centimeters from each other.
  • We install a piece of pipe of the required diameter around it in order to protect the rest of the soil from electrolyte, since the salt level does not allow any plants to grow in the place of watering.
  • We prepare a saturated aqueous solution of salt and spill the earth between the electrodes with it.
  • We connect the voltmeter to the terminals after 15 minutes and see that the device shows a voltage of 3V.

In total, a low-power LED lamp can be connected to the resulting power source. Voltmeter readings will vary depending on soil density, moisture content and other indicators, so the results will be excellent in different areas.

Grounding method

If your private house is equipped with a normal ground loop, then be aware that part of the current you consume goes through it into the ground, especially if many electrical appliances are turned on at once.

As a result of this process, a potential difference arises between the neutral wire of your network and the grounding wire, ranging from 15 to 20 volts. By connecting a low-voltage light bulb to them, you will make it glow.

Interesting to know! This current will not be recorded by an electric meter, since in fact it has already passed through it.

The circuit can be improved by installing a transformer and equalizing the voltage. And by including a battery in the circuit, you can store energy, which will allow you to use the circuit when the other devices in the house are "silent".

The option is working, but it is only suitable for private households, since there is no normal grounding in apartments, and the use of water pipes for this is legally prohibited. Moreover, it is impossible to use the ground and the phase for connection, since the grounding will be energized at 220V - the price of such an experience, perhaps someone's life.

Free electricity from the surge protector

Many seekers of free electricity have probably found on the Internet versions that an extension cord can become a source of endless free energy, forming a closed circuit. To do this, take a surge protector with a wire length of at least three meters. From the cable, fold a coil with a diameter of not more than 30 cm, connect it to the outlet of the electricity consumer, isolate all free holes, leaving only one more outlet for the plug of the extension cord itself.

Next, the surge protector must be given an initial charge. The easiest way to do this is to connect the extension cord to a functioning network, and then close it in itself in a split second. Free electricity from an extension cord is fine to power lighting fixtures, but the free energy on such a network is too low for anything more. And the method itself is quite controversial.

Electricity from neutral wire

As a rule, a three-phase network with a dead-grounded neutral is used to power residential buildings. Individual consumers are supplied with phase voltage from one phase and a neutral wire. If the house has a reliable low-resistance ground loop, then during periods of intensive consumption of electrical energy, a potential difference forms between the neutral wire of the supply network and the grounding conductor. This difference can reach 12-15 V. The problem lies in the instability of the voltage between zero and ground, which directly depends on the amount of power consumed by the house. The maximum voltage is only reached at peak current consumption.

The methods for generating electricity described above are quite efficient. With the use of pulse electronic converters, it is possible to obtain a voltage of any magnitude. However, for real use in everyday life, the described methods are not suitable due to the very low power of such current sources. An exception is the circuit with metal electrodes, but to achieve acceptable power, you will need to occupy a large area with metal pins and periodically water it with a salt solution. Getting enough electricity from the earth to use it is not as easy as it sounds. Despite the fact that magnetic and electric fields envelop the planet, there is currently no technical possibility to use this potential. It is impossible to consider such methods as a source of energy supply to the house. With your own hands, you can only build a power source for a pair of LEDs, a clock or a radio receiver with a very low power consumption level.

Read also:

  • Vortex electric field

What else

Among the usual, you can find rather unusual ways of generating electricity. Recently, scientists from all over the world have been intensively working on the development of alternative energy. The world is looking for opportunities for its wider use.

Below is a small overview of the best ways and ideas:

Thermal generator - converts thermal energy into electrical energy. Built into heating and cooking ovens.

Piezoelectric Generator - Powered by kinetic energy. Introduced into dance floors, turnstiles, exercise machines.

Nanogenerator - the energy of vibrations of the human body is applied during movement. The process is instantaneous. Scientists are working on combining the work of a nanogenerator and a solar battery.

Kapanadze's fuel-free generator - works on permanent magnets in the rotor and bifilar coils in the stator. Power 1-10 kW. One of the inventions of N. Tesla was taken as a basis, but many do not believe in this principle. According to one of the versions, the real technology of the device is kept in secret.

Experimental installations that operate on ether - an electro-magnetic field. While searches are still going on, hypotheses are being tested, experiments are being carried out.

Scientists have calculated that natural resources used in modern energy may last for another 60 years. The best minds are engaged in developments in this area. In Denmark, the population uses wind power, which accounts for 25%.

In Russia, projects are planned for the use of renewable sources in the energy system by 10%, and in Australia by 8%. In Switzerland, the majority voted for a complete transition to alternative energy. The world votes for!

Myths and reality

On the Internet, there are a large number of videos where people light up 150 W lamps from the ground, start electric motors, and so on. There are even more different text materials detailing about earthen batteries. It is not recommended to take such information too seriously, because you can write anything you want, and before shooting a video, make the appropriate preparation.

After viewing or reading these materials, you can really believe in different fables. For example, that the electric or magnetic field of the Earth contains an ocean of free electricity, which is quite easy to obtain. The truth is that the supply of energy is really huge, but it is not at all easy to extract it. Otherwise, no one would have used internal combustion engines, heated by natural gas, and so on.

For reference. The magnetic field of our planet really exists and protects all living things from the destructive effects of various particles coming from the Sun. The lines of force of this field run parallel to the surface from west to east.

If, in accordance with the theory, a virtual experiment is carried out, then you can see how difficult it is to get electricity from the earth's magnetic field. Let's take 2 metal electrodes, for the purity of the experiment - in the form of square sheets with sides of 1 m.One sheet will be installed on the surface of the earth perpendicular to the lines of force, and the second will be raised to a height of 500 m and we will orient it in space in the same way.

Theoretically, there will be a potential difference of about 80 volts between the electrodes. The same effect will be observed if the second sheet is placed underground, at the bottom of the deepest shaft. Now imagine such a power plant - a kilometer high, with a huge electrode surface area. In addition, the station must withstand lightning strikes, which will definitely hit it. Perhaps this is the reality of the distant future.

Nevertheless, getting electricity from the ground is quite possible, albeit in scanty amounts. It can be enough to light up an LED flashlight, turn on a calculator or charge a cell phone a little. Let's consider the ways to do this.

An eternal lamp and electricity from nothing

I am sure that few people know that an electric current can be obtained from ... “emptiness”. There is nothing to be surprised at - this was not known to anyone in the world until 1993, when electricity was extracted in the domestic laboratory “Nanomir” for the first time in this way. This was done using a special device called a resonator.

Experts have found that many cult objects of symmetrical shape have resonant properties, for example, crosses, stars, crowns, tridents, kusudams ... .. You already know the latter from origami lessons.

The resulting current was very weak; it was recorded by instruments at the sensitivity limit. For another two years it was not possible to create a powerful source of energy, since continuous electrical oscillations can occur only in a resonator whose degree of symmetry exceeds 100,000. How can a lily or a trident be made with such incredible accuracy? After all, the error with a petal size of 0.5 m should not exceed a few microns! But if it is impossible to make exactly such a complex resonator, then perhaps there will be information about rectilinear transducers? The kusudams turned out to be just such a device. They consist of flat elements and have the shape that modern means can be made with the required precision. Want to try? You will become the owner of an eternal lamp that does not need to be plugged into an outlet and you do not have to replace it - it does not burn out.

True, ordering a kusudama will have to go to a factory where there are precision machines, and make it from a material that deforms slightly when heated.
In order for the cous u to begin to transform energy, its surface must be polished and coated with a conductive material spraying. The best conductor is silver, but pure silver will quickly become coated with oxide, and the “eternal” light will soon go out. To prevent this from happening, a protective layer of another metal 100 times thinner must be sprayed on top of the silver skin layer. One gram of gold is enough to protect several "eternal" 300 watt bulbs.

The lady herself will not shine. It only converts the internal energy of the ether into electromagnetic oscillations, which, oddly enough, are not emitted in the form of electromagnetic waves. At arm's length it is no longer possible to register them without a highly sensitive instrument. Kusudama is a non-emitting antenna. She is a resonator.

How do you turn invisible vibrations of electric and magnetic fields into visible light? Here knowledge about atoms, molecules and crystals will help us. It turns out that it is enough to place a piece of quartz in the zone of electromagnetic oscillations, and it will shine with a bluish light. This phenomenon can be observed if the mineral is placed in a microwave oven with a transparent door.
The question may arise: why, then, the precious stones inserted into the golden crown do not glow? After all, she is also a resonator. For those who have not guessed, let me remind you: the degree of symmetry of the resonator should be more than 100,000. And in the case of crowns, of course, it is much lower.
Levsha magazine No. 12-95.

