Legs on an acrylic bathtub diagram. Bath installation - how to install a bathtub with your own hands

Encyclopedia of Plants 30.08.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

This is a simple, but very responsible process, since there are many different nuances that should not be neglected during the installation of the bath. Comfortable bathing will directly depend on them. water treatments... In addition, its service life depends on compliance with the technology.

Installing an acrylic bathtub with your own hands should include the following steps:

  1. Preparing the future installation site
  2. Assembling the product.
  3. Installation of the product.

Acrylic bathtub installation cost can grow several times, if you are not careful when installing it. The material that covers the product is easy to scratch. At the same time, it is impossible to delay the beginning of the process, since the bath may lose its original shape during long-term storage. In general, the cost of installing and installing an acrylic bathtub, if you decide to order it from any organization, can vary greatly depending on the type of installation. For example, mounting and installing an acrylic bathtub on a frame can cost about 3000 rubles, and installing a bathtub on bricks can it costs all 15,000 rubles It all depends on the size of your bathroom and the prices of the installers.

Acrylic bath installation video shows all the stages of its implementation. But even if the work is performed by third-party specialists, it is better to find out what the technology for installing the product consists of.

  • Video, assembly and installation of an acrylic bathtub.

Tools required for the assembly and installation of acrylic bathtubs

  1. Screwdriver or drill
  2. Phillips screwdriver
  3. Drill 3.5 mm, 6 mm, 8 mm
  4. Wrench for 14,17,19
  5. Silicone sealant (preferably antifungal).
  6. Bathroom curb tape

Installation options

The video of the installation of an acrylic bathtub demonstrates detailed process... However, what mounting options are used today? The main ways are as follows:

This approach is considered the simplest, since the manufacturer provided special legs with the product. In addition, along with the bathroom, an instruction is provided in which the entire process is described in detail.

Usually the latter comes with the product.

This option is used when legs are not included with the product. Installation on bricks has a number of advantages compared to the factory design, since such a bath base is much stronger.

4. Combined mounting method.

Today it has become used quite often. In addition, the installation of an acrylic bathtub using a similar method is described in some detail on YouTube. The corresponding videos show several options for the combination of the frame and factory legs. Also shown is the installation of an acrylic bathtub under the tiles and much more.

  • Important! It is worth noting that regardless of the installation method, the legs are used to level the bathtub, therefore, under supporting structure bath, you need to install additional stops. (except for the combined method and method of installation on bricks)

It should be noted that most manufacturers provide only one installation option for such products. For example, if a metal frame comes with a bathroom, then it is imperative to use it, without replacing it with bricks or legs.

During the preparation of the bathtub for installation and during the installation process, protect the polished surface of the bathtub as much as possible from debris and other abrasive materials getting on it. this can lead to scratches, abrasions and dullness of the product surface.

  1. After transportation in cold conditions, be sure to allow the product to warm up to room temperature within 3 hours.
  2. Before installing the product, the room must be removed from construction debris and dust. The term depends on the cleanliness of the room quality work products.
  3. When installing the bath, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of dismantling the equipment if necessary.
  4. Disconnect the power supply in the room. *
  5. Install moisture-proof sockets for hydro and air massage equipment. *
  6. If there is a mixer in the bath, turn off the water supply to the water supply system.
  7. Remove packing material.
  8. If there is a mortise mixer on the bath, install the mixer, spout, shower switch and shower head using flexible hoses. The mixer assembly diagram is individual for each individual mixer type.

* - for acrylic bathtubs with hydro and air massage systems.

Installation of an acrylic bathtub on legs

Installing the bath on legs is the easiest and fastest way. Such an installation can be performed without specialized skills and without calling specialists. Each bathroom in a similar configuration must be supplemented with instructions, which describe in detail all stages of installation:

  • Screwing the legs to the product.
  • Adjusting the legs.
  • Installation of a bath on a level.

Sometimes, when mounting on legs, you have to make additional holes in the bathroom. To drill a product, you need to purchase a drill for wood, and set the drill to slow speed. Or use a screwdriver, assembly will be faster and easier with it.

On initial stage installation, you need to make sure that the bottom of the bath is located seats... Determining the presence of the latter is quite simple. They are often marked with special marks. They also have holes for attaching the legs, or points for drilling are indicated.

It is important to note that the assembly of the bath should be carried out according to the instructions. That is, if holes are provided on its lower part, it is not necessary to additionally drill the product. In cases where the holes are nevertheless made in places not intended for them, then their appearance can lead to the following consequences:

  • Violation of the distribution of the load created by the water. The result is deformation and, as a result, deterioration of the bath.
  • Cracking of the product. The finished bath has points increased voltage metal. Therefore, drilling new holes in the wrong place may compromise the integrity of the product.
  • You can determine the places intended for drilling holes as follows:
  • Along guides that indicate where the legs should be placed.
  • According to the characteristic thickening of the lower part of the bath body.

So, if you are mounting a bathtub on legs, then you need:

2) Install two strips of the frame as shown in the figure. Or if there are seats on the bathtub, then place the planks in these places.

3) Screw the strips to the bath with a drill or screwdriver using the supplied screws.

