How to wash acrylic kitchen surfaces. How to wash a plastic kitchen - basic tricks and tricks

Decor elements 16.06.2019
Decor elements

We tried to do very spectacular interior kitchens and gave preference to glossy furniture facades, and now you are frantically wondering how much time you will have to spend on caring for them? You are thinking in the right direction, as any glossy surface requires the most scrupulous attitude and frequent cleaning. But not everything is so tragic, so leave your gloomy thoughts about constantly spending time as a “prisoner” for cleaning the kitchen. In this article, we will give you some valuable advice about how to wash the glossy facades of the kitchen so that they stay clean longer and free you up time for a well-deserved rest.

Where does gloss come from?

Before washing the glossy facades in the kitchen with the first tool that comes to hand, do something useful for yourself - find out what exactly your set is made of. Ideally, this should have been done at the time of purchase, carefully considering further care. But now you definitely should not ignore this step, otherwise all the money spent on stylish interior can be literally thrown into the wind, and after the first cleaning of the furniture, it will look at least unpresentable.

Important! The choice of a suitable tool will directly depend on what material was used for decoration.

Gloss on furniture facades is obtained in the following way:

  1. Use plastic. Despite being cheap, they are one of the most practical types of material. As a basis in such furniture, an inexpensive chipboard is taken, on which plastic sheets are applied. As a result, the question of how to wash the glossy facades of the kitchen is solved very simply. Water is suitable here in any quantity, low-aggressive household chemicals, moderately hard washcloths and sponges, even brushes. It is this type of material that is characterized by optimal mechanical strength, complete water tightness.
  2. Reveal the base material with paint or varnish. You will have to work hard on a headset with such a finish, since due to the peculiarities of manufacturing technology, it is not cheap. A large amount of water, aggressive chemicals and others are too negative impacts unacceptable for such material. Care for the glossy facades of the kitchen of such a model should be extremely careful. The only thing that pleases is that if you make a mistake and a piece of paint or varnish even flies off the surface, the defect can be corrected. Just choose the right solution - according to quality and color and apply it.
  3. Apply acrylic. Another kind of expensive cuisine. The basis, as a rule, is high-quality MDF boards, acrylic plastic is planted on top of polyurethane glue. Such materials can be washed with water, as well as thoroughly polished. But you can not use aggressive household chemicals when cleaning.
  4. Cover with PVC film. Since no special adhesive solutions are used to fix the film on the base material, if not proper care glossy finish may peel off. In general, it has excellent resistance to sunlight, mechanical stress, so you can easily rub with a sponge or use non-abrasive cleaners. But from liquid solutions and a large number water in order to wash the glossy facades of the kitchen will have to be abandoned.

What is afraid of glossy material?

From description possible materials to create a shiny surface of the headset, it was already possible to draw a conclusion about what exactly such material is afraid of. To summarize, this is:

  • excessive moisture;
  • ultraviolet;
  • abrasive cleaners with aggressively active ingredients.

Based on this, we obtain information about how to wash a glossy kitchen is impossible:

  • solvents;
  • alcohols;
  • nitroglycerine;
  • compositions based on synthetic resins;
  • coarse brushes;
  • powders.

Important! Choosing the right product in a household chemicals store, you can independently study the composition or simply give preference to those products that are labeled “for glossy surfaces”. The second way will be simpler, and the quality of cleaning will directly depend on the reliability of the brand.

How to wash the glossy facades of the kitchen?

In fact, although glossy kitchens should be washed carefully, they may be suitable for this purpose. different means. Based on the information received above, you can choose a more convenient option for yourself and use it to take care of the glossy facades of the kitchen easily and naturally.

For this purpose will be useful:

  • ordinary weakly concentrated soap solution, suitable even from hypoallergenic, safe means for dish washing;
  • glass cleaner in the form of a spray, but without ammonia in the composition;
  • wet wipes - useful for daily care when it is necessary to remove fat and fingerprints from the surface in 5 minutes;
  • shampoos or shower gels - they will more gently and gently help you take care of a glossy kitchen;
  • special polishes for glossy surfaces - used as a prophylactic to prevent the appearance of pollution;

Important! Cleaning by any means should be done with lint-free rags. Soft cotton, flannel, or modern microfiber cloths are best suited for this purpose.