How to make free electricity at home

Free electricity in the apartment must be powerful and constant, so a powerful installation will be required to fully ensure consumption. The first step is to determine the most suitable method. So, for sunny regions, installation is recommended. If solar energy is not enough then wind or geothermal power plants should be used. The latter method is especially suitable for regions located in relative proximity to volcanic zones.

Having decided on the method of generating energy, you should also take care of the safety and security of electrical appliances. To do this, the home power plant must be connected to the grid via an inverter and a voltage regulator to ensure the supply of current without sudden surges. It should also be borne in mind that alternative sources are quite capricious to weather conditions. In the absence of appropriate climatic conditions, power generation will stop or will be insufficient. Therefore, you should also acquire powerful batteries for accumulation in case of a lack of production.

Complete alternative power plant installations are widely available on the market. True, their cost is quite high, but on average they all pay off from 2 to 5 years. You can save money by purchasing not a ready-made installation, but its components, and then independently design and connect the power plant.

A little about what free electricity is

At the moment, the cost of utilities is quite high. Therefore, many people think about the sources of the necessary resources, which are cheaper than centralized gas and electricity.

To provide the house with heat at a minimum cost of funds, a solid fuel pyrolysis boiler was invented. In this unit, gas is formed by burning solid fuel. This device is enough to heat the whole house.

Moreover, many solid fuel stoves have hobs and ovens. Using such a device, you can completely abandon your home.

With electricity, everything is much more complicated. At the moment, there are so many electrical appliances in modern homes that it is really difficult to provide enough energy in alternative ways for all of them. However, you can, using unusual ways of getting free electricity, make the maintenance of some part of electrical appliances as cheap as possible. Let's see what these methods are.

  • The most common is electricity derived from the energy of the sun;
  • Also uses the free energy obtained from the air and atmosphere;
  • Getting static electricity from the ground is very interesting;
  • Electricity can also be generated from ether;
  • Free electricity from nothing seems to be on the verge of fantasy;
  • As it turned out, electricity can also be produced from a magnetic field;
  • It is possible to extract electricity from wood, water and other improvised means.

Some of these methods are capable of providing only a small light bulb with electricity. Others will be enough to make at least half of the electrical appliances in the house work.

It is impossible to create a home electricity generator “for free”. After all, you need to spend some money on material for such devices. Therefore, when we say: "Generation of electricity for a ball," we mean cheap electricity, unless, of course, we are talking about Anticlove.

You can get free electricity using simple technical devices.

Today we will tell you about several of the most promising alternative methods of generating electricity. We will also talk about the possibility of obtaining electricity from nothing.

Known Methods for Producing Electricity

In the first case, getting electricity from the ground carried out using two rods made of dissimilar metals. This method has nothing to do with the electric or magnetic field of the Earth. The rods are used as a galvanic pair placed in a saline solution. If the experiment is carried out in its pure form, then at the ends of the metal rods immersed in the electrolyte solution, a potential difference is formed, that is, an electric current.

The amount of current obtained will be different depending on factors such as the size of the electrodes, the characteristics of the electrolyte, the depth of the filling, etc.

In the same way, you can get electricity from the ground. For this purpose, rods of copper and aluminum are taken, which will be used as a galvanic pair. They need to be buried in the ground by about 50 cm, placing them at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other. A large amount of saline solution is poured onto the soil area located between the rods, and after 5-10 minutes control measurements can be carried out using an electronic voltmeter.

The voltmeter shows different values, the maximum result was 3 volts. An electrolyte solution is prepared from distilled water and sodium chloride.

Second option extraction current is also not related to the earth's magnetic field. The bottom line is to extract electricity flowing down the ground wire during maximum power consumption. The conductor "zero" also participates in this process.

Everyone knows that the supply of voltage to consumers is carried out through the phase and neutral wires. In the presence of a third wire connected to the ground loop, a voltage often arises between it and the neutral conductor, sometimes reaching 15 volts. This condition can be determined with a 12 volt incandescent lamp connected to both conductors. It is impossible to fix it in another way, since metering devices do not react to this in any way and the current going from the "ground" to zero is not determined.

This method is unsuitable for an apartment, since, as a rule, there is no grounding in them that can fulfill its function. Experiments like this work well in private houses with a classic ground loop. The connection diagram is carried out from the neutral conductor to the load and then to the ground wire. In the process of extracting electricity from the ground with their own hands, some home electricians use transformers to smooth out current fluctuations and then connect the most optimal load.

Electricity from ground and neutral wire

This phenomenon also arises not from the Earth's magnetic field, but due to the fact that part of the current "flows" through the ground during the hours of the greatest electricity consumption. Most users know that the voltage for the house is supplied through 2 conductors: phase and zero.

If there is a third conductor connected to a good grounding circuit, then a voltage of up to 15 V can "walk" between it and the zero contact. This fact can be fixed by turning on a load in the form of a 12 V light bulb between the contacts. And what is typical, passing from the ground to "Zero" current is absolutely not recorded by metering devices.

It is difficult to use such free voltage in an apartment, since you cannot find reliable grounding there, pipelines cannot be considered as such. But in a private house, where a priori there should be a ground loop, electricity can be obtained.

A simple scheme is used for connection: neutral wire - load - ground. Some craftsmen have even adapted to smooth out current fluctuations with a transformer and connect a suitable load.

Attention! Do not follow the lead of "good" advisers who suggest using a phase conductor instead of a neutral conductor! The fact is that with such a connection, the phase and ground will give you 220 V, but touching the ground bus is deadly. This is especially true of "craftsmen" doing similar things in apartments, connecting the load to the phase and the battery.

They pose a shock hazard to all neighbors.

Alternative Brand

The device is also known as the TPU Air Electricity Generator, developed by Stephen Mark. It allows you to receive different amounts of electricity to power different purposes, and this is done without the need for recharging from the external environment. But due to some peculiarities, it still does not work. Such a problem does not hurt, nevertheless, to tell you about it.

The principle of operation is simple: a resonance of magnetic vortices and currents is created in the ring, which contributes to the appearance of current shocks in the metal taps. To assemble such a toroidal generator that allows you to get electricity from air with your own hands, you need:

  1. The base, which can be a piece of plywood, similar to a ring, polyurethane or a piece of rubber; 2 collector coils (external and internal) and a control coil. As a base, a ring with an outer diameter of 230 millimeters and an inner diameter of 180 is best suited.
  2. Wind the coil inside the manifold. The winding should be three-turn and made with stranded wire made of copper. Theoretically, to power a light bulb, you should have enough one turn as in the photographs. If it didn't work out, do more.
  3. 4 pieces of control coils are required. Place each one at right angles to avoid interfering with the magnetic field. The winding should be flat, and the gap between the turns should not exceed 15 millimeters. Less is also undesirable.
  4. Use solid wire to wind the control coils. It is necessary to make at least 21 turns.
  5. For the last coil, use insulated copper wire that should be wound over the entire area. The main construction is complete.

Connect the leads by placing a ten microfarad capacitor between ground and return ground. Use multivibrators and transistors to power the circuit. They will have to be selected empirically due to the fact that different characteristics are needed for different designs.

Myths and reality

Attempts of ordinary citizens to "get" electricity on their own, bypassing state tariffs, were overgrown with many rumors and conjectures:

  • The main myth associated with the independent production of energy from the earth sounds like this: this electricity is eternal.

Rebuttal: In order to, in principle, extract electricity from the ground, many conditions must be met, including the special qualities of the soil, a metal pin or rod dug into the ground at a sufficient distance, and non-oxidizable wires.

None of these conditions can be fulfilled perfectly, so the electricity produced in this way is not at all eternal.

  • Myth two: the energy of the earth is free.

Rebuttal: partly this is so: a person can do whatever he wants with his personal land plot. But in order to get at least some electrical charge, you need a lot of land.

  • The third myth: the electricity that can be obtained from the earth has enormous power.

Rebuttal: the power output of the electricity from the earth is enough to very slowly charge a simple mobile phone or light a small light bulb. Boiling an electric kettle, charging a laptop or turning on the refrigerator will take so much land, metal pins and wires that one family will need limitless allotments and finances.

Alternative and questionable methods

Many people know the story of an unpretentious summer resident who allegedly managed to get free electricity from the pyramids. This man claims that the pyramids he built from foil and the accumulator as a storage help illuminate the entire infield. Although it looks unlikely.