  • Attention! Do not confuse the screws, roughly compare them in length. Otherwise, you run the risk of piercing the bath through.

4) Screw the plastic feet onto the threaded rod (if not screwed on).

5) Insert the studs into the holes on the frame rail, and fix them with nuts and wrench at 17-19.

6) Screw the overflow drain to the bath.

7) Turn the bath on its legs.

8) Place the bathtub in the designated place. Align and connect to the drain.

  • Video, an example of installing an acrylic bathtub on legs

If you have a panel to the bath, then rotating the legs, adjust (using the horizontal building level) the position of the bath, taking into account the height of the decorative panel, ensuring a gap between the floor and the panel (about 5 mm). Adjust the position of the bath so that non-draining volumes of water are not formed when draining the bath.

If, for some reason, installation on legs is impossible, the bath can be placed on bricks. They provide reliable support and even distribution load generated by water.

Almost all legs allow you to adjust the position of the bath. To do this, you need to have a level on hand. At the beginning, you should move the bathroom close to the wall and set the desired height. Next, you need to put a level on the board of the product, after which you can start adjusting the product in the horizontal plane. Once both steps have been successfully completed, the legs should be locked in the chosen position. For this, special nuts are provided.

If necessary, the bath can be secured more securely if special hooks are screwed into the wall before installing it. The latter can be made of plastic or metal. In expensive bathtubs, these hooks are usually included.

It is worth noting that the fasteners should be screwed into the wall before the final installation of the product at an equal distance from each other. They must first be aligned with each other in a horizontal plane.

Measure the distance from the floor to the side.

At the place where the bath is installed, draw a line at the required height. Attach additional fasteners to the attachment point and mark the drilling locations. Drill Ø 6 mm. drill the holes, insert the dowel and screw the mount to the wall.

Install the bath rim into the holder. The bathtub should not hang.

Frame mounting

Such installation is carried out either on a factory or on a homemade frame. The first option is considered the best, since the manufacturer selects structural elements in accordance with the shape and dimensions of a particular product. Do-it-yourself installation of an acrylic bathtub on a frame is possible only after the owner of the font has previously studied the attached instructions.

The build process is pretty straightforward. It can be divided into the following stages:

  1. The bath is turned upside down and laid on paper or fabric laid on the floor beforehand high density... This approach will avoid scratching.
  2. According to the instructions, the frame is assembled, after which it is fixed to the bathroom.
  3. At the end, the bathtub is turned over, installed in the designated place and fastened.

In most cases, if the bath is installed on supporting frame, then additional fastening of the product to the wall is not required. It is important to note that the above process is exemplary. In each case, the assembly procedure has its own characteristics.

So, the stages of installation and assembly of the frame:

1) Turn the bath upside down and place it on a flat surface that will not damage or scratch the bath.

2) Install the frame of the frame as shown in the photo

  • Attention! The frame must not protrude beyond the edges of the tub.

3) Fasten the frame with self-tapping screws

4) At the points of attachment of the frame to the bath, with self-tapping screws, drill holes Ø 4.2 mm in the frame. (If not present)

  • Attention! To prevent damage to the bath, before drilling the frame, it must be removed from the bath.

5) On the side where the front panel will be installed, screw the mounting corner with self-tapping screws

  • Attention! The corners are attached only in four places where there are mortgages.

6) There are through holes along the edges of the frame, perpendicular to them with self-tapping screws, attach 4 racks. The holes in the frame must match the nuts on the racks

7) Bolt the frame with the uprights

  • Attention! Pull the bolts until they touch the frame, then tighten with the lower nut. Screw the leg onto the pin and insert the two nuts into the hole in the frame, fix the leg with the third nut. Adjust the feet using a level.

8) To the frame posts, from the side where the front panel will be installed, screw the panel mount (flags) and fasten with nuts

9) Install the front panel into the corners.

10) Drill two Ø 8mm holes from the front side of the panel in two places where the panel adjoins the flags. Insert decorative plugs into them and tighten with self-tapping screws to the flags

11) Screw the drain-overflow to the bath

12) Install the bathtub in the designated place and connect it to the sewerage system.

  • Video, an example of installing an acrylic bathtub on a frame

Turning the legs, adjust (using a horizontal building level) the position of the bath, taking into account the height of the decorative panel, providing a gap between the floor and the panel (about 5 mm). Adjust the position of the bathtub so that non-draining volumes of water are not formed when draining the bathtub.

Installing a bathtub on a homemade frame

Quite often it happens that a support is not provided with the purchased model of the bathtub. Therefore, you have to either assemble the frame yourself, or buy ready-made structures. The first option is preferable, since the owner of the font has a better idea of ​​its shape and size. Moreover, there are a lot of videos of installing an acrylic bathtub on a frame with your own hands on the Internet. As a result, you can get a structure that will be stronger than the factory one. True, you need to understand that making a frame is a long and laborious process.

Most often, to create such structures, they are used aluminum profiles, and the bath itself is set on bricks. To create such a frame, you need to prepare the following components:

  • metallic profile required size;
  • cement mortar, designed to strengthen bricks, and a corresponding container for it;
  • joint sealant;
  • self-tapping screws for installing the frame.