Benefits of a glossy kitchen

So that you do not focus on the problem of caring for a glossy kitchen and inflate it to the size of an unsolvable and complex, let us remind you why you decided to buy just such a set:

  • gloss perfectly reflects light, due to which your kitchen looks brighter and more spacious;
  • since the furniture is based on several materials, and the surface has protective layer, such kitchens last much longer with proper care due to their low susceptibility to mechanical damage;
  • glossy facades always bring a special showiness to the interior, emphasize the refined style and give some elegance even to the most ordinary environment.

Extraordinary, bright and stylish - glossy kitchens firmly "stand" on the pedestal of the most popular kitchen sets. What is the secret of this furniture? It's simple - a brilliant gloss with its very presence transforms the room and becomes the main focus.

Even the classic white gloss will not look standard, and the dark shades of the facades are also chosen for small rooms, because the mirror effect visually “pulls apart” the walls and raises the ceilings. Truth, glossy furniture has its own requirements - it “loves” delicate care.
What owners need to know beautiful facades to keep the shine of kitchen furniture?

Let's say right away that it will be necessary to take care of glossy facades daily.
Ideally, the surface should be cleaned after each cooking. Why? Because glossy headsets leave all traces of splashes, grease, fingers and steam on themselves. If you do not remove dirt from the furniture, it will quickly become unusable and, of course, will lose its brilliant beauty. But, knowing all the enemies “by sight”, you can extend the life of the headset and easily clean the facades even from difficult stains.

The first enemy is moisture. Wet cleaning a glossy kitchen will not work. Especially if your headset is made with using PVC films. Unfortunately, regular ingress of water, fat can cause the film to peel off. What to do? First - do not wash the surface big amount water and constantly keep the facades dry. If the kitchen is small, there is a more radical way - to choose glossy facades only for the upper wall cabinets, and pick up the most vulnerable bottom drawers from practical and unpretentious material.
Enemy number 2 - direct sunlight. Bright light over time will "steal" the brilliance of a rich and colorful facade. There is only one way out - to experiment with the arrangement of glossy furniture. If your kitchen "lives" on sunny side, in the hot season, you can hang thick curtains that will protect the facade.
Another enemy of a glossy kitchen is hard brushes. What do you most often do to get rid of fat stains? Rub with brushes, thick rags, especially when you need to wash old grease stains. So the glossy surface should not be rubbed with metal scrapers and brushes. You risk seeing scratches. How then to clean the facade?
Your best friend It is a soft fabric and microfiber. And of course, regularity. To prevent grease, stains and water marks from drying out.
And the most dangerous enemy is abrasive cleaners. We are accustomed to taking care of facades as simply as possible - to select effective powders and very active cleaning agents.
Glossy surfaces are not suitable. Do not wash the doors with powders, which include acids, alkalis and chemical solvents. Furniture must be handled carefully and delicately.
The way out is to use liquid products. It is best to select those on the packaging of which it says "for glossy surfaces."

There is another way that will extend the life of the furniture: get a more powerful hood.
Even if you have a small kitchen, look at the hood, which is 20 percent more powerful than the current one. With good technique, drops of fat and steam will settle on the surface less and you will need to wash the facades less often.
So, in fact, we have come to the question of how to wash shiny surfaces if you cannot use powders, aggressive agents and metal scrapers?
Let's see what you need to have in your kitchen to quickly and effectively remove stains, fingerprints and greasy spots.
Use a kitchen front cleaner
Use glass cleaner. Such a liquid will help remove difficult stains of fat.
Cleaning sprays that say “for glossy surfaces” on the packaging are also suitable for kitchen facades. They will help wash stains from steam and fingerprints.
Use dishwashing detergent, whatever you have. It effectively eliminates splash marks and greasy marks after cooking.
Wet wipes come in handy when you don’t want to wash all the facades, but you just need to remove a few steam stains or stains. Wipes should not contain alcohol. A microfiber cloth will help wipe the facade dry and quickly remove moisture from the surface.