It's another matter when research is carried out by scientists... There is already something to think about here. So, experiments are being carried out to obtain electricity from the waste products of plants that enter the soil. It is quite possible to carry out similar experiments at home. Moreover, the resulting current is not life-threatening.

In some foreign countries, where there are volcanoes, their energy is successfully used for the production of electricity. Whole factories work thanks to special installations. After all, the energy received is measured in megawatts. But it is especially interesting that ordinary citizens can also get electricity with their own hands in a similar way. For example, some use the energy of the heat of a volcano, which is not difficult to transform into electrical energy.

Many scientists are struggling to find alternative methods of energy extraction. Starting from the use of the processes of photosynthesis and ending with the energies of the Earth and solar winds. Indeed, in an age when electricity is especially in demand, this is very useful. And with interest and some knowledge, everyone can contribute to the study of obtaining free energy.

Stephen Mark's Generator

There is another interesting and working scheme - a TPU generator that allows you to extract electricity from the atmosphere. It was invented by the famous researcher Stephen Mark.

With this device, you can accumulate a certain electrical potential for servicing household appliances, without using additional make-up. The technology was patented, causing hundreds of enthusiasts to try to replicate the experience at home. However, due to specific features, it was not possible to launch it into the masses.

The operation of Stephen Mark's generator is carried out according to a simple principle: a resonance of currents and magnetic vortices occurs in the ring of the device, which cause the appearance of current shocks. To create a toroidal generator, you need to adhere to the following instructions:

  1. The first step is to prepare the base of the device. As it you can use a piece of plywood in the shape of a ring, a piece of rubber or polyurethane. You also need to find two collector coils and control coils. Depending on the drawing, the dimensions of the structure may differ, but the following indicators are the best option: the outer diameter of the ring is 230 mm, the inner diameter is 180 mm. The width is 25 mm, the thickness is 5 mm.
  2. It is necessary to wind the inner collector coil using stranded copper wire. For better interaction, a three-turn winding is used, although experts are sure that even one turn will be able to power a light bulb.
  3. You should also prepare 4 control coils. When placing these elements, you must observe a right angle, otherwise interference with the magnetic field may occur. The winding of these coils is flat, and the gap between the turns is no more than 15 mm.
  4. When winding the control coils, it is customary to use single-core wires.
  5. To complete the installation of the last coil, insulated copper wire should be used, which is wound over the entire area of ​​the base of the structure.

After completing the above steps, it remains to connect the leads, setting the capacitor to 10 microfarads before this. The circuit is powered by high-speed transistors and multivibrators, which are selected taking into account the size, type of wires and other design features.

Free energy from atmospheric electricity

There are now only two ways in which electricity can be extracted from the air - with the help of wind turbines and with the help of fields that permeate the atmosphere. And if many people have already seen windmills and have an approximate idea of ​​how they work, and where the energy comes from, then the second type of devices raises many questions.

Interesting discoveries and machines belong to two inventors - John Searl and Sergei Godin. And most of the experiments that amateurs conduct at home are based on one of two schemes. How did these two people manage to get energy out of thin air?

John Searle claims that he managed to create a perpetual motion machine. At the center of his design, he placed a powerful multi-pole magnet, and magnetized rollers around it. Under the influence of electromagnetic forces, the rollers roll, trying to find a stable position, but the central magnet is designed in such a way that the rollers never reach this position. Of course, sooner or later, such a structure must still stop, unless a way is found to feed it with energy from the outside. During one of the tests, Searl's car ran non-stop for two months. The scientist claimed that he was able to patent a way to power his device directly from the energy of the universe, which, he believed, is contained in every cubic centimeter of space. It's hard to believe, but John Searl patented the first version of his engine back in 1946.

Once assembled, this device would self-rotate and generate electrical power. Searl was instantly bombarded with orders from those wishing to purchase such a machine capable of drawing energy from the air, but the scientist did not manage to get rich on his invention. The equipment from the laboratory was taken to an unknown destination, and he himself was imprisoned on charges of stealing electricity. An independent British court simply could not believe that John Searle himself produced all the electricity to light his home.

Another apparatus, similar in appearance to a flying saucer, was discovered in a suburban village near Moscow, and this is the world's first electricity generator that does not require fuel. Its inventor Sergei Godin is sure that such a unit will be enough to provide electricity to all his neighbors in the country. Such a device, if installed in the basement of a house, would completely provide a large modern residential building with electricity. The physicist is sure that there is a substance on earth that is still unknown to modern scientists. Sergey Godin calls this phenomenon ether.

Where to get free electricity

You can get electricity from everything. The only condition is that you need a conductor and a potential difference. Scientists and practitioners are constantly looking for new alternative sources of electricity and energy that will be free. It should be clarified that free means the absence of payment for centralized power supply, but the equipment itself and its installation are still worth the money. True, such investments are more than repaid later.

At the moment, free electricity is produced from three alternative sources:

Method of obtaining electricityFeatures of power generation
Solar energyRequires the installation of solar panels or a glass tube collector. In the first case, electricity will be generated due to the constant movement of electrons under the influence of sunlight inside the battery, in the second, electricity will be converted from heat from heating.
Wind energyWith the wind, the blades of the wind turbine will begin to actively rotate, generating electricity, which can be immediately supplied to the battery or network.
Geothermal energyThe method consists in obtaining heat from the depths of the soil and its subsequent processing into electricity. To do this, a well is drilled and a probe with a coolant is installed, which will take part of the constant heat that exists in the depths of the earth.

Such methods are used both by ordinary consumers and on a large scale. For example, huge geothermal plants are installed in Iceland and generate hundreds of MW.

First, a conductor is installed on the surface of the earth, which is grounded. Then you need to think about a device that helps electrons leave the conductor, that is, the emitter. To do this, you can use a high voltage generator or a device called a Tesla coil. It is from his work that the final current strength will depend.

The upper point is at a certain level of the potential of the earth's electric field, which will begin to move electrons up to it - to where the emitter is located. It will release electrons from the metal of the conductor, and they, already as ions, will go into the atmosphere. The movement continues until the potential there is aligned with the electric field of the Earth, that is, until neutralization is achieved.

So the natural electrical circuit is closed, and the energy consumer is included in it.

Please note that the electric field is above the grounded conductors. All buildings, trees, power lines and so on act in their role. Therefore, in order for the installation to work in an urban environment, it must be raised above the nearby roofs, spiers and earthing switches.

You can think of electricity from the earth this way. The diagram is in front of you.

What is needed to create a simple power station

How to get electricity out of thin air? The minimum required to draw electricity from the air is ground and a metal antenna. An electrical potential is established between these conductors with different polarities, which accumulates over a long time. Given the variability of the magnitude, it is almost impossible to calculate its strength. Such a station works like lightning: a current discharge occurs after a certain time, when the maximum potential is reached. Quite a lot of electricity can be generated in this way to keep the electrical installation running.


In 1901, the famous, brilliant scientist Nikolai Tesla designed the huge Wardencliff Tower in New York. JP Morgan took over the financial part of the project. Tesla wanted to implement free radio communications and supply mankind with free electricity. Morgan was just expecting wireless international communication.

The idea of ​​free electricity has horrified industrial and financial Aces. There were no people who wanted revolutions in the world economy, everyone was holding on to super profits. Therefore, the project was canceled.

So what did Tesla build? How was he going to make free electricity? In the 21st century, the idea of ​​alternative energy using other sources is gaining more and more support. Renewable resources of the Earth and other planets are a kind of opponent for oil, coal and gas.

Where can you get free electricity? Sunlight, wind energy, earth energy, the use of ebb and flow, the muscular energy of the human body can change the future of the planet. Pipelines and reactor sarcophagi will become a thing of the past. Many states will be able to free their economies from the need to purchase expensive sources of electricity.

Much attention is paid to the search for alternative energy sources that are easily renewable. In recent decades, mankind has been worried about the problems of cleanliness of the environment, economy of resources.

When creating a device for the extraction of electricity from the air, it is necessary to remember about a certain danger, which is associated with the risk of the appearance of the principle of lightning.

To avoid unforeseen consequences, it is important to observe the correct connection, polarity and other important points.

The work on the manufacture of a device for obtaining affordable electricity does not require large financial costs or efforts. It is enough to choose a simple scheme and follow the step-by-step guide exactly.

Of course, it is problematic to create a heavy-duty device with your own hands, since it requires more complex circuits and can cost a tidy sum. But as for the manufacture of simple mechanisms, then such a task can be realized at home.