The frame should be assembled with utmost care, since acrylic is easily scratched. It is recommended to cover the bath with foil or thick paper before starting work. Otherwise, any accidentally dropped object may damage it.

The video of installing an acrylic bathtub on a frame shows that at the first stage it is necessary to mark the height of the future structure on the walls. The level is determined next brickwork... For you need to measure the distance from the floor to the mark on the wall, then subtract the height of the bath from the resulting figure.

At the next stage, the frame is formed. He will support the bath. The profile is installed on the dowels so that the metal passes along the lower edge of the font along the entire perimeter. Next, brickwork is made with cement mortar.

It is worth noting the following important nuance: at the end of all actions, the bath should hold onto the metal profile. Its lower part can only lightly touch the brickwork. To fix the bathtub to the wall, a sealant is used, which additionally protects the structure from leaks.

On this, the installation of the frame can be considered complete. True, the finished structure looks unsightly. Installing the screen on acrylic bath will smooth out this defect. To create a similar design, you can use the same metal profile. The screen not only allows you to hide the bottom of the bath and sewer pipe, but also create an additional frame strength. You can lay it next tiles, not forgetting about the need to organize access to a siphon and other plumbing. In addition, an additional soundproofing layer will be required, since the void under the bathtub will amplify the noise generated by the water.

To create it, you will need to take regular polyurethane foam and apply it along the entire bottom of the font. This foam provides extra durability finished structure... It should be understood that such work can only be performed on baths of a simple design. It is not recommended to use polyurethane foam when installing, for example, a jacuzzi.

Bath installation on bricks

This method of installing a bathtub is used when you do not have a frame or legs in the bathtub set. And also if you want to have unusual design your bathroom in your apartment. If you decide to do such an installation at home, then you need to stock up on bricks or foam blocks, as well as a solution for laying them out.

  1. It is necessary to outline the level of the bath. Draw on the walls and floor with a pencil or line marker bath installation, with taking into account the required distance from the floor to the overflow drain.
  2. The foundation of the bath is laid out of bricks around the perimeter and under the bath. Do not forget to immediately make a technical hole to access the overflow drain.
  3. After the mortar has dried, we make a control fitting of the bath.If everything is fine, then you can start revealing your foundation with tiles or mosaics.
  4. We install the bathtub, connect it to the sewerage system.

  • Video of how the installation of a bathtub on bricks looks like

If necessary, before installing, we do additional noise insulation inside our structure using polyurethane foam.

Combined installation of an acrylic bathtub

Combined installation of a bathtub is essentially a symbiosis of mounting a native frame or bathtub legs with bricks or other building materials.

The stages of the combined installation are similar to the stages of other types of installation.

  1. It is necessary to screw the frame or legs that come with the bathtub to the bathtub.
  2. Place the bathtub in the designated place and level it.
  3. Draw a line for installing the bathtub on the wall, focusing on the lower edge of the frame or bathtub.
  4. Move the bath to the side so that it does not interfere with you, and in the necessary places make podiums of bricks, foam blocks or other suitable building materials.
  5. Put the bath in place, first check once again with the level that the bath is in the horizontal plane.
  6. Attention, the legs should not hang in the air!
  7. Connect to the sewer. If desired, you can make additional noise insulation using construction foam.
  • Video of what the combined installation of an acrylic bathtub looks like

Installation of a corner acrylic bathtub

The installation of a corner acrylic bath is practically no different from the installation of a rectangular acrylic bath. The most important thing when installing a corner bath is the preparation of the walls.

Installation of a corner acrylic bathtub requires, first of all, the preparation of the walls, to which the product will adjoin in the future. They should form a clear 90-degree angle. Putty or plaster is used to level the walls. To create such an angle, it is necessary, when applying the finishing material, to constantly monitor the result obtained using the construction triangle.

Corner acrylic bathtub is mounted either on legs or on brackets. In the latter case, the wall takes on part of the load. Typically, these brackets come with the bathroom.

  • An example of assembly and installation of a corner acrylic bathtub

After the hot tub is installed, you need to make sure that it is accurately aligned horizontally and fits snugly against the wall. For this, the legs are adjusted. As with regular baths, the corner can be installed on a more rigid base made of foam blocks or bricks. Installation of such structures is carried out according to the technology described above.

Installing the screen on an acrylic bath

  • It is necessary to install the mounting brackets for the panel on the bath, if they are not present.
  • To do this, turn the acrylic bath upside down. Using self-tapping screws of the required length, fasten the corners to the mortgages located along the edge of the bath.
  • To the frame posts, from the side where the front panel will be installed, screw the panel mount (flags) and fasten with nuts.
  • Install the front panel in the corners
  • Drill two Ø 8mm holes in the two places where the panel adjoins the flags, from the front side of the panel. Insert decorative plugs into them and tighten with self-tapping screws to the flags
  • Turn the bathtub back on its legs and place it in its place of installation.
  • Turning the legs, adjust (using a horizontal building level) the position of the bath, taking into account the height of the decorative panel, providing a gap between the floor and the panel (about 5 mm).