Microfiber can safely wash greasy stains and use it as a substitute for hard brushes. Wax polish will be able to increase the shine of the furniture and will act as an antistatic agent.
After you have wiped the facades with a dry cloth, use a polish to remove static electricity and prevent dust from settling on the facades.
Shiny surfaces can be washed with gentle shower cleaners or regular liquid soap. The main thing is that the composition does not contain nitroglycerin, acetone and synthetic resins.
In order for the facades to always shine and literally dazzle with their beauty, they must first be cleaned with a detergent or spray.
Then wipe dry with microfiber and apply polish with wax.
Such careful maintenance and service life of furniture will extend and save you from more serious cleaning when you need to clean out old grease stains and steam stains.
After each cooking, it is best to wipe the facades with a dry cloth or wet wipes.

Often the choice of materials for kitchen facades, as well as the type of their finish, depends on one question, quite simple at first glance: how to clean the kitchen set and how difficult is it to do? That is why buyers are confused by white sets that look luxurious in the photo. And even more so, many doubt whether they will be the same in reality after several cleanings, will the gloss applied to them be scratched?

No matter how strong they are modern solutions, care for them requires attention and accuracy, because most products designed to remove fat contain either abrasive substances or aggressive solvents. Both of them can lead to damage to the finishing layer of facades. Almost all materials can be scratched, even if the damage is not visible to the naked eye.

Aggressive components corrode film, paint on MDF plastic coating and varnish on gloss, there are quite a few photo examples of such an effect on the Internet. To extend the life of kitchen furniture, namely its facades, you should carefully study the composition of the purchased detergents. But you can prefer simple ways headset care.

It is worth paying attention to gentle products especially if you have shiny white facades, on which any stains and scratches are visible better than on any other color surface.

Regardless of the characteristics of the finish, any of them cannot withstand frequent washing with aggressive preparations: the appearance deteriorates; moisture and even more grease get into scratches and damage. As a result, they lose their gloss, gradually collapsing and subsequently requiring repair or replacement.

Experienced housewives have long concluded that no the best remedy than regular dish detergent.

To wash kitchen furniture with dish detergent, it should be diluted a little in water, getting enough foam for a gentle surface treatment. This method is applicable to any coating, since it does not destroy the material and does not scratch it.

You can use the usual detergent for any kitchen quite often, so it is better to wash contaminated surfaces immediately after cooking.

In order to clean the furniture from frozen drops of fat, you first need to apply foam to the contaminated areas of the facades for a while, and then wash the kitchen with the hard side, preferably of a new sponge. If gloss covers, then you should not make special efforts to press the surface with a sponge ─ even barely noticeable scratches can remain from it. But matte furniture should be washed just as carefully.

In the photo - washing matte facades. We recommend wearing rubber gloves when washing the headset.

If the headset is not washed at all for a long time, then the layer of dirt and grease will be difficult to remove with a simple remedy. To care for kitchen furniture in this case, you will have to purchase special household chemicals, but you need to choose pastes or gels, the composition of which is applicable to each specific type of facade.

Most often, the content of a modular kitchen is difficult, since the gap between the individual elements quickly becomes dirty. But the way out will be special pads on the joints, which will prevent the ingress of fat and moisture between two adjacent parts of the modular headset.

Universal gentle care products for kitchen furniture

Of course, you have to wash the kitchen regularly, so at all times the housewives chose the most gentle means so that the furniture served long time. During the existence of wooden modular and modern, many methods have been tried.

Such a glossy facade, as in the photo, can be easily scratched.

Previously common white kits tried to wash with soda and mustard. Today, soda is not applicable for MDF cabinets, as it is a rather harsh abrasive. And mustard can be used to make a fat-removing paste. To do this, mix mustard with water to get a mushy mass. Spread the mixture on the stains and wash off after a while with warm water, without making an effort so as not to scratch the facades.

Among folk remedies there are other ways to care for a modular kitchen and conventional headsets:

  • you can wash glossy white and any other facades with vodka or alcohol, diluting it 1: 1 with water;
  • 1 st. l. dilute ammonia in a liter of water and spray contaminated surfaces, leave for a few minutes, and then wipe. But this tool should be used with caution on glossy surfaces, because stains may remain;
  • if you mix the zest of a lemon (or its juice) with vinegar and a small amount of alcohol, you get effective remedy to remove grease that will not harm even an inexpensive modular glossy kitchen. White coatings can also be washed with this composition.