Zero wire method

The voltage is supplied to a residential building using two conductors: one of them is phase, the other is zero. If the house is equipped with a high-quality grounding loop, during the period of intensive electricity consumption, part of the current goes through the grounding into the ground. By connecting a 12 V light bulb to the neutral wire and ground, you will make it glow, since the voltage between the zero and ground contacts can reach 15 V. And this current is not recorded by the electric meter.

Extraction of electricity using a neutral wire

The circuit, assembled according to the principle of zero - energy consumer - earth, is quite working. If desired, a transformer can be used to compensate for voltage fluctuations. The disadvantage is the instability of the appearance of electricity between zero and ground - this requires the house to consume a lot of electricity.

Note! This method of obtaining free electricity is suitable only in a private household. Apartments do not have reliable grounding, and pipelines of heating or water supply systems cannot be used as such

Moreover, it is forbidden to connect the ground loop to the phase to obtain electricity, since the grounding bus is energized at 220 V, which is deadly.

Despite the fact that such a system uses the earth for work, it cannot be attributed to the source of earth's electricity. How to get energy using the electromagnetic potential of the planet remains open.

Method with two electrodes

The easiest way to get electricity at home is to use the principle by which classic salt batteries are arranged, where galvanic steam and electrolyte are used. When rods made of different metals are immersed in a salt solution, a potential difference is formed at their ends.

The power of such a galvanic cell depends on a number of factors. including:

  • section and length of electrodes;
  • the depth of immersion of the electrodes in the electrolyte;
  • the concentration of salts in the electrolyte and its temperature, etc.

To get electricity, you need to take two electrodes for a galvanic pair - one made of copper, the other made of galvanized iron. The electrodes are immersed in the ground to a depth of half a meter, placing them at a distance of about 25 cm, relative to each other. The soil between the electrodes should be well spilled with a salt solution. By measuring the voltage at the ends of the electrodes with a voltmeter after 10-15 minutes, you can find that the system gives a free current of about 3 V.

Extraction of electricity using 2 rods

If you carry out a series of experiments in different areas, it turns out that the voltmeter readings vary depending on the characteristics of the soil and its moisture content, the size and depth of the installation of the electrodes. To increase efficiency, it is recommended to limit the contour where the saline will be filled with a piece of pipe of a suitable diameter.

Attention! A saturated electrolyte is required, and this salt concentration makes the soil unsuitable for plant growth.

Reply to the reader

Thank you, Alexander, for a very interesting question. This topic, believe me, worries not only you, but also a large number of inhabitants of our planet, including the author of this material, and there are several reasons for this.

  • Firstly This is a constant rise in energy prices, which pushes inflation upward on other goods very strongly, which is why we are forced to rotate like squirrels in a wheel, constantly increasing production, plus modern banking systems, but let's not talk about that.
  • Secondly, many are haunted by the secret biography of the famous Serbian inventor Nikola Tesla, who, according to rumors, was able to build a full-fledged power plant, which was able to provide the city with electrical energy taken from the ether, but the technology was blocked by the industrialists who reigned in America at that time.
  • Thirdly, there are working schemes that we will discuss today, and, as you know, everything that works can be improved.

On the Internet, you can find a huge number of videos in which home craftsmen demonstrate their installations, which use the magnetic and electric fields of the Earth as a source of energy. Someone even manages to sell such units, but we did not have to see such devices in operation, which, however, does not deny their real existence.

It is rumored that a certain Swiss company, whose name the author has successfully forgotten, is officially selling compact devices for fabulous money, with the condition of being serviced only by its specialists, compact installations capable of providing electricity to a full-fledged house with all the devices in it.

However, it should be understood that most of such photos and video materials are fakes in order to gain profit or fame, and excuses, they say, we cannot lay out the schemes of devices, since the special services will immediately "press" the inventors, can only be considered excuses. If you want, you can launch anything on the Internet, and it will be completely unrealistic to clean it out, although we do not want to completely deny the conspiracy theory. You never know ...

But all this is lyrics, let's talk about what we can build with our own hands, and whether such energy can be useful in everyday life.

What is true and what is myth

Trying to light a light bulb

So, can you get electricity using the Earth's electric magnetic field?

In theory, yes! The earth is, in fact, one huge capacitor that has a spherical shape.

  • On the inner surface of the planet, a negative charge accumulates, while on the outer surface, a positive one.
  • The insulator between them is the atmosphere through which the current constantly flows, and the potential difference is preserved at the same time;
  • Lost charges are recovered due to the magnetic field, which is, in fact, a generator.

How do you extract electricity from this simple circuit? The device should consist of the following elements:

  • Tesla coil (emitter)- a high-voltage generator that allows electrons to leave the conductor;
  • Conductor;
  • A grounding loop connected to a conductor.

Further instructions are simple in theory! Ideally, we just need to connect to the generator pole and take care of high-quality grounding, but ...

  • The highest point of the installation, where the emitter is located, should be located at such a height that the potential of the Earth's electric field, or rather its difference, lifts the electrons up the conductor.
  • The emitter, in the form of ions, will release them into the atmosphere and this will continue until the potential level is equal.
  • Current consumers can be connected to such a circuit, and their number will depend on the power of the Tesla coil.
  • Yes, we almost forgot! It is necessary to take into account the height of all grounded conductors in the area (trees, metal poles, high-rise buildings, etc.) and make the installation higher than all of them, which makes the undertaking almost unrealistic to execute.

Reality or myth

When it comes to getting energy out of thin air, most people think that this is outright nonsense. However, it is quite possible to extract energy resources from literally nothing. Moreover, in recent years, informative articles, drawings and diagrams of installations have been appearing on thematic forums that make it possible to implement such an idea.

The principle of operation of the system is explained by the fact that the air contains some scanty percentage of statistical electricity, only it needs to be learned to accumulate. The first experiments on the creation of such an installation were carried out in the distant past. As a striking example, we can take the famous scientist Nikola Tesla, who has repeatedly thought about the availability of electricity from nothing.

The talented inventor devoted a lot of time to this topic, but due to the lack of an opportunity to preserve all the experiments and research on video, most of the valuable discoveries remained secret. Nevertheless, leading experts are trying to recreate its developments, following the found old records and testimonies of contemporaries. As a result of numerous experiments, scientists have built a machine that opens up the possibility of extracting electricity from the atmosphere, that is, from practically nothing.

Tesla proved that there is a certain electrical potential between the base and the raised metal plate, which is static electricity. He also managed to determine that this resource can be accumulated.

Then the scientist designed a complex device capable of storing a small amount of electrical energy using only the potential that is in the air. By the way, the researcher determined that a small amount of electricity contained in the air appears when the atmosphere interacts with the sun's rays.

Considering modern inventions, one should pay attention to Stephen Mark's device. This talented inventor has released a toroidal generator that holds much more electricity and surpasses the simplest designs of yesteryear.

The resulting electricity is quite enough for the functioning of weak lighting devices, as well as some household devices. The generator operates without additional make-up for a long period of time.

DIY electricity from the ground

Nevertheless, many people do not give up their attempts to extract electricity from the earth in order to facilitate or change their lives, and they should not be stopped, because the most important discoveries in the history of mankind were made by persistent people in love with their ideas.

Alternating current, thanks to which all electrical appliances are powered in apartments, enters the dwellings through two conductors: zero and phase. Due to grounding, a large amount of energy goes into the soil. Of course, no one wants to pay for something that cannot be fully utilized. Therefore, enterprising people have long understood how to extract energy from the earth with the help of a neutral wire.

This method is based on the fact that the earth, due to its physical properties, is both a store of energy and its conductor.

Underground cable laying scheme

To extract electricity, you need to create a simple circuit.

  • At a sufficient distance, two metal stakes are driven into the ground, one of which is the cathode, and the second is the anode, as a result of which energy with a voltage of 1 to 3 V appears. The current strength in this case will be negligible.
  • To increase the voltage and current, you will have to drive in many pins, both in series and in parallel, in an area with a huge area. A series connection increases the voltage, while a parallel connection increases the current.
  • When the voltage reaches 20-30 V, a simple transformer must be connected to the circuit to increase the output voltage and a battery to accumulate and stabilize electrical energy. The last stage is the transformation of a constant thirty voltage current into an alternating one with a voltage of 220 V.

Zinc and copper electrode

This is the simplest, cheapest and most effective method of obtaining electrical energy at the moment, and it is according to this principle that the batteries familiar to everyone are arranged.

The first step is to isolate some of the soil in order to create the most acidic environment in it. Then connect the zinc and copper electrodes to this insulated ground. The output is actually electricity. This principle of obtaining energy largely depends on the quality of the soil - the more acidic it is, the better.