At the end of the work, it is recommended to check the reliability of the finished structure, as well as whether the plumbing is installed correctly. In the first case, you can make a little effort in an attempt to move the font from its place, and in the second, turn on both taps with water.

Sometimes, during installation, it becomes necessary to cut an acrylic bath. For example, when buying a product, its owner made the wrong size. If the lining has not yet been carried out in the room, then it is necessary to grind into one of the walls. After that, the bath rim is inserted into the resulting groove. This approach eliminates shortcomings and allows you to additionally strengthen the structure.

  • Video, an example of a tie-in and installation of a mixer in an acrylic bath

To cut the bathtub, it is recommended to purchase in advance repair kit recovery plastic bumpers cars. It is composed of fiberglass and epoxy resin... The fabric should be applied at a distance of 1 centimeter from the place of future cutting and covered with resin, waiting for it to dry completely. This must be done. Otherwise, in the place where a piece of the bath is cut off, tension may appear, which in the future will provoke the appearance of cracks on the entire product. Fiberglass fabric stops further crack propagation.

To cut the bathtub, it is recommended to use a hacksaw or a jigsaw. For the latter, you need to purchase a file designed for fine cutting of wood. In this case, the use of a grinder with cutting discs is strictly prohibited. Due to the high RPM that this tool creates, the acrylic starts to melt.

In our instructions section, you can see original instructions from manufacturers of acrylic bathtubs, such as Triton, 1Mark, BAS, Polla, Bellrado and others.

Mounting plumbing equipment requires not only relevant experience, but also high costs... Do-it-yourself bath installation in the bathroom is no exception. Despite the external complexity, this type of work can be performed without the involvement of specialists.

Acrylic is the most popular bath material. Apart from the acrylic bathtub, homeowners often stack over cast iron or steel bath plastic liner. This allows you to update the plumbing in the room without much effort and money.

Installation of an acrylic bath (brand Kaldewei, Triton and others) can be done in several ways:

Nuances for installing a corner acrylic bathtub

Corner bathrooms are a versatile option that suits both large bathrooms and small bathrooms. They are symmetrical and asymmetrical, the sizes of the bends are standardized.

If you choose the right triangular bath, then in a small room you can fit not only a washbasin with a cabinet, but also a washing machine or bidet. But there are some nuances that you need to know about before installing corner bath(Ravak - Ravak, Laguna and others):

  • All corner baths are classified according to the type of location on the right-side and left-side. This is very important for the proper connection of sewerage and water supply outlets;
  • Before the start installation works the walls are necessarily aligned. If this is not done, but the bath will be extremely difficult to set in level;
  • The corner bath is installed on legs. Supports are fixed along the entire perimeter, which will later be used to fasten the frame guides;
  • In the place where the bathtub is adjacent to the wall, it is imperative to install a flexible skirting board. This will help prevent leaks.

Installation of a corner acrylic bathtub Part 1

and part 2

Installation of an acrylic bathtub on a frame

A wireframe is the easiest way to install an acrylic bathtub. This method is ideal for built-in sanitary ware, fits perfectly into any interior and provides ergonomics.

Step-by-step instruction How to install an acrylic bathtub on a frame:

  1. First of all, the surface of the walls is leveled. It is important not only to plaster the surface, but also to cover the walls with a finish - a primer and putty. Installation of tiles can be carried out immediately or after the completion of installation work;
  2. Similar actions are carried out with the floor. The bathroom floor should be perfectly flat, without wide seams and unevenness. This will greatly facilitate the leveling of the frame;
  3. To install the bath, you need to prepare a building level (its length should not be less than the diagonal of the bath), a hammer with a rubber attachment (to secure the frame), a wrench and an adjustable wrench. You may also need various gaskets and pipes to connect the water supply system;
  4. A flexible pipe is attached to the drainage outlet, the diameter of which must correspond to the outlet of the bath. A siphon joins it. The joints are processed silicone sealant... After that, you need to wait at least 4 hours for the silicone to harden;

  5. Next, the frame is mounted. The first is the wall guide - it will be the main one, so it is important to align it strictly according to the level. From this guide, the side ones depart, to which they are attached vertical posts from the floor. You can connect them with a welded or bolted method (the first seems more reliable, but the second can be disassembled in which case);

  6. When all the guides are connected to each other, the level of the corners is measured. There is one strict rule: when installing bathrooms and unevenness of the frame, the lowered corner rises, and the raised corner does not fall. All corners are fixed with metal corner strips for stiffening;

  7. If all corners are at the same level, then a bathtub is installed in the frame. The overflow from the siphon is connected to the side hole, and the outlet from the sewer is connected to the central hole. Water outlet(water supply pipe) is located above the bathroom, so it will be possible to work with it after the completion of installation work.
  8. To prevent bath water from spilling onto the floor, you need to close the cracks between the wall and the side guide with a curb. It is also called a plinth;

  9. The frame is closed with a screen. Additionally, it can be insulated so that the bath “keeps” the warmth of the water longer. You can use tiles, panels or even to cover your screen. fake diamond... It is best to work with durable, water-resistant materials.