Although any modular, not just white, causes some maintenance difficulties, facades can be kept clean with regular or apple cider vinegar mixed with vodka. With this solution, you can regularly wipe the surfaces, and the dirt will not have time to accumulate on them. And the kitchen will shine like new.

For general cleaning you can use the most effective means ─ hot steam blow. To do this, use both special steam cleaners and conventional irons with a vertical steam function.

We hope that our advice will be useful to you, and your kitchen will be indistinguishable from the new models from the photo catalogs of manufacturers!

After purchasing a kitchen with a glossy facade, it becomes clear that it is not easy to take care of such a set. Spots that appear on the surface - from fingerprints to oil marks after cooking - are especially noticeable on it. When caring for a glossy kitchen furniture the method of cleaning and household chemicals are selected individually for a specific material. Otherwise, you may damage the surface or leave noticeable streaks on it.

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    General rules of care

    In order for the glossy shine to last as long as possible, kitchen fronts should be maintained regularly. In this case, you need to follow some rules:

    1. 1. After cleaning the surface kitchen set should be wiped dry. Otherwise, the facade will swell from moisture and become moldy. In addition, there will be divorces.
    2. 2. If possible, the kitchen set should be protected from direct sun rays. As a result of exposure to ultraviolet light, the gloss quickly fades.
    3. 3. In the cleaning process, it is recommended to use only non-abrasive products. Aggressive substances leave behind cloudy white stains that are difficult to get rid of and can corrode the coating.
    4. 4. Concentrated detergents should be diluted with plain water. It is recommended to buy special formulations designed to care for glossy facades.

    The kitchen facade with gloss will please its unchanged for a longer time. appearance if you follow these guidelines.

    Features of care for various types of coatings

    facades are covered different materials. It could be:

    • plastic;
    • PVC film;
    • paint and varnish;
    • acrylic.


    Typically, plastic kitchens are made by gluing a plastic sheet onto the front of the facade. The main advantage of such a coating is its water resistance. It does not soak during washing, remains durable for a long time.

    But the glossy surface may fade as a result of using the wrong product. To avoid this, the effect of a new composition should always be checked for small area facade. Products containing abrasive substances can damage the material. These damages cannot be repaired. To care for a glossy plastic kitchen, precommended to useordinary soap solution.

    Plastic cannot be cleaned with hard brushes and rags. It is advisable to wash the plastic glossy facade of the kitchen with a soft, lint-free cloth.

    Paint and varnish

    MDF boards are painted and varnished in several layers. It is he who provides an attractive shine, which is important to maintain using cleaning products.

    Soft microfiber cloths are used to clean painted surfaces.

    Cleaning agents must be non-abrasive. You can use a soapy solution or a cleaner for mirrors and glass. The latter effectively copes with stains and does not leave streaks. And after the soapy solution, you need to wipe the surface dry with a soft cloth, otherwise unattractive stains on the facade are provided.

    PVC film

    This film is applied to kitchen facades with help vacuum press. It is characterized by resistance to any mechanical influences, its bright color stored for a long time.

    But due to the abundance of moisture, the film may begin to peel off. Therefore, such facades are washed with a carefully wrung out cloth. Both soap and glass cleaner are suitable for processing.


    Acrylic sheets are sometimes glued on top of MDF boards, which are easy to care for. The main condition is to avoid the use of aggressive substances that will deprive the facades of a glossy sheen.

    For acrylic, a soap solution, glass cleaner and other non-abrasive detergents are selected.

    Application of individual detergents

    In order for the cleaning of the kitchen to be most effective, the detergent composition does not leave streaks behind, and a glossy sheen remains on the surface of the facade, it is important to follow some recommendations.

    Soap solution and dishwashing liquid

    Normal laundry soap copes with many pollutions in the kitchen. You need to act as follows:

    1. 1. Dissolve a small amount of grated soap in warm water.
    2. 2. Moisten a soft cloth in the resulting solution.
    3. 3. Wipe the contaminated surface.
    4. 4. Wipe the coating dry, you can additionally polish it with a flannel cloth to a shine.

    You can clean furniture from grease using dishwashing detergent. It must be mixed with water and lightly whipped until foam forms and treat dirty areas with it. After ten minutes, the stains can be easily wiped off with a dry cloth.