Zinc and Copper Battery

An interesting experiment can be carried out by placing two keys - a copper and an iron - in an orange. The result is a voltage of up to 1 V. The decisive factor is the area of ​​the electrodes in contact with the acid and the acidity level of the orange itself.

This amount of energy is enough to charge a simple phone. To increase the power, several more of the same circuits must be connected in parallel to this circuit. As a result, it will be possible to charge a smartphone or laptop, but a huge room will have to be allocated for a power plant made of oranges and electrodes.

This method of obtaining energy is good, but not reliable and not durable: as soon as the oxidation of zinc and copper electrodes begins, the voltage begins to drop, and then the energy supply stops. Removing the oxide and adding acid can correct the situation.

Potential between roof and ground

A metal pin is installed in the ground, a wire is pulled from it to the roof, the resulting electrical energy can be safely used.

True, only until the first thunderstorm, because in fact it is a real guide.

In the best case, the wiring and electrical appliances will suffer, in the worst case, there will be a threat to the life of the inhabitants of the house.

Types of mining

Alternative electricity can be obtained from the air in two ways:

  1. Wind turbines;
  2. Due to the fields that permeate the atmosphere.

As you know, electric potential tends to accumulate over time. Now the atmosphere is riddled with various waves produced by electrical installations, devices, the natural field of the Earth. This allows us to say that electricity from the atmospheric air can be obtained with your own hands, even without any special devices and circuits, but we will talk about the features of current production for this option below.

Photo - lightning battery

Wind turbines are a well-known alternative energy source. They work by converting wind force into current. A wind generator is a device capable of operating for a long time and storing wind energy. This option is widely used in various countries: the Netherlands, Russia, the USA. But, one wind turbine can provide a limited number of electrical appliances, therefore, entire fields of wind turbines are installed to power cities or factories. There are both advantages and disadvantages to using this method. In particular, wind is not a constant value, so the level of voltage and electricity accumulation cannot be predicted. At the same time, it is a renewable source, the work of which does not harm the environment at all.

Photo - windmills

Video: creating electricity from thin air

Simple schemes

If you want to get atmospheric electricity with your own hands, you should consider various schemes and drawings. Some of them are so simple that even a novice inventor can easily implement them and create a primitive installation.

It is important to note that modern networks and power lines cause additional ionization of the airspace, which increases the amount of electrical potential contained in the atmosphere. It remains to learn how to extract it and accumulate

The simplest scheme involves using the ground as a base and a metal plate as an antenna. Such a device can store electricity from the air, and then distribute it for solving household tasks.

When creating such an installation, it is not necessary to use additional storage devices or converters. An electrical potential is established between the metal ground and the antenna, which tends to grow. However, due to its inconsistent value, predicting its strength is very problematic.

The principle of operation of such a device is somewhat reminiscent of lightning - when the potential reaches its peak, a discharge occurs. Because of this, an impressive amount of useful resources can be extracted from the earth and the atmosphere.

Among the advantages of the above scheme are:

  1. Ease of implementation at home. Such an experience can be easily accomplished in a home workshop using the materials and tools at hand.
  2. Cheapness. When creating a device, you do not have to buy expensive fixtures or components. It is enough to find an ordinary metal plate with conductive properties.

However, besides the pluses, there are also significant disadvantages. One of them is the high danger associated with the inability to calculate the approximate number of amperes and the strength of the impulse. Also in working order, the system creates an open ground loop capable of attracting lightning. It is for this reason that the project has not gained mass distribution.

DIY atmospheric electricity

According to the scheme below, you can conduct a more serious experiment, and repeat the experiment of Tesla himself, having assembled a miniature coil.

The coil itself can be wound from the marker (marker diameter is about 25 mm), the number of turns should be in the range from 700 to 1000, wire with a cross section of 0.14 mm. The secondary winding should consist of 5 turns of wire with a diameter of 1.5 mm. The primary winding will require about 50 m of wire. The active component in this device is the 2n2222 transistor, there is also a resistor and, in general, these are all the components that go into this coil.

Even though the coil is small, it can still give off a small spark if you touch it with your finger, light a match, or make a light bulb burn. You can wind the wire on any case, the main thing is that there are no metal parts in it. Don't repeat the mistake that many make. If you want to make it autonomously, do not put the battery inside the case, if there is a transistor inside, the coil works fine and hardly heats up, but if there was a battery, then the magnetic field that Tesla's transformer itself creates will affect the battery, and you will remove it from building a transistor. The more accurately you wind up the turns, the better the result will be, and in order to keep the coil for you longer, you can cover it with colorless nail polish.

More serious experiments require a lot of money, time and effort, but even on the diagram they look impressive.

Surely you have a ventilation duct in your kitchen, which sometimes works even when it is off, from a draft. It can be used to light up a room for free. This can be done from scrap materials, everything is described in detail in the video:

Simple power plant diagram:

The earth's interior has an almost inexhaustible potential, and if desired, they can be used as a source of energy. There are several ways to get electricity from the ground. These schemes may be radically different from each other, but the result will be similar. It consists in uninterrupted supply of electricity with minimal costs of obtaining it.

Natural energy sources

Recently, humanity has been trying to find more affordable alternatives to supply its own home with electrical energy. And all because the standard of living is growing rapidly, and along with it, the costs of servicing living quarters are increasing with the usual methods. That is, it is the high cost and constant rise in prices for utilities that makes people look for more budgetary energy sources that can also provide light and heat to their homes.

Currently, windmills that transform energy from the air, located in open spaces, solar panels that are installed directly on the roofs of houses, as well as all kinds of hydraulic systems of varying degrees of complexity are especially popular. And here the idea of ​​extracting energy from the bowels of the earth is for some reason extremely rarely used in practice, except when conducting amateur experiments.

Meanwhile, already now, folk craftsmen offer several simple, but at the same time quite effective ways of extracting electricity from the earth for a house.

The easiest ways of mining

It is no secret that electrochemical processes constantly occur in the soil (in contrast to the air environment), the cause of which lies in the interaction of negative and positive charges emanating from the outer shell and the bowels. These processes allow us to consider the earth not only as the mother of all living things, but also as a powerful energy source. And in order to use it for everyday needs, craftsmen most often resort to to three proven methods of producing electricity from the earth with your own hands. These include:

  1. Zero wire method.
  2. Method with the simultaneous use of two different electrodes.
  3. Potential of different heights.

In the first case, the provision of a dwelling with a voltage sufficient for at least several lamps to burn is carried out due to the phase and neutral conductor. But in order to achieve this goal, the light bulb must be connected not only to zero, but also to ground, because if the dwelling is equipped with a high-quality grounding loop, then most of the energy consumed goes into the soil, and such a contact helps to partially return it from there.

In fact, we are talking about the most primitive scheme "zero conductor - load - ground", in which the generated energy is not output to a common instrument meter, that is, its use is free. However, this method also has a significant drawback, which is more than a low voltage, fluctuating in the range from 10 to 20 volts, and if you want to increase this indicator, you will have to improve the design by using more complicated elements.

The method of generating energy by using two different electrodes is even simpler, since it only uses soil for its practical application. Naturally, this cannot but affect the final result of the experiment, therefore, most often such circuits do not make it possible to obtain a voltage of more than 3 volts, although this indicator tends to vary in one direction or another, depending on the moisture content and composition of the soil.

To carry out the experiment, it is enough to immerse two different conductors in the soil (usually copper and zinc rods are used), which are designed to create a difference between negative (zinc) and positive (copper) potentials. A concentrated electrolyte solution, which you can prepare yourself using distilled water and ordinary table salt, will help to ensure their interaction with each other.

The level of the generated voltage can be raised if you immerse the electrode rods deeper and increase the salt concentration in the solution used. The cross-sectional area of ​​the electrodes themselves plays an important role in this issue. It is noteworthy that the soil abundantly watered with electrolyte can no longer be used to grow any plants and crops. This point must be taken into account, providing high-quality insulation in order to avoid salinization of the adjacent areas.

The potential difference can also be provided by such elements as the roof of a private house and the ground, but provided that the roof is made of any metal alloy, and the surface of the earth is covered with ferrite.

However, this method will not give significant results, since the average voltage indicator that can be obtained in this way is unlikely to exceed 3 volts.