After the completion of the installation work, the mixer is installed. To connect it, open a water outlet, connect a tap to it, if necessary, also connect a sink or a shower hose.

How to install an acrylic bathtub on legs

Most of the renowned manufacturers of bathtubs supplement their products with special fasteners and fittings. Supports come with models from Jika, Roca, Riho and others.

How to install an acrylic bathtub on legs yourself:

Acrylic and glass bathtubs need to be handled very carefully. Plastic is susceptible to deformation under shock loads. When the installation process is over, proceed to the installation of the mixer, washing machine and other consumers.

Video: full video instructions for installing the bath

Installing an acrylic bathtub on bricks

Immediately, we note that this method is rarely used to install plastic baths. For acrylic sanitary ware, not only perfect evenness is important, but also the complete absence of shock or other loads that contribute to deformation. Brick props are quite difficult to install with your own hands so that they evenly distribute the pressure over the entire surface of the bath.

Step-by-step instructions on how to install an acrylic bathtub on bricks:

After laying the bricks, you need to wait for the mortar to harden and only then install an acrylic bath on them. Of course, appearance brick supports leaves much to be desired, so the most different variants... This is a tile, decorative panels, screen (as for frame), etc.

Installing a plastic bath

Installing a plastic bathtub with your own hands is no more difficult than installing an acrylic bathtub. Moreover, all the options that are described above are suitable:

  • On the frame;
  • On the legs;
  • On bricks or other props at hand.

During installation plastic bath you need to be especially careful and careful. Any wrong movement or miscalculation in the places where the supports are installed can cause cracks.

Rules how to install a plastic bath Standard:

  • It is important to distribute the load evenly. This means that the supports, legs or frame must be symmetrically positioned over the entire surface of the bath. This will avoid deformations;
  • To strengthen the frame and legs, special corners are often used. The corner is a rigid metal part that ensures the strength of the connection between the support and the surface of the bath. Of course, you can do without it, but then during operation, the structure may begin to loosen;
  • The pipes are connected until the bath is installed. In other words, first the props or frame are installed, then the siphon and other taps are attached (the shower stall is connected, etc.), and then the bathtub is mounted;
  • Lastly, the hood, mirror and curtain are installed. For the latter, you will need to additionally fix the cornice to the walls or ceiling.

Installing a cast iron bath

A cast iron bathtub is considered the most durable and reliable, but it is categorically not suitable for installation in a small bathroom (where there is also a toilet in the bathroom). It is most advisable to install it in a private house, because. average weight this design reaches 500 kg.

Step-by-step instructions on how to install a cast iron bath:

Installing a steel bath

It is much easier to install a metal steel bathtub than a cast iron one. It is not as heavy and, depending on its size, is perfect for installation in a small bathroom. As with the installation of a cast-iron structure, the old bathroom is dismantled first, after the walls and flooring are cleaned.

Next, the bath is arranged on its legs or a frame is equipped for it. When preparatory work completed, the connection of the outlets to the sewerage and water supply is provided. After that, the bath is installed in its place and connected to central system water supply.

Installing a bathtub in a tiled bathroom

All the methods described above assume that the tiles will be installed after the installation of the bathrooms. But, what if an iron bath or shower cubicle needs to be installed in a tiled room?

Installing the bath on legs

The installation of a cast iron, glass or steel bath on the legs is carried out according to a scheme similar to the installation of an acrylic structure. Of course, depending on the size or shape, the distance between the posts may vary, but in general, the technology remains.

To familiarize yourself with the process in more detail, we suggest watching the video of installing the bath on legs:

Installing a corner bath

Installation of corner structures is the most difficult to implement on your own. Let's consider how to install a corner Cersanit bathtub on legs with your own hands:

When conducting overhaul bathrooms, as a rule, are trying to replace and plumbing items.

Consider how to install an acrylic bathtub by doing the work on your own.

Selection and storage of acrylic bathtubs

One of the significant advantages of acrylic bathtubs is the variety of their shapes and colors. This circumstance is allowed to select models for the most different premises, and for an ordinary typical, and for a spacious bathroom in the cottage.

Prices for acrylic bathtubs also vary. Of course, when buying, you should proceed from your financial capabilities, however, you should not purchase too cheap bathtubs. Such plumbing does not differ in quality, and you will have to make sure of this even at the installation stage.

When buying a bath, do not hesitate, not only carefully inspect the purchased product, but also smell it.

The presence of a sharp "chemical" smell indicates poor quality of the product.

Before you wonder how to install an acrylic bathtub, you need to make sure that it is properly stored during the preparatory work.

If installation is not planned in the near future, do not empty the bath from the original packaging. The manufacturer takes care of the safety of his goods during transportation and unloading, therefore he packs the bathtubs so as to exclude accidental damage.

If the inner surface of the bath is covered with a protective film, then it should not be removed until all installation work has been completed.

This measure will prevent accidental damage to the polymer surface.

Preparatory stage

We fasten the metal frame to the bath

When deciding how to properly install an acrylic bathtub, one cannot neglect the preparatory stage.