    Dishwashing gel and soap can often be used to clean glossy fronts without fear of damaging the furniture. These products are suitable for regular cleaning and are able to wash not only the kitchen set, but also tables with chairs, window sills, tiles, and washable wallpapers.


    Mustard can be used not only in cooking. It effectively removes grease stains. For this you need:

    1. 1. Mix mustard and water to make a porridge-like mass.
    2. 2. Apply the mixture to the stain.
    3. 3. Leave for a couple of minutes.
    4. 4. Wash off with a sponge, dampening it with warm water.

    Do not press hard on the sponge, as the glossy surface is easy to scratch.

Owners of elegant kitchen sets often wonder how to wash the glossy facades of the kitchen. First of all, you need to know exactly what material the furniture was made of, as this affects various methods care. In addition, an important role is played by color design. Oddly enough, on light surfaces, pollution is much less visible, but dark shades instantly show fingerprints and water streaks.

How to keep order

Gloss always looks spectacular and expensive, but it is also somewhat demanding to maintain. By adhering to certain simple rules, you can keep the headset in perfect condition for a long time.

First of all, direct sunlight should be avoided, as they contribute to the fading of the material. In addition, regular airing of all bedside tables will play into the hands of the hostess. Dryness must be monitored and maintained, otherwise moisture entering through the side edges will contribute to flaking.

To eliminate grease and various kinds of contaminants, only soft products should be used, which do not contain aggressive components and abrasive particles. The presence of scratching elements contributes to the formation of microcracks through which water seeps through, and after a while the coating may swell.

If you try to wipe old stains with a metal scraper, they will remain deep scratches that are not recoverable.

How not to wash gloss

When choosing detergents for glossy facades, you should carefully study the composition. It must not contain the following components:

  1. 1 Alcohol, as it can cause premature fading of the color. If it is not possible to use another cleaning option, then try first wiping in an inconspicuous place and look at the result.
  2. 2 Chlorine definitely discolors the coating, corroding the protective layer. The drawing of the kitchen set looks like in a fog, and it is impossible to restore it.
  3. 3 Wax and synthetic resins are also undesirable for use on glossy facades. After application, they remain a sticky layer that collects dust, grease and other contaminants. To eliminate them, stronger means will be required.
  4. 4 Acetone and solvents can have the same negative effect as chlorine. The surface becomes cloudy, or stains remain.

In addition, the use of steam cleaners should be avoided. Excessively high temperatures can cause the glossy layer to peel off. And if steam enters through possible cracks on the surface, then the material will begin to swell.

Acceptable cleaning products

The question of how to wash a glossy kitchen is especially acute if there are children in the house. After all, the eternal prints of small hands constantly appear on the lower facades of the headset. In addition, the application chemicals undesirable both for children and the general health of the household, and for the most glossy material.

Therefore, the cleaning of shiny coatings can be carried out using dishwashing detergents, glass cleaners, shower gels and shampoos, liquid soap, as well as special wax-free polishes. Particularly well removes fat and restores the "mirror" gloss perhydrol or hydrogen peroxide.

It is advisable to stock up on special rags made of microfiber.

This material is very soft, does not leave scratches and streaks. In the arsenal of the hostess there should be several such rags.

Melamine sponges have proven themselves very well. They are able to eliminate grease, water stains, fingerprints without the use of additional means. Their action lies in the fact that they are made of a special material that erases dirt like an eraser. It is recommended to pre-moisten the sponge with clean water and wring it out thoroughly.

How to clean a headset to a shine

In order to successfully carry out cleaning work on the glossy facades of the kitchen set, it is necessary to prepare all the means in advance. Do not leave moisture on the surface for a long time to avoid damage.

In warm water, a small amount of soap should be diluted at the discretion of the hostess. Soak a microfiber cloth in this solution and apply to the facade. If necessary, you can leave the product for better elimination of fat, but not more than 5 minutes. Then you need to wash off the soapy solution with a damp, clean sponge.

The final step requires thorough wiping with a microfiber cloth, but completely dry. This will help create a mirror finish. In the event of minor contamination, it is enough to wipe the surface with a sponge or microfiber cloth to maintain the proper appearance for a longer time.

For minor stains or fresh grease residue, you can try wiping the affected area with glass cleaner. Often they do not contain too aggressive components, while they do not scratch the surface and do not leave streaks.

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