Alternative technique

If we consider the globe as one large spherical capacitor with negative internal potential, and its shell as a source of positive energy, the atmosphere as an insulator, and the magnetic field as an electric generator, then to obtain energy it will be enough just to connect to this natural generator, providing reliable grounding. In this case, the design of the device itself should without fail include the following elements:

  • A conductor in the form of a metal rod, the height of which must exceed all objects in the immediate vicinity.
  • A high-quality ground loop to which a metal conductor is connected.
  • Any emitter capable of allowing electrons to escape freely from a conductor. A powerful electric generator or even a classic Tesla coil can be used as this element.

The whole point of this method lies in the fact that the height of the conductor used must provide such a difference in opposite potentials that will allow the electrodes to move not down, but up along a metal rod immersed in the ground.

As for the emitter, its main role is to release the electrodes, which enter the environment already in the form of pure ions.

And after the atmospheric and electromagnetic potential of the earth are equal, the generation of energy will begin. At this point, a third-party consumer must already be connected to the structure. In this case, the indicator of the current strength in the electrical circuit will completely depend on how powerful the emitter is. The higher its potential, the more consumers can be connected to the generator.

Naturally, it is almost impossible to build such a structure within settlements on your own, because everything rests on the height of the conductor, which should exceed trees and all structures, but the idea itself can become the basis for creating large-scale projects that allow you to get electricity from the ground for free.

Electricity from the ground according to Belousov

Particularly noteworthy is the theory of Valery Belousov, who for many years has been deeply studying lightning and inventing the most reliable protection against this dangerous natural phenomenon. In addition, this scientist is the author of several books that are unique in their kind, which set out an alternative vision of the process of generating and absorbing electrical energy by the earth's interior.

Double earthed circuit

One of the ways to get electricity from the ground involves the use of double earthing, which allows you to remove energy from the ground for domestic purposes for free.

In this case, the circuit assumes the presence of a single grounding loop of a passive type without an activator, the main task of which is to accept a one-sided charge in the first half-cycle with its further return back when it enters the second half-cycle phase. That is, we are talking about a kind of clipboard, the role of which can be played by an ordinary gas pipe connected to a typical apartment.

Construction of the structure and the essence of experience

Subsequent assembly of the structure involves performing the following manipulations:

The author called this kind of hitherto unknown energy "white", comparing it with a blank sheet of paper, on which, if desired, you can put anything you like, opening up fundamentally new possibilities for all mankind. But the main idea that the author highlights is that all energies on the planet flow individually according to their own laws, but all this happens in a single space.

Modern society cannot imagine itself without certain achievements of science, among which electricity occupies a special place. This wonderful and valuable energy is present in almost all areas of our life. But not many people know how it is obtained. And even more so - is it possible to get free electricity with your own hands. The video, which abounds in the vastness of the worldwide network, examples of craftsmen and scientific evidence say that this is quite real.

Everyone, no, no, thinks not only about saving, but also about something free. People generally love to get something for free. But the main question for today, is it possible to get free electricity... After all, if you think globally, then how many humanity has to sacrifice in order to get an extra kilowatt of electricity. But nature does not tolerate such cruel treatment of itself and constantly reminds that one should be more careful in order to stay alive for the human species.

In pursuit of profit, a person does not really think about the benefits for the environment and completely forgets about alternative energy sources. And there are enough of them to change the current state of affairs for the better. After all, using free energy, which can be easily converted into electricity, the latter can become free for a person. Well, or almost free.

And considering how to get electricity at home, the simplest and most affordable methods immediately come to mind. While some funds are required to implement them, as a result, the electricity itself will not cost the user a dime. Moreover, there are not one, and not two such methods, which allows you to choose the most acceptable method for generating free electricity in specific conditions.

It just so happens that if you know at least a little the structure of the soil and the basics of electricity, you can understand how to get electricity from Mother Earth itself. And the thing is that the soil in its structure combines a solid, liquid and gaseous environment. And this is exactly what is necessary for the successful extraction of electricity, since it allows you to find the potential difference, which, as a result, leads to a successful result.

Thus, the soil is a kind of power plant in which electricity is constantly present. And if we take into account the fact that through the grounding the current flows into the ground and concentrates there, then it is simply blasphemous to bypass such an opportunity.

Using such knowledge, craftsmen, as a rule, prefer to get electricity from the ground in three ways:

  • Zinc and copper electrode.
  • Potential between roof and ground.
  • It is worth considering each of the methods in more detail so that it becomes better to understand what it is about.

    : implies the use of a third conductor that connects the grounded conductor and the neutral contact, which allows you to get a current of 10-20 volts. And this is quite enough for connecting several bulbs. Although, if you experiment a little, you can get much more tension.

    Zinc and copper electrodes are used to extract electricity from soil in an isolated space. Nothing will grow in such soil, since it is oversaturated with salts. A zinc or iron rod is taken and inserted into the ground. They also take a similar copper rod and also insert it into the soil at a short distance.

    As a result, the soil will act as an electrolyte, and the rods will form a potential difference. As a result, the zinc rod will be the negative electrode, and the copper rod will be the positive one. And such a system will only give out about 3 volts. But again, if you conjure up a little with the circuit, then it is quite possible to increase the resulting voltage well.

    The potential between the roof and the ground in the same 3 volts can be "caught" if the roof is made of iron, and ferrite plates are installed in the ground. If you increase the size of the plates or the distance between them and the roof, then the voltage value can be increased.

    Strangely enough, for some reason there are no factory devices for generating electricity from the earth. But you can independently make any of the methods even without any special costs. This is, of course, good.

    But it should be borne in mind that electricity is quite dangerous, so any work is best done together with a specialist. Or invoke one at system startup.

    This is the dream of many to get free electricity with their own hands out of thin air. But as it turns out, not everything is so simple. While there are many ways to get electricity from the environment, it is not always easy to do so. AND a few ways to know:

    Wind turbines are successfully used in many countries. There are entire fields filled with such fans. Such systems are capable of providing electricity even to a factory. But there is a rather significant drawback - due to the unpredictability of the wind, it is impossible to say exactly how much electricity will be generated and how much electricity will be accumulated, which causes certain difficulties.

    Lightning batteries are so named because they are capable of accumulating potential from electrical discharges, and simply from lightning. Despite the seeming efficiency, such systems are difficult to predict, like the lightning itself. And to create such a structure on your own is more dangerous than difficult. After all, they attract lightning up to 2000 volts, which is deadly.

    Mark's toroidal generator, a home-assembled device capable of powering a wide variety of home equipment. It consists of three coils that form resonant frequencies and magnetic vortices, which allows the formation of an electric current.

    The Kapanadze generator was invented by a Georgian inventor based on the Tesla transformer. This is an excellent example of the latest technology, when you only need to connect the battery to start, after which the resulting impulse makes the generator work and produce electricity in the literal sense of the air. Unfortunately, this invention is not disclosed, so there are no schemes.

    How can you ignore such a powerful energy source as the sun? And, of course, many have heard about the possibility of getting electricity from solar panels. Moreover, some even used calculators and other small electronics powered by solar batteries. But the question is whether the house can be supplied with electricity in this way.

    If you look at the experience of European freehand lovers, then such an idea is quite realizable... True, the solar panels themselves will have to spend a lot of money. But the resulting savings will pay off all the costs in excess.

    In addition, it is environmentally friendly and safe for both humans and the environment. Solar panels allow you to calculate the amount of energy that can be obtained, and this is also quite enough to provide electricity for everything, even a large house.

    Although there are still a number of disadvantages. The operation of such batteries depends on the Sun, which is not always present in the required amount. So, in the winter or during the rainy season, problems can arise in the work.

    Otherwise, it is a simple and effective source of inexhaustible energy.

    Alternative and questionable methods

    Many people know the story of an unpretentious summer resident who allegedly managed to get free electricity from the pyramids. This man claims that the pyramids he built from foil and the accumulator as a storage help illuminate the entire infield. Although it looks unlikely.

    It's another matter when research is carried out by scientists... There is already something to think about here. So, experiments are being carried out to obtain electricity from the waste products of plants that enter the soil. It is quite possible to carry out similar experiments at home. Moreover, the resulting current is not life-threatening.

    In some foreign countries, where there are volcanoes, their energy is successfully used for the production of electricity. Whole factories work thanks to special installations. After all, the energy received is measured in megawatts. But it is especially interesting that ordinary citizens can also get electricity with their own hands in a similar way. For example, some use the energy of the heat of a volcano, which is not difficult to transform into electrical energy.

    Many scientists are struggling to find alternative methods of energy extraction. Starting from the use of the processes of photosynthesis and ending with the energies of the Earth and solar winds. Indeed, in an age when electricity is especially in demand, this is very useful. And with interest and some knowledge, everyone can contribute to the study of obtaining free energy.