  • Even before buying a bath, all measurements should be taken to make sure that the selected model is on the planned site.
  • If a bathtub with hydromassage equipment is chosen, then attention should be paid to the preparation of electrical wiring for connecting pumping equipment.
    It is necessary to lead the leads of the supply cable to the place where the compressor, pump and control unit will be installed. In addition, it is necessary to carry out insulation of the wiring and grounding of the contacts.
  • Next, you should organize the supply of water supply and sewerage pipes. It should be borne in mind that the pipeline should not interfere with the tight fit of the sides of the bathtub to the wall.
  • Before you install a corner acrylic bathtub, you need to check whether the walls in the corner where the model is planned to be placed form a right angle.
    If this is not the case, then it will be necessary to conduct plastering works to align the corner.

Installing an acrylic bathtub

An example of fixing the frame of a corner bath

Acrylic is not a metal that holds its shape perfectly, so additional measures must be taken to ensure the stability of the bath. As a rule, acrylic bathtubs are mounted on a frame. This mounting hardware may be included with the bath, but if this is not the case, you will have to assemble the frame yourself.

Let's consider how to properly install an acrylic bathtub, provided that the frame is included in the product package.

  • The bath is turned upside down and placed on a soft lining (you can use cardboard from the packaging).
  • The frame is assembled according to the recommendations in the instructions attached to the product.
  • The frame guides and legs are screwed to the bathtub.

As a rule, the bottom of acrylic bathtubs is made with a noticeable thickening so that parts can be screwed on.

However, when drilling holes for installing self-tapping screws, a stop should be installed on the drill so that you do not accidentally drill a through hole.

We attach the legs to a rectangular bath

  • Now the bath should be turned over and put on its feet in the place where the installation is planned. By adjusting the height of the legs, you should ensure that the sides of the bath are located strictly horizontally.
  • If you plan to install a decorative screen, then the distance from the bottom edge of the side to the floor should be 60 cm.
  • After the height of the legs has been adjusted, mark the place where the bath will fit on the wall.
  • The bath is set aside, and along the marked line, the frame of the frame from the profile or fastening hooks are fixed (the type of fastening depends on the model of the bath). It is necessary to fasten the profile or hooks using a puncher and screws.

If the walls are tiled, a ceramic tile drill should be used to drill the holes.

And to make it more convenient to work, you should stick a piece of scotch tape on the location of the hole.

This trick will prevent the drill from slipping on the glossy tile surface and prevent the tile from cracking.

Installing bathrooms and blowing out the space under the bathroom with foam

  • The bath is installed in place so that its side rests on the frame of the frame or hooks.
  • Now you need to connect the bath to the sewerage system. This is a simple matter, especially if the bathroom has modern plastic pipes but extremely inconvenient. The fact is that the release of water is organized at the lowest point so that the drain is carried out by gravity. Therefore, the distance between the floor and the bottom of the bath in this place is minimal, which creates great inconvenience during work.
  • To make the work somewhat easier, it is recommended to connect the siphon and the sewer pipe before installing the bath. This is easy to do: a rubber sleeve is inserted into the socket of the intake pipe, and a siphon pipe is inserted into it.

Before inserting the coupling, it must be lubricated both inside and outside with silicone sealant.

  • After the siphon is installed, you can put the bath in place. It is more convenient to connect to the siphon with an assistant. One person will press the siphon outlet against the drain hole in the bathroom, while the other will insert the neck and screw it onto the pipe.
  • A gasket should be placed between the siphon outlet and the bottom of the bath, which should be lubricated with silicone sealant on both sides.
  • After the drain neck is tightened, you can start installing the overflow. The hose is led to the overflow neck and a nut is screwed onto it, and then a wedge-shaped gasket is placed (the gasket should be placed with a narrow part to the cut end of the hose).
  • Now the hose should be inserted into the thin tube and tightened the nut. The other end of the hose is attached to the previously installed siphon. At the last stage, the overflow is pressed against the hole in the bath and the neck is twisted onto it.

Connecting the bathroom to the sewer pipe

  • After completing the installation, check the system for leaks. To do this, the bath is filled with water and released, observing how the system works. If leaks are detected, it is necessary to tighten the relaxed joints.
  • The last stage of installation is to form a substrate under the bathtub. Such a substrate will provide it with additional stability and protect it from swaying.
    Bricks or thick rubber pads were previously used as a substrate. But today there is something simpler, but no less effective solution- the use of polyurethane foam.
  • If the bottom of the bath is not high above the floor, then you can simply fill free space foam.
    If the distance is significant, then as a base, you can use posts made of bricks or even plastic bottles with water. Next, you need to fill all the free space under the bathroom with foam.

Before using polyurethane foam, fill the bathtub with water. Otherwise, the expanding foam layer can lift the bottom of the tub.

  • The foam under the bathtub will dry for about a day. After the expiration of this period, the water from the bath can be released, and a decorative one can be installed under it.
    If the screen is solid, then an inspection hole will have to be made in it to provide access to the siphon installation site.
  • When deciding how to install an acrylic corner bath, the procedure remains the same as described above.
  • The junction of the sides of the bathtub and the wall should be filled with silicone sealant, and a special self-adhesive tape should be glued on top, which is matched to the color of the bathtub and gives the joints a neat look.

The above instructions are for installing an acrylic bathtub most in a simple way... If desired, you can install the bathtub on a brick-built frame.

This method of installation provides a reliable fixation of the bathtub, but requires construction skills and experience. The process in one way or another can be seen visually if you watch the training videos presented on construction sites.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

Many are interested in the question of how to install an acrylic bathtub. The process of installing any plumbing is an extremely responsible matter, since even minor deviations from the required standards can affect the final life of the products. If done correctly, a bathtub can last for many years.

First of all, for work you will need, of course, the bath itself and its accessories: legs, hooks for attaching to the wall, two mounting strips.

Step-by-step instructions for installing an acrylic bathtub

Let's start by attaching the mounting strips to the bottom of the tub with screws, as shown in the video. To do this, turn the bath upside down, put planks on top of it and make the appropriate markings so that you know where to drill the holes.

After that, we remove the planks and make indentations in the surface of the bath. Drilling should be shallow, dropping no more than 5 mm.

Installation of an acrylic bathtub is a responsible process, therefore, in order to avoid damage acrylic surface everything needs to be done as carefully as possible. Next, we fasten the mounting strips to the bathroom with screws, and attach the legs to the ends of the strips.

Screws and other parts should only be used from the appropriate kit, which is designed for the parameters and thickness of the coating for a particular bath. The screws should be screwed into the thickened part of the bath bottom.

The next step is to install the bathtub directly into place. At the appropriate height from the floor, we drill holes in the walls, hammer in the dowels and attach special hooks, again using screws.

The installation of the corner acrylic bathtub is made by fitting on these hooks - this way, the most reliable and durable fixation is ensured.

We check the stability of the bath, as shown in the photo, as well as its horizontal position using a building level. If the structure has some kind of mobility, even a small one, you should make a final calibration in height by adjusting the legs.

When installing an acrylic bathtub on a frame, do not forget about installing a drain siphon. If the parts do not coincide with each other by at least a few millimeters, water leakage is possible in the future and, accordingly, problems with neighbors.

As you know, acrylic, like steel, does not retain heat well. In order for the bath not to cool down so quickly, you can immerse it in a kind of "thermos", consisting of a thin layer of polyurethane foam, which covers both the bottom and sides of the bath. Silicone can also be used to seal all gaps between the bathtub body and the walls.

When deciding to install an acrylic bathtub with your own hands, it helps how own experience and advice from professionals. Different bathrooms have their own nuances, and the fact that you managed to successfully put the bath on the first time does not mean that the same will happen in other cases.

One of the main requirements that must be met before the start of installation is the completion of all repair and finishing works In bathroom. The walls must be plastered, the floor leveled, the tiles laid.

For a final check of the work performed for stability and tightness, you should take water into the font and wait a while. If there are no leaks and other negative phenomena, the installation of an acrylic bathtub can be considered successful.

Thanks to chemical and physical properties With a material such as acrylic, plumbing manufacturers can create incredible shapes, sizes and bath bowls. And most importantly, each product is replete with its beauty and grace.

But there is one small drawback: the bottom of the bath is not strong enough to withstand heavy weight, it can bend due to its elasticity. And so that we do not have to risk our own funds, in the complete set with the bathroom, each store offers to purchase an additional frame.

The frame is a reinforcing structure that is mounted under the bath bowl, fixing the bottom and sides of the bowl, while protecting the acrylic product from bending and deformation.

In the store, the factory frame will cost at least 2,000 rubles, and if you add the cost of the bathtub, you get a not so attractive amount. Therefore, we want to invite you to assemble this structure with your own hands.

Bath frame

Purpose and design features

Plumbing manufacturers recommend purchasing a frame-frame with a bathtub on which the bathtub will be mounted directly. The product is designed to optimally distribute the load over the entire bowl and completely prevent all kinds of cracks and deflections of the case.

Most retail stores offer off-the-shelf frames for certain types of bathtubs, often the ones they sell. As practice shows, universal models, unfortunately, are not on sale.

The corresponding frame is a square metal profile, which is obligatory covered with anti-corrosion powder paint.

Frame frame

The product frame consists of the following parts:

  • supports for the bowl itself, mounted in each corner of the bath;
  • additional stiffeners;
  • main legs, adjustable in height.

It is these components that determine the strength and reliability of an acrylic bathtub. Without such a frame, the operation of the bath will be impossible and even dangerous.

Note: some consumers believe that mounting the legs will be sufficient. However, this is not true. The legs only level the acrylic bathtub above the floor level, but do not hold its walls and bottom in any way.

Indeed, the product is made from high-strength fibers, but they tend to deform under high temperature and pressure. At the same time, neither the walls nor the bottom of the bath can withstand the weight of a person and the pressure of water.

If you are the owner of an acrylic bathtub with a complex configuration: a bowl in the form of an oval, circle or polyhedron, you will need a special platform frame. An ordinary frame will not be reliable, it will not be able to simply attach the bath to the wall. Such models of acrylic bathtubs will be even more stable than ordinary ones, because such products have rather wide sides, which allows them to easily lie down on the platform.