    The text of the work is placed without images and formulas.
    The full version of the work is available in the "Work files" tab in PDF format


    Electricity is of great importance in our life. Almost everything that surrounds us is powered by electricity. For example, household appliances in our home: TVs, washing machines, refrigerators, computers, light bulbs. Trolleybuses, trams, electric trains run on the street due to electric current, and even cars use electricity to control and illuminate the road with headlights. In factories, machines, ovens and other complex mechanisms operate on electricity.

    So where does the electricity come from, which goes to our house through the wires?

    In my work, I will study how electricity is generated at power plants: thermal power plants, nuclear power plants, hydroelectric power plants, wind power plants. As through electric wires fixed on special supports, electricity is sent to the city, then to every house, to every apartment.

    In the experimental part, I will prove how the "small" generator generates a current that will be enough to light the house.

    The topic "How to get electricity" is especially interesting to me, because in order to make breadboards, you need to solder real circuits.

    Purpose of the study: study of the origin of electricity.

    Research objectives:

      Study how electricity is generated by converting the energy of water, wind, sun and gas.

      Understand how a generator works that produces electricity.

      Consider how the battery (portable power source) works.

      Conduct experiments: connect the toy house to a generator that will generate an electric current to turn on the lighting in the house. Then turn on the fan in the same way.

      Make a homemade battery using salt water and metal plates.

    The first thing to do is to analyze the educational literature. From it I learned the following: Electricity is generated at power plants, then through electric wires fixed on special supports, it is sent to the city, then to every house, to every apartment.

    Power plants

    Electricity is generated in power plants by converting the energy of water, wind, sun and gas into electrical energy (Fig. 1).

    Fig. 1 Power plants: a - combined heat and power plant (CHP), b - nuclear power plant, c - hydroelectric power plant, d - wind power plants.

    The combined heat and power plant (Fig. 1a), one of the most common stations, provides the city not only with electricity, but also heat for heating houses in winter. A lot of such stations have been built. How does it work? Gas is burned in a large stove, the same gas with which we cook food in the kitchen, see the diagram in Fig. 2. The gas heats up the boiler with water. Water, when heated, turns into steam. The steam turns the turbine, which in turn turns the generator, which generates the electric current. Electricity is sent through power lines to our city. The smoke from the burnt gas goes out into the pipe, and the steam, being cooled in the cooling tower, turns back into water, returns to the boiler. In winter, this hot water is sent to our houses to heat our apartments. Now we see that the mechanical energy of rotation is converted into electrical energy in the generator.

    Fig. 2. CHP operation scheme

    Nuclear power plant(NPP) is more complicated than the previous power plant, see Fig. 1b. There are fewer of them in our country. The thing is that they do not burn gas, but use heat from a nuclear reaction (Fig. 3). Obtaining such nuclear energy is a very complex process. At the nuclear power plant, ordinary water, purified from all impurities, circulates inside the reactor. The reactor starts up when the neutron absorbing rods are removed from its core. During the chain reaction, a lot of heat energy is released. The water, circulating through the core, washing the fuel cells, heats up to 320 0 C. Passing inside the heat exchange tubes of the steam generator, the water in the primary circuit gives off heat to the water in the secondary circuit without contacting it, which excludes the ingress of radioactive substances outside the reactor hall. The rest of the scheme is exactly the same as the previous one. Secondary water is converted to steam. The steam rotates the turbine at a breakneck speed, and the turbine drives an electric generator, which generates an electric current. Electricity is sent through power lines to our city.

    Rice. 3 Scheme of NPP operation

    Hydroelectric power plant we have in Perm (Fig. 1-c). These power plants use the energy of falling water. For this, they build a dam across the river. From its height, water falls down and rotates a turbine, and the turbine rotates a generator that generates electricity. The operation of the hydroelectric power plant is shown in Fig. 4.

    Rice. 4 Scheme of the operation of the hydroelectric power plant

    Wind power plants use wind energy (Fig. 1-d). These power plants are not very powerful. The wind rotates the fan blades, similar to the blades of an airplane, only very large. And they are already rotating the generator (Fig. 5).

    Rice. 5 Scheme of work of a wind farm

    There are other power plants in which nothing rotates, and they do not have a generator. These are solar power plants. The energy of sunlight is converted into electrical energy in solar panels made of a special material, which, under the influence of solar energy, begins to generate an electric current (Fig. 6).

    Rice. 6 Scheme of the solar power plant

    Generator device

    So how does a generator work that produces electricity?

    We all know what it is magnet, anyone encountered and played with it. The magnet attracts metal objects to itself. Magnets are different: large and small, strong and weak.

    If you place a frame made of an electric wire in a magnetic field, fix it so that you can rotate it by the handle, you get the simplest generator... If you rotate the frame, an electric current will arise in it. And, if the current is powerful enough, then they can light an electric light bulb (Fig. 7). In real generators, instead of a frame, a very long wire is used, wound on special coils, and due to this, the generators are very powerful.

    Fig. 7 Generator device diagram

    But what happens if an electric current is supplied to the generator?

    If an electric current is supplied to the generator, the frame will begin to rotate itself, that is, the opposite effect will occur (Fig. 8). Such devices are called electric motors. They are also big and small, powerful and weak.

    Fig. 8 Engine diagram

    What if you need a portable power source, and not connected to a power outlet with wires? For this, there are batteries familiar to all of us.


    Battery is a container in which a chemical reaction takes place. The simplest battery consists of a zinc cup, a graphite rod, and an electrolyte between them (Fig. 9).

    Fig. 9 Battery device

    In the process of using the battery, a chemical reaction destroys it from the inside and the battery "sits down", that is, it discharges. The more we load the battery, the stronger the chemical reaction and the faster it will discharge.

    The simplest battery can be made at home. To do this, you need to take two different "metals": a carnation and a coin - these will be electrodes (Fig. 10), and you can use lemon as an electrolyte.

    Fig. 10 Homemade battery

    But we must take into account that such a battery will be very weak and it will not even be enough for a light bulb to light up. The fact that electricity appeared, we see only on a device called a voltmeter.

    You can also make a homemade battery from salt water and metal plates (Fig. 11). Its structure is very simple. There are three jars filled with plain salt water. In each of them we lower two electrodes made of metal plates. One plate is covered with copper, and the other is covered with zinc.

    Rice. 11 Homemade battery

    Here is such battery I will demonstrate in the experimental part of my work. I will also conduct other experiments: I will connect the toy house to a generator that will generate an electric current to turn on the lighting in the house. And I will prove the following: mechanical energy of rotation is converted into electrical energy, in a generator.

    Experimental part:

    IN first In this experiment, I will connect a toy house to a small power plant (Fig. 12). I will turn the knob, and the small generator will generate enough current for the lighting in the house to work.

    cardboard, wooden plywood 90x170 mm, 70x165 mm, socket, flashlight mechanism, wires, plug, bulbs (5 pcs.), glue.

    Rice. 12 First experiment

    In second In the experiment, I will connect a fan to the power plant (Fig. 13). We will see how the mechanical energy of rotation in the generator is converted into electrical energy, runs through the wires to the fan, and in its engine, it is converted back into energy of rotation.

    Materials for making the layout: cardboard, wooden plywood 95x210 mm, 70x165 mm, socket, wires, plug, glue, fan, electric motor.

    Fig. 13 Second experiment

    IN third In the experiment, I will connect to the batteries, in turn, the same house and fan (Fig. 14-a, -b).

    Materials for making the layout: cardboard, wooden plywood 95x210 mm, 70x165 mm, 90x170 mm, socket, wires, plug, glue, fan, electric motor, bulbs (5 pcs.), batteries.

    Fig. 14 Third experiment

    In the next - fourth In an experiment, I will demonstrate a homemade battery (Fig. 15-a). We take jars filled with salt water. In each of them we lower two electrodes made of metal plates. One plate is covered with copper, and the other with zinc.

    Materials for making the layout: cardboard Ø 20 mm, clockwork, light bulb (1 pc.), wires, three jars of salt water, wooden plywood 75x330 mm for the base, copper and zinc plates 75 mm long, glue.

    Fig. 15 Fourth experiment

    The energy of these three batteries was enough to light up the light bulb and start the clock (Fig. 15-b).


    In my work, I examined how they work: thermal power plants, nuclear power plants, hydroelectric power plants, wind power plants. The scheme of operation of CHP and NPP is generally similar: a boiler with water heats up, water turns into steam. The steam turns the turbine, and the turbine turns the generator, which generates the electric current. Electricity is sent through power lines to our city. In one case, gas is burned, and in the second, heat from a nuclear reaction is used. Hydroelectric power plants use the energy of falling water to turn a turbine, and a turbine turns a generator that generates electricity. In wind farms, the wind rotates the fan blades, and they are already rotating the generator.

    All power plants implement the following: the mechanical energy of rotation is converted into electrical energy in the generator. But there are other power plants in which nothing rotates, and they do not have a generator. These are solar panels. They are made of a special material and generate electricity when exposed to the sun.

    In the practical part, I did some experiments. IN first experiment connected a toy house to a "small power plant". The "small" generator produces enough current to turn on the electricity in the house. In second- connected a fan to the power plant. The mechanical energy of rotation in the generator is converted into electrical energy, runs through the wires to the fan, and in its engine, it is converted back into rotation energy. IN third In the experiment, I connected to the batteries, in turn, all the same house and a fan. IN fourth In an experiment, I demonstrated a homemade battery. In each of the three jars of salt water, I dipped two electrodes made of metal plates of copper and zinc.

    In my two experiments, I have confirmed and clearly demonstrated the following: mechanical energy of rotation in the generator is converted into electrical energy. And he also made a homemade battery, the energy of which was enough to turn on the light bulb and start the clock.

    But, I still have questions to which I have to find answers:

    How does a nuclear reaction proceed? What kind of nuclear power plants do we have in our country? And I also wonder why the Chernobyl accident happened.

    Oh, how many wonderful discoveries we have

    Prepares the spirit of enlightenment,

    And experience is the son of difficult mistakes,

    And a genius, a friend of paradoxes.

    A.S. Pushkin


    1 Yu.I. Dick, V.A.Ilyin, D.A. Isaev et al. / Physics: A great reference book for schoolchildren and those entering universities / Publishing house "Drofa", 2000.

    2 "Encyclopedia for children from A to Z" / Publishing house "Makhaon", Moscow, 2010.

    3 A.A. Bakhmetyev / Electronic designer "Expert" / Practical lessons in physics. 8, 9, 10, 11 grades. // Moscow, 2005.

    4 Obtaining and using electrical energy: [electronic resource] // World of knowledge. Url:

    The search for new sources of energy is constantly being carried out in modern science. Static electricity in the air could be one of them. This has now become a reality.

    There are two known methods: wind generators and atmospheric fields. The energy of the Earth is no less interesting. The "eternal" electricity extracted from it would help save ordinary electricity, the cost of which is increasing. Sometimes it is necessary to obtain even scanty amounts of it.

    Extraction from the air

    Atmospheric electricity may well be used. Many are attracted by the opportunity to put the natural elements at their service during a thunderstorm.

    The atmosphere also contains waves from the planet's field. It turns out that electricity can be obtained from the air on our own, without using super-complicated devices.

    Some ways are as follows:

    • lightning batteries use the property of electric potential to accumulate;
    • a wind generator converts wind power into electricity, working for a long time;
    • ionizer (Chizhevsky chandelier) - a popular household appliance;
    • Stephen Mark's TPU (toroidal) electricity generator;
    • the Kapanadze generator is a fuel-free energy source.

    Let's consider in detail some of the devices.

    Wind turbines

    A popular and well-known source of energy obtained with the help of wind is a wind generator. Such devices have long been used in many countries.

    Installation in the singular provides limited power supply needs. Therefore, you have to add generators if you need to provide power to a large enterprise. In Europe, there are entire fields with wind turbines that are absolutely harmless to nature.

    Its useful to note: a disadvantage can be considered the inability to calculate in advance the values ​​of voltage and current. Therefore, it is impossible to say how much electricity will accumulate, since the effect of the wind is not always predictable.

    Lightning batteries

    A device that accumulates potential using atmospheric discharges is called a lightning battery.

    The device circuit includes only a metal antenna and grounding, without complex converting and accumulating components.

    A potential appears between the parts of the device, which then accumulates. The impact of natural disasters is not subject to an accurate preliminary calculation and this value is also unpredictable.

    It's important to know: this property is quite dangerous when implementing the circuit with your own hands, since the created circuit attracts lightning with voltages up to 2000 volts.

    S. Mark's toroidal generator

    The device, invented by S. Mark, is capable of generating electricity some time after it is turned on.

    TPU generator (toroidal) can power household appliances.

    The design consists of three coils: internal, external and control. It acts due to the emerging resonant frequencies and magnetic vortex, which contribute to the formation of current. Having correctly drawn up a diagram, you can make such a device yourself.

    Generator Kapanadze

    The inventor Kapanadze (Georgia) reproduced a free energy generator, the development of which was based on the mysterious N. Tesla transformer, which gives a much higher output power than in the circuit current.

    The Kapanadze generator is a fuel-free device that is an example of new technologies.

    The launch is carried out from the battery, but further work continues autonomously. In the body, the concentration of energy, extracted from space, the dynamics of the ether, is carried out. The technology is patented and not disclosed. This is practically a new theory of electricity and wave propagation, when energy is transferred from one particle of the medium to another.

    Extraction from the Earth

    Despite the fact that the Earth's energy reserve is very large, it is very difficult to get it. It is unrealistic to do this with your own hands when it comes to a sufficient quantity for industrial purposes.

    But electricity from the planet, its magnetic field can be obtained on our own in small portions, sufficient to light a flashlight on LEDs, incomplete charging of the phone. It is hoped that the ability to take these small portions will not harm the globe.

    Electroplating method (with two rods)

    A known method of generating electricity, based on the interaction of two rods in a salt solution (electroplating).

    A potential difference appears between rods made of different metals in the electrolyte.

    The same parts (made of aluminum and copper) can be immersed in the ground 0.5 meters by watering the space between them with a salt solution (electrolyte). This is a way to get some free electricity.

    From ground

    Another method allows you to collect electricity from grounding when used by various consumers.

    For example, in a private house, the power supply is equipped with a ground loop, onto which, when the load is on, some of the electricity flows. Specifically, the alternating current goes through the wires: "phase" and "zero", the second of which is grounded and most often is not dangerous. And an electric shock can be obtained from a phase wire.

    Take into account: you should not try to get electricity in a similar way at home with a lack of knowledge. If we confuse the “phase” grounding wire with the “zero” one, from which this energy can be obtained, the current shock will have to be applied throughout the building.

    The amount of electricity taken from the neutral wire is much less than from the solar panel. ( From the editor: experimenting with this method is extremely dangerous and strongly discouraged).

    other methods

    Free electricity is also required on the garden plot, in connection with which one of the craftsmen claims: its extraction is possible if half-mystical methods are used. Namely: homemade pyramids can give it for free.

    After reading about the unusual properties of these structures, he built a 3 by 3 meter pyramid and began to do real tests. That is, trying to prove: it is impossible to get energy from "nothing", limited space or from space.

    Perhaps humorously, but, according to a private summer resident, a generator mounted from aluminum foil and a gel battery (energy storage) powered the lamps on the site. In a word, free (or rather, cheap) electrical energy, current, flowed from the pyramid.

    Further, the summer resident assures that the whole village is interested in the construction of such structures made of wood or other insulating materials. Allegedly, there is a real opportunity to take energy from the pyramid for free.

    However, serious scientific research is being conducted in the field of obtaining small electricity from the waste products of plants passing into the ground.

    Such sources, giving perpetual electricity, that is - working with energy replenishment, are used in moisture control systems. Judging by the fact that experiments are carried out on potted plants, such devices can be made and tested on their own.

    From the depths of the Earth, heat is being successfully extracted by geothermal energy stations in California, Iceland. Subsoil, volcanoes are used to generate hundreds of MW of electricity in the same way as it is done through the sun and wind.

    In practice, with their own hands, residents of areas with volcanic activity can independently make, for example, a geothermal pump for heating. And heat can be converted into electricity by known methods.

    Many scientists and inventors are looking for a path to energy independence, be it light, heat, atmospheric phenomena or cold photosynthesis. With rising electricity prices, this is quite appropriate. Some methods have become a reality long ago and help to receive energy even on a significant scale.

    Inventors and scientists are developing projects based on currents in the earth's mantle, the flow of particles in the form of the solar wind. The planet is believed to be a large spherical condenser. But so far it has not been possible to figure out how its charge is replenished.

    In any case, a person has no right to significantly interfere with nature, trying to discharge this supply of energy without studying the process thoroughly, taking into account the consequences.

    Watch a video in which the user explains how to make a wind generator at no special cost and get the desired free electricity:

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