When buying a frame for an acrylic bathtub, experts recommend turning Special attention for the frame model that the seller recommends with the bowl.

Bath racks

Carefully inspect the frame structure: if the frame proposed to you has big amount fulcrum, this is a sure sign of poor quality of the bath itself. Most likely, the model is made of a thin layer of acrylic, unreliable and easily deformed.

The all-welded frame also testifies to the poor quality of the sanitary ware.

If the seller offers you a kit in which the frame has only four points of support, you can judge good quality acrylic bathtub.

As practice shows, for your own faith and saving money, it is better to assemble and install the frame of the acrylic bathtub with your own hands.

Experts note several types of structures:

  • brickwork that completely repeats the shape of the bath; this option is rather complicated, only a builder, a master of his craft, can carry it out, especially in the case of an asymmetric bowl;
  • frame made of plywood and timber: a great option for making it yourself; few materials are needed, only plywood with certain markings, a bar of a specific section, self-tapping screws and drying oil;
  • metal frame: required shaped pipes and metal corners.

Practice shows that for DIY manufacturing, you should choose the last two options: metal or wooden frame... It is these two options that are best suited for working at home.

Frame for an acrylic bathtub

Manufacturing from wood

We will present you with an example of assembling a classic frame made of chipboard and timber for a standard oval bathtub.

Algorithm of actions:

  • along the perimeter of the bathroom, you will install boards that will become the base of the frame;
  • racks will be located on this base;
  • on top of the racks, you will lay another board, which will later become the top of the frame;
  • cover the top of the frame chipboard sheet(or any thick plywood) and cut a hole for the tub.

There is a peculiarity in the last point of our plan: for rectangular bathtubs, you do not need to cover the frame with a chipboard sheet; the frame is simply made according to the exact shape of the top of the acrylic bathtub.

It is very important to use waterproof plywood (FC or FSF brands) with a thickness of at least 15 mm in the process of making the frame, or waterproof chipboard sheets, the thickness of which is not less than 25 mm.

Calculation of dimensions

First, determine the height of the posts: the size should not exceed the frame, but not too low. Try to define optimal height so that both children and the elderly can comfortably use the bathroom.

The formula for calculating the height of the racks:

  • install the bath and measure the length from the floor to the lower edges;
  • subtract the thickness of the top boards, the base of the frame, the chipboard or plywood backing, tiles (for facing the screen) and the mortar on which the tiles will be attached from the resulting figure.

Once all calculations have been made, proceed to the next step.

Brick frame

Preparation of the base

Study the following steps very carefully as they determine the look and feel of the structure.

Work progress:

  1. Install the boards around the entire perimeter of the future frame.
  2. Using self-tapping screws for concrete, attach the boards to the floor.
  3. According to the calculations, cut out required amount racks, take into account the segment near the wall. Then attach them securely to the base.

If you are concerned about the number of racks, everything is simple here: the minimum number is four, located in all corners of the frame. Add each subsequent stance only 50 cm from the previous segment.

To simplify the installation of the racks, you can use metal corners.

Installation of a frame for an acrylic bathtub

Now we can safely start installing the frame with our own hands.

Sequence of steps:

  1. Lay the boards on top of the racks and fasten them to the screws. If the board is installed along the wall, it must also be fixed.
  2. You need to cover the frame with a fairly thick sheet of chipboard and plywood and attach it around the entire perimeter.
  3. Mark the hole using a mold and a long straight block. Please note, perhaps your bathtub included a template that can greatly simplify your task.
  4. Cut the hole directly with a jigsaw or a hand-held narrow saw.

At this stage, the manufacture of a frame with your own hands for the bath is over. It remains only to install the bath on the frame and finish the screen.

Wooden frame for acrylic bathtub

Installing an acrylic bath on a frame

Bath installation sequence:

  1. To keep the bottom of the tub secure and stable, create a cement cushion. If the screen is already tiled ceramic tiles, then after pouring the cement, you can mount the bath. If not, follow these steps:
    • raise the bath above the frame, taking into account the height of the future tile and the adhesive under it; use pieces of plywood or cut boards of the required thickness as a bedding for the bowl;
    • try to lay such gaskets so that the bath is exactly in its place.
  2. Lower the tub gently and gently over the opening in the frame. For this step, you will need an assistant to rule out the possibility of falls and injuries.
  3. As soon as the cement hardens, the acrylic bath can be connected to the water supply and sewerage system.
  4. Now you need to finish the plywood sheets with ceramic tiles. Do not forget to define a place for a mobile door in the side of the frame.
  5. Using the basic rules for working with tiles, finish the outer part of the frame.
  6. Be sure to seal all tile joints, crevices and gaps between the bathroom, tile and floor with a sealant.

Wooden frame

An example of the assembly of a metal frame

If you are afraid that the timber will rot from high humidity in the bathroom, consider the build option metal frame do it yourself.

In general, the entire course of work is similar to the manufacture of the above frame, but with several differences:

The principle of assembling the frame for the acrylic bathtub is the same as in the previous version.